View Full Version : Women just laugh at handsome guys

Ivano Man
10-06-2022, 09:55 PM
It is commonly stated that women are drawn to funny men. This is not correct. It simply seems this way because ladies laugh at everything a handsome man says. As a result, the really attractive men believe they are funny.

10-06-2022, 11:09 PM
It’s true, Norm Macdonald observed this (around 2 minutes).


I’m not sure they can actually recognize funny. Also, women can’t be funny, expect like, when they trip and fall or something like that—I guess that’s funny.

10-06-2022, 11:54 PM
I dated a model who cried/laughed at my imitations of people. I guess it's a no-lose situation.

10-07-2022, 02:30 AM
What results were you hoping for by talking like Mort and Meade, then throwing in a singing TC to seal the deal! ^^^

10-07-2022, 04:35 AM
I’m not sure they can actually recognize funny. Also, women can’t be funny, expect like, when they trip and fall or something like that—I guess that’s funny.

Women can be funny, but only when they have no sex appeal whatsoever. Older women and female relatives I know have made me laugh a good bit already.

10-07-2022, 04:48 AM
I had girls laughing out loud for literally anything I spoke.

I assume it's a mix of attraction + and the simple fact that 70% of the stuff I say is unintentionally funny.
My accent is a weird mix of Gaucho, Italian and Caipira (Brazilian redneck) that makes me sound like the late politician Leonel Brizola, and I usually talk about "weird" stuff (to normie women) and curse a lot.

10-07-2022, 05:05 AM
I had girls laughing out loud for literally anything I spoke.

I assume it's a mix of attraction + and the simple fact that 70% of the stuff I say is unintentionally funny.
My accent is a weird mix of Gaucho, Italian and Caipira (Brazilian redneck) that makes me sound like the late politician Leonel Brizola, and I usually talk about "weird" stuff (to normie women) and curse a lot.

If you are considered very funny to girls but not very funny to men, there is definitely a physical attraction going on. For some reason i feel that very attractive men struggle a bit with being funny to other guys, even when i was less attractive, my friends laughed more about my jokes than now, that situation also happens to some fat male comedians after doing weight loss surgery for example.

10-07-2022, 05:52 AM
I am an enthralling speaker, I talk about economy, religion, philosophy with great insights and personal flair too, I can draw women to me with this skill. The point is that diligent men are very sexually attractive, not necessarily intelligent.

10-07-2022, 08:00 PM
Women can be funny, but only when they have no sex appeal whatsoever. Older women and female relatives I know have made me laugh a good bit already.

But then there’s a certain dynamic in play. It’s funny not so much because of the content, but because of who’s making it.

There’s no female Scorsese or Tarantino. The writers of The Sopranos—the funniest show ever—were virtually all men.

Comedy is masculine because it involves a social risk and a spontaneity or daring and an inventiveness that doesn’t come naturally to women or that they would rather shy away from. There are exceptions, but generally.