View Full Version : My female budgie attacked my male budgie and drew blood..

11-14-2022, 01:14 AM
My male budgie has blood all over his chest. Luckily he stopped bleeding (they can bleed to death easily). Dried blood on the perch, and NO blood on her. I took her out and put her in a separate cage. Poor fellow. He just wanted to sit next to her. She pecked him to a pulp.

11-14-2022, 04:45 AM
Didn't know you had pets.

11-14-2022, 05:16 AM
Guess he believed that rape had no meaning between couples, like you Meade.

11-14-2022, 05:25 AM
Guess he believed that rape had no meaning between couples, like you Meade.


11-14-2022, 05:50 AM
Me personally, I would not have let that happen. If I was the bird, I mean. Nobody pecks me and gets away with it

11-14-2022, 08:58 AM
You should check your keeping, are you sure that both have different sexes? Or your cage is probably too small and you don’t offer them enough free flight.

11-14-2022, 10:29 AM
In Spain, your female budgie would not go to jail, but if it had been the male who attacked the female, it would be considered sexist violence and immediate precautionary measures would be taken, including the very possible admission to preventive detention, free psychological care, forced separation for her male partner, the possibility of changing schools for the children and scholarships for dining and for the school bus, preference in the purchase of subsidized housing, and even advantages when it comes to a job in the public administration. etc...

11-14-2022, 09:24 PM
My male budgie has blood all over his chest. Luckily he stopped bleeding (they can bleed to death easily). Dried blood on the perch, and NO blood on her. I took her out and put her in a separate cage. Poor fellow. He just wanted to sit next to her. She pecked him to a pulp.

Is it true you named the male budgie 'Meade' and the female budgie 'celestia'?

11-15-2022, 03:07 AM
You should check your keeping, are you sure that both have different sexes? Or your cage is probably too small and you don’t offer them enough free flight.

I have a very large cage, actually. It's probably a little too big for them, and they are only two. She is getting older and very cranky. He is a fairly young bird. He seems okay but I am taking him into the vet to be sure.

11-15-2022, 03:08 AM
Is it true you named the male budgie 'Meade' and the female budgie 'celestia'?

No, their names are Donald And Melania.

11-15-2022, 03:43 AM
No, their names are Donald And Melania.
You should've named them Richie and Celeste

11-15-2022, 03:58 AM
Space has it right. "The female of the species is more deadly than the male (shock, shock, horror, horror, shock, shock, horror)."

11-15-2022, 05:14 AM
No, their names are Donald And Melania.

So then has sense Melania attacked Donald.

11-15-2022, 07:43 AM
You should've named them Richie and CelesteMy next pair will be that

Sent from my F91 5G using Tapatalk

11-15-2022, 10:07 PM
No, their names are Donald And Melania.

I can safely assume that you love Donald Trump then.

11-15-2022, 10:32 PM
No, their names are Donald And Melania.

Isn't this basically a sign that Melania is going to divorce Trump?

11-15-2022, 10:50 PM
Must be an alpha female. Well, put the cages together until you can see that through the bars of both cages they kiss each other with their beaks, then put them together again.

Another cause can be boredom or stress, then you put them with breadfruit on branch or some rope toys so they can entertain themselves with them, release stress and do not do it with their mate.


They have a lot of fun eating each seed of the ear.

11-16-2022, 01:54 AM
Space has it right. "The female of the species is more deadly than the male (shock, shock, horror, horror, shock, shock, horror)."

Great song BTW

11-16-2022, 02:20 AM
Must be an alpha female. Well, put the cages together until you can see that through the bars of both cages they kiss each other with their beaks, then put them together again.

Another cause can be boredom or stress, then you put them with breadfruit on branch or some rope toys so they can entertain themselves with them, release stress and do not do it with their mate.


They have a lot of fun eating each seed of the ear.

Usually the females have harder bites and are more nasty. Males don't bite as hard. When I seen her bite him before he just sat there like "wth?" I guess he's a battered husband.

11-17-2022, 01:33 AM
Great song BTW

I'm glad that somebody got the reference. It's a wonder that Space had just one hit.

11-17-2022, 02:15 AM
Meade, get off your ass and entertain your bored budgies!
