View Full Version : Classify another "I'm blonde hair, you look gypsy"

11-14-2022, 03:18 PM
Metehan Baltacı, 2002-Istanbul, 1,89 m



Jingle Bell
11-14-2022, 03:19 PM

11-14-2022, 03:27 PM
Keltic Nordic

11-14-2022, 03:29 PM
Keltic Nordid.

Atypical looking. He is fully Turk?

11-14-2022, 03:34 PM
He is fully Turk?

Fully Turkish name, also only Turkish citizenship according to Transfermarkt this is maximum info i can provide.


11-14-2022, 04:20 PM

11-14-2022, 04:24 PM
Keltic Nordic

No, if you look at his nose it has some sort of Iranid/armenoid influence, Keltic noses are straighter tipped, his forehead is also a bit low, he looks Spanish.

Jingle Bell
11-14-2022, 04:27 PM
No, if you look at his nose it has some sort of Iranid/armenoid influence, Keltic noses are straighter tipped, his forehead is also a bit low, he looks Spanish.

Its just a Proto-Nordic nose, which usually is convex and high, similar to a iranid nose for example

"Pale to fair skin, straight or wavy, usually blonde, sometimes reddish hair with blue, green, or grey eyes. Tall, mesoskelic, ectomorph to mesomorph. Dolichocephalic, mildly hypsicranic. Face long, nose prominent, long and hyperleptorrhine, sometimes convex. Rather rugged features, a deep mandible and a marked chin."


11-14-2022, 04:28 PM
At times I see Arabic

Cristiano viejo
11-14-2022, 04:33 PM
Descendant of Greeks.

11-14-2022, 04:35 PM
No, if you look at his nose it has some sort of Iranid/armenoid influence, Keltic noses are straighter tipped, his forehead is also a bit low, he looks Spanish.

Keltic Nordics have the lowest foreheads in fact- because their foreheads are low per default. But many Brits are just get classified as Keltic Nordic randomly, because not everybody with a hook nose is related even in the same country.
Even if they are KN metrically it does not mean they ll look all the same. See metrics do not tell you where you pass.

We can turn things around and say every Keltic has Cappadocian admix almost by default- or even just sligthly altered versions of it, so its the antrotardism to call any of those phenotypes "Nordic" because they are depigmented Meds but ok

Its just a Proto-Nordic nose, which usually is convex and high, similar to a iranid nose for example

actually nothing "proto" Nordic about him, just a semi Nordid, aka depigemted Med.

11-14-2022, 04:38 PM
His ancestors were janissaries from Central Europe for sure.

11-14-2022, 04:42 PM
Keltic Nordics have the lowest foreheads in fact- because their foreheads are low per default. But many Brits are just get classified as Keltic Nordic randomly, because not everybody with a hook nose is related even in the same country.
Even if they are KN metrically it does not mean they ll look all the same. See metrics do not tell you where you pass.

We can turn things around and say every Keltic has Cappadocian admix almost by default- or even just sligthly altered versions of it, so its the antrotardism to call any of those phenotypes "Nordic" because they are depigmented Meds but ok

actually nothing "proto" Nordic about him, just a semi Nordid, aka depigemted Med.

Don't you think though that this particular individual has more of an Armenoid or non Nordic influence? he doesnt look British, i have seen other Balkans and i think even Turks more British looking tham him.

11-14-2022, 04:44 PM
Descendant of Greeks.


Cristiano viejo
11-14-2022, 04:45 PM

You jealous, Gypsy?

Marshall Theodore
11-14-2022, 04:53 PM
Without any doubt he has ancestors from Central Europe or Balkans

11-14-2022, 04:54 PM
Don't you think though that this particular individual has more of an Armenoid or non Nordic influence? he doesnt look British, i have seen other Balkans and i think even Turks more British looking tham him.

i said metrics do not tell you everything. And i dont see any Armenoid really. Many Brits have non-Nordic influences, so what? They still look what they are. Everybody knows the more south you go- the more "depigmeted Med" is evident- genetics tells you that as well.

11-14-2022, 05:02 PM
i said metrics do not tell you everything. And i dont see any Armenoid really. Many Brits have non-Nordic influences, so what? They still look what they are. Everybody knows the more south you go- the more "depigmeted Med" is evident- genetics tells you that as well.

Someone like R Benitez looks totally British, this blonde guy just doesn't meet the metrics, I have seen pictures of people from the Pamir highlands who are more passable in the Isles, the Irish plate you posted has a straighter narrower nose for a start.

11-14-2022, 05:16 PM
Someone like R Benitez looks totally British, this blonde guy just doesn't meet the metrics, I have seen pictures of people from the Pamir highlands who are more passable in the Isles, the Irish plate you posted has a straighter narrower nose for a start.

Dude, passing is subjective. Rafa Benitez looks totally Spanish (which he is) and he is totally Med metrically as well (if you want Baskid)- just light skinned: only because you guys on this forums get boners for pale skin or a Turk posting blonde and red haired people.


Does not meet the metrics sounds like a horrible excuse to me. Its the opposite- he meets the metrics but still does not look what do you imagine, but Rafa does fo you lol ok, so we can whipe our asses with that enlightment.

11-14-2022, 05:22 PM
Dude, passing is subjective. Rafa Benitez looks totally Spanish (which he is) and he is totally Med metrically as well (if you want Baskid)- just light skinned: only because you guys on this forums get boners for pale skin or a Turk posting blonde and red haired people.


Does not meet the metrics sounds like a horrible excuse to me. Its the opposite- he meets the metrics but still does not look what do you imagine, but Rafa does fo you lol ok, so we can whipe our asses with that enlightment.

He looks Spanish but he is still more British looking than that Turk, someone like Burcu Esmersoy looks fully passable in England

11-14-2022, 05:25 PM
He looks Spanish but he is still more British looking than that Turk, someone like Burcu Esmersoy looks fully passable in England

This was not the topic of that thread. i dont know why you spam us with your opinion who passes in Britain- as if anybody asked.

11-14-2022, 05:27 PM
This was not the topic of that thread. i dont know why you spam us with your opinion who passes in Britain- as if anybody asked.

Because you said he was basically a Keltic Nordic lol, i see reasons for thinking differently and they are purely based on other factors as his pigmentation is fair.

11-14-2022, 05:31 PM
Because you said he was basically a Keltic Nordic lol, i see reasons for thinking differently and they are purely based on other factors as his pigmentation is fair.

No you dont understand Keltic Nordic metrics, thats it. So he does not look Hallstatt Nordic Swede also, but those types are metrical interchangable for the most part. Now search for a Tajik that looks like an "Alpine French" because metrically there should be a lot of them haha

11-14-2022, 05:31 PM
a Turk posting blonde and red haired people.

Sorry if i offended you, bro. I made the topic for jewish provocateur dude= https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?367679-Classify-Turkish-Girl&p=7606752&viewfull=1#post7606752

11-14-2022, 05:33 PM
You jealous, Gypsy?

Jealous of what ? Some average Albino looking dude ? Yes, I'm very jealous :lol:

11-14-2022, 05:35 PM
No you dont understand Keltic Nordic metrics, thats it. So he does not look Hallstatt Nordic Swede also, but those types are metrical interchangable for the most part. Now search for a Tajik that looks like an "Alpine French" because metrically there should be a lot of them haha

This lad in the thread looks more Anatolid imo and he seems to differ in soft tissue especially, the eyes, everything, he would look out of place anywhere in NW Europe, there are many darker Iranians probably more similar in facial features to a K Nordic.

11-14-2022, 06:03 PM
Noric + KN

11-14-2022, 06:36 PM
Sorry if i offended you, bro. I made the topic for jewish provocateur dude= https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?367679-Classify-Turkish-Girl&p=7606752&viewfull=1#post7606752

No, i m not offended. Its you who has to read he is part Greek or whatever. People do not want to accept the limitations of "phenoypes". See Del Bosque has a face length like a Corded, but is in pigmentation very similar to an average Turk.

This lad in the thread looks more Anatolid imo and he seems to differ in soft tissue especially, the eyes, everything, he would look out of place anywhere in NW Europe, there are many darker Iranians probably more similar in facial features to a K Nordic.

"looks Anatolid" No, you are just using wannabe arguments. I said already "Cappadocian Med" and this type is obv. to ancient Central European Kelts and EEF in general as well as Baskid, otherwise they would not have those low headed skulls like Patrick Stewart who has a lookalike from South East Turkey- your Anatolid OG.

11-14-2022, 06:41 PM
Someone like R Benitez looks totally British, this blonde guy just doesn't meet the metrics, I have seen pictures of people from the Pamir highlands who are more passable in the Isles, the Irish plate you posted has a straighter narrower nose for a start.


11-14-2022, 06:43 PM
No, i m not offended. Its you who has to read he is part Greek or whatever. People do not want to accept the limitations of "phenoypes". See Del Bosque has a face length like a Corded, but is in pigmentation very similar to an average Turk.

"looks Anatolid" No, you are just using wannabe arguments. I said already "Cappadocian Med" and this type is obv. to ancient Central European Kelts and EEF in general as well as Baskid, otherwise they would not have those low headed skulls like Patrick Stewart who has a lookalike from South East Turkey- your Anatolid OG.

He looks a little bit like Stewart but with a much bigger wider nose, I am not denying a connection with Kelts but obviously the guy in this thread is not a pure Keltic Nordic, sorry to bring her up again but the blonde lady i posted has a much closer metrical similarity with NW Euros.

11-14-2022, 06:54 PM
Del Bosque has a face length like a Corded, but is in pigmentation very similar to an average Turk.

Del Bosque is darker than "average" Turk, IMO. But im Turkish of course, my opinion could be biased.

Right next to an average Turk. (Not eastern anatolian, Kurdish or other ethnic)

11-14-2022, 07:14 PM
He looks a little bit like Stewart but with a much bigger wider nose, I am not denying a connection with Kelts but obviously the guy in this thread is not a pure Keltic Nordic, sorry to bring her up again but the blonde lady i posted has a much closer metrical similarity with NW Euros.

you seem only vain tbh (too large nose lmao really)- that woman looks more like a Spanish/Russian mixed, but i learnt "South English" is literally anybody. Metrically nothing specific about her outside of being a NordoMed ( and what is even a common ground for British/ South English metrics), but you wont stop those pseudo arguments, you are not here for big picture things but to tell us who can pass as South English- are noses tiny enough for it etc.

11-14-2022, 07:19 PM
I've met similar people from Dagestan, I guess from Avar ethnic group.

11-14-2022, 07:33 PM
No, if you look at his nose it has some sort of Iranid/armenoid influence, Keltic noses are straighter tipped, his forehead is also a bit low, he looks Spanish.

Why having an armenoid/iranid nose make he look ...Spanish???:picard1:

11-14-2022, 07:36 PM
Del Bosque is darker than "average" Turk, IMO. But im Turkish of course, my opinion could be biased.

Right next to an average Turk. (Not eastern anatolian, Kurdish or other ethnic)

If you say that it is similar to the Turkish average, I could pass it, but that he is darker... I doubt it.

11-14-2022, 07:46 PM
you seem only vain tbh (too large nose lmao really)- that woman looks more like a Spanish/Russian mixed, but i learnt "South English" is literally anybody. Metrically nothing specific about her outside of being a NordoMed ( and what is even a common ground for British/ South English metrics), but you wont stop those pseudo arguments, you are not here for big picture things but to tell us who can pass as South English- are noses tiny enough for it etc.

The woman is indeed a Nordo Med which is very common in southern England, she just is more typical of the English population and her features are more in line with the norm here. Even a Tajik Alpine would look less out of place here imo than the above man, It is about passing in essence and i wouldn't say he passes.

Sacrificed Ram
11-14-2022, 07:51 PM
Just a ginger Iranid-Orientalid, but this way nordid type was formed, I don't think is an error classify him into "Proto-Nordid" type created by Ratatosk.

11-14-2022, 07:54 PM
Why having an armenoid/iranid nose make he look ...Spanish???:picard1:

Actually Spaniards have on average straigther noses than Brits and French people. i saw once a Spanish lady with a very leptorrhine, long nose, combined witha saquarre face and head- it was an impressive combination. Certainly the biggest noses i ve seen were some Middle Easteners who where Irano-Afgan- extremly long noses but also very prominent. Other than that there is a lot variety in them too- his nose actually is too small to be specfic Irano-Afgan.

Just a ginger Iranid-Orientalid, but this way nordid type was formed, I don't think is an error classify him into "Proto-Nordid" type created by Ratatosk.

I think depigmented Gracile Med- Cappadocian Med would be closer, which makes more sense since this type is more native to Western Anatolia than any of those you named (also when it comes to skull shape and facila features)

11-14-2022, 08:03 PM
Depigmented dinaricized leptomorphic north indid + a few drops borealized gorid. Very unstable blend.

Sacrificed Ram
11-15-2022, 10:42 PM
I think depigmented Gracile Med- Cappadocian Med would be closer, which makes more sense since this type is more native to Western Anatolia than any of those you named (also when it comes to skull shape and facila features)

There are Iranid-Orientalid even in Brazil and you think is strange one in Istanbul...

12-22-2022, 07:39 AM
Ginger Pontid?

12-23-2022, 01:29 PM

12-23-2022, 01:47 PM

Atlantic Reptilian
12-24-2022, 02:22 PM
gracile nordid