View Full Version : Classify "German" Christian Evangelist Mario Mettbach (I think he is a Sinti/ a Gypsy)

11-23-2022, 05:28 AM
I saw another video, with Michael Stürzenberger an Anti-Islamist, it was an Anti-Islamist rally and Christian evangelisation rally, and one guy said "Listen you leftard freaks Im not a nazi im a german sinti a gypsy and I would not shake the hand of a nazi, nazis murdered gypsies, you guys are freaks" (The leftists and muslims were on the other side protesting against the Christian rally). I think it was this dude, but Im not sure... There are also some middle easterners in this group and albanians, who are ex-muslims, albanian muslims who converted to christianity and even some middle easterners. Mario Mettbach sounds german, but Sinti and he looks Gypsy.

Mario Mettbach

