View Full Version : Classifies the Almohads (AI)

11-12-2022, 05:47 PM
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEidxBEcba6spjCXWEAbkFrlzRQd563U5ypsdCujZ7FKYK JxpjAnfuReL9ZR_k1t9njDoQxlabVkHD7wO1syXnvE96VI4bnH OSueXqQGjhtQitOZDlbTB1BaLw8aecircBcwQzioY4v2d108TP 06f7YP_3016KYIb4MWZuZ47tgI2iCv_mrmpyDkx_N7/s7256/ALMOHADES1.jpg

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEghmh7n7I_0nIDISf-NZv3621vXqc41YeV_PslPWIYpDX_SxlvoiC6JrbYBrjDO8aqF-Isixnn5SW7jI7m3b4y0S-g0uIoqrtZo71_Atd3ODXesG7DbtLc9fBxKR820CYClmCayntMk rzUwgmI0o4OpYJtvqfMydVg8b6STQN64wdH-VPIuIeD-H99G/s8999/Almohades2.jpg

The result surprised me, I thought they were going to be Berbers but they are Arabs, very few can be seen crossed with Berbers but on average they are Arabs.

My conclusion is that the modern Moroccans have diluted from that time to date the little Arab they had, so they are other guys, sorry, is what happens when you confuse modern populations with ancient populations, they were others hehe.

Some have blue, green or light brown eyes, when I make another picture you will see that they often had cataracts in their eyes.

They could not be at peace so they look somewhat jaded and angry at the same time.

If you can't find this among the modern Moroccans, how can you find it among the Spaniards, I say this for those who are looking for this mark in the modern Spaniards, killing themselves looking for pictures to prove it.

That's world, everything that goes up comes down.

Jingle Bell
11-12-2022, 06:10 PM
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEidxBEcba6spjCXWEAbkFrlzRQd563U5ypsdCujZ7FKYK JxpjAnfuReL9ZR_k1t9njDoQxlabVkHD7wO1syXnvE96VI4bnH OSueXqQGjhtQitOZDlbTB1BaLw8aecircBcwQzioY4v2d108TP 06f7YP_3016KYIb4MWZuZ47tgI2iCv_mrmpyDkx_N7/s7256/ALMOHADES1.jpg

The result surprised me, I thought they were going to be Berbers but they are Arabs, very few can be seen crossed with Berbers but on average they are Arabs.

My conclusion is that the modern Moroccans have diluted from that time to date the little Arab they had, so they are other guys, sorry, is what happens when you confuse modern populations with ancient populations, they were others hehe.

Some have blue, green or light brown eyes, when I make another picture you will see that they often had cataracts in their eyes.

They could not be at peace so they look somewhat jaded and angry at the same time.

If you can't find this among the modern Moroccans, how can you find it among the Spaniards, I say this for those who are looking for this mark in the modern Spaniards, killing themselves looking for pictures to prove it.

That's world, everything that goes up comes down.

Orientalids, some with a S Asian look
They look a lot more Persians/Levantines than N. Africans

11-12-2022, 07:18 PM
Some look similar to Pashtuns

11-13-2022, 07:33 AM
Some look similar to Pashtuns

Some may remember, but the average is more Arabic.