View Full Version : Some Spaniards from Castilla la Mancha (Central Spain)

Cristiano viejo
09-05-2022, 05:13 PM





Jingle Bell
09-05-2022, 05:19 PM
Cool, very typical Central Spaniards, it seems to me that several pass through France and some pass in the British Isles and Central Europe

09-05-2022, 05:29 PM
pretty bog standard Spaniards in general, atlanto meds, berids, gracile meds, alpinids, subnordics, pretty sure these boys on the left are British or something, probably from Bradford or somewhere with an Asian and white mixed population

Cristiano viejo
09-05-2022, 06:17 PM
Cool, very typical Central Spaniards, it seems to me that several pass through France and some pass in the British Isles and Central Europe
Yeah, passing in France, UK or Central Europe is not a big deal really.

Cristiano viejo
09-14-2022, 05:42 PM
more opinions?

09-14-2022, 06:08 PM
Some pass some can't. What else is there to say about mixed people?

Cristiano viejo
09-14-2022, 06:43 PM
Some pass some can't. What else is there to say about mixed people?

I guess this is not a mixed country and looks better :rotfl


https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/909a23efe5df4363b71d93cf33f673342ad8b818/0_69_4668_2803/4668.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctZGVmYXVsdC5 wbmc&




09-14-2022, 06:52 PM
I guess this is not a mixed country and looks better :rotfl


https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/909a23efe5df4363b71d93cf33f673342ad8b818/0_69_4668_2803/4668.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctZGVmYXVsdC5 wbmc&




There is a difference with minorities living in White countries and actual mixed countries like yours and South Europe, MENA, and latin America.

Cristiano viejo
09-14-2022, 06:56 PM
There is a difference with minorities living in White countries and actual mixed countries like yours and South Europe, MENA, and latin America.

Minorities, hahaha xD

USA is the most multiracial and multicultural country in world, you even had a black president (a mulato, really, to prove you are very mixed people) :lol:

09-14-2022, 11:58 PM
I guess this is not a mixed country and looks better :rotfl


https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/909a23efe5df4363b71d93cf33f673342ad8b818/0_69_4668_2803/4668.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctZGVmYXVsdC5 wbmc&



Dude your leg is so easy to pull! Did you really have to get pictures of Americans to prove a point!? :bored:

Cristiano viejo
09-15-2022, 03:47 PM
Dude your leg is so easy to pull! Did you really have to get pictures of Americans to prove a point!? :bored:

Not difficult since Americans are very mixed, baby.

09-18-2022, 02:45 AM
Not difficult since Americans are very mixed, baby.
Well yeah they're a fucking nationality not an ethnicity like Italians, Serbs and Koreans! You made a false equivalence cutie! Australians, Canadians, Brazilians, Americans, etc...are people in melting pot countries...:bored:

If you want to have a go at his people, then make fun of the Irish, Brits and Germans---I'm betting these are his ethnic makeups

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2022, 03:05 AM
Well yeah they're a fucking nationality not an ethnicity like Italians, Serbs and Koreans! You made a false equivalence cutie! Australians, Canadians, Brazilians, Americans, etc...are people in melting pot countries...:bored:

If you want to have a go at his people, then make fun of the Irish, Brits and Germans---I'm betting these are his ethnic makeups
are you saying Obama is not american??

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2022, 02:33 PM
Spanish people have their own looks.

Germans too, Russians too, British too, Greeks too, Scadinavians too, etc etc. I dont see your point.

09-18-2022, 02:38 PM
It is clear, to not feel jealous of them for how they look.

Their baltid-alpinid types ccertainly don't feel/look anything special to be honest. they're very overrated. But nordid and real CM types on the other hand...

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2022, 02:46 PM
It is clear, to not feel jealous of them for how they look.

Why should Spaniards feel jealous of other Europeans? I continue not understanding your point...

Cristiano viejo
01-07-2023, 11:45 PM
More opinions?

01-08-2023, 01:56 AM
Spanish people have their own looks. Yes, there is Spanish people that can pass in north Europe, but doing it is not an accomplishment that should be celebrated, and by focusing so much in it, you are encouraging the nordicists that mock mediterraneans for not looking like them. Looking very Nordic isn't quite a G-d like signature, many are heavily boned or have very slunted eyes that look weird or mixed. You can't say they have the best looks amongst Europeans to envy them that much.

What happens is that Spaniards realize that abroad they do not have a clear idea of our image, for us it is like watching the Opera Carmen which is like watching screaming and hysterical aliens and at the same time we know that for foreigners it is a reflection of Spain or they think it is super Spanish when it is not.

This goes back a long way, to when the first European romantic travelers started coming and then publishing their erroneous impressions. I also think that the Dictatorship in the face of the incipient tourism needed to show and maintain the idea of an exotic country, I think it is still done to attract tourism.

The point is that there is a dichotomy between how we Spaniards see ourselves and how we know they want us and insist on seeing us outside.

01-08-2023, 02:01 AM
What happens is that Spaniards realize that abroad they do not have a clear idea of our image, for us it is like watching the Opera Carmen which is like watching screaming and hysterical aliens and at the same time we know that for foreigners it is a reflection of Spain or they think it is super Spanish when it is not.

This goes back a long way, to when the first European romantic travelers started coming and then publishing their erroneous impressions. I also think that the Dictatorship in the face of the incipient tourism needed to show and maintain the idea of an exotic country, I think it is still done to attract tourism.

The point is that there is a dichotomy between how we Spaniards see ourselves and how we know they want us and insist on seeing us outside.

Lol why would people portray Spain as exotic to attract tourists? France isn't portrayed as exotic and gets more tourists than Spain while Yemen is exotic and gets virtually zero tourists. The simple truth is that Spain and Portugal are the most Mediterranean countries in Europe, they are naturally going to feel closer to other parts of the Mediterranean world.

Cristiano viejo
01-08-2023, 02:06 AM
Lol why would people portray Spain as exotic to attract tourists? France isn't portrayed as exotic and gets more tourists than Spain while Yemen is exotic and gets virtually zero tourists. The simple truth is that Spain and Portugal are the most Mediterranean countries in Europe, they are naturally going to feel closer to other parts of the Mediterranean world.

Only a retard of your cathegory would think Spain is more Mediterranean than Italy or Greece :D

01-08-2023, 02:08 AM
Only a retard of your cathegory would think Spain is more Mediterranean than Italy or Greece :D

It is, those countries are alpine though they somehow managed to get even more dark skin med genes than Spain.

01-08-2023, 02:11 AM
Lol why would people portray Spain as exotic to attract tourists? France isn't portrayed as exotic and gets more tourists than Spain while Yemen is exotic and gets virtually zero tourists. The simple truth is that Spain and Portugal are the most Mediterranean countries in Europe, they are naturally going to feel closer to other parts of the Mediterranean world.

When tourism began in Spain, our infrastructures were very poor compared to the rest of Europe, a way to disguise it and smoothly enter tourists who were used to better infrastructure was to sell exoticism and make our traditions more commercial, exaggerate everything, then our infrastructure was improving and everything was normalized but clichés are difficult to eradicate.

France, Italy have a consolidated image, we were isolated from the rest of Europe and the world for 40 years and when we came back during the Dictatorship it coincided with tourism.

I don't know, I am at home and in my whole life I have never seen or spoken to anyone from any other Mediterranean country.

Currently other European countries are trying but in a bad way to maintain the clichés of Spain for reasons of commercial competition, as simple as that, in a way they have it easy because we ourselves were the first to do so. hehehehe.

Cristiano viejo
01-08-2023, 02:13 AM
It is, those countries are alpine though they somehow managed to get even more dark skin med genes than Spain.

You make less sense than a 3 euros bill.

01-08-2023, 02:13 AM
When tourism began in Spain, our infrastructures were very poor compared to the rest of Europe, a way to disguise it and smoothly enter tourists who were used to better infrastructure was to sell exoticism and make our traditions more commercial, exaggerate everything, then our infrastructure was improving and everything was normalized.

France, Italy have a consolidated image, we were isolated from the rest of Europe and the world for 40 years and when we came back during the Dictatorship it coincided with tourism.

Lol so bad infrastructure somehow equals exoticsm lol, you should try visiting areas of Ireland, Wales, they are basically like pre Franco Spain with infrastructure.

01-08-2023, 02:14 AM
You make less sense than a 3 euros bill.

Why? i said Italians are darker than Spaniards, makes perfect sense.

Cristiano viejo
01-08-2023, 02:17 AM
Why? i said Italians are darker than Spaniards, makes perfect sense.

And is not the dark skin the main component of the Meds?

01-08-2023, 02:18 AM
Lol so bad infrastructure somehow equals exoticsm lol, you should try visiting areas of Ireland, Wales, they are basically like pre Franco Spain with infrastructure.

You could also take advantage of this by giving donkey rides to tourists. hehehe

I have to go to sleep now, here in the Mediterranean the sun will soon rise.

Colonel Frank Grimes
01-08-2023, 03:00 AM
Lol why would people portray Spain as exotic to attract tourists? France isn't portrayed as exotic and gets more tourists than Spain while Yemen is exotic and gets virtually zero tourists. The simple truth is that Spain and Portugal are the most Mediterranean countries in Europe, they are naturally going to feel closer to other parts of the Mediterranean world.

Yemen is in the middle of a brutal war, dumb fuck, lolz.

This is what happens when you spend time learning about irrelevant and outdated nonsense (and are too stupid even to understand it; 'muh Atlantids! Fo' realz... it's a real term!!' I saw it on an internet forum... derp derpy derp...') instead of actually learning about the world. You turn into this loser who doesn't know anything.

Colonel Frank Grimes
01-08-2023, 03:18 AM
What happens is that Spaniards realize that abroad they do not have a clear idea of our image, for us it is like watching the Opera Carmen which is like watching screaming and hysterical aliens and at the same time we know that for foreigners it is a reflection of Spain or they think it is super Spanish when it is not.

This goes back a long way, to when the first European romantic travelers started coming and then publishing their erroneous impressions. I also think that the Dictatorship in the face of the incipient tourism needed to show and maintain the idea of an exotic country, I think it is still done to attract tourism.

The point is that there is a dichotomy between how we Spaniards see ourselves and how we know they want us and insist on seeing us outside.

You're just as annoying with your constant whining about how others may perceive Spain and Spaniards. Everyone fetishizes foreign nations. Spaniards do so, also.

Garza Blanca
01-08-2023, 04:22 AM
There is a difference with minorities living in White countries and actual mixed countries like yours and South Europe, MENA, and latin America.

Say to ourselves which europeans are not mixed