View Full Version : Why do Americans look down on the Hispanic World?

12-21-2022, 09:40 AM
They tend to make jokes about spanish names, spanish language, everything spanish. Someone said I dont look like Captain Hook but El Capitan Gancho. That is Spanish and means Captain Hook in Spanish. I dont know why he thinks that is suppossed to be a demeaning joke, or "funny", the Spanish Armada ruled the world before the Anglo-Saxons.

Looks more like El Capitan Gancho. Pedro Fernando Ramirez-Sanchez : "gancho"


Tooting Carmen
12-21-2022, 09:42 AM
Due to the poverty and dictatorships that have mostly characterised countries South of the Rio Grande perhaps?

12-21-2022, 09:45 AM
Because they are brown.

Thread can be closed now.

12-21-2022, 09:47 AM
Because they are brown.

Thread can be closed now.

Americans are brown themselfes, but they dont realise it, really white americans are a minority.

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2022, 09:49 AM
Americans are brown themselfes, but they dont realise it, really white americans are a minority.

That's a relatively recent phenomenon.

12-21-2022, 09:49 AM
That's a relatively recent phenomenon.

Yes but now it is a fact, but because it is recent, they didnt get it through their thick heads.

12-21-2022, 10:03 AM
Americans are brown themselfes, but they dont realise it, really white americans are a minority.White American are not minority
57.8% American are anglo white
And many latino infact are white especially cuban
and half anglo American and half Mexican are usually gonna be 87% white genetically.

Sent from my Redmi Y3 using Tapatalk

12-21-2022, 10:05 AM
White American are not minority
57.8% American are anglo white
And many latino infact are white especially cuban
and half anglo American and half Mexican are usually gonna be 87% white genetically.

Sent from my Redmi Y3 using Tapatalk

they are not anglo white but non-hispanic white and that means everything which doesnt speak spanish, also arabs and northafricans, and if you look at statistics by police, fbi, census etc. they are whiteshed not blackwashed, if you look at some pictures of criminals and that they are counted as white american or non-hispanic white etc. you will realise that americans are indeed minority white. and even by whitewashed statistics they have only a very slight majority.

12-21-2022, 10:06 AM
Why do Americans look down on the Hispanic World? They tend to make jokes about spanish names, spanish language, everything spanish.

Well, most spics are brown and look like fat ogres that will all die by the age of 35, even the liberal ones don't want them to be around their neighbourhoods (Martha's Vineyard), having spics in America is an affront to one's ancestors who weren't cringe liberal bitches.


As long as people stay in their lane everyone is happy.

Someone said I dont look like Captain Hook but El Capitan Gancho.

Because you're brown.

12-21-2022, 10:08 AM
Because you're brown.

I know that, why, but he thinks it is "funny", "demeaning" and that he pwned me now, i do not share this view.

12-21-2022, 10:10 AM
they are not anglo white but non-hispanic white and that means everything which doesnt speak spanish, also arabs and northafricans, and if you look at statistics by police, fbi, census etc. they are whiteshed not blackwashed, if you look at some pictures of criminals and that they are counted as white american or non-hispanic white etc. you will realise that americans are indeed minority white. and even by whitewashed statistics they have only a very slight majority.but North African and arab are small minority there
3.5 + 3 million turk decrease it. There are 11 million cuban in USA and most of them are white so

Sent from my Redmi Y3 using Tapatalk

12-21-2022, 10:12 AM
but North African and arab are small minority there
3.5 + 3 million turk decrease it. There are 11 million cuban in USA and most of them are white so

Sent from my Redmi Y3 using Tapatalk

Most hispanics are not white, and even the ones who look white are not fully white, thats why i said really white people, not only light skinned mestizos etc. You count half mexicans as white too. You count every light skinned mestizo as white. America is muttland.

12-21-2022, 10:14 AM
Yes but now it is a fact, but because it is recent, they didnt get it through their thick heads.

"The Jew uses every possible means to undermine the racial foundations of a subjugated people. In his systematic efforts to ruin girls and women he strives to break down the last barriers of discrimination between him and other peoples. The Jews were responsible for bringing negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate. For as long as a people remain racially pure and are conscious of the treasure of their blood, they can never be overcome by the Jew. Never in this world can the Jew become master of any people except a bastardized people" --Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf: Chapter XI: Race and People

A documentation in two parts

This essay focuses on two important laws that were passed by the United States Congress during the 1960s: the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Civil Rights Act of 1968.

While not as harmful to America's White culture as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or the Immigration Act of 1965, these laws nonetheless caused immeasurable damage to White culture within the United States.

A certain ethnic group, Jews, played a key role in the creation of these two Acts - just as it did in the creation of other laws harmful to the racial interests of White Americans.

We examine the creation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 first.

Part I: the Voting Rights Act of 1965

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was designed largely to prevent the Southern states from hindering the Black vote.[1]

The Act came from Senate bill S1564 and was co-sponsored by Senator Michael Mansfield (D-MT; 1903-2001), who introduced it jointly with Senator Everett Dirksen (R-IL; 1896-1969) in the Congress in March 1965.

The co-sponsor of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in the House of Representatives was Jewish Congressman Emanuel Celler (D-NY; 1888-1981), via his bill HR6400, which he introduced on March 17, 1965. Celler also chaired House subcommittee #5, which considered HR6400.[2]

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was written mainly by Jewish assistant attorney general Norbert A. Schlei (1929-2003).[3]

The Act (S1564) was signed into law by President Johnson on August 6, 1965.

The Voting Rights Act was an important part of the Black civil-rights movement in America, and Representative Celler and attorney Schlei helped create it.

1. The matter of Black voting in the 1960s-era South had an impact on not just the South but all of America, since Southern politicians went to Washington, D.C., as Congressmen from the various Southern states. The Jews were very aware of that fact, the Whites much less so.

2. Celler mentioned as the sponsor of HR6400: the Lyndon B. Johnson library. The Celler committee shown as considering HR6400: description of court case "U.S. Supreme Court, PERKINS v. MATTHEWS, 400 U.S. 379 (1971)" at FindLaw, on the web.

3. Schlei shown as the main author of the Voting Rights Act of 1965: obituary, Norbert Schlei, Los Angeles Times, April 21, 2003.

Part II: the Civil Rights Act of 1968

The Civil Rights Act of 1968, aka the Fair Housing Act, came from House bill HR2516 and was introduced into Congress by Representative Celler in mid-January 1966. Celler also chaired House subcommittee #5, which considered HR2516 (that subcommittee had jurisdiction over civil-rights bills, giving Celler much leverage in the creation of civil-rights legislation during the 1960s).[1]

The 1968 Act contained an important section that affected all White property owners who rented or sold housing to the public: Title VIII, the Fair Housing Act, outlawed racial or gender discrimination in the renting or selling of homes, apartments, etc. After the Act was passed, Whites could no longer rent or sell a dwelling to whomever they wanted. The law forced racial minorities onto the properties of Whites, whether or not the Whites desired it.

The Senate version of the law was bill S1843 (which was identical to the Senate-adopted amendment #430), introduced by Senator Sam Ervin, Jr. (D-NC;1896-1985) in May 1967.

The 1968 Act was the second major assault on White private property rights in America (the first major assault having come from the Civil Rights Act of 1964).

The Act (HR2516) was signed into law by President Johnson on April 11, 1968.

1. Bill HR2516 as coming from Celler/bill HR2516 as having been considered by Celler's House subcommittee #5: article in periodical, "Fair Housing Legislation: Not an Easy Row To Hoe," by former U.S. Senator Charles McCurdy Mathias, Jr. and Marion Morris; online at Hud User (http://www.huduser.org/)


In conjunction with the other civil-rights laws cited in the first articles, the two Acts in question damaged White America profoundly by forcing it to mix with an alien and hostile population. That was the intent of the men behind the acts. As with the first duo, Jews played the key role in the creation and passage of these laws. On the pretext of "equal rights for minorities," these laws destroyed the White population's most basic right of all: the right to communal protection. Outward appearances notwithstanding, with the passage of the "civil rights" laws of the sixties, America ceased to be a free nation and passed into a Jewish dictatorship.

During the 20th century, the United States Congress passed many laws that negatively affected White Americans in one way or another. However, none of those laws delivered as much cultural damage to White America as did two back-to-back laws passed in the mid-1960s: the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965.

The purpose of this essay is to show that people of a certain ethnicity were instrumental in the creation of the 1964 and 1965 laws.


In the late 1950s, a civil-rights revolution spread throughout America - including within the U.S. government in Washington, D.C. Various legislative proposals, all designed to benefit racial minorities in one way or another, were tossed around by lobbyists, Senators and Representatives. Throughout the country, civil-rights groups demanded the passage of laws that would give minorities equal rights.

Although America's civil-rights groups appeared to be led by Blacks, in reality they were usually led -- or at least steered -- by Jews. Most of the men who founded the NAACP were jews, and for decades it had a jew as president. Martin Luther King Jr.'s chief advisor was jew Stanley Levison. The major civil-rights groups were funded mainly by Jewish donations. Furthermore, important civil-rights cases were argued and won in the courts by skilled Jewish lawyers. For example Jack Greenberg, who was a key figure surrounding the historic Brown v. Board of Education decision of 1954. Another Jewish attorney, Nathan Margold, produced the in-depth report that became the NAACP's blueprint for its legal strategy in outlawing racial segregation. In fact, it could be said that the Margold report virtually ended racial segregation in America.

The stage for the civil-rights revolution within the federal government was set by Jewish Congressman Emanuel Celler (D-NY), via his groundbreaking Civil Rights Act of 1957, the first civil-rights law since the Civil War era. Celler wrote and sponsored the Civil Rights Act of 1957, which came from his House bill, H.R.6127, which was signed into law by President Eisenhower in September 1957. That law led to other minority-benefiting laws, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Congressman Celler was a powerful force in the creation of the major civil-rights laws, the main reason being that, during the late 1950s/early 1960s, civil-rights advocates had learned to "use" the House of Representatives to advance their legislation. Thanks to Celler's chairmanship of certain House committees, civil-rights bills sailed through the House. Furthermore, civil-rights advocates were often able to use Congressional rules to allow their bills to bypass anti-civil-rights committees in the Senate, which increased the chances of their legislation becoming law. In other words, the House of Representatives was the "secret weapon" that was used by civil-rights advocates to create civil-rights laws, and Celler was the gatekeeper, so to speak, on the path that was taken by the civil-rights bills as they moved around the House.

Now we will highlight the 1964 and 1965 Acts, beginning with the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Part I: the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Do you know why a private employer must -- by law -- hire Blacks, Mexicans and women? If you don't, the reason is: the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - specifically Title VII of that Act, which outlawed any type of discrimination in employment. In other words, with the passage of that Act, private employers were no longer free to hire whom they wanted. In the name of freedom and civil rights, the Constitution was subverted, and genuine civil rights were taken away.

That 1964 Act, which came from Congressman Celler's House bill H.R.7152, was introduced in Congress on June 20, 1963, and signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on July 2, 1964. It is the most far-reaching civil-rights law ever created in America. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 created, among other things, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which penalizes private businesses if they don't hire a certain number of racial minorities or women. The EEOC today functions as a medium through which organized coloreds can exact tribute from hard-working white men and the companies they found. The real "civil right" the 1964 act created was the right of the jewish bureaucrat and the black man to shake down the hated white.

It is worth mentioning that President John F. Kennedy was sort of responsible for the 1964 Act. He proposed a new, upgraded civil-rights law in the summer of 1963 and submitted it to Congress. The end result of that was Celler's bill H.R.7152, which was actually a stronger civil-rights bill than Kennedy wanted. (The idea for a strong civil-rights bill did not come from Kennedy himself but from many others, including the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights [see below] and Senator Hubert Humphrey).[1]

Many people feel that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is unconstitutional. They feel that it infringes on private-property rights by forcing private businesses to bend to the federal government's employment rules, and that it violates states' rights, since it compels the government to involve itself in civil-rights matters within the various states. The law also clearly infringes upon the freedom of association desires of White people. In effect it became illegal for whites to protect themselves from blacks, or in any way to refrain from mixing with them. Today anyone who calls for a return of the true civil right of free association will be attacked by the media as a racist who wants to return to the bad old days before civil rights.

It is true that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by gentiles in Congress, and signed into law by a gentile as well. But that Act needed to be conceived, written and lobbied-for first -- otherwise it would never have come into being. That's where these notable Jews came in:

Arnold Aronson (1911-1998) was founder and leader of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR).2 The LCCR, a powerful coalition of political and religious groups, organized major, countrywide lobbying efforts to aid passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Aronson was an icon within the Black civil rights movement. He received an award from President Bill Clinton, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, for his civil-rights work. Indeed, civil-rights activist Clarence Mitchell Jr. once noted: "There would not have been a civil rights movement without the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and there would not have been a Leadership Conference on Civil Rights without (Arnold) Aronson." LCCR has been called the "chief lobbying force" for the 1960s civil-rights acts.[3] Curiously, the building occupied by the LCCR was owned by a Jewish organization.[4] The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was written at the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism in Washington, D.C., under the watch of the LCCR.

Now we again mention Congressman Celler (1888-1981). Not only did Celler introduce the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into Congress, he oversaw the general creation of the Act within two committees in the U.S. House of Representatives. Celler not only chaired the Judiciary Committee but also House subcommittee No. 5, which considered H.R.7152 [5]. Subcommittee No. 5 was said to be the "most aggressive" entity in strengthening H.R.7152 [6]. Furthermore, Celler handpicked some of the members of Subcommittee #5, ensuring that the 1964 Act had plenty of "teeth"; and he also was the floor manager in the House during debate on H.R.7152. Additionally, Celler put more teeth into H.R.7152 than were needed, in case the bill was watered-down later by its opponents - which it was, via a compromise bill called a "clean bill," which was the same bill with a few words changed to ensure more Congressional support for it. Celler employed tricks to get H.R.7152 through Congress, such as using a discharge petition to aid passage of the bill through the congressional committees. Of significance is that Celler lied about the intent of the 1964 Act when he denied that it would prevent employers from hiring whom they wanted:

"[T]he charge has been made that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to be established by title VII of the bill would have the power to prevent a business from employing and promoting the people it wished, and that a 'Federal inspector' could then order the hiring and promotion only of employees of certain races or religious groups. This description of the bill is entirely wrong..." [7]

Celler had a long record of pro-civil-rights activity in Congress. In fact, Celler could be called one of the biggest Congressional cheerleaders for legislation that somehow benefited racial minorities.

And finally, the main author of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was Jewish assistant attorney general Norbert A. Schlei (1929-2003). (Schlei also wrote the Voting Rights Act of 1965).

1. On Kennedy as being prompted by others to shift to a stronger civil-rights stance, see the essay "A Brief History of the Civil Rights Act of 1964," by Robert D. Loevy; online at: http://faculty1.coloradocollege.edu/~bloevy/CivilRightsActOf1964/ . Here.

2. Aronson is also called a "co-founder" of LCCR - a significant understatement. For example, the City College of New York mentioned, on its website, that one of its students received an Arnold Aronson Fellowship, a fellowship that is "named for the LCCR's founder."

3. On LCCR as chief lobbying force see "Papers of the NAACP, Part 13, 1940-1955," preface titled "Scope and Content Note," page xi

4. On LCCR building as being owned by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, see Broken Alliance: the Turbulent Times Between Blacks and Jews in America. (New York; Charles Scribner's Sons); by Jonathan Kaufman; p. 98.

5. On Celler as heading both the House Judiciary Committee and House Subcommittee No. 5, see article "LBJ Champions the Civil Rights Act of 1964" by Ted Gittinger and Allen Fisher; U.S. National Archives & Records Administration, Summer 2004; and "The Background And Setting of the Civil Rights Act of 1964," Chapter 1, by Robert D. Loevy, online.

[6] On subcommittee #5 as the most aggressive entity in stiffening the 1964 Act, see working paper "Southern Roots of the New Right: John C. Stennis and Federal School Desegregation, 1954-1972," by Joseph Crespino; online; to be formally published in 2006.

[7] from the opening speech in support of H.R.7152, made by Celler on the House floor, June 1963


Part II: the Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965 (aka the Hart-Celler Act, the Immigration Act of 1965, and the Immigration Reform Act of 1965)

Like the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the idea for serious immigration reform appeared to the public to have come from President John F. Kennedy. After all, Kennedy had officially called for the reform of America's immigration laws in a letter that he presented to Congress on July 23, 1963.

A liberal immigration law, the Hart-Celler Act of 1965 -- which came from House bill H.R.2580 -- was written by Congressman Celler and gentile Senator Philip A. Hart (D-MI; 1912-1976), although Celler acted as the pointman for the Act by introducing it into Congress in January 1965. (Only Celler was mentioned by President Lyndon Johnson when he signed the Hart-Celler Act into law in October 1965, which highlights Celler's major -- as opposed to Hart's minor -- involvement in the creation of the Act. It seems as though Celler simply used Hart as a co-sponsor of the bill).[1]

Celler had a long history of advocating liberal immigration laws, so much so that he was the subject of a 1994 research paper bearing the telling subtitle "Leading Advocate of Liberal Immigration Policy."[2]

The Hart-Celler Act amended the McCarran-Walter immigration act of 1952. The McCarran-Walter law had mandated that immigrants be admitted into America based on their national origin. The Hart-Celler law abolished the national-origin rule and replaced it with family reunification, aka chain immigration, i.e. the close relatives of immigrants already living in America were allowed to immigrate to the U.S. as well.

For his part, Senator Hart worked closely with a group called the American Immigration and Citizenship Conference in an effort to get the 1965 Act passed. That Conference included 12 Jewish groups and the heavily-Jewish ACLU.

The Hart-Celler Act significantly changed the ethnic make-up of immigration into America. Before the Act was passed, the majority of immigrants coming to America was White. After the Act, the majority of immigrant arrivals was non-White (roughly 80% of the immigrants came to the U.S. from non-White countries). In other words, the 1965 Act reversed the racial make-up of immigration into America.

Jewish Senator Jacob Javits (1904-1986) also played a key role in the creation of the Hart-Celler Act. And Jewish attorney Schlei (see Part I above) conceived the idea of putting a "first come, first served" immigration rule into the Act, to replace the previous national-origins rule [3].

(Revealingly, an action by Jewish Senator Herbert H. Lehman (1878-1963) -- the son of an immigrant and a major player in pro-immigration legislation -- showed how important the issue of immigration reform can be to Jews: in the early 1950s, in what might be described as 'Jewish networking on immigration matters,' Lehman helped to install a Jew, Harry Rosenfield, as the executive director of the President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization. Then Lehman, his Jewish aid and Rosenfield endeavored to help pro-immigration Congressmen with matters pertaining to the liberalization of immigration laws. The chairman of the President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization was also a Jew, Philip Perlman. And telling of Jewish attitudes toward the McCarran-Walter law were Senator Lehman's remarks that it had a "racist" and "xenophobic" aura. Apparently for Lehman, a post-WWII Zionist, such an aura surrounding immigration law was okay in Israel, but not in America.)

Powerful Jewish organizations also greatly aided the passage of Hart-Celler by, for example, issuing formal statements of support for the Act to the Congressional committees. Both the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee played "major" roles in supporting the Act [4].

The Hart-Celler Act has, in just a few decades, transformed America into a mixed-race country teeming with Africans, Asians, and Latinos. And that was exactly what the American Jewish community intended all along, since Jews can theoretically avoid "anti-Semitism" by blending into racially-diverse populations.[5][6]

1. Celler mentioned as co-authoring the 1965 Act: the President's Initiative On Race, Advisory Board, Meeting, held at the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C., September 30, 1997, in the recorded minutes of the meeting. (Note: contains a typo in the mention of Celler's name.)

2. "Emanuel Celler of Brooklyn: Leading Advocate of Liberal Immigration Policy, 1945-52," by Bernard Lemelin, Canadian Review of American Studies, vol. 24, No 1 (1994), pp. 81-111

3. On Schlei conceiving the "first come, first served" idea: paper "Old Blood, New Blood, Weak Blood: The Nature of U.S. Immigration Laws" by Ronald Fernandez, Ph.D., Central Connecticut State University, Occasional Paper No. 63, July 2001

4. On the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee's role in the 1965 Act: essay "Jews And Immigration: Steinlight Soldiers On," by Marcus Epstein; published online at VDARE's website, June 19, 2004.

5. Regarding Jews and immigration policy, see Dr. Kevin MacDonald's report "Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review" (1998); online at http://www.csulb.edu/~kmacd/books-immigration.html

6. Details of the 1965 Act can be seen here: http://uscis.gov/graphics/shared/aboutus/statistics/legishist/526.htm .


In the late 1950s/early 1960s, a political movement appeared in America demanding that new laws be created to benefit racial minorities and liberalize immigration laws. That political movement spawned two important laws: the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965.

Whites in Congress passed those laws, but Jews laid the foundation for the laws, built the laws, and lobbied for them, both inside and outside of Congress. Jews took advantage of standard White benevolence and used Whites to help them pass those laws not because the Jews necessarily cared about the welfare of Blacks and non-White immigrants, but because the Jews wanted to make their new home safe from "anti-Semitism." The Jews -- always a clever people -- knew that they could go unnoticed in a multicultural America, and in recent years they have (almost). Whether the multiculturalizing-of-America-to-benefit-the-Jews was good for Whites was beside the point, for as the late President Harry Truman said, the Jews are "very, very selfish."

The 1964/1965 Acts damaged America's White culture like no other laws in U.S. history. In fact, the odds are that they damaged American culture beyond repair. Thanks to those acts, the United States has gone from being a White republic to being a racial "melting-pot" (a term coined by the late Jewish writer Israel Zangwill), a "democracy" of racial and gender "equality," a place in which Blacks, Mexicans and Asians vote for minority or female politicians; a place in which the government decides who you may hire; a place in which White women commute over long distances to work in big-city office buildings instead of raising children at home. Jews, as the prime mover behind these two malignant acts, bear a heavy responsibility for the cultural debasement that those laws produced for White America.



12-21-2022, 10:19 AM
Most hispanics are not white, and even the ones who look white are not fully white, thats why i said really white people, not only light skinned mestizos etc. You count half mexicans as white too. You count every light skinned mestizo as white. America is muttland.Do you have seen cuban American results?
These people are unmixed most of the time and i am only calling Cubans white

Sent from my Redmi Y3 using Tapatalk

12-21-2022, 10:20 AM
Most hispanics are not white, and even the ones who look white are not fully white, thats why i said really white people, not only light skinned mestizos etc. You count half mexicans as white too. You count every light skinned mestizo as white. America is muttland.Half Mexican are gonna be genetically 87% white at least and their other half is gonna be North European they most of the time are gonna look white so there is nothing wrong in counting them as white.

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12-21-2022, 10:24 AM
Do you have seen cuban American results?
These people are unmixed most of the time and i am only calling Cubans white

Sent from my Redmi Y3 using Tapatalk

Shut the fuck up you third world street shitter :

That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased.--Benjamin Franklin

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2022, 10:37 AM


Yeah I find it funny how Laredo claims that even many Balanced Mestizos look unambiguously European.

12-21-2022, 10:44 AM
Half Mexican are gonna be genetically 87% white at least and their other half is gonna be North European they most of the time are gonna look white so there is nothing wrong in counting them as white.

Sent from my Redmi Y3 using Tapatalk

That depends what their mexican half is their mexican parent has to be a castizo to be like you say Bushs son does not look white

12-21-2022, 10:57 AM
That depends what their mexican half is their mexican parent has to be a castizo to be like you say Bushs son does not look white

https://i.imgur.com/Gt2J6BW.jpgYes they are almost unmixed. Have very little non Caucasoid mixture

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12-21-2022, 10:59 AM
That depends what their mexican half is their mexican parent has to be a castizo to be like you say Bushs son does not look whiteI saw dna result of some half Mexican celebrities and they were 87% euro. I guess castizo Mexican are not that rare especially from North Mexico

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12-21-2022, 11:00 AM
Yes they are almost unmixed. Have very little non Caucasoid mixture

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Some hispanics are almost fully white but the general rule is that more people are counted as white then there really are white people

12-21-2022, 11:22 AM
Some hispanics are almost fully white but the general rule is that more people are counted as white then there really are white people

Indians and Arabs are technically 'caucasoid' too. So what ? This Indian street shitter is huffing gasoline.

12-21-2022, 05:07 PM
Yes but now it is a fact, but because it is recent, they didnt get it through their thick heads.

Why don't you show reliable statistics that show whites are already minority in the US? Because there are none. You always spread false information and misconceptions here. You are probably gonna tell me you got it from some other user or from a youtube videos!:picard2:

12-21-2022, 05:13 PM
LOL we are told who is white by a low IQ gypo and a black cock junkie homo.:rotfl:

Marshall Theodore
12-21-2022, 05:14 PM

Ah yes, Ripley the first troll, sadly genetics were not strong in his time.

12-21-2022, 05:15 PM
I think some Americans look down on Spanish speakers because they are ignorant, but not all do.

12-21-2022, 05:18 PM
Well, most spics are brown and look like fat ogres that will all die by the age of 35, even the liberal ones don't want them to be around their neighbourhoods (Martha's Vineyard), having spics in America is an affront to one's ancestors who weren't cringe liberal bitches.

As long as people stay in their lane everyone is happy.

Because you're brown.

hmm hmmm hmmmm.... Not intention to troll anyone, since many white Anglos aren't fat, and it seems to me that obesity has decreased in this country in the past couple of decades, but...

Tell that to them:




Just saying :rolleyes:

Cristiano viejo
12-21-2022, 05:22 PM
USA is going to be another Hispanic country. It is the fate of that continent called America.

12-21-2022, 05:29 PM
USA is going to be another Hispanic country. It is the fate of that continent called America.

Looks more like Spanish speaking immigrants there are learning English and their children are better with that. It's going to be more like an English speaking version of Brazil, that is largely or even predominantly mixed race. They also appear to be taking in more African influences in their society than any Latin American country and doing away with the European foundations. I think it's about time the US is declared a post-Western and post-national country.

12-21-2022, 05:29 PM
LOL we are told who is white by a low IQ gypo and a black cock junkie homo.:rotfl:

Why do you insult people? Do not discuss with me if you cant do without insults

12-21-2022, 05:31 PM
Why do you insult people? Do not discuss with me if you cant do without insults

OK I am sorry crybaby. Answer the other post then, pls.

12-21-2022, 05:37 PM
OK I am sorry crybaby. Answer the other post then, pls.

The statistics show a slight majority but the general rule is that there are more white people counted then there really are. That is a thumb rule so I think whites are minority by now if they say it is 60percent it is probably 45 that is only a guess but i think it is reasonable

Cristiano viejo
12-21-2022, 05:48 PM
Looks more like Spanish speaking immigrants there are learning English and their children are better with that.

No. Spanish is more and more spoken in USA, as stats say. I recently even made a thread about that https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?367352-El-idioma-espa%F1ol-gana-peso-en-USA-m%E1s-de-42-1-millones-de-personas-lo-hablan-como-lengua-nativa

42 millions of Americans have the Spanish as native tongue, and predictions say in 2060 (day after tomorrow) USA will be the 2nd biggest Spanish speaker country in world, only after Mexico, and 1/3 of its habitants will be Hispanic :)

12-21-2022, 05:54 PM
The statistics show a slight majority but the general rule is that there are more white people counted then there really are. That is a thumb rule so I think whites are minority by now if they say it is 60percent it is probably 45 that is only a guess but i think it is reasonable

There is nothing reasonable about you calling your guessing a fact. There is no reason to believe they count more people as white, other than MENAs I suppose, but they are much lower in number in the US than in Western Europe and some can pass as white. Also you appear to not realize that the race and ethnicity question is answered by the people in question and not by census workers. It's also not trendy or advantageous to be white anymore over there. This also explains why the white Hispanic share has drastically fell from the last census. Might be that these white Hispanics that remain really are white or some are for sure. I think it is reasonable to assume white Americans are still between 55-60% of the population.
After all the establishment can't wait until they can announce, as Bill Clinton famously said back in the 90s: whites are no longer the majority.

12-21-2022, 05:59 PM
No. Spanish is more and more spoken in USA, as stats say. I recently even made a thread about that https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?367352-El-idioma-espa%F1ol-gana-peso-en-USA-m%E1s-de-42-1-millones-de-personas-lo-hablan-como-lengua-nativa

42 millions of Americans have the Spanish as native tongue, and predictions say in 2060 (day after tomorrow) USA will be the 2nd biggest Spanish speaker country in world, only after Mexico, and 1/3 of its habitants will be Hispanic :)

By 2060 mass immigration from Latin America would have slowed down for many years and the older population of Latin-Americans would be more Americanized in terms of language and other things. I am more concerned about how all races there are becoming increasingly negrified in speech, mentality, "music" taste etc.
I would think that you as a Spaniards would like to take back the term 'Hispanic' for real Spanish people.

12-21-2022, 06:01 PM
There is nothing reasonable about you calling your guessing a fact. There is no reason to believe they count more people as white, other than MENAs I suppose, but they are much lower in number in the US than in Western Europe and some can pass as white. Also you appear to not realize that the race and ethnicity question is answered by the people in question and not by census workers. It's also not trendy or advantageous to be white anymore over there. This also explains why the white Hispanic share has drastically fell from the last census. Might be that these white Hispanics that remain really are white or some are for sure. I think it is reasonable to assume white Americans are still between 55-60% of the population.
After all the establishment can't wait until they can announce, as Bill Clinton famously said back in the 90s: whites are no longer the majority.

Even if they are 60 percent but i doubt it it is not enough to call it a white country brasil has a similar number of whites also the image of a american before was anglo saxon scandinavian german etc but the number of blue eyes among americans drastically fall just type in Google americans no longer blue eyed

12-21-2022, 06:04 PM
Due to the poverty and dictatorships that have mostly characterised countries South of the Rio Grande perhaps?

I think it also has to do with historical reasons, whether they are rich or poor, white or mestizo, Hispanics and Anglos have rarely gotten along and generally tend to dislike each other.

The same happens with the French world and the Anglo world.

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2022, 06:05 PM
Americans are not the only ones. Even on this very forum, including by people of all nationalities who dislike Blacks, people frequently say 'yo', 'dude', 'bro', 'brah', 'thots', 'cancel culture' and all sorts of other idioms wholly or partly of Afram origin.

Marshall Theodore
12-21-2022, 06:08 PM
Americans are not the only ones. Even on this very forum, including by people of all nationalities who dislike Blacks, people frequently say 'yo', 'dude', 'bro', 'brah', 'thots', 'cancel culture' and all sorts of other idioms wholly or partly of Afram origin.

Like who?

12-21-2022, 06:08 PM
Even if they are 60 percent but i doubt it it is not enough to call it a white country brasil has a similar number of whites also the image of a american before was anglo saxon scandinavian german etc but the number of blue eyes among americans drastically fall just type in Google americans no longer blue eyed

I am sure that blue eyes are less common now for the total population than what used to be. Hardly any Brazilian or Latin American here thinks Brazil is really 60% white, but I did say the US is on its way of becoming an English speaking Brazil and it's almost there anyway. I also wonder if the US should still be considered a part of European civilization in the present and future. The image of young America now is of hip hop mumbling idiots of all races.:picard2:

12-21-2022, 06:13 PM
Americans are not the only ones. Even on this very forum, including by people of all nationalities who dislike Blacks, people frequently say 'yo', 'dude', 'bro', 'brah', 'thots', 'cancel culture' and all sorts of other idioms wholly or partly of Afram origin.

Yes this wave of Africanization is a cancer that has grown inside the US and has been exported everywhere, dumbing down people the world over. I hate it when I see people here use those moronic words and then say they are European nationalists and archconservatives. I try and stay away from such negro speech.

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2022, 06:20 PM
Even if they are 60 percent but i doubt it it is not enough to call it a white country brasil has a similar number of whites also the image of a american before was anglo saxon scandinavian german etc but the number of blue eyes among americans drastically fall just type in Google americans no longer blue eyed

Brazil is most definitely not a majority-White country (maybe 30-40%). Heck, I'd even hesitate to say that Argentina is more than 50% White - outside Buenos Aires and the Pampean regions, most people look no different to commonplace Chileans and even Andean Colombians and Venezuelans. As for the US, it is surely still 55% White or so, when you take into account the White Latin Americans and also exclude MENAs.

12-21-2022, 06:21 PM
I know that, why, but he thinks it is "funny", "demeaning" and that he pwned me now, i do not share this view.

You are reading too much into it. Dude was only saying you look hispanic, which is something people has told you on here too: in the US most people will assume you are hispanic.

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2022, 06:23 PM
I think it also has to do with historical reasons, whether they are rich or poor, white or mestizo, Hispanics and Anglos have rarely gotten along and generally tend to dislike each other.

The same happens with the French world and the Anglo world.

Well it is true that both the Francophone and Hispanophone worlds have been hitherto more resistant than most towards the English language, and to a lesser extent the culture that comes with it. This in turn makes Brits, Americans and Aussies at least a little resentful - "why can't they speak English like everybody else?"

12-21-2022, 06:25 PM
Brazil is most definitely not a majority-White country (maybe 30-40%). Heck, I'd even hesitate to say that Argentina is more than 50% White - outside Buenos Aires and the Pampean regions, most people look no different to commonplace Chileans and even Andean Colombians and Venezuelans. As for the US, it is surely still 55% White or so, when you take into account the White Latin Americans and also exclude MENAs.

The population in BA at least 50%-55% is white, in the rest of Argentina if it varies there are areas where it is almost the same and others where it is lower, in Argentina on average 45% would be white in Latin America only Uruguay us would overcome

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2022, 06:26 PM
Yes this wave of Africanization is a cancer that has grown inside the US and has been exported everywhere, dumbing down people the world over. I hate it when I see people here use those moronic words and then say they are European nationalists and archconservatives. I try and stay away from such negro speech.

This being said, I'd still argue that there is a difference between the more spiritual and dignified Afram culture and speech of e.g. Diana Ross and the late Aretha Franklin, and the tacky hip-hop culture that has come about since at least the 1980's.

12-21-2022, 06:27 PM
The vast majority of mass shooters, rapists and criminals in general in the USA are black and Latino
Latin America is a poor part of America. Ask Western Europeans if they like immigrants from the Balkans.

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2022, 06:28 PM
The population in BA at least 50%-55% is white, in the rest of Argentina if it varies there are areas where it is almost the same and others where it is lower, in Argentina on average 45% would be white in Latin America only Uruguay us would overcome

I understand that. I have visited Bariloche and BA and both are indeed pretty White by Latin American standards (and even compared to most US and many European cities, for that matter). However, recently I remember watching some rugby matches hosted by Argentina in the Summer in places like Cordoba and Santa Fe, and the crowds quite frankly could easily have been from Cundinamarca.

12-21-2022, 06:29 PM
Well it is true that both the Francophone and Hispanophone worlds have been hitherto more resistant than most towards the English language, and to a lesser extent the culture that comes with it. This in turn makes Brits, Americans and Aussies at least a little resentful - "why can't they speak English like everybody else?"

Because those of the Anglo world are hypocrites, they are the nations that probably learn languages ​​the least and complain that French-speakers or Spanish-speakers have a lot of appreciation for their language.

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2022, 06:30 PM
Because those of the Anglo world are hypocrites, they are the nations that probably learn languages ​​the least and complain that French-speakers or Spanish-speakers have a lot of appreciation for their language.


12-21-2022, 06:33 PM
I understand that. I have visited Bariloche and BA and both are indeed pretty White by Latin American standards (and even compared to most US and many European cities, for that matter). However, recently I remember watching some rugby matches hosted by Argentina in the Summer in places like Cordoba and Santa Fe, and the crowds quite frankly could easily have been from Cundinamarca.

On average, the US still has a larger white population, but at the same time its population is more diverse than Argentina and will be even more so in the future. There will come a time when only the not so famous towns and states, except the metropolises, will be majority white because all the big cities will be multi-ethnic.

12-21-2022, 06:37 PM
I think it also has to do with historical reasons, whether they are rich or poor, white or mestizo, Hispanics and Anglos have rarely gotten along and generally tend to dislike each other.

The same happens with the French world and the Anglo world.


12-21-2022, 06:41 PM
Brazil is most definitely not a majority-White country (maybe 30-40%). Heck, I'd even hesitate to say that Argentina is more than 50% White - outside Buenos Aires and the Pampean regions, most people look no different to commonplace Chileans and even Andean Colombians and Venezuelans. As for the US, it is surely still 55% White or so, when you take into account the White Latin Americans and also exclude MENAs.

Brazil have a large white minority in strict terms, much More larger than Colombian and Costa Rican white minority, and similar to Cuba

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2022, 07:04 PM
Brazil have a large white minority in strict terms, much More larger than Colombian and Costa Rican white minority, and similar to Cuba

I know, but still no more than 40% of the population (I'd say more like 30%).

12-21-2022, 07:06 PM
I know, but still no more than 40% of the population (I'd say more like 30%).

In addition to the fact that a large part of that white minority is in the south of the country, in the north and center the minority is even smaller.

12-21-2022, 07:18 PM
Lots of stupid replies ratjuprincess Is right, most of us "brown hispanics or spics" already have a good amount of European genes at least genetically as a matter of fact almost over half of latin american European genes are predominant over amerindian and SSA.

So even the Hispanic/Latino population In the U.s gets "absorbed" the United States would not become more brown as a whole nation as a matter of fact its the other way around It woud pretty much become like another Argentina/Uruguay.

Heres a study of Mexico & Mexican Americans genetics.


12-21-2022, 07:35 PM
I know, but still no more than 40% of the population (I'd say more like 30%).

Maybe 35-40% and the rest mostly pardo

12-21-2022, 08:55 PM
Because they're annoying retards?

In saying that so are Americans to an extent.

12-21-2022, 08:57 PM
Lots of stupid replies ratjuprincess Is right, most of us "brown hispanics or spics" already have a good amount of European genes at least genetically as a matter of fact almost over half of latin american European genes are predominant over amerindian and SSA.

So even the Hispanic/Latino population In the U.s gets "absorbed" the United States would not become more brown as a whole nation as a matter of fact its the other way around It woud pretty much become like another Argentina/Uruguay.

Heres a study of Mexico & Mexican Americans genetics.


Who died and left you king and genius ? Rajutprincess is a stupid third world street shitter and you are clearly a moron. 'European' ? Nigga please ! The USA was founded and settled by mostly WASPs :

"Hengist and Horsa, the Saxon chiefs from whom we claim the honor of being descended, and whose political principles and form of government we have assumed."-- Thomas Jefferson

"That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased."--Benjamin Frranklin


Brexit (a portmanteau of "British exit") was the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU) at 23:00 GMT on 31 January 2020 (00:00 1 February 2020 CET). The UK is the only sovereign country to have left the EU or the EC


12-21-2022, 08:59 PM
Because they're annoying retards?

In saying that so are Americans to an extent.

Americans are such retards you australian drunken bogans need us to keep your power on (Elon Musk) and to stop the gooks from dominating you.

12-21-2022, 09:10 PM
Americans are such retards you australian drunken bogans need us to keep your power on (Elon Musk) and to stop the gooks from dominating you.
Musk is South African or course, it's impossible to find a native-born American as brilliant as him, and it was only South Australians who needed his intervention as they're also retards. America never has or never will stop the Gook menace for us.

12-21-2022, 09:53 PM
Musk is South African or course, it's impossible to find a native-born American as brilliant as him, and it was only South Australians who needed his intervention as they're also retards. America never has or never will stop the Gook menace for us.

it is not hard to find native born genius level americans a lot smarter and poorer than him since real geniuses are currently unemployable or don't have jobs.

Musk is so smart that is why Musk will be stepping down as CEO of twitter so soon ?

Elon Musk is not a genius. He is a slimy businessman with a talent for taking credit for others' work and creating a cult of personality.

Elon Musk is not the founder of PayPal. He is not the founder of Tesla either. Hyperloop is a stupid idea. None of his "ideas" are revolutionary. His entire aesthetic is fake futurism with no substance. His plans of colonizing Mars are overstated at best, and fraudulent at worst. He is not "self-made". From Palcohol to Neuralink to Starship, he has no grasp of basic science. Not to mention how inflated the stock prices of Tesla are. Every person interested in science has been enamored by Musk at one point, but people shouldn't be fooled any longer. I wish his fanboys would stop and do some research e.g. :


Marshall Theodore
12-21-2022, 09:54 PM
it is not hard to find native born genius level americans a lot smarter and poorer than him since real geniuses are currently unemployable or don't have jobs.

Musk is so smart that is why Musk will soon be stepping down as CEO of twitter so soon ?

Elon Musk is not a genius. He is a slimy businessman with a talent for taking credit for others' work and creating a cult of personality.

Elon Musk is not the founder of PayPal. He is not the founder of Tesla either. Hyperloop is a stupid idea. None of his "ideas" are revolutionary. His entire aesthetic is fake futurism with no substance. His plans of colonizing Mars are overstated at best, and fraudulent at worst. He is not "self-made". From Palcohol to Neuralink to Starship, he has no grasp of basic science. Not to mention how inflated the stock prices of Tesla are. Every person interested in science has been enamored by Musk at one point, but people shouldn't be fooled any longer. I wish his fanboys would stop and do some research e.g. :


I agree with Hyperloop being a stupid idea

Jingle Bell
12-21-2022, 10:02 PM

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-21-2022, 10:26 PM
it is not hard to find native born genius level americans a lot smarter and poorer than him since real geniuses are currently unemployable or don't have jobs.

Musk is so smart that is why Musk will be stepping down as CEO of twitter so soon ?

Elon Musk is not a genius. He is a slimy businessman with a talent for taking credit for others' work and creating a cult of personality.

Elon Musk is not the founder of PayPal. He is not the founder of Tesla either. Hyperloop is a stupid idea. None of his "ideas" are revolutionary. His entire aesthetic is fake futurism with no substance. His plans of colonizing Mars are overstated at best, and fraudulent at worst. He is not "self-made". From Palcohol to Neuralink to Starship, he has no grasp of basic science. Not to mention how inflated the stock prices of Tesla are. Every person interested in science has been enamored by Musk at one point, but people shouldn't be fooled any longer. I wish his fanboys would stop and do some research e.g. :


His colonizing Mars nonsense is just that: nonsense.

Musk survives on US government welfare. The US government just keeps giving him money.

12-22-2022, 03:48 AM
You are reading too much into it. Dude was only saying you look hispanic, which is something people has told you on here too: in the US most people will assume you are hispanic.

Im sure it is suppossed to be demeaning or othering, funny etc. just like if i told you "you look like a gypsy".... that would also be similar.... im sure im reading it correctly

12-22-2022, 04:00 AM
His colonizing Mars nonsense is just that: nonsense.

Musk survives on US government welfare. The US government just keeps giving him money.

I guess you haven't figured out that the American system is Socialism or Communism for the rich and brutal laissez-faire Capitalism for the masses ?

12-22-2022, 04:17 AM
Well it is true that both the Francophone and Hispanophone worlds have been hitherto more resistant than most towards the English language, and to a lesser extent the culture that comes with it. This in turn makes Brits, Americans and Aussies at least a little resentful - "why can't they speak English like everybody else?"
It's mainly Americans resentful of Hispanics for not speaking English, because they're in their country in droves. I don't care and would prefer that fewer of them spoke English, so I wouldn't have to read their rubbish - however seeing Spanish gibberish clogging comment sections on youtube is annoying. Rarely see other languages.

12-22-2022, 04:26 AM
Im sure it is suppossed to be demeaning or othering, funny etc. just like if i told you "you look like a gypsy".... that would also be similar.... im sure im reading it correctly

I'd say: "I'm no beggar" and end of story... BTW I see you didn't reply to that comment. Instead of speculating here you should've asked why they replied that. To me it's that you don't look like the stereotypical british pirate at all.

12-22-2022, 04:29 AM
I'd say: "I'm no beggar" and end of story... BTW I see you didn't reply to that comment. Instead of speculating here you should've asked why they replied that. To me it's that you don't look like the stereotypical british pirate at all.

Because If I reply, object or get upset, i fall into that trap, then im just as "racist" as him. I think it is both, that i dont look british (i didnt said i look british, i didnt really realise captain hook has to look british though) and that he is demeaning to hispanics, just like if Blondie said "In my country you pass well as Gypsy"

12-22-2022, 04:47 AM
Because If I reply, object or get upset, i fall into that trap, then im just as "racist" as him. I think it is both, that i dont look british (i didnt said i look british, i didnt really realise captain hook has to look british though) and that he is demeaning to hispanics, just like if Blondie said "In my country you pass well as Gypsy"

lol what the fuck are you talking about? No dialogue, no understading. Go and answer, don't be a sissy.

12-22-2022, 06:12 AM
Because If I reply, object or get upset, i fall into that trap, then im just as "racist" as him. I think it is both, that i dont look british (i didnt said i look british, i didnt really realise captain hook has to look british though) and that he is demeaning to hispanics, just like if Blondie said "In my country you pass well as Gypsy"

Liberalism has been called socialism with a human face, but in reality it is the same old stinking inhuman arse which is different only in the sense of having been repackaged with a more modern vocabulary. In this regard, one of the left's most successful acts is to have taken a number of common words with pleasant associations and -- by dint of constant repetition -- to have associated these words with the leftist cause, while taking other common words having negative associations and associating them with causes which the left opposes. In addition to this the left has developed a number of completely novel terms which they use with abandon to insult their enemies. This has not only produced extreme confusion in talking about political and social issues, but has been a critical factor in the significant public acceptance of the liberal poison. To illustrate the problem, I have given below the major terms whose meanings liberals have perverted, along with their original meanings. From these it should be apparent how liberalism has become identified with the liberal high ground when it is in fact a moral and social swamp.

Exploitation: According to liberals, the ill-use of others for one's own economic ends; actually, the willing and mutually-profitable interaction of buyers and sellers in a free labor market.

Capitalist: According to liberals, a greedy exploiter of the labor of others; actually, someone who pays workers' salaries and attempts to please consumers by risking his capital and using his natural talents.

Fascism: According to liberals, a horrible totalitarian government having elements of the free-enterprise system which makes it even more horrible; actually, any government which socialists dislike, this dislike usually being proportional to the amount of freedom the government allows its citizens.

Welfare: According to liberals, help for the needy; actually, a way of enslaving the poor to bad habits, lack of education, absence of ambition, a desire for drugs to fill the empty hours, and -- above all -- dependence on Big Government and the liberal politicians who run it.

Mean-spirited: According to liberals, someone who is indifferent to the suffering of others, or who enjoys it; actually, someone who believes that society's failures are not automatically entitled to other people's money.

Compassion: According to liberals, a desire to help the less-fortunate; actually, support for the politicians who tax, tax, tax and spend, spend, spend in order to pay off their political constituencies and keep themselves in power.

Social justice: According to liberals, taxing the fortunate rich or denying them some of their privileges in order to help the unfortunate poor; actually, penalizing productive people in order to reward unproductive ones.

Rights: According to liberals, the powers given by the Constitution; actually, the penumbras which shroud the Constitution in darkness and give special privileges to certain favored groups.

Equality: According to liberals, what all men have; actually, what all men don't have.

Discrimination: According to liberals, a horrible crime in which certain groups are treated unjustly and as inferiors for no good reason; actually, a natural reaction of reluctance by the members of one group to interact or mix with the members of a different group, usually because the two groups are different, it being natural for people to seek out others of their own kind.

Prejudice/Bigotry: According to liberals, an irrational dislike of the members of another group; actually, a sensible reaction of suspicion to those with whom one is unacquainted, or a rational reaction to the warnings which one has received from trusted persons about the members of certain groups.

Racism: According to liberals, hating others because of their skin tone; actually, having the sense to see that skin color is a marker of often- profound differences which lead people to take account of those differences -- differences which reinforce the natural desire of each person to live, work, marry and mingle with his own kind.

Sexism: According to liberals, unfairly discriminating against women or holding them in low regard; actually, recognizing women's limitations and behaving accordingly.

Antisemitism: According to liberals, an irrational dislike of Jews; actually, a recognition that Jews as a group have a different and competing agenda from gentiles, and that Jewish influence over social policies -- from gun control and anti-'hate' laws to civil rights and communism -- has created an important threat to America and Western civilization.

Homophobia: According to liberals, an irrational fear or dislike of homosexuals; actually, a very rational fear and dislike of homosexuals because of AIDS and unwelcome behavior patterns.

Affirmative action: According to liberals, a policy intended to make up for the evils of past discrimination; actually, a program of official discrimination against whites and males, made as a payoff to liberals' minority constituencies.

Multiculturalism: According to liberals, the necessity of having a society composed of many different ethnic, racial and sexual types in order to make people see that 'the only real race is the human race'; actually, a formula for social unrest and chronic unhappiness as a result of different ethnic, racial and sexual minorities all vying with one another for power and influence and hating each other as a result.

Intolerance: According to liberals, an irrational refusal to interact with others, usually because they belong to a different group; actually, the courage to stand up to liberal bullying and exercise one's right of free association.

Extremist: According to liberals, a wild-eyed bomb-throwing cross- burning hate-filled government-bashing rabble-rousing gun-loving lunatic; actually, a sensible person who wishes to preserve his culture, his country and his race, and who therefore does not appreciate having his nation, his own neighborhood or his own business overrun by alien hordes, druggies, welfarites, criminals, voodooists, homosexuals, AIDS carriers, or any of the other "diverse" groups which liberals are so assiduous in championing.

Hate: According to liberals, an undesirably-negative state of mind, usually exhibited for no good reason toward members of groups to which one does not belong; actually, the kind of emotion which sensible people exhibit toward bad things (as they might exhibit toward blacks because of their high crime rate and low achievement level), and which liberals exhibit in tremendous abundance toward anyone who questions their dogmas.

Love: According to liberals, what everyone should have toward everyone else, and particularly toward the inferior, the degenerate, and the degraded, especially if they come with an off-color skin or off-color sexuality; actually, a feeling which one can have at most for only a few special people, thus leading us to conclude that when liberals say they love everyone, they actually love no one, and -- given the results of their policies -- it is no surprise that the feeling is mutual.

The politically-incorrect dictionary :

Affirmative action: Legalized racial discrimination against whites.

Africa: The proof that, by being enslaved by whites, blacks never had it so good.

African-Americans: (1) A people who were once enslaved, but who now enjoy special privileges as a result of constantly whining that they are oppressed; (2) A people who keep changing their name -- niggers, darkies, colored people, negroes, blacks, Afro-Americans, African-Americans -- because they keep trying to run away from all the unpleasant associations which their behavior keeps attaching to them.

Antisemite: (1) Originally, one who did not like Jews; now, one whom the Jews do not like (Lou Rollins); (2) Someone who dares to break the most rigid taboo of Western civilization, namely, the dictum that the Jews and Israel must not be criticized; (3) Someone who recognizes that the most destructive social movements of recent times -- communism, liberalism, feminism, labor unionism, racial integration, multiculturalism, anti- racism, zionism, the 'civil rights movement', deconstructionism, gun control, and the like -- have all been funded, led and driven by Jews.

Bias: The inclinations generated by the sum total of life experience, especially including the advice from family, friends and other trusted sources.

Bigot: One who disagrees with a liberal.

Black caucus: A bunch of Crows who Caw and Cuss in a place called Incongruous.

Civil rights: Uncivil wrongs for whites.

Compassion: The taking of other people's money in order to pay off the various minority constituencies -- Jews, blacks, homosexuals, hispanics, feminists, immigrants, welfarites, gun controllers, etc -- for the purpose of acquiring and maintaining political power.

Conservative: A liberal who's been mugged. (Unknown)

Discrimination: (1) Preferring the desirable to the undesirable; (2) A policy insufficient to prevent the success of immigrants such as Jews, Asians and Irish, just as affirmative action is a policy insufficient to prevent the failure of blacks.

Equality: The theory that black equals white, dumb equals smart, incompetence equals competence, lies equal truth, and bad equals good.

Feminist: A man-eating tigress; a female with all the vices of women and none of the virtues; a woman who couldn't find a man and couldn't even get work as a whore.

Free speech: Offensive speech.

Gun control: The belief that no one has the right to shoot back.

Hate: The love a white man has for his own people, his own nation and his own culture.

Hate crime law: (1) A law which says that a man who murders out of hate is a worse criminal than one who murders out of greed; (2) A law which provides a greater penalty for an emotion (hate) over which a person has no control than an act (eg, of greed or lust) over which he does.

Handicapped: Your physical equal and moral better.

Hitler: A man who is hated so much by Jews that they are constantly building memorials to his work.

Holocaust: A story that is going up in flames, fed by the fuel of non- existent gas chambers.

Homosexuals: Men who have confused boys with girls, toilet stalls with bedrooms, and lovemaking with frolicking in a sewer.

Jews: A race who created gas chambers out of hot air.

Liberal: Someone who believes it is his moral duty to let minorities take their pleasure in everybody else's backside besides his own.

Mexico: A toilet on which America sits, and which is beginning to back up.

NAACP: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Who Would Be Offended If You Called Them That.

Nigger: A term of denigration used in referring to negroes, and frequently used by negroes to refer to one another, thereby showing that negroes know what they are talking about.

Prejudiced: Less willing to believe what the government tells you about minorities than what you are told by family, friends, or your own eyes.

Racial profiling: The use by police of the well-documented fact that blacks commit crimes at nine times the rate of whites.

Racial slur: An unpleasant truth.

Racism: The desire to live, work, marry and mingle with one's own kind: A nearly-universal desire and virtual law of nature, often expressed as 'Birds of a feather flock together', and denied only by liberals who live and work in areas much too expensive to have any more than a token number of minorities. Racism is so ingrained and universal that it is reflected not once but twice in our language: The word kind (type) and kind (nice) have the same origin, as does the word like (similar) and like (appreciate), from which we infer that we like those whom we are like, and we are kind to those of our own kind.

Social justice: Discrimination against white males in affirmative action, set-asides, and a host of other programs.

Third World: A place that has a great love for whites, provided only they are baked, boiled or roasted.

Welfare: Taking money from the productive and giving it to the unproductive so they can not only remain unproductive, but can breed even more unproductives.

World War II: A war that began with the Jewish declaration of economic war on Nazi Germany in 1933, and hasn't ended yet.

Daco Celtic
12-23-2022, 02:44 AM
Musk is South African or course, it's impossible to find a native-born American as brilliant as him, and it was only South Australians who needed his intervention as they're also retards. America never has or never will stop the Gook menace for us.

When you visit the Musk fanboy sites, do they mention how he milks the US government to build his bullshit tunnels to nowhere? Where would the US be without some scam artist born into the wealth of South African blood money. No way we could survive without Tesla. I would add that Henry Ford was obviously more brilliant than Musk.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-23-2022, 03:01 AM
Who the fuck reads youtube comments?

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-23-2022, 03:22 AM
Yes this wave of Africanization is a cancer that has grown inside the US and has been exported everywhere, dumbing down people the world over. I hate it when I see people here use those moronic words and then say they are European nationalists and archconservatives. I try and stay away from such negro speech.

Yet, like the other fag you listen to African-American influenced music but probably don't know any better (I'm not talking about rap). Who inspired The Beatles, for example?

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-23-2022, 03:24 AM
Yet, like the other fag you listen to African-American influenced music but probably don't know any better (I'm not talking about rap). Who inspired The Beatles, for example?


Colonel Frank Grimes
12-23-2022, 04:13 AM
Well it is true that both the Francophone and Hispanophone worlds have been hitherto more resistant than most towards the English language, and to a lesser, extent the culture that comes with it. This in turn makes Brits, Americans and Aussies at least a little resentful - "why can't they speak English like everybody else?"

You have this weird hangup. There is no resentment. You could argue there is arrogance. It would be arrogant to visit a foreign nation and expect people to speak your language over their own. I hate foreigners, and so I don't expect ever to visit France, Italy, etc. However, if I did I would make an attempt to speak the language of the locals but I'll sound retarded and so I would resort to English because it is the Lingua Franca (ironically) of the world.

There isn't much reason for an Anglophone to learn a foreign language, which seems to bother you so much. For economic reasons, English is the Lingua Franca. The world needs a lingua Franca (as long as it's not French cuz French is gay) to make things easier for everyone. This way, you can do business with someone in Japan just as you would with someone in Finland. A way you can communicate without learning a bunch of different languages that you will speak poorly instead of focusing on one language you can master. Who the fuck is going to learn French just for their two week vacation to France?

You have this weird issue with your native British fags and Americans not learning languages and it's like... Dude, we're busy. If the Lingua Franca was still French I'd have to learn French to mock autists and retards on the internet because that's the language everyone would be speaking but it's English and so I don't have to bother.

I only find it a problem if someone is being a dick about the locals not speaking English. You don't enter someone's home and be a dick. I hope such a person gets robbed blind and forcibly sodomized. That's arrogance. It's not resentment.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-23-2022, 04:32 AM
They tend to make jokes about spanish names, spanish language, everything spanish. Someone said I dont look like Captain Hook but El Capitan Gancho. That is Spanish and means Captain Hook in Spanish. I dont know why he thinks that is suppossed to be a demeaning joke, or "funny", the Spanish Armada ruled the world before the Anglo-Saxons.

Looks more like El Capitan Gancho. Pedro Fernando Ramirez-Sanchez : "gancho"


The guy is most likely a Latino-American. Unless they have a Spanish-speaking background few Americans are familiar enough with Spanish to know the word gancho and they would most likely not know that in the Hispanic world you use both your father and mother's surname (Pedro Fernando Ramirez-Sanchez": Father's surname Ramirez. Mother's surname Sanchez).

As the sociopathic simp pointed out, it's because you're brown.

There is nothing else to it.

12-23-2022, 04:45 AM
When you visit the Musk fanboy sites, do they mention how he milks the US government to build his bullshit tunnels to nowhere? Where would the US be without some scam artist born into the wealth of South African blood money. No way we could survive without Tesla. I would add that Henry Ford was obviously more brilliant than Musk.
You just hate seeing African-Americans succeed.

12-23-2022, 04:55 AM
As the sociopathic simp pointed out, it's because you're brown.

I know that is because Im "brown".... it is still like i say too. Im sure of it. Even if he is hispanic, it doesnt stop him from enforcing white supremacy too, many non-white are part of a white supremacist thought line and system and enforce it, I had hispanics call me illegal or ask me if im illegal, and there are hispanics who said I look more hispanic then them. It doesnt make a difference if he is himself hispanic.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-23-2022, 04:57 AM
I know that is because Im "brown".... it is still like i say too. Im sure of it. Even if he is hispanic, it doesnt stop him from enforcing white supremacy too, many non-white are part of a white supremacist thought line and system and enforce it, I had hispanics call me illegal or ask me if im illegal, and there are hispanics who said I look more hispanic then them. It doesnt make a difference if he is himself hispanic.

You're reading way too much into this, dude.

12-23-2022, 05:01 AM
You're reading way too much into this, dude.

Maybe but americans look down on hispanics, like "you look like pedro the guy who mowns my lawn" etc. i know that they do. and that even just a hispanic name can cause you to be viewed as ethnic. maybe not in this particular situation, but generally, i view it in that context.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-23-2022, 05:04 AM
Maybe but americans look down on hispanics, like "you look like pedro the guy who mowns my lawn" etc. i know that they do. and that even just a hispanic name can cause you to be viewed as ethnic. maybe not in this particular situation, but generally, i view it in that context.

You actually do look like the guy who mows my elderly neighbor's lawn. I don't know his name. I mow my own lawn or sometimes pay a local kid way below the average rate because he doesn't know any better.

12-23-2022, 05:06 AM
You actually do look like the guy who mows my elderly neighbor's lawn. I don't know his name. I mow my own lawn or sometimes pay a local kid way below the average rate because he doesn't know any better.

With all due respect I reall like you spanish hispanic people but I think I dont look hispanic, you could maybe think I am, but I dont look really hispanic.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-23-2022, 05:08 AM
With all due respect I reall like you spanish hispanic people but I think I dont look hispanic, you could maybe think I am, but I dont look really hispanic.

I mentioned this before in the chatbox you have a Puerto Rican doppelganger who hangs out at Quickcheck.

You apparently like them more than I do. I'm tired of chasing after rent money.

12-23-2022, 05:11 AM
I mentioned this before in the chatbox you have a Puerto Rican doppelganger who hangs out at Quickcheck.

You apparently like them more than I do. I'm tired of chasing after rent money.

You are hispanic as far as i know, in the true sense of the word, you are a spanish descent hence "white hispanic" you have certainly a spanish name, and you are hispanic. You are not mexican or puerto rican though. Maybe there is really a puerto rican who looks like me though, i wouldnt think twice about it.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-23-2022, 05:16 AM
You are hispanic as far as i know, in the true sense of the word, you are a spanish descent hence "white hispanic" you have certainly a spanish name, and you are hispanic. You are not mexican or puerto rican though. Maybe there is really a puerto rican who looks like me though, i wouldnt think twice about it.

Based White Hispanic male in his early 40s known to hate autists. Approach with caution.

I'm tempted to take a picture of the guy, but I won't because that would be wrong.

12-23-2022, 05:36 AM
Yet, like the other fag you listen to African-American influenced music but probably don't know any better (I'm not talking about rap). Who inspired The Beatles, for example?

The Beatles were inspired by black music that was more acceptable than rap for sure. But I would also say that wasn't their only influence and it didn't really sound much like black music or them trying to be black. You could of at least mention Led Zeppelin or Rolling Stones instead, since they are more blues influenced or based even and I also like them and posted videos by them. White classic rock artists, especially British, took the blues and rhythm and blues influences, but also white country and folk and made something much better and not as obviously black as the parent genres. Maybe shouldn't have said Africanization, but rather a wave of barbarism represented by hip hop. And why do you call classic rock faggy anyway? I mean other than being a dumbass.

12-23-2022, 06:59 AM
I know that is because Im "brown".... it is still like i say too. Im sure of it. Even if he is hispanic, it doesnt stop him from enforcing white supremacy too, many non-white are part of a white supremacist thought line and system and enforce it, I had hispanics call me illegal or ask me if im illegal, and there are hispanics who said I look more hispanic then them. It doesnt make a difference if he is himself hispanic.

So, it ok for me to dress up like a black african Masai warrior ?

What is 'white supremacist' ? Americans are unfamiliar with gypsies unlike Europeans and that it is not more complicated than that ?

What is 'whte supremacist' ?That the hispanic crime rate is 4 times the white one and that south American countries are more corrupt than Anglo ones. That mestizo IQ is below the white one on average ? Facts are stubborn things.

12-23-2022, 07:03 AM
So, it ok for me to dress up like a black african Masai warrior ?

What is 'white supremacist' ? Americans are unfamiliar with gypsies unlike Europeans that it is not more complicated than that ?

What is whte supremacist ?That the hispanic crime is 4 times the white one and that south American countries are more corrupt than Anglo ones. What that mestizo IQ is below the white one on average ? Facts are stubborn things.

I do not think a pirate or sailor is race specific unlike a black negroe masai warrior, there are somali pirates right? Captain Hook is a fictional character, if it were for me, i would not think twice if the new Captain Hook is a negroe. Also I didnt choose to be this character, i uploaded my pictures to a AI and the AI made me be that for some reason. I didnt thought I want to impersonate a white person and made me that. The AI also made me superman and santa clause, i didnt choose what it will make me, i just shared the results. Also if you want to be a black masai warrior maybe they will adopt you, i watched a docu about a white guy gaining acceptance as honorary amazon tribesmen. I know that as white having dreadlocks is seen as cultural appropriation or racist and such, and you might complain about it, but I do not think a white person should be forbidden from doing reggae music or having dreadlocks, it is not my mindset at all.

12-23-2022, 07:16 AM
So, it ok for me to dress up like a black african Masai warrior ?

What is 'white supremacist' ? Americans are unfamiliar with gypsies unlike Europeans and that it is not more complicated than that ?

What is 'whte supremacist' ?That the hispanic crime rate is 4 times the white one and that south American countries are more corrupt than Anglo ones. That mestizo IQ is below the white one on average ? Facts are stubborn things.

Also you ask what is a white supremacist, you need to look into the mirror to see a hardcore white supremacist i remember your comment "the inferior races hate the white man because they have envy".

12-23-2022, 07:17 AM
I do not think a pirate or sailor is race specific unlike a black negroe masai warrior, there are somali pirates right? Captain Hook is a fictional character, if it were for me, i would not think twice if the new Captain Hook is a negroe. Also I didnt choose to be this character, i uploaded my pictures to a AI and the AI made me be that for some reason. I didnt thought I want to impersonate a white person and made me that. The AI also made me superman and santa clause, i didnt choose what it will make me, i just shared the results. Also if you want to be a black masai warrior maybe they will adopt you, i watched a docu about a white guy gaining acceptance as honorary amazon tribesmen. I know that as white having dreadlocks is seen as cultural appropriation or racist and such, and you might complain about it, but I do not think a white person should be forbidden from doing reggae music or having dreadlocks, it is not my mindset at all.

Created by J. M. Barrie (Scottish)

Portrayed by :

Gerald du Maurier (1904 first stage production)
Ernest Torrance (1924 film)
Boris Karloff (1950 musical)
Dustin Hoffman (Hook)
Jason Isaacs (2003 film)
Colin O'Donoghue (Once Upon a Time)
Garrett Hedlund (Pan)
Jude Law (Peter Pan & Wendy)
Stanley Tucci (Peter and Wendy TV film)

All Euro cast with some ashkenazi Jews it seems not bad considering Jews run Jollywood

12-23-2022, 07:18 AM
Created by J. M. Barrie (Scottish)

Portrayed by :

Gerald du Maurier (1904 first stage production)
Ernest Torrance (1924 film)
Boris Karloff (1950 musical)
Dustin Hoffman (Hook)
Jason Isaacs (2003 film)
Colin O'Donoghue (Once Upon a Time)
Garrett Hedlund (Pan)
Jude Law (Peter Pan & Wendy)
Stanley Tucci (Peter and Wendy TV film)

All Euro cast with some ashkenazi Jews it seems not bad considering Jew run Jollywood

I know that but i wouldnt mind if now a negroe portrays him, will smith portrayed a cowboy in a modern wild west movie, the world changed a bit since 1954 and i do not think that is bad.

12-23-2022, 07:26 AM
I know that but i wouldnt mind if now a negroe portrays him, will smith portrayed a cowboy in a modern wild west movie, the world changed a bit since 1954 and i do not think that is bad.

It's negro, not 'negroe'!:picard1: The world changed quite rapidly for the worst, other than for negroes who are barbarians and have yet become a privileged class and the object of a most grotesque fetishism in which only the most debased humans indulge, but alas there are so many of you debased humans.

12-23-2022, 07:30 AM
Its still really funny to read from jamedbond denying mental illness diagnoses being an actual thing, while this guy will ramble about all sorts of bullshit(copy-pastes walls of texts. Even other people picked up him being mentally off).

And then first he's an anti-racist(dont believes in the concept of whiteness) socialist, bragging about(if thats even true?) fucking black and indian women. Next he's a full blown racist(now believing in whiteness?) who will lash at even members who arent aggressive at all. And he will change again, like he done for some time now.

12-23-2022, 07:30 AM
Also you ask what is a white supremacist, you need to look into the mirror to see a hardcore white supremacist i remember your comment "the inferior races hate the white man because they have envy".

What do you see when you look at pictures photoshopped that show you as a klansman or Nazi? Do you see an obese clown or a hypocrite maybe?

12-23-2022, 07:44 AM
Its still really funny to read from jamedbond denying mental illness diagnoses being an actual thing, while this guy will ramble about all sorts of bullshit(copy-pastes walls of texts. Even other people picked up him being mentally off).

And then first he's an anti-racist(dont believes in the concept of whiteness) socialist, bragging about(if thats even true?) fucking black and indian women. Next he's a full blown racist(now believing in whiteness?) who will lash at even members who arent aggressive at all. And he will change again, like he done for some time now.

Talking about my so called 'mental state' meanwhile you are obviously have the lowest kind of mind possible :

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events;small minds discuss people. —Eleanor Roosevelt

12-23-2022, 10:05 AM
Talking about my so called 'mental state' meanwhile you are obviously have the lowest kind of mind possible :

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events;small minds discuss people. —Eleanor Roosevelt

So are you gonna turn into an anti-race socialist again about 1-2 months?

Copy-pasting essays doesnt help you here

Cristiano viejo
12-23-2022, 06:24 PM
So are you gonna turn into an anti-race socialist again about 1-2 months?

Copy-pasting essays doesnt help you here

Copy pasting of James Bond is for sure one of the mos pitiful things one could find in this forum. It fills half of the page, and obviously NO ONE reads it.

He is, with the permission of Coronel Frank Grimes, the most boring user by far :zzz

Marshall Theodore
12-23-2022, 07:00 PM
He is, with the permission of Coronel Frank Grimes, the most boring user by far :zzz

Sure, two members who are boring as fuck

12-23-2022, 07:44 PM
So are you gonna turn into an anti-race socialist again about 1-2 months?

Copy-pasting essays doesnt help you here

A 0 level IQ response Finnish mongoloid :

https://www.google.com/search?q=%22A+major+political+desideratum+for+an+i ncreasing+number+of+whites+in+America%2C+Europe%2C +Australia+and+other+white-majority+areas+of+the+world+is+to+preserve+Western +civilization+against+the+encroachment+of+Third-World+immigration.+But+what+precisely+are+we+tryin g+to+preserve+--+or+more+precisely%2C+%15what+are+the+essential+el ements+of+Western+civilization%3F%22&ei=pxKmY8iWJeuo5NoP3_6a-AQ&ved=0ahUKEwiIhpiRzZD8AhVrFFkFHV-_Bk8Q4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=%22A+major+political+desideratum+for+an+increas ing+number+of+whites+in+America%2C+Europe%2C+Austr alia+and+other+white-majority+areas+of+the+world+is+to+preserve+Western +civilization+against+the+encroachment+of+Third-World+immigration.+But+what+precisely+are+we+tryin g+to+preserve+--+or+more+precisely%2C+%15what+are+the+essential+el ements+of+Western+civilization%3F%22&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzoKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzoTCC4 QjwEQ6gIQtAIQjAMQ5QIYAToTCAAQjwEQ6gIQtAIQjAMQ5QIYA ToWCC4QjwEQ1AIQ6gIQtAIQjAMQ5QIYAUoECEEYAEoECEYYAFD XD1ixyQJg0dACaARwAXgAgAG6B4gBmgiSAQUxLjYtMZgBAKABA aABArABCsgBBMABAdoBBAgBGAo&sclient=gws-wiz-serp

12-23-2022, 07:45 PM
Sure, two members who are boring as fuck

Dumb people think smart people are boring for various reasons including different areas of interest.

Cristiano viejo
12-23-2022, 09:37 PM
Dumb people think smart people are boring for various reasons including different areas of interest.

You are very far of being a smart person. To start smart people dont call smart to themselves.

And yes, you are very boring. Not only because you seem a parrot copying texts like a retard thinking people would read such novels. You also are very boring because your philosophical pedant posts. Wake up, swarthy boy, this is not a forum of a Nietzche-Engels-Marx followers :zzz

12-23-2022, 10:26 PM
You are very far of being a smart person. To start smart people dont call smart to themselves.

Wrong rather geniuses don't call themselves geniuses. Also, intellect is invisible to the man who has none.

And yes, you are very boring. Not only because you seem a parrot copying texts like a retard thinking people would read such novels.

I stopped doing that and you are an idiot :

https://www.google.com/search%3Fq%3D%2522A%2Bmajor%2Bpolitical%2Bdesidera tum%2Bfor%2Ban%2Bincreasing%2Bnumber%2Bof%2Bwhites %2Bin%2BAmerica%252C%2BEurope%252C%2BAustralia%2Ba nd%2Bother%2Bwhite-majority%2Bareas%2Bof%2Bthe%2Bworld%2Bis%2Bto%2Bpr eserve%2BWestern%2Bcivilization%2Bagainst%2Bthe%2B encroachment%2Bof%2BThird-World%2Bimmigration.%2BBut%2Bwhat%2Bprecisely%2Bar e%2Bwe%2Btrying%2Bto%2Bpreserve%2B--%2Bor%2Bmore%2Bprecisely%252C%2B%2515what%2Bare%2B the%2Bessential%2Belements%2Bof%2BWestern%2Bcivili zation%253F%2522%26ei%3DpxKmY8iWJeuo5NoP3_6a-AQ%26ved%3D0ahUKEwiIhpiRzZD8AhVrFFkFHV-_Bk8Q4dUDCA8%26uact%3D5%26oq%3D%2522A%2Bmajor%2Bpo litical%2Bdesideratum%2Bfor%2Ban%2Bincreasing%2Bnu mber%2Bof%2Bwhites%2Bin%2BAmerica%252C%2BEurope%25 2C%2BAustralia%2Band%2Bother%2Bwhite-majority%2Bareas%2Bof%2Bthe%2Bworld%2Bis%2Bto%2Bpr eserve%2BWestern%2Bcivilization%2Bagainst%2Bthe%2B encroachment%2Bof%2BThird-World%2Bimmigration.%2BBut%2Bwhat%2Bprecisely%2Bar e%2Bwe%2Btrying%2Bto%2Bpreserve%2B--%2Bor%2Bmore%2Bprecisely%252C%2B%2515what%2Bare%2B the%2Bessential%2Belements%2Bof%2BWestern%2Bcivili zation%253F%2522%26gs_lcp%3DCgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAz oKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzoTCC4QjwEQ6gIQtAIQjAMQ5QIYAToTCAAQ jwEQ6gIQtAIQjAMQ5QIYAToWCC4QjwEQ1AIQ6gIQtAIQjAMQ5Q IYAUoECEEYAEoECEYYAFDXD1ixyQJg0dACaARwAXgAgAG6B4gB mgiSAQUxLjYtMZgBAKABAaABArABCsgBBMABAdoBBAgBGAo%26 sclient%3Dgws-wiz-serp&q=EgS5w0cDGMTwmJ0GIjCTJLiDSzfLxOQBGIentPb5DG_0u8WA tybfY2T7qGNSoSLeqQGmgPIM6NAV3fTZpvoyAXI

Also, people post like hour long youtube videos here so if people don't read my posts but watch the videos without complaint then they are illierate retards not me.

You also are very boring because your philosophical pedant posts. Wake up, swarthy boy, this is not a forum of a Nietzche-Engels-Marx followers :zzz

Philosophy, physics and math etc.... all take higher average IQs to major in than anthropology. People here find my posts here boring because people here are stupid.

12-23-2022, 10:40 PM
Racism / thread

12-23-2022, 11:13 PM
Also, people post like hour long youtube videos here so if people don't read my posts but watch the videos without complaint then they are illierate retards not me.

Philosophy, physics and math etc.... all take higher average IQs to major in than anthropology. People here find my posts here boring because people here are stupid.

A very high IQ sentence...

And posting your gigantic IQ (and loooong) posts here for people that don't pay attention to them... makes of you a smart and high IQ person? :cool:

12-23-2022, 11:22 PM
Dumb people think smart people are boring for various reasons including different areas of interest.

I challenged you to a knowledge test in real time more than once. Your reply was (in so many words), "I hear my mama callin' me for dinner".

12-23-2022, 11:38 PM
Who said this was the case? More white Americans are likely indifferent to them versus those who actively despise them. White men and Latina women are about at the top as far as interracial marriages here too (If one considers such interracial)

12-23-2022, 11:53 PM
Americans thinks they are the best in the world because of ww2. When really they only had barely over 100 years of greatness. And now they are borderline 3rd worlders. Their greatness fell after 1960.
Then it was defeat after defeat.
And america has among the highest rate of gun homicides in the world.
Very ill educated in general with dichotomy of very educated people. They cant even point at countries around the world on a map. Kids in africa speak like 3 or 5 languages and americans are generally too dumb to understand more than 1.
They are too busy stuffing their face with tacos chinese food and burritos but shooting up with opiod and doing meth.
They are too busy legalizing free open injection sites for drug addicts. Raising the limit for what constitutes a misdemeanor. Promoting transgenderism. Letting criminals walk away in court quite often. Sending more money ukraine then to the phillipines or puerto rico.

Spending more money on ukraine then forcing drug addicts into rehab. Keeping repeat violent offenders alive then killing them. Rather send billions to ukraine then to Building more homes in the US for homeless. The amount of money they sent to ukraine was more then twice of puerto ricos debt. Island puerto ricans are dumb for always wanting to be subordinate and not independent unfortunately.

Promoting obesity as a beauty standard. Encouraging ratchet behavior. Wokeness. Wignats


Rather pay for onlyfans then give teachers respectable and livable wages.



The degradation of morals in American society distracted with dumb identity Politics.


Colonel Frank Grimes
12-24-2022, 01:32 AM

The narrative is "Americans are stupid" and so they obviously won't show the people who aren't dumb.

12-24-2022, 02:00 AM
A very high IQ sentence...

And posting your gigantic IQ (and loooong) posts here for people that don't pay attention to them... makes of you a smart and high IQ person? :cool:

I have multiple people attacking me at once, in this thread, and you expect me to proof read everything I post enough times to catch every possible mistake? You are another obvious idiot :

"To err is human, to forgive divine" --Alexander Pope

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-24-2022, 02:21 AM
I have multiple people attacking me at once, in this thread, and you expect me to proof read everything I post enough times to catch every possible mistake? You are another obvious idiot :

"To err is human, to forgive divine" --Alexander Pope

I got your back, bro. Let's fuck shit up.

How boring will you think we are after we head kick a nigga into a coma?


12-24-2022, 02:25 AM
Americans thinks they are the best in the world because of ww2. When really they only had barely over 100 years of greatness. And now they are borderline 3rd worlders. Their greatness fell after 1960.
Then it was defeat after defeat.
And america has among the highest rate of gun homicides in the world.

People in America have a higher chance of dying from a motor-vehicle accident etc... than by gun mister 'math genius'

Very ill educated in general with dichotomy of very educated people. They cant even point at countries around the world on a map. Kids in africa speak like 3 or 5 languages and americans are generally too dumb to understand more than 1.

At the quayside of any large international harbour such as Port Said or Hong Kong the visitor can meet boys of fifteen who chatter intelligibly and fluently in half a dozen languages. Few ocean-borne passengers in transit regard this as a testimony to extraordinary intellectual endowment.

They are too busy stuffing their face with tacos chinese food and burritos but shooting up with opiod and doing meth.
They are too busy legalizing free open injection sites for drug addicts. Raising the limit for what constitutes a misdemeanor. Promoting transgenderism. Letting criminals walk away in court quite often.

Live free or die bitch. Some free people choose degenerate behavior and it should not be my problem i.e. no Obamacare.

Sending more money ukraine then to the phillipines or puerto rico.

It is called political and military strategy genius.

Promoting obesity as a beauty standard. Encouraging ratchet behavior. Wokeness. Wignats


Rather pay for onlyfans then give teachers respectable and livable wages.



The degradation of morals in American society distracted with dumb identity Politics.


So you are one of those genius professors who does research with youtube videos instead of doing syntopical research via books ? :picard2:

12-24-2022, 02:35 AM
I challenged you to a knowledge test in real time more than once. Your reply was (in so many words), "I hear my mama callin' me for dinner".

I counter challenged you to a game of chess and you declined. I fail to see your logic; If you win at Jeopardy then you get an automatic pass into Harvard or can use it to get a job as a rocket Scientist at NASA or SpaceX ? Perhaps, to land a high-paying job in the challenging field of cybersecurity etc... ?

12-24-2022, 03:14 AM
I challenged you to a knowledge test in real time more than once. Your reply was (in so many words), "I hear my mama callin' me for dinner".

Yeah, ok, mister FBI agent. Real time test so the FBI can attempt to backdoor my machine ? Try again slow Joe !

Chess = intellectual gymnastics

12-24-2022, 03:36 AM
Yeah, ok, mister FBI agent. Real time test so the FBI can attempt to backdoor my machine ? Try again slow Joe !

Chess = intellectual gymnastics

I get it. Longbowman embarrassed you, so why get humiliated twice.

12-24-2022, 03:37 AM
Copy pasting of James Bond is for sure one of the mos pitiful things one could find in this forum. It fills half of the page, and obviously NO ONE reads it.

He is, with the permission of Coronel Frank Grimes, the most boring user by far :zzz

Do you still call him Galacian witch? :rotfl:

12-24-2022, 03:38 AM
Well, most spics are brown and look like fat ogres that will all die by the age of 35, even the liberal ones don't want them to be around their neighbourhoods (Martha's Vineyard), having spics in America is an affront to one's ancestors who weren't cringe liberal bitches.


As long as people stay in their lane everyone is happy.

Because you're brown.

I would not want to be a slave in a country of niggers.

Marshall Theodore
12-24-2022, 03:47 AM
Do you still call him Galacian witch? :rotfl:


12-24-2022, 06:53 AM
Created by J. M. Barrie (Scottish)

Portrayed by :

Gerald du Maurier (1904 first stage production)
Ernest Torrance (1924 film)
Boris Karloff (1950 musical)
Dustin Hoffman (Hook)
Jason Isaacs (2003 film)
Colin O'Donoghue (Once Upon a Time)
Garrett Hedlund (Pan)
Jude Law (Peter Pan & Wendy)
Stanley Tucci (Peter and Wendy TV film)

All Euro cast with some ashkenazi Jews it seems not bad considering Jews run Jollywood

What do you say of Mortimer as the new Superman? Superman always was, quintessentially nordatlantid blue eyed anglo-saxon what if now Mortimer is Superman? I think I would need to slimm down and get muscular body, and maybe slight beauty corrections but i wouldnt change my race or the generell look only slight beauty corrections like my jaw (my teeth and jaw is deformed as kid i had a bracettes but didnt wear them and so my teeth are terrible) i need a hollywood smile maybe and maybe slight corrections in the symmetry of my face, im a bit assymetric, that wouldnt change my race or generell look though.

https://i.ibb.co/f0y1ZQZ/Morti-Superman.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
https://i.ibb.co/cbrVQQT/Morti-Superman2.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

12-24-2022, 07:16 AM
What do you say of Mortimer as the new Superman? Superman always was, quintessentially nordatlantid blue eyed anglo-saxon what if now Mortimer is Superman? I think I would need to slimm down and get muscular body, and maybe slight beauty corrections but i wouldnt change my race or the generell look only slight beauty corrections like my jaw (my teeth and jaw is deformed as kid i had a bracettes but didnt wear them and so my teeth are terrible) i need a hollywood smile maybe and maybe slight corrections in the symmetry of my face, im a bit assymetric, that wouldnt change my race or generell look though.

https://i.ibb.co/f0y1ZQZ/Morti-Superman.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
https://i.ibb.co/cbrVQQT/Morti-Superman2.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

Super Svetobro here to let you Whities know when in my hood you best be good!

12-24-2022, 01:32 PM
People in America have a higher chance of dying from a motor-vehicle accident etc... than by gun mister 'math genius' im sure they do when they're on drugs and drunk driving.


-At the quayside of any large international harbour such as Port Said or Hong Kong the visitor can meet boys of fifteen who chatter intelligibly and fluently in half a dozen languages. Few ocean-borne passengers in transit regard this as a testimony to extraordinary intellectual endowment.

No one cares about international harbors. The average american is not an international polygot but a monolinguist moron incapable of even moderately understanding a second language.


Live free or die bitch. Some free people choose degenerate behavior and it should not be my problem i.e. no Obamacare.

Then dont complain about eating brown people food. Im sure you stuff your face with tacos and then complain to your cook that it was delicious but he is brown.


-It is called political and military strategy genius.

Yes throwing your money away and losing is called military strategy. Worked in afganistand. Is working again in Ukraine...

Thats why Russia controls the oil pipelines. Thats why your oil prices rose. Thats why europe has to ration their energy.


They sanctioned russia? But who are they still buying engery from?




Im sure it will work out great like afghanistan the vietnam war, korean war, iraq war ect.

So you are one of those genius professors who does research with youtube videos instead of doing syntopical research via books ? :picard2:

Who reads books for news you moron? At best news papers. But most people get their news on the internet and watch news journalist and on the ground documentaries.

12-24-2022, 01:49 PM

Why is this man using gestures he doesn't understand? The satan greeting symbol uses as "fuck you". Forgot what the middle finger is for?
I've noticed the same thing with people from other parts of the world. Now I know they're copying it from the Yankees.
I even met an idiot who pointed to the victory symbol "V" with his fingers and claimed that it was synonymous with the middle finger.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-24-2022, 02:30 PM
I would not want to be a slave in a country of niggers.

I wonder how many of those quotes are accurate. The sources are written so small I can't read them. I tried to find some of the quotes - such as the one for Robert E. Lee - by googling and found nothing. Sean has a history of posting false information. Although I'm sure he took the quotes at face value because he's lazy and stupid instead of intentionally being dishonest.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-24-2022, 02:32 PM
Why is this man using gestures he doesn't understand? The satan greeting symbol uses as "fuck you". Forgot what the middle finger is for?
I've noticed the same thing with people from other parts of the world. Now I know they're copying it from the Yankees.
I even met an idiot who pointed to the victory symbol "V" with his fingers and claimed that it was synonymous with the middle finger.

It's the rock 'n roll symbol. The guy wanted everyone to know he was rocking out.

12-24-2022, 02:36 PM
im sure they do when they're on drugs and drunk driving.


If you think I watch any of these videos you spam this forum with then you are a retard. Where is the statistics retard ?Also, we don't see leftists trying to ban cars or drugs. The war against drugs is a conservative thing. Leftists are fine with hybrid vehicles and Tesla cars etc... you are a retard.

-At the quayside of any large international harbour such as Port Said or Hong Kong the visitor can meet boys of fifteen who chatter intelligibly and fluently in half a dozen languages. Few ocean-borne passengers in transit regard this as a testimony to extraordinary intellectual endowment.

No one cares about international harbors. The average american is not an international polygot but a monolinguist moron incapable of even moderately understanding a second language.

You are clearly a retard at reading comprehension and math. That proposition is not primarily about international harbors rather it illustrates that it is not intellectually difficult to talk in multiple languages. You ever been to England ? Most people there only speak English. The English are intelligent and the French are intellectual.

Live free or die bitch. Some free people choose degenerate behavior and it should not be my problem i.e. no Obamacare.

Then dont complain about eating brown people food. Im sure you stuff your face with tacos and then complain to your cook that it was delicious but he is brown.

I don't eat tacos etc.. whatever


-It is called political and military strategy genius.

Yes throwing your money away and losing is called military strategy. Worked in afganistand. Is working again in Ukraine...

Thats why Russia controls the oil pipelines. Thats why your oil prices rose. Thats why europe has to ration their energy.

The war is far from over retard. Russia is going to do a Winter offensive that will give the US the greenlight to directly squash it like a fly. The US could be declining on multiple fronts but the military is still vastly superior to both Russia and China.

Im sure it will work out great like afghanistan the vietnam war, korean war, iraq war ect.

except this war is going to go past proxy war , unlike most of those, this will go direct soon then its over for Russia.

Who reads books for news you moron? At best news papers. But most people get their news on the internet and watch news journalist and on the ground documentaries.

You are obviously illiterate and innumerate.

1.) The media tends to focus on individuals and drama because its target audice, the masses are mentally retarded at math.

2 : (I usually don't post youtube videos but you seem like an illiterate retard) :


3.) If you weren't an illiterate and innumerate retard you would be using math and syntopical propositions, stimulated from books, to make your case :

People cannot be free if they are ignorant, and the more knowledgeable a person is, the more likely he is to be free -- or to be able to free himself. But because the information available to people is overwhelming in volume, it is necessary to develop good criteria for selecting the information you imbibe. Here are some helpful rules:

(1) Prefer books to periodicals e.g. newspapers and magazines.. Books are far more likely to have enduring value; periodicals are, by their very nature, transitory in worth. Youtube and TV are trash.

(2) If you like something an author writes, read more of his stuff. An author whom you find interesting is more likely to have written other material that will please you than an author you have no knowledge of.

(3) Modern books are usually better than older ones. This is partly because modern books benefit from more up-to-date knowledge (though they don't always), and partly because the publishing business is now very competitive, unlike in earlier days, years, or centuries; and competition means the best will generally rise to the top (ie, get published). A great many older books ('classics') are much overpraised, but it took me a long time to figure out that it was the books which were lousy, and not my taste.

(4) Don't waste your time reading lousy stuff, even if it is supposed to be 'important'. If it's lousy, chances are it's not important at all, at least for your purposes.

There are five basic ways to sort truth from falsehood:

Check the reliability of the authors you read: A theologian is a less- reliable source of information than a scientist.

Compare different sources of information on the same topic (books, magazines, webpages, etc), and note the areas of disagreement or omissions. Omissions often indicate bias, while points of disagreement should be investigated to see, if possible, who is really telling the truth. Sources with obvious bias need to be studied, since these will usually have the most telling criticisms of the other side.

Observe who is willing to debate, and who is not: The former are most likely to be telling the truth, while the latter are probably trying to keep their lies from being exposed.

Observe whether the arguments are clear or obscure: the latter are a good indication of muddled thinking, and a likely marker of error.

If you yourself have a bias, be sure to study the accounts of those biased against your view: Your enemies will tell you things your friends would never think of -- or never dare to mention if they did.

12-24-2022, 02:49 PM
If you think I watch any of these videos you spam this forum with then you are a retard. Where the statistics retard ?Also, we don't see leftists trying to ban cars or drugs. The war against drugs is a conservative thing. Leftists are fine with hybri vehicles and Tesla cars etc... you are a retard.

You are clearly a retard at reading comprehension and math. That proposition is not prmarily about international harbors rather it illustrates that it is not intellectually difficult to talk in multiple languages ? You ever been to England ? Most people there only speak English. The English are intelligent and the French are intellectual.

- moron, international harbors arent the norm. Its filled with people who are international and CAN learn another language. But most Americans are too dumb. The average person in europe speaks more than 1 language. The average kid in africa speaks 2- 5 languages.
Stop being such a dummy. Even most english people probably dont know more than 1 language. Not sure about french.

I can speak 2 languages and somewhat speak a 3rd language. I Understand a good amount of it at least.

I don't eat tacos etc.. whatever


The war is far from over retard. Russia is going to do a Winter offensive that will give the US the greenlight to directly squash it like a fly. The US could be declining on multiple fronts but the military is still vastly superior to both Russia and China.
The US is going to bail. Get real. They bailed on kurdistan and Afghanistan. Its all they do. Start wars and then bail.
US is crumbling. If the US went to war with China and Russia the US would crumble. Chinas going to tap the colbat in Africa and everything is made in mexico korea or china practically. You have some delusion to think the US would win. All the manufacturing is in china. China would jist cease the assets and take the plants for themselves. The US produces nothing except weapons. And even the weapon parts are produced elsewhere. Its a consumer and service economy mainly.
The US lost to a bunch of cave dwelling religious zeapots. Get real

except this war is going to go past proxy war , unlike most of those, this will go direct soon then its over for Russia.

-You are obviously illiterate and innumerate.
The media tends to focus on individuals and drama because its target audice, the masses are mentally retarded at math.
(I usually don't post youtube videos but you seem like an illiterate retard) :
Idiot. Then debunk his news. You moron. Instead of rambling about books.


3.) If you weren't an illiterate and innumerate retard you would be using math and syntopical propositions, stimualted from books, to make your case :

Its news you moron. You dont get news from books smh.

-People cannot be free if they are ignorant, and the more knowledgeable a person is, the more likely he is to be free -- or to be able to free himself. But because the information available to people is overwhelming in volume, it is necessary to develop good criteria for selecting the information you imbibe. Here are some helpful rules:
-Prefer books to periodicals e.g. newspapers and magazines.. Books are far more likely to have enduring value; periodicals are, by their very nature, transitory in worth. Youtube and TV are trash.
Yiu cant use books for news smh...

- If you like something an author writes, read more of his stuff. An author whom you find interesting is more likely to have written other material that will please you than an author you have no knowledge of.
We are taling about news you moron.

-Modern books are usually better than older ones. This is partly because modern books benefit from more up-to-date knowledge (though they don't always), and partly because the publishing business is now very competitive, unlike in earlier days, years, or centuries; and competition means the best will generally rise to the top (ie, get published). A great many older books ('classics') are much overpraised, but it took me a long time to figure out that it was the books which were lousy, and not my taste.

We're taling about news you moron

-(4) Don't waste your time reading lousy stuff, even if it is supposed to be 'important'. If it's lousy, chances are it's not important at all, at least for your purposes.
-There are five basic ways to sort truth from falsehood: Check the reliability of the authors you read: A theologian is a less- reliable source of information than a scientist.

Jackson hinkle is pretty reliable. So is kim iversen in regards to news about russia.

-Compare different sources of information on the same topic (books, magazines, webpages, etc), and note the areas of disagreement or omissions. Omissions often indicate bias, while points of disagreement should be investigated to see, if possible, who is really telling the truth. Sources with obvious bias need to be studied, since these will usually have the most telling criticisms of the other side.[/B]
You believing ukraine is going to win is funny.

Russia could easily nuke ukraine. And the US also.

-Observe who is willing to debate, and who is not: The former are most likely to be telling the truth, while the latter are probably trying to keep their lies from being exposed.Observe whether the arguments are clear or obscure: the latter are a good indication of muddled thinking, and a likely marker of error. If you yourself have a bias, be sure to study the accounts of those biased against your view: Your enemies will tell you things your friends would never think of -- or never dare to mention if they did.

Rambling about nothing

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-24-2022, 02:50 PM

CV is retarded.

12-24-2022, 02:52 PM
im sure they do when they're on drugs and drunk driving.


-At the quayside of any large international harbour such as Port Said or Hong Kong the visitor can meet boys of fifteen who chatter intelligibly and fluently in half a dozen languages. Few ocean-borne passengers in transit regard this as a testimony to extraordinary intellectual endowment.

No one cares about international harbors. The average american is not an international polygot but a monolinguist moron incapable of even moderately understanding a second language.


Live free or die bitch. Some free people choose degenerate behavior and it should not be my problem i.e. no Obamacare.

Then dont complain about eating brown people food. Im sure you stuff your face with tacos and then complain to your cook that it was delicious but he is brown.


-It is called political and military strategy genius.

Yes throwing your money away and losing is called military strategy. Worked in afganistand. Is working again in Ukraine...

Thats why Russia controls the oil pipelines. Thats why your oil prices rose. Thats why europe has to ration their energy.


They sanctioned russia? But who are they still buying engery from?




Im sure it will work out great like afghanistan the vietnam war, korean war, iraq war ect.

Who reads books for news you moron? At best news papers. But most people get their news on the internet and watch news journalist and on the ground documentaries.


12-24-2022, 02:57 PM
Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk

I edited that post since then to be more lucid : fixed typos etc...

12-24-2022, 03:01 PM

I can't even read your reply it's a clusterfuck of formatting you retard.

12-24-2022, 03:03 PM
I can't even read your reply its clusterfuck of formatting you retard.Im on mobile. Im not trying to spend that much time on formatting. It doesn't have good tools to format everything quickly.

I dont want to manually edit and insert quotataion coding ect.

If you cant recognize what you wrote and what you probably didnt write then I'm sorry for you.

12-24-2022, 03:06 PM
In Europe at least, Anglos look down on us at least as much as we Spanish look down on them.:)

I can´t speak a lot about how are the things in America.

12-24-2022, 10:24 PM
Copy pasting of James Bond is for sure one of the mos pitiful things one could find in this forum. It fills half of the page, and obviously NO ONE reads it.

He is, with the permission of Coronel Frank Grimes, the most boring user by far :zzz

At least it's not like the Canadian Sean that all his arguments are copied from Reddit.

Cristiano viejo
12-24-2022, 10:39 PM
At least it's not like the Canadian Sean that all his arguments are copied from Reddit.

Worse even, he usually uses pictures of mestizos, mulatos etc to pass them as Portuguese, Spanish or Italians, ROTFL

Marshall Theodore
12-24-2022, 11:06 PM
Worse even, he usually uses pictures of mestizos, mulatos etc to pass them as Portuguese, Spanish or Italians, ROTFL

Nothing new, spaghetti trolls and latinos did the same years before sean joined TA.

12-24-2022, 11:10 PM
Because they are colored dark and look/are foreign to white americans, are not able to speak english, have poor hygiene, low skill, low intelligence, bring drugs and crime, And yet they come here and get on welfare and take jobs for low pay which weakens the value of native workers. Then they vote for liberals who support LGBT so more can come here.

This is how Americans experience the hispanic world. They are not sending their best, as Trump famously said in 2016. We are definitely not getting people from Spain

P.S. I enjoy your new profile picture, Moertimer

12-24-2022, 11:12 PM
I wonder how many of those quotes are accurate. The sources are written so small I can't read them. I tried to find some of the quotes - such as the one for Robert E. Lee - by googling and found nothing. Sean has a history of posting false information. Although I'm sure he took the quotes at face value because he's lazy and stupid instead of intentionally being dishonest.

It's a real quote. Robert E. Lee also called Facebook and Twitter "plagues on humanity, only less deadly than cell phones".

12-24-2022, 11:44 PM
Worse even, he usually uses pictures of mestizos, mulatos etc to pass them as Portuguese, Spanish or Italians, ROTFL
For him, the southern euros are not the true whites, he does not say so, but they put images of exotic people to represent Italians or Spanish.

Sean also wanted to compare the British empire as the best empire for the US, Canada and Australia with the Latin American countries but he ignored the African or Middle Eastern countries occupied by the Anglos, or Asian countries like India and Pakistan, countries much worse than mine for example.

12-24-2022, 11:46 PM
Nothing new, spaghetti trolls and latinos did the same years before sean joined TA.

There were also some Balkan trolls like that.

Before Sean there was another Anglo member who believed the same as him, Odin.

Marshall Theodore
12-24-2022, 11:51 PM
Before Sean there was another Anglo member who believed the same as him, Odin.

Odin and Sean are not the same person, sean acts very different in this forum compared to Odin.

Also, Sean dont consider South Italians (Sicilians) brown people, who is very different from Odin who used to troll Italians many times, but the interesting part is the thumbs ups from both sides.

Marshall Theodore
12-24-2022, 11:54 PM
For him, the southern euros are not the true whites, he does not say so, but they put images of exotic people to represent Italians or Spanish.

No matter what he thinks about Southern Euros, genetics says something very different (at least for Iberians, Northern Italians and Balkanites).

12-24-2022, 11:56 PM
Odin and Sean are not the same person, sean acts very different in this forum compared to Odin.

Also, Sean dont consider South Italians (Sicilians) brown people, who is very different from Odin who used to troll Italians many times, but the interesting part is the thumbs ups from both sides.

In their way of expressing themselves both are different but in thought they are almost the same, Odin used to write posts in a polite way while Sean is the opposite

Odin came to publish once that the Portuguese were partly black, in fact it was a post that almost seemed like a monologue. Sean, on the other hand, says that the southern euros are white but he always give exotic examples when he talks about them while when he talks about other Europeans like Anglos, Germans etc. he doesn't do it, I've also seen that he defends the Nordics a lot.

12-25-2022, 12:02 AM
No matter what he thinks about Southern Euros, genetics says something very different (at least for Iberians, Northern Italians and Balkanites).

Yes, obviously, no one denies genetics, only fools and stupid people who don't know anything about genetics would.

Marshall Theodore
12-25-2022, 12:04 AM
In their way of expressing themselves both are different but in thought they are almost the same, Odin used to write posts in a polite way while Sean is the opposite

Odin came to publish once that the Portuguese were partly black, in fact it was a post that almost seemed like a monologue. Sean, on the other hand, says that the southern euros are white but he always give exotic examples when he talks about them while when he talks about other Europeans like Anglos, Germans etc. he doesn't do it, I've also seen that he defends the Nordics a lot.

Odin didnt understand a shit about genetics, 90% of his posts were pseudo-science (classifying people/phenotype) and her views on southern europeans were based on XIX-XX century biased bullshit (like the "aFricA aftA pYreNeeS").

Nowadays, genetics says the otherwise, i doubt William Ripley would consider scandinavians "white" or "european" if he knew that ANE (an Siberian ppl who were like modern castizos genetically) left mostly of their legacy on Northern Euros after Amerindians.

12-25-2022, 12:07 AM
Liberalism has been called socialism with a human face, but in reality it is the same old stinking inhuman arse which is different only in the sense of having been repackaged with a more modern vocabulary. In this regard, one of the left's most successful acts is to have taken a number of common words with pleasant associations and -- by dint of constant repetition -- to have associated these words with the leftist cause, while taking other common words having negative associations and associating them with causes which the left opposes. In addition to this the left has developed a number of completely novel terms which they use with abandon to insult their enemies. This has not only produced extreme confusion in talking about political and social issues, but has been a critical factor in the significant public acceptance of the liberal poison. To illustrate the problem, I have given below the major terms whose meanings liberals have perverted, along with their original meanings. From these it should be apparent how liberalism has become identified with the liberal high ground when it is in fact a moral and social swamp.

Exploitation: According to liberals, the ill-use of others for one's own economic ends; actually, the willing and mutually-profitable interaction of buyers and sellers in a free labor market.

Capitalist: According to liberals, a greedy exploiter of the labor of others; actually, someone who pays workers' salaries and attempts to please consumers by risking his capital and using his natural talents.

Fascism: According to liberals, a horrible totalitarian government having elements of the free-enterprise system which makes it even more horrible; actually, any government which socialists dislike, this dislike usually being proportional to the amount of freedom the government allows its citizens.

Welfare: According to liberals, help for the needy; actually, a way of enslaving the poor to bad habits, lack of education, absence of ambition, a desire for drugs to fill the empty hours, and -- above all -- dependence on Big Government and the liberal politicians who run it.

Mean-spirited: According to liberals, someone who is indifferent to the suffering of others, or who enjoys it; actually, someone who believes that society's failures are not automatically entitled to other people's money.

Compassion: According to liberals, a desire to help the less-fortunate; actually, support for the politicians who tax, tax, tax and spend, spend, spend in order to pay off their political constituencies and keep themselves in power.

Social justice: According to liberals, taxing the fortunate rich or denying them some of their privileges in order to help the unfortunate poor; actually, penalizing productive people in order to reward unproductive ones.

Rights: According to liberals, the powers given by the Constitution; actually, the penumbras which shroud the Constitution in darkness and give special privileges to certain favored groups.

Equality: According to liberals, what all men have; actually, what all men don't have.

Discrimination: According to liberals, a horrible crime in which certain groups are treated unjustly and as inferiors for no good reason; actually, a natural reaction of reluctance by the members of one group to interact or mix with the members of a different group, usually because the two groups are different, it being natural for people to seek out others of their own kind.

Prejudice/Bigotry: According to liberals, an irrational dislike of the members of another group; actually, a sensible reaction of suspicion to those with whom one is unacquainted, or a rational reaction to the warnings which one has received from trusted persons about the members of certain groups.

Racism: According to liberals, hating others because of their skin tone; actually, having the sense to see that skin color is a marker of often- profound differences which lead people to take account of those differences -- differences which reinforce the natural desire of each person to live, work, marry and mingle with his own kind.

Sexism: According to liberals, unfairly discriminating against women or holding them in low regard; actually, recognizing women's limitations and behaving accordingly.

Antisemitism: According to liberals, an irrational dislike of Jews; actually, a recognition that Jews as a group have a different and competing agenda from gentiles, and that Jewish influence over social policies -- from gun control and anti-'hate' laws to civil rights and communism -- has created an important threat to America and Western civilization.

Homophobia: According to liberals, an irrational fear or dislike of homosexuals; actually, a very rational fear and dislike of homosexuals because of AIDS and unwelcome behavior patterns.

Affirmative action: According to liberals, a policy intended to make up for the evils of past discrimination; actually, a program of official discrimination against whites and males, made as a payoff to liberals' minority constituencies.

Multiculturalism: According to liberals, the necessity of having a society composed of many different ethnic, racial and sexual types in order to make people see that 'the only real race is the human race'; actually, a formula for social unrest and chronic unhappiness as a result of different ethnic, racial and sexual minorities all vying with one another for power and influence and hating each other as a result.

Intolerance: According to liberals, an irrational refusal to interact with others, usually because they belong to a different group; actually, the courage to stand up to liberal bullying and exercise one's right of free association.

Extremist: According to liberals, a wild-eyed bomb-throwing cross- burning hate-filled government-bashing rabble-rousing gun-loving lunatic; actually, a sensible person who wishes to preserve his culture, his country and his race, and who therefore does not appreciate having his nation, his own neighborhood or his own business overrun by alien hordes, druggies, welfarites, criminals, voodooists, homosexuals, AIDS carriers, or any of the other "diverse" groups which liberals are so assiduous in championing.

Hate: According to liberals, an undesirably-negative state of mind, usually exhibited for no good reason toward members of groups to which one does not belong; actually, the kind of emotion which sensible people exhibit toward bad things (as they might exhibit toward blacks because of their high crime rate and low achievement level), and which liberals exhibit in tremendous abundance toward anyone who questions their dogmas.

Love: According to liberals, what everyone should have toward everyone else, and particularly toward the inferior, the degenerate, and the degraded, especially if they come with an off-color skin or off-color sexuality; actually, a feeling which one can have at most for only a few special people, thus leading us to conclude that when liberals say they love everyone, they actually love no one, and -- given the results of their policies -- it is no surprise that the feeling is mutual.

The politically-incorrect dictionary :

Affirmative action: Legalized racial discrimination against whites.

Africa: The proof that, by being enslaved by whites, blacks never had it so good.

African-Americans: (1) A people who were once enslaved, but who now enjoy special privileges as a result of constantly whining that they are oppressed; (2) A people who keep changing their name -- niggers, darkies, colored people, negroes, blacks, Afro-Americans, African-Americans -- because they keep trying to run away from all the unpleasant associations which their behavior keeps attaching to them.

Antisemite: (1) Originally, one who did not like Jews; now, one whom the Jews do not like (Lou Rollins); (2) Someone who dares to break the most rigid taboo of Western civilization, namely, the dictum that the Jews and Israel must not be criticized; (3) Someone who recognizes that the most destructive social movements of recent times -- communism, liberalism, feminism, labor unionism, racial integration, multiculturalism, anti- racism, zionism, the 'civil rights movement', deconstructionism, gun control, and the like -- have all been funded, led and driven by Jews.

Bias: The inclinations generated by the sum total of life experience, especially including the advice from family, friends and other trusted sources.

Bigot: One who disagrees with a liberal.

Black caucus: A bunch of Crows who Caw and Cuss in a place called Incongruous.

Civil rights: Uncivil wrongs for whites.

Compassion: The taking of other people's money in order to pay off the various minority constituencies -- Jews, blacks, homosexuals, hispanics, feminists, immigrants, welfarites, gun controllers, etc -- for the purpose of acquiring and maintaining political power.

Conservative: A liberal who's been mugged. (Unknown)

Discrimination: (1) Preferring the desirable to the undesirable; (2) A policy insufficient to prevent the success of immigrants such as Jews, Asians and Irish, just as affirmative action is a policy insufficient to prevent the failure of blacks.

Equality: The theory that black equals white, dumb equals smart, incompetence equals competence, lies equal truth, and bad equals good.

Feminist: A man-eating tigress; a female with all the vices of women and none of the virtues; a woman who couldn't find a man and couldn't even get work as a whore.

Free speech: Offensive speech.

Gun control: The belief that no one has the right to shoot back.

Hate: The love a white man has for his own people, his own nation and his own culture.

Hate crime law: (1) A law which says that a man who murders out of hate is a worse criminal than one who murders out of greed; (2) A law which provides a greater penalty for an emotion (hate) over which a person has no control than an act (eg, of greed or lust) over which he does.

Handicapped: Your physical equal and moral better.

Hitler: A man who is hated so much by Jews that they are constantly building memorials to his work.

Holocaust: A story that is going up in flames, fed by the fuel of non- existent gas chambers.

Homosexuals: Men who have confused boys with girls, toilet stalls with bedrooms, and lovemaking with frolicking in a sewer.

Jews: A race who created gas chambers out of hot air.

Liberal: Someone who believes it is his moral duty to let minorities take their pleasure in everybody else's backside besides his own.

Mexico: A toilet on which America sits, and which is beginning to back up.

NAACP: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Who Would Be Offended If You Called Them That.

Nigger: A term of denigration used in referring to negroes, and frequently used by negroes to refer to one another, thereby showing that negroes know what they are talking about.

Prejudiced: Less willing to believe what the government tells you about minorities than what you are told by family, friends, or your own eyes.

Racial profiling: The use by police of the well-documented fact that blacks commit crimes at nine times the rate of whites.

Racial slur: An unpleasant truth.

Racism: The desire to live, work, marry and mingle with one's own kind: A nearly-universal desire and virtual law of nature, often expressed as 'Birds of a feather flock together', and denied only by liberals who live and work in areas much too expensive to have any more than a token number of minorities. Racism is so ingrained and universal that it is reflected not once but twice in our language: The word kind (type) and kind (nice) have the same origin, as does the word like (similar) and like (appreciate), from which we infer that we like those whom we are like, and we are kind to those of our own kind.

Social justice: Discrimination against white males in affirmative action, set-asides, and a host of other programs.

Third World: A place that has a great love for whites, provided only they are baked, boiled or roasted.

Welfare: Taking money from the productive and giving it to the unproductive so they can not only remain unproductive, but can breed even more unproductives.

World War II: A war that began with the Jewish declaration of economic war on Nazi Germany in 1933, and hasn't ended yet.

People call you crazy, I call you based.

12-25-2022, 12:37 AM
People call you crazy, I call you based.

It is obviously god-tier gifted level stuff much to the chagrin of liberals who wish all racists were stupid. What is pathological in the normal population is normal in the gifted population, btw.

12-25-2022, 12:55 AM
Odin didnt understand a shit about genetics, 90% of his posts were pseudo-science (classifying people/phenotype) and her views on southern europeans were based on XIX-XX century biased bullshit (like the "aFricA aftA pYreNeeS").

Nowadays, genetics says the otherwise, i doubt William Ripley would consider scandinavians "white" or "european" if he knew that ANE (an Siberian ppl who were like modern castizos genetically) left mostly of their legacy on Northern Euros after Amerindians.

Did you confirm the veracity of modern genetics in a special labaratory ? No ! Most science outside of physics is politically motivated statistical manipulation. Try researching the genes related to low black IQ and see what happens. You will be thrown out on the street on your ear. Even Einstein was a fraud :


For instance, psychology/psychiatry obviously a 'science' right ? Nope, more like politco-religious doctrines that Kant said could never achieve the status of science. Kant demonstrated that the world we experience is not the real world. That world does not embody our species’ concepts of space, time, and causality. We perceive things through a scaffolding of three-dimensional space, in a tense of past-present-future, and within a framework of casual connections. As an 18th century philosopher would not have known, but 20th century physics has confirmed, these constructs are not even a component of the world that we can describe mathematically and measure with special instruments. Newtonian concepts of space and time do not apply to the macro world of special and general relativity or to the micro world of quantum mechanics. The real world is something altogether different from what we human beings experience and measure. Kant concludes that the deepest level of reality is inaccessible to human thought and knowledge. He terms the ultimate, rock bottom reality — of “things as they are in themselves” — that underlies the perceived world the Noumenon. Therefore, no science can really be correct that is why there is no unified field theory of physics.

Trust the science rubes !

12-25-2022, 01:00 AM
Odin didnt understand a shit about genetics, 90% of his posts were pseudo-science (classifying people/phenotype) and her views on southern europeans were based on XIX-XX century biased bullshit (like the "aFricA aftA pYreNeeS").

Nowadays, genetics says the otherwise, i doubt William Ripley would consider scandinavians "white" or "european" if he knew that ANE (an Siberian ppl who were like modern castizos genetically) left mostly of their legacy on Northern Euros after Amerindians.

Odin used to be guided by this type of maps.

And if you're right, in northern Europe there is a strong Eurasian component genetically, which even affects the phenotype and makes them look a bit Mongolid, in Finland and Scandinavia it is more noticeable, this type, for example, if they were dark and had been born in South America, everything would the world would classify him as castizo or mestizo. Well, in northern Europe there are several of them.

Marshall Theodore
12-25-2022, 01:10 AM
And if you're right, in northern Europe there is a strong Eurasian component genetically

Token already made various posts about ANE. This component peaks at Amerindians and all europeans have, but Northern Euros have on larger amounts (specially Balts and Scandinavians).

Some studies says that ANE is 20% East Eurasian (Tianyuan), Dodecad V3 says 30%, so irl the average is something on that range.

Marshall Theodore
12-25-2022, 01:15 AM
Liberalism has been called socialism with a human face, but in reality it is the same old stinking inhuman arse which is different only in the sense of having been repackaged with a more modern vocabulary. In this regard, one of the left's most successful acts is to have taken a number of common words with pleasant associations and -- by dint of constant repetition -- to have associated these words with the leftist cause, while taking other common words having negative associations and associating them with causes which the left opposes. In addition to this the left has developed a number of completely novel terms which they use with abandon to insult their enemies. This has not only produced extreme confusion in talking about political and social issues, but has been a critical factor in the significant public acceptance of the liberal poison. To illustrate the problem, I have given below the major terms whose meanings liberals have perverted, along with their original meanings. From these it should be apparent how liberalism has become identified with the liberal high ground when it is in fact a moral and social swamp.

Exploitation: According to liberals, the ill-use of others for one's own economic ends; actually, the willing and mutually-profitable interaction of buyers and sellers in a free labor market.

Capitalist: According to liberals, a greedy exploiter of the labor of others; actually, someone who pays workers' salaries and attempts to please consumers by risking his capital and using his natural talents.

Fascism: According to liberals, a horrible totalitarian government having elements of the free-enterprise system which makes it even more horrible; actually, any government which socialists dislike, this dislike usually being proportional to the amount of freedom the government allows its citizens.

Welfare: According to liberals, help for the needy; actually, a way of enslaving the poor to bad habits, lack of education, absence of ambition, a desire for drugs to fill the empty hours, and -- above all -- dependence on Big Government and the liberal politicians who run it.

Mean-spirited: According to liberals, someone who is indifferent to the suffering of others, or who enjoys it; actually, someone who believes that society's failures are not automatically entitled to other people's money.

Compassion: According to liberals, a desire to help the less-fortunate; actually, support for the politicians who tax, tax, tax and spend, spend, spend in order to pay off their political constituencies and keep themselves in power.

Social justice: According to liberals, taxing the fortunate rich or denying them some of their privileges in order to help the unfortunate poor; actually, penalizing productive people in order to reward unproductive ones.

Rights: According to liberals, the powers given by the Constitution; actually, the penumbras which shroud the Constitution in darkness and give special privileges to certain favored groups.

Equality: According to liberals, what all men have; actually, what all men don't have.

Discrimination: According to liberals, a horrible crime in which certain groups are treated unjustly and as inferiors for no good reason; actually, a natural reaction of reluctance by the members of one group to interact or mix with the members of a different group, usually because the two groups are different, it being natural for people to seek out others of their own kind.

Prejudice/Bigotry: According to liberals, an irrational dislike of the members of another group; actually, a sensible reaction of suspicion to those with whom one is unacquainted, or a rational reaction to the warnings which one has received from trusted persons about the members of certain groups.

Racism: According to liberals, hating others because of their skin tone; actually, having the sense to see that skin color is a marker of often- profound differences which lead people to take account of those differences -- differences which reinforce the natural desire of each person to live, work, marry and mingle with his own kind.

Sexism: According to liberals, unfairly discriminating against women or holding them in low regard; actually, recognizing women's limitations and behaving accordingly.

Antisemitism: According to liberals, an irrational dislike of Jews; actually, a recognition that Jews as a group have a different and competing agenda from gentiles, and that Jewish influence over social policies -- from gun control and anti-'hate' laws to civil rights and communism -- has created an important threat to America and Western civilization.

Homophobia: According to liberals, an irrational fear or dislike of homosexuals; actually, a very rational fear and dislike of homosexuals because of AIDS and unwelcome behavior patterns.

Affirmative action: According to liberals, a policy intended to make up for the evils of past discrimination; actually, a program of official discrimination against whites and males, made as a payoff to liberals' minority constituencies.

Multiculturalism: According to liberals, the necessity of having a society composed of many different ethnic, racial and sexual types in order to make people see that 'the only real race is the human race'; actually, a formula for social unrest and chronic unhappiness as a result of different ethnic, racial and sexual minorities all vying with one another for power and influence and hating each other as a result.

Intolerance: According to liberals, an irrational refusal to interact with others, usually because they belong to a different group; actually, the courage to stand up to liberal bullying and exercise one's right of free association.

Extremist: According to liberals, a wild-eyed bomb-throwing cross- burning hate-filled government-bashing rabble-rousing gun-loving lunatic; actually, a sensible person who wishes to preserve his culture, his country and his race, and who therefore does not appreciate having his nation, his own neighborhood or his own business overrun by alien hordes, druggies, welfarites, criminals, voodooists, homosexuals, AIDS carriers, or any of the other "diverse" groups which liberals are so assiduous in championing.

Hate: According to liberals, an undesirably-negative state of mind, usually exhibited for no good reason toward members of groups to which one does not belong; actually, the kind of emotion which sensible people exhibit toward bad things (as they might exhibit toward blacks because of their high crime rate and low achievement level), and which liberals exhibit in tremendous abundance toward anyone who questions their dogmas.

Love: According to liberals, what everyone should have toward everyone else, and particularly toward the inferior, the degenerate, and the degraded, especially if they come with an off-color skin or off-color sexuality; actually, a feeling which one can have at most for only a few special people, thus leading us to conclude that when liberals say they love everyone, they actually love no one, and -- given the results of their policies -- it is no surprise that the feeling is mutual.

The politically-incorrect dictionary :

Affirmative action: Legalized racial discrimination against whites.

Africa: The proof that, by being enslaved by whites, blacks never had it so good.

African-Americans: (1) A people who were once enslaved, but who now enjoy special privileges as a result of constantly whining that they are oppressed; (2) A people who keep changing their name -- niggers, darkies, colored people, negroes, blacks, Afro-Americans, African-Americans -- because they keep trying to run away from all the unpleasant associations which their behavior keeps attaching to them.

Antisemite: (1) Originally, one who did not like Jews; now, one whom the Jews do not like (Lou Rollins); (2) Someone who dares to break the most rigid taboo of Western civilization, namely, the dictum that the Jews and Israel must not be criticized; (3) Someone who recognizes that the most destructive social movements of recent times -- communism, liberalism, feminism, labor unionism, racial integration, multiculturalism, anti- racism, zionism, the 'civil rights movement', deconstructionism, gun control, and the like -- have all been funded, led and driven by Jews.

Bias: The inclinations generated by the sum total of life experience, especially including the advice from family, friends and other trusted sources.

Bigot: One who disagrees with a liberal.

Black caucus: A bunch of Crows who Caw and Cuss in a place called Incongruous.

Civil rights: Uncivil wrongs for whites.

Compassion: The taking of other people's money in order to pay off the various minority constituencies -- Jews, blacks, homosexuals, hispanics, feminists, immigrants, welfarites, gun controllers, etc -- for the purpose of acquiring and maintaining political power.

Conservative: A liberal who's been mugged. (Unknown)

Discrimination: (1) Preferring the desirable to the undesirable; (2) A policy insufficient to prevent the success of immigrants such as Jews, Asians and Irish, just as affirmative action is a policy insufficient to prevent the failure of blacks.

Equality: The theory that black equals white, dumb equals smart, incompetence equals competence, lies equal truth, and bad equals good.

Feminist: A man-eating tigress; a female with all the vices of women and none of the virtues; a woman who couldn't find a man and couldn't even get work as a whore.

Free speech: Offensive speech.

Gun control: The belief that no one has the right to shoot back.

Hate: The love a white man has for his own people, his own nation and his own culture.

Hate crime law: (1) A law which says that a man who murders out of hate is a worse criminal than one who murders out of greed; (2) A law which provides a greater penalty for an emotion (hate) over which a person has no control than an act (eg, of greed or lust) over which he does.

Handicapped: Your physical equal and moral better.

Hitler: A man who is hated so much by Jews that they are constantly building memorials to his work.

Holocaust: A story that is going up in flames, fed by the fuel of non- existent gas chambers.

Homosexuals: Men who have confused boys with girls, toilet stalls with bedrooms, and lovemaking with frolicking in a sewer.

Jews: A race who created gas chambers out of hot air.

Liberal: Someone who believes it is his moral duty to let minorities take their pleasure in everybody else's backside besides his own.

Mexico: A toilet on which America sits, and which is beginning to back up.

NAACP: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Who Would Be Offended If You Called Them That.

Nigger: A term of denigration used in referring to negroes, and frequently used by negroes to refer to one another, thereby showing that negroes know what they are talking about.

Prejudiced: Less willing to believe what the government tells you about minorities than what you are told by family, friends, or your own eyes.

Racial profiling: The use by police of the well-documented fact that blacks commit crimes at nine times the rate of whites.

Racial slur: An unpleasant truth.

Racism: The desire to live, work, marry and mingle with one's own kind: A nearly-universal desire and virtual law of nature, often expressed as 'Birds of a feather flock together', and denied only by liberals who live and work in areas much too expensive to have any more than a token number of minorities. Racism is so ingrained and universal that it is reflected not once but twice in our language: The word kind (type) and kind (nice) have the same origin, as does the word like (similar) and like (appreciate), from which we infer that we like those whom we are like, and we are kind to those of our own kind.

Social justice: Discrimination against white males in affirmative action, set-asides, and a host of other programs.

Third World: A place that has a great love for whites, provided only they are baked, boiled or roasted.

Welfare: Taking money from the productive and giving it to the unproductive so they can not only remain unproductive, but can breed even more unproductives.

World War II: A war that began with the Jewish declaration of economic war on Nazi Germany in 1933, and hasn't ended yet.

I must agree with you now, at least on that text.

12-25-2022, 10:59 PM
CV is retarded.

Over 45 thousand shit posts and counting.

12-25-2022, 11:35 PM
Over 45 thousand shit posts and counting.

For me is one of the most funny users and trolling master

12-25-2022, 11:39 PM
They are angry Because their wifes and sisters eats banana everyday
İ am proud of being colombian
They are eating my banana and cocaine

01-04-2023, 08:10 PM
In Europe at least, Anglos look down on us at least as much as we Spanish look down on them.:)

I can´t speak a lot about how are the things in America.

The difference is in Europe both are white populations, in North America someone who speaks English and considers themselves white is on Average 99% Caucasian genetically, whereas someone who speaks Spanish is on average only 65% Caucasian, and that average is pulled up by Cubans. It's not so much about looking down on Spanish culture, but looking down on brown people.

Tooting Carmen
01-04-2023, 09:29 PM
The difference is in Europe both are white populations, in North America someone who speaks English and considers themselves white is on Average 99% Caucasian genetically, whereas someone who speaks Spanish is on average only 65% Caucasian, and that average is pulled up by Cubans. It's not so much about looking down on Spanish culture, but looking down on brown people.

Which is still not rational in and of itself.

01-04-2023, 09:41 PM
Which is still not rational in and of itself.

In my experience, it is. There's always been a correlation between someone being brown and being more mentally ill. Not just dumb but downright nutty, latin americans seem very mentally ill as a culture, and the least brown ones seem to be the least crazy.

Cristiano viejo
01-04-2023, 09:58 PM
The difference is in Europe both are white populations, in North America someone who speaks English and considers themselves white is on Average 99% Caucasian genetically, whereas someone who speaks Spanish is on average only 65% Caucasian, and that average is pulled up by Cubans. It's not so much about looking down on Spanish culture, but looking down on brown people.

The problem is yours not knowing to differenciate between Spaniards and Latinos just because they speak (at their way) our language and carry our surnames since they are our bastards.

I dont mistake Lebron James with a British although carries a British surname and speaks English.

01-05-2023, 10:53 PM
The problem is yours not knowing to differenciate between Spaniards and Latinos just because they speak (at their way) our language and carry our surnames since they are our bastards.

I dont mistake Lebron James with a British although carries a British surname and speaks English.

I don't have a problem with Spaniards. I have a problem with American Hispanics and very few, if any, are actually white. I've definitely seen a few Cubans and Argentinians/Brazilians results who were >95% Caucasian, but it's rare. Meanwhile Anglo Americans, on average, are 99% European. So we have a good reason to look down on them. My cousin is married to a guy from Spain, no one sees him the way they do Latinos. They know he's Spanish but treat him like a White American, because he passes as one like any other European could, and now, he is one of us.

Cristiano viejo
01-05-2023, 11:02 PM
I don't have a problem with Spaniards. I have a problem with American Hispanics and very few, if any, are actually white. I've definitely seen a few Cubans and Argentinians/Brazilians results who were >95% Caucasian, but it's rare. Meanwhile Anglo Americans, on average, are 99% European. So we have a good reason to look down on them. My cousin is married to a guy from Spain, no one sees him the way they do Latinos. They know he's Spanish but treat him like a White American, because he passes as one like any other European could, and now, he is one of us.

Wait, you look down them because in average you are a 4% higher, did I understand well?

Well, maybe you do differenciate us from Latinos, but many Americans dont.

01-05-2023, 11:13 PM
Wait, you look down them because in average you are a 4% higher, did I understand well?

Well, maybe you do differenciate us from Latinos, but many Americans dont.

No you misunderstand. I meant that Latinos with such a high percentage of European are rare, I would not consider a 95% european Latino as being any different from myself.

01-05-2023, 11:24 PM
It cannot be said that spaniards in general don't look down on latinos, particulary the most mestizoid or negroid of them, that is, the vast majority of them who come here as immigrants.

And they have come here in the millions, so the nuisance with them is notorious.

But it's worse with maghrebis, pakis and black africans who besides being racially very different from us they're also culturally light years from us.

Too much immigrants in a little time.

Tooting Carmen
01-05-2023, 11:26 PM
It cannot be said that spaniards in general don't look down on latinos, particulary the most mestizoid or negroid of them, that is, the vast majority of them who come here as immigrants.

And they have come here in the millions, so the nuisance with them is notorious.

But it's worse with maghrebis, pakis and black africans who besides being racially very different from us they're also culturally light years from us.

Too much immigrants in a little time.

Would you say most Spaniards don't get along with Latinos?

01-05-2023, 11:37 PM
Would you say most Spaniards don't get along with Latinos?

Not exactly, communication is easy and that helps, cultural values are similar and that helps, but they're too many and they're everywhere nowadays, at least where I live, and that's very similar to an invasion or a plague.

And latino criminal gangs don't help.

I remenber I posted a reader's comment on a (progre) newspaper about a assault or robbery...

'un yatusabe, un alaakbar o un malacatones?' (a latino, a moor or a gypsy?)

and comments like this are the norm, not the exception.

Cristiano viejo
01-06-2023, 12:03 AM
Would you say most Spaniards don't get along with Latinos?

You serious?? Latinos are object of mockery 24/7. They even have been baptized all over the country with a quite derogatory name, panchitos.

And back in past was even worse, they were called sudacas, which is quite an insult. We still use it.

And that is only about nicknames. In real life they are very discriminated, and seen as 2nd class citizens. In short, what happens in all the countries of the world with immigrants.

Tooting Carmen
01-06-2023, 12:29 AM
I don't deny there is racism and discrimination against Latinos in Spain. But I don't think that is the full picture: I myself have relatives and friends who are very well-integrated in Spain and have plenty of Spanish friends and even some have married Spaniards. (Relative to the fact that mass immigration is newer to Spain, I certainly don't think Spaniards are, on average, any more racist than NW Europeans).

Cristiano viejo
01-06-2023, 12:53 AM
I don't deny there is racism and discrimination against Latinos in Spain. But I don't think that is the full picture: I myself have relatives and friends who are very well-integrated in Spain and have plenty of Spanish friends and even some have married Spaniards. (Relative to the fact that mass immigration is newer to Spain, I certainly don't think Spaniards are, on average, any more racist than NW Europeans).

The "well integrated" card, I already know it :rolleyes:

Integration does not mean just living peacefully without making troubles, while remain your culture and customs. Integration means you integrate into the native culture, and that is impossible for non whites, sorry.

01-06-2023, 12:57 AM
The difference is in Europe both are white populations, in North America someone who speaks English and considers themselves white is on Average 99% Caucasian genetically, whereas someone who speaks Spanish is on average only 65% Caucasian, and that average is pulled up by Cubans. It's not so much about looking down on Spanish culture, but looking down on brown people.

It's funny because you americans didn't consider other euros white.

Tooting Carmen
01-06-2023, 01:01 AM
The "well integrated" card, I already know it :rolleyes:

Integration does not mean just living peacefully without making troubles, while remain your culture and customs. Integration means you integrate into the native culture, and that is impossible for non whites, sorry.

Yeah but Latinos aren't just any non-whites, they do actually share your language, religion and many customs.

Cristiano viejo
01-06-2023, 01:07 AM
Yeah but Latinos aren't just any non-whites, they do actually share your language, religion and many customs.

Latinos speak Spanish but at their way. Many times we dont understand a single word. And they use a lot their own sentences, chevere, mamita and things so. Quite different than standard Spanish.

Many Latinos are not Catholic but Evangelic.

Customs? the opposite, Latinos have their own customs, never seen before their arrival. Listen, and if you dont believe me ask other Spaniards: if you ask to a Spaniard for Latino customs, 100% that he will say music until the wee hours of the morning, drinking in parks like authentic alcoholics, street fights (usually among themselves) and living from welfare.


01-06-2023, 01:20 AM
It's funny because you americans didn't consider other euros white.

That's an old myth. Non one actually considered the Irish or Italians or Polish or whatever nonwhite, we just didn't like how they behaved as new immigrants. At no point did we ever consider any Europeans to be legally not white. It's a dumb old argument used by bad faith arguments from people trying to "dismantle" the American society and its emphasis on ancestry.

Tooting Carmen
01-06-2023, 01:25 AM
That's an old myth. Non one actually considered the Irish or Italians or Polish or whatever nonwhite, we just didn't like how they behaved as new immigrants.

Plus the fact they were Catholic.

Tooting Carmen
01-06-2023, 01:28 AM
Plus the fact they were Catholic.

Which in the past was also as much if not sometimes more a reason for anti-Hispanic/Latino sentiment in the US than racial differences.

01-06-2023, 01:29 AM
Plus the fact they were Catholic.

This definitely made a big difference for sure. America as founded was mostly or all NW euro protestants, so our fixation on religious differences drove a lot of our behavior.

01-06-2023, 01:43 AM
The "well integrated" card, I already know it :rolleyes:

Integration does not mean just living peacefully without making troubles, while remain your culture and customs. Integration means you integrate into the native culture, and that is impossible for non whites, sorry.

Hey, what do you prefer immigration from Argentina or Mexico or from the United Kingdom?

01-06-2023, 01:45 AM
This definitely made a big difference for sure. America as founded was mostly or all NW euro protestants, so our fixation on religious differences drove a lot of our behavior.

What problem do they have with Catholics?
German, Italian or Irish Catholics were bad immigrants.

01-06-2023, 01:48 AM
That's an old myth. Non one actually considered the Irish or Italians or Polish or whatever nonwhite, we just didn't like how they behaved as new immigrants. At no point did we ever consider any Europeans to be legally not white. It's a dumb old argument used by bad faith arguments from people trying to "dismantle" the American society and its emphasis on ancestry.

Were the Irish, Poles and Italians causing trouble? Well, I know that these last ones brought a mafia, but what about the others?

01-06-2023, 02:01 AM
The difference is in Europe both are white populations, in North America someone who speaks English and considers themselves white is on Average 99% Caucasian genetically, whereas someone who speaks Spanish is on average only 65% Caucasian, and that average is pulled up by Cubans. It's not so much about looking down on Spanish culture, but looking down on brown people.

Well, it is also true that from the Anglo point of view, historically Spain and other countries such as Russia and France are not viewed positively, currently in the US this has not happened but it has been for years.

01-06-2023, 02:20 AM
Well, it is also true that from the Anglo point of view, historically Spain and other countries such as Russia and France are not viewed positively, currently in the US this has not happened but it has been for years.

Well, we were at war with them. What do you expect? Enemies will be enemies.

01-06-2023, 02:29 AM
Well, we were at war with them. What do you expect? Enemies will be enemies.

At the time of 1898 yes, but not later and even so there was a bad image of them, perhaps because of the issue of Catholicism it has to do and communism in the case of Russia.
The USA owes a lot to Spain and France, without them their independence would not exist.

01-06-2023, 02:32 AM
At the time of 1898 yes, but not later and even so there was a bad image of them, perhaps because of the issue of Catholicism it has to do and communism in the case of Russia.
The USA owes a lot to Spain and France, without them their independence would not exist.

We have been stronger allies with the U.K. and the British Empire regardless. Ethnicity, and language matter more than everything. While you may side with your neighbor to fight with your brother, you will still end up sticking by your brother at the very end.

01-06-2023, 02:33 AM
Wait, you look down them because in average you are a 4% higher, did I understand well?

Well, maybe you do differenciate us from Latinos, but many Americans dont.
White Latinos don't differentiate themselves from other Latinos much. So why do Spaniards try to distance themselves? They all identify as Latino whether White, Castizo, Mestizo. So why do Spaniards think they're distinct? You think everyone from Mexico to Argentina is part of one "Latino" community and Spaniards are not part of it?

If you don't distinguish Bolivians from Uruguayans and lump them together under the "Latino" label, why complain when Americans lump Spaniards with them? The difference between Spaniards and Latin Americans doesn't seem to be bigger than the internal differences among Latin Americans.

Spaniards that migrate to USA (recent immigrants that still speak Spanish) tend to socialize much more with Latinos than with any other group.

01-06-2023, 02:49 AM
Were the Irish, Poles and Italians causing trouble? Well, I know that these last ones brought a mafia, but what about the others?
The Irish were seen as different cause of being Catholic. Discrimination against them in the UK continued in the USA. They also had a battalion fighting for Mexico during the Mexico-American War and a terrorist organization (Fenian Brotherhood) that tried to get USA get into a war with the UK by raiding Canada (part of the UK then). But these actions were a result of being discriminated against, not the other way around. Poles had a separate language/culture and lived in ghettoes before assimilation. Even if they didn't cause trouble, they were still seen as un-American until assimilation. If you're different from the mainstream (in religion, language, culture), then you'll be looked down upon and pressured to assimilate. The Irish and Poles are overrepresented in crime in the UK, it may have been the same in America before.

01-06-2023, 02:50 AM
We have been stronger allies with the U.K. and the British Empire regardless. Ethnicity, and language matter more than everything. While you may side with your neighbor to fight with your brother, you will still end up sticking by your brother at the very end.

They tried to invade Canada once to take their territory so I don't know if they are really brothers, also the US is not part of the commonwealth union the UK considers all of them as their relatives so to them you guys they could be friends but not that close. family like Canada or Australia.

01-06-2023, 02:51 AM
White Latinos don't differentiate themselves from other Latinos much. So why do Spaniards try to distance themselves? They all identify as Latino whether White, Castizo, Mestizo. So why do Spaniards think they're distinct? You think everyone from Mexico to Argentina is part of one "Latino" community and Spaniards are not part of it?

If you don't distinguish Bolivians from Uruguayans and lump them together under the "Latino" label, why complain when Americans lump Spaniards with them? The difference between Spaniards and Latin Americans doesn't seem to be bigger than the internal differences among Latin Americans.

Spaniards that migrate to USA (recent immigrants that still speak Spanish) tend to socialize much more with Latinos than with any other group.

Furthermore, for a nationalist white American, a white Spaniard is no more familiar than an American of wasp descent.

01-06-2023, 03:02 AM
The Irish were seen as different cause of being Catholic. Discrimination against them in the UK continued in the USA. They also had a battalion fighting for Mexico during the Mexico-American War and a terrorist organization (Fenian Brotherhood) that tried to get USA get into a war with the UK by raiding Canada (part of the UK then). But these actions were a result of being discriminated against, not the other way around. Poles had a separate language/culture and lived in ghettoes before assimilation. Even if they didn't cause trouble, they were still seen as un-American until assimilation. If you're different from the mainstream (in religion, language, culture), then you'll be looked down upon and pressured to assimilate. The Irish and Poles are overrepresented in crime in the UK, it may have been the same in America before.

I agree, the Irish had a lousy record with the British and their experience with the UK is terrible, in America the most anti-British have probably been the Irish, however despite receiving discrimination they were never spiteful anti-Americans unlike the British, if there was a conflict between 2 groups and one of those groups is British, the Irish would probably support the other group.

And if it is true, what happened to the Poles and Italians also happened to the Germans at first, the difference is that the latter integrated faster, otherwise their image would probably not be as good, it is curious how today the Americans are happy if they have German relatives and if they are more cultural when one or 2 centuries ago they would be frowned upon by American society.

01-06-2023, 03:04 AM
They tried to invade Canada once to take their territory so I don't know if they are really brothers, also the US is not part of the commonwealth union the UK considers all of them as their relatives so to them you guys they could be friends but not that close. family like Canada or Australia.
I would say that all English countries (UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ) are all one family. They may have had conflicts in the past, but these countries today have shared interests, similar culture, the same language, are closely aligned with each other, and are mostly the same people (English-speaking Europeans).

"British Commonwealth" doesn't mean that much and USA is only not part of it cause it separated from the UK much earlier. The British Commonwealth includes India and Nigeria, but they're obviously not family. By the way, there's a spy base in Australia where the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and NZ all share intelligence with each other. This should show how close they are.

01-06-2023, 03:21 AM
They tried to invade Canada once to take their territory so I don't know if they are really brothers, also the US is not part of the commonwealth union the UK considers all of them as their relatives so to them you guys they could be friends but not that close. family like Canada or Australia.

I can't speak for them but white Australian/Canadian/British are invisible in the U.S. whereas other groups are much easier to spot. There's also a lot of back and forth migration between them and us to where it doesn't feel like a different nation of people.

Tooting Carmen
01-06-2023, 04:06 AM
I would say that all English countries (UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ) are all one family. They may have had conflicts in the past, but these countries today have shared interests, similar culture, the same language, are closely aligned with each other, and are mostly the same people (English-speaking Europeans).

In Britain's case, I'd say we regard the Antipodeans as family, but on the other hand there is a notable anti-American streak here, whether left-wing (the US is the embodiment of capitalism, racism, greed etc etc) or right-wing (American culture is crass and vulgar etc etc).

"British Commonwealth" doesn't mean that much and USA is only not part of it cause it separated from the UK much earlier. The British Commonwealth includes India and Nigeria, but they're obviously not family. By the way, there's a spy base in Australia where the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and NZ all share intelligence with each other. This should show how close they are.

Well re what you said about Spaniards and Latin Americans earlier: with the possible exceptions of Argentina and Uruguay, the relationship between Spain and Latin America is in many ways more like that between the UK and the English-speaking Caribbean than the UK and North America/Oceania, hence why many Spaniards do like to keep their distance and resent being lumped into a putative 'Hispanic' family. And re that spy base in Australia: Wolf Whitlam in the 1960's wanted to shut it down, which is why the US encouraged the British to dismiss him as Prime Minister.

Tooting Carmen
01-06-2023, 04:08 AM
We have been stronger allies with the U.K. and the British Empire regardless. Ethnicity, and language matter more than everything. While you may side with your neighbor to fight with your brother, you will still end up sticking by your brother at the very end.

Which reminds me of how Fidel Castro declared 3 days of national mourning and publicly wept when his fellow Galician Francisco Franco died, whereas he did nothing of the sort when his 'ideological comrade' Mao Zedong died. xD

01-06-2023, 05:27 AM
Which reminds me of how Fidel Castro declared 3 days of national mourning and publicly wept when his fellow Galician Francisco Franco died, whereas he did nothing of the sort when his 'ideological comrade' Mao Zedong died. xD

Well, in Cuba they mourned the death of Queen Elizabeth Windsor for 3 days, which seemed strange to me.

01-06-2023, 05:30 AM
I can't speak for them but white Australian/Canadian/British are invisible in the U.S. whereas other groups are much easier to spot. There's also a lot of back and forth migration between them and us to where it doesn't feel like a different nation of people.

According to British members, Americans are seen more as foreigners than Australians in the UK, although probably more familiar than a German or French.

01-06-2023, 07:09 AM
According to British members, Americans are seen more as foreigners than Australians in the UK, although probably more familiar than a German or French.

Yeah that doesn't surprise me, Australia has been connected to them more closely more recently. The U.S.A. will always be the most distinct of the Anglo countries but, I feel like that's more because the others are simply indistinguishable from the recent British Empire to begin with. Australians for one thing definitely "feeL" British, whereas Canadians feel more American.

Tooting Carmen
01-06-2023, 07:57 AM
Well, in Cuba they mourned the death of Queen Elizabeth Windsor for 3 days, which seemed strange to me.


Grace O'Malley
01-06-2023, 08:14 AM
Yeah that doesn't surprise me, Australia has been connected to them more closely more recently. The U.S.A. will always be the most distinct of the Anglo countries but, I feel like that's more because the others are simply indistinguishable from the recent British Empire to begin with. Australians for one thing definitely "feeL" British, whereas Canadians feel more American.

I don't agree that Australians feel "British". I think Australians feel uniquely Australian and different than "British". I think Australians are also influenced by the Irish element in the ethnogenesis of the Australian identity. Australians do not have the class distinctions of Britain and also celebrate a bit of rebelliousness and larrikinism. Australians are also more laid-back than the British.

Australian identity was forged by a collision of two cultures: Protestant Englishness and Catholic Irishness.


There is definitely truth in this when you see how Ned Kelly is viewed and events such as the Eureka Stockade.

Anyway I'm just saying I don't agree Australians "feel British". I think you would get a lot of pushback if you said that to Aussies. Britain is of course pivotal to Australian history but Australians have always celebrated their convict beginnings and differentiated themselves through the vastly different and harsh environment of the Australian continent.

The love of field and coppice,
Of green and shaded lanes.
Of ordered woods and gardens
Is running in your veins,
Strong love of grey-blue distance
Brown streams and soft, dim skies
I know but cannot share it,
My love is otherwise.

I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of drought and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror –
The wide brown land for me!

Part of My Country by Dorothea Mackellar

01-06-2023, 03:35 PM
In Britain's case, I'd say we regard the Antipodeans as family, but on the other hand there is a notable anti-American streak here, whether left-wing (the US is the embodiment of capitalism, racism, greed etc etc) or right-wing (American culture is crass and vulgar etc etc).

But their criticisms seem more similar to that of left-wing Americans. I think those Brits would also be critical of the UK in many similar aspects.

Well re what you said about Spaniards and Latin Americans earlier: with the possible exceptions of Argentina and Uruguay, the relationship between Spain and Latin America is in many ways more like that between the UK and the English-speaking Caribbean than the UK and North America/Oceania, hence why many Spaniards do like to keep their distance and resent being lumped into a putative 'Hispanic' family.

At the end, they're still far closer to Latinos than they are to English-Americans. But you'd think it was the other way around based on what you hear from them.

If you get a group of Latinos and throw a Spaniard among them, he won't stand out. If you get a group of Jamaicans and throw a Canadian or Brit there, they'd stand out. I can see the analogy, but I think the differences are much larger in the latter case.

The difference between Spaniards and Latinos is similar to the internal differences that Latinos have among themselves. The difference between English countries and Caribbean countries is MUCH larger than the internal differences that Caribbeans have among themselves.

And re that spy base in Australia: Wolf Whitlam in the 1960's wanted to shut it down, which is why the US encouraged the British to dismiss him as Prime Minister.

But they established it, something like that wouldn't have ever worked among countries that weren't very close with one another. And at the end, the British obliged.

01-06-2023, 03:40 PM
I don't agree that Australians feel "British". I think Australians feel uniquely Australian and different than "British". I think Australians are also influenced by the Irish element in the ethnogenesis of the Australian identity. Australians do not have the class distinctions of Britain and also celebrate a bit of rebelliousness and larrikinism. Australians are also more laid-back than the British.

Australian identity was forged by a collision of two cultures: Protestant Englishness and Catholic Irishness.


There is definitely truth in this when you see how Ned Kelly is viewed and events such as the Eureka Stockade.

Anyway I'm just saying I don't agree Australians "feel British". I think you would get a lot of pushback if you said that to Aussies. Britain is of course pivotal to Australian history but Australians have always celebrated their convict beginnings and differentiated themselves through the vastly different and harsh environment of the Australian continent.

The love of field and coppice,
Of green and shaded lanes.
Of ordered woods and gardens
Is running in your veins,
Strong love of grey-blue distance
Brown streams and soft, dim skies
I know but cannot share it,
My love is otherwise.

I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of drought and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror –
The wide brown land for me!

Part of My Country by Dorothea Mackellar

I would never say Australia isn't it's own distinct subculture, but it still feels to me more distinctly a subculture of the British people than Canada does. I'd also say, and I know this is controversial, that Ireland is very much a subculture of the greater British population at this point. Irish people hate the concept, for good reason i guess, but they are like the English, Scottish, and Welsh in the sense of being an ethnic group that is now part of and intimately tied to the history of "Britain". In a way that no other group can be.

01-06-2023, 04:25 PM

I was wrong, it wasn't 3 days, it was 1, but even so, it's strange that a country like Cuba declares a day of mourning for an English monarchy.

01-06-2023, 04:34 PM
Yeah that doesn't surprise me, Australia has been connected to them more closely more recently. The U.S.A. will always be the most distinct of the Anglo countries but, I feel like that's more because the others are simply indistinguishable from the recent British Empire to begin with. Australians for one thing definitely "feeL" British, whereas Canadians feel more American.

Well, I think no one has any doubts that the US is the most different Anglo country of all.

Cristiano viejo
01-06-2023, 06:35 PM
Hey, what do you prefer immigration from Argentina or Mexico or from the United Kingdom?
Argentines and Mexicans of pure Spanish ancestry and nothing else.

White Latinos don't differentiate themselves from other Latinos much. So why do Spaniards try to distance themselves? They all identify as Latino whether White, Castizo, Mestizo. So why do Spaniards think they're distinct? You think everyone from Mexico to Argentina is part of one "Latino" community and Spaniards are not part of it?

If you don't distinguish Bolivians from Uruguayans and lump them together under the "Latino" label, why complain when Americans lump Spaniards with them? The difference between Spaniards and Latin Americans doesn't seem to be bigger than the internal differences among Latin Americans.

Spaniards that migrate to USA (recent immigrants that still speak Spanish) tend to socialize much more with Latinos than with any other group.
I dont care what Latinos consider. Spaniards are very different than Latinos or British.

Furthermore, for a nationalist white American, a white Spaniard is no more familiar than an American of wasp descent.
As if there were a non white Spaniard.

01-06-2023, 07:20 PM
Argentines and Mexicans of pure Spanish ancestry and nothing else.

And those who have other European ancestry?

As if there were a non white Spaniard.

You know what I mean.
Ethnic Spaniard.

Cristiano viejo
01-06-2023, 07:38 PM
And those who have other European ancestry?

I dont want. Why should I? tell me.

01-06-2023, 08:09 PM
I dont want. Why should I? tell me.

Because they are ethnic Europeans.

01-06-2023, 08:12 PM
Because they are ethnic Europeans.

Even like 60 years ago Italians, Welsh etc were treated different than Anglo what makes you think an ethnic Spaniard won't? Unless he or she Isn't a stereotypical Mediterranean person.

01-06-2023, 08:21 PM
And those who have other European ancestry?

I remeber CV despised this venezuelan who was 3/4 spanish and 1/4 italian so that can maybe give you an idea...

01-06-2023, 08:21 PM
Even like 60 years ago Italians, Welsh etc were treated different than Anglo what makes you think an ethnic Spaniard won't? Unless he or she Isn't a stereotypical Mediterranean person.


01-06-2023, 08:23 PM
I remeber CV despised this venezuelan who was 3/4 spanish and 1/4 italian so that can maybe give you an idea...

And what about the Spaniards who have European ancestry but not Spanish, I know of a few who have French and German ancestry.

You speak about Alnorte?

01-06-2023, 08:24 PM

Did you have comprehensive problems? I'm responding that Spaniards really won't be put aside against Latinos.

The truth Is most Anglos Americans can't tell the difference between a Sicilian wog, castizo or mestizo or a Spaniard.

They literally thought were the same.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRGqwlpQVjyrOZdjWNdVFwMjub9E7R7x g_jVQ&usqp=CAU

01-06-2023, 08:28 PM

Tooting Carmen
01-06-2023, 08:51 PM
You speak about Alnorte?

No, Rocinante.

01-06-2023, 09:09 PM
And what about the Spaniards who have European ancestry but not Spanish, I know of a few who have French and German ancestry.

They are not spaniards to CV.

You speak about Alnorte?

No, that member doesn't post anymore.

01-06-2023, 09:18 PM
I would say that all English countries (UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ) are all one family. They may have had conflicts in the past, but these countries today have shared interests, similar culture, the same language, are closely aligned with each other, and are mostly the same people (English-speaking Europeans).

"British Commonwealth" doesn't mean that much and USA is only not part of it cause it separated from the UK much earlier. The British Commonwealth includes India and Nigeria, but they're obviously not family. By the way, there's a spy base in Australia where the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and NZ all share intelligence with each other. This should show how close they are.
They are only really family in the sense that they share the same Anglo-Celtic blood/heritage, but most Americans don't have that heritage anymore. North Americans are distinct from the rest of the white English-speaking world, in many ways.

I don't agree that Australians feel "British". I think Australians feel uniquely Australian and different than "British". I think Australians are also influenced by the Irish element in the ethnogenesis of the Australian identity. Australians do not have the class distinctions of Britain and also celebrate a bit of rebelliousness and larrikinism. Australians are also more laid-back than the British.

Australian identity was forged by a collision of two cultures: Protestant Englishness and Catholic Irishness.
I guess SouthDutch meant that Australians feel more British to him, whereas Canadians feel more like Americans, and the latter is definitely true. I find it difficult to tell Americans and Canadians apart much of the time. By contrast from an American perspective it's easy to see why they view Australians as British-like, or like Robin Williams said, 'English rednecks'. Most Australians don't feel British per se, as for them that means the modern British in Britain, but Anglo-Australians do still loosely feel ethnically British/'Anglo', even if it's not been articulated much in the past few decades.

Australian nationalism as we know it is a relatively modern phenomenon, often pushed by ethnic Irish (and other non-British) as an alternative to the British colonial identity that was still predominant in Australia in the early 20th century. Much of it is revisionist and centred around the myth of Gallipoli and the ANZACs, which the likes of Peter Fitzsimons have tried to sell as the real birth of Australia as a nation, with some success. Now even that is becoming unfashionable in media, as anything before 1970s 'multicultural Australia' is non-PC.

I would never say Australia isn't it's own distinct subculture, but it still feels to me more distinctly a subculture of the British people than Canada does. I'd also say, and I know this is controversial, that Ireland is very much a subculture of the greater British population at this point. Irish people hate the concept, for good reason i guess, but they are like the English, Scottish, and Welsh in the sense of being an ethnic group that is now part of and intimately tied to the history of "Britain". In a way that no other group can be.It's kind of true about the Irish, they are more in-tune with British culture than Australians and New Zealanders are (they all support English/Scottish soccer teams, before their own ffs). Really there are 3 major cultural blocs in the Anglosphere: North America; the British Isles; and the Antipodes (Australia/NZ). Then there are the British South Africans, who are kind of similar to Australians and NZers, only with worse personalities.

Tooting Carmen
01-06-2023, 09:22 PM
Because Irish domestic football is of a risibly low quality.

This is one crucial reason why Irish rugby has really taken off since professionalism was allowed in 1995: with its football crap and Gaelic sports being strictly amateur still, if you want a reasonably well-paid job in team sports in Ireland you go into rugby now.

01-06-2023, 10:17 PM
They are not spaniards to CV.
I am sure that at least 20 or 30% of ethnic Spaniards will have some ancestor from another part of Europe, near or far, if CV believe this, the number of real Spaniards will decrease each time.

No, Rocinante.

No, that member doesn't post anymore.
CV no se metió con el porque tenia una novia latina Rocinante?

01-06-2023, 11:37 PM
CV no se metió con el porque tenia una novia latina Rocinante?

Ese era otro forero que era 100% español y también se cagaba en él por tener novia venezolana así que imagínate...

01-07-2023, 03:30 AM
They are only really family in the sense that they share the same Anglo-Celtic blood/heritage, but most Americans don't have that heritage anymore. North Americans are distinct from the rest of the white English-speaking world, in many ways.

I guess SouthDutch meant that Australians feel more British to him, whereas Canadians feel more like Americans, and the latter is definitely true. I find it difficult to tell Americans and Canadians apart much of the time. By contrast from an American perspective it's easy to see why they view Australians as British-like, or like Robin Williams said, 'English rednecks'. Most Australians don't feel British per se, as for them that means the modern British in Britain, but Anglo-Australians do still loosely feel ethnically British/'Anglo', even if it's not been articulated much in the past few decades.

Australian nationalism as we know it is a relatively modern phenomenon, often pushed by ethnic Irish (and other non-British) as an alternative to the British colonial identity that was still predominant in Australia in the early 20th century. Much of it is revisionist and centred around the myth of Gallipoli and the ANZACs, which the likes of Peter Fitzsimons have tried to sell as the real birth of Australia as a nation, with some success. Now even that is becoming unfashionable in media, as anything before 1970s 'multicultural Australia' is non-PC.

It's kind of true about the Irish, they are more in-tune with British culture than Australians and New Zealanders are (they all support English/Scottish soccer teams, before their own ffs). Really there are 3 major cultural blocs in the Anglosphere: North America; the British Isles; and the Antipodes (Australia/NZ). Then there are the British South Africans, who are kind of similar to Australians and NZers, only with worse personalities.

I would argue that there is an often understated, quiet and hidden element of Anglo-Celtic heritage in the U.S.A. that goes beyond just language, but I do agree with your points in general and it's hard not to see how America has slipped a good ways from the rest, especially today. Ironically I think we have come to a crossroads only very recently, in the last couple decades or so, in that regard. As recently as the 80s English identity was very strong in the U.S.A., but current cultural undercurrents are borderline hostile to the concept of a "British" America, even if only in its legacy. I know from first hand experience that many Americans still see themselves as being culturally tied to the British Isles, but it is not stated in our media anymore, as for such a "multicultural" country as the U.S.A., the idea of America being European at all, let alone British, is heretical. Americans who recognize their British Isles decent are a dying breed, even if the number of majority British or Irish Americans is still pretty large and still constitutes the largest panethnic group in the U.S.A.. I find it very troubling because my identity as both an American, a Southerner, and someone of descent from a variety of British and Irish ethnic groups was an important part of my upbringing.

01-07-2023, 04:52 AM
I would argue that there is an often understated, quiet and hidden element of Anglo-Celtic heritage in the U.S.A. that goes beyond just language, but I do agree with your points in general and it's hard not to see how America has slipped a good ways from the rest, especially today. Ironically I think we have come to a crossroads only very recently, in the last couple decades or so, in that regard. As recently as the 80s English identity was very strong in the U.S.A., but current cultural undercurrents are borderline hostile to the concept of a "British" America, even if only in its legacy. I know from first hand experience that many Americans still see themselves as being culturally tied to the British Isles, but it is not stated in our media anymore, as for such a "multicultural" country as the U.S.A., the idea of America being European at all, let alone British, is heretical. Americans who recognize their British Isles decent are a dying breed, even if the number of majority British or Irish Americans is still pretty large and still constitutes the largest panethnic group in the U.S.A.. I find it very troubling because my identity as both an American, a Southerner, and someone of descent from a variety of British and Irish ethnic groups was an important part of my upbringing.

All four of my grandparents were like that. Each one had roots in all five countries of the British Isles, so that made me Islish, but not the Bille kind. We score 96% or more "British and Irish", which really means Briton and Gaelic rather than Anglo-Saxon. We're bi-Celtic.

01-07-2023, 04:55 AM
All four of my grandparents were like that. Each one had roots in all five countries of the British Isles, so that made me Islish, but not the Bille kind. We score 96% or more "British and Irish", which really means Briton and Gaelic rather than Anglo-Saxon. We're bi-Celtic.

You still must have some AS in ya. Get yer point though. In seriousness, I find it cool and interesting both of your parents can trace to those five. Most totally-Isles folks in America can’t go beyond 2-3

01-07-2023, 05:02 AM
I would argue that there is an often understated, quiet and hidden element of Anglo-Celtic heritage in the U.S.A. that goes beyond just language, but I do agree with your points in general and it's hard not to see how America has slipped a good ways from the rest, especially today. Ironically I think we have come to a crossroads only very recently, in the last couple decades or so, in that regard. As recently as the 80s English identity was very strong in the U.S.A., but current cultural undercurrents are borderline hostile to the concept of a "British" America, even if only in its legacy. I know from first hand experience that many Americans still see themselves as being culturally tied to the British Isles, but it is not stated in our media anymore, as for such a "multicultural" country as the U.S.A., the idea of America being European at all, let alone British, is heretical. Americans who recognize their British Isles decent are a dying breed, even if the number of majority British or Irish Americans is still pretty large and still constitutes the largest panethnic group in the U.S.A.. I find it very troubling because my identity as both an American, a Southerner, and someone of descent from a variety of British and Irish ethnic groups was an important part of my upbringing.

The United States has reached a point where they already have their own identity almost separate from the rest of the Anglos, most white Americans have British ancestry but mix with other ethnicities that became Euro-Mutt instead of Australians and Kiwis are still almost pure ethnic Brits, and culturally much closer to the UK, even in the accent that shows a bit.

01-07-2023, 05:10 AM
You still must have some AS in ya. Get yer point though. In seriousness, I find it cool and interesting both of your parents can trace to those five. Most totally-Isles folks in America can’t go beyond 2-3

All four of my grandparents can. English definitely is in the mix, but it's more of the western variety than the eastern variety. I have Cornish on all four sides, which surprised me. I'll catch "The Pirates Of Penzance" on off Broadway before I grab a meal of game hen.

Cristiano viejo
01-07-2023, 11:09 PM
Did you have comprehensive problems? I'm responding that Spaniards really won't be put aside against Latinos.

The truth Is most Anglos Americans can't tell the difference between a Sicilian wog, castizo or mestizo or a Spaniard.

They literally thought were the same.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRGqwlpQVjyrOZdjWNdVFwMjub9E7R7x g_jVQ&usqp=CAU
Impossible that Americans thought so since historically Spaniards almost have not existed in USA.
With "Spanish" I am sure they meant other Latinos different than Mexicans.

In any case even if really Americans thought Spaniards are the same than let say a Costa Rican, or than Mexicans, or than Sicilians, that would be their problem.

Because they are ethnic Europeans.
I dont want ethnic Europeans in my country. Why I should?

And what about the Spaniards who have European ancestry but not Spanish, I know of a few who have French and German ancestry.
Nah, that is a very rare phenomenon in Spain. That happens more in Central Europe, where for example is relatively normal that let say a Hungarian has German ancestors, or in UK, where which English does not have an Irish ancestor? Etc etc.

I am sure that at least 20 or 30% of ethnic Spaniards will have some ancestor from another part of Europe, near or far, if CV believe this, the number of real Spaniards will decrease each time.
You on drugs??

01-07-2023, 11:37 PM
I dont want ethnic Europeans in my country. Why I should?

Because Spain is part of Europe, moreover, the majority of the population will still be Spanish and a small emigration of Spanish origin and other European countries, that is better than immigration of non-European origin.

Nah, that is a very rare phenomenon in Spain. That happens more in Central Europe, where for example is relatively normal that let say a Hungarian has German ancestors, or in UK, where which English does not have an Irish ancestor? Etc etc.

It happens in many parts of Europe, in the Balkan countries, France itself, Scotland, Belgium, Ukraine, Russia, Switzerland, and I would even say Northern Italy.
In Majorca there are already German-Spanish mixtures and in Catalonia there is French, the same in some parts of Occitania that there is a mixture of Spanish-French.

You on drugs??
I said near or FAR ancestry, remember that a large part of the population of Spain is Celtiberian and the Celts are not originally from Spain, in addition to a minority of Visigoths.

Cristiano viejo
01-07-2023, 11:51 PM
Because Spain is part of Europe, moreover, the majority of the population will still be Spanish and a small emigration of Spanish origin and other European countries, that is better than immigration of non-European origin.
I want a Spanish Spain, not an European Spain.

In Majorca there are already German-Spanish mixtures and in Catalonia there is French, the same in some parts of Occitania that there is a mixture of Spanish-French.

I dont consider German-Spanish people to be Spanish.

That about Catalonia and French is not true at all.

I said near or FAR ancestry, remember that a large part of the population of Spain is Celtiberian and the Celts are not originally from Spain, in addition to a minority of Visigoths.

Ah, far ancestry. Lol, that is irrelevant, Celts came here 3000 years ago :picard1:

Visigoth ancestry is overrated.

01-08-2023, 01:39 AM
All four of my grandparents were like that. Each one had roots in all five countries of the British Isles, so that made me Islish, but not the Bille kind. We score 96% or more "British and Irish", which really means Briton and Gaelic rather than Anglo-Saxon. We're bi-Celtic.

I'd say all my grandparents have at least some ancestry from every part of the British isles, but English from the southwest and north makes up more than 50% of my ancestry overall. The other major chunks are Irish, and Scots-Irish or Scottish. My moms dad is fairly Welsh, maybe a quarter Welsh overall. Dunno about Cornish but I'm sure it's in there.

01-08-2023, 03:32 AM
I want a Spanish Spain, not an European Spain.

I think geography is not given to you.

I dont consider German-Spanish people to be Spanish.
Anyway, you are not missing anything to say that someone from parts of Spain like Catalonia or the Basque Country are not Spanish either.

That about Catalonia and French is not true at all.
Review the origin of some surnames in Catalonia are French.

Ah, far ancestry. Lol, that is irrelevant, Celts came here 3000 years ago :picard1:

Visigoth ancestry is overrated.

Overvalued or it does not, exist, and you have to consider the real Spaniards as the natives, stay only with the Iberians not Celtiberians.

Cristiano viejo
01-08-2023, 12:35 PM
I think geography is not given to you.
Not a question about geography but ethnicity.

Anyway, you are not missing anything to say that someone from parts of Spain like Catalonia or the Basque Country are not Spanish either.
No idea what you mean. Catalans and Basques are Spanish. Call it Spanish, Iberian, what you wish. Someone who has blood out of that is evidently a foreigner.

Review the origin of some surnames in Catalonia are French.

Those surnames come from the Middle Age, man. And happen not only in Catalonia but in any part of Spain. Francisco Franco had one, and he was Galician.

Overvalued or it does not, exist, and you have to consider the real Spaniards as the natives, stay only with the Iberians not Celtiberians.
Juas, who are you to decide who is native or not?? Celtiberians are the authentic NATIVES.

01-08-2023, 06:46 PM
Not a question about geography but ethnicity.
So you mean that the Spaniard are not white Europeans.

No idea what you mean. Catalans and Basques are Spanish. Call it Spanish, Iberian, what you wish. Someone who has blood out of that is evidently a foreigner.

And these are also French.

Those surnames come from the Middle Age, man. And happen not only in Catalonia but in any part of Spain. Francisco Franco had one, and he was Galician.
The origin of the Franco surname is medieval and it is theorized that it is a border surname between Spain and France like the Sosa surname of Portugal and Spain.

Juas, who are you to decide who is native or not?? Celtiberians are the authentic NATIVES.
The Celts are from central Europe.

Cristiano viejo
01-08-2023, 07:03 PM
So you mean that the Spaniard are not white Europeans.
Is that hard to understand I dont want foreigners in Spain although they are from Europe??

And these are also French.
They are not French, they live in France.

The origin of the Franco surname is medieval and it is theorized that it is a border surname between Spain and France like the Sosa surname of Portugal and Spain.
The origin of Franco could not be more clear. It came with the Franks.

There are hundreds more cases all over Spain. You should investigate how Portugal was founded, for example.

The Celts are from central Europe.

Not sure if they came from there, some scholars claim they were natives of Iberia

but in any case they were among the first settlers along Tartesians and Iberians, and of course very important part of our ancestors, no comment about the culture and traditions they left here, therefore NATIVES.