View Full Version : Why do Englishmen hate Germans so much?

09-13-2022, 07:01 PM
Why do Englishmen hate Germans so much, while Germans are more or less fine with Englishmen?


The hatred was already in WWI. I understand that the Englishmen always were politically against the strongest one on the continent. But why that hatred? I once experienced an English young woman that was so full of deep rooted hatred that I was completely astounded. (This one is just anecdotal, of course, but I've got that reported independently from many sides.)

Cristiano viejo
09-13-2022, 07:07 PM
English are bad people, welcome to the real world.

09-13-2022, 07:15 PM
You probably think it's just Germans, but what is probably happening, is that you are just running into a bunch of Englishmen who hate the color of their own skin and hate their own white kind. That has started to become a thing a little bit in the west.

09-13-2022, 07:21 PM
Hate how?

Tooting Carmen
09-13-2022, 07:37 PM
Most English don't really hate Germans. If anything, anti-French hatred I'd say is bigger. Still, there are three sources: (1) The War (2) football and (3) stereotypes about Germans being humourless and anti-freedom.

09-13-2022, 07:49 PM
They don't. Of all Europeans, the English probably like and respect the Germans the most.

Tooting Carmen
09-13-2022, 07:52 PM
They don't. Of all Europeans, the English probably like and respect the Germans the most.

I'd say the Dutch are liked more, but I get what you are saying.

09-13-2022, 07:57 PM
Never seen that before. Always had good experiences with the English, in real life as well as online.

09-13-2022, 08:13 PM
A lot of English i think don't like the insufferable left wingness of a lot of Germans these days, you know the preaching about taking in Syrians etc and trying to push for the EU to be as pro migrant as possible, it was the Germans that made us or at least those of us who are nationalists to want to vote out in the EU referendum.

09-13-2022, 08:26 PM
A lot of English i think don't like the insufferable left wingness of a lot of Germans these days, you know the preaching about taking in Syrians etc and trying to push for the EU to be as pro migrant as possible, it was the Germans that made us or at least those of us who are nationalists to want to vote out in the EU referendum.

The stereotype over here in America, is that decision by Merkel and the Germans is what was the final kill strike to Europe. Is that valid? I like to ask the people over in Europe these kinds of questions.

09-13-2022, 08:33 PM
The stereotype over here in America, is that decision by Merkel and the Germans is what was the final kill strike to Europe. Is that valid? I like to ask the people over in Europe these kinds of questions.

Yeah i agree

09-13-2022, 08:37 PM
A German and an Englishman sharing a cigarette during Christmas peace in 1914.


09-13-2022, 09:19 PM
Cousin rivalry between two biggest Germanic nations. Kind of like Poland-Russia or France-Italy.

09-13-2022, 09:23 PM
A lot of English i think don't like the insufferable left wingness of a lot of Germans these days, you know the preaching about taking in Syrians etc and trying to push for the EU to be as pro migrant as possible, it was the Germans that made us or at least those of us who are nationalists to want to vote out in the EU referendum.

This is true for sure, but a rather late thing.

09-13-2022, 09:29 PM
They don't. Of all Europeans, the English probably like and respect the Germans the most.

This is new to me. Maybe my impression was wrong, I'm listening to all.

Btw. the referred to (assumed) hatred is not expressed in a vulgar way. What if I say being "permanently anti" (Left beside the politics of the last 10 years)?

09-13-2022, 09:32 PM
Most English don't really hate Germans. If anything, anti-French hatred I'd say is bigger. Still, there are three sources: (1) The War (2) football and (3) stereotypes about Germans being humourless and anti-freedom.

Humorless would be a cause for dislike, but nor for hatred, I guess. That claimed humor topic would be worth an own thread.

09-13-2022, 09:45 PM

Sehr gutes Buch, es gab immer schone eine Sorge darüber das sich Deutschland unabhängig von der Hegemonie der Judeo-Franco-Angelsächsischen Weltordnung machen kann, besonder immer unter dem Aspekt eines deutschen Bündnisses mit Russland und damit eine Priorisierung der Eurasischen Landwege über die Seewege zu erreichen. Dieser Konflikt schwelt doch momentan wieder auf unter anderen Gesichtspunkten, da Deutschland im Jahre 2022 nur noch die BRD ist und über keine autonomie verfügt.

Jedenfalls gab es durch diese Sorgen bezüglich der Stärke Deutschlands seit hunderten Jahren Propaganda gegen unser Volk die fruchtete, bei uns gibt es ja auch den Leitspruch "Gott strafe England".

Ich finde es natürlich auch lächerlich, ich Respektiere das Britische Reich, die Briten und deren Historie.

Germanophile Bewegungen wie British Union of Fascists von Oswald Mosley hatten ja stellenweise sogar beachtlichen Rückhalt in der Bevölkerung.

09-13-2022, 09:46 PM
I or most people I know have little issue with Germans.

Colonel Frank Grimes
09-13-2022, 09:54 PM
Why do Englishmen hate Germans so much, while Germans are more or less fine with Englishmen?


The hatred was already in WWI. I understand that the Englishmen always were politically against the strongest one on the continent. But why that hatred? I once experienced an English young woman that was so full of deep rooted hatred that I was completely astounded. (This one is just anecdotal, of course, but I've got that reported independently from many sides.)

What were the circumstances? Maybe she thought you were annoying and as is often the case people focus on the differences when making an insult.

09-13-2022, 10:17 PM
A German and an Englishman sharing a cigarette during Christmas peace in 1914.


Huge hand difference.

09-13-2022, 10:36 PM
What were the circumstances? Maybe she thought you were annoying and as is often the case people focus on the differences when making an insult.

You are right.

But the circumstances were not like that, in contrast we got along well and agreed on all we spoke of. I congratulated to the Brexit (which she had favoured) and said that that also would help us (Germans) to get rid of the EU burocracy one day. We then spoke of this and that and she then told that something like a great-uncle (not sure exactly, but something like that) had been killed by the Germans in WWI and that his child had to grow up half orphan and he suffered from that. I then asked if that father had been killed in combat as a soldier like most that died in the WWI. She then said yes and I can never forgive "the Germans" that they "murdered" my great-uncle! She was furious and full of hatred and I was speachless. I tried to figure out if there was any special background of that death, but it was just like millions of soldiers on all sides that had died im WWI. She made clear that I was part of "the Germans" that "murdered" her great-uncle and that I in this property was part of these who are not forgiven.

But again, I view this particular experience as anecdotal and it's not the sole reason for my OP.

Colonel Frank Grimes
09-13-2022, 10:49 PM
You are right.

But the circumstances were not like that, in contrast we got along well and agreed on all we spoke of. I congratulated to the Brexit (which she had favoured) and said that that also would help us (Germans) to get rid of the EU burocracy one day. We then spoke of this and that and she then told that something like a great-uncle (not sure exactly, but something like that) had been killed by the Germans in WWI and that his child had to grow up half orphan and he suffered from that. I then asked if that father had been killed in combat as a soldier like most that died in the WWI. She then said yes and I can never forgive "the Germans" that they "murdered" my great-uncle! She was furious and full of hatred and I was speachless. I tried to figure out if there was any special background of that death, but it was just like millions of soldiers on all sides that had died im WWI. She made clear that I was part of "the Germans" that "murdered" her great-uncle and that I in this property was part of these who are not forgiven this "murder".

But again, I see this particular experience as anecdotal and it's not the sole reason for my OP.

Ah, I see. She's an irrational stupid person. First of all, it's not murder to kill in combat. Both sides are trying to kill each other to reach an objective. Her great-uncle may have even killed Germans before he was killed. Those men have families as well.

I would have explained the above to her and if she kept being stupid - which is most likely - I would have just told her to fuck off because it's a waste of time being friendly with someone who is unfortunately stupid.

09-14-2022, 04:32 AM
They don't. My WW2 veteran grandfather wasn't anti-German, and even admired them. I would characterise the English historical attitudes towards Germans as admiration with distrust, part of a general mild antipathy towards continental Europeans. But I've encountered more hostility towards English by many continental groups than vice versa, so to label the English as hateful is a gross mischaracterisation.

09-14-2022, 05:18 AM
In a recent yougov poll from 2020, +15% of British would be willing to help Germans in a major crisis, while -13% of Germans would be willing to help British in a major crisis.

So your assertion is wrong. As are many of the falsehoods spread about English hating Eastern Europeans (while loving non-whites), in the same poll British gave one of the highest scores to Poles, no pun intended.

09-14-2022, 06:01 AM
Why do Englishmen hate Germans so much, while Germans are more or less fine with Englishmen?


The hatred was already in WWI. I understand that the Englishmen always were politically against the strongest one on the continent. But why that hatred? I once experienced an English young woman that was so full of deep rooted hatred that I was completely astounded. (This one is just anecdotal, of course, but I've got that reported independently from many sides.)

I dont think they hate germans, maybe a few of them hate germans, but you can find people who hate this or that nation for any reason everywhere. I dont think they hate germans, i never saw that or heard that before. You think they hate germans, maybe, but that is not true.

09-14-2022, 06:50 AM
In a recent yougov poll from 2020, +15% of British would be willing to help Germans in a major crisis, while -13% of Germans would be willing to help British in a major crisis.

So your assertion is wrong. As are many of the falsehoods spread about English hating Eastern Europeans (while loving non-whites), in the same poll British gave one of the highest scores to Poles, no pun intended.

What you display is a different question. You would score very low in that poll if you are indifferent, non-caring. (Germany may be that btw. and also the EU-loving part of Germans did feel insulted by the Brexit, lol) But my question was about hatred or at least, say, deep routed being "anti".

Also, this question does not contain a blaming. It's about such things like Thatcher (as well as Mitterand btw., but unlike the USA and the Sovjet Union f. i.) tried to prevent the German re-unification. This is a deep ill-wanting.

09-14-2022, 07:07 AM
(...)Both sides are trying to kill each other to reach an objective. Her great-uncle may have even killed Germans before he was killed. Those men have families as well.

I would have explained the above to her and if she kept being stupid - which is most likely - I would have just told her to (...).

I actually brought that aspect and it was like you correctly assessed as "most likely". It seemed meaningless to say anything more against it and I let the conversation fade out. I considered it more valuable to get to know poeple's opinions - also in the future - than to tell to fuck off. My internal take was more like: "Wow, totally crazy and poisoned! Good to know!".

09-14-2022, 07:16 AM
They don't. My WW2 veteran grandfather wasn't anti-German, and even admired them. (...)

My impression is not as for ethnic English per se, but restricted to English in England. As for ethnic English in the USA, Canada and Australia I never heard for it. Was your grandfather in England at that time?

09-14-2022, 07:53 AM
My impression is not as for ethnic English per se, but restricted to English in England. As for ethnic English in the USA, Canada and Australia I never heard for it. Was your grandfather in England at that time?
I'm speaking about English in England. He was English in the British Army in North Africa and Italy. Of course the fighting in that theatre was renowned for being less nasty, more sporting, with an admiration for the Germans as worthy foes with the likes of Rommel, so maybe that was an influence.

09-14-2022, 08:31 AM
I hope they like ostrogoths like me.

09-14-2022, 08:32 AM
Why do Englishmen hate Germans so much, while Germans are more or less fine with Englishmen? The hatred was already in WWI. I understand that the Englishmen always were politically against the strongest one on the continent. But why that hatred? Elaborate.

It's actually the other way round. Jealousy of English success is ingrained in the German psyche. In fact, there would have been no Seven Years' War without Frederick, no WW1 without Wilhelm II, and no WW2 without Hitler. When krauts were slaughtering each other in Thirty Years' War, Britain already broke the shackles of the corrupt Catholic Church a century before because the English (unlike those catholic peasants under Ferdinand II) had a massive moat which made it more expensive to try and punish them. Over the centuries, German's hatred for their superiors (English/French) somehow turned into a superiority complex, a complex so great that it did nothing but demonstrate to the world exactly how destructive they can be. Now every race in the West is an ethnocentric race chauvinist except for White people who cannot afford to be ethnocentric without being accused of being 'Nazis' (something only related to German history).

Of course, an average English normie couldn't care less about Germany, but I don't blame people for disliking Germans.


09-14-2022, 10:12 AM
It's actually the other way round. Jealousy of English success is ingrained in the German psyche. In fact, there would have been no Seven Years' War without Frederick, no WW1 without Wilhelm II, and no WW2 without Hitler. When krauts were slaughtering each other in Thirty Years' War, Britain already broke the shackles of the corrupt Catholic Church a century before because the English (unlike those catholic peasants under Ferdinand II) had a massive moat which made it more expensive to try and punish them. Over the centuries, German's hatred for their superiors (English/French) somehow turned into a superiority complex, a complex so great that it did nothing but demonstrate to the world exactly how destructive they can be. Now every race in the West is an ethnocentric race chauvinist except for White people who cannot afford to be ethnocentric without being accused of being 'Nazis' (something only related to German history).

Of course, an average English normie couldn't care less about Germany, but I don't blame people for disliking Germans.


I agree in part, but Prussia under Frederick the Great was allied with Britain against France, Austria and their other allies in the Seven Years War. Also, I think German envy of Britain started in late 19th century under kaiser Wilhelm II because of Britain's vast colonial empire, largest navy and commercial fleet etc. I wonder though if Germans were ever in the majority that hateful or envious towards Britain or more than towards France, the traditional enemy.

09-14-2022, 11:16 AM
I hope they like ostrogoths like me.

They do, no worry.

But I wonder if there is not a little, little "westerners ass licking" tendency in that hope. :p

09-14-2022, 11:38 AM
I agree in part, but Prussia under Frederick the Great was allied with Britain against France, Austria and their other allies in the Seven Years War. Also, I think German envy of Britain started in late 19th century under kaiser Wilhelm II because of Britain's vast colonial empire, largest navy and commercial fleet etc. I wonder though if Germans were ever in the majority that hateful or envious towards Britain or more than towards France, the traditional enemy.

First bold text: Exactly, and not only that. Prussia was allied with Great Britain in the Napolenonic Wars as well, so in 1815 all was still very fine.

Second bold text: This exactly is also what was not the case. The first time that Germans were against Brits was in WWI. But in spite of that Germany lost the WWI it was nothing deeper but a superficial attitude from the WW. Hitler wanted to be ally with the British Empire and till the English declaration of war on Germany in 1939 there was nothing bad said of England in the Third Reich.

And in spite of that the English in WWII actually committed a huge - and carried by hatred? - war crime by intentionally and aimingly bombing German civilians in their housings (non-military targets, which Americans did not btw.), Germans remained pretty indifferent towards English after the war and till this very day.

(In WWI Kaiser Wilhelm II was actually a problem. There was a real unfactual cousin mutual hostility between him and the English and the Russian monarch. But that was more a personal thing.)

09-14-2022, 11:49 AM
It's actually the other way round. Jealousy of English success is ingrained in the German psyche. In fact, there would have been no Seven Years' War without Frederick, no WW1 without Wilhelm II, and no WW2 without Hitler. When krauts were slaughtering each other in Thirty Years' War, Britain already broke the shackles of the corrupt Catholic Church a century before because the English (unlike those catholic peasants under Ferdinand II) had a massive moat which made it more expensive to try and punish them. Over the centuries, German's hatred for their superiors (English/French) somehow turned into a superiority complex, a complex so great that it did nothing but demonstrate to the world exactly how destructive they can be. Now every race in the West is an ethnocentric race chauvinist except for White people who cannot afford to be ethnocentric without being accused of being 'Nazis' (something only related to German history).

Of course, an average English normie couldn't care less about Germany, but I don't blame people for disliking Germans.


Thank you. Isn't this comment in it's statements and formulations (see bold text) expressing hostility?

09-14-2022, 11:52 AM
It's actually the other way round. Jealousy of English success is ingrained in the German psyche. In fact, there would have been no Seven Years' War without Frederick, no WW1 without Wilhelm II, and no WW2 without Hitler. When krauts were slaughtering each other in Thirty Years' War, Britain already broke the shackles of the corrupt Catholic Church a century before because the English (unlike those catholic peasants under Ferdinand II) had a massive moat which made it more expensive to try and punish them. Over the centuries, German's hatred for their superiors (English/French) somehow turned into a superiority complex, a complex so great that it did nothing but demonstrate to the world exactly how destructive they can be. Now every race in the West is an ethnocentric race chauvinist except for White people who cannot afford to be ethnocentric without being accused of being 'Nazis' (something only related to German history).

Of course, an average English normie couldn't care less about Germany, but I don't blame people for disliking Germans.


Now this is one of the most retarded things I`ve read in a long time.

09-14-2022, 12:35 PM
First bold text: Exactly, and not only that. Prussia was allied with Great Britain in the Napolenonic Wars as well, so in 1815 all was still very fine.

Second bold text: This exactly is also what was not the case. The first time that Germans were against Brits was in WWI. But in spite of that Germany lost the WWI it was nothing deeper but a superficial attitude from the WW. Hitler wanted to be ally with the British Empire and till the English declaration of war on Germany in 1939 there was nothing bad said of England in the Third Reich.

And in spite of that the English in WWII actually committed a huge - and carried by hatred? - war crime by intentionally and aimingly bombing German civilians in their housings (non-military targets, which Americans did not btw.), Germans remained pretty indifferent towards English after the war and till this very day.

(In WWI Kaiser Wilhelm II was actually a problem. There was a real unfactual cousin mutual hostility between him and the English and the Russian monarch. But that was more a personal thing.)

The British bombing campaign was harsher than the Americans, because of the personal decision of Churchill. He decided on this strategy of terrorizing and punishing the German civilian population, after being advised by a British scientist of part ethnic German descent(and part English-American) ironically. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Lindemann,_1st_Viscount_Cherwell
Churchill was a rather nasty man himself and not just for bombing German civilians. He gave much of Eastern Europe to Stalin, even before he agreed on that with FDR and after the war he became the no 1 cold warrior, even coining the term "Iron Curtain" the hypocrite.

09-14-2022, 12:47 PM
Thank you. Isn't this comment in it's statements and formulations (see bold text) expressing hostility?

That guy is not a represntative of the English to begin with, just a chronic larper wannabe WASP.

Germans inferior to them? What a joke is that, without their Judeo and Franco allies, we could destroy England in both world wars if it was simply a battle between Germany and the UK.

The scientific and mechanical advancement of Germany during both world wars and consindering the odds against us like number of enemies and our geographic location, actually proof our superiority.

Look how much intellectual and economic property they stole from us after the world wars and we regardless of that always rose up.

What was winning the war doing to the Anglos? White Americans are already not a ethnic majority anymore and England has a greater great replacement than Germany.

Sean is and always be a joke.


Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 12:51 PM
That guy is not a represntative of the English to begin with, just a chronic larper wannabe WASP.

Germans inferior to them? What a joke is that, without their Judeo and Franco allies, we could destroy England in both world wars if it was simply a battle between Germany and the UK.

The scientific and mechanical advancement of Germany during both world wars and consindering the odds against us like number of enemies and our geographic location, actually proof our superiority.

Look how much intellectual and economic property they stole from us after the world wars and we regardless of that always rose up.

What was winning the war doing to the Anglos? White Americans are already not a ethnic majority anymore and England has a greater great replacement than Germany.

Sean is and always be a joke.


Do you still maintain that East Germans have been in many ways better off than West Germans, despite the poverty and repression of the GDR?

09-14-2022, 12:52 PM
White Americans are still the majority population in the US, but not for too many more years anyway. It is indeed ironic that the great replacement is strongest by far in the countries that won the world wars, i.e. US, UK and France.

Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 12:58 PM
White Americans are still the majority population in the US, but not for too many more years anyway. It is indeed ironic that the great replacement is strongest by far in the countries that won the world wars, i.e. US, UK and France.

Even so, far more Romanians (and other Eastern Europeans) want to migrate to said countries than the reverse, so they can't be all that bad.

09-14-2022, 01:02 PM
Even so, far more Romanians (and other Eastern Europeans) want to migrate to said countries than the reverse, so they can't be all that bad.

But they don't want to stay there usually. They want to live and work there for some years and then return with their hard earned money home. Also, not many Romanians have any idea about the demographics or problems of this countries.

Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 01:06 PM
But they don't want to stay there usually. They want to live and work there for some years and then return with their hard earned money home. Also, not many Romanians have any idea about the demographics or problems of this countries.

Not entirely true. Even post-Brexit, there are a number of constituencies in London where people classifed as 'White Other' - which mostly means nowadays Eastern Europeans - make up 20% or more of the population. In fact, it could be argued that EEs have been just as responsible for 'crowding out' White British children at state schools as have South Asians and more than have Black Caribbeans, who by contrast in the latter case haven't migrated here in great numbers since the 60's.

Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 01:07 PM
But they don't want to stay there usually. They want to live and work there for some years and then return with their hard earned money home. Also, not many Romanians have any idea about the demographics or problems of this countries.

Not entirely true. Even post-Brexit, there are a number of constituencies in London where people classifed as 'White Other' - which mostly means nowadays Eastern Europeans - make up 20% or more of the population. In fact, it could be argued that EEs have been just as responsible for 'crowding out' White British children at state schools as have South Asians and more than have Black Caribbeans, who by contrast in the latter case haven't migrated here in great numbers since the 60's.

09-14-2022, 01:08 PM
White Americans are still the majority population in the US, but not for too many more years anyway. It is indeed ironic that the great replacement is strongest by far in the countries that won the world wars, i.e. US, UK and France.

They are not the majority, they are the most numerous minority, important difference, they do not represent 50+% of the population anymore.

Edit: Unless you really believe white hispanics are actually white.

How do liberals react to it?


09-14-2022, 01:08 PM
Do you still maintain that East Germans have been in many ways better off than West Germans, despite the poverty and repression of the GDR?

Ostrogoths are in better situation in Hungary, Romania, Serbia. In the past the Vril Gesellschaft had mostly ostrogothic leaders like Maria Orsitsch, Traute, Sigrun, Gudrun, Heike. If their mission was successful with space-aryans then it means ostrogoths rule the universe right now.

09-14-2022, 01:12 PM
You get your demographic information from Jimmy Fallon?:picard1: Anyway of course they are retards, these so called Liberals.
Anyway,whites are still majority according to wikipedia and the 2020 US census.

61.6% (204.3 million) White (one race only) [1]


09-14-2022, 01:12 PM
Do you still maintain that East Germans have been in many ways better off than West Germans, despite the poverty and repression of the GDR?

Was my comment deleted?

Yes they are blessed with being the ethnic majority in their native homeland and there is no trend that threatens that reality, what a blessing.

Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 01:12 PM
Edit: Unless you really believe white hispanics are actually white.

Without wishing to turn into alnorte or Hasien: there are plenty of White Hispanics in Miami, especially among the Cubans and Argentines there, while many of the PRs in the Northeast and even small numbers of Mexicans and Central Americans in the Southwest are White.

Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 01:13 PM
Edit: Unless you really believe white hispanics are actually white.

Without wishing to turn into alnorte or Hasien: there are plenty of White Hispanics in Miami, especially among the Cubans and Argentines there, while many of the PRs in the Northeast and even small numbers of Mexicans and Central Americans in the Southwest are White.

Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 01:14 PM
Was my comment deleted?

Yes they are blessed with being the ethnic majority in their native homeland and there is no trend that threatens that reality, what a blessing.

But do you also still think they have better 'moral and communal values' even while remaining poorer and with a legacy of Communist repression?

09-14-2022, 01:16 PM
(...)advised by a British scientist of part ethnic German descent(and part English-American) ironically. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Lindemann,_1st_Viscount_Cherwell

Obviously a half German, feeling the need to prove that he is not biased positively towards Germans and thus less British minded. :rolleyes:

09-14-2022, 01:20 PM
But do you also still think they have better 'moral and communal values' even while remaining poorer and with a legacy of Communist repression?

Ofc I do think that, as its a fact.

09-14-2022, 01:21 PM
Well even if you don't take into account the 3-4% of white Hispanics, you still have over half of the total US population being white.

191,697,647 (white alone)[1]
57.84% of the total US population (2020)[1]

09-14-2022, 01:21 PM
You get your demographic information from Jimmy Fallon?:picard1: Anyway of course they are retards, these so called Liberals.
Anyway,whites are still majority according to wikipedia and the 2020 US census.


191,697,647 (white alone)[1]
57.84% of the total US population (2020)

Okay a few more years then its over.

Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 01:22 PM
Btw, the biggest demographic replacement of all is occurring in the Arabian Peninsula, where in many cities and states over half the population is a motley crew of South Asians, SE Asians, Egyptians, Iranians and Westerners.

Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 01:24 PM
191,697,647 (white alone)[1]
57.84% of the total US population (2020)

Okay a few more years then its over.

(1) You aren't a big fan of the USA anyway, so why does it bother you? (2) In any case, wouldn't you prefer Candace Owen, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz over any White leftist?

09-14-2022, 01:26 PM
Btw, the biggest demographic replacement of all is occurring in the Arabian Peninsula, where in many cities and states over half the population is a motley crew of South Asians, SE Asians, Egyptians, Iranians and Westerners.

And should we copy that or praise it?

Dubai etc. are soulless cities that erease every tradition and are filled with hedonits with no other value than profit orientation.

But that is also only a Trend in the Emirates, Arabs have plently of Homelands they can rely on where no ethnic replacement takes place, furthermore all the slave workers in the UAE will return home and live in questionable conditions.

The Arab shiny Skyscrapers are built on basis of exploitation of third worlders and knowledge/planning of first worlders, financed with natural resources.

09-14-2022, 01:29 PM
(1) You aren't a big fan of the USA anyway, so why does it bother you? (2) In any case, wouldn't you prefer Candace Owen, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz over any White leftist?

It doesnt bother me, I pointed out that winning the war didint do much to them as their society is worse off.

And no id not like any of those people, I respect a leftist Jimmy Dore more than those slaves of israel, banks and the military industrial complex. Nothing more pathetic to me than this civic nationalist neocon republican bubble.

09-14-2022, 01:32 PM
It doesnt bother me, I pointed out that winning the war didint do much to them as their society is worse off.

And no id not like any of those people, I respect a leftist Jimmy Dore more than those slaves of israel, banks and the military industrial complex. Nothing more pathetic to me than this civic nationalist neocon republican bubble.

Be ostrogoth Teutone, we are wild eastern vandals without mercy.

Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 01:33 PM
And should we copy that or praise it?

Dubai etc. are soulless cities that erease every tradition and are filled with hedonits with no other value than profit orientation.

But that is also only a Trend in the Emirates, Arabs have plently of Homelands they can rely on where no ethnic replacement takes place, furthermore all the slave workers in the UAE will return home and live in questionable conditions.

The Arab shiny Skyscrapers are built on basis of exploitation of third worlders and knowledge/planning of first worlders, financed with natural resources.

Outside the Arabian Peninsula, most Arab countries are either failed states (in part thanks to the West), namely Algeria, Libya, Syria and Iraq, or themselves full of refugees, namely Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt. And of course those Gulf Arab countries are incredibly tacky, exploitative and loathsome.

As for the USA, the Black population has been pretty stable for a number of decades, so blame the Latin American and (supposedly high IQ and superior) Asian immigrants for the changes instead. And while I don't approve of the vast numbers of MENA refugees in Europe either, they are here at least in part due to NATO's stupid wars and invasions.

Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 01:42 PM
It doesnt bother me, I pointed out that winning the war didint do much to them as their society is worse off.

And no id not like any of those people, I respect a leftist Jimmy Dore more than those slaves of israel, banks and the military industrial complex. Nothing more pathetic to me than this civic nationalist neocon republican bubble.

Well that is the point - the US isn't Europe (or Asia), so civic nationalism is the only kind of nationalism that is legitimate. After all, even if Blacks were still disenfranchised and there were still very few Asians and Hispanics, the point is the White population is itself a motley crew including everything from Russians and Scandinavians to Greeks and Italians. So what sort of right-wingers (or indeed left-wingers) do you like then?

09-14-2022, 01:43 PM
Outside the Arabian Peninsula, most Arab countries are either failed states (in part thanks to the West), namely Algeria, Libya, Syria and Iraq, or themselves full of refugees, namely Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt. And of course those Gulf Arab countries are incredibly tacky, exploitative and loathsome.

As for the USA, the Black population has been pretty stable for a number of decades, so blame the Latin American and (supposedly high IQ and superior) Asian immigrants for the changes instead. And while I don't approve of the vast numbers of MENA refugees in Europe either, they are here at least in part due to NATO's stupid wars and invasions.

Those NATO invasions were all lead by the US Empire, thats why every European Souverignist should be anti-american like the German Neue Rechte and French Nouvelle droite.

There were visionary ideas by de Gaulle to seperate his nation from both blocs in the cold war, something we would desperatly need to do again.

Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 01:46 PM
Those NATO invasions were all lead by the US Empire, thats why every European Souverignist should be anti-american like the German Neue Rechte and French Nouvelle droite.

There were visionary ideas by de Gaulle to seperate his nation from both blocs in the cold war, something we would desperatly need to do again.

Actually, the invasion of Libya in 2011 was mostly led by Britain and France with the US taking a back seat, but otherwise I get your point. And another thing: on key economic issues in particular, De Gaulle (like Mussolini, Franco, Salazar and Peron) would be considerably to the Left of today's British Labour Party and US Democrats.

09-14-2022, 01:47 PM
Well that is the point - the US isn't Europe (or Asia), so civic nationalism is the only kind of nationalism that is legitimate. After all, even if Blacks were still disenfranchised and there were still very few Asians and Hispanics, the point is the White population is itself a motley crew including everything from Russians and Scandinavians to Greeks and Italians. So what sort of right-wingers (or indeed left-wingers) do you like then?

I respect ethnic aware leftist and right wingers that are anti imperialist and anti capitalist.

I am in favour of a Third Position, in Germany there are such leftists like Sahra Wagenknecht.


Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 01:50 PM
I respect ethnic aware leftist and right wingers that are anti imperialist and anti capitalist.

I am in favour of a Third Position, in Germany there are such leftists like Sahra Wagenknecht.


So a sort of blend of Noam Chomsky and Pat Buchanan then? (Despite being supposedly 'polar opposites', both are very anti-Israel, anti-militarism, anti-globalism and support - though obviously to different degrees - substantial state intervention in the economy).

09-14-2022, 01:51 PM
Was my comment deleted?

Yes they are blessed with being the ethnic majority in their native homeland and there is no trend that threatens that reality, what a blessing.

It's a regional blessing, but it's not a separate entity. There can be no rest until the existence in the whole of Germany is secured likewise. Western Germany has done a deed of historical dimension in matters of national solidarity in 1990 and the former GDR area will now get the opportunity to in turn make itself valuable to the whole country. It will be a stronghold of resistance to a great replacement and it will be a catalysator for a turn in the current majority mindset in the west.

09-14-2022, 01:53 PM
So a sort of blend of Noam Chomsky and Pat Buchanan then? (Despite being supposedly 'polar opposites', both are very anti-Israel, anti-militarism, anti-globalism and support - though obviously to different degrees - substantial state intervention in the economy).

I need to read into them to tell anything about these blokes.

09-14-2022, 01:54 PM
It's a regional blessing, but it's not a separate entity. There can be no rest until the existence in the whole of Germany is secured likewise. Western Germany has done a deed of historical dimension in matters of national solidarity in 1990 and the former GDR area will now get the opportunity to in turn make itself valuable to the whole country. It will be a stronghold of resistance to a great replacement and it will be a catalysator for a turn in the current majority mindset in the west.

I do not deny that, I was simply trying to explain that the GDR influence wasnt per se the worst out of the 2 occupied German countries.

09-14-2022, 02:01 PM
Actually, the invasion of Libya in 2011 was mostly led by Britain and France with the US taking a back seat (...).

Actually and uniquely even Norway(!) started war on Libya and bombed it. Norway? Isn't that ringing a bell? Yepp, at that time Jens Stoltenberg was the prime minister of Norway and demonstrated his pronounced service mindedness (like an intiation crime in the Mafia) and obviously this convinced Uncle Sam so much that Stoltenberg became Nato general secretary, which he is still today.

Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 02:04 PM
Actually and uniquely even Norway(!) started war on Libya and bombed it. Norway? Isn't that ringing a bell? Yepp, at that time Jens Stoltenberg was the prime minister of Norway and demonstrated his pronounced service mindedness (like an intiation crime in the Mafia) and obviously this convinced Uncle Sam so much that Stoltenberg became Nato general secretary, which he is still today.

Whatever else one might think of Gadaffi, he (1) kept Libya comparatively stable, peaceful and united, in contrast to the wartorn shambles it has become since and (2) under his regime, Libya according to the UNHDI had even higher living standards than those heavily overrated Gulf Arab countries.

09-14-2022, 02:05 PM
Whatever else one might think of Gadaffi, he (1) kept Libya comparatively stable, peaceful and united, in contrast to the wartorn shambles it has become since and (2) under his regime, Libya according to the UNHDR had even higher living standards than those heavily overrated Gulf Arab countries.

Dont play the globalist game, the Mossad, Mi6 or Cia are on your doorsteps.

Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 02:09 PM
Dont play the globalist game, the Mossad, Mi6 or Cia are on your doorsteps.

What do you mean? These are objective, observable and easily findable facts for anyone with even a modicum of knowledge about Libya and the surrounding region.

09-14-2022, 02:12 PM
What do you mean? These are objective, observable and easily findable facts for anyone with even a modicum of knowledge about Libya and the surrounding region.

I tell you that Gadaffi was a souverignist and the Globalist imperial powers wanted a piece of the cake aka the natural resources of Libya.

Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 02:15 PM
I tell you that Gadaffi was a souverignist and the Globalist imperial powers wanted a piece of the cake aka the natural resources of Libya.

Well there are rumours he was setting up a pan-African currency independent of the dollar, and that was the real principal reason for the invasion and overthrow. (As an aside, he also was setting up lots of solar panels in the Libyan desert which would have provided not only enough energy for Libya itself but also some extra to export).

09-14-2022, 02:17 PM
Well there are rumours he was setting up a pan-African currency independent of the dollar, and that was the real principal reason for the invasion and overthrow. (As an aside, he also was setting up lots of solar panels in the Libyan desert which would have provided not only enough energy for Libya itself but also some extra to export).

Yea its neccassry the seperation from the Petrodollar will be achieved one day.

Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 02:20 PM
Yea its neccassry the seperation from the Petrodollar will be achieved one day.

Also, as much as I dislike the Islamist regime of Iran, at the same time I am deeply suspicious of why Western governments dislike it while having such a close relationship with their at least equally vile counterparts in Saudi Arabia.

09-14-2022, 02:27 PM
Also, as much as I dislike the Islamist regime of Iran, at the same time I am deeply suspicious of why Western governments dislike it while having such a close relationship with their at least equally vile counterparts in Saudi Arabia.

Well it looks like Irans membership to the SCO will be finalized this year, makes it even more of a threat to the Western ambitions in West Asia.

Also the infrastructure and scientific advancement of Iran is highly impressive consindering the crippling sanctions.

Its the only islamic nation with satellite launch capability without western support and Iranian drones are desired by the Russians and Chinese.

Saudi Arabia and the Emirates arent capable of creating anything themselves.

09-14-2022, 02:44 PM
Yea its neccassry the seperation from the Petrodollar will be achieved one day.

The petrodollar is already on its way of collapsing though. Were slowly moving into a social credit score like system that isnt much different from chinas.

Colonel Frank Grimes
09-14-2022, 10:13 PM
Anyone who confuses nations competing for their interests as jealousy is just ignorant of how the world traditionally works. Nations look at what is in their interest and act accordingly, which means making alliances and undermining nations that have competing interests with war being the major card to play.

09-14-2022, 10:17 PM
I doubt it. All countries think that the English hate them, but it is the other way around, all countries hate the English out of envy since they dominate the world

Colonel Frank Grimes
09-14-2022, 10:22 PM
Anyone who confuses nations competing for their interests as jealousy is just ignorant of how the world traditionally works. Nations look at what is in their interest and act accordingly, which means making alliances and undermining nations that have competing interests with war being the major card to play.

Hitler, for example, admired the English but the UK drew a line in the sand and Hitler understood he had to cross that line. However, he had no hatred or jealousy of the English.

World politics isn't the equivalent of middle school girls hating on the prettiest girl. Some people are just dumb with their half educated beliefs.

09-14-2022, 10:22 PM
I doubt it. All countries think that the English hate them, but it is the other way around, all countries hate the English out of envy since they dominate the world

!Ding !Ding! Someone give this winner a Cuban cigar and an expensive glass of single malt Scotch on the rocks.

Colonel Frank Grimes
09-14-2022, 10:31 PM
Something to note: The German soldier during WW1 and WW2 was by far the superior soldier. The English, Russians, American soldier, etc. was not of the same quality (and the military leadership of these nations was terrible compared to the Germans). For WW2 the problem for the Germans was logistics (USA for the win), and WW1 would have ended in a draw if the US hadn't entered the war with its huge population to tap and resources (USA again for the win).

09-14-2022, 10:39 PM
Cool Video about how the English thought of the Germans in WW1.


09-15-2022, 09:02 AM

09-15-2022, 10:08 AM

09-15-2022, 07:29 PM
(...) For WW2 the problem for the Germans was logistics (USA for the win), and WW1 would have ended in a draw if the US hadn't entered the war with its huge population to tap and resources (USA again for the win).

I agree to the interpretation that the part taking of the USA was a game changer in both WWI and WWII.

(In WWI, as late as in March 1918, there was a German offensive launchched with confidence to take Paris. At that time the eastern front with Russia was finished and Germany was not anymore in a difficult two front war and essentially all troops from the east could reinforce the western front. But due to the reinforcement of the Entente powers with about 1 million fresh US soldiers defending Paris it became impossible to capure it.)

From a German perspective this was pretty unlucky and annoying as emigrated Germans made up a notable part of the strengh of the US.

09-15-2022, 09:41 PM
I doubt it. All countries think that the English hate them, but it is the other way around, all countries hate the English out of envy since they dominate the world


Joking once more... but someone took your joke seriously, congrats man. And greetings to Chad.

09-17-2022, 03:27 PM
White Americans are still the majority population in the US, but not for too many more years anyway. It is indeed ironic that the great replacement is strongest by far in the countries that won the world wars, i.e. US, UK and France.

And Germany is not affected by that too? I think that by quantity Germany has more immigrant population than France and UK.

09-17-2022, 03:34 PM
Those NATO invasions were all lead by the US Empire, thats why every European Souverignist should be anti-american like the German Neue Rechte and French Nouvelle droite.

There were visionary ideas by de Gaulle to seperate his nation from both blocs in the cold war, something we would desperatly need to do again.

And Great Britain?

09-17-2022, 03:35 PM
And Germany is not affected by that too? I think that by quantity Germany has more immigrant population than France and UK.

Maybe if you count only recent immigrants, I am not sure. Still UK and France have a lot more of long term non-European populations.

Tooting Carmen
09-17-2022, 08:34 PM
Maybe if you count only recent immigrants, I am not sure. Still UK and France have a lot more of long term non-European populations.

Yeah, I think Germany has more recent immigrants (mainly from Turkey, Middle East and the less affluent parts of Europe), but UK and France have more second/third-generation immigrants (just compare the football teams of England, France and Germany).

09-17-2022, 08:37 PM
Why do Englishmen hate Germans so much, while Germans are more or less fine with Englishmen?


The hatred was already in WWI. I understand that the Englishmen always were politically against the strongest one on the continent. But why that hatred? I once experienced an English young woman that was so full of deep rooted hatred that I was completely astounded. (This one is just anecdotal, of course, but I've got that reported independently from many sides.)

the only englishmen ive seen that hate german folk are drunk football hooligans.

09-21-2022, 06:09 AM
Without wishing to turn into alnorte or Hasien: there are plenty of White Hispanics in Miami, especially among the Cubans and Argentines there, while many of the PRs in the Northeast and even small numbers of Mexicans and Central Americans in the Southwest are White.

Refrain from comparing Haslen with me, and putting us into the same sentence. That's an insult to my persona. I have never disrespected you, but you keep disrespecting me.