View Full Version : Are Belgians Nordic?

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09-27-2022, 10:36 PM
According to Septentrion, Belgians are Nordic people and Belgium is a Nordic country.

09-27-2022, 10:41 PM
Not that Nordic though significantly more nordic than the French at least along the Dutch border and central Flanders.

09-27-2022, 10:44 PM
I think non-Nordics have no say in it.

You are a Nordic for sure, so it is up to you to decide if you want to see him (or Belgians in general) as one of your people.

09-27-2022, 11:32 PM
According to Septentrion, Belgians are Nordic people and Belgium is a Nordic country.

Hold your horses, Stryglogg! According to various physical anthropologists not Septentrion. Belgium lays within the Nordic racial zone of Europe. Flanders in particular has been labeled as predominantly Nordic in race, even by the likes of Hans. F. Gunther. By Nordic here, it means racially, OK.

09-27-2022, 11:35 PM
The Nordic race is distributed in Scandinavia, the Baltic region, Northern Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Northern France and the British Isles.

09-27-2022, 11:42 PM
The Nordic race is distributed in Scandinavia, the Baltic region, Northern Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Northern France and the British Isles.

France and not Eastern Europe?
I see more Nordics in Austria and South Germany than in France, if we talk about Nordics in general.

09-27-2022, 11:44 PM
France and not Eastern Europe?
I see more Nordics in Austria and South Germany than in France, if we talk about Nordics in general.

Northern France, not the entire France. Big difference.

09-27-2022, 11:46 PM
France and not Eastern Europe?
I see more Nordics in Austria and South Germany than in France, if we talk about Nordics in general.

No. Not Eastern Europe. You see much Baltid/East Baltid in Eastern Europe.

09-28-2022, 12:17 AM
France and not Eastern Europe?
I see more Nordics in Austria and South Germany than in France, if we talk about Nordics in general.

Nordics outside of Northern and North-Western Europe are occasional. There are specific physical characteristics associated with this race

09-28-2022, 12:57 AM
Northern France, not the entire France. Big difference.

which areas came to your mind when you thinking about nothern france

does this phenotype look nordic to you,like the french journalist Vanessa Burggraf from Mulhouse and who is very swedish/scandinavian look-a-like to me,yes maybe some flemish girls are in between,especially the dutch from the very nothern netherlands and the antwerpen area ,but for the rest of belgium like in wallonie not so much

compared to a pure 100% stunning swedish hottie, like this one,she's not so far ,facially morphologically speaking

some dutchie/flemmish girls could looks like this other hottie with more ovoïd faces,i have seen somes dutch girls with white blond hairs and blue eyes before and they are with hot faces like her ,maybe not completly but very close,but it's very more in the flanders and in the northern netherlands because in wallonie they have more celtic genes
https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/06/13/16/1465831486162_lc_galleryImage_13_June_2016_UEFA_Eu ro_20.JPG

in a general way the young flemmish/dutchie girls are more cheeky with a bit more ovoïd chubby/baby face ,a bit more closer to the danes/swedish and lesser germanic,facially morphologically speaking


09-28-2022, 01:04 AM
Northern France, not the entire France. Big difference.

No areas of northern France are particularly nordic, the vast majority are subnordics, norics, a few keltics and the odd anglo saxon type though that is rare away from the Calais and Dunkerque region. In the UK the keltic type is very common, the Hallstatt type is seen rarely but not that uncommon, maybe 1 in 50 people are proper hallstatts. Corded types show up in quite a bit of frequency in the upper classes especially.

09-28-2022, 02:35 AM
Definitely NOT,they are west Europeans,nothing to do with Nordics.

09-28-2022, 02:36 AM
Belgium is a Western European country,NOT a Nordic country.

09-28-2022, 03:55 AM
which areas came to your mind when you thinking about nothern france

does this phenotype look nordic to you,like the french journalist Vanessa Burggraf from Mulhouse and who is very swedish/scandinavian look-a-like to me,yes maybe some flemish girls are in between,especially the dutch from the very nothern netherlands and the antwerpen area ,but for the rest of belgium like in wallonie not so much

compared to a pure 100% stunning swedish hottie, like this one,she's not so far ,facially morphologically speaking

some dutchie/flemmish girls could looks like this other hottie with more ovoïd faces,i have seen somes dutch girls with white blond hairs and blue eyes before and they are with hot faces like her ,maybe not completly but very close,but it's very more in the flanders and in the northern netherlands because in wallonie they have more celtic genes
https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/06/13/16/1465831486162_lc_galleryImage_13_June_2016_UEFA_Eu ro_20.JPG

in a general way the young flemmish/dutchie girls are more cheeky with a bit more ovoïd chubby/baby face ,a bit more closer to the danes/swedish and lesser germanic,facially morphologically speaking


I meant the Nordic race as a whole is concentrated in North and North-West Europe. I did not go into the specific Nordic subtypes.

Oh well, she’s a Belgian hottie too, below:

She is French Nordic ( very pale), but not a hottie though.

09-28-2022, 04:32 AM
No areas of northern France are particularly nordic, the vast majority are subnordics, norics, a few keltics and the odd anglo saxon type though that is rare away from the Calais and Dunkerque region. In the UK the keltic type is very common, the Hallstatt type is seen rarely but not that uncommon, maybe 1 in 50 people are proper hallstatts. Corded types show up in quite a bit of frequency in the upper classes especially.

Here I am meaning Nordic racially as a whole. I am not referring into the various or specific Nordic subtypes.

09-28-2022, 05:40 AM
France and not Eastern Europe?
I see more Nordics in Austria and South Germany than in France, if we talk about Nordics in general.

In fact according to some physical anthropologists, Northern France and Flanders are more Nordid in race than Southern Germany. This has to do with the racial metrics.

Western Citizen
09-28-2022, 07:51 AM
North/Northwest France and Belgium might be the least nordid countries among the pred. Nordid countries.

09-28-2022, 01:31 PM
North/Northwest France and Belgium might be the least nordid countries among the pred. Nordid countries.

I meant more Northern France, not quite the north-western part. The predominant Caucasoid racial element in Flanders ( from various physical anthropologists) is Nordic. This is from Frankish tribes.

09-28-2022, 01:33 PM
no. Belgium is hotspot of the Alpinid phenotype.

09-28-2022, 01:38 PM
North/Northwest France and Belgium might be the least nordid countries among the pred. Nordid countries.

Think again. The predominant racial element in northern Belgium is Nordid ( from various physical anthropologists sources. The principal racial element in northern France is Nordid ( especially of the Subnordid category).

09-28-2022, 01:45 PM
no. Belgium is hotspot of the Alpinid phenotype.

Not quite. As Belgium has the largest head size average of any continental European country. This is isn’t a Alpinid characteristic, rather CM ( Borreby!). The Alpinid of France definitely creeps up in Belgium especially in the south ( Wallonia), but is not dominant anymore here, for the reason given. Borreby is a major racial element in southern Belgium.

09-28-2022, 01:46 PM
Nop. Theyre Franco-Dutch.

09-28-2022, 01:47 PM
Belgium is a Western European country,NOT a Nordic country.

Yes, geographically Belgium isn’t a Nordic country ( Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland). Obviously, it is by excellence a Western European country. You are confused. The question is relating to whether racially Belgium is a Nordic country.

09-28-2022, 01:48 PM
Nop. Theyre Franco-Dutch.

Franco-Dutch? Ha!ha!ha! This is in linguistic terms. Hello?

09-28-2022, 01:54 PM
Franco-Dutch? Ha!ha!ha! This is in linguistic terms. Hello?

I hope you dont degrade French and Dutch to only language. This is too much even for you.

09-28-2022, 02:00 PM
France and not Eastern Europe?
I see more Nordics in Austria and South Germany than in France, if we talk about Nordics in general.

The overall Nordic racial physical characteristics :
Head form : long
Cephalic Index = 76 - 79 ( mesocephalic)
Forehead : vertical
Face : long and narrow, strong bones, flat cheekbones
Eyes: moderately developed eye-brow ridges
Nose: high-bridged, high-rooted, leptorrhine
Chin : prominent
Mouth : very thin lips
Hair texture: fine or medium
Hair form : slightly wavy
Body hair : heavy
Body build : slender or medium
Body height : tall
Skin : reddish-white
Hair : blond, brownish, reddish
Eye : blue or gray

The characteristics described above are most common in Scandinavia, Baltic States, Northern Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Northern France.

09-28-2022, 02:55 PM
There is another point. I’d like to highlight here, is when folks easily confuse blondness for Nordics. Yes, the Nordic race is fundamentally blond, but there are other blond European races. The best example is the East Baltic, strong in parts of Northern and Eastern Europe.
Cephalic index : brachycephalic (80-84.9) with flat occiput
Head : large
Forehead: high
Face: square, with prominent cheekbones, squared lower jaws
Eyes : look «small», moderate eye-brow ridge, The distance between the inner comers of the eyes is greater in the East Baltic race than in the other Europid races. ( Supposedly «Asiatic Mongoloid» trait).
Nose : convex, broad wings, medium-rooted, broadly-bridged, snubbed-tip, mesorrhine
Chin : developed
Mouth : medium lips
Hair texture: medium to coarse
Hair form : straight or wavy
Body build : stocky or heavy
Body height : medium
Skin : creamy-white
Hair : ash blond and ash brown ( especially in adults)
Eyes : light blue or gray or grayish-blue
These characteristics are most frequent in the North-East Germany, Baltic States, Finland, East Prussia, Poland and Russia.

09-28-2022, 04:06 PM
I think non-Nordics have no say in it.

You are a Nordic for sure, so it is up to you to decide if you want to see him (or Belgians in general) as one of your people.

Not. You have absolutely every right to express yourself on this topic, even if you are not Nordic racially. It is even better when you know what you are talking about. This is like a debate. Nevertheless don’t come with that things «Kurds are Nordics or closer to Scandinavians» crap. Kurds are a Western Asiatic people, while Scandinavians are Whites, of Germanic lineage in Northern Europe. So nothing in common.

09-28-2022, 04:10 PM
I hope you dont degrade French and Dutch to only language. This is too much even for you.

Please be in context. The question is pretty clear. Franco-Dutch means a lot of thing. Belgium is clearly «sandwiched» between the Netherlands and France on the other. Nevertheless, this has nothing to do with the question.

Cristiano viejo
09-28-2022, 04:16 PM
Of course Belgium is not Nordic.
To start Belgians are just French in denial.

09-28-2022, 04:22 PM
Not. You have absolutely every right to express yourself on this topic, even if you are not Nordic racially. It is even better when you know what you are talking about. This is like a debate. Nevertheless don’t come with that things «Kurds are Nordics or closer to Scandinavians» crap. Kurds are a Western Asiatic people, while Scandinavians are Whites, of Germanic lineage in Northern Europe. So nothing in common.

I never said Kurds are Scandinavians. Are you tripping? Why do you try to derail this great thread. Feeling insecure and looking for a scapegoat, hehe?

I think I have expressed myself very clearly a lot of time here. I even opened many topics about my race.

Read my info. I am a Northwestern Asiatic of a Northwestern IRANIC (Aryan) family group that is part of a greater Caucaso-Iranic race.

Why should I want to be something else is beyond my comprehension.

09-28-2022, 04:50 PM
The conclusions derived from this study are not that the Flemings are Nordics and the Walloons Alpines, as has been frequently stated. The Flemings are, in fact, a people who are largely Nordic, and who derived their Nordic blood from their linguistic ancestors, the Franks. The Nordic sub-type of the Franks is that of the Keltic Iron Age. They have absorbed, especially in western Flanders, a certain amount of Borreby blood by intermarriage with the earlier inhabitants of the Flemish plain, who lived there in small numbers before this plain had been dyked and drained. The Walloons are the descendants of the large-headed highland population of the Neolithic, which was of mixed Alpine and Borreby derivation. To this has been added a Nordic accretion, and the actual metrical differences between Flemings and Walloons, while consistent, are not great. Only the inhabitants of the province of Luxemburg may be called Alpines in the strict sense, and their relationship is clearly with Lorraine and Burgundy.

09-28-2022, 04:50 PM
The overall Nordic racial physical characteristics :
Head form : long
Cephalic Index = 76 - 79 ( mesocephalic)
Forehead : vertical
Face : long and narrow, strong bones, flat cheekbones
Eyes: moderately developed eye-brow ridges
Nose: high-bridged, high-rooted, leptorrhine
Chin : prominent
Mouth : very thin lips
Hair texture: fine or medium
Hair form : slightly wavy
Body hair : heavy
Body build : slender or medium
Body height : tall
Skin : reddish-white
Hair : blond, brownish, reddish
Eye : blue or gray

The characteristics described above are most common in Scandinavia, Baltic States, Northern Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Northern France.

baltic states might be mixed with the asians. this is why baltid exist there but not so much further west like in netherlands or north france... Always said baltid looks like an asianized version of a nordid. analogy with the alpine = reduced med correlation..

09-28-2022, 05:58 PM

I never said Kurds are Scandinavians. Are you tripping? Why do you try to derail this great thread. Feeling insecure and looking for a scapegoat, hehe?

I think I have expressed myself very clearly a lot of time here. I even opened many topics about my race.

Read my info. I am a Northwestern Asiatic of a Northwestern IRANIC (Aryan) family group that is part of a greater Caucaso-Iranic race.

Why should I want to be something else is beyond my comprehension.

I am not tripping. I was setting the facts straight. Your claim that those NW Asiatics are closer to the Northern Europeans than to Iberians was some of the greatest bogus. I said don’t bring that nonsense, we know who Kurds are. They sure ain’t European. That’s all.

09-28-2022, 06:03 PM
baltic states might be mixed with the asians. this is why baltid exist there but not so much further west like in netherlands or north france... Always said baltid looks like an asianized version of a nordid. analogy with the alpine = reduced med correlation..

I highly doubt that they are mixed with Asians. In my opinion, the East Baltid type looks the way due to an evolutionary adaptation to the extreme cold. Usually people living in very cold climate such as the Arctic, they tend to have that eye shape, cheekbone shape. I do not see any specific interracial mixture yielding to an East Baltic phenotype . We have to note that the East Baltic type is equally or even more blonde-haired than the Nordic race as a whole. Good examples are in Estonia, Finland, Latvia. As many as 90% of the population is blue or light-eyed in Finland or Estonia to about 80% in Latvia and to an extent Lithuania.

09-28-2022, 06:07 PM
Iwe know who Kurds are. They sure ain’t European. That’s all.lol, tell me something what i dont know.

And Belgians are for sure not from Alaska

09-28-2022, 06:13 PM
lol, tell me something what i dont know.

And Belgians are for sure not from Alaska

I’m putting you in your place ( West Asia). Nothing else.

09-28-2022, 06:14 PM
In fact according to some physical anthropologists, Northern France and Flanders are more Nordid in race than Southern Germany. This has to do with the racial metrics.

Northern France has more paler skinned people than southern Germany(but more slightly darker skinned people as well like president Macron) but i think southern Germany still has more real nordics and Cro Magnid types other than alpine. Flanders is more like the Rhine valley region and central Germany.

09-28-2022, 06:18 PM
Of course Belgium is not Nordic.
To start Belgians are just French in denial.

lol. Belgium FYI, is section into two main parts Flanders ( Dutch-speaking) and Wallonia ( French-speaking). So no one denies their French heritage. By the way, you can be French but still fit within the Nordic race.

09-28-2022, 06:20 PM
I’m putting you in your place ( West Asia). Nothing else.Ok. But I know my place better than anybody else. I dont have to be educated on that by foreigners.

Kurds are the MOST naive peolple of Kurdistan. And Kurditan is located in Northwestern Asia, like Belgium is located in Northwestern Europe.
Eveybody knows this. I have an atlas, lol. So nothing new to me.

Since you are on this site i learned nothing from you. Buddy, you are BORING as hell..

Nothing else.

09-28-2022, 06:21 PM
Some pictures of Belgians from Kortrijik Flanders, if anything charectarises Belgians or at least Flemings it is squinty eyes
https://scontent-lcy1-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/26220340_1729172523813959_2357287766649394160_o.jp g?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=e3f864&_nc_ohc=9v59wy39jEgAX_VQM4o&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-2.xx&oh=00_AT_y4n4yHW-zUngV0QE3nte4D1u1p8zUW01YNe81R0x7pg&oe=63586496
https://scontent-lcy1-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/305065396_5609363385794834_2535744347198065483_n.j pg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=tg_ogFeNb2MAX_4j442&tn=tyCTRxbOrXThh_OL&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-2.xx&oh=00_AT8uuFmN1YTKIXHkvwX8ilBmzM4Hy0A5GVirJVuOFyB-Gw&oe=633A07FD
https://scontent-lcy1-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/290960894_5430857666978741_1997245913491136842_n.j pg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=hE9NecpRHnwAX-qadaN&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-2.xx&oh=00_AT_ONaSVjPb4WZRpvEsnbFyetrDazB3uW9wPHGVcnXy-hA&oe=6339E341
https://scontent-lcy1-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/277743419_5185545118176665_8675871777990937458_n.j pg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=5ZuwLRQeUIQAX9hy3tt&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-2.xx&oh=00_AT_0U7ayMRNjGQz-YykArZkvyJJGUUMYAWtc9OBo2CMxnA&oe=63391CED

09-28-2022, 06:24 PM
"Belgians" do not exist as an ethnicity but the sum of Flemish and Walloon people are not Nordic racially nor culturally as a whole although a minority of them are metrically Nordic.

09-28-2022, 06:38 PM
"Belgians" do not exist as an ethnicity but the sum of Flemish and Walloon people are not Nordic racially nor culturally as a whole although a minority of them are metrically Nordic.

What basis did you use to say that Belgium is not racially Nordic? As it goes against physical anthropologists.

09-28-2022, 06:40 PM
What basis did you use to say that Belgium is not racially Nordic? As it goes against physical anthropologists.

My own eyes.

09-28-2022, 06:43 PM
What basis did you use to say that Belgium is not racially Nordic? As it goes against physical anthropologists.

Its not really nordic, you will find more nordics in Berlin or Vienna or Dublin than you will in the city of Brussels among the native population i am almost certain.

09-28-2022, 06:46 PM
My own eyes.

Your own eyes? Not good enough. You know in my own eyes, Italians are thoroughly Mediterranean in race. However, we find out that there is actually a good frequency of Alpines and Dinarics, even Norics.

Damião de Góis
09-28-2022, 07:22 PM
This might be the one time i've seen Septentrion mention Belgium the most. Most of his other posts revolve around british pigmentation.

09-28-2022, 07:43 PM
This might be the one time i've seen Septentrion mention Belgium the most. Most of his other posts revolve around british pigmentation.


09-28-2022, 07:52 PM
This might be the one time i've seen Septentrion mention Belgium the most. Most of his other posts revolve around british pigmentation.

Well lets face it the Belgians are not the most fascinating ethnic group to talk about.

09-28-2022, 08:05 PM
This might be the one time i've seen Septentrion mention Belgium the most. Most of his other posts revolve around british pigmentation.


09-28-2022, 08:29 PM
This might be the one time i've seen Septentrion mention Belgium the most. Most of his other posts revolve around british pigmentation.

The other posts were revolving in the debate of British racial types. Whereas people were telling lies. I just had to set things straight with the OP.

09-28-2022, 08:36 PM
This might be the one time i've seen Septentrion mention Belgium the most. Most of his other posts revolve around british pigmentation.


09-28-2022, 08:42 PM
Its not really nordic, you will find more nordics in Berlin or Vienna or Dublin than you will in the city of Brussels among the native population i am almost certain.

Vienna is more Alpo-Dinaric in race than Brussels. It is not more Nordic in race than Brussels. Although many Austrians are Nordic-Dinaric mixes, this is seen by their nasal features ( looking like Steffi Graf). Brussels is also more cosmopolitan and racially diverse, so it could hard to make conclusions. Dublin, Ireland obviously as the Keltic Nordic is «purer» whereas in Belgium there is some Borreby admixture. Berlin is more Borreby-Dalofaelid not more Nordic than Belgium. Remember the most racially Nordid areas of Germany are in west nearer long-headed populations of the Netherlands and Flanders. Berlin is in the Northeast where cephalic index increases.

09-28-2022, 08:49 PM
Some pictures of Belgians from Kortrijik Flanders, if anything charectarises Belgians or at least Flemings it is squinty eyes
https://scontent-lcy1-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/26220340_1729172523813959_2357287766649394160_o.jp g?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=e3f864&_nc_ohc=9v59wy39jEgAX_VQM4o&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-2.xx&oh=00_AT_y4n4yHW-zUngV0QE3nte4D1u1p8zUW01YNe81R0x7pg&oe=63586496
https://scontent-lcy1-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/305065396_5609363385794834_2535744347198065483_n.j pg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=tg_ogFeNb2MAX_4j442&tn=tyCTRxbOrXThh_OL&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-2.xx&oh=00_AT8uuFmN1YTKIXHkvwX8ilBmzM4Hy0A5GVirJVuOFyB-Gw&oe=633A07FD

People squint their eye when they smile, Oliver...

09-28-2022, 08:51 PM
This might be the one time i've seen Septentrion mention Belgium the most. Most of his other posts revolve around british pigmentation.


09-28-2022, 10:02 PM
People squint their eye when they smile, Oliver...

Lol but Belgian people still have peculiar smaller eyes, Brits have more large attractive eyes imo probably because of our or rather their more prominent med and nordic influence.

09-29-2022, 01:38 AM
Lol but Belgian people still have peculiar smaller eyes, Brits have more large attractive eyes imo probably because of our or rather their more prominent med and nordic influence.

Small eyes? Really?

Angèle is attractive, has large eyes.
She is attractive and Belgian.

09-29-2022, 02:21 AM
According to Septentrion, Belgians are Nordic people and Belgium is a Nordic country.

One of the best examples is late king of Belgians ( 1951-1993). In his youth.


09-29-2022, 03:36 AM
Not that Nordic though significantly more nordic than the French at least along the Dutch border and central Flanders.

You do not have to be this blond to be Nordic either.

A Belgian blond from West Flanders

09-29-2022, 06:55 AM
One of the best examples is late king of Belgians ( 1951-1993). In his youth.


Looks more Jewish than Nordic.


09-29-2022, 06:56 AM
Small eyes? Really?

Angèle is attractive, has large eyes.
She is attractive and Belgian.

Angele is an outlier, second girl is also gorgeous but her eyes are quite small, she looks Slavic, a lot of Belgians seem to have a pseudo slavic look imo or at least the Flemish do, many could pass in Serbia or Czech i think, it's the alpine influence.

09-29-2022, 01:02 PM
Looks more Jewish than Nordic.


He doesn’t look Jewish! Fool!

Cristiano viejo
09-29-2022, 04:38 PM
Looks more Jewish than Nordic.


Bedouin of Belgium, hahaha :D

Damn, even the Spanish and the Argentinian at his back look more Nordic than him :laugh:

09-29-2022, 04:43 PM
Bedouin of Belgium, hahaha :D

Damn, even the Spanish and the Argentinian at his back look more Nordic than him :laugh:

Ha!ha!ha!ha!ha!ha! Callarse la boca! Estupido.

09-29-2022, 08:30 PM
Angele is an outlier, second girl is also gorgeous but her eyes are quite small, she looks Slavic, a lot of Belgians seem to have a pseudo slavic look imo or at least the Flemish do, many could pass in Serbia or Czech i think, it's the alpine influence.

Slavic? No, I don’t think so. At least not typically Slavonic. Those two have some Flemish background.

09-29-2022, 08:33 PM
Slavic? No, I don’t think so. At least not typically Slavonic.

Well i mean they have slavicisms like smaller eyes, round faces, higher cepalhic indexes, they are basically alpine-CM blends that are also common in Slavic countries such as Serbia, Czech, Ukraine, occasionally Poland and Slovenia.

09-29-2022, 08:36 PM
Looks more Jewish than Nordic.


The only Jew there is you. Former King Beaudoin has even Swedish blood through his maternal line.

09-29-2022, 08:40 PM
Well i mean they have slavicisms like smaller eyes, round faces, higher cepalhic indexes, they are basically alpine-CM blends that are also common in Slavic countries such as Serbia, Czech, Ukraine, occasionally Poland and Slovenia.

Slavs are not Alpine-CM. They are mostly Neo-Danubian-East Baltid-Ladogan.

09-29-2022, 08:42 PM
Slavs are not Alpine-CM. They are mostly Neo-Danubian-East Baltid-Ladogan.

Lol, you don't know Slavs then, many can pass perfectly in the north west of Europe, especially Serbians, Bosnians, Russians, Ukranians and some Poles.

09-29-2022, 09:24 PM
Lol, you don't know Slavs then, many can pass perfectly in the north west of Europe, especially Serbians, Bosnians, Russians, Ukranians and some Poles.

I know them pretty well. Some can pass in NW Europe I don’t disagree, but most do not.

For example the President of Poland looks very East Europid to me.

Bosnia president ( 2015-) with

Also Bosnia president looks very Eastern to me
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a4/Saeimas_priek%C5%A1s%C4%93d%C4%93t%C4%81jas_viz%C4 %ABte_Izra%C4%93l%C4%81_%2849433178981%29_%28cropp ed%29.jpg

This woman would be East Baltid

09-29-2022, 09:33 PM
I know them pretty well. Some can pass in NW Europe I don’t disagree, but most do not.

For example the President of Poland looks very East Europid to me.

Bosnia president ( 2015-) with

Also Bosnia president looks very Eastern to me
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a4/Saeimas_priek%C5%A1s%C4%93d%C4%93t%C4%81jas_viz%C4 %ABte_Izra%C4%93l%C4%81_%2849433178981%29_%28cropp ed%29.jpg

Bosnian one maybe passes in France, he looks fairly western i think, moreso than Monsieur Macron, this Bosnian leader i think would not look out of place even in the UK https://ba.n1info.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/17/1631887367-bakir-izetbegovic-234392-1024x576.jpeg

09-29-2022, 09:39 PM
Bosnian one maybe passes in France, he looks fairly western i think, moreso than Monsieur Macron, this Bosnian leader i think would not look out of place even in the UK https://ba.n1info.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/17/1631887367-bakir-izetbegovic-234392-1024x576.jpeg

For example some Russians can pass for Germans and British and vice-versa.

09-29-2022, 10:19 PM
Bosnian one maybe passes in France, he looks fairly western i think, moreso than Monsieur Macron, this Bosnian leader i think would not look out of place even in the UK https://ba.n1info.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/17/1631887367-bakir-izetbegovic-234392-1024x576.jpeg

Bosnian women, very exotic or just different from NW Europe.

09-29-2022, 10:20 PM
Bosnian one maybe passes in France, he looks fairly western i think, moreso than Monsieur Macron, this Bosnian leader i think would not look out of place even in the UK https://ba.n1info.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/17/1631887367-bakir-izetbegovic-234392-1024x576.jpeg

Bosnian women, very exotic or just different from NW Europe.

09-29-2022, 10:29 PM
Bosnian women, very exotic or just different from NW Europe.

Sarajevo Premier is typically from that area.

Another typical Slav
https://www.europeanforum.net/images/biography/uploads/biographies/40635144_1090454544443767_4242484492154961920_n.jp g


09-29-2022, 11:24 PM
What a coincidence, this summer a group of young Belgians was in my town and they did not seem Nordic to me, later they told me that they were French-speaking Belgians. They were very different among themselves and most of them were short, I would have thought at first that they were alpines, a girl and a slightly taller boy who looked like graceful Mediterraneans and the rest were short, chubby and soft absence of beauty in all of them.

09-30-2022, 01:24 AM
What a coincidence, this summer a group of young Belgians was in my town and they did not seem Nordic to me, later they told me that they were French-speaking Belgians. They were very different among themselves and most of them were short, I would have thought at first that they were alpines, a girl and a slightly taller boy who looked like graceful Mediterraneans and the rest were short, chubby and soft absence of beauty in all of them.

No surprises. There are Alpines or Subnordids in the Belgian population and more so among Walloons than Flemish. No one claimed that all Belgians are blond-haired and have blue eyes either. Rather that the bulk of the population is more Nordic in race than anything else. The majority of adults are intermediate in hair color, with the majority being light-eyed ( no region falls below 55% for light eyes). On individual basis, people may vary. I am talking as a whole. Belgian men with an average of 182cm are the second tallest in the world after the Netherlands.

The joke is on you.

09-30-2022, 01:58 AM
Belgians have higher frequencies of skin type 1 than many Northern European populations ( the likes of Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, etc…). Skin type 1 is pale white skin that always burn and never tans.

09-30-2022, 05:33 AM
According to Septentrion, Belgians are Nordic people and Belgium is a Nordic country.

Note, as Coon remarked in his writings, when brachycephaly is encountered in the Belgian population ( whether Flemish or Walloon) it is of Borreby dimensions, not Alpine. The head dimensions and proportions are nearly as great as those Fehmarners ( Germany) which the most racially Borreby people on earth. Walloons have sort remained «pure» ever since the Neolithic times. As they have changed their head dimensions, As Coon says, to this day they form the southwestern frontier of the Borreby racial center in Europe which is centered just south of Denmark. While Flemings are the descendants of Frankish people who belonged to the mesocephalic Nordic type. Flemings are the majority as well.

09-30-2022, 05:46 AM
What a coincidence, this summer a group of young Belgians was in my town and they did not seem Nordic to me, later they told me that they were French-speaking Belgians. They were very different among themselves and most of them were short, I would have thought at first that they were alpines, a girl and a slightly taller boy who looked like graceful Mediterraneans and the rest were short, chubby and soft absence of beauty in all of them.

Belgium is not Spain. Ok Conquistador! It is in North-West Europe ( Nordic zone).

09-30-2022, 05:50 AM
The conclusions derived from this study are not that the Flemings are Nordics and the Walloons Alpines, as has been frequently stated. The Flemings are, in fact, a people who are largely Nordic, and who derived their Nordic blood from their linguistic ancestors, the Franks. The Nordic sub-type of the Franks is that of the Keltic Iron Age. They have absorbed, especially in western Flanders, a certain amount of Borreby blood by intermarriage with the earlier inhabitants of the Flemish plain, who lived there in small numbers before this plain had been dyked and drained. The Walloons are the descendants of the large-headed highland population of the Neolithic, which was of mixed Alpine and Borreby derivation. To this has been added a Nordic accretion, and the actual metrical differences between Flemings and Walloons, while consistent, are not great. Only the inhabitants of the province of Luxemburg may be called Alpines in the strict sense, and their relationship is clearly with Lorraine and Burgundy.

Thus overall Flemings are Nordics ( with borreby admixture), while Walloons are Borreby ( with nordic admixtures). Walloons of the Luxembourg province are Alpine-Borreby ( with nordic admixture).

09-30-2022, 08:18 AM

09-30-2022, 10:11 AM
Belgium is not Spain. Ok Conquistador! It is in North-West Europe ( Nordic zone).

I know the map of Europe, more or less. ;) Not everyone can be as fortunate as we are geographically.

09-30-2022, 10:13 AM
I know the map of Europe, more or less. ;) Not everyone can be as fortunate as we are geographically.

Ok, then. Good for you.

09-30-2022, 10:15 AM
No surprises. There are Alpines or Subnordids in the Belgian population and more so among Walloons than Flemish. No one claimed that all Belgians are blond-haired and have blue eyes either. Rather that the bulk of the population is more Nordic in race than anything else. The majority of adults are intermediate in hair color, with the majority being light-eyed ( no region falls below 55% for light eyes). On individual basis, people may vary. I am talking as a whole. Belgian men with an average of 182cm are the second tallest in the world after the Netherlands.

The joke is on you.

I simply relate what I see. About the clear eyes as well as with the Germans or Dutch and other Nordic even from a few meters you see big blue eyes in the case of the Belgians it does not happen even if they have blue eyes you would have to be a hand span away to see that they have blue eyes, it is a difference that I have also observed.

These observations simply do not indicate that someone is the role model because in Europe there is no role model and no one is the example if someone thinks otherwise it will be his problem. hehe

09-30-2022, 10:18 AM
Belgium and the Netherlands do not just belong the Nordic race, but also to the Northern European branch ( «Nordish») of Europid family.

09-30-2022, 10:26 AM
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjMfvbJt_2MRAFubSq8vkOglVEynRWnnq3GRB3aOQjkC5 69ARlbomMgPfMHf6Wah8iciNQVecqPHw72jje9we5IrBSEfnw5 I-ji8kcELhWUTFQRfGwDJIP6X6hGzPUPx0laOYITtIYyCLbxGb1D RGTzlCaikKY7-peS4wdzVzdL6NdBrnY9-ozCBYNO/s960/fotomediterr%C3%A1neo.jpg

And we feel very Western and?

I don't know what would have become of you if you had had to deal with all this, Europe would probably not exist.

09-30-2022, 10:41 AM
I simply relate what I see. About the clear eyes as well as with the Germans or Dutch and other Nordic even from a few meters you see big blue eyes in the case of the Belgians it does not happen even if they have blue eyes you would have to be a hand span away to see that they have blue eyes, it is a difference that I have also observed.

These observations simply do not indicate that someone is the role model because in Europe there is no role model and no one is the example if someone thinks otherwise it will be his problem. hehe

By the way, there is a variety of blue and other light eyes. Going from deep or pure blue to very light blue nearly gray. I understand that you are talking from your observation. I was just relaying anthropological facts. The Netherlands and Germany, particularly their northern regions have more blond-haired, blue-eyed types than Belgium as a whole. Belgium and the northern part of France lay at the end of the Nordic racial zone.

09-30-2022, 10:53 AM
The majority of ethnic Belgian adults tend to be slender, pale-skinned, brown-haired, light-eyed. Blondes tend to be more common in Flanders, while redheads more common in Wallonia. Differences between Flemish and Walloons are not great by any stretch rather are consistent. Well, I am not slender, rather a pretty big dude with ginger hair.

Some Flemish gals;



Cristiano viejo
09-30-2022, 05:34 PM
Belgium is not Spain. Ok Conquistador! It is in North-West Europe ( Nordic zone).

Belgium WAS part of Spain, one of our colonies. We know very well where is located and no, it is not in North Europe.

09-30-2022, 11:03 PM
Belgium WAS part of Spain, one of our colonies. We know very well where is located and no, it is not in North Europe.

Oh please hush. Despite the fact that Iberian/Spanish/Moorish-looking soldiers invaded the Low Countries. No Spanish blood was found in Flanders and the Netherlands!!!


Your Spanish rapist soldiers did not get a chance here. No sane Belgian women went for them. The Nordic blood was kept intact.

Cristiano viejo
09-30-2022, 11:31 PM
Oh please hush. Despite the fact that Iberian/Spanish/Moorish-looking soldiers invaded the Low Countries. No Spanish blood was found in Flanders and the Netherlands!!!


Your Spanish rapist soldiers did not get a chance here. No sane Belgian women went for them. The Nordic blood was kept intact.

No need of raping ugly Mongoloid Kevin de Bruyne-looking Belgian women.

10-01-2022, 01:35 AM
No need of raping ugly Mongoloid Kevin de Bruyne-looking Belgian women.

No need for your swarthy Moorish genes here. They wanted to keep it Northern European racially. Unless we’ll end looking like Zwart Piet.

10-01-2022, 01:54 AM
No need of raping ugly Mongoloid Kevin de Bruyne-looking Belgian women.

The research demonstrates that no 'Spanish blood' runs through the veins of the Flemish population and of Dutchmen in the south of the Netherlands.

10-01-2022, 03:13 AM
Not fully Nordic but White nonetheless.

10-01-2022, 02:09 PM
Lol, you don't know Slavs then, many can pass perfectly in the north west of Europe, especially Serbians, Bosnians, Russians, Ukranians and some Poles.
Look at the resemblance between Belgian Ingrid Seynhaeve and Claudia Schiffer.

Ingrid Seynhaeve from Flanders ( Belgium)
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTg4MDAzODc0MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwODQ0MDY1._V1_U Y1200_CR121,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg

Claudia Schaffer (Germany)
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTQ3NDI5MTgzNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMDE4ODk0._V1_U Y264_CR5,0,178,264_AL_.jpg

Claudia Schiffer has a slightly smaller and “flatter” nose, I’d say.

10-01-2022, 05:01 PM
People squint their eye when they smile, Oliver...

The two Belgian men below fit within the Northern Cromagnid with Nordic admixture.

Cristiano viejo
10-01-2022, 11:54 PM
No need for your swarthy Moorish genes here. They wanted to keep it Northern European racially. Unless we’ll end looking like Zwart Piet.

Swarthy genes are highly widespread in Belgium, sorry if hurts.

10-02-2022, 01:21 AM
Swarthy genes are highly widespread in Belgium, sorry if hurts.

You’re Spanish. Don’t say anything. Talking about dark, ha! ha! ha! Morocco is closer to you than Belgium. As Albert Camus said “Africa begins at the Pyrenees.”

Cristiano viejo
10-02-2022, 01:24 AM
You’re Spanish. Don’t say anything. Talking about dark, ha! ha! ha! Morocco is closer to you than Belgium. As Napoleon said “Africa begins at the Pyrenees.”

And this is said by a Belgian, when Brussels is 50% Moroccan :lol:

Indeed Africa starts at the Pyrinees

10-02-2022, 01:35 AM
You’re Spanish. Don’t say anything. Talking about dark, ha! ha! ha! Morocco is closer to you than Belgium. As Albert Camus said “Africa begins at the Pyrenees.”

Albert Camus never said that , i would bet my mother you never readed a single sentence writen by him.
Maybe you meant the bald faggot Renauld Camus?

10-02-2022, 01:42 AM
Albert Camus never said that , i would bet my mother you never readed a single sentence writen by him.
Maybe you meant the bald faggot Renauld Camus?

I know Sartre like I know the palm of my hand. Charlotte Sartre, no idea about the cross-eyed Frenchman. :propeller:

Cristiano viejo
10-02-2022, 01:46 AM
Albert Camus never said that , i would bet my mother you never readed a single sentence writen by him.
Maybe you meant the bald faggot Renauld Camus?
Septentrion is very ignorant, he edited his own post. First he named Napoleon, then Albert Camus (who was half Spanish by the way). He does not know not even what he claims :laugh:

10-02-2022, 02:57 AM
Albert Camus never said that , i would bet my mother you never readed a single sentence writen by him.
Maybe you meant the bald faggot Renauld Camus?

Shut up. I am not into that gender revolution nonsense! Albert Camus said it, this is where I got it from.


You still wanna bet your mom?

10-02-2022, 03:08 AM
And this is said by a Belgian, when Brussels is 50% Moroccan :lol:

Indeed Africa starts at the Pyrinees

You don’t want to have me put my wrath on Spain. It’s gonna be worse than the defeat of the great Spanish Armada by pale white-skinned Brits.

Cristiano viejo
10-02-2022, 11:59 AM
You don’t want to have me put my wrath on Spain. It’s gonna be worse than the defeat of the great Spanish Armada by pale white-skinned Brits.

The Spanish Armada just was ONE BATTLE of a war that Spain won to pale white skinned Brits (with the collaboration of our vassals the Belgians, hehe), idiot, so I should be zero worried with such threats ;)

10-02-2022, 01:13 PM
The Spanish Armada just was ONE BATTLE of a war that Spain won to pale white skinned Brits (with the collaboration of our vassals the Belgians, hehe), idiot, so I should be zero worried with such threats ;)

That one battle was decisive enough to start the ending of the Spanish supremacy of the seas. The Mediterranean race began their decline leaving place to the Nordics. We did well to collaborate to move you out. No wonder there was no genetic exchange. They obviously didn’t like you.

Cristiano viejo
10-02-2022, 01:25 PM
That one battle was decisive enough to start the ending of the Spanish supremacy of the seas.

hahaha, cool story ;)

The treaty restored the status quo ante bellum; the terms were favourable both to Spain and England. For Spain the treaty secured her position as a leading power in the world. Spain's upgrading of the convoy system had allowed it to defend its treasure fleets and retain its New World colonies. English support for the Dutch rebellion against the Spanish king, the original cause of the war, ceased. The Spanish could then concentrate their efforts on the Dutch, in the hopes of bringing them to their knees. A complete abandonment of the Dutch cause, however, was not promised in the treaty. The English-held cautionary towns in Holland on the other hand were not surrendered despite Spanish demands. The sieges of Ostend and Sluis were allowed to continue until the end of those respective campaigns. The Dutch by 1607 had in fact prevailed; the Spanish did not deliver their knock out blow they had hoped for and the Twelve Years' Truce effectively recognized the independence of the Republic.

For England the treaty was a diplomatic triumph as well as an economic necessity. At the same time, the treaty was highly unpopular with the English public, many of whom considered it a humiliating peace. Many felt that James had abandoned England's ally, the Netherlands, in order to appease the Spanish crown and this damaged James's popularity. The treaty, however, made sure the Protestant reformation there had been protected, and James and his ministers refused the Spanish demand for Catholic toleration in England. After the defeat at Kinsale in 1602, the Treaty of Mellifont was concluded the following year between James I and the Irish rebels. In the subsequent London treaty Spain pledged not to support the rebels.

The treaty was well received in Spain. Large public celebrations were held at Valladolid, the Spanish capital, where the treaty was ratified in June 1605, in the presence of a large English ambassadorial delegation led by Lord Admiral Charles Howard. Nevertheless, some members of the Catholic clergy criticized Philip III's willingness to sign a treaty with a "heretical power".

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Spanish_War_(1585%E2%80%931604)#Treaty_and_afterma th

10-02-2022, 01:54 PM
hahaha, cool story ;)

The treaty restored the status quo ante bellum; the terms were favourable both to Spain and England. For Spain the treaty secured her position as a leading power in the world. Spain's upgrading of the convoy system had allowed it to defend its treasure fleets and retain its New World colonies. English support for the Dutch rebellion against the Spanish king, the original cause of the war, ceased. The Spanish could then concentrate their efforts on the Dutch, in the hopes of bringing them to their knees. A complete abandonment of the Dutch cause, however, was not promised in the treaty. The English-held cautionary towns in Holland on the other hand were not surrendered despite Spanish demands. The sieges of Ostend and Sluis were allowed to continue until the end of those respective campaigns. The Dutch by 1607 had in fact prevailed; the Spanish did not deliver their knock out blow they had hoped for and the Twelve Years' Truce effectively recognized the independence of the Republic.

For England the treaty was a diplomatic triumph as well as an economic necessity. At the same time, the treaty was highly unpopular with the English public, many of whom considered it a humiliating peace. Many felt that James had abandoned England's ally, the Netherlands, in order to appease the Spanish crown and this damaged James's popularity. The treaty, however, made sure the Protestant reformation there had been protected, and James and his ministers refused the Spanish demand for Catholic toleration in England. After the defeat at Kinsale in 1602, the Treaty of Mellifont was concluded the following year between James I and the Irish rebels. In the subsequent London treaty Spain pledged not to support the rebels.

The treaty was well received in Spain. Large public celebrations were held at Valladolid, the Spanish capital, where the treaty was ratified in June 1605, in the presence of a large English ambassadorial delegation led by Lord Admiral Charles Howard. Nevertheless, some members of the Catholic clergy criticized Philip III's willingness to sign a treaty with a "heretical power".

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Spanish_War_(1585%E2%80%931604)#Treaty_and_afterma th

Ok enough of your inferiority complexes. Spain is indeed one of the swarthiest population in Europe. Spain never recovered from that battle, her supremacy was done forever. 1588, was a good year for our ancestors in Flanders who rejoiced when the so-called “invincible” Spanish Armada was destroyed. «Invincible?» ha!ha!ha!ha!ha!

Cristiano viejo
10-02-2022, 02:15 PM
Ok enough of your inferiority complexes. Spain is indeed one of the swarthiest population in Europe. Spain never recovered from that battle, her supremacy was done forever. 1588, was a good year for our ancestors in Flanders who rejoiced when the so-called “invincible” Spanish Armada was destroyed. «Invincible?» ha!ha!ha!ha!ha!

Spain continue ruling the world until the xviii century, baby... always counting with the collaboration of our more loyal vassals, the Belgians :D

10-02-2022, 08:00 PM
I'm sorry to do it but here I have to agree with CV, how can you defend the purity of your ethnic group when at the same time you let your country be filled with this type of people.
Brussels alone has a huge number of North Africans more on average than in southern Europe.
https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/e0d4c2c9136f0222876be89d1cb1ea53?impolicy=wcms_cro p_resize&cropH=1688&cropW=3000&xPos=0&yPos=0&width=862&height=485
It's no use that you presume to be Nordic when in a short time that will disappear.

10-02-2022, 09:45 PM
I'm sorry to do it but here I have to agree with CV, how can you defend the purity of your ethnic group when at the same time you let your country be filled with this type of people.
Brussels alone has a huge number of North Africans more on average than in southern Europe.
https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/e0d4c2c9136f0222876be89d1cb1ea53?impolicy=wcms_cro p_resize&cropH=1688&cropW=3000&xPos=0&yPos=0&width=862&height=485
It's no use that you presume to be Nordic when in a short time that will disappear.

absolutly true,but they don't be seem to be north african maghrebis ,more middle eastern MENAs or kurds/turks/afghanis etc.. or from islamised central asian steps ,supported as always by the never-ending shitty trotkist feminist dyke wetting for the lumpenproletariat

Cristiano viejo
10-02-2022, 09:48 PM
absolutly true,but they don't be seem to be north african maghrebis ,more middle eastern MENAs or kurds/turks/afghanis etc.. or from islamised central asian steps ,supported as always by the never-ending shitty trotkist feminist dyke wetting for the lumpenproletariat

They are Moroccans mostly.

10-03-2022, 08:20 AM
I'm sorry to do it but here I have to agree with CV, how can you defend the purity of your ethnic group when at the same time you let your country be filled with this type of people.
Brussels alone has a huge number of North Africans more on average than in southern Europe.
https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/e0d4c2c9136f0222876be89d1cb1ea53?impolicy=wcms_cro p_resize&cropH=1688&cropW=3000&xPos=0&yPos=0&width=862&height=485
It's no use that you presume to be Nordic when in a short time that will disappear.

Brussels is the capital of the European Union and it is also the capital of NATO which is the most powerful military organization in the solar system. Therefore attracts large numbers of refugees, immigrants from various parts of the world. People are generally attracted to go live in wealthier nations, right? Belgium is one of them. As well as many countries in Western and Northern Europe. Most countries due to the Human Rights charters have to let in unfortunate people. Southern Europe is less wealthy, so even refugees don’t want to stay there. They want to go to the racially Nordic lands. When I speak about the Nordic race, I am referring to ethnic Europeans ( Whites) not people of other races. Although I’m not a racist. Ha!hha!ha!ha!ha! The Nordic race will not disappear as the majority of the people tend to stick to their own kind. Only a minority blends. Most Immigrants of non-Europeans live with their kinds, most ethnic Belgians with their kind. Although going through the city, it looks very diverse. The same happens in the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany and so on. Non-European ( non-White) people also have debates about their race and some also want to conserve their race just as we do. So don’t get it twisted.

10-03-2022, 08:44 AM
Spain continue ruling the world until the xviii century, baby... always counting with the collaboration of our more loyal vassals, the Belgians :D

Spain continues what? Ha!ha!ha!ha! The ruling part has ceased to be with Spain for a long time. Where have you been? When the British won. It was over for Spain, never again will she rule. It is the Anglos which are in power to this day. Belgium existence was due to British support, not Spain!!!!!

10-03-2022, 09:21 AM
According to Septentrion, Belgians are Nordic people and Belgium is a Nordic country.

Yes, the bulk of the Belgian population is Nordic by race. Flanders ( northern Belgium) in particular, is predominantly Nordic especially of Keltic or Frankish Nordic class.

Cristiano viejo
10-03-2022, 03:54 PM
People are generally attracted to go live in wealthier nations, right? Belgium is one of them. As well as many countries in Western and Northern Europe. Most countries due to the Human Rights charters have to let in unfortunate people. Southern Europe is less wealthy, so even refugees don’t want to stay there. They want to go to the racially Nordic lands.
juassss, I wish this stupidity was true.

Spain continues what? Ha!ha!ha!ha! The ruling part has ceased to be with Spain for a long time. Where have you been? When the British won. It was over for Spain, never again will she rule. It is the Anglos which are in power to this day. Belgium existence was due to British support, not Spain!!!!!
Thanks Spain Belgium and Netherlands separated themselves forever and ever :thumb001:

You were our loyalest vassals, I appreciate this :thumb001:

Yes, the bulk of the Belgian population is Nordic by race.

Juaaas, you wish.

10-03-2022, 04:08 PM
juassss, I wish this stupidity was true.

Thanks Spain Belgium and Netherlands separated themselves forever and ever :thumb001:

You were our loyalest vassals, I appreciate this :thumb001:

Juaaas, you wish.

No. You wish that Spain was in North-West Europe. Oh well, too bad it isn’t. Live with it. Morocco is right next door. You’ve had years after years of Northern African colonization from the times of Ancient Carthage and some 700 years of Moorish occupation. You might have cousins among Moroccans immigrants or refugees living here in Brussels. Who knows?
You both have Moorish and Carthaginian ancestors!

Cristiano viejo
10-03-2022, 04:38 PM
No. You wish that Spain was in North-West Europe. Oh well, too bad it isn’t. Live with it. Morocco is right next door. You’ve had years after years of Northern African colonization from the times of Ancient Carthage and some 700 years of Moorish occupation. You might have cousins among Moroccans immigrants or refugees living here in Brussels. Who knows?
You both have Moorish and Carthaginian ancestors!

Morocco maybe is right next door Spain... but literally is at the heart of Belgium :lol:

I maybe have Moroccan cousins but for sure you will have Moroccan children :rotfl

10-03-2022, 05:23 PM
Morocco maybe is right next door Spain... but literally is at the heart of Belgium :lol:

I maybe have Moroccan cousins but for sure you will have Moroccan children :rotfl.

Do not self hate. Moor. “I will have Moroccan children”, but you are already a Moor! Ha!ha!ha!

Cristiano viejo
10-03-2022, 05:29 PM

Do not self hate. Moor. “I will have Moroccan children”, but you are already a Moor! Ha!ha!ha!

Why should I be a Moor? are you a Spaniard maybe? because we conquered and ruled you for centuries and unlike Moors in Spain we were not defeated and expelled by natives (lol, how Belgians could expel us, if they were our loyalest servants? :rolleyes:) :laugh:

10-03-2022, 06:08 PM
Why should I be a Moor? are you a Spaniard maybe? because we conquered and ruled you for centuries and unlike Moors in Spain we were not defeated and expelled by natives (lol, how Belgians could expel us, if they were our loyalest servants? :rolleyes:) :laugh:

Conquered? You conquered scratch! Our women did not want you. Your genetic imprint here was null. We, Belgians are wicked smart. You’d better watch out. We were playing the game as if we were your allies as Spain was the most powerful nation then. However, we made sure there was no intermixing whatsoever.
Nevertheless, the Northern Africans Moors left their genetic imprint for sure in Iberia.

Cristiano viejo
10-03-2022, 06:23 PM
Conquered? You conquered scratch! Our women did not want you. Your genetic imprint here was null. We, Belgians are wicked smart. You’d better watch out. We were playing the game as if we were your allies as Spain was the most powerful nation then. However, we made sure there was no intermixing whatsoever.
Nevertheless, the Northern Africans Moors left their genetic imprint for sure in Iberia.

Yes, conquered, domesticated and ruled, hehe

Spanish Netherlands (historically in Spanish: Flandes, the name "Flanders" was used as a pars pro toto) was the Habsburg Netherlands ruled by the Spanish branch of the Habsburgs from 1556 to 1714. They were a collection of States of the Holy Roman Empire in the Low Countries held in personal union by the Spanish Crown (also called Habsburg Spain). This region comprised most of the modern states of Belgium and Luxembourg, as well as parts of northern France, the southern Netherlands, and western Germany with the capital being Brussels. The Army of Flanders was given the task of defending the territory.


I insist, the Belgians were the best servants of all :D

10-03-2022, 09:31 PM
Yes, conquered, domesticated and ruled, hehe

Spanish Netherlands (historically in Spanish: Flandes, the name "Flanders" was used as a pars pro toto) was the Habsburg Netherlands ruled by the Spanish branch of the Habsburgs from 1556 to 1714. They were a collection of States of the Holy Roman Empire in the Low Countries held in personal union by the Spanish Crown (also called Habsburg Spain). This region comprised most of the modern states of Belgium and Luxembourg, as well as parts of northern France, the southern Netherlands, and western Germany with the capital being Brussels. The Army of Flanders was given the task of defending the territory.


I insist, the Belgians were the best servants of all :D

Serve them, but no interracial mixing. There was a form of apartheid or segregation between the swarthy invaders of Southern Europe and fair-complected inhabitants of Western Europe. What do you expect? Brussels has been always at the center of things great . Not surprising it was the capital then too, as it is now of the entire European Union. No wonder also why Zwart Piete / Black Pete in our Dutch tradition is a Moor from Madrid and is a servant of a very Germanic-looking Sinter-Klaas ( Santa Claus).

10-03-2022, 09:43 PM
Brussels is the capital of the European Union and it is also the capital of NATO which is the most powerful military organization in the solar system. Therefore attracts large numbers of refugees, immigrants from various parts of the world. People are generally attracted to go live in wealthier nations, right? Belgium is one of them. As well as many countries in Western and Northern Europe. Most countries due to the Human Rights charters have to let in unfortunate people. Southern Europe is less wealthy, so even refugees don’t want to stay there. They want to go to the racially Nordic lands. When I speak about the Nordic race, I am referring to ethnic Europeans ( Whites) not people of other races. Although I’m not a racist. Ha!hha!ha!ha!ha! The Nordic race will not disappear as the majority of the people tend to stick to their own kind. Only a minority blends. Most Immigrants of non-Europeans live with their kinds, most ethnic Belgians with their kind. Although going through the city, it looks very diverse. The same happens in the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany and so on. Non-European ( non-White) people also have debates about their race and some also want to conserve their race just as we do. So don’t get it twisted.

The thing is not that the Nordic race disappears, the coes is that they will become a minority in their own nation, it is true that many non-European immigrants want to go to those countries but in part it is thanks to the pro-immigration policies of the European Union for example Only the eastern countries like the Czech Republic have a much stricter immigration policy than the western ones, Spain and Italy also receive a lot of immigration from North Africa but they, unlike those from the north except Germany and the UK, have 5 times their population Those from the north, on the other hand, have few million original inhabitants and on top of that they receive gigantic proportions of immigrants, so much so that the cities will seem to be from Africa instead of Europe. They are the ones that most promote the policy of welcoming refugees, in the future these immigrants will receive nationality and they will multiply twice as much as the ethnic ones so there is no need for them to mix with the Europeans, you just have to compare how It was Brussels 30 or 40 years ago and how it is now.

Aren't you ashamed to defend that?

10-03-2022, 11:14 PM
Double post

10-03-2022, 11:17 PM
The thing is not that the Nordic race disappears, the coes is that they will become a minority in their own nation, it is true that many non-European immigrants want to go to those countries but in part it is thanks to the pro-immigration policies of the European Union for example Only the eastern countries like the Czech Republic have a much stricter immigration policy than the western ones, Spain and Italy also receive a lot of immigration from North Africa but they, unlike those from the north except Germany and the UK, have 5 times their population Those from the north, on the other hand, have few million original inhabitants and on top of that they receive gigantic proportions of immigrants, so much so that the cities will seem to be from Africa instead of Europe. They are the ones that most promote the policy of welcoming refugees, in the future these immigrants will receive nationality and they will multiply twice as much as the ethnic ones so there is no need for them to mix with the Europeans, you just have to compare how It was Brussels 30 or 40 years ago and how it is now.

Aren't you ashamed to defend that?

You are actually wrong. Europe is getting very tough on immigration. Especially now that resources and the luxury that Western Europeans enjoyed for a long time is getting scarce by the day. Currency instability as well, Europeans are becoming more and more restless. Social class standings between immigrants and ethnic Europeans have not changed for 40 years. They are actually getting worse. Even for those who obtained nationality. Remember the European dream is not the American dream. It is a nightmare! Go and talk to non-European immigrants and find out how hard their life is. Very soon, other non-European nations are going to become wealthier and take the lead. Immigrants will go there.

10-04-2022, 01:00 AM
Shut up. I am not into that gender revolution nonsense! Albert Camus said it, this is where I got it from.


You still wanna bet your mom?

These sources were very dubious as impossible to verify or find other references about, but aperently they are from a single book that suposedly somehow
took notes that Camus said that sentence in a unknown context during a convention, it only got noted in Paul F Smets´s book from 1985(25 years after Camus death),god knows his sources,
Camus mother was spanish and he knew africa very well as he was born in algeria, he would recognice that sentence as dumb and a silly teasing joke.If you speak french and can buy the book you can do so, i couldnt find it available for free.
Anyway at least you send the source, points to you, but i would be more careful in blindly taking quote sites as a trustfull reference.

10-04-2022, 09:40 AM
These sources were very dubious as impossible to verify or find other references about, but aperently they are from a single book that suposedly somehow
took notes that Camus said that sentence in a unknown context during a convention, it only got noted in Paul F Smets´s book from 1985(25 years after Camus death),god knows his sources,
Camus mother was spanish and he knew africa very well as he was born in algeria, he would recognice that sentence as dumb and a silly teasing joke.If you speak french and can buy the book you can do so, i couldnt find it available for free.
Anyway at least you send the source, points to you, but i would be more careful in blindly taking quote sites as a trustfull reference.

Yeah right! You are very dubious. All you have to do, look it up yourself and see if A. Camus never wrote that.

Cristiano viejo
10-04-2022, 03:54 PM
Serve them, but no interracial mixing. There was a form of apartheid or segregation between the swarthy invaders of Southern Europe and fair-complected inhabitants of Western Europe. What do you expect?
No idea if we mixed with pig faces like Belgians but it is more than possible.

Brussels has been always at the center of things great . Not surprising it was the capital then too, as it is now of the entire European Union. No wonder also why Zwart Piete / Black Pete in our Dutch tradition is a Moor from Madrid and is a servant of a very Germanic-looking Sinter-Klaas ( Santa Claus).

Brussels was the capital of the Spanish Netherlands and subordinated to Spain, they were very happy being our servants :D

Now enjoy the millions of Moors there are in Brussels and Belgium, your stupid people will dissapear before this century has finished, finally :D

10-04-2022, 06:19 PM
No idea if we mixed with pig faces like Belgians but it is more than possible.

Brussels was the capital of the Spanish Netherlands and subordinated to Spain, they were very happy being our servants :D

Now enjoy the millions of Moors there are in Brussels and Belgium, your stupid people will dissapear before this century has finished, finally :D

Stupid people? Look who is saying it? True Spanish European people had already disappeared 700 years ago. Right ?

10-04-2022, 06:21 PM
Albert Camus never said that , i would bet my mother you never readed a single sentence writen by him.
Maybe you meant the bald faggot Renauld Camus?

Oh! Please Hush!!!!

Cristiano viejo
10-04-2022, 06:34 PM
Stupid people? Look who is saying it? True Spanish European people had already disappeared 700 years ago. Right ?

700 years ago? how is that? Spanish are an uniform people the last 1500 years according genetic :thumb001:

Yes, Belgians are stupid people. They can no be French, they can not be Dutch. Belgium is a fictional country. And one small and now filled with immigrants. That means exctinction.

Definitely one of the most irrelevant European people ever.

10-04-2022, 08:30 PM
700 years ago? how is that? Spanish are an uniform people the last 1500 years according genetic :thumb001:

Yes, Belgians are stupid people. They can no be French, they can not be Dutch. Belgium is a fictional country. And one small and now filled with immigrants. That means exctinction.

Definitely one of the most irrelevant European people ever.

Swarthy fool! I said 700 years ago, because that’s when Moorish invaders ( Your ancestors) came to invade and intermixed thoroughly with Iberians! You might be a Moor from Tombouktou!!!! Ha!ha!ha!ha! Belgians irrelevant ? This is why Brussels is the capital of the EU and NATO and it’s in Belgium.

10-04-2022, 08:46 PM
According to Septentrion, Belgians are Nordic people and Belgium is a Nordic country.

Belgians are not just Nordid in race, but are pretty Nordish (Nordo-Cromagnid+Nordid umbrella of races).

10-05-2022, 03:15 AM
France and not Eastern Europe?
I see more Nordics in Austria and South Germany than in France, if we talk about Nordics in general.

Do not be deceived. There is a very blonde-haired and blue-eyed Finnish woman.
However, she is not Nordid, rather belongs to East Baltic subtype of Northeastern Europe.

Cristiano viejo
10-05-2022, 03:25 PM
Swarthy fool! I said 700 years ago, because that’s when Moorish invaders ( Your ancestors) came to invade and intermixed thoroughly with Iberians! You might be a Moor from Tombouktou!!!! Ha!ha!ha!ha! Belgians irrelevant ? This is why Brussels is the capital of the EU and NATO and it’s in Belgium.
You are so incredibily ignorant that think Moors (the ancestors of future Belgians) came to Iberia 700 years ago ie in the year 1300 :lol:

Make a favour yourself, stop talking about history. My dog knows more than you about this.

10-06-2022, 01:48 AM
700 years ago? how is that? Spanish are an uniform people the last 1500 years according genetic :thumb001:

Yes, Belgians are stupid people. They can no be French, they can not be Dutch. Belgium is a fictional country. And one small and now filled with immigrants. That means exctinction.

Definitely one of the most irrelevant European people ever.
I actually agree with that. They are a group of foreigners (Germans & French) who invaded a no man's land and agreed to share there ethnicity and culture there. Not sure why that happened? Belgium is as fictional as fucking Esperanto. Switzerland too - just a mishmash of Italians, Germans and French. Natural beauty with mutts. No true identity. I find it fucking odd that these two multiethnic nations are one of the richest in Europe! :confused:

Conquered? You conquered scratch! Our women did not want you. Your genetic imprint here was null. We, Belgians are wicked smart. You’d better watch out. We were playing the game as if we were your allies as Spain was the most powerful nation then. However, we made sure there was no intermixing whatsoever.
Nevertheless, the Northern Africans Moors left their genetic imprint for sure in Iberia.
And that's the beauty of it! Some diversity in the print! You Belgians, Dutch, Germans are fucking cardboard cuts - you all look the same! But cristiano doesn't know how to insult so he goes with "you are all swarthy med" bullshit cos he's insecure and ignorant about races (sorry cristo). How about, you all look like clones, white, bland, blue eyed....Cookie cutter people. Spaniards and Iberians in generally are fucking diverse, including all Southern Europeans. They don't fuck their own relatives! So at least they're not inbred people like you cardboard cuts? They get out more? :bored:

10-06-2022, 12:35 PM
I actually agree with that. They are a group of foreigners (Germans & French) who invaded a no man's land and agreed to share there ethnicity and culture there. Not sure why that happened? Belgium is as fictional as fucking Esperanto. Switzerland too - just a mishmash of Italians, Germans and French. Natural beauty with mutts. No true identity. I find it fucking odd that these two multiethnic nations are one of the richest in Europe! :confused:

And that's the beauty of it! Some diversity in the print! You Belgians, Dutch, Germans are fucking cardboard cuts - you all look the same! But cristiano doesn't know how to insult so he goes with "you are all swarthy med" bullshit cos he's insecure and ignorant about races (sorry cristo). How about, you all look like clones, white, bland, blue eyed....Cookie cutter people. Spaniards and Iberians in generally are fucking diverse, including all Southern Europeans. They don't fuck their own relatives! So at least they're not inbred people like you cardboard cuts? They get out more? :bored:

At least you have a sense of humor and good comebacks. You should help Cristiano as he is too weak, absolutely no match for me.

Cristiano viejo
10-07-2022, 03:39 PM
And that's the beauty of it! Some diversity in the print! You Belgians, Dutch, Germans are fucking cardboard cuts - you all look the same! But cristiano doesn't know how to insult so he goes with "you are all swarthy med" bullshit cos he's insecure and ignorant about races (sorry cristo). How about, you all look like clones, white, bland, blue eyed....Cookie cutter people. Spaniards and Iberians in generally are fucking diverse, including all Southern Europeans. They don't fuck their own relatives! So at least they're not inbred people like you cardboard cuts? They get out more? :bored:

Yes, I am very insecure because I say an obvious thing: that Belgians are not Nordic :lol:

10-15-2022, 06:38 PM
Yes, I am very insecure because I say an obvious thing: that Belgians are not Nordic :lol:

Sure you are very insecure, Southern Euro. You don’t say the obvious rather you are just confused and don’t understand anything. By Nordic, it’s meant racially and it is the most common phenotype in our population. Geographically Nordic are Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Faroe Islands. Racially the Nordic race spreads out from Scandinavia to the Baltic region, North Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Northern France and the British Isles.

10-15-2022, 06:52 PM
According to Septentrion, Belgians are Nordic people and Belgium is a Nordic country.

The Nordid is only a sub-race or a just a branch of a greater, larger Northern European race. The frequency of the Northern European is strongest in the following ethnic European populations:

Belgium - 95%
Denmark - 100%
England - 100%
Finland and Baltic States - 95%
Germany - 80%
Iceland - 100%
Ireland - 100%
Netherlands - 100%
Norway - 100%
Scotland - 100%
Sweden - 100%
Wales - 100%

Cristiano viejo
10-15-2022, 09:22 PM
Sure you are very insecure, Southern Euro.
It is you who is insecure, Central Euro. I know I am South Euro, you hate being Central Euro. Sorry, you are not Scandinavian.

10-16-2022, 12:25 AM
Yes, I am very insecure because I say an obvious thing: that Belgians are not Nordic :lol:
It's all relative, cutie. :thumb001: Belgians are only '''nordic''' compared to southern euros; Italians, Spaniards and Greeks. Now are they a predominantly and generally nordic? No. Can't we just accept that the average belgian is more nordic than a southerners euro? This doesn't fucking mean the southern euro is a morrocan inbred brownie! There are middle grounds....Jesus man, all this fight with you two is going nowhere :rolleyes2:

Cristiano viejo
10-16-2022, 10:20 AM
It's all relative, cutie. :thumb001: Belgians are only '''nordic''' compared to southern euros; Italians, Spaniards and Greeks.

This is an absolutely stupid argument. It is like saying Greeks are Nordic compared with Ethiopians :lol:

Belgians are not Nordic in any way, nothing wrong with that.

10-16-2022, 10:51 PM
When I see an average Belgian I don't see him Nordic, obviously I don't see him as med either, I would see a Nordic as Swedish or Norwegian, Kevin de Bruyne is not even close to the majority of the Belgian population.

10-17-2022, 12:27 AM
This is an absolutely stupid argument. It is like saying Greeks are Nordic compared with Ethiopians :lol:

Belgians are not Nordic in any way, nothing wrong with that.
Er no, it's a mathematically plausible argument. Why remove the latter part of what I said? That's stupid itself. Cos I made a decent point. :coffee:

Greek and ethiopian is a huge stretch. You created a false equivalence there bubby :coffee: And yeah, Belgians aint generally nordic, but you'd still have a higher percentage of nordic types there than in Spain, greece, italy, etc.

I counted 6 Nords here:

And maybe 3 here:

Who gives a fuck? One is more northern than the other in general, so what I'm saying makes fucking biological sense!

10-17-2022, 02:31 AM
It is you who is insecure, Central Euro. I know I am South Euro, you hate being Central Euro. Sorry, you are not Scandinavian.

Belgium is not in Scandinavia, but in North-West Europe! I am not a Scandinavian. I am a proud North-West European. Spaniard, get your geography straight, our country isn’t in Central Europe. Gosh! Is that how bad are your schools over there in Iberia?

10-17-2022, 02:38 AM
This is an absolutely stupid argument. It is like saying Greeks are Nordic compared with Ethiopians :lol:

Belgians are not Nordic in any way, nothing wrong with that.

Greeks belong to the White race, while Ethiopians belong to the Black race. So you are being totally out of context. It is better for you to shut your mouth instead of uttering such irrationality.

10-17-2022, 02:44 AM
This is an absolutely stupid argument. It is like saying Greeks are Nordic compared with Ethiopians :lol:

Belgians are not Nordic in any way, nothing wrong with that.

The Nordic race is not only confined to Scandinavia. There are different subtypes of the Nordic sub-race. The Iron Age Nordic subtype is most frequent in NW Europe in the British Isles and the Low Countries. It is a heritage from the Ancient Belgae, Frankish tribes ( Low Countries) and the northern Kelts ( British Isles).

Cristiano viejo
10-17-2022, 03:50 PM
Belgians aint generally nordic, but you'd still have a higher percentage of nordic types there than in Spain, greece, italy, etc.
Of course, nobody says the opposite and I could not care less. But that does not mean Belgium is Nordic or a North European country. Switzerland also has more Nordics than Spain, Italy etc. Is Switzerlands North Europe per chance? :rolleyes:

I counted 6 Nords here:
Time to count the Meds, because I see a lot :lol:

Belgium is not in Scandinavia, but in North-West Europe!
You wish. Belgium geographically is absolutely Central Europe


if Belgim was North Europe then countries at its latitude such as Czech Republic or Ukraine would be North Europe too, and obviously they are not.

10-18-2022, 01:24 AM
Of course, nobody says the opposite and I could not care less. But that does not mean Belgium is Nordic or a North European country. Switzerland also has more Nordics than Spain, Italy etc. Is Switzerlands North Europe per chance? :rolleyes:
Belgium is not nordic nor a northern European country, nobody said it is. Maybe serpentrion did, don't confuse him with me. Belgium is a central euro country, but due to it being more northernmost you'll naturally find more nordic types...like duh! And I agree about switzerland bubby.

Time to count the Meds, because I see a lot :lol:
I counted 3 Meds (one curly hair dude in background is clearly immigrant). One of the Med is the cute Iberian looking daddy with his arms held up :p

10-19-2022, 12:38 PM
Of course, nobody says the opposite and I could not care less. But that does not mean Belgium is Nordic or a North European country. Switzerland also has more Nordics than Spain, Italy etc. Is Switzerlands North Europe per chance? :rolleyes:

Time to count the Meds, because I see a lot :lol:

You wish. Belgium geographically is absolutely Central Europe


if Belgim was North Europe then countries at its latitude such as Czech Republic or Ukraine would be North Europe too, and obviously they are not.

I said northwestern Europe. Why don’t you ever smarten up?

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/11/Northwestern_Europe_%28orthographic_projection%29. svg/1200px-Northwestern_Europe_%28orthographic_projection%29. svg.png

10-19-2022, 12:40 PM
Belgium is not nordic nor a northern European country, nobody said it is. Maybe serpentrion did, don't confuse him with me. Belgium is a central euro country, but due to it being more northernmost you'll naturally find more nordic types...like duh! And I agree about switzerland bubby.

I counted 3 Meds (one curly hair dude in background is clearly immigrant). One of the Med is the cute Iberian looking daddy with his arms held up :p

Belgium is in northwestern Europe.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/11/Northwestern_Europe_%28orthographic_projection%29. svg/1200px-Northwestern_Europe_%28orthographic_projection%29. svg.png

There are many immigrants in Belgium as is the case in most countries in that part of Europe.
There below you have a picture of ethnic Belgians and gives a picture of what Belgians.



10-19-2022, 12:54 PM
According to Septentrion, Belgians are Nordic people and Belgium is a Nordic country.

I think I have to make things very clear so some people don’t say idiotic things. I did not say. Belgium is geographically a northwestern European country. In fact Belgium and northern France lay at the end of NW Europe. Geographically Nordic Countries are Scandinavian countries, Finland and Iceland. Racially according to physical anthropology, Belgium falls within the Nordic race. So do not misconstruct what I have said.

Cristiano viejo
10-19-2022, 04:10 PM
I said northwestern Europe. Why don’t you ever smarten up?

Northwestern Europe (some place where Belgium does not belong) yet means North Europe. You are really dumb. But really DUMB...

10-19-2022, 07:58 PM
Northwestern Europe (some place where Belgium does not belong) yet means North Europe. You are really dumb. But really DUMB...

Dumb? Who? Do you even know where NW Europe is? Smart one!

10-19-2022, 08:02 PM
Dumb? Who? Do you even know where NW Europe is? Smart one!

North west Europe is just Britain, the Netherlands, NW Germany and Denmark and western Scandinavia, Belgium is as central Euro as southern Germany and Switzerland, pigmentationally they are pretty much on the same level as the Swiss and Austrians.

10-20-2022, 01:28 AM
North west Europe is just Britain, the Netherlands, NW Germany and Denmark and western Scandinavia, Belgium is as central Euro as southern Germany and Switzerland, pigmentationally they are pretty much on the same level as the Swiss and Austrians.

This is North-West Europe!
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/11/Northwestern_Europe_%28orthographic_projection%29. svg/1200px-Northwestern_Europe_%28orthographic_projection%29. svg.png
Belgium is just across from England, borders the Netherlands. I am actually living on the border with the Netherlands. Pigmentation-wise, Belgium isn’t really like Austria or Switzerland who have higher Dinarid and Alpinid racial elements within their populations. Belgium has higher Nordid and Borreby elements than southern Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

This is Central Europe.
What are you talking about?

10-20-2022, 01:51 AM
This is North-West Europe!
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/11/Northwestern_Europe_%28orthographic_projection%29. svg/1200px-Northwestern_Europe_%28orthographic_projection%29. svg.png
Belgium is just across from England, borders the Netherlands. I am actually living on the border with the Netherlands.

This is Central Europe.
What are you talking about?

It is central Europe, at least in the ethnic sense, the UK is celtic and anglo mix, Belgium is central Euro anywhere alpine in character is central Euro and that includes squat headed Belgians.

10-20-2022, 10:42 PM
It is central Europe, at least in the ethnic sense, the UK is celtic and anglo mix, Belgium is central Euro anywhere alpine in character is central Euro and that includes squat headed Belgians.

Belgium is Frankish - Belgae mix. Both Franks and Belgae belong to the Iron Age Nordid type. Earlier inhabitants belong to a predominantly Borreby, only a minority is Alpine in race. The Alpine here is many times Borreby-inspired. Belgium is by far predominantly Northern European racially. Squat-headed? Belgium has the largest-head size in Europe outside of Ireland. This is due to a Northern European CM element. Only Northern European nation may rival Belgium or even come close. Flanders and northern France has more Nordic racial elements in its population than Southern Germany. The most Nordid regions of Germany border Flanders and the Netherlands, while the north is strongly CM in race.

10-21-2022, 01:47 AM
It is central Europe, at least in the ethnic sense, the UK is celtic and anglo mix, Belgium is central Euro anywhere alpine in character is central Euro and that includes squat headed Belgians.

Northern European race :

British Isles : 100%
Scandinavia : 100%
Netherlands : 100%
Belgium : 95%
Finland & Baltic States : 95%
Germany : 80%
Poland : 70%
Switzerland : 70%
Austria : 55%
Hungary : 39%
Czech Republic and Slovakia : 35%

10-21-2022, 02:04 AM
Northern European race :

British Isles : 100%
Scandinavia : 100%
Netherlands : 100%
Belgium : 95%
Finland & Baltic States : 95%
Germany : 80%
Poland : 70%
Switzerland : 70%
Austria : 55%
Hungary : 39%
Czech Republic and Slovakia : 35%

Belgium... A country full of atlantids and alpines.

10-21-2022, 02:33 AM
Belgium... A country full of atlantids and alpines.

Not that many Atlantids!
The Keltic or the Frankish Nordic type is the predominant racial element in Flanders. The Borreby is a major racial element in Wallonia. The Alpine in our population has strong Borreby admixture.

10-21-2022, 03:24 PM
Not that many Atlantids!
The Keltic or the Frankish Nordic type is the predominant racial element in Flanders. The Borreby is a major racial element in Wallonia. The Alpine in our population has strong Borreby admixture.

Compared to the Dutch- Belgians have more dark haired people, more pure Alpine and Med-ish types that look French/ Iberian.

10-21-2022, 03:33 PM
Compared to the Dutch- Belgians have more dark haired people, more pure Alpine and Med-ish types that look French/ Iberian.

Septentrion won't like this either but the UK has more dark haired people and less Nordid types than the Netherlands since the UK has an abundance of Atlantid types which is not even a Northern European racial type. Med-ish types are present that look French/Iberian are more present as well.

10-21-2022, 05:35 PM
Special gift. 1915 1 of September, Avranches, France

10-21-2022, 08:02 PM
Compared to the Dutch- Belgians have more dark haired people, more pure Alpine and Med-ish types that look French/ Iberian.

Please don’t be stupid. Obviously the Netherlands and Belgium both follow the normal north to south rule when it comes to blond hair and light eyes. Thus as Belgium lays in more southerly than the Netherlands, there is a lower frequency of blondness especially in comparison to the more northerly provinces of the Netherlands. While Flanders is very similar to the southern provinces of the Netherlands, while Wallonia is more similar to adjacent French regions. The Alpine type here is strongly Borreby-influenced. Our cephalic index and head size tells it all. Although Luxembourg is more strongly Alpine, as well as Austria. Atlantids as we see in western France, western Germany may be found but do not dominate. Your so-called Medish or French/Iberian is rare, but can be isolated. It has absolutely no importance here. Belgium is more CM in race than the Netherlands.

10-21-2022, 08:07 PM
Please don’t be stupid. Obviously the Netherlands and Belgium both follow the normal north to south rule when it comes to blond hair and light eyes. Thus as Belgium lays in more southerly than the Netherlands, there is a lower frequency of blondness especially in comparison to the more northerly provinces of the Netherlands. While Flanders is very similar to the southern provinces of the Netherlands, while Wallonia is more similar to adjacent French regions. The Alpine type here is strongly Borreby-influenced. Our cephalic index and head size tells it all. Although Luxembourg is more strongly Alpine, as well as Austria. Atlantids as we see in western France, western Germany may be found but do not dominate. Your so-called Medish or French/Iberian is rare, but can be isolated. It has absolutely no importance here. Belgium is more CM in race than the Netherlands.

How is he being stupid? What he said is accurate. You do realise that the Netherlands is much more Northern European than Belgium. Both in the genetic and anthropological sense.

10-21-2022, 08:10 PM
Septentrion won't like this either but the UK has more dark haired people and less Nordid types than the Netherlands since the UK has an abundance of Atlantid types which is not even a Northern European racial type. Med-ish types are present that look French/Iberian are more present as well.

How do you know? Please “don’t jump the gun” as they say. Rather be wise. You’d have to split the U.K. into the various countries it is made up of. Instead of making foolish statements such as that. Dark hair is also found in some Northern European racial types ( Nordid, CM), Both the North Atlantid and Paleo Atlantid are Northern European racial types.

10-21-2022, 08:13 PM
How do you know? Please “don’t jump the gun” as they say. Rather be wise. You’d have to split the U.K. into the various countries it is made up of. Instead of making foolish statements such as that. Dark hair is also found in some Northern European racial types ( CM types).

In the grand scheme of things there is not much difference between Wales, Scotland or England. Only at the extreme's. Atlantids are found in abundance, no country in the UK is an exception to that. Same applies to dark hair. You make it seem out as if England and the Celtic fringe (Wales, Scotland) are two completely different world's.

No, I don't consider a ''Western European type that combines features of Nordid and Mediterranid in a unique way.'' Northern European. I'm already pretty skeptical of labelling Kelto-Nordid a Northern European type because of it's non-nordid admixture. It fits rather a Western European distribution than Northern European.

10-21-2022, 10:15 PM
People from Picardy, Northern France and from the other side of the border in Hainaut Province, Walloon Region, look the same.

10-22-2022, 01:27 AM
In the grand scheme of things there is not much difference between Wales, Scotland or England. Only at the extreme's. Atlantids are found in abundance, no country in the UK is an exception to that. Same applies to dark hair. You make it seem out as if England and the Celtic fringe (Wales, Scotland) are two completely different world's.

No, I don't consider a ''Western European type that combines features of Nordid and Mediterranid in a unique way.'' Northern European. I'm already pretty skeptical of labelling Kelto-Nordid a Northern European type because of it's non-nordid admixture. It fits rather a Western European distribution than Northern European.

There is no such thing as Atlantid, no anthropologist ever recognized the existence of this fake type.

10-22-2022, 07:52 AM
Is there any relationship/correspondence between anthropology/classification and genetic clusters in Europe?

10-22-2022, 10:02 AM
Is there any relationship/correspondence between anthropology/classification and genetic clusters in Europe?
Not on this forum! Genetic relatedness is a curious side note for many regulars, that can be ignored if it contradicts one's visual impression. And 'races' and their distribution aren't necessarily related to historical movements or groups, hence Atlantids.

But it should be of course.

10-22-2022, 03:41 PM
Not on this forum! Genetic relatedness is a curious side note for many regulars, that can be ignored if it contradicts one's visual impression. And 'races' and their distribution aren't necessarily related to historical movements or groups, hence Atlantids.

But it should be of course.

As far as i can say, and i don't know much about it, even less than about genetics, there are obvious genetic bases to anthropological traits, complexion, head shape, etc, but anthropological subgroups of Europe do not correspond to European genetic clusters.

10-22-2022, 03:46 PM
They have many Nordic types of course and Upper Paleolithic

10-22-2022, 05:49 PM
In the grand scheme of things there is not much difference between Wales, Scotland or England. Only at the extreme's. Atlantids are found in abundance, no country in the UK is an exception to that. Same applies to dark hair. You make it seem out as if England and the Celtic fringe (Wales, Scotland) are two completely different world's.

No, I don't consider a ''Western European type that combines features of Nordid and Mediterranid in a unique way.'' Northern European. I'm already pretty skeptical of labelling Kelto-Nordid a Northern European type because of it's non-nordid admixture. It fits rather a Western European distribution than Northern European.

Yes in the grand scheme of things, Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland populations are similar in the sense that they make up the British Isles people. The differences in frequencies of particular phenotypes separate one of those countries from the other. England and parts of Scotland too has a higher frequencies of phenotypes brought by Germanic-speaking invaders from Scandinavia, northern parts of Germany and the Netherlands. While Ireland, Wales, most of Scotland retained higher frequencies of the pre - Germanic inhabitants ( Celtic-speakers). Altogether, they are cemented by the Keltic Nordic phenotype which by excellence a Northern European phenotypes as it is most common there. It differs from the Hallstatt ( «Classic») as it deviated slightly. The Keltic Nordic is most likely the palest-skinned type may be only rivaled by the Bruenn ( CM). Thus it is actually very Northern European. As skin pigmentation reaches the lowest levels in the European ( White) race especially in the Northern European branch.

10-22-2022, 06:32 PM
I understand that many people don’t known this sub-racial hierarchy:

https://i.imgur.com/OAH4Gj0.png (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?359825-Gary-Wilson-British-sportsman&p=7441007#post7441007)

https://i.imgur.com/FGVbbzY.png (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#ATLANTID)

https://i.imgur.com/9ldZIA6.png (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#ATLANTO-MEDITERRANID)

https://i.imgur.com/Tfz1v4K.png (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#GRACILE-MEDITERRANID)

10-22-2022, 06:51 PM
Yes in the grand scheme of things, Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland populations are similar in the sense that they make up the British Isles people. The differences in frequencies of particular phenotypes separate one of those countries from the other. England and parts of Scotland too has a higher frequencies of phenotypes brought by Germanic-speaking invaders from Scandinavia, northern parts of Germany and the Netherlands. While Ireland, Wales, most of Scotland retained higher frequencies of the pre - Germanic inhabitants ( Celtic-speakers). Altogether, they are cemented by the Keltic Nordic phenotype which by excellence a Northern European phenotypes as it is most common there. It differs from the Hallstatt ( «Classic») as it deviated slightly. The Keltic Nordic is most likely the palest-skinned type may be only rivaled by the Bruenn ( CM). Thus it is actually very Northern European. As skin pigmentation reaches the lowest levels in the European ( White) race especially in the Northern European branch.
But you were right in the first place that Britain or the British Isles has no place being spoken of as an anthropological grouping. There is no common majority ancestry or phenotype cementing them together against other NW Europeans, it's fiction. British people only exist as a group by way of political union and common language enforced in the last few centuries.

10-22-2022, 07:59 PM
But you were right in the first place that Britain or the British Isles has no place being spoken of as an anthropological grouping. There is no common majority ancestry or phenotype cementing them together against other NW Europeans, it's fiction. British people only exist as a group by way of political union and common language enforced in the last few centuries.

Well there is still a distinct difference between the British and the Dutch and Belgians etc, for a start heads are longer, somewhat narrower than the more CM Beneluxians, eyes generally appear to be more prominent too which gives a hint of the importance of the atlantid influence and to an extent Med as well. particularly pale skin while common in the Dutch is still more common in the whole of the UK, on all those points i would argue that there is a discernible difference.

10-22-2022, 08:07 PM
Well there is still a distinct difference between the British and the Dutch and Belgians etc, for a start heads are longer, somewhat narrower than the more CM Beneluxians, eyes generally appear to be more prominent too which gives a hint of the importance of the atlantid influence and to an extent Med as well. particularly pale skin while common in the Dutch is still more common in the whole of the UK, on all those points i would argue that there is a discernible difference.

The pale skin that you get in the UK is not too common in NL, neither in BE but more present than in NL.


This is more common for the Benelux:


10-22-2022, 08:37 PM
The pale skin that you get in the UK is not too common in NL, neither in BE but more present than in NL.


This is more common for the Benelux:


True, Belgians, Dutch have a more beige undertone in general, i think the palest people in those countries are as pale as the palest Brits though.

10-22-2022, 08:41 PM
There is no such thing as Atlantid, no anthropologist ever recognized the existence of this fake type.

The Atlantid or North-Atlantid, as described by Eickstedt and Lundman, is recognised as having a pigmentation between the Nordic and Atlanto-Mediterranid stock of the Mediterranean.[4] While the pigmentation of the eyes is light, the hair in contrast is brown.[5] The Atlantid is essentially a "Nordic-Mediterranean" blend, a term appearing in the literature of Earnest Hooton, but can differ in its exact gradient of pigmentation. Although usually recognised as intermediate between Nordic and Mediterranean, Deniker discussed what he saw occasionally as stronger Nordic or Mediterranean gradients.[6]


10-22-2022, 08:54 PM
The Atlantid or North-Atlantid, as described by Eickstedt and Lundman, is recognised as having a pigmentation between the Nordic and Atlanto-Mediterranid stock of the Mediterranean.[4] While the pigmentation of the eyes is light, the hair in contrast is brown.[5] The Atlantid is essentially a "Nordic-Mediterranean" blend, a term appearing in the literature of Earnest Hooton, but can differ in its exact gradient of pigmentation. Although usually recognised as intermediate between Nordic and Mediterranean, Deniker discussed what he saw occasionally as stronger Nordic or Mediterranean gradients.[6]


Deniker never talked about Atlantids, it is a fake type invented by anthrotards with no basis on reality.

10-22-2022, 09:05 PM
But you were right in the first place that Britain or the British Isles has no place being spoken of as an anthropological grouping. There is no common majority ancestry or phenotype cementing them together against other NW Europeans, it's fiction. British people only exist as a group by way of political union and common language enforced in the last few centuries.
This was proven by physical anthropologists before genetics was even a thing.

10-22-2022, 09:12 PM
Well there is still a distinct difference between the British and the Dutch and Belgians etc
Perhaps, but you start by lumping the British in together as though there's no difference between them, and the Dutch and Belgians together as though they're the same.

, for a start heads are longer, somewhat narrower than the more CM Beneluxians
Head shape is an elastic feature and doesn't correspond with genetics, so it's not very meaningful in the scheme of things. You say 'Beneluxians' are more CM than British, indicating they have more European Hunter Gatherer inheritance, but that's not really true. North Dutch would have more, South Dutch and Belgians would have less.

, eyes generally appear to be more prominent too which gives a hint of the importance of the atlantid influence and to an extent Med as well.What does that mean about prominent eyes, and is there any proof. Atlantid influence, which Token just noted is a made-up Anthroforum term, whatever. There is for a fact less Med influence genetically in Britain than in Belgium and the Southern Netherlands, so that contradicts your eye theory there.

particularly pale skin while common in the Dutch is still more common in the whole of the UK

The pale skin that you get in the UK is not too common in NL, neither in BE but more present than in NL.

That level of paleness is almost always associated with red hair, and we all know red hair is highest amongst Insular Celts. England however is only slightly redder haired than Belgium and the Netherlands.

10-22-2022, 09:29 PM
Perhaps, but you start by lumping the British in together as though there's no difference between them, and the Dutch and Belgians together as though they're the same.

Head shape is an elastic feature and doesn't correspond with genetics, so it's not very meaningful in the scheme of things. You say 'Beneluxians' are more CM than British, indicating they have more European Hunter Gatherer inheritance, but that's not really true. North Dutch would have more, South Dutch and Belgians would have less.
What does that mean about prominent eyes, and is there any proof. Atlantid influence, which Token just noted is a made-up Anthroforum term, whatever. There is for a fact less Med influence genetically in Britain than in Belgium and the Southern Netherlands, so that contradicts your eye theory there.

That level of paleness is almost always associated with red hair, and we all know red hair is highest amongst Insular Celts. England however is only slightly redder haired than Belgium and the Netherlands.

The British of course differ region to region, country to country but there are still essential similarities between all respective nations, even the Welsh obviously tend towards very pale complexions, I didn't say that the Dutch and Belgians are the same, rather that they have tendencies towards slightly darker skin than the British. Genetically speaking the Dutch are more southern but genetics doesn't really explain phenotype that much, phenotypical differences probably arise because of bottlenecks, isolation, re emergences of types etc. England isn't really that much less pale skinned than Scotland or Wales, even here in the SE corner you still can see the difference in complexion of Dutch/German tourists and English locals.

10-22-2022, 10:21 PM
Perhaps, but you start by lumping the British in together as though there's no difference between them, and the Dutch and Belgians together as though they're the same.

Head shape is an elastic feature and doesn't correspond with genetics, so it's not very meaningful in the scheme of things. You say 'Beneluxians' are more CM than British, indicating they have more European Hunter Gatherer inheritance, but that's not really true. North Dutch would have more, South Dutch and Belgians would have less.
What does that mean about prominent eyes, and is there any proof. Atlantid influence, which Token just noted is a made-up Anthroforum term, whatever. There is for a fact less Med influence genetically in Britain than in Belgium and the Southern Netherlands, so that contradicts your eye theory there.

That level of paleness is almost always associated with red hair, and we all know red hair is highest amongst Insular Celts. England however is only slightly redder haired than Belgium and the Netherlands.

That level of paleness is almost always associated with red hair, and we all know red hair is highest amongst Insular Celts. England however is only slightly redder haired than Belgium and the Netherlands.

I would have to agree with Oliver109 that regardless the association of pale skin with red hair, the UK wether England, Scotland or Wales is significantly more pale-skinned than the Benelux.


What does that mean about prominent eyes, and is there any proof. Atlantid influence, which Token just noted is a made-up Anthroforum term, whatever. There is for a fact less Med influence genetically in Britain than in Belgium and the Southern Netherlands, so that contradicts your eye theory there.

There is for a fact less Med influence genetically in the Northern Netherlands than in all of Britain. Does that mean that the eye theory is valid? The British (English, Scottish, Welsh) are so similar to the Dutch genetically that it's effectively meaningless basing your claim on genetics. Genetics ≠ phenotype on a 1:1 to ratio.

Again, I would have to with Oliver agree that in general Dutch people have more hooded-like eyes than British people. I think the commonality of certain phenotypes such as the Dalofaelid and to a lesser extent Borreby play a part in that. Endogamy plays a large as well.

10-23-2022, 02:40 AM
I would have to agree with Oliver109 that regardless the association of pale skin with red hair, the UK wether England, Scotland or Wales is significantly more pale-skinned than the Benelux.

Maybe so, but I was saying that the amount of ghostly pale type 1's amongst British/English is overrated. Similar to Belgium there, and half that of Ireland.

There is for a fact less Med influence genetically in the Northern Netherlands than in all of Britain.
Does that mean that the eye theory is valid?No, Oliver was saying that Belgians and South Dutch also have less prominent eyes than British, apparently indicating less Med influence. Even if it's true, it obviously has nothing to do with Med influence, hence my question what does it all mean. One could argue the French have more hooded eyes than the British too, that's an observation I've made before. Perhaps this was also a Gallic feature that Dutch, Belgians and French now all inherit in common. Either way, it's a minor feature, and does it override other things? Questionable.

The British (English, Scottish, Welsh) are so similar to the Dutch genetically that it's effectively meaningless basing your claim on genetics. Genetics ≠ phenotype on a 1:1 to ratio.

The English are so similar to the Dutch genetically, Welsh and Scottish not so much. That difference is reflected in phenotype. Obviously phenotype and genotype don't align perfectly and endogamous nations all have their own looks regardless of genetics*, but genetics is a pretty good guide vis a vis relative phenotypical distances to other nations, more than people seem to admit.

*I've often thought the Dutch are remarkably unique looking for how genetically close/overlapping they are to so many other nations and their lack of antiquity, as practically the crossroads of NW Europe. The English are less unique looking IMO even though they should be more.

10-23-2022, 05:10 AM
Deniker (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Deniker) never talked about Atlantids (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#ATLANTID),
it is a fake type invented by anthrotards with no basis on reality.

click-on image to read

https://i.imgur.com/Dgn96Sg.png (https://archive.org/details/racesofmanoutlin00denirich/page/332/mode/2up)

10-23-2022, 05:17 AM
But you were right in the first place that Britain or the British Isles has no place being spoken of as an anthropological grouping. There is no common majority ancestry or phenotype cementing them together against other NW Europeans, it's fiction. British people only exist as a group by way of political union and common language enforced in the last few centuries.

No, you are wrong there. In physical anthropological terms, there is a particular phenotypical racial type which is universal in the British Isles that is what has been called the Keltic Nordic. The type may found is also found in other parts of NW Europe, but is commonest in the Isles. That’s all. A fact might also be said about the cephalic index mean throughout the Isles is rarely brachycephalic. Within NW Europe, there are also clines in cephalic index, phenotypes as well.

10-23-2022, 05:21 AM
The Atlantid or North-Atlantid, as described by Eickstedt and Lundman, is recognised as having a pigmentation between the Nordic and Atlanto-Mediterranid stock of the Mediterranean.[4] While the pigmentation of the eyes is light, the hair in contrast is brown.[5] The Atlantid is essentially a "Nordic-Mediterranean" blend, a term appearing in the literature of Earnest Hooton, but can differ in its exact gradient of pigmentation. Although usually recognised as intermediate between Nordic and Mediterranean, Deniker discussed what he saw occasionally as stronger Nordic or Mediterranean gradients.[6]


Wrong! You read too much Wikipedia, dude. There is a difference between the Atlantid and North Atlantid.

10-23-2022, 05:23 AM
True, Belgians, Dutch have a more beige undertone in general, i think the palest people in those countries are as pale as the palest Brits though.

You are wrong again. Belgians have higher frequencies of skin type I than the Netherlands.

10-23-2022, 05:35 AM
Well there is still a distinct difference between the British and the Dutch and Belgians etc, for a start heads are longer, somewhat narrower than the more CM Beneluxians, eyes generally appear to be more prominent too which gives a hint of the importance of the atlantid influence and to an extent Med as well. particularly pale skin while common in the Dutch is still more common in the whole of the UK, on all those points i would argue that there is a discernible difference.

The Med influence in these populations is minimal and has no racial importance. The Atlantid which is the Nordid and Atlanto-Med intermediate is strongest in France in particular and throughout Western Europe. While the North Atlantid which a predominantly Nordid type is mostly found in the British Isles. I guess people like to use the term «Atlantid» without understanding. Pale skin is of Nordic derivation by excellence.

10-23-2022, 05:49 AM
Perhaps, but you start by lumping the British in together as though there's no difference between them, and the Dutch and Belgians together as though they're the same.

Head shape is an elastic feature and doesn't correspond with genetics, so it's not very meaningful in the scheme of things. You say 'Beneluxians' are more CM than British, indicating they have more European Hunter Gatherer inheritance, but that's not really true. North Dutch would have more, South Dutch and Belgians would have less.
What does that mean about prominent eyes, and is there any proof. Atlantid influence, which Token just noted is a made-up Anthroforum term, whatever. There is for a fact less Med influence genetically in Britain than in Belgium and the Southern Netherlands, so that contradicts your eye theory there.

That level of paleness is almost always associated with red hair, and we all know red hair is highest amongst Insular Celts. England however is only slightly redder haired than Belgium and the Netherlands.

Among the British the level of paleness isn’t always linked to red hair. There are so many dark-haired Britons who are paler than Scandinavians, Dutch and other NW Europeans . This is because the British Isles has also the highest frequencies for dark hair, very fair or pale, freckled skin and blue eyes combo in the world ( IRF4 gene). Furthermore, England especially the north has much higher frequencies of red hair than anywhere in Belgium or the Netherlands.

10-23-2022, 12:53 PM
The Atlantid is a hybrid.

10-23-2022, 01:10 PM
I would have to agree with Oliver109 that regardless the association of pale skin with red hair, the UK wether England, Scotland or Wales is significantly more pale-skinned than the Benelux.


There is for a fact less Med influence genetically in the Northern Netherlands than in all of Britain. Does that mean that the eye theory is valid? The British (English, Scottish, Welsh) are so similar to the Dutch genetically that it's effectively meaningless basing your claim on genetics. Genetics ≠ phenotype on a 1:1 to ratio.

Again, I would have to with Oliver agree that in general Dutch people have more hooded-like eyes than British people. I think the commonality of certain phenotypes such as the Dalofaelid and to a lesser extent Borreby play a part in that. Endogamy plays a large as well.

Incorrect. There is no less Med influence in the northern parts of the Netherlands than in all of Britain. The Scots and Irish have less Med influence than the English and Welsh.The MC1R dysfunctional gene responsible for the abundance of pheomelanin causing red hair and freckles reaches maximum in Scotland. The IRF4 variant gene responsible for reducing enzymes which causes melanin synthesis resulting in pale pigmentation, freckles, blue eyes and brown hair. This trait common in Ireland, Iceland and then the rest of Northern Europe. You are exaggerating your «Med» stance in this part of Europe. It isn’t as important as you would put it. If it was, very light pigmentation wouldn’t be prevalent as it is.

Cristiano viejo
10-23-2022, 05:53 PM
Belgians are not Nordic despite being one of the most cucked Europeans. They are cuck already when children

Belgium. A school decides to take its children to a mosque to pray as part of an integration program

Cristiano viejo
10-23-2022, 05:54 PM
Belgians are not Nordic despite being one of the most cucked Europeans. They are cuck already when children

Belgium. A school decides to take its children to a mosque to pray as part of an integration program (video inside to check how sheep the Belgian kids are)

10-23-2022, 06:37 PM
https://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.pngWikipedia https://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantid_race) Atlantid raceFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Atlantid race or North-Atlantid is a term historically used as one of the sub-races of the Caucasoid race. The term was popular in the early 20th century.[1][2]

HistoryIn his Die Mediterranen in Wales (1935), Egon Freiherr von Eickstedt coined the term "Atlantid" to denote a phenotype he stated was common in the British Isles. According to Bertil Lundman, it is synonymous with Joseph Deniker's earlier postulated "North-Occidental" or "North-Western" race, and also Czekanowski's "Northern-Western" subracial taxonomy.[3] In the 1940s Lundman adopted the term "North-Atlantid" to cover these earlier terminologies, and further popularised it in The Races and Peoples of Europe (1977).

Physical appearanceThe Atlantid or North-Atlantid, as described by Eickstedt and Lundman, is recognised as having a pigmentation between the Nordic and Atlanto-Mediterranid stock of the Mediterranean.[4] While the pigmentation of the eyes is light, the hair in contrast is brown.[5] The Atlantid is essentially a "Nordic-Mediterranean" blend, a term appearing in the literature of Earnest Hooton, but can differ in its exact gradient of pigmentation. Although usually recognised as intermediate between Nordic and Mediterranean, Deniker discussed what he saw occasionally as stronger Nordic or Mediterranean gradients.[6]

Geography and originLundman notes that the North-Atlantid phenotype is mainly found across British Isles, but also in some other North Sea coastal areas. There are two theories on the origin of the Atlantid phenotype, according to Lundman's theory the North-Atlantid came about through only a partial northern depigmentation:

"To be sure the North-Atlantid race is a native race, but more southerly accentuated and more pigmented. This is a result of a less cold, but damper climate and contact with the more pigmented European races."

References Race and Racism: An Introduction by Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, Pages 127-133, Publication Date: December 8, 2005, ISBN 0759107955
The Races of Europe by Carleton S. Coon
Lundman, 1943, p. 134; 1977, p. 33.
Eickstedt, 1935; Lundman, 1946, p. 17.
Lundman, 1977, p. 33.
Deniker, 1900, p. 328; 343.

Sources Joseph Deniker, The Races of Man, W. Scott, 1913 (reprint).
Bertil Lundman, Jordens Människoraser och Folkstammar, Kärntryck, Åstorp, 1943.
Bertil Lundman, Nutidens Människoraser, Uppsala, 1946.
Bertil Lundman, The races and peoples of Europe, IAAEE, 1977.

You read too much Wikipedia, dude.
There is a difference between the Atlantid and North Atlantid.

where may we all expand our knowledge-base
by reading a physical anthropologist's explication
of the distinction between atlantid and north atlantid?

thank you
for taking the time
to improve our understanding of this issue.

10-23-2022, 06:47 PM
https://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.pngWikipedia https://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantid_race) Atlantid raceFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Atlantid race or North-Atlantid is a term historically used as one of the sub-races of the Caucasoid race. The term was popular in the early 20th century.[1][2]

HistoryIn his Die Mediterranen in Wales (1935), Egon Freiherr von Eickstedt coined the term "Atlantid" to denote a phenotype he stated was common in the British Isles. According to Bertil Lundman, it is synonymous with Joseph Deniker's earlier postulated "North-Occidental" or "North-Western" race, and also Czekanowski's "Northern-Western" subracial taxonomy.[3] In the 1940s Lundman adopted the term "North-Atlantid" to cover these earlier terminologies, and further popularised it in The Races and Peoples of Europe (1977).

Physical appearanceThe Atlantid or North-Atlantid, as described by Eickstedt and Lundman, is recognised as having a pigmentation between the Nordic and Atlanto-Mediterranid stock of the Mediterranean.[4] While the pigmentation of the eyes is light, the hair in contrast is brown.[5] The Atlantid is essentially a "Nordic-Mediterranean" blend, a term appearing in the literature of Earnest Hooton, but can differ in its exact gradient of pigmentation. Although usually recognised as intermediate between Nordic and Mediterranean, Deniker discussed what he saw occasionally as stronger Nordic or Mediterranean gradients.[6]

Geography and originLundman notes that the North-Atlantid phenotype is mainly found across British Isles, but also in some other North Sea coastal areas. There are two theories on the origin of the Atlantid phenotype, according to Lundman's theory the North-Atlantid came about through only a partial northern depigmentation:

"To be sure the North-Atlantid race is a native race, but more southerly accentuated and more pigmented. This is a result of a less cold, but damper climate and contact with the more pigmented European races."

References Race and Racism: An Introduction by Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, Pages 127-133, Publication Date: December 8, 2005, ISBN 0759107955
The Races of Europe by Carleton S. Coon
Lundman, 1943, p. 134; 1977, p. 33.
Eickstedt, 1935; Lundman, 1946, p. 17.
Lundman, 1977, p. 33.
Deniker, 1900, p. 328; 343.

Sources Joseph Deniker, The Races of Man, W. Scott, 1913 (reprint).
Bertil Lundman, Jordens Människoraser och Folkstammar, Kärntryck, Åstorp, 1943.
Bertil Lundman, Nutidens Människoraser, Uppsala, 1946.
Bertil Lundman, The races and peoples of Europe, IAAEE, 1977.

where may we all expand our knowledge-base
by reading a physical anthropologist's explication
of the distinction between atlantid and north atlantid?

thank you
for taking the time
to improve our understanding of this issue.

You cannot use Wikipedia as it is not reliable.

Cristiano viejo
10-23-2022, 06:50 PM
Belgians are not Nordic despite being one of the most cucked Europeans. They are cuck already when children

Belgium. A school decides to take its children to a mosque to pray as part of an integration program (video inside to check how sheep the Belgian kids are)

Atlantic Reptilian
10-23-2022, 07:00 PM
You cannot use Wikipedia as it is not reliable.
He told you to check the Wikipedia article's sources.

10-23-2022, 07:05 PM
You cannot use Wikipedia
as it is not reliable.

http://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/icons/icon3.png wikipedia provides references/sources complete with page numbers for verificationhttps://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.pngWikipedia https://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantid_race) Atlantid raceFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

References Race and Racism: An Introduction by Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, Pages 127-133, Publication Date: December 8, 2005, ISBN 0759107955
The Races of Europe by Carleton S. Coon
Lundman, 1943, p. 134; 1977, p. 33.
Eickstedt, 1935; Lundman, 1946, p. 17.
Lundman, 1977, p. 33.
Deniker, 1900, p. 328; 343.

Sources Joseph Deniker, The Races of Man, W. Scott, 1913 (reprint).
Bertil Lundman, Jordens Människoraser och Folkstammar, Kärntryck, Åstorp, 1943.
Bertil Lundman, Nutidens Människoraser, Uppsala, 1946.
Bertil Lundman, The races and peoples of Europe, IAAEE, 1977.

where may we all expand our knowledge-base
by reading a physical anthropologist's explication
of the distinction between atlantid and north atlantid?

thank you
for taking the time
to improve our understanding of this issue.

10-24-2022, 02:59 AM
Belgians are not Nordic despite being one of the most cucked Europeans. They are cuck already when children

Belgium. A school decides to take its children to a mosque to pray as part of an integration program (video inside to check how sheep the Belgian kids are)
Can you just say "who gives a fuck let them be Nordic for all I care"? You're making it seem like being nordic is something special and they don't deserve to be fucking nordic.

Belgium is becoming disgustingly islamicised and we can agree on that!

10-24-2022, 08:29 AM
Belgians are not Nordic despite being one of the most cucked Europeans. They are cuck already when children

Belgium. A school decides to take its children to a mosque to pray as part of an integration program (video inside to check how sheep the Belgian kids are)

Belgium is a democracy. We believe in freedom of religion and freedom of speech. This is why our capital is the capital of the European Union and NATO.

10-24-2022, 08:32 AM
Can you just say "who gives a fuck let them be Nordic for all I care"? You're making it seem like being nordic is something special and they don't deserve to be fucking nordic.

Belgium is becoming disgustingly islamicised and we can agree on that!

Belgium is isn’t more Islamic. What nonsense is that? It is only the Arabic immigrants who are more into Islam! Stop watching too much TV. You are right though about the Nordic race enveloping our country as well.

10-24-2022, 08:43 AM
Belgians are not Nordic despite being one of the most cucked Europeans. They are cuck already when children

Belgium. A school decides to take its children to a mosque to pray as part of an integration program (video inside to check how sheep the Belgian kids are)

Too bad for you. Belgians are mostly Nordic in race.

10-24-2022, 08:50 AM
Too bad for you. Belgians are mostly Nordic in race.

they simply aren't.

10-24-2022, 10:50 AM
http://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/icons/icon3.png wikipedia provides references/sources complete with page numbers for verificationhttps://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.pngWikipedia https://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantid_race) Atlantid raceFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

References Race and Racism: An Introduction by Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, Pages 127-133, Publication Date: December 8, 2005, ISBN 0759107955
The Races of Europe by Carleton S. Coon
Lundman, 1943, p. 134; 1977, p. 33.
Eickstedt, 1935; Lundman, 1946, p. 17.
Lundman, 1977, p. 33.
Deniker, 1900, p. 328; 343.

Sources Joseph Deniker, The Races of Man, W. Scott, 1913 (reprint).
Bertil Lundman, Jordens Människoraser och Folkstammar, Kärntryck, Åstorp, 1943.
Bertil Lundman, Nutidens Människoraser, Uppsala, 1946.
Bertil Lundman, The races and peoples of Europe, IAAEE, 1977.

where may we all expand our knowledge-base
by reading a physical anthropologist's explication
of the distinction between atlantid and north atlantid?

thank you
for taking the time
to improve our understanding of this issue.

None of these source ever mention the existence of Atlantids. I challenge you and anybody else to show me a quote where an anthropologist talks about Atlantids in the TA sense.

10-24-2022, 02:38 PM
they simply aren't.

You simply aren’t! The Keltic or Frankish Nordic type is the predominant racial element in Flanders. You have to understand in what sense it’s meant Nordic.

Approximately 60% of Belgians belong to the Nordic race ( mainly KN, the rest Hallstatt, North Atlantid, etc…). Although CM influence is stronger than in the Netherlands.

10-24-2022, 07:37 PM
http://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/icons/icon5.png is this a question of the label "atlantid" or his description of the pheno-type

Deniker (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Deniker) never talked about Atlantids (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#ATLANTID),
it is a fake type invented by anthrotards with no basis on reality.

click-on image to read

https://i.imgur.com/Dgn96Sg.png (https://archive.org/details/racesofmanoutlin00denirich/page/332/mode/2up)

I challenge you and anybody else to show me a quote
where an anthropologist talks about Atlantids in the TA sense.

only being aware of the various labels
used by physical anthropologist for the same pheno-type
(as — for example — in the click-able above),

while it does seem you are moving the goal-posts (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_the_goalposts) —

it would be help-full
if you were explicit as to the meaning of "Atlantids in the TA sense".

10-24-2022, 08:16 PM
it would seem that bunak (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Бунак, Виктор Валерианович)
was the only one that held on to scheidt (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Scheidt)'s original "atlantid" label:

judging from his race-diagram published in 1980.


one of our russian readers
will transform the diagram in to an outline (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/misc.php?do=bbcode#list)
and post it to this thread (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?73486-quot-it-is-so-easy-that-a-six-year-old-girl-can-do-it-quot).


10-24-2022, 10:04 PM
No because Nordic Means North Germanic whereas the Flemish are West Germanic

Jingle Bell
10-24-2022, 10:23 PM
Belgians are Nordic?
They are Nordic too, but haves Atlanto-Meds/Gracile Meds, Alpines, CM and others
Overall is a trasitional region btw the Central Europe (Mainly Alpine, West Med and minor Nordic and Dinaric) and the North Europe (Mainly Nordic, CM and with some phenotypes in Nordo-Med spectrum ( like N. Atlantid)
Very cool country, and also looks like the celts were a diverse group, but the genetic average of they is very close to actual Belgians and North Frenchs, ik phenotype ≠ genotype but prob when we look at Belgians we have a notion how the Celts were

10-25-2022, 01:46 AM
I know phenotype ≠ genotype (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genotype–phenotype_distinction) but...

he may be the lady's husband

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a3/De_Albina_y_Espa%C3%B1ol%2C_Torna_atr%C3%A1s_%28Ju an_Patricio_Morlete%29.jpg/640px-De_Albina_y_Espa%C3%B1ol%2C_Torna_atr%C3%A1s_%28Ju an_Patricio_Morlete%29.jpg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torna_atrás)

but, who is the child's father?
(is the husband's question)

10-25-2022, 02:23 PM
Belgians are not Nordic despite being one of the most cucked Europeans. They are cuck already when children

Belgium. A school decides to take its children to a mosque to pray as part of an integration program

Enough with this level of excessive stupidity and idiocy! Get yourself a brain, Spaniard or make better use of the one you got. Listen to Odelia’s advice. Begin a concrete argument next time, OK?
Ethnic Belgians are 95% Northern European ( Nordish) in race while Iberians ( Spaniards or Portuguese) are only 1% Northern European in race. Iberians are even less Northern European racially than the Italians. So, please, I beg you, hush if you don’t know anything. It will do you some good.

Cristiano viejo
10-25-2022, 03:40 PM
Ethnic Belgians are 95% Northern European ( Nordish) in race while Iberians ( Spaniards or Portuguese) are only 1% Northern European in race. Iberians are even less Northern European racially than the Italians. So, please, I beg you, hush if you don’t know anything. It will do you some good.
I wish this was true ;)

10-25-2022, 06:44 PM
I wish this was true ;)

Your wish has already come true.
Northern European racial frequency estimates in European populations.
British Isles
The Netherlands
Finland and Baltic nations
50% +
Russia, Belarus, Ukraine
30% +
Czech Republic and Slovakia
10% +
Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia
Below 10%
Below 5%

10-25-2022, 08:21 PM
Northern European racial frequency estimates in European populations.
100% : British Isles, Scandinavia, The Netherlands
95% : Finland and Baltic nations, Belgium
80% : Germany
70% : Poland, Switzerland
50% + : Austria, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine
30% + : Czech Republic and Slovakia, Romania, France
10% + : Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia, Luxembourg
Below 10% : Albania, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece
Below 5% : Spain, Portugal
google did not have any problem
providing the official british census numbers
from 1991, 2001, 2011:

https://i.imgur.com/6Yp9Woh.png (https://www.ons.gov.uk/)

Cristiano viejo
10-25-2022, 09:52 PM
Your wish has already come true.
Northern European racial frequency estimates in European populations.
British Isles
The Netherlands
Finland and Baltic nations
50% +
Russia, Belarus, Ukraine
30% +
Czech Republic and Slovakia
10% +
Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia
Below 10%
Below 5%

Source: your black boyfriend, as usual.

10-26-2022, 01:53 AM
Belgians are Nordic?
They are Nordic too, but haves Atlanto-Meds/Gracile Meds, Alpines, CM and others
Overall is a trasitional region btw the Central Europe (Mainly Alpine, West Med and minor Nordic and Dinaric) and the North Europe (Mainly Nordic, CM and with some phenotypes in Nordo-Med spectrum ( like N. Atlantid)
Very cool country, and also looks like the celts were a diverse group, but the genetic average of they is very close to actual Belgians and North Frenchs, ik phenotype ≠ genotype but prob when we look at Belgians we have a notion how the Celts were
That's exactly what I mean. They're mixed, but they're definitely more nordic and noric influenced than Mediterranean! Their climate is very similar to England's. So how the fuck does that make its native inhabitants more Med?

10-26-2022, 01:29 PM
Source: your black boyfriend, as usual.

I ought to punch you real hard for your ignorance! What are you talking about? Just because you have a Black boyfriend, it doesn’t mean all are queer like you. OK!!! Belgium is well among the most Northern European racially populations in the world.

10-26-2022, 01:33 PM
google did not have any problem
providing the official british census numbers
from 1991, 2001, 2011:

https://i.imgur.com/6Yp9Woh.png (https://www.ons.gov.uk/)

This only concerns ethnic European ( White) populations. Don’t get it twisted.

Grace O'Malley
10-26-2022, 01:58 PM
I'm not a proponent of anthropology but genetics and what history can be revealed from that. Anthropology was all they had prior to the advent of genetics but it means nothing now. Nordic to mean just means the Scandinavian countries. However I think Belgians are Northwestern both genetically and by geography. I would also include Northern France as Northwestern both geographically and genetically.

I don't see the point of arguing about phenotypes. For example populations cluster with other people of their ethnicity no matter their phenotype. There are variations in all populations but depending on where a population plots of course influences the majority of the population because you will have darker colouring the more south you go in Europe and will be more depigmented the more north you go but there will always be variation and as I've said many times a blond Italian will cluster with their darker brethren and a dark Norwegian will cluster with their lighter brethren and vice versa. Do people think saying someone Atlantid is an actual race? And of course many times on here people speak of CMs and how some populations are more CM because their population is more influenced by older populations. When pointing out that countries like Ireland are influenced by majority of populations from the Bronze Age this is ignored.

I understand people use this topic for entertainment mostly. I understand anthropologists from the past were trying to make sense of populations using phenotype. Phenotype is only broadly corresponding to genetics.

Not expecting anyone to take any heed of what I say whatsoever but I just feel the urge to state these things every so often. :)

10-26-2022, 02:55 PM
Northern European racial frequency estimates in European populations.
100% : British Isles, Scandinavia, The Netherlands
95% : Finland and Baltic nations, Belgium
80% : Germany
70% : Poland, Switzerland
50% + : Austria, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine
30% + : Czech Republic and Slovakia, Romania, France
10% + : Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia, Luxembourg
Below 10% : Albania, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece
Below 5% : Spain, Portugal
google did not have any problem
providing the official british census numbers
from 1991, 2001, 2011:

https://i.imgur.com/6Yp9Woh.png (https://www.ons.gov.uk/)

This only concerns ethnic European (White) populations.
Don’t get it twisted.

get what (exactly) twisted?
you have provided absolutely no evidence
for any of your statements.

feel free to begin demonstrating the reality of your claims
at any time.

Cristiano viejo
10-26-2022, 03:49 PM
I ought to punch you real hard for your ignorance! What are you talking about? Just because you have a Black boyfriend, it doesn’t mean all are queer like you. OK!!! Belgium is well among the most Northern European racially populations in the world.

Source: your black boyfriend, as usual.

10-26-2022, 10:12 PM
You're making it seem like being Nordic (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss2.htm#NORDIC) is something special...

the proximity of france and southern germany
means the belgium breeding-pool has been polluted by swarthy short fat alpines (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?113832-Are-Alpinids-superior).

https://i.imgur.com/9QG1cH7.gif (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rassenschande)
according to official belgium government statistics (https://web.archive.org/web/20110309101458/http://statbel.fgov.be/nl/statistieken/cijfers/bevolking/index.jsp),
since the relaxation of the belgian nationality law,
nearly one-third of belgium citizens are not of flemish descent (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flemish_people).

every one is free to make a choice


https://i.imgur.com/RG2B9Pb.png (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/rg-main.htm)

10-27-2022, 01:33 PM
I'm not a proponent of anthropology but genetics and what history can be revealed from that. Anthropology was all they had prior to the advent of genetics but it means nothing now. Nordic to mean just means the Scandinavian countries. However I think Belgians are Northwestern both genetically and by geography. I would also include Northern France as Northwestern both geographically and genetically.

I don't see the point of arguing about phenotypes. For example populations cluster with other people of their ethnicity no matter their phenotype. There are variations in all populations but depending on where a population plots of course influences the majority of the population because you will have darker colouring the more south you go in Europe and will be more depigmented the more north you go but there will always be variation and as I've said many times a blond Italian will cluster with their darker brethren and a dark Norwegian will cluster with their lighter brethren and vice versa. Do people think saying someone Atlantid is an actual race? And of course many times on here people speak of CMs and how some populations are more CM because their population is more influenced by older populations. When pointing out that countries like Ireland are influenced by majority of populations from the Bronze Age this is ignored.

I understand people use this topic for entertainment mostly. I understand anthropologists from the past were trying to make sense of populations using phenotype. Phenotype is only broadly corresponding to genetics.

Not expecting anyone to take any heed of what I say whatsoever but I just feel the urge to state these things every so often. :)

Ireland surely has strong CM racial component in its population not to ignored. This is even more evident in its western populations and the bulk of Irish ancestors who migrated to the US, Canada and elsewhere in the 19th century specifically.

Grace O'Malley
10-27-2022, 01:44 PM
Ireland surely has strong CM racial component in its population not to ignored. This is even more evident in its western populations and the bulk of Irish ancestors who migrated to the US, Canada and elsewhere in the 19th century specifically.

My point though is that it is rubbish with people saying it is due to UP survivors. Ireland's HGs and Farmers didn't survive which is why Irish now don't match Ballynahatty. Most of Ireland's population descend from people who arrived in the Bronze Age. If there is a lot of CM it was brought in by Bell Beakers.

10-28-2022, 02:33 AM
My point though is that it is rubbish with people saying it is due to UP survivors. Ireland's HGs and Farmers didn't survive which is why Irish now don't match Ballynahatty. Most of Ireland's population descend from people who arrived in the Bronze Age. If there is a lot of CM it was brought in by Bell Beakers.

The problem is that we should never confuse physical anthropological terms with genetical terms. As these two sciences evolved at different times. With the youngest being genetics. So when one refers to CM types, Nordic types, etc…. Don’t try a direct linkage with modern genetic studies. This will only bring confusion. Physical anthropology in those days was based on anthropometric measurements, while genetics go much deeper at the genomic level, so it’s a different picture.

10-28-2022, 04:14 AM
Source: your black boyfriend, as usual.

Come down little fella! There is nothing wrong with being a Mediterranean person. Actually the weather is a lot better down in Southern Europe than it is here. You do not have the gloomy days that we have up here. It’s just that facts have to be told the way they are. Be proud of who you are, stop looking down on Southern Euros. Belgium is not in Southern Europe.

10-28-2022, 04:22 AM
the proximity of france and southern germany
means the belgium breeding-pool has been polluted by swarthy short fat alpines (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?113832-Are-Alpinids-superior).

https://i.imgur.com/9QG1cH7.gif (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rassenschande)
according to official belgium government statistics (https://web.archive.org/web/20110309101458/http://statbel.fgov.be/nl/statistieken/cijfers/bevolking/index.jsp),
since the relaxation of the belgian nationality law,
nearly one-third of belgium citizens are not of flemish descent (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flemish_people).

every one is free to make a choice


https://i.imgur.com/RG2B9Pb.png (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/rg-main.htm)

Short, swarthy Alpine? What a joke!!!! Belgian men have the second highest average height after the Dutch! Do you know what you are saying? I guess you don’t.

10-28-2022, 07:05 PM
Belgian men have the second highest average height after the Dutch!

once, again, with the unsubstantiated claims. :tsk:

according to scientists that actually took measurements:

Les Alpes Dinariques :
un peuple de sujets de grande taille (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1631069105001319?via%3Dihub)

Altura Corporal y su Estimación
Utilizando Mediciones de Envergadura
en Adultos Serbios (https://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-95022013000100043&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en)

Is there a rationale for establishing
Slovenian body mass index references
of school-aged children and adolescents? (http://www.drustvo-antropologov.si/AN/PDF/2011_3/Anthropological_Notebooks_XVII_3_Starc.pdf)

The coast of giants:
an anthropometric survey of high schoolers
on the Adriatic coast of Croatia (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6475134/)

the measurements of scientists
or the unsubstantiated declaimations of a pseudonymous poster
on the inter-webs — who is more reliable?

there was both a factual and reasonable foundation
for the racial perspective of vladimir dvorniković (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?232466-Doesn-t-Dinarid-racial-phenotype-look-very-middle-eastern&p=7559768&viewfull=1#post7559768).

10-29-2022, 01:48 PM
once, again, with the unsubstantiated claims. :tsk:

according to scientists that actually took measurements:

Les Alpes Dinariques :
un peuple de sujets de grande taille (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1631069105001319?via%3Dihub)

Altura Corporal y su Estimación
Utilizando Mediciones de Envergadura
en Adultos Serbios (https://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-95022013000100043&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en)

Is there a rationale for establishing
Slovenian body mass index references
of school-aged children and adolescents? (http://www.drustvo-antropologov.si/AN/PDF/2011_3/Anthropological_Notebooks_XVII_3_Starc.pdf)

The coast of giants:
an anthropometric survey of high schoolers
on the Adriatic coast of Croatia (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6475134/)

the measurements of scientists
or the unsubstantiated declaimations of a pseudonymous poster
on the inter-webs — who is more reliable?

there was both a factual and reasonable foundation
for the racial perspective of vladimir dvorniković (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?232466-Doesn-t-Dinarid-racial-phenotype-look-very-middle-eastern&p=7559768&viewfull=1#post7559768).

Belgian men are the second tallest in the world! This is from a 100 year long study!

Unsubstantiated claim? My foot!!!! Ha!ha!ha!ha!ha!ha!ha! I am tall myself, standing 6 feet 5 inches barefoot. One of my siblings is taller than me by three inches.


10-29-2022, 07:43 PM
Belgian men are the second tallest in the world!
This is from a 100 year long study!

https://i.imgur.com/gq50TAR.png (https://focusonbelgium.be/en/facts/did-you-know-belgian-men-are-second-tallest-world)

Unsubstantiated claim? My foot!!!! Ha!ha!ha!ha!ha!ha!ha!
I am tall myself, standing 6 feet 5 inches barefoot.
One of my siblings is taller than me by three inches.

https://i.imgur.com/4eE8Ipj.png (https://www.thebulletin.be/belgian-men-are-second-tallest-world)

:clap: congratulations on actually posting a source. :clap:

you googled-up two pieces of popular press
instead of an actual scientific article.

and, consequently, became confused.

quoting the actual article:

We reanalysed 1472 population-based studies,
with measurement of height
on more than 18.6 million participants
to estimate mean height for people
born between 1896 and 1996 in 200 countries.

this was not "a 100 year long study":
they simply consolidated statistics from one hundred years.

if you had taken the time
to read the actual scientific studies
(that were shared with you in my post)
in which scientists actually took measurements,

one of the first things you would have noticed
were the dates — far more current information than your internet article.

the basis of your claim is out of date.

revealing the source of your information
does explain to us why you are so often mistaken.

10-30-2022, 08:19 PM
http://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/icons/icon3.png wikipedia provides references/sources complete with page numbers for verificationhttps://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.pngWikipedia https://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantid_race) Atlantid raceFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

References Race and Racism: An Introduction by Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, Pages 127-133, Publication Date: December 8, 2005, ISBN 0759107955
The Races of Europe by Carleton S. Coon
Lundman, 1943, p. 134; 1977, p. 33.
Eickstedt, 1935; Lundman, 1946, p. 17.
Lundman, 1977, p. 33.
Deniker, 1900, p. 328; 343.

None of these source ever mention the existence of Atlantids.

https://i.imgur.com/j4LdFTA.png (https://zdb-katalog.de/title.xhtml?idn=012946265&view=full#DE-37)

I challenge you and anybody else to show me a quote
where an anthropologist talks about Atlantids in the TA sense.

how can there be any intelligible response
to your challenge
if you are not explicit as to your meaning of "Atlantids in the TA sense" :icon1:

it seems so simple;
merely a definition of terms: even a child could do it (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?73486-quot-it-is-so-easy-that-a-six-year-old-girl-can-do-it-quot).
How many a debate would have been deflated into a paragraph (http://web.archive.org/web/20110517124520/http://www.willdurant.com/articles.htm)

if the disputants had dared to define their terms (http://web.archive.org/web/20110517124520/http://www.willdurant.com/articles.htm)? - Will Durant (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_Durant)

https://i.imgur.com/J8ka9tx.png (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Story_of_Civilization)

10-30-2022, 11:04 PM
:clap: congratulations on actually posting a source. :clap:

you googled-up two pieces of popular press
instead of an actual scientific article.

and, consequently, became confused.

quoting the actual article:

We reanalysed 1472 population-based studies,
with measurement of height
on more than 18.6 million participants
to estimate mean height for people
born between 1896 and 1996 in 200 countries.

this was not "a 100 year long study":
they simply consolidated statistics from one hundred years.

if you had taken the time
to read the actual scientific studies
(that were shared with you in my post)
in which scientists actually took measurements,

one of the first things you would have noticed
were the dates — far more current information than your internet article.

the basis of your claim is out of date.

revealing the source of your information
does explain to us why you are so often mistaken.

Oh please shut up! It is from a 100 year long study. Stop talking rubbish! This is 100 year height study. Stop being so ignorant! Belgium came second for men! Ok! 1914 to 2014 data on height.

Then you come with your garbage, «It was not a 100 year study». How dumb that sounds!

Damião de Góis
10-31-2022, 06:02 PM
I am tall myself, standing 6 feet 5 inches barefoot. One of my siblings is taller than me by three inches.

Taller by 3 inches? What kind of belgian calculates height in inches? Oh wait, i forgot...

10-31-2022, 06:04 PM
Taller by 3 inches? What kind of belgian calculates height in inches? Oh wait, i forgot...

Yeah, he's pretty bad at displaying his troll identity.

10-31-2022, 11:41 PM
Taller by 3 inches? What kind of belgian calculates height in inches? Oh wait, i forgot...

Hey Pora! Stop being stupid, Ok! I said that my brother is taller than me ( 6 feet 8 inches or 203.2 cm). I’m pretty knowledgeable. I know both metrical and Anglo-Saxon measurement systems. As I did my university studies in America.

10-31-2022, 11:44 PM
Yeah, he's pretty bad at displaying his troll identity.

Don’t be an idiot! What a troll you are!! Ha!ha!ha!

10-31-2022, 11:57 PM
People of the British Isles, Scandinavia, Low Countries, Northern Germany, Northern France and Baltic States form the bulk of the Nordic race!!!

11-03-2022, 04:26 PM
People with blond or red hair, light eyes, pale or fair skin, lean builds, long heads, narrow facial features, tall-statured are most common in the Nordic zone of Europe.

11-03-2022, 04:32 PM
The Nordic race has various manifestations :

1) Osterdal
2) Keltic
3) Anglo-Saxon
4) Tronder
5) Aisto - Nordic
6) Proto - Nordic
7) North Atlantid

Of all the Nordic types, it is the North Atlantid which is the darkest-haired by far as although oddly it’s by no means darker-eyed ( often blue-eyed) or darker-skinned ( pale-skinned) than any Nordic type. The dark hair is said to be a remnant of the Atlantid strain present in the mixture of this predominantly Nordic type.

Low Countries region :

Belgium scores 60% ( mostly Keltic types, but Hallstatts, North Atlantids may be found)
Netherlands scores 70% ( mostly Keltic types, but Anglo-Saxon & Hallstatt are frequent, North Atlantids may be found)

11-03-2022, 04:44 PM
The mean cephalic index for Flanders is 79.4 and that of Wallonia is 82.
The Netherlands - 80.3
West & East Frisians - 79.5
North Frisians - 81.5
France - 83.6

11-16-2022, 05:36 PM
Oh please shut up! It is from a 100 year long study.

the authors say it was not:

We reanalysed 1472 population-based studies,
with measurement of height...

read the actual article.

Stop talking rubbish! This is 100 year height study.

the authors contradict you:

We reanalysed 1472 population-based studies,
with measurement of height...

Then you come with your garbage, «it was not a 100 year long study». How dumb that sounds!

you did not sound dumb
when you miss-characterised the article as "a 100 year long study":
you sounded as if you had not examined the actual article

in which the authors explain
there was no one long source — there were 1472 small ones:

We reanalysed 1472 population-based studies,
with measurement of height...

Stop being so ignorant! Belgium came second for men! Ok!

if you had examined the actual article
(instead of merely googling-up a few references to it)

you would have seen the 1472 sources listed
(not the "100 year long study" you claim)

which included the origin of an inter-web myth:
a questionnaire
on which the respondants provided no evidence (https://art.torvergata.it/retrieve/handle/2108/31234/20210/Peracchi%20(2002)_EE.pdf)
and which was not fact-checked or answers ever verified:
not a scientific study.

the netherland with a population exceeding fifteen millions
provided slightly more than five thousand respondants
to the eurostat questionnaire.

belgium's population of over ten millions
contributed less than five thousand self-reported claims of height
to the european community household panel (eurostat (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurostat)).

unlike the scientic studies offered in my post,
this was not a scientic study
in which scientists collected measurements:

a tiny fraction of these populations
made claims that were never substantiated

which originated an all-too-commonly iterated inter-web myth
that (on average) dutch men are the tallest in the world
and belgian men come in second.

It is a well known fact that
self-reported height is subject not only to random error,
but more importantly, systematic reporting bias. (https://web.archive.org/web/20110604040940/http://www.econ.upf.edu/docs/papers/downloads/1002.pdf)

if you had posted url-links to the actual article
(instead of merely googling-up a few references to it)

readers might have noticed
it was not the web-presence of an established scientific journal.

it is a web-site that (for a fee) displays articles. (https://reviewer.elifesciences.org/author-guide/fees)

11-16-2022, 05:39 PM
Many have Nordic appearance

12-30-2022, 02:22 AM
the authors say it was not:

We reanalysed 1472 population-based studies,
with measurement of height...

read the actual article.

the authors contradict you:

We reanalysed 1472 population-based studies,
with measurement of height...

you did not sound dumb
when you miss-characterised the article as "a 100 year long study":
you sounded as if you had not examined the actual article

in which the authors explain
there was no one long source — there were 1472 small ones:

We reanalysed 1472 population-based studies,
with measurement of height...

if you had examined the actual article
(instead of merely googling-up a few references to it)

you would have seen the 1472 sources listed
(not the "100 year long study" you claim)

which included the origin of an inter-web myth:
a questionnaire
on which the respondants provided no evidence (https://art.torvergata.it/retrieve/handle/2108/31234/20210/Peracchi%20(2002)_EE.pdf)
and which was not fact-checked or answers ever verified:
not a scientific study.

the netherland with a population exceeding fifteen millions
provided slightly more than five thousand respondants
to the eurostat questionnaire.

belgium's population of over ten millions
contributed less than five thousand self-reported claims of height
to the european community household panel (eurostat (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurostat)).

unlike the scientic studies offered in my post,
this was not a scientic study
in which scientists collected measurements:

a tiny fraction of these populations
made claims that were never substantiated

which originated an all-too-commonly iterated inter-web myth
that (on average) dutch men are the tallest in the world
and belgian men come in second.

It is a well known fact that
self-reported height is subject not only to random error,
but more importantly, systematic reporting bias. (https://web.archive.org/web/20110604040940/http://www.econ.upf.edu/docs/papers/downloads/1002.pdf)

if you had posted url-links to the actual article
(instead of merely googling-up a few references to it)

readers might have noticed
it was not the web-presence of an established scientific journal.

it is a web-site that (for a fee) displays articles. (https://reviewer.elifesciences.org/author-guide/fees)

Sorry for you. Belgian men as a whole are the second tallest in the world. Unlike you, midget!!!!
