View Full Version : Classify & pass liberal Turkish politician

08-22-2022, 09:00 PM

08-22-2022, 09:17 PM
What party does he adhere to ?

08-22-2022, 09:32 PM
Balkan Borreby + Anatolid

08-22-2022, 10:22 PM
Balkan Borreby + Anatolid

Seems indeed to be of Balkan origin

08-23-2022, 01:16 AM
Dinarid Alpine

08-23-2022, 05:08 AM
Borreby + Dinarid aka Balkan Borreby

08-23-2022, 08:57 AM
Balkan Borreby.

08-23-2022, 09:10 AM
he doesn’t have balkan origin. idk why people think this he looks regular anatolian.

08-23-2022, 09:22 AM
he doesn’t have balkan origin. idk why people think this he looks regular anatolian.

+1 Alpinid~Anatolid

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08-23-2022, 03:30 PM
idk why people think this he looks regular anatolian.

I think, the main reason of that many people stereotypize the Turks as MENA looking people, but in the reality the Turks are very diverse, which could be seen in the Turkish TV series and the threads of Kivan.

08-23-2022, 03:57 PM
I think, the main reason of that many people stereotypize the Turks as MENA looking people

They arent to blame. They see Turks in Europe which are mainly eastern Anatolians and Kurds. They visit Istanbul which is invaded by eastern Anatolians, Kurds, etc... They go to Turkish resorts, most of the hotel staff are Kurdish and eastern Anatolian.

08-23-2022, 06:02 PM
They arent to blame. They see Turks in Europe which are mainly eastern Anatolians and Kurds. They visit Istanbul which is invaded by eastern Anatolians, Kurds, etc... They go to Turkish resorts, most of the hotel staff are Kurdish and eastern Anatolian.

Yes, there are truth in your in your writing. Eastern Anatolia and Kurdistan are the poorest regions of Turkey, so they they go to work in more distant areas than their homeland.

08-23-2022, 07:31 PM
They arent to blame. They see Turks in Europe which are mainly eastern Anatolians and Kurds. They visit Istanbul which is invaded by eastern Anatolians, Kurds, etc... They go to Turkish resorts, most of the hotel staff are Kurdish and eastern Anatolian.I drove through Turkey to Georgia by car many times. Most Turks I have seen in the west of Turkey were obese, ugly and looked like the Anatolian pigs with their round piggish faces.

08-23-2022, 08:03 PM
Eastern Anatolia and Kurdistan are the poorest regions of Turkey, so they they go to work in more distant areas than their homeland.

If they reproduce like rabbits, their sons end up poor cheap workers this is the same everywhere. They can "print" 15 children but they cant create new lands for them.


I drove through Turkey to Georgia by car many times. Most Turks I have seen in the west of Turkey were obese, ugly and looked like the Anatolian pigs with their round piggish faces.

I understand you very well. I remember some studies saying that "foreign-unrelated people" look ugly to us. I agree with this. To me Turks look normal-beautiful and Kurds or other middle-easterners look ugly. But i accept the fact that 1 Kurd is very beautiful, he is MIHO. (:


Pater Patota
08-23-2022, 08:13 PM
Looks pretty Anatolian/Cappadocian Greek.

08-23-2022, 08:14 PM
When Great Kurdistan is established most Kurds will go back to free and independent Kurdistan. We are not parasites like Turks who are exploited and abused in the west, while they can safely stay in their homes.

Many Kurds have no choice because they are persecuted by the subhumen, that's why they migrate to other countries.

Turks migrate to other countries because they are too stupid and didn't made it in their own country and think they can make it in the west.

For 1 ugly Kurd there are at least 50 ugly Turks, hehe

Most Turks are fugly as hell with their broad round piggish faces and the Anatolian bump.
Most fugly Turks have also deformed 0-legs or bowlegs.


08-24-2022, 02:22 AM
I drove through Turkey to Georgia by car many times. Most Turks I have seen in the west of Turkey were obese, ugly and looked like the Anatolian pigs with their round piggish faces.
At least insult them properly....When I was in Istanbul i was surprised to see how eastern med the locals looked, very similar to Lebanese and Syrians, Semitic featured....aaaand turks hate being compared to them and would say these are just refugees but srsly that's how they generally looked!! However I barely saw the stereotypical round pigged faced ones with asian eyes tbh. so lets be fair here

Pater Patota
08-24-2022, 02:31 AM
If they reproduce like rabbits, their sons end up poor cheap workers this is the same everywhere. They can "print" 15 children but they cant create new lands for them.


I understand you very well. I remember some studies saying that "foreign-unrelated people" look ugly to us. I agree with this. To me Turks look normal-beautiful and Kurds or other middle-easterners look ugly. But i accept the fact that 1 Kurd is very beautiful, he is MIHO. (:


This guy looks somewhat Walter Jr from Breaking Bad so he has pretty western look for a Turk.

Atlantic Reptilian
08-24-2022, 05:09 AM
Balkan Borreby