View Full Version : newbie questions

11-16-2011, 08:17 PM
1) In the idea, would you prefer having children with someone who share the same phenotype as yours ?

2) Do you make hierarchy out of types ?

3) Do you see somehow "racially incorrect couples" between whites ?

let's imagine that

mother is alpinid from father side, and nordid from mother side
father is dinarid from father side, and pontid from mother side

4) these two make a child...would it still make sense to classify him ?
Is classification more than empiric natural poetry ?

5) Do you know what I mean ?

6) Are there archetypes in this world ? If yes, what would be the archetype of Atlantid ? An example ...

11-16-2011, 09:01 PM
Not necessarily its not so much the phenotype as far as it is the progressiveness of the person that possesses a certain phenotypes. Certain phenotypes definitely have a higher aptitude of progressiveness. Though this is large part has to do with environmental factors just as much as genetic factors.

If you mean by hierarchy a ranking system as to which phenotypes are better I would not say so. I think though you might make a hierarchy type on a broader scale perhaps. Each phenotype within a certain group will have its advantages and disadvantages and whether one has more advantages than another comes down to subjective evaluation as well as the individual involved.

I don't think if their is such a thing as a racial incorrect marriage among phenotypes. Diversity in phenotypes is just the necessity of belonging to a certain ethnicity.

Diversity just coincides with unity and you can not exclude one without losing the other so in the context which you are trying to purport there is no such thing as an incorrect marriage based on phenotypes.

It can be said though that people with similar phenotypes have co-existed in the same localities or regions for quite some time. That said even then they have undergone certain evolutionary cycles or even merged with other local types creating blends of different phenotypes.

Of course it would make sense to classify him why would it not? The thing is I find a hard time differentiating the phenotypes of people who race mix and this is becoming an increasing problem.

How will we be able to classify certain people if they are so mixed that we have to merge different phenotypes into some sort of vague mode of classification. This is to say let's say an Atlantid + Brunn marries a Sudanid with Sahelid influences.

You will at least have a child by inducting through probability statistics that will be an exotic mix that will include say Atlantid/Brunn + Sudanid. This will create a dysfunctional union of phenotypes which creates a mess of inaccuracy when it comes to classifying. So instead of approximating a classification we have to reduce ourselves to a vague guessing game that is based off induction instead of deduction.

Classification is probably not more than empirical romanticism of sorts. That said the matters we are dealing with go beyond the empirical and are trying to locate certain anthropological facts which are contained in nature for our observation.

Its well known that certain phenotypes have existed for some time and have remained relatively unaltered from a state they possessed a while back.

This allows us to classify in an objective sense and to identify basic and fundamental orientations of humans. Its gives a certain sense of logical validity to race and sciences pertaining to race which is inherent to the human race.

There are archetypes of certain phenotypes but these are relatively rarer to find since most phenotypes are merely combinations. Pure and unaltered subtypes tend to be rare since even those subtypes which we call pure and unaltered are nothing but intermediates between different anthropological orientations.

This can be seen in the case with Mtebids, Pamirids, Tronders, Anglo-Saxons, Sub-Nordids, Norids, Ect. I would say archetypes are to rare to be found and account for a small population of a certain phenotype since most sub-types are either combinations of different types, a merging of two different phenotypes, an even in some rare cases as with Borrebys and Faelids a unbalanced fusion of sorts.

11-17-2011, 01:51 PM
Thanks a lot for your detailed answer.

My english is too poor to get into metaphysics but one of the reasons I am asking this is that I noticed that you guys never agree on classifying someone.

I appreciate your assertive style though.

I see that people enjoy being classified too, it answers an identity question, you are right: it is somehow a romanticism of sorts.