View Full Version : Is it possible to differentiate Chinese from Japanese from Vietnamese from Koreans etc?

Cristiano viejo
12-02-2022, 11:03 PM
For me all the Asians mentioned + Mongolians and probably some more look the same. Here in Spain all of them are called Chinese, does not matter if they are or not. But I want to know if really they are distinguisable same than in Europe for example Spaniards are distinguisable from Swedes. Watching yesterday these yellow boys from Japan maybe I pretented to see a more refined features than let say Chinese or Mongolians, but honestly no idea :lightbul:

Tooting Carmen
12-02-2022, 11:05 PM
Individually not so much. But as groups more so. Japanese tend to be lighter-skinned and more angular than the Chinese, with Koreans being in-between the other two. In turn, Vietnamese are darker-skinned than all the above, though still less than Thais or Malays.

Cristiano viejo
12-02-2022, 11:08 PM
Individually not so much. But as groups more so. Japanese tend to be lighter-skinned and more angular than the Chinese, with Koreans being in-between the other two. In turn, Vietnamese are darker-skinned than all the above, though still less than Thais or Malays.
It could be, but I think light skinned Japanese is a few quite myth.

Tooting Carmen
12-02-2022, 11:20 PM
It could be, but I think light skinned Japanese is a few quite myth.

Not all of them are as light as Lucy Liu (yes I know she is of Chinese descent, but just using her as an example), but a higher percentage of them are compared to most other Asians.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-02-2022, 11:23 PM
I usually differentiate them through their haircut. Koreans for example all seem to have this haircut, similar to most K-Pop singers:


The Japanese give 90's vibes, with bleached hair.



I also agree that Japanese do not seem to be lighter-skinned than Koreans or Chinese, they are about the same.

Cristiano viejo
12-02-2022, 11:29 PM
I usually differentiate them through their haircut. Koreans for example all seem to have this haircut, .
Yes the haircut strangely is a good indicator, but I think Japanese also use it, not only Koreans.

Well, I was referring rather to facial features, shape of eye etc.

Jingle Bell
12-02-2022, 11:34 PM
Individually not so much. But as groups more so. Japanese tend to be lighter-skinned and more angular than the Chinese, with Koreans being in-between the other two. In turn, Vietnamese are darker-skinned than all the above, though still less than Thais or Malays.

I agree
also SE asians tend to be thinner, with bigger lips, nose and sometimes eyes too, also way more shorter
while japaneses and koreans tend to be quite the oposite
Chineses are between but more Nipo-Korean like

it think its kinda easy see the diference btw SE and E. asian peoples, but as Tooting says in individual level is harder

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-02-2022, 11:36 PM
Yes the haircut strangely is a good indicator, but I think Japanese also use it, not only Koreans.

Well, I was referring rather to facial features, shape of eye etc.

It is difficult if you are not that exposed to Asian people. In case you are wondering, East Asians also struggle differentiating Westerners too, to them all northerners or southerners from Europe look about the same. Sometimes it is not easy to guess if someone is from Ireland, Norway, Netherlands, Germany and so on for me too, let alone East Asians. The first Japanese player I posted (Nagamoto), if someone told me he was Indonesian or even Filipino I would have believed it too.