View Full Version : Brother-sister similarities

11-18-2011, 10:01 PM
They are both actor/actress from Derby, UK. When I first saw Lauren Sorcha from Misfits programme, she's certain remind me of someone from This is England and I was right that she is Michael Sorcha's sister. Their eyeshape are very similiar in a freak way.

Michael Sorcha, pred. Nordo-Med, Atlantid, with Cromagnoid influence:

Lauren Sorcha, pred Atlantid (Keltic tendency?) with Cromagnoid influence. Her Cromagnoid is somewhat usually stronger than her brother:

11-19-2011, 12:40 AM
Michael Sorcha: Nordo-Mediterranid Atlantid with Cro-Magnon influences.
Lauren Sorcha: Probably more in the Atlanto-Dinarid range with Cro-Magnon influences.

11-19-2011, 09:27 AM
He is pred. Atlanto-Pontid/Atlantid with Cromagnoid/Baltoid and Dinarid influences.
She is is the same with more of the Dinaroid and Baltoid being visible.
So the same ingredients, different predominance.

It is interesting, to me both look rather Eastern, if I would have to guess where they come from, I would have said rather something like Serbia or Romania actually, especially for her, because he looks more Western Atlantid still.

11-19-2011, 09:35 AM
He is pred. Atlanto-Pontid/Atlantid with Cromagnoid/Baltoid and Dinarid influences.
She is is the same with more of the Dinaroid and Baltoid being visible.
So the same ingredients, different predominance.

It is interesting, to me both look rather Eastern, if I would have to guess where they come from, I would have said rather something like Serbia or Romania actually, especially for her, because he looks more Western Atlantid still.
Baltoid? Where the hell they get this from?

11-19-2011, 09:45 AM
Baltoid? Where the hell they get this from?

It could be altered/reduced Cromagnoid, especially Borreby-like Alpinised variants, recombined with Dinaroid which made up that effect.

But seriously, I would never have guessed North West for her, especially after certain pictures and those in which you can see the mimic, which makes her look typically South Eastern.

I would associate her with South Eastern European among Germans.

11-19-2011, 09:50 AM
It could be altered/reduced Cromagnoid, especially Borreby-like Alpinised variants, recombined with Dinaroid which made up that effect.

But seriously, I would never have guessed North West for her, especially after certain pictures and those in which you can see the mimic, which makes her look typically South Eastern.

I would associate her with South Eastern European among Germans.
Yeah, they'd fit well in Southern Eastern Europe, but not in Eastern Europe proper. Can't believe they are English, there has to be foreign ancestry in them somewhere.

Abino, English member:

Not very common at all, quite rare I'd say. They don't have a look about them which really matches any in England. You're right about the eyes, they're very un-English looking.

They look like they belong in Southern Europe, perhaps the Balkans somewhere to me.

The Romans left a very small amount of people behind, less than 1% of the population I think. It could be possible that some of the "suspicious" looking English or other Brits are descended from Romans from different parts of the empire.

I have one more last question. Their kind of eyeshape, large eyeshape is Tuarid inspired?

11-19-2011, 09:58 AM
It is more common in various types, some Taurids, some Mediterranids, some Baltoids - so actually in all those variants mentioned. But it appears in other types as well, most unlikely among Cromagnoid proper.

Troll's Puzzle
11-19-2011, 01:16 PM
If i saw them I'd think they were mixed with indians or sth

'Sorcha' isn't an english surname either ;)

11-19-2011, 01:58 PM
Both of them orientalid with north-indid and robust CM influences.

11-22-2011, 07:54 AM
Nordid/North Atlantid - North Indid?

11-22-2011, 10:34 AM
They both look Eastern to me. Romanian or Armenian! I wouldn't think they are Brits!