View Full Version : Anyone else tired of short guys?

Atlantic Reptilian
09-17-2022, 02:02 AM
I'm not thinking of the relationship sense, I mean in general.

I have realized that the guys I get into fights with tend to be aggressive... and short.
And why do they ALWAYS have to mention their height?
They carry an insecurity or complex of some sort and when I mention how this or that "guy carries himself like it's not a big deal", the short guy says that it's expected of a man to be tall because it's a sign of masculinity and the patriarchy sets those expectations.
Like I'm so tired of these conspiracy theories. Like, it's not that big of a deal if a guy is short unless he makes it a big deal. Sure, if he were to stand beside another male it would be very likely that he would be the short one, but a lot of this is much more than just being short. It's mental.
And if they are aggressive, someone will get pissed at some point and mention their height, so it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Maybe tall people also have inherited their tallness confidence ;)

09-17-2022, 03:09 AM
When they (or we, i am 178, average for my ethnicity but a dwarf compared to yours) try to (literally) punch above their weight this happens.
Nibbas nowadays grow up thinking about scoring women, are taught the idea that everyone is born the same and effort is enough, then when they get the blackpill they cope, either becoming edgelords, violent or wussies. Some people need to accept their fates and stop running the gerbil wheel of cope.

For all short kings out there, just play football. That's probably the one place where any body type is good. I tremble when I have to defend those 160cm little dribblers here. Messi, Maradona, Romario, Neymar, Mbappé, Luka Modric are all under 180 and are very far from the gay-ass manlets we've seen out there, and all of them except the Croat were seen as good looking at some point. Meanwhile your fellow Swedish/Bosniak giant Zlatan Ibrahimovic has no UCLs to his name :(

Atlantic Reptilian
09-17-2022, 03:19 AM
When they (or we, i am 178, average for my ethnicity but a dwarf compared to yours) try to (literally) punch above their weight this happens.
Nibbas nowadays grow up thinking about scoring women, are taught the idea that everyone is born the same and effort is enough, then when they get the blackpill they cope, either becoming edgelords, violent or wussies. Some people need to accept their fates and stop running the gerbil wheel of cope.
In my opinion I wouldn't consider you short. The people I'm thinking of are like below 172 cm but are immensely insecure about it.
I know a guy who is like 175 cm but carries himself like he is 190 cm tall. And if you tell him that he is short he will just think you're talking trash

For all short kings out there, just play football. That's probably the one place where any body type is good. I tremble when I have to defend those 160cm little dribblers here. Messi, Maradona, Romario, Neymar, Mbappé, Luka Modric are all under 180 and are very far from the gay-ass manlets we've seen out there, and all of them except the Croat were seen as good looking at some point. Meanwhile your fellow Swedish/Bosniak giant Zlatan Ibrahimovic has no UCLs to his name :(
I agree.

09-17-2022, 03:33 AM
Anyone else tired of short guys?
No. It's just you.

Actually I'd like to have a short guy. I'd carry him around in my purse.
I'd have him standing on my shoulders at a Nickelback concert.
We'd be adorable. Stop being a hater.

Maybe tall people also have inherited their tallness confidence ;)
Confidence is good, but tallness is not all good.
Shorter people tend to have longer lifespans (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12586217/). And are less likely to get cancer (https://www.cancerdefeated.com/short-people-have-an-edge-when-it-comes-to-cancer/).
Seriously, scientific research says so, see the links.

I'm fun at parties. I know.

09-17-2022, 03:45 AM
Short guys aim to hit the balls , be careful gentle giant.
Being very short is a huge deal, totaly turns you the object of jokes, bullying, lack of respect, lack of love from the oposite side, and so on , we are but a consequence of our enviroment.
Next time you get in a conflict with a short guy, be a decent human, let him discharge his anger in you, then when he is done and amazed by your Sigma lack of pain, open a diologue with him and become allies against bearded bald muscular oldman , the real enemy.

09-17-2022, 03:54 AM
It's the Napoleon complex being inflicted on the Ukraine citizenry by Putin.

09-17-2022, 03:58 AM
Reminds me a bit of this meme

all humor


Daco Celtic
09-17-2022, 04:08 AM
My whole neighborhood to be quite honest. We now have deed restrictions which say the male head of the household must be 5 '10 or taller to purchase real estate.

09-17-2022, 04:38 AM
Short guys aim to hit the balls , be careful gentle giant.
Being very short is a huge deal, totaly turns you the object of jokes, bullying, lack of respect, lack of love from the oposite side, and so on , we are but a consequence of our enviroment.
Next time you get in a conflict with a short guy, be a decent human, let him discharge his anger in you, then when he is done and amazed by your Sigma lack of pain, open a diologue with him and become allies against bearded bald muscular oldman , the real enemy.

bolsonaro e gabriel monteiro vs lula bombado

Atlantic Reptilian
09-17-2022, 04:42 AM
No. It's just you.

Actually I'd like to have a short guy. I'd carry him around in my purse.
I'd have him standing on my shoulders at a Nickelback concert.
We'd be adorable. Stop being a hater.

Confidence is good, but tallness is not all good.
Shorter people tend to have longer lifespans (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12586217/). And are less likely to get cancer (https://www.cancerdefeated.com/short-people-have-an-edge-when-it-comes-to-cancer/).
Seriously, scientific research says so, see the links.

I'm fun at parties. I know.
I'm not hating on someone for being short, I'm just annoyed by people who have a complex. Sure, there are probably tall guys that have it too, but from my own experience they are usually calm.

Yes, I know they live longer. You kind of get used to people dying early when you have a family of tall and robust people... :(

Short guys aim to hit the balls , be careful gentle giant.
Being very short is a huge deal, totaly turns you the object of jokes, bullying, lack of respect, lack of love from the oposite side, and so on , we are but a consequence of our enviroment.
Next time you get in a conflict with a short guy, be a decent human, let him discharge his anger in you, then when he is done and amazed by your Sigma lack of pain, open a diologue with him and become allies against bearded bald muscular oldman , the real enemy.
I am open to conversation, always, but they still have anger inside that they throw at me. I never mentioned their height to them.

Reminds me a bit of this meme

all humor

That doesn't apply because tall guys (in my family) are very muscular and weigh more, which usually equals stronger.

09-17-2022, 05:31 AM
171 cm here, I am not an aggressive person, quite the contrary. sometimes when I try to get more serious in an argument (verbally) it happens that people dismiss me with a "look at him, it's true that small dog barks the loudest", which is disrespectful.

so.what you say goes both ways, especially short men (170-172cm and shorter) get such an attitude from tall guys, though I see many aggressive short guys in the lower social classes, although height is on average shorter there, so maybe it's not height but background which makes them act that way.

either way, overly aggressive types are repulsive to most

09-17-2022, 05:52 AM
Oh, just to add one thing, when it comes to actual fighting, you don't need to be over 180cm to stick a knife or shoot a bullet.

Just as my fat ass policeman uncle said "There's no need to run after they invented gunpowder".

09-17-2022, 05:58 AM
Just as my fat ass policeman uncle said "There's no need to run after they invented gunpowder".

If you are not in a trench war...
True reason why height increased in europe during war and starvation períods:
"Big and tall soldiers are more likely to survive battle: a possible explanation for the ‘returning soldier effect’ on the secondary sex ratio "

Surviving soldiers were on average more than one inch (3.33 cm) taller than fallen soldiers

09-17-2022, 06:21 AM
First World problems.

Atlantic Reptilian
09-17-2022, 06:21 AM
171 cm here, I am not an aggressive person, quite the contrary. sometimes when I try to get more serious in an argument (verbally) it happens that people dismiss me with a "look at him, it's true that small dog barks the loudest", which is disrespectful.

so.what you say goes both ways, especially short men (170-172cm and shorter) get such an attitude from tall guys, though I see many aggressive short guys in the lower social classes, although height is on average shorter there, so maybe it's not height but background which makes them act that way.

either way, overly aggressive types are repulsive to most
You sound like a healthy person! I don't see you as a problem.

The thing is, I see people who are not criminals or lower class and they (not all) have a tendency to be aggressive, and for some reason they themselves mention their size/height when they talk about themselves (when it wasn't asked)?

Atlantic Reptilian
09-17-2022, 06:24 AM
Also, these guys remind me a lot of old, angry menopausal women in their behavior. :biggrin:

09-17-2022, 08:24 AM
he short guy says that it's expected of a man to be tall because it's a sign of masculinity and the patriarchy sets those expectations.

What's this swedish nonsense? muuh patriarchy
Women have a preference for tall men, that's one of the main reasons short men are seen as lesser.

Short men exist in western societies because men don't mind picking short women for breeding. Short women get to breed, so short men genes survived.. If it were up to women, short man genes would've been eliminated from the gene pool by now.

Atlantic Reptilian
09-17-2022, 09:14 AM
What's this swedish nonsense? muuh patriarchy
Women have a preference for tall men, that's one of the main reasons short men are seen as lesser.
I myself don't understand the (conspiracy) theory of the patriarchy despite being open to different opinions. I would consider myself quite leftist (but I might be wrong about that...).

They blame "white, heterosexual men" for many bad things in society.
I have a problem with this because, first of all, I don't think you should define someone by a term for their sexuality. I just think it's inappropriate. A man can be married to his wife and only like his wife. Heterosexuality cannot be applied to everybody, even though they are married to a person of the opposite gender.

I have also noticed that, here in Sweden, if a boy very much looks up to his male role model, and if that person isn't his dad, the boy is seen as homosexual, because some people cannot understand that some people need a role model in their life.
Like, all of my male relatives have looked up to other men, not in a sexual way but in a brotherly way. I think this is better than having men fight each other. I also think it calms down the boy and makes him feel safe.

I personally, from experience, prefer to talk to and be friends with these "white, heterosexual men". They can be so different. Sure, you won't get along with everyone but there many different personalities out there. Some are assertive, some are shy etc.
At the same time they are "white, heterosexual men" but as you can see such labeling doesn't show the truth.

Short men exist in western societies because men don't mind picking short women for breeding. Short women get to breed, so short men genes survived.. If it were up to women, short man genes would've been eliminated from the gene pool by now.
I have never understood why some males go for women who are 15 cm shorter than their own height? It's not the same thing as dating someone much younger but it sort of bordering on that if you think about it.

Personally, I think it's attractive for a woman to be tall. It shows confidence I think.

Salty Ears
09-17-2022, 10:57 AM
170,5 here. I'm only worried that taller people see my bald spot and can jokingly stroke it. With taller girls, there were no problems specifically because of the difference in height, and you can always put a pillow under yourself on the bed. I'm short, bald and overweight, but you can always turn on intelligence and charm + cute baritone and good face.

09-20-2022, 04:13 PM
I am 1.81m,mediocre for a Guy with Dongyi blood,But giant to all southern Chinese.