View Full Version : Not Playing Your Game

11-26-2022, 11:32 PM
We see cancel culture, woke mobs, COVID-19 propaganda, Black Lives Matter, Great Reset, Green Revolution, Ukrainian flags, never ending gay celebrations, trans insanity, muh threats to democracy, orange man bad, "White supremacists are the greatest threat", muh election-deniers, January 6th hysteria, and (feel free to add to my spontaneous list). I'm not playing your game. These are manufactured and orchestrated methods and movements to help globalism and hurt sovereignty. What can we do to reverse course to return to freedom?

11-27-2022, 12:12 AM
Repubs gotta employ what Sean "Zhéta" Connery described as the Chicago way, not the Mitch McConnell play along way.

11-27-2022, 12:15 AM
Repubs gotta employ what Sean "Zhéta" Connery described as the Chicago way, not the Mitch McConnell play along way.

Take it beyond that. It's time to go nuclear on Democrats and their media.

11-27-2022, 12:26 AM
Dude I live in a shithole country and even here we are facing these progressists movements daily. It is like we are the counterculture now.

11-27-2022, 01:40 AM
Dude I live in a shithole country and even here we are facing these progressists movements daily. It is like we are the counterculture now.

It's an international strategy by globalists to start an NWO. They want to mix our nations' flavors into a world meal that tastes like crap.

11-27-2022, 02:49 AM
In his book "The psychology of totalitarianism", professor Mattias Desmet tried to explain (among others) from a psychological point of view, the possible root cause of such social phenomena as #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, the climate movements, Corona virus crisis and so on. They are caused perhaps by our rationalistic approach on life, which led to an inability to manage fear and uncertainty in a productive way.
The humanity became increasingly more lonely, frustrated, anxious in the last century, which makes us prone to large mass formation. In an attempt to deal with insecurity, we seek out for rules and a master to impose them on us. So, perhaps there should be a change in the human society as a whole in a profound way. Like a paradigm shift.
I quote:

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, a new morality has arisen from the belly of Enlightenment thinking, which in a number of respects is stricter, more vagarious, more irrational, and more hypocritical than the prior religious morality, which the
Enlightenment sought to obliterate in order to set people free.
The Enlightenment tradition, the ideology of Reason, was a persistent attempt to squeeze life into logic and theories. It placed all symbolism, mysticism, fiction, and poetry secondary. But this is exactly the kind of discourse that allows us the ability to respond to the uncertainty of life with creation and individuality and to find words that resonate with the Other.
That’s how uncertainty turned into fear, and the only psychological
means available to combat that fear were narcissism and an endlessly rampant regulatory discourse.
Society is—it’s hard to ignore—increasingly bogged down in an endless proliferation of rules. On the one hand, such rules are imposed by the
government, but on the other hand, there is also a call for more rules—a hyper-strict morality—from the population itself.

With the rise of the woke culture, society fell prey to implicit and explicit rules that made every detail of human interaction more precarious.

#MeToo movement, students were taught how to flirt legally and
compliantly freshmen initiations were subjected to increasingly strict
regulations.Sweden introduced a law stating that sex is only legal if the parties involved give their consent in advance via a signed contract, nude figures of the paintings by Flemish masters were no longer allowed to be posted on social media, and Netflix introduced a rule stipulating that eye contact between employees should not last longer than five seconds and that employees are not allowed to ask for each other’s phone numbers without asking permission for asking first (!).
The new norm has become so stringent that even suggesting that there is a physical difference between a man and a woman can be considered a violation of sexual integrity.

The Black Lives Matter movement is captured in this trend as well. The tendency toward increasingly exhaustive standards with respect to racism intensified to little productive end: The chances that such rules truly contribute to the overcoming of the narcissistic superiority feelings that are involved in racism is, in fact, rather small.
The climate movement has also given rise to a new category of crimes: environmental. To the point that using a wood-burning stove, eating meat, or living off-grid in the countryside are considered environmental violations, environmental ideology has been taken to such an extreme that it has become opposed to that which it originally aspired to: getting back to nature.
Environmental violations are also rather selective and inconsistent in their strictness. For example, reducing one’s carbon footprint is taken to extremes, while there is remarkable leniency regarding energy consumption through internet use (which is as high as the energy consumption from all air traffic combined) and the “mining” of Bitcoins (which is as high as the energy consumption of an average Western European country). And also the environmental damage caused by mining ores for batteries for electric cars is rarely discussed.

This sheds a different light on social phenomena such as #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, the climate movements, and the coronavirus crisis. They are related to real problems, but those problems are not the real reason for the existence for these phenomena. They arise mainly from the pressing need among the population for an authoritarian institution that provides direction to take the burden of freedom and the associated insecurity off their shoulders.

11-27-2022, 02:53 AM
Dude I live in a shithole country and even here we are facing these progressists movements daily. It is like we are the counterculture now.

It radiates from America ,though, because most americans are morons when it comes to math and science e.g. H1B visas anyone ? Also, because america is an empire. Being mentally retarded at math and science e.g. a poet or liberals arts major is a prerequisite to being woke. Most of the woke are graduates in the liberal arts with almost no familiarity with the sciences or mathematics which makes scientifically silly beliefs palatable.

In his famous Rede Lecture at Cambridge in 1959, C. P. Snow asserted that Western intellectual society has become separated into two disparate groups. One of these groups, Snow claimed, contains the scientists and the other is composed of literary intellectuals. Snow called these groups “The Two Cultures.” Lord Snow deplored the separation because he found that meaningful communication between the cultures does not exist. Even worse, Snow claimed, the highly educated people in one of the cultures simply do not like those in the other. Between the cultures, Snow said, lives “hostility and dislike.” Undoubtedly, Lord Snow’s assertion of the existence of the two cultures is correct. All a doubter need do is go to any university campus and look. The two cultures will find you before you find them. Ask a scientist directions to the Hall of Liberal Arts and he will likely end his set of directions with a gratuitous remark about the fuzzy-mindedness of the humanists who work there. When you arrive you’ll find, outside the English Department door, bulletin board cartoons lampooning the illiteracy of professors who wear white laboratory coats and peer into microscopes. On campus, the separateness of the two cultures will jump out at you whether you are seeking it or not.

Here is the story of the average woke retard : went to college and took enough math to realize they hate it and swore to never touch it with a ten foot pole again then major in liberal arts or some other worthless degree then get brainwashed by CRT etc... then attained a worthless degree.

Here is the story of the elite :

Enrolled in a post-calculus course in analysis. And, unexpectedly, encountered pure mathematics. Then as if struck by the subject, like SauI on the road to Damascus. Nothing in their backgrounds had prepared them for the aesthetics of mathematics. We saw, for the first time, a professor who treated mathematics with reverence, who wrote symbols on the blackboard with great care as if they mattered as much as the information they contained. They heard a mathematical result described as elegant. And they saw that it was. It was a moment of great discovery. It was as though they had lived all their lives in the hold of some great ship and now were brought on deck into the fresh air. And they saw the unexpected sea. We feIt, with W. B. Yeats
All changed, changed utterly:
A terrible beauty is born.
The moment was worth the wait but they would be forever aware that they had come to it entirely by chance. And, along the way, there had been many dropouts.

“Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty—a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture, without appeal to any part of our weaker nature, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music, yet sublimely pure, and capable of a stern perfection such as only the greatest art can show.”

― Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy

Math is like an atomic-powered prosthesis that you attach to your common sense, vastly multiplying its reach and strength. If you know math and science you won't be a victim of believing in the mentally retarded ideology of wokism but that does not mean most mathematicians and scientists spend their time supporting 'racists' and 'right wingers' for a variety of reasons including not wanting to get cancelled and believing they have better things to do i.e. their research so they don't end up in a tent on the sidewalk.

11-27-2022, 03:30 AM
In his book "The psychology of totalitarianism", professor Mattias Desmet tried to explain (among others) from a psychological point of view, the possible root cause of such social phenomena as #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, the climate movements, Corona virus crisis and so on. They are caused perhaps by our rationalistic approach on life, which led to an inability to manage fear and uncertainty in a productive way.
The humanity became increasingly more lonely, frustrated, anxious in the last century, which makes us prone to large mass formation. In an attempt to deal with insecurity, we seek out for rules and a master to impose them on us. So, perhaps there should be a change in the human society as a whole in a profound way. Like a paradigm shift.
I quote:

There's truth to that, but it's more basic. Sheep have existed since the days of Ur. People go along to get along, and that's never been more true than now. Couple that with the censorious and Orwellian regimes and systems that we have now, and it's enough to make George say "no mas".

We have increasing fascism. They can call it "fascist lite" or "original fascist", but there's more State control and power now than there were in the recent past, and the sad thing is that the inmates built their own prisons. Free speech is seen as a danger by the woke mob, and they welcome more cancellations to make them feel safe. The First Amendment terrifies these drones like a crucifix terrifies vampires.

11-27-2022, 05:10 AM
There's truth to that, but it's more basic. Sheep have existed since the days of Ur. People go along to get along, and that's never been more true than now. Couple that with the censorious and Orwellian regimes and systems that we have now, and it's enough to make George say "no mas".

We have increasing fascism. They can call it "fascist lite" or "original fascist", but there's more State control and power now than there were in the recent past, and the sad thing is that the inmates built their own prisons. Free speech is seen as a danger by the woke mob, and they welcome more cancellations to make them feel safe. The First Amendment terrifies these drones like a crucifix terrifies vampires.
It's a self-destructive system, it cannot lead to anything good. The higher the demand for censorship, cancellations and made up rules, the more totalitarian the governments will become. In communist countries for example, after they were done removing their ideological enemies, they started purging their own, because they were not "communist" enough.
These days things start to get weirder in some countries. For example:
A Norwegian feminist could be facing up to three years in prison for allegedly “hateful” tweets directed at a male who claims to be a lesbian woman.
Ellingsen was recently accused by Amnesty International Norway of harassing Jentoft after telling him on national television that he was male.
“You are a man. You cannot be a mother,” Ellingsen had said, “To normalize the idea that men can be mothers is a defined form of discrimination against women.”

Governments can behave like total tyrants, but part of the population asks for and enables that, through their behaviour. It's a vicious circle. There is a large part of the population which conforms to the new rules even though deep down, they know are absurd/ wrong. That leaves a declining minority of those who speak against them.
As you mentioned, defending the freedom of speech is vital.

11-27-2022, 11:07 PM
It's a self-destructive system, it cannot lead to anything good. The higher the demand for censorship, cancellations and made up rules, the more totalitarian the governments will become. In communist countries for example, after they were done removing their ideological enemies, they started purging their own, because they were not "communist" enough.
These days things start to get weirder in some countries. For example:

Governments can behave like total tyrants, but part of the population asks for and enables that, through their behaviour. It's a vicious circle. There is a large part of the population which conforms to the new rules even though deep down, they know are absurd/ wrong. That leaves a declining minority of those who speak against them.
As you mentioned, defending the freedom of speech is vital.

That's an astute observation, and it applies to present American cancel culture. The censorious leftist woke mob eat their own in ways that make zombies blush. They started a new platform after Elon Musk embraced free speech and single standards on Twitter. It's a hot mess because its users went full Stasi on each other, and you never go full Stasi.