View Full Version : Why are all the young Albanian men coming to England?

11-16-2022, 05:50 PM
Albanians are the top nationality by far to come to the UK across the channel by boat. Asylum seekers.
Why is this?? It's not as if Albania has experienced war recently. Nor is it a very poor and repressive country. There are no sanctions on Albania either. Many of these Albanians commit crime in England and form gangs. Is it because the UK is a "soft touch" on immigration, easily exploited by thugs? But why are most Albanian?? So many questions...

11-16-2022, 05:52 PM
To set up a network for Albanian mafia takeover of UK criminal underworld (and they already suceeded in that quite a bit)

11-16-2022, 05:54 PM
How the Albanian mafia corrupted Europe

5 November 2022

In May 2000 a French newspaper published an article which declared that ‘The Albanian mafia is corrupting Europe’. Le Parisien reported on an official Interpol document that described a ‘perfectly organised’ criminal network emanating from Albania, with its tentacles spreading west. Drugs, prostitution, gun-running and illegal immigration were the pillars of this syndicate, which had strong links with the Italian and Turkish mafias.

The Interpol report noted that 40 per cent of the heroin dealers arrested in Austria the previous year were Albanian, and Le Parisien reminded its readers that recently prostitution networks in the cities of Nice, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Metz and Nancy had been run by the Albanian mafia.

A month after the newspaper report a book was published in France called The Albanian Mafia – a menace for Europe. It was a disturbing portrayal of a criminal enterprise that ‘even inspires great respect among the powerful mafia families of Sicily.’

While the 1990s had not been a good decade for the Sicilian mafia, pursued ferociously by the Italian authorities after the assassinations in 1992 of two high-ranking judges, it was a profitable time for Albanian criminals because of the war in Kosovo. A member of the American diplomatic corps in Kosovo told the book’s authors that in return for money and contraband, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) had bestowed on the mafia ‘political legitimacy’.

That helped the Albanian mafia enlarge its sphere of operations so that by 2000 it controlled more than 70 per cent of the heroin market in Austria, Germany and the Scandinavian countries, pimped out thousands of prostitutes across Europe and organised highly lucrative burglaries, often carried out by former policemen or veterans of the KLA. ‘In France the problem is still in its infancy but its development is imminent,’ warned the authors.

The problem did indeed mature in the two decades that followed, and accelerated in 2010 when the Council of the European Union approved visa-free travel to the EU for Albanian citizens, a year after the country applied to join the bloc.

Albanians soon headed west, first to Germany and then, when Berlin began rejecting their demands en masse, to France. In 2017 there were 7,630 asylum applications in France – a 66 per cent increase on 2016 – prompting the then-Minister of the Interior, Gérard Collomb, to visit Tirana in December that year in an attempt to persuade the Albanian government to strengthen its controls on people leaving the country.

His diplomatic foray proved futile. In 2018 asylum applications rose to 8,261, of which only 6.5 per cent were successful (in the UK 55 per cent of Albanian applications are successful). By now the French government understood who was behind the exodus and a report published by the Ministry of Justice in the autumn of 2018 highlighted the role being played by the mafia.

The mafia’s principal industries were burglary, drugs and migrant smuggling. The report gave some examples. Five Albanians between November 2017 and October 2018 carried out 98 burglaries in 11 regions of France, netting a haul of €423,000.

Meanwhile, its drug trade was based out of cities in eastern France. Business was booming and the police in France were working flat out to smash well-organised heroin and cocaine networks run by Albanians.

Meanwhile the French Ministry of Justice described illegal immigration as a burgeoning branch of the Albanian mafia. In 2018 the French dismantled 18 Albanian smuggling networks and made 83 arrests, but despite their endeavours the mafia continued to traffic people from Asia and the Middle East into Europe, ‘notably to Great Britain’.

Most of the smuggling at this time was in lorries but as the British and French authorities tightened security at Channel ports the Albanians began looking at alternatives. Why not boats from remote stretches of coastline?

The first crossings were made in the autumn of 2018; just a few hundred at first, but once the mafia realised how easy it was, and how benevolent the British authorities were to those who came ashore – in large part because of Theresa May’s Modern Slavery Act of 2015 – a flotilla of boats began to cross the Channel.

This point was made last week by Dan O’Mahoney, Clandestine Channel Threat Commander, to the Home Affairs Select Committee: ‘The rise has been exponential and we think that is, in the main, due to the fact that Albanian criminal gangs have gained a foothold in the north of France,’ he explained.

In 2019, 1,843 migrants came across by boat, in 2020 8,466, and this year 39,430 have made the crossing up to the end of October. Among that number are 12,000 Albanians, 10,000 of whom are single men, most between 18 and 35. Some may intend to seek legitimate employment, but many are in Britain to work for the mafia.

They’ve set up a thriving business empire on continental Europe and now they want to do the same in Britain. They are already well on their way. As the Sun reported in 2019, Albanians have accomplished ‘a near total takeover of Britain’s Ł5 billion cocaine industry.’

In a newspaper column this week the MP David Davis said that in the last two years police in his Humberside constituency have ‘run six operations targeting groups linked to Albanians suspected of offences ranging from drug crime to fraud’. Davis believes the crisis must be tackled at its source, in Albania.

It should and if their government refuse to cooperate the EU should re-examine Albania’s candidature because Le Parisien in 2000 was right: the Albanian mafia is corrupting Europe. Perhaps it already has.

Source: https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/...rupted-europe/

11-16-2022, 06:12 PM

2:46 old Albanian man said he is already preparing his grandsons to emigrate to UK.

11-16-2022, 07:30 PM
Albania is full of poverty and corruption. They have been making the boat crossings for years. The French navy helps the immigrants as much as the criminals and they do it for free (they don't want Albanians in their country). The British government just wants to use Albanian immigration as a focus of hate and keep that issue on top of the agenda to distract attention from their own failings (Bank of England recently announced the UK is facing a long recession). (https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/03/bank-of-england-uk-faces-longest-ever-recession.html) It's the same strategy employed pre-Brexit where the only migrants you could actually attack were Eastern Europeans but not non-European or gypsy immigrants from the EU.


11-16-2022, 09:03 PM
Once again, blaming the small Albanian mouse and not seeing the Elephant in the rooms regarding Afghans, Syrians, Sudanese, Nigerians, ...

Tooting Carmen
11-16-2022, 09:59 PM
Once again, blaming the small Albanian mouse and not seeing the Elephant in the rooms regarding Afghans, Syrians, Sudanese, Nigerians, ...

But the question is: why are so many Albanians arriving, when the country is NOT in a state of war or dictatorship?

11-16-2022, 10:12 PM
Albania is full of poverty and corruption. (...)

And this is now being exported to the UK with these folks who cause exactly such conditions.

But be happy for the small vessels.

When they are big it gets like this (Albanians going to Italy in 1991):



11-17-2022, 01:23 AM
Serbia's revenge for NATO bombs. Enjoy.

11-17-2022, 01:46 AM
Once again, blaming the small Albanian mouse and not seeing the Elephant in the rooms regarding Afghans, Syrians, Sudanese, Nigerians, ...

Albanians are by far the largest nationality that uses boats to illegally cross the channel from France into England. Far more than Afghans, etc.

11-17-2022, 01:51 AM
But the question is: why are so many Albanians arriving, when the country is NOT in a state of war or dictatorship?

Exactly. That is the point of my thread. I really want to know the answer to this question!

11-17-2022, 02:56 AM

Albanians have accounted for 12,000 of the record 40,000 migrants who have arrived in the UK this year


11-17-2022, 03:30 AM
Fun fact: Albania was the indigenous name for Scotland and was the name for the whole of Britain before Brutus, named after Albanus/Alanus the son of Fethuir. :D

11-17-2022, 04:31 AM
Parasite mindset: they want others to solve their problems.

Atlantic Reptilian
11-17-2022, 07:31 AM

2:46 old Albanian man said he is already preparing his grandsons to emigrate to UK.

Lol, my mother would never have me share my bed with other family members even if we lived in Bosnia. If you cannot afford a decent house with enough rooms (which isn't expensive in BiH, btw) for your children then maybe you shouldn't have children in the first place?

Atlantic Reptilian
11-17-2022, 07:34 AM

You don't come to someone else's country and put your flag on their statues. Like, WTF? I have relatives in the UK and none of them do this shit.

11-17-2022, 07:35 AM
Lol, my mother would never have me share my bed with other family members even if we lived in Bosnia. If you cannot afford a decent house with enough rooms (which isn't expensive in BiH, btw) for your children then maybe you shouldn't have children in the first place?

Bosnia isn't any better than Albania and Albania is actually making faster progress than Bosnia is.

Atlantic Reptilian
11-17-2022, 07:36 AM
Exactly. That is the point of my thread. I really want to know the answer to this question!

Me too.
Have they been encouraged and been promised something by someone?

Atlantic Reptilian
11-17-2022, 07:38 AM
Bosnia isn't any better than Albania and Albania is actually making faster progress than Bosnia is.
I can't speak on that issue (only for the canton of Tuzla, which has increased its autonomy, which is a good thing), I'm just saying that anyone, no matter which ethnicity of the Balkans, knows that it's not sustainable to have children when you don't have a job etc.

11-17-2022, 07:42 AM
I can't speak on that issue (only for the canton of Tuzla, which has increased its autonomy, which is a good thing), I'm just saying that anyone, no matter which ethnicity of the Balkans, knows that it's not sustainable to have children when you don't have a job etc.

how do you know this woman and her husband don't work? I doubt they don't. In Balkans most of working people live poorly.

Atlantic Reptilian
11-17-2022, 07:50 AM
how do you know this woman and her husband don't work? I doubt they don't. In Balkans most of working people live poorly.
I thought that they wanted to go the UK because they can't make a decent living in Albania?
But sure, they could've had a decent job, have a child, and then lose the job. Job security could be a problem.

11-17-2022, 11:09 AM
Last month, Dan O'Mahoney, Border Force clandestine threat commander, said 12,000 Albanians have crossed the Channel by small boat since the start of this year, 10,000 of whom were 'single adult males'.

He said this was equivalent to roughly one to two per cent of the young male population of the country - a category that is understood to include men aged 20 to 40.

'Two years ago, 50 Albanians arrived in the UK on small boats, last year it was 800 and this year, so far, it's been 12,000 - of which about 10,000 are single adult men,' he told the Home Affairs Select Committee.

'So the rise has been exponential, and we think that is in the main because Albanian criminal gangs have gained a foothold in the north of France and have begun facilitating large numbers of migrants.

'Just to put this into context, that number of 10,000 is between one and two percent of the entire adult male population of Albania who have travelled to the UK in small boats.'

Mr O'Mahoney said only a low proportion of Albanian men who made asylum claims were successful.

'Some of them will of course need our help and will make legitimate asylum claims but the grant rate for single Albanian men - about 12 per cent,' he said.

'A lot of them are not actually interested in seeing their asylum claim through. We'll typically put them in a hotel for a couple of days then they'll disappear and work illegally in the UK for six months, possibly a year, then go back to Albania.'

Pater Patota
11-17-2022, 11:35 AM
Fun fact: Albania was the indigenous name for Scotland and was the name for the whole of Britain before Brutus, named after Albanus/Alanus the son of Fethuir. :D

That’s why most Albanians look British islanders/Scottish :D

11-17-2022, 01:25 PM
Serbia's revenge for NATO bombs. Enjoy.

It's a revenge for

- the stupidity of Nato intervention in the Balkans
- the stupidity to make European nations dysfuncitional by practicing an inter-national socialism in the form of the EU
- the stupidity to make European nations defenceless by practicing an inter-national socialism in matters of border control in the form of Schengen
- the stupidity to naturalize millions of foreigners and by that eventually get a Rishi Sunak prime minister, that will not seriously have a natural strive for preserving the British people

I know that the UK is not taking part in the EU and Schengen, but it makes all the Albanians easily reaching the English Channel. And the next step is just small.

11-17-2022, 01:30 PM

This is the most impressive pic. Yeah, do it the Albanian way and all will be good (like in Albania).

11-17-2022, 01:43 PM
(...) I'm just saying that anyone, no matter which ethnicity of the Balkans, knows that it's not sustainable to have children when you don't have a job etc.

As far as children are not starving, having a job is biologically irrelevant. In contrast, having a job and being whealthy seems to make people statistically somewhat infertile. All these wrong developments are made possible and promoted by the nowadays widespread care- and charity-mindedness.

11-17-2022, 01:50 PM
I thought that they wanted to go the UK because they can't make a decent living in Albania?
But sure, they could've had a decent job, have a child, and then lose the job. Job security could be a problem.

You seem to live in a la la land.

Most of Balkan people don't live decently. Especially if they desire same standard as UK. Even your engineer educated mother didn't consider her life in Bosnia decent enough so she emigrated to Sweden.
now imagine how low class lives and earns if engineers have it hard (it's not the case in Croatia, but I guess in some Balkan countries it is)

11-17-2022, 01:52 PM
It's a revenge for

- the stupidity of Nato intervention in the Balkans
- the stupidity to make European nations dysfuncitional by practicing an inter-national socialism in the form of the EU
- the stupidity to make European nations defenceless by practicing an inter-national socialism in matters of border control in the form of Schengen
- the stupidity to naturalize millions of foreigners and by that eventually get a Rishi Sunak prime minister, that will not seriously have a natural strive for preserving the British people

I know that the UK is not taking part in EU and Schengen, but it makes all the Albanians easily reaching the English Channel. And the next step is just small.

Most of these migrants are from Albania proper. There are Kosovars too but most of Kosovo Albanians emigrants go to German-speaking countries.

Atlantic Reptilian
11-17-2022, 02:15 PM
As far as children are not starving, having a job is biologically irrelevant. In contrast, having a job and being whealthy seems to make people statistically somewhat infertile. All these wrong developments are made possible and promoted by the nowadays widespread care- and charity-mindedness.
There is a point, but I'm thinking more on an individual level? I know people who wouldn't have kids even in such conditions, so, on a lower level, there has to be something more? Or is it really just simply desires? I'm asking since I can't see myself doing such decisions.

You seem to live in a la la land.
It's not la la land to think that people in the Balkans know what's sustainable or not. But I can't blame the people who are persuaded into marriages where they are supposed to stay at home. Those haven't turned out well (from what I've heard) and the women aren't able to have the same opportunities as they would if they did get a degree.

Most of Balkan people don't live decently. Especially if they desire same standard as UK. Even your engineer educated mother didn't consider her life in Bosnia decent enough so she emigrated to Sweden.
It was primarily because of the war, and it's consequences. She made a decent living before the war, and the period during the war was just the last phase before the company would be shut down and sold. After the war the industries had all been dismantled; sold to foreign investors for cheap money, similar to perestroika.

She didn't decide to have children anytime before or during the war. Only when she had a job did she have kids, which was in Sweden.

11-17-2022, 02:23 PM
Because they are poor probably maybe someone is encouraging them to migrate but i do not know who and why I thought the same when suddenly all gypsies from Balkan moved to western europe maybe someone told them that it would be good for them but i do not who and why

Atlantic Reptilian
11-17-2022, 02:30 PM
Because they are poor probably maybe someone is encouraging them to migrate but i do not know who and why I thought the same when suddenly all gypsies from Balkan moved to western europe maybe someone told them that it would be good for them but i do not who and why

I have heard about these things too.

11-17-2022, 02:31 PM
There is a point, but I'm thinking more on an individual level? I know people who wouldn't have kids even in such conditions, so, on a lower level, there has to be something more? Or is it really just simply desires? I'm asking since I can't see myself doing such decisions.

The behaviour that at a first glance may seem paradox, has pretty obvious role models in nature and it makes sense biologically:

- If you cut some smaller branches of an apple tree, it will react with elevated growth.
- If you train in a fittness studio small muscle fibres are torn off and the body reacts not just with reparation but also with muscle growth.

Considering this, it can be easily understood why the population of Afghanistan in spite of 40 years of wars grew extraordinarily. The same is applicable to Iraq after the American attack and the same is applicable to Syrians that breed like world champions no matter where they are and how bad the conditions are. Or consider Palestinian refugee camps and Gaza. Also Gypsies seem to over-compensate bad living conditions with a huge reproduction rate.

11-17-2022, 02:33 PM
Because they are poor probably maybe someone is encouraging them to migrate but i do not know who and why I thought the same when suddenly all gypsies from Balkan moved to western europe maybe someone told them that it would be good for them but i do not who and why

It's obvious. Generous welfare. Same reason why you are in Austria.

Case from my town:

Until a few years ago, almost four thousand Roma lived in PGŽ. Recently, the number has decreased because some families left and moved abroad, to Germany. All the families that moved out were very poor, they lived very badly, and that's why they left. Only a few Roma families left Rujevica, but many moved from Škurinje, i.e. from Škurinjska Draga, and about 40 families lived there, with five or six members each. A total of 15 to 20 Roma families left, each with three or more children. Some left three years ago, some two years ago, some yesterday. They left for bread, for a better life - says Sadik Krasnić, president of the Council of the Roma National Minority of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, confirming the "rumor" that more Roma families have moved out of Rijeka.

They are doing well in Germany. They got jobs and apartments, their children go to school, they got everything that belongs to them from the social welfare there.

-entitlement is interesting btw. I didn't know western countries owe free housing, jobs, welfare and education to Gypsies from completely foreign countries.

Atlantic Reptilian
11-17-2022, 02:35 PM
The behaviour that at a first glance may seem paradox, has pretty obvious role models in nature and it makes sense biologically:

- If you cut some smaller branches of an apple tree, it will react with elevated growth.
- If you train in a fittness studio small muscle fibres are torn off and the body reacts not just with reparation but also with muscle growth.

Considering this, it can be easily understood why the population of Afghanistan in spite of 40 years of wars grew extraordinarily. The same is applicable to Iraq after the American attack and the same is applicable to Syrians that breed like world champions no matter where they are and how bad the consitions are. Also Gypsies seem to over-compensate bad living conditions with a huge reproduction rate.

Oh, I see your point. Just like it was common in the past for poor europeans to have many children because in case someone died (and many did die) there would still be some left?

So, if I haven't endured such conditions, I will not understand it because I'm not conditioned to act in such a way?

But how does that explain people who have made a lot of progress in this sense, but who not too long ago had ancestors who were peasants (and maybe had many kids, some of whom would later die)?

11-17-2022, 02:36 PM

Morti, please don't sully German uniforms by an inacceptable bearer.

11-17-2022, 02:48 PM
Oh, I see your point. Just like it was common in the past for poor europeans to have many children because in case someone died (and many did die) there would still be some left?


So, if I haven't endured such conditions, I will not understand it because I'm not conditioned to act in such a way?

As you may imagine from the apple tree and muscle example it's a much deeper rooted biological function than just being personally conditioned. Also, it's not necessary that someone understands his own motivations and drivers. I don't know, but I guess you would react in a resembling way to such conditions like most others.

But how does that explain people who have made a lot of progress in this sense, but who not too long ago had ancestors who were peasants (and maybe had many kids, some of whom would later die)?

They are still the same. But the conditions do not trigger them in the referred to way. Also, I would not call that a progress. That are just different biolgical answers to different conditions. And it can turn again under other cirumstances. Syrians in a stable and pretty secular and well working Assad state had way lower reproduction rates than now.

11-17-2022, 02:49 PM
There is a point, but I'm thinking more on an individual level? I know people who wouldn't have kids even in such conditions, so, on a lower level, there has to be something more? Or is it really just simply desires? I'm asking since I can't see myself doing such decisions.

Balkan countries (except for Roma) actually have some of lowest birthrates in the world. Only Albania and especially Kosovo had notably higher birth rates but it all slowed down considerably in last few years.
But to answer your question when it comes to individuals:

sometimes children are necessary to make your life more bearable and happy if you are poor. what other happiness can you have you have except your family?
plus your kids can take care of you in old age (this is one of main reasons for high birth rate in sub saharan Africa with inexistant or poor pension system)

11-17-2022, 02:49 PM
Morti, please don't sully German uniforms by an inacceptable bearer.

I will soon change it when im in the mood to impersonate or act on something else

11-17-2022, 02:52 PM
Morti, please don't sully German uniforms by an inacceptable bearer.


Atlantic Reptilian
11-17-2022, 03:00 PM
Also, it's not necessary that someone understands his own motivations and drivers. I don't know, but I guess you would react in a resembling way to such conditions like most others.
Sure, that's true.
Hmm, the last part, I'm not so sure about. I do care about children's well-being, and I get along very well with kids (at the same time I can't have a kinder garden-welfare in my backyard xD), but I have never myself felt like I want to have my own kids. And I have asked multiple people why they have kids (before they had them) but they often don't give any direct answers. Yes, the children can be amazing, but you don't know that before they are born, right? And it's also dependent on how the children are nurtured.

They are still the same. But the conditions do not trigger them in the referred to way. Also, I would not call that a progress. That are just different biolgical answers to different conditions. And it can turn again under other cirumstances. Syrians in a stable and pretty secular and well working Assad state had way lower reproduction rates than now.
I should've worded it differently. I'm thinking progress as in not stagnating (to not be limited to farming if you happen to be better in more advanced fields).

Good last point. Does this encompass the entire population? Do you know more about this? I get the impression that before the Iraqi and Syrian wars, they government knew their own populations, so they knew the right way to rule over them, as compared to Western countries who are generous with welfare.

Balkan countries (except for Roma) actually have some of lowest birthrates in the world. Only Albania and especially Kosovo had notably higher birth rates but it all slowed down considerably in last few years.
But to answer your question when it comes to individuals:

sometimes children are necessary to make your life more bearable and happy if you are poor. what other happiness can you have you have except your family?
plus your kids can take care of you in old age (this is one of main reasons for high birth rate in sub saharan Africa with inexistant or poor pension system)

Good points. Thanks for your insights.

11-17-2022, 03:14 PM
I will soon change it when im in the mood to impersonate or act on something else

Nice, and after that you will offended if someone call you nazi.

11-17-2022, 03:54 PM
Most of these migrants are from Albania proper. There are Kosovars too but most of Kosovo Albanians emigrants go to German-speaking countries.

Kosovo Albanians immigrate to Croatia, too.
Here are they waiting for visa in front of German, Croatian and Slovenian embassy.


Next year, there will be EU visa liberalisation for Kosovo, so they will leave Kosovo and settle all across EU in large numbers.

11-17-2022, 03:57 PM
Serbia's revenge for NATO bombs. Enjoy.

We call both sides to negotiate in civilised manners.
Human and ethnic rights of Albanian communities in Western countries has to be fully respected. :coffee:

11-17-2022, 04:27 PM
To sell drugs and spread Islam is my guess

11-17-2022, 04:44 PM
Kosovo Albanians recognize Serbia as their state only when they apply for Serbian passport to be able to travel more easy via Europe or to emigrate to the west. Tons of Kosovo Albanians took Serbian passports including many from their so called political elite.

This is Serbian birth certificate of Vlora Çitaku https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlora_Çitaku
In the sixth column is written: Држављанство - Републуке Сербије (Citizenship - of the Republic of Serbia)

11-17-2022, 04:46 PM
Kosovo Albanians immigrate to Croatia, too.
Here are they waiting for visa in front of German, Croatian and Slovenian embassy.


Next year, there will be EU visa liberalisation for Kosovo, so they will leave Kosovo and settle all across EU in large numbers.

I know, but I must admit Albanians in Croatia (vast majority are Kosovar) don't make trouble. At least not where I live. Croatia is in some ways different from countries like UK, everything is more peaceful and it usually does not attract criminals (not much of a market and money to be made here). ofc their number is small still. Most Albos run bakeries, jewellery shops and restaurants. Quite a few are highly educated too.

We get some Catholics who integrate more easily I guess, I have a friend who is half Croat half Kosovar Catholic Albo. He considers himself just Croatian

11-17-2022, 04:49 PM
I don't question why. You leave an opening and pests will take advantage. Same reason I don't question why Africans and Asians come in droves and always will so long as we let them.

I always just wonder how they're often so arrogant and entitled (not just Albanians but 'ethnics' generally in the Anglosphere and the West), for people who've left their culture to live in ours.

11-17-2022, 05:22 PM
I know, but I must admit Albanians in Croatia (vast majority are Kosovar) don't make trouble. At least not where I live. Croatia is in some ways different from countries like UK, everything is more peaceful and it usually does not attract criminals (not much of a market and money to be made here). ofc their number is small still. Most Albos run bakeries, jewellery shops and restaurants. Quite a few are highly educated too.

We get some Catholics who integrate more easily I guess, I have a friend who is half Croat half Kosovar Catholic Albo. He considers himself just Croatian

About 12-13 years ago one Albanian was in my house. He was tenant of one friend of my father in one town in central Serbia, father's friend brought him. In that time my father worked in Germany, but he was at home on vacation. Albanian traveled to Germany where his wife and children were stationed, and he offered to my father to withdraw some money from his account. My father agreed, but when Shiptar went my father realized that he was wrong and blocked the account. Later it turned out that Shiptar was a petty criminal who engaged in fraud. He was part of Kosovo Albanian group who 'rented' houses in central Serbia made accounts and ran away.

About 1 km from me there is a one bakery whose owner is Albanian. He is not Gorani but real Albanian, from Kosovo or eventually Preševo/Bujanovac. He speak Serbian with typical Albanian accent. His business is going well, his bakery is always full unlike some others with non-Albanian owners.

Cristiano viejo
11-17-2022, 05:32 PM
And for this, ladies and gentlemen, they got a war in Balkans: to that all of them leave the country :rolleyes:

11-17-2022, 05:53 PM
About 12-13 years ago one Albanian was in my house. He was tenant of one friend of my father in one town in central Serbia, father's friend brought him. In that time my father worked in Germany, but he was at home on vacation. Albanian traveled to Germany where his wife and children were stationed, and he offered to my father to withdraw some money from his account. My father agreed, but when Shiptar went my father realized that he was wrong and blocked the account. Later it turned out that Shiptar was a petty criminal who engaged in fraud. He was part of Kosovo Albanian group who 'rented' houses in central Serbia made accounts and ran away.

About 1 km from me there is a one bakery whose owner is Albanian. He is not Gorani but real Albanian, from Kosovo or eventually Preševo/Bujanovac. He speak Serbian with typical Albanian accent. His business is going well, his bakery is always full unlike some others with non-Albanian owners.

best burek place in my town is ran by Kosovar Albo brothers. it works 24-7

And for this, ladies and gentlemen, they got a war in Balkans: to that all of them leave the country :rolleyes:

There was a war in Kosovo but not in Albania. Most of these migrants in OP are from Albania.

Cristiano viejo
11-17-2022, 06:02 PM
There was a war in Kosovo but not in Albania. Most of these migrants in OP are from Albania.
Albanians fought for the independence of Kosovo. What for? they should move there if they want to immigrate, not to UK, Spain or wherever.

11-17-2022, 06:07 PM
best burek place in my town is ran by Kosovar Albo brothers. it works 24-7

In the bakery that i mentioned burek is pretty good, but quite fatty. That bakery exist for years and i was there maximum 10 times, because it is always crowded and there are other bakeries closer to me home. Workers are Serbs, i didn't noticed other Albanians (among employees) except owner of bakery.

11-17-2022, 06:26 PM
Albanians fought for the independence of Kosovo. What for? they should move there if they want to immigrate, not to UK, Spain or wherever.

In 1960s, 1970s and 1980s Albanians were paying a lot of money to Serbs to buy their houses, fields and other property in Kosovo. Some Kosovo Serbs sold their property in Kosovo to Albanians in that period and moved to central Serbia, Belgrade or Vojvodina. Because of that among some other Serbs there is a wrong opinion that Kosovo Serbs sold Kosovo to Albanians, they are full of money, they are not patriots etc. Strong majority of Kosovo Serbs didn't sell their property to Albanians, and they were expelled from Kosovo by Albos after 1999. or still live there in very difficult conditions (under torture by the Albanians). Kosovo Serbs who sold their property to Albanians were forced to do so, because they lived under the Albanian pressure.
Albanians were fighting to albanized Kosovo on various ways for decades, and in the last 10-15 years they leave voluntarily Kosovo in huge numbers.

11-17-2022, 06:30 PM
And for this, ladies and gentlemen, they got a war in Balkans: to that all of them leave the country :rolleyes:

Radioactive of depleted uranium Kosova inhabited by old people, toddlers and losers who didn't manage to leave somehwere. So called Kosova after Serbia leaving it looks like soft version of South Africa after whites leaving it.

11-17-2022, 06:36 PM
England was a lost cause after 1066. This was solidified when they elected Attlee after the second world war.

11-17-2022, 09:19 PM
Radioactive of depleted uranium Kosova inhabited by old people, toddlers and losers who didn't manage to leave somehwere. So called Kosova after Serbia leaving it looks like soft version of South Africa after whites leaving it.

Indeed. NATO bombing and occupation of Kosovo in 1999. it did not bring anything good to Albanians. For Albos 1999. is liberation from Serbia, but fatal results of that 'liberation' are visible now. Kosovo is protectorate of NATO/USA irradiated with depleted uranium due to bombing, has by far the highest rate of cancer in Europe due to bombing of course. Kosovo has a high unemployment rate and Albanians are moving out more and more from year to years to western counties (especially younger). Crime and corruption reign in Kosovo. Kosovo Albanians proclaimed independence in 2008, but Kosovo didn't became a real/normal state and never will be. Most of the UN members doesn't recognize Kosovo as independent state. EU did not liberalized visas for the so-called Kosovo and probably never will, and many Kosovo Albanians take Serbian passports (to emigrate to the west more easy). Fake state Kosovo is black hole of Europe.
First victims of NATO occupation of Kosovo were Serbs, and Albanians are also victims it proved in long-term.

11-17-2022, 10:04 PM

11-17-2022, 11:16 PM

Promising backgrounds for an enhancement of the UK! :joker000:

Tooting Carmen
11-18-2022, 12:12 AM
Promising backgrounds for an enhancement of the UK! :joker000:

Whereas most legal non-European migrants come from China, South Asia and West Africa, whether to work, study or for family reunion.

Atlantic Reptilian
11-18-2022, 05:25 AM
That is a very good question my friend. Most Bosniaks do not go to the UK but places like France, Scandinavia are more popular from my experience but I could be wrong about it. Maybe Albanians are going there because of this Albanian boxer in the UK who is quite popular in Albania:


From what I've heard, those (bosniaks) who moved to France more often were left without a job. UK was a better option. Canada, Australia and Norway (perhaps also Ireland?) were better at offering long-term job opportunities (which is good because it's not fun to just sit at home and not do anything productive). (I have relatives in all of the mentioned countries).

11-18-2022, 04:50 PM

Hmmm.... NATO bombs ?


UK was Serbian ally in WW1 and WW2, but now it is one of the countries with the most anti-Serb attitude, supporting Albanians and Bosnian Muslims in Balkans.

11-18-2022, 04:57 PM
From what I've heard, those (bosniaks) who moved to France more often were left without a job. UK was a better option. Canada, Australia and Norway (perhaps also Ireland?) were better at offering long-term job opportunities (which is good because it's not fun to just sit at home and not do anything productive). (I have relatives in all of the mentioned countries).

Most Bosniaks, as well as Albanians or any Balkan nationalities are in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Sweden

Atlantic Reptilian
11-18-2022, 05:08 PM
Most Bosniaks, as well as Albanians or any Balkan nationalities are in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Sweden

Yes they are, but, for instance, Norway was able to take care of the Bosniaks who arrived much better than Sweden. They were much faster at handing out licenses to i. e. doctors, so that they could work in their fields, whilst in Sweden, you were lucky if your degree was authenticated.
I have relatives in both Norway and Sweden, and I would say Norway did a better job at integrating. At the same time it's a smaller country than Sweden.

From what I've heard, Australia offered great opportunities for people to start small businesses easily. And they were also permitted to work much sooner, whilst in the US, you had to get a permit to work, which took more time to get.

As for Germany and Austria, they have been the most generous to Bosniaks. Sweden opened up once Germany was overloaded and had to send people back.

Atlantic Reptilian
11-18-2022, 05:15 PM
UK was Serbian ally in WW1 and WW2, but now it is one of the countries with the most anti-Serb attitude, supporting Albanians and Bosnian Muslims in Balkans.
Maybe they are pro BiH on paper, since the US is, but I doubt they are pro-muslim other than making it seem like they are "progressive and accepting"? Or what do you think?
I agree that they aren't pro-serb.

But I don't think the US was in the Balkans for any good reasons, except for making it look like they were intervening for "peace".
I have also heard rumors that they tried to look for oil in Bosnia but didn't find any?

11-21-2022, 05:31 PM
And this is now being exported to the UK with these folks who cause exactly such conditions.

But be happy for the small vessels.

When they are big it gets like this (Albanians going to Italy in 1991):



That was after communism, Albania itself went bankrupt and was in a civil war in 1997 also, Albania was never involved directly in the Kosovo War


Serbia's revenge for NATO bombs. Enjoy.

Yeah NATO bombs lol

On 8 October 1912, Montenegrin troops marched in the vilayet of Shkodra. That was followed by Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece to declare war on Ottoman Empire, thus starting the First Balkan War. Montenegrin, Serbian and Greek forces advanced in territories which were majorly populated by Albanians, and tried to change the ethnic reality through extermination of the Albanian population, with around 25 000 Albanians killed by early 1913.[12] Alarmed at the plans of Montenegro, Serbia and Greece to partition between them the territories of the western Balkans, the Albanians delegates met at a congress in Vlorë, where on 28 November 1912 declared the independence of Albania.[13]

On 3 December 1912, the ambassadors of the six Great Powers of that time (Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia and Italy) met in London to decide about the fate of the Albanian-inhabited territories. After much discussion, the Ambassadors reached a formal decision on 29 July 1913 to establish the Principality of Albania which independence would be recognized, but more than half of the territory of the Independent Albania and about 30%-40%[14] of the ethnic Albanian population would be awarded to Serbia, Montenegro, and Greece. Though deprived of more than half of its ethnic territory, Albania would be a sovereign state independent of the Ottoman Empire.[15][16]

It was Great Britain that gave half of Albanian territories to the Serbs. Let's nor forget that. It was Albanians first that revolted against the Ottoman Empire, they merely took advantage of an Albanian revolt.

The borders of the Principality of Albania established in 1913 left a large number of ethnic Albanians outside the new state, and many of them fled or were forcibly driven inside the recognized borders of Albania.[21] In Kosovo, Serbian troops attempted to alter the demographic makeup of the region through mass expulsions. Over 100,000 Albanians emigrated from Kosovo during 1918-1941.[22][23]


Oh poor Serbia, bunch of people who are leaving their own country and has an aging population. For Kosovo and Albania what you see is mostly young people leaving since it has one of Europe's youngest population.

Also if Serbia is so tough how come they didn't go to war against NATO ?