View Full Version : Classify Serbian Australian Queer activist

11-11-2022, 06:22 AM
A friend showed me that guy, that he is Miss Serbia Australia and a Queer... I think they are Gypsies, actually Im quiete sure they are. Maybe not 100% but more then half. What do you think?

What Australians say which race they are? Are they "white"? If any Australian here knows that Queer activist.


11-11-2022, 08:04 AM
Look like Serbs to me.

Parents seem like nice people.

Some people are born like Danny, seems he is making the most of the life he got.

11-11-2022, 08:10 AM
Look like Serbs to me.

Parents seem like nice people.

Some people are born like Danny, seems he is making the most of the life he got.
The mother and the son are obviously gypsy looking (to me). The father is probably Gypsy too, but he could be mixed.

11-11-2022, 09:10 AM
The mother and the son are obviously gypsy looking (to me). The father is probably Gypsy too, but he could be mixed.

maybe but idk, all I can say is I met dark Serbs before that were apparently Serbs. I met Serbs that look bit like Danny. Possibly these folks could be part yipsy but I dont think full yipsy's.

As you know many people said Orban is Cigany too ?, I knew a Vojvodina Hungarian family from Senta/Zenta. The mother had same complexion and kind of similiar look
to this lady and as far as I know she was Hungarian.

11-11-2022, 09:23 AM
Look gipsy, dosent have to do with the skintone, like oszkar said there are Serbs that are dark, but its the phenotype that says they are more then probably gipsy

11-11-2022, 09:24 AM
maybe but idk, all I can say is I met dark Serbs before that were apparently Serbs. I met Serbs that look bit like Danny. Possibly these folks could be part yipsy but I dont think full yipsy's.

As you know many people said Orban is Cigany too ?, I knew a Vojvodina Hungarian family from Senta/Zenta. The mother had same complexion and kind of similiar look
to this lady and as far as I know she was Hungarian.
Orbán is phenotypically Hungarian rather than Gypsy. He may or may not have some gypsy admixture, idk really. He never addressed these rumors officially. There's no way he's fully Gypsy, I don't think he's more than 50% Gypsy. There are some Gypsy-Hungarian mixes in Hungary. I've seen mixed people that pass for ethnic Hungarian, others look ambiguous or look totally Gypsy. There are also ethnic Hungarians who are darker than average and get mistaken for Gypsies. Of course, these are isolated cases and 95% of the time it's not hard to tell who's Gypsy and who's Hungarian.

The son and the daughter in the video would be considered as gypsy looking in Hungary, the father looks like Gypsies that are mixed with Whites/Hungarians.

11-11-2022, 09:28 AM
I think they look like gypsies not only because they are dark but also because of the features, to me they look like gypsies, and also a bit TOO dark to be ethnic serbs, serbs can be dark but they are a bit TOO dark in my opinion.

11-11-2022, 09:39 AM

11-11-2022, 08:22 PM
Guy in the middle is extremely typical Punjabi Sikh. Parents look pred. European mixed with some Indian (mother more than father)