View Full Version : Myth busting :"blacks are good at making music" :

12-02-2022, 02:09 PM
Niggers actually represent 0% of all music artists in reality. Pop music and rap music may be considered 'music' in the loose sense of the term but is not art. Do you consider some scribblings of an elementary school child to be 'art' compared to a painting by El Greco ? No. Classical music should be called art music instead. A vibrant performance of Shakespeare (films included) can affect an audience untutored in Elizabethan literature, just as a vibrant performance of a Beethoven or Mahler symphony can. But to read Eliot or Joyce, to listen to the music of Debussy or Berg, requires a literacy that extends beyond the immediacy of innocent first impressions. Most people are illiterate when it comes to music and need to be trained how to properly approach music but reject the idea with propositions like : " I don't need need that because I have two ears to hear !" :

Low IQ plebeian simian music:


High IQ "Art Music" :


12-02-2022, 02:11 PM
honestly, youre so weird

sometimes you show anti-racist behaviour and opinions, other times you turn straight up full racist.
You supposedly bang black chicks even.

12-02-2022, 02:40 PM
honestly, youre so weird

sometimes you show anti-racist behaviour and opinions, other times you turn straight up full racist.
You supposedly bang black chicks even.

I guess calling me a 'racist' is your way of saying you have no formal training in music , so, you are illiterate in the subject and you have worthless degree in the liberal arts which allows one to believe in scientifically absurd ideas such as : "all featherless bipeds are equal."

sometimes you show anti-racist behaviour and opinions, other times you turn straight up full racist.
You supposedly bang black chicks even.

You are using logical fallacies and talking about me rather than addressing the subject objectively. Conflating "sex" with "love" is some kind of middle class phenenona. Was a white aristocratic southern slave owner dominating a black female slave sexually an 'anti-racist' ? Your ideas are confused and muddled.

12-02-2022, 02:49 PM
I guess calling me a 'racist' is your way of saying you have no formal training in music , so, you are illiterate in the subject and you have worthless degree in the liberal arts which allows one to believe in scientifically absurd ideas such as : "all featherless bipeds are equal."

You are using logical fallacies and talking about me rather than addressing the subject objectively. Conflating "sex" with "love" is some kind of middle class phenenona. Was a white aristocratic southern slave owner dominating a black female slave sexually an 'anti-racist' ? Your ideas are confused and muddled.

i dont really care all about this. Whites can be best in music, you can have it.

One moment youre not racist at all, even almost a communist, you then almost boast about fucking black girls, then youre critical of the "white race"-identity, next you use the n-word and talk about how blacks are inferior in some things(you even once said considering to join KKK). I havent seen anyone else, apart from blondie, and perhaps some few others, change so much within some days. Its odd to me?