View Full Version : Is hawaii an example of a successful multicultural society?

12-20-2022, 04:02 PM
Does the existance of Hawaii prove that different ethnic groups can live peacefully together in the same area ?

12-20-2022, 04:24 PM
No, in order for such a society to work requires clear racial supremacy as was the case of Anglos lording it over others in their colonies and that did not last long term or at least not in all the cases.

The state of Hawaii is saddled with massive debt, its infrastructure is crumbling, and its once-vibrant economy has all but dried up. There is a mass exodus of residents to other states. What’s causing this mass exodus? There are many factors, but some of the biggest contributors include the high cost of living, lack of jobs, and poor infrastructure.

12-20-2022, 04:28 PM
in the same area ?

Area matters a lot. Hawaii another exotic example like Monaco yes possible. But not every place in the world look like St.Helena or Tristan da Cunha. Bigger scale=bigger problems. Therefore bigger clashes.

12-20-2022, 05:00 PM
Is hawaii an example of a successful multicultural society? Does the existance of Hawaii prove that different ethnic groups can live peacefully together in the same area ?

Nope. Hawaii was not part of the US at it's foundation, so race and culture relations are different (it was never White to begin with). Hawaiians are famous for disliking Micronesians, they're actually worse than American negroes, they lower the quality of life for people who live near them (Federated States of Micronesia and Marshall Islands have a treaty with the US where their citizens can freely enter, live in, and work in the US), even the Japs who commit vastly less crime than any other minority are ridiculously nepotistic.


Hawaii is literally Brazil-tier (46% of infants in Hawaii are mixed-race), now the Polynesian natives are moving to Las Vegas in huge numbers the state is getting more mixed-race over time. There is absolutely zero benefit to having a multicultural group of people unless you are specifically studying different cultures around the world. They should dump Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, the CNMI, American Samoa, etc. imo.

Marshall Theodore
12-20-2022, 05:06 PM
>Multicultural/Multiethnic society

Choose one.

12-20-2022, 05:27 PM
Area matters a lot. Hawaii another exotic example like Monaco yes possible. But not every place in the world look like St.Helena or Tristan da Cunha. Bigger scale=bigger problems. Therefore bigger clashes.

Monaco is not multicultural. I haven't seen a black or arab guy in months. There are a few dozens Qatari for 2 weeks in summer vacation every years and that's all. Every resident is white here, except maybe 3 footballers, because diversity can't afford to live here or even buy a coca cola, becoming resident is out of question. Blood law also applies or a very long process to acquire citizenship with serious financiary prequisites. You need to acquire a place (several millions for a small flat) and have at least 1M$ on a Monaco bank account to begin to ask.
Every person entering the principality goes through a background check, wether by cameras on the highway leading to Monaco or street cameras.

Tooting Carmen
12-20-2022, 05:37 PM
Monaco is not multicultural. I haven't seen a black or arab guy in months. There are a few dozens Qatari for 2 weeks in summer vacation every years and that's all. Every resident is white here, except maybe 3 footballers, because diversity can't afford to live here or even buy a coca cola, becoming resident is out of question. Blood law also applies or a very long process to acquire citizenship with serious financiary prequisites. You need to acquire a place (several millions for a small flat) and have at least 1M$ on a Monaco bank account to begin to ask.
Every person entering the principality goes through a background check, wether by cameras on the highway leading to Monaco or street cameras.

Maybe not many non-whites live in Monaco, but I bet there must be some who are absentee landlords, much like the Chinese, Indian and Arab oligarchs who own properties in the fashionable parts of West London.

12-20-2022, 05:45 PM
Maybe not many non-whites live in Monaco, but I bet there must be some who are absentee landlords, much like the Chinese, Indian and Arab oligarchs who own properties in the fashionable parts of West London.

Not many Chineses at all, they probably think it's way overpriced for the real value. As i said some Qatari and from Bahrain as well, but the biggest communities besides the obvious French and Italian, are Belgians foremost, then English, Dutch, Scandinavians, Russians and some Swiss. Half of wich get kicked off at the tunnel every summer because they are actually Albanians with criminal records in Switzerland registered cars. Indians i can't remember seeing any resident, just the occasional tourists.
Properties are not located in Monaco but around. There are no villas per say in Monaco, but a lot near Antibes, Cannes, Roquebrune,... which are in France proper. There you would find much more diverse owners, with empty properties like London.

Tooting Carmen
12-20-2022, 05:49 PM
Not many Chineses at all, they probably think it's way overpriced for the real value. As i said some Qatari and from Bahrain as well, but the biggest communities besides the obvious French and Italian, are Belgians foremost, then English, Dutch, Scandinavians, Russians and some Swiss. Half of wich get kicked off at the tunnel every summer because they are actually Albanians with criminal records in Switzerland registered cars. Indians i can't remember seeing any resident, just the occasional tourists.
Properties are not located in Monaco but around. There are no villas per say in Monaco, but a lot near Antibes, Cannes, Roquebrune,... which are in France proper. There you would find much more diverse owners, with empty properties like London.

Also, looking at this article in Wikipedia, Monaco IS multicultural in the sense that the native Monagesque are a minority and the rest of the small population come from a range of nationalities, even though it is not multiracial in the sense that all the major nationalities are European or North American. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monaco#Population

12-20-2022, 06:02 PM
Also, looking at this article in Wikipedia, Monaco IS multicultural in the sense that the native Monagesque are a minority and the rest of the small population come from a range of nationalities, even though it is not multiracial in the sense that all the major nationalities are European or North American. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monaco#Population

Everybody thinks "multicultural" is at least a society with different religions, if not different races. Here it's just different nationalities of Europeans that are overwhelmingly Christians or Protestants but the composition is a bit different between residents and citizens. You can be resident easily if you have money, becoming citizen is a different story.

12-20-2022, 06:05 PM
Everybody thinks "multicultural" is at least a society with different religions, if not different races. Here it's just different nationalities of Europeans that are overwhelmingly Christians or Protestants but the composition is a bit different between residents and citizens. You can be resident easily if you have money, becoming citizen is a different story.

Is your ancestry from Côte d'Azur?

Tooting Carmen
12-20-2022, 06:07 PM
Everybody thinks "multicultural" is at least a society with different religions, if not different races.

In the past I'd have said the same. However, here in Britain, the town or city with the highest percentage of immigrants (apart from London itself) is not Leicester, Birmingham or Bradford, but Boston in Lincolnshire, with the twist being they are mostly Europeans (especially Poles, Lithuanians, Romanians and Portuguese).

N.B. Looking at the 2021 Census stats again, I admit I was wrong. Boston has the highest percentage of specifically European immigrants anywhere in the UK, but Leicester, Birmingham and some other towns and cities still do surpass it when it comes to immigrants overall.

12-20-2022, 06:12 PM
In the past I'd have said the same. However, here in Britain, the town or city with the highest percentage of immigrants (apart from London itself) is not Leicester, Birmingham or Bradford, but Boston in Lincolnshire, with the twist being they are mostly Europeans (especially Poles, Lithuanians, Romanians and Portuguese).

I know it's an abuse of the word. In France when people talk about multicultural issues, it's a politicaly correct way to say multi racial or at the very least multi confessional.

Is your ancestry from Côte d'Azur?
One grandmother from Provence/Monaco, rest Burgundy and Isere (where i was born)

12-20-2022, 06:32 PM
Every person entering the principality goes through a background check, wether by cameras on the highway leading to Monaco or street cameras.

This is what i mean. Monaco [is not but] can tolerate a multicultural society because of careful, strict management of people. Because its small.

12-20-2022, 06:42 PM
This is what i mean. Monaco [is not but] can tolerate a multicultural society because of careful, strict management of people. Because its small.

What kind of idiotic slave wants to live under strict management?

12-20-2022, 06:43 PM
What kind of idiotic slave wants to live under strict management?


12-20-2022, 07:13 PM

Citizens are banned from playing in Monaco Casinos, only foreigners can. True story.

Tooting Carmen
12-20-2022, 07:14 PM
Citizens are banned from playing in Monaco Casinos, only foreigners can. True story.

A policy worthy of Fidel Castro or a Gulf Arab monarch. xD

12-20-2022, 07:30 PM
A policy worthy of Fidel Castro or a Gulf Arab monarch. xD

Abortions too. Used to be the strictiest law where you could face jail time, both for the woman and doctors. It's been depenalized but not legalised, especially for doctors.

What's more funny is to see what is deemed acceptable for the poors by the riches or people in position of power, in regular countries, and what they apply in their own circles.

12-20-2022, 07:38 PM
Citizens are banned from playing in Monaco Casinos, only foreigners can. True story.

I think were talking about those people who come by the highway or the tunnel?

12-20-2022, 08:04 PM

British descended people are a different breed we just want to be free. Continental Europeans are a different kind of beast; while competent they want to be told what to do and what religion they should follow.

As Americans become less Anglo-Saxon like in the highly diverse Millennial generation they begin to not believe in democracy and free speech.

Tooting Carmen
12-20-2022, 08:07 PM
British descended people are a different breed we just want to be free. Continental Europeans are a different kind of beast; while competent they want to be told what to do and what religion they should follow.

The irony being that the British and later on Americans became experts in telling the rest of the world what to do instead.

Tooting Carmen
12-20-2022, 08:17 PM
I know it's an abuse of the word. In France when people talk about multicultural issues, it's a politicaly correct way to say multi racial or at the very least multi confessional.

OK, so which city would you label as being more 'multicultural': Monaco or Cartagena de Indias? The former has a range of nationalities and languages, but the vast majority of them are White Westerners. The latter is mostly populated by monolingual Spanish-speaking Colombians, but with a broad mixture of Blacks, Mulattoes, Triracials, Mestizos and Whites.

12-20-2022, 09:00 PM
OK, so which city would you label as being more 'multicultural': Monaco or Cartagena de Indias? The former has a range of nationalities and languages, but the vast majority of them are White Westerners. The latter is mostly populated by monolingual Spanish-speaking Colombians, but with a broad mixture of Blacks, Mulattoes, Triracials, Mestizos and Whites.

The thing is Monaco official language is French, everything is written in French, the official forms are in French, the local radio is, so on so forth. If you go to a restaurant or the musuem, you are expected to speak in French. It really took over after the annexion. You can often overhear different languages in the street but everybody is supposed to understand and speak French or in last resort basic English, not much difference than if you were in France within the surrounding touristic area from that perspective. Monegasque isn't spoken, it's written in the streets and taught in schools like old Breton would be taught but it's more of a folklore thing.

So i don't believe there s a difference with Cartagena when it comes to multiculturalism and language, the latter is just a lot more racially diverse.

On a side note, if i had to talk English or Italian randomly all day i wouldn't even want to live there. It's what's great about it, it still feels like France without all the issues and beyond the anecdotical strange (or not) laws (you don't need to put your seatbelt either in Monaco ;)) it's like France 30-40 years ago without a nanny state that tries to take all your money. Only French Switzerland comes close to it.

Tooting Carmen
12-20-2022, 09:18 PM
The thing is Monaco official language is French, everything is written in French, the official forms are in French, the local radio is, so on so forth. If you go to a restaurant or the musuem, you are expected to speak in French. It really took over after the annexion. You can often overhear different languages in the street but everybody is supposed to understand and speak French or in last resort basic English, not much difference than if you were in France within the surrounding touristic area from that perspective. Monegasque isn't spoken, it's written in the streets and taught in schools like old Breton would be taught but it's more of a folklore thing.

So i don't believe there s a difference with Cartagena when it comes to multiculturalism and language, the latter is just a lot more racially diverse.

On a side note, if i had to talk English or Italian randomly all day i wouldn't even want to live there. It's what's great about it, it still feels like France without all the issues and beyond the anecdotical strange (or not) laws (you don't need to put your seatbelt either in Monaco ;)) it's like France 30-40 years ago without a nanny state that tries to take all your money. Only French Switzerland comes close to it.

I thought France has become less socialist since the 1990's, compared to the days before when practically everything was nationalised, e.g. Air France and Renault, and I believe during much of the 20th century, you had to apply to the central government if you wanted to set up a society of more than 25 people?

12-20-2022, 11:09 PM
The irony being that the British and later on Americans became experts in telling the rest of the world what to do instead.

Really ? The Clinton admistration and Biden administration etc... being very Jewish way out of proportion to their percentage of the population ?By rhetoric, the US is about ‘democracy’ and ‘diversity-equity-inclusion’, but the walk, as opposed to the talk, says the US is governed by the Jewish Master Race ideology that employs homos as commissars and blacks as cossacks.Anglos have been reduced to brown nosing the Jewish ruling class.

Look at the photo of (then) Prince Charles and Evelyn de Rothschild, with smug Rothschild poking Charles in the chest. That is a very aggressive gesture, and not something one would do to a superior. We can’t know the topic of conversation but Rothschild is essentially telling Charles “this is how it is, and you don’t have to like it”.


Tooting Carmen
12-21-2022, 12:08 AM
Really ? The Clinton admistration and Biden administration etc... being very Jewish way out of proportion to their percentage of the population ?By rhetoric, the US is about ‘democracy’ and ‘diversity-equity-inclusion’, but the walk, as opposed to the talk, says the US is governed by the Jewish Master Race ideology that employs homos as commissars and blacks as cossacks.Anglos have been reduced to brown nosing the Jewish ruling class.

Look at the photo of (then) Prince Charles and Evelyn de Rothschild, with smug Rothschild poking Charles in the chest. That is a very aggressive gesture, and not something one would do to a superior. We can’t know the topic of conversation but Rothschild is essentially telling Charles “this is how it is, and you don’t have to like it”.


The British and American Empires well preceded any of this, even if doubtless there was a notable Jewish presence in the financial sector in particular.

12-21-2022, 12:42 AM
The British and American Empires well preceded any of this, even if doubtless there was a notable Jewish presence in the financial sector in particular.

George Washington in 1776 in his farewell address:

Frustrated by French meddling in U.S. politics, Washington warned the nation to avoid permanent alliances with foreign nations and to rely instead on temporary alliances for emergencies

" I have ever deemed it fundamental for the United States never to take active part in the quarrels of Europe. Their political interests are entirely distinct from ours. Their mutual jealousies, their balance of power, their complicated alliances, their forms and principles of government, are all foreign to us. They are nations of eternal war." --Thomas Jefferson

Madeleine Albright said, it was ‘worth it’ to kill a half million Arab children.

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it". - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.

One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail. -- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 [Source: N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1]

Israel is the largest recipient of US foreign aid, which amounts to hundreds of billions of direct and indirect aid. The reason for this largesse, as columnist Pat Buchanan observed, is that the US congress is "Israeli-occupied territory"; for any senator or representative daring to take a stand against Israeli "aid" is targeted by Jewish PACs for removal at the next election -- and almost always is.

Of all the malignant influences on gentile society in which Jews have participated, financial manipulation -- particularly by means of banking -- may have had the most profound effect, though it is difficult to judge to what degree the abuses of finance are due to Jews. There was deep involvement of Jews in financing the Bolshevik Revolution, the involvement of the House of Rothschild with the Balfour Declaration, the wholesale purchase of the US Congress by Jewish PACs, and the attempt to reduce Germany to economic ruin by means of the Versailles Treaty after WWI and the Morgenthau Plan after WWII. To these abuses must at least be added the creation of the Federal Reserve, an essentially private organization whose charter was written in secrecy by New York Jewish banker Paul Warburg in conjunction with other mostly-Jewish bankers, which has been controlled by Rothschild interests since its inception, which holds economic life-and- death power over the American economy, and which is a cash cow for its stockholders with the privilege of both making its own money and profiting from the economic policies which it formulates (The story of the Federal Reserve is told in great detail in Mullins (1991).) Other abuses of Jewish financial manipulation include (or have been alleged by researchers to include) the Panic of 1837 (intentionally caused by the Rothschild interests as retribution for President Andrew Jackson's failure to renew the charter of the Second Bank of the United States in the previous year), the Panic of 1907 (apparently intended to spur adoption of legislation which eventually took the form of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913), the depression of 1920-21 and the Great Depression (both caused by an intentional contraction of the money supply), the American Revolutionary War (which, according to Benjamin Franklin, was principally spurred by the English Parliament's retraction -- under pressure from the Rothschild- controlled Bank of England -- of the right of the colonies to issue their own currency (Coogan: 181-5)), and the American Civil War (planned, so it is said, by the Rothschild banking interests in 1857), tho documentation in some of these cases is incomplete and motives are not always obvious. While it would be impossible to even begin to document these obviously- startling claims in such a brief essay as this one, the reader is referred to the Bibliography below and to the works to which they refer as a starting point for digging out the appropriate information. It seems worthwhile in the present context, however, to recall the French writer Jean Drault's assertion of what Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 18th century eponymous founder of the world's most prominent family of Jewish bankers, used to say to his customers in reference to the family shield depicted on a flag outside his door: "One day this flag will rule the world!" (Marshalko (1958): 51).

Mullins, Eustace, Secrets of the Federal Reserve, Bankers Research Institute, 1991

Coogan, Gertrude, The Money Creators, Sound Money Press, 1935. See chapters on "Cooperation" and "The Historical Facts".

Marshalko, Louis, The World Conquerers, The Real War Criminals, Christian Book Club, 1958 (repr 1983)

Jews were responsible for getting the US to enter WWI on the side of Britain, which they did in exchange for the promise of a "Jewish homeland" in Palestine, which Britain then controlled. This promise was rendered in the form of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, supposedly written by British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to the chief representative of the Jewish community in Britain and head of the famous banking family, Lord Rothschild, but actually written collectively by major Jewish world leaders. (It may be noted that the interest in Palestine of Lord Rothschild and the other Zionists was not purely nationalistic; for a report prepared for Lord Rothschild in 1917 estimated the value of potash and other minerals in Palestine's Dead Sea to be in the order of "several thousand billion dollars" (John (1997): 10).) Beyond this, the Jews may have had a hand in actually beginning WWI, inasmuch as the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, which set off the war, was carried out by men which two sources I am now unable to locate claimed were Jews, but in any event were members of the Freemasons, an organization which "has long been linked to international political manipulation, and has been alleged to be the conduit for the intentions of a number of elitist interests, including the (Jewish) House of Rothschild and their international banking connections." (Keith (1999):

.Jews played a crucial role in getting the US involved in WWII. For one thing, the treaty of Versailles was heavily influenced by the Jewish advisors of the major participants at the conference (Wilson, Clemenceau and Lloyd George); and because the treaty was so abusive to Germany, many historians believe that this treaty made WWII a virtual certainty. Just as important as Versailles, however, was the attempted takeover of Germany after WWI by Soviet-financed Jews (the best known are Kurt Eisner and Rosa Luxemburg), whose social disruptions, violence and mass murder during the 1918-19 period left a lasting impression on a young soldier named Adolf Hitler (Barnes Review, March 95: 25-8). Another Jewish connection to the cause of WWII is our Jewish-descended president, Franklin Roosevelt (whose name is derived from the earlier family name Rosenveldt), along with his advisors (52 of 72 were Jews (Marshalko (1958): 236)), who was itching to get into the war, with the result that he placed extraordinary economic pressure on Japan in hopes that it would attack the US, which it did. Beyond this, when Hitler came to power in 1933, the world Jewish community under the direction of Samuel Untermeyer declared war on Germany by means of a worldwide economic boycott, an event which transpired a full six years before any military aggression by Hitler (After such a declaration, as Carl Hottelet (Barnes Review, Dec 94: 23) has pointed out, is it any wonder why German Jews ended up in concentration camps?) While the ostensible motive for this boycott was Hitler's antisemitism, it has been alleged that the real momentum of the boycott -- and the war that followed -- was Hitler's use of barter in international trade, something necessitated because Germany had no gold (it had been taken as reparations under the Versailles treaty), but an act which infuriated the world's (largely-Jewish) banking elite because it bypassed the need for bankers' gold (and thus the need for paying the bankers interest) with the result that Germany rapidly became economically prosperous.

Bryant, John, Political Correctness, Censorship and Liberal-Jewish Strongarm Tactics in High-IQ/Low-Morals Mensa, Socratic Press, 1997

Keith, Jim, Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3, Illuminet Press, 1999

Weber, Charles E, "Goldhagen's 'Evil' Indictment of Germans", Journal of Historical Review, March/April 1996: 31ff

12-21-2022, 12:49 AM
It depends on the cultures involved in this multicultural society.

12-21-2022, 01:06 AM
It depends on the cultures involved in this multicultural society.

This. Hawaii`s population is a mix of Polynesians, East Asians, Europeans and extremely few Africans (especially compared to mainland USA) and afaik lacks Menas completely. Couple this with a high income through tourism and of course it works better (is at least more peaceful) than other multicultural experiments.

12-21-2022, 01:32 AM
This. Hawaii`s population is a mix of Polynesians, East Asians, Europeans and extremely few Africans (especially compared to mainland USA) and afaik lacks Menas completely. Couple this with a high income through tourism and of course it works better (is at least more peaceful) than other multicultural experiments.

You should know better but I've heard that the multicultural experiment used to work at the Netherlands too until MENAs started to come and then things went down the drain.

12-21-2022, 01:33 AM
George Washington in 1776 in his farewell address:

Frustrated by French meddling in U.S. politics, Washington warned the nation to avoid permanent alliances with foreign nations and to rely instead on temporary alliances for emergencies

" I have ever deemed it fundamental for the United States never to take active part in the quarrels of Europe. Their political interests are entirely distinct from ours. Their mutual jealousies, their balance of power, their complicated alliances, their forms and principles of government, are all foreign to us. They are nations of eternal war." --Thomas Jefferson

Madeleine Albright said, it was ‘worth it’ to kill a half million Arab children.

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it". - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.

One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail. -- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 [Source: N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1]

Israel is the largest recipient of US foreign aid, which amounts to hundreds of billions of direct and indirect aid. The reason for this largesse, as columnist Pat Buchanan observed, is that the US congress is "Israeli-occupied territory"; for any senator or representative daring to take a stand against Israeli "aid" is targeted by Jewish PACs for removal at the next election -- and almost always is.

Of all the malignant influences on gentile society in which Jews have participated, financial manipulation -- particularly by means of banking -- may have had the most profound effect, though it is difficult to judge to what degree the abuses of finance are due to Jews. There was deep involvement of Jews in financing the Bolshevik Revolution, the involvement of the House of Rothschild with the Balfour Declaration, the wholesale purchase of the US Congress by Jewish PACs, and the attempt to reduce Germany to economic ruin by means of the Versailles Treaty after WWI and the Morgenthau Plan after WWII. To these abuses must at least be added the creation of the Federal Reserve, an essentially private organization whose charter was written in secrecy by New York Jewish banker Paul Warburg in conjunction with other mostly-Jewish bankers, which has been controlled by Rothschild interests since its inception, which holds economic life-and- death power over the American economy, and which is a cash cow for its stockholders with the privilege of both making its own money and profiting from the economic policies which it formulates (The story of the Federal Reserve is told in great detail in Mullins (1991).) Other abuses of Jewish financial manipulation include (or have been alleged by researchers to include) the Panic of 1837 (intentionally caused by the Rothschild interests as retribution for President Andrew Jackson's failure to renew the charter of the Second Bank of the United States in the previous year), the Panic of 1907 (apparently intended to spur adoption of legislation which eventually took the form of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913), the depression of 1920-21 and the Great Depression (both caused by an intentional contraction of the money supply), the American Revolutionary War (which, according to Benjamin Franklin, was principally spurred by the English Parliament's retraction -- under pressure from the Rothschild- controlled Bank of England -- of the right of the colonies to issue their own currency (Coogan: 181-5)), and the American Civil War (planned, so it is said, by the Rothschild banking interests in 1857), tho documentation in some of these cases is incomplete and motives are not always obvious. While it would be impossible to even begin to document these obviously- startling claims in such a brief essay as this one, the reader is referred to the Bibliography below and to the works to which they refer as a starting point for digging out the appropriate information. It seems worthwhile in the present context, however, to recall the French writer Jean Drault's assertion of what Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 18th century eponymous founder of the world's most prominent family of Jewish bankers, used to say to his customers in reference to the family shield depicted on a flag outside his door: "One day this flag will rule the world!" (Marshalko (1958): 51).

Mullins, Eustace, Secrets of the Federal Reserve, Bankers Research Institute, 1991

Coogan, Gertrude, The Money Creators, Sound Money Press, 1935. See chapters on "Cooperation" and "The Historical Facts".

Marshalko, Louis, The World Conquerers, The Real War Criminals, Christian Book Club, 1958 (repr 1983)

Jews were responsible for getting the US to enter WWI on the side of Britain, which they did in exchange for the promise of a "Jewish homeland" in Palestine, which Britain then controlled. This promise was rendered in the form of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, supposedly written by British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to the chief representative of the Jewish community in Britain and head of the famous banking family, Lord Rothschild, but actually written collectively by major Jewish world leaders. (It may be noted that the interest in Palestine of Lord Rothschild and the other Zionists was not purely nationalistic; for a report prepared for Lord Rothschild in 1917 estimated the value of potash and other minerals in Palestine's Dead Sea to be in the order of "several thousand billion dollars" (John (1997): 10).) Beyond this, the Jews may have had a hand in actually beginning WWI, inasmuch as the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, which set off the war, was carried out by men which two sources I am now unable to locate claimed were Jews, but in any event were members of the Freemasons, an organization which "has long been linked to international political manipulation, and has been alleged to be the conduit for the intentions of a number of elitist interests, including the (Jewish) House of Rothschild and their international banking connections." (Keith (1999):

.Jews played a crucial role in getting the US involved in WWII. For one thing, the treaty of Versailles was heavily influenced by the Jewish advisors of the major participants at the conference (Wilson, Clemenceau and Lloyd George); and because the treaty was so abusive to Germany, many historians believe that this treaty made WWII a virtual certainty. Just as important as Versailles, however, was the attempted takeover of Germany after WWI by Soviet-financed Jews (the best known are Kurt Eisner and Rosa Luxemburg), whose social disruptions, violence and mass murder during the 1918-19 period left a lasting impression on a young soldier named Adolf Hitler (Barnes Review, March 95: 25-8). Another Jewish connection to the cause of WWII is our Jewish-descended president, Franklin Roosevelt (whose name is derived from the earlier family name Rosenveldt), along with his advisors (52 of 72 were Jews (Marshalko (1958): 236)), who was itching to get into the war, with the result that he placed extraordinary economic pressure on Japan in hopes that it would attack the US, which it did. Beyond this, when Hitler came to power in 1933, the world Jewish community under the direction of Samuel Untermeyer declared war on Germany by means of a worldwide economic boycott, an event which transpired a full six years before any military aggression by Hitler (After such a declaration, as Carl Hottelet (Barnes Review, Dec 94: 23) has pointed out, is it any wonder why German Jews ended up in concentration camps?) While the ostensible motive for this boycott was Hitler's antisemitism, it has been alleged that the real momentum of the boycott -- and the war that followed -- was Hitler's use of barter in international trade, something necessitated because Germany had no gold (it had been taken as reparations under the Versailles treaty), but an act which infuriated the world's (largely-Jewish) banking elite because it bypassed the need for bankers' gold (and thus the need for paying the bankers interest) with the result that Germany rapidly became economically prosperous.

Bryant, John, Political Correctness, Censorship and Liberal-Jewish Strongarm Tactics in High-IQ/Low-Morals Mensa, Socratic Press, 1997

Keith, Jim, Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3, Illuminet Press, 1999

Weber, Charles E, "Goldhagen's 'Evil' Indictment of Germans", Journal of Historical Review, March/April 1996: 31ff




12-21-2022, 01:41 AM
It depends on the cultures involved in this multicultural society.

One of the most distinguished black scholars in America, syndicated columnist Dr Thomas Sowell, has studied multiracial societies around the world and has observed that -- with the single exception of societies where one race is completely dominant over all others -- such societies simply do not work.

12-21-2022, 11:26 AM
I thought France has become less socialist since the 1990's, compared to the days before when practically everything was nationalised, e.g. Air France and Renault, and I believe during much of the 20th century, you had to apply to the central government if you wanted to set up a society of more than 25 people?

Etatist not socialist.

Obligatory taxes evolution:


Social taxes:

https://beymedias.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/62919b7/2147483647/strip/true/crop/911x767+0+0/resize/840x707!/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fl-opinion-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fd8%2Fdd%2F9a2c6c5473 edeb99cce350d5cb95%2F2-infog-rcettes-impots-et-cotisations-ue.png

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2022, 11:31 AM
Etatist not socialist.

Obligatory taxes evolution:


Social taxes:

https://beymedias.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/62919b7/2147483647/strip/true/crop/911x767+0+0/resize/840x707!/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fl-opinion-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fd8%2Fdd%2F9a2c6c5473 edeb99cce350d5cb95%2F2-infog-rcettes-impots-et-cotisations-ue.png

Do you mean that it has become more statist in taxation even while other aspects of the economy have been liberalised?

12-21-2022, 11:35 AM
Do you mean that it has become more statist in taxation even while other aspects of the economy have been liberalised?

Yes regular shift towards left and moderate right "liberal democracy"

01-20-2023, 08:30 AM
I thought about this a little more. People from Polynesia integrate well in metropolitan or in a multiracial place like Tahiti. So that's one exception to the rule. Half are native more or less, 1/4 are mixed + Chineses, the rest French expat.


My uncle and aunt lived in Papete for a while when he was in the army, they only had good remembrances of the place.