View Full Version : Classify Italian political candidates

Tooting Carmen
09-23-2022, 11:57 AM
They are mentioned in this article: https://www.spiked-online.com/2022/09/23/italys-troubled-democracy/

Giorgia Meloni, Brothers of Italy

Matteo Salvini, The League

Silvio Berlusconi, Forza Italia

Enrico Letta, Democratic Party

Luigi Di Maio, Civic Commitment

Giuseppe Conte, Five Star Movement

Matteo Renzi, Italy Alive

Carlo Calenda, Action Party

Mario Draghi, ex-Prime Minister

Gianluigi Paragone, Italexit Party

09-23-2022, 12:17 PM
1. Subnordid with minor dinarid
2. Dinarid with Atlanto Med
3. Dinarid-Borreby med /Carpathid
4. Gracile Med- Alpine
5. Eurafricanid/East med looks turkish
6. Faelid-Alpine-Atlantid
7. Alpine-med minor DInarid
8. Dinarid-Alpine Atlantid
9. Atlanto Med minor dinarid
10. Atlanto Med.

Tooting Carmen
09-25-2022, 09:52 PM
Am I the only one who finds Berlusconi to look like a tanned version of Putin?

09-25-2022, 10:31 PM
They are mentioned in this article: https://www.spiked-online.com/2022/09/23/italys-troubled-democracy/

Giorgia Meloni, Brothers of Italy

Winner, and possibly next chief of italian government.

Who said an ultra right-wing party cannot govern...

Tooting Carmen
09-25-2022, 10:38 PM
Winner, and possibly next chief of italian government.

Who said an ultra right-wing party cannot govern...

And not just any country, but one where a democratically-supported Communist Party used to be often the second or third-biggest party in much of the post-war era.

09-25-2022, 10:43 PM
And not just any country, but one where a democratically-supported Communist Party used to be often the second or third-biggest party in much of the post-war era.

And one of the most important countries, founding member and third economy in EU.

It's not Hungary or Poland. Things are going to get interesting.

Tooting Carmen
10-25-2022, 05:48 PM
Any more suggestions on their phenotypes?

10-25-2022, 05:57 PM
Giorgia Meloni - Alpine

Mateo Salvini - Dinaro Med

Silvio Berlusconi - Alpine

Enrico Letta - Alpine

Luigi di Maio - East Med

Giuseppe Conte - Atlanto Med plus Dinaric

Matteo Renzi - Alpine plus some Med

Carlo Calenda - Med with Alpine

Mario Draghi - Dinaric

Gianluigi Paragone - Armenoid plus Berid

Tooting Carmen
10-25-2022, 06:05 PM
Giorgia Meloni - Alpine

Mateo Salvini - Dinaro Med

Silvio Berlusconi - Alpine

Enrico Letta - Alpine

Luigi di Maio - East Med

Giuseppe Conte - Atlanto Med plus Dinaric

Matteo Renzi - Alpine plus some Med

Carlo Calenda - Med with Alpine

Mario Draghi - Dinaric

Gianluigi Paragone - Armenoid plus Berid

Which ones would you say best fit in Portugal?

10-25-2022, 06:10 PM
Which ones would you say best fit in Portugal?

Only Carlo Calenda. Paragone has Berid but is too Armenoid to fit in.

This set is quite Alpine to be honest.

Jingle Bell
10-25-2022, 06:11 PM
They are mentioned in this article: https://www.spiked-online.com/2022/09/23/italys-troubled-democracy/

Giorgia Meloni, Brothers of Italy

Matteo Salvini, The League

Silvio Berlusconi, Forza Italia

Enrico Letta, Democratic Party

Luigi Di Maio, Civic Commitment

Giuseppe Conte, Five Star Movement

Matteo Renzi, Italy Alive

Carlo Calenda, Action Party

Mario Draghi, ex-Prime Minister

Gianluigi Paragone, Italexit Party

1- SubNordic
2- Litorid
3- Subnordic + Med
4- CM-Med
5- Pontid + some Gracile Med features
6- Atlantid-CM
7- Alpine-Med
8- Alpine + minor N. Atlantid
9- Dinaric + Atlantid/Atlanto-Med
10 - CM + Atlanto-Med

10-25-2022, 06:24 PM
Berlusconi has one of the funniest faces I've ever seen. This weird "hairliine", cynical smile and whatever he gets done with his skin that looks like he has a kilo of wax on it.

Tooting Carmen
10-25-2022, 06:30 PM
Berlusconi has one of the funniest faces I've ever seen. This weird "hairliine", cynical smile and whatever he gets done with his skin that looks like he has a kilo of wax on it.

Do you agree with me that he looks kind of like a tanned Putin?

10-25-2022, 06:34 PM
Do you agree with me that he looks kind of like a tanned Putin?

Had never realized it before, but yes xD

10-25-2022, 07:05 PM
Fun fact, my uncle (RIP) actually worked in Berlusconi's cabinet as a minister of culture.