View Full Version : Classify some people from northern Greece

08-15-2022, 07:47 PM
Boris Johnson has gone to Greece which made me think about creating a thread on phenotypes from Greece, i am doing the northern part as that is where the most diverse phenotypes are from and some of the lightest types

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08-15-2022, 08:22 PM
Very diverse in looks. Mostly I see Alpine, Dinarid, Med and blends in between them (as expected). But I also see a small minority of people who look Atlantid and Baltid or at least influenced by them. These two minority types obviously dumb down the more south of Greece you go.
One girl, to the far left in the third image, sorta has the face of a Saami (very rare) and sticks out like a sore thumb. I spotted one or two who look Armenoid and one girl who looks Orientalid.

What region in northern Greece was this?

08-15-2022, 08:22 PM

08-15-2022, 08:25 PM
Very diverse in looks. Mostly I see Alpine, Dinarid, Med and blends in between them (as expected). But I also see a small minority of people who look Atlantid and Baltid or at least influenced by them. These two minority types obviously dumb down the more south of Greece you go.

What region in northern Greece was this?

Mostly from Edessa

Tooting Carmen
08-15-2022, 09:34 PM
Spaniards with a Balkan touch. Btw, the guy in the first photo looks like Gerard Pique. xD

08-15-2022, 09:36 PM
Spaniards with a Balkan touch. Btw, the guy in the first photo looks like Gerard Pique. xD

Thanks, i don't think they look like Spaniards, more like the southern French

Tooting Carmen
08-15-2022, 09:39 PM
Thanks, i don't think they look like Spaniards, more like the southern French

How so? Greeks are located further south than anywhere in France, are largely on the Mediterranean/Aegean Sea, have Turkey to their east and Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Albania to their north.

08-15-2022, 09:44 PM
How so? Greeks are located further south than anywhere in France, are largely on the Mediterranean/Aegean Sea, have Turkey to their east and Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Albania to their north.

Alpine influence, agree about the Balkan looks though but as a group there are plenty of light individuals that would not look out of place in Toulouse etc

08-15-2022, 11:08 PM
honestly, as an iberian person, I don't see much similarity with iberian phenotypes either. they're clearly "eastern", in both balkan and east-med directions. also lighter and larger-headed than I expected, I knew there was alpine influence in some Greek regions but not to this extent

08-15-2022, 11:13 PM
honestly, as an iberian person, I don't see much similarity with iberian phenotypes either. they're clearly "eastern", in both balkan and east-med directions. also lighter and larger-headed than I expected, I knew there was alpine influence in some Greek regions but not to this extent

Yeah, i think a lot of people get their idea of Greeks from islanders when they go on holiday or the mainly Cypriot diaspora in countries like England. They often i would say look more European but then that is because their location was at the very heart of ancient Europe, the origin of the European races lies near there.