View Full Version : Classify Spanish woman

11-19-2022, 05:54 AM
From Catalonia

11-19-2022, 06:01 AM
Seems to have black blood. Reminds me of the Bogdanov. :) Black and also "native americans".

11-19-2022, 07:59 AM

11-19-2022, 10:03 AM
Singer Nina there are dozens of threads

Anna María Agustí Flores


Surname of Asturian origin, currently spread throughout Spain and Latin America thanks to the Spanish colonization. It has a special presence in Andalusia, where the famous artist Lola Flores was from. It comes from the Latin personal name -Florus-, onomastic application of the Latin voice -flos, floris-, "flower".

The Agusti surname has a heraldic shield or Spanish coat of arms, certified by the Chronicler and Dean King of Arms Don Vicente de Cadenas y Vicent.

According to the archives of the Royal Chancery of Valladolid, the Agusti family made proof of their nobility in this institution.

It is known that the Agusti have or had residency, among other places, in:

* The Canary Islands.
* The Canary Islands.
* Catalonia.

Although we know that surnames in Spain are not related to this or that lineage since the same surname can be shared by different lineages, a little information is not superfluous.

Flores is a surname used by gypsies; although I have already said that in Spain it is not a dogma of faith.

And Agustí has been somehow related to the Canary Islands, which I did not expect.



His maternal grandmother was from Granada and his father honestly seems to me very much from the Valencia region. I don't know if there could be something back and forth in the father with the Canary Islands or Latin America. (The father is very tanned and his skin is tanned by the sun, I don't even pay attention to that)

11-19-2022, 03:06 PM
Seems to have black blood. Reminds me of the Bogdanov. :) Black and also "native americans".

I don't see Negroid traits, maybe Armenoid?

11-19-2022, 03:17 PM
I don't see any SSA in her.

Marshall Theodore
11-19-2022, 03:27 PM
Armenoid traits are more plausible than SSA.

11-19-2022, 04:25 PM
Look sicilian.

Jingle Bell
11-19-2022, 04:26 PM
Litorid + minor Berberid (Maybe from her canary/guanche ancestry)

i dont wanna troll or offend nobody but she looks way more Morrocan than Spanish to me

Jingle Bell
11-19-2022, 04:30 PM
Singer Nina there are dozens of threads

Anna María Agustí Flores


Although we know that surnames in Spain are not related to this or that lineage since the same surname can be shared by different lineages, a little information is not superfluous.

Flores is a surname used by gypsies; although I have already said that in Spain it is not a dogma of faith.

And Agustí has been somehow related to the Canary Islands, which I did not expect.



His maternal grandmother was from Granada and his father honestly seems to me very much from the Valencia region. I don't know if there could be something back and forth in the father with the Canary Islands or Latin America. (The father is very tanned and his skin is tanned by the sun, I don't even pay attention to that)

Looks like the Litorid comes from Dad
Mom looks like a mix of CM/Alpine and Med
Idk maybe the Berberid coms from a grandpa/ma

11-19-2022, 05:09 PM
Ojala los trolles chicanos, spaghetti y demas galeria de trolles hispanos y europeos vieran a esta catalana.
Se les caeria lo de que cataluña no tiene sangre de moros, talvez no tiene norteafricana pero si semitica
y bastante mas sangre semitica tienen los catalanes que el resto de España de norteafricanos(4% es el promedio)
Y ella es muestra de ella. Pasaria mejor en el levante y Sicilia que en España

Luce claramente Armenoid

11-19-2022, 06:09 PM
Doesn't look european

Marshall Theodore
11-20-2022, 04:41 PM
Doesn't look european

She does, but as sicilian

11-20-2022, 04:55 PM
Ojala los trolles chicanos, spaghetti y demas galeria de trolles hispanos y europeos vieran a esta catalana.
Se les caeria lo de que cataluña no tiene sangre de moros, talvez no tiene norteafricana pero si semitica
y bastante mas sangre semitica tienen los catalanes que el resto de España de norteafricanos(4% es el promedio)
Y ella es muestra de ella. Pasaria mejor en el levante y Sicilia que en España

Luce claramente Armenoid

She's 0 Catalan by blood and 100% Spanish. You shot yourself in the foot bro.

11-20-2022, 04:56 PM
Singer Nina there are dozens of threads

Anna María Agustí Flores


Although we know that surnames in Spain are not related to this or that lineage since the same surname can be shared by different lineages, a little information is not superfluous.

Flores is a surname used by gypsies; although I have already said that in Spain it is not a dogma of faith.

And Agustí has been somehow related to the Canary Islands, which I did not expect.



His maternal grandmother was from Granada and his father honestly seems to me very much from the Valencia region. I don't know if there could be something back and forth in the father with the Canary Islands or Latin America. (The father is very tanned and his skin is tanned by the sun, I don't even pay attention to that)

Flores is a Castilian surname so his maternal grandfather is most likely Andalusian too.
Agustí is a Catalan surname but belongs to that man in the photo who is his adoptive father. The origins of her biological father is unknown but possibly Spanish/Andalusian.

Cristiano viejo
11-20-2022, 05:48 PM
Looks non white.

11-20-2022, 06:27 PM
Looks non white.

She looks lighter than many full blooded Spaniards

Cristiano viejo
11-20-2022, 06:41 PM
She's 0 Catalan by blood and 100% Spanish. You shot yourself in the foot bro.
She is 50% Catalan by blood (at least) and culturally, socially and politically 100% Catalan as well. She even is a a separatist and joined the list of CiU.

Who do you want to deceive??

She looks lighter than many full blooded Spaniards

She looks lighter than many full blooded British.

11-20-2022, 09:33 PM
She is 50% Catalan by blood (at least) and culturally, socially and politically 100% Catalan as well. She even is a a separatist and joined the list of CiU.

Who do you want to deceive??

His adoptive father from whom she takes the surname is Catalan but his biological father is unknown. Probably of Spanish origins like her mother.
Do you understand that adoptive parents do not pass on genes, right?

11-20-2022, 09:38 PM
La he visto en persona, en un cine, iba sola, la tía se sentó en la primera fila para que no la molestara nadie, no sé cómo aguantó ver la película desde la primera fila, había sitio de sobra más atrás.

11-20-2022, 09:41 PM
Flores is a Castilian surname so his maternal grandfather is most likely Andalusian too.
Agustí is a Catalan surname but belongs to that man in the photo who is his adoptive father. The origins of her biological father is unknown but possibly Spanish/Andalusian.

Yes of Castile of Queen Isabel of Castile.

No, she said in an interview, a thousand years ago, she only said it once, but I have a great memory for this kind of things, that her grandmother was from Granada, not her grandfather and now I have seen that her grandfather's surname was Flores, maybe he was a gypsy from the neighborhood of Gracia, who knows.

11-20-2022, 09:49 PM
Yes of Castile of Queen Isabel of Castile.

No, she said in an interview, a thousand years ago, she only said it once, but I have a great memory for this kind of things, that her grandmother was from Granada, not her grandfather and now I have seen that her grandfather's surname was Flores, maybe he was a gypsy from the neighborhood of Gracia, who knows.

Not everyone named Flores is Gypsy...
There aren't Gypsies in Gràcia. Catalan gypsies, the whole 4 of them, have Catalan surnames and Flores isn't one. Maybe his biological father is but I really doubt it.

11-20-2022, 09:56 PM
Not everyone named Flores is Gypsy...
There aren't Gypsies in Gràcia. Catalan gypsies, the whole 4 of them, have Catalan surnames and Flores isn't one. Maybe his biological father is but I really doubt it.

I know that not all Flores surnames are gypsies, in Spain the surnames related to an ethnic group or origin have not worked and any attempt has been frustrated, I know that.

There are no gypsies in Gracia, come on, I don't know what world you live in?


11-20-2022, 10:18 PM
I know that not all Flores surnames are gypsies, in Spain the surnames related to an ethnic group or origin have not worked and any attempt has been frustrated, I know that.

There are no gypsies in Gracia, come on, I don't know what world you live in?


As I said the whole 4 of them have Catalan surnames, like the Valentí family from the video. Flores is a Spanish/Andalusian surname, Gypsy or not, so can't be from Gràcia.

11-20-2022, 10:19 PM
Looks Mena , semitic looking

11-20-2022, 11:54 PM
Semitic looking, like a Jew from Brooklyn. Fucking Taurid or something

Beautiful lady btw!

11-21-2022, 06:15 AM
Semitic looking, like a Jew from Brooklyn. Fucking Taurid or something

Beautiful lady btw!

Lol you love pointing out Jewish features, don’t you?

11-21-2022, 07:50 AM
Absolutely zero Armenoid. If anything she looks North African.

11-21-2022, 03:49 PM
Absolutely zero Armenoid. If anything she looks North African.

Looks more Levantine than North African, imo.

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2022, 04:28 PM
His adoptive father from whom she takes the surname is Catalan but his biological father is unknown. Probably of Spanish origins like her mother.
Do you understand that adoptive parents do not pass on genes, right?

"Probably" :laugh:

If her mother finished with a Catalan guy (Joan Agustí), what in hell makes you to think her first husband was not Catalan too? :rolleyes:

Her mother is not Gypsy, this is another crazy ocurrence of Gallop. Anna Flores


in fact her Catalan adoptive father, Joan Agustí, is who looked exotic


Her real surname (I had no idea about her being abandoned etc) is Gayete. This is all what I have found about this surname:

Encontrado en las comunidades judías de Aragón ya en el siglo XIII. Procede del francés provenzal. Gay designa a una persona de carácter alegre y muy popular en la Francia medieval. Mosé Avengayete (hijo de Gayete) fue compensado con tributos y obligaciones reales por el rey Jaime I el Conquistador por los servicios prestados. Después de 1492 tanto Gay como Gayete pasaron a formar parte de la sociedad conversa.


Jewish ancestry would make sense since she looks whatever except white.

But well, she is Spanish since she is Catalan, so you are right :laugh:

11-21-2022, 05:14 PM
She doesnt look non euro to me. Kinda like Russell Brand. You guys are clueless about jewish looking. As you are about a lot of things :D

11-21-2022, 06:20 PM
I don't see Negroid traits, maybe Armenoid?

Maybe yup, seems alike too. Sometimes i do find tiny bits of things, but i'm maybe wrong, it reminded me of some "latinos" and as a lot of "latinos" have black too. She maybe have some bits of black, who knows? 😀

For the "latino" thing :

Eva Mendes (Cuban)

Kate del Castillo (Mexican)

11-21-2022, 06:54 PM
Looks part Berber, and yeah the Semitic protruding nose bla bla- a lot of Berbers are part Litorid as well like Benzema

Cristiano viejo
11-21-2022, 07:02 PM
Looks part Berber

That is stupid since Spaniards dont look part Berber nor they are part Berber and although they were it that would not reflect in phenotype.

As I posted above her paternal surname is absolutely unusual and was used by Conversos (Jews) already in the century XIII. That makes muuuch more sense than having an ultra-far Berber past :picard1:

11-21-2022, 07:12 PM
That is stupid since Spaniards dont look part Berber nor they are part Berber and although they were it that would not reflect in phenotype.

As I posted above her paternal surname is absolutely unusual and was used by Conversos (Jews) already in the century XIII. That makes muuuch more sense than having an ultra-far Berber past :picard1:

i was just going with what i saw on the front posted by Xacal- part Jewish makes sense too and she propably is, i just go with what i saw and what she looks to me like Laval looking Indian as hell- nobody is saying French people are part Indian.

11-21-2022, 07:15 PM
"Probably" :laugh:

If her mother finished with a Catalan guy (Joan Agustí), what in hell makes you to think her first husband was not Catalan too? :rolleyes:

Her mother is not Gypsy, this is another crazy ocurrence of Gallop. Anna Flores


in fact her Catalan adoptive father, Joan Agustí, is who looked exotic


Her real surname (I had no idea about her being abandoned etc) is Gayete. This is all what I have found about this surname:

Encontrado en las comunidades judías de Aragón ya en el siglo XIII. Procede del francés provenzal. Gay designa a una persona de carácter alegre y muy popular en la Francia medieval. Mosé Avengayete (hijo de Gayete) fue compensado con tributos y obligaciones reales por el rey Jaime I el Conquistador por los servicios prestados. Después de 1492 tanto Gay como Gayete pasaron a formar parte de la sociedad conversa.


Jewish ancestry would make sense since she looks whatever except white.

But well, she is Spanish since she is Catalan, so you are right :laugh:

I have neither said nor affirmed that his mother is a gypsy, do not twist my words because I will not agree with you.

I have neither said nor affirmed that his mother is a gypsy, do not twist my words because I will not agree with you.

Me gusta la gente sería, rollitos de este tipo ni uno, podré observar lo que me parezca, otra cosa es cuando confirmo, espero que no se vuelva a repetir.

Estás celoso por algo?

By the way here is the study of the Gypsies that will clear up your witticisms about the differences you believed between southern, eastern and western Gypsies being wrong.


Cristiano viejo
11-21-2022, 07:39 PM
I have neither said nor affirmed that his mother is a gypsy, do not twist my words because I will not agree with you.

You insinuated her mother was Gypsy just because the surname. That was a crazy ocurrence. Una más.

You as Andalusian should know better than anyone such surname since one of the most famous of your people is called so, Pepa Flores "Marisol"


Yet you said such stupidity.

11-21-2022, 08:19 PM
You insinuated her mother was Gypsy just because the surname. That was a crazy ocurrence. Una más.

You as Andalusian should know better than anyone such surname since one of the most famous of your people is called so, Pepa Flores "Marisol"


Yet you said such stupidity.

I know perfectly well that surnames in Spain are not decisive to assign this or that lineage or ethnicity or whatever you want.

But we are talking about Nina, not Marisol or Pepa Flores and Nina for us is exotic, Marisol is not then obviously we have to collate all the available information and not rule out any possibility, we are in hypothesis, to name or say a possibility is only a hypothesis for the moment and until Nina does not reveal if she has any gypsy ancestor we are shuffling possibilities, with Maria Jimenez it has happened since she revealed it as an adult because she knew it as an adult.

So it is not stupid, I do not rule out that Nina could have some gypsy ancestors, it seems to me more stupid to attribute Sephardic to her.

11-21-2022, 08:43 PM

It is strange and exotic, not at all usual, what it is, we still do not know.