View Full Version : The Psuedo-Science Thread

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-30-2022, 12:57 AM
A thread to post the most amusing pseudo-science nonsense.

Over the years, I've listened to quite a few whacky people. Some of them, such as Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, wave around their impressive PhD from Ivy League universities to give themselves credibility.

From this dude's book Traced: Human DNA’s Big Surprise:

Mayan origins trace back to the 400s BC, and the Olmecs go back even farther—they birthed a cradle of civilization. Yet we don’t find a genealogical heritage this ancient among modern Native Americans. It seems that the people who arrived in the AD 300s to 600s, and again around AD 1000, replaced whoever was here first.

3. Found: The Genealogical Line of Abraham and Noah
Thanks to the genealogies of Genesis 10 and 11, the Israelites can trace their heritage back to Noah himself via Noah’s son Shem. These chapters record a precise, specific number of generations from the flood down to Abraham.* The DNA-based tree contains a near-exact match to this family tree structure.

Furthermore, all the nations of the world trace their ancestry to the names listed in Genesis 10 (i.e., see the Tower of Babel incident recorded in Genesis 11:1–9). For around half of the men in Genesis 10, Scripture provides explicit commentary on their fates. On the rest, Scripture is silent, which itself is a clue to their fates.3 Long story short, this biblical data on the fates of the nations also finds a clear echo in the DNA-based tree.

Naturally, these results imply that we should find Noah and his three sons at the base of the DNA-based tree. We do.


The dude is really into haplogroups. He's not a fan of autosomal DNA.

Jeanson ignores the enormous utility of whole-genome sequencing and the wealth of information contained in genes other than those on the Y-chromosome. His reason for this lies in the claim that no useful information may be derived from autosomes (chromosomes other than the sex chromosomes or DNA contained in the mitochondria) because they undergo recombination. He is perhaps oblivious to the fact that recombination also takes place on segments of the Y-chromosome (significantly more than once thought). Or he ignores that fact because it does not serve his agenda. He is unaware that there are robust analytical tools for detecting recombination in autosomal genes. Or he ignores that fact because it does not add to his narrative. Jeanson seems to constantly look away from mountains of empirical evidence and entire fields of study if that evidence cannot be readily bent to serve his religious mission.

It's so bizarre.


12-30-2022, 01:08 AM
Ancient Egypt is claimed by black supremacists "We wuz kangz" and white supremacists "The Pharaohs were Aryan, reeeeee!". Also the fact that Ancient Rome is claimed by retarded Nordicists, and stupid black supremacists claim that Moors were Sub Saharans.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-30-2022, 01:22 AM
Ancient Egypt is claimed by black supremacists "We wuz kangz" and white supremacists "The Pharaohs were Aryan, reeeeee!". Also the fact that Ancient Rome is claimed by retarded Nordicists, and stupid black supremacists claim that Moors were Sub Saharans.

That reminds me. I watched this documentary on the Bravo channel in 1999 while I was dwelling in my parent's basement at the time. It's narrated by the great vampire slayer Wesley Snipes. The film was made in 1996, and let's say it's good for Mr. Clarke that he died in 1998 because Population Genetics would not have been kind to many of his beliefs expressed in the video.


In its obituary of Clarke, The New York Times noted that the activist's ascension to professor emeritus at Hunter College was "unusual... without benefit of a high school diploma, let alone a Ph.D." It acknowledged that "nobody said Professor Clarke wasn't an academic original. "[1] In 1994, Clarke earned a doctorate from the non-accredited Pacific Western University (now California Miramar University) in Los Angeles, having earned a bachelor's degree there in 1992.[7]

Yet, this guy taught at Hunter College.

12-30-2022, 01:35 AM
That reminds me. I watched this documentary on the Bravo channel in 1999 while I was dwelling in my parent's basement at the time. It's narrated by the great vampire slayer Wesley Snipes. The film was made in 1996, and let's say it's good for Mr. Clarke that he died in 1998 because Population Genetics would not have been kind to many of his beliefs expressed in the video.


Yet, this guy taught at Hunter College.

He's right about the Nubians though. They are Sub Saharan. Edited because I made a few assumptions.

Jingle Bell
12-30-2022, 01:44 AM
In fact, I won't say all of them since it would be wrong to generalize, but many of those I've met would rather lie with false evidence to claim they are Moors or Egyptians than study about truly sub-Saharan civilizations like Mali, for some reason they are ashamed to assume civilizations cool which they actually are descendatns from and prefer to deceive themselves with others claming they where ssa . . .
Nordicist also, saying "Romans were Nordic" "Greeks are mutts and original ones were blonde and blue eyes" its sad like black supremacits claming that Ancient Egypitans (Which clusters with modern Coptics, yeah, Coptics which usually score 0- 7% SSA) were black

Man look at this site, its just sad

12-30-2022, 01:48 AM
In fact, I won't say all of them since it would be wrong to generalize, but many of those I've met would rather lie with false evidence to claim they are Moors or Egyptians than study about truly sub-Saharan civilizations like Mali, for some reason they are ashamed to assume civilizations cool which they actually are descendatns from and prefer to deceive themselves with others claming they where ssa . . .
Nordicist also, saying "Romans were Nordic" "Greeks are mutts and original ones were blonde and blue eyes" its sad like black supremacits claming that Ancient Egypitans (Which clusters with modern Coptics, yeah, Coptics which usually score 0- 7% SSA) were black

Man look at this site, its just sad

Unfortunately, many, many people are retarded beyond redemption. Especially now that population genetics can pop holes in their stupid beliefs.

12-30-2022, 01:49 AM
The whole Tartaria conspiracy. The entire thing stems from old maps labelling all of northern Asia as "Tartaria", because Europeans didn't know or care what was happening there for the most part. Modern people somehow took this to mean it was an entire unified civilization. Don't get me wrong, I love reading and hearing about Tartaria, but I'm nowhere near convinced.

12-30-2022, 01:51 AM
The whole Tartaria conspiracy. The entire thing stems from old maps labelling all of northern Asia as "Tartaria", because Europeans didn't know or care what was happening there for the most part. Modern people somehow took this to mean it was an entire unified civilization. Don't get me wrong, I love reading and hearing about Tartaria, but I'm nowhere near convinced.

Yeah, I think Tartaria was always just limited to what is now modern Tatarstan and the Crimea. Never heard of this though, interesting (but wrong) theory. They have a pretty cool culture though.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-30-2022, 01:54 AM
In fact, I won't say all of them since it would be wrong to generalize, but many of those I've met would rather lie with false evidence to claim they are Moors or Egyptians than study about truly sub-Saharan civilizations like Mali, for some reason they are ashamed to assume civilizations cool which they actually are descendatns from and prefer to deceive themselves with others claming they where ssa . . .
Nordicist also, saying "Romans were Nordic" "Greeks are mutts and original ones were blonde and blue eyes" its sad like black supremacits claming that Ancient Egypitans (Which clusters with modern Coptics, yeah, Coptics which usually score 0- 7% SSA) were black

Man look at this site, its just sad

Throughout the pages of Realhistoryww we rail against the lies of Albinos as relates to history and Race. We offer proof of our claims and hope to shame Albinos into better behavior. But alas, it has all been for naught, Albinos haven’t gotten better, they have gotten even worst! Note these latest examples.

That's such a great line. I laughed.

12-30-2022, 01:54 AM
Yeah, I think Tartaria was always just limited to what is now modern Tatarstan and the Crimea. Never heard of this though, interesting (but wrong) theory. They have a pretty cool culture though.

If you go deep enough into the lore, it turns into Napoleon fighting nordic Tatars with flying steam ships and floods of mud covering entire cities. Wild shit.

12-30-2022, 01:57 AM
If you go deep enough into the lore, it turns in Napoleon fighting nordic Tatars with flying steam ships and floods of mud covering entire cities. Wild shit.

Oh Lord. Well, you can't fix stupid.

12-30-2022, 03:14 AM
Ancient Egypt is claimed by black supremacists "We wuz kangz" and white supremacists "The Pharaohs were Aryan, reeeeee!". Also the fact that Ancient Rome is claimed by retarded Nordicists, and stupid black supremacists claim that Moors were Sub Saharans.

You're right about Egypt but the Latins and Kelts separated not that long before the former entered Italy, and the sculpture A Dying Gaul looks like Kurt Russell, hardly some Sicilian Med. The early Romans were not fully absorbed into the native population until the empire's end when the impoverished nobility had to intermarry with non nobles many of whom now had more wealth than them, either that or starve. Having said that, the Roman nobility was still probably only 40% PIE in some families, but now closer to 20 in most at the end until final absorption by the native majority.

12-30-2022, 03:30 AM
You're right about Egypt but the Latins and Kelts separated not that long before the former entered Italy, and the sculpture A Dying Gaul looks like Kurt Russell, hardly some Sicilian Med. The early Romans were not fully absorbed into the native population until the empire's end when the impoverished nobility had to intermarry with non nobles many of whom now had more wealth than them, either that or starve. Having said that, the Roman nobility was still probably only 40% PIE in some families, but now closer to 20 in most at the end until final absorption by the native majority.

They were closest to North Italian populations. Not exactly Nordic.

Colonel Frank Grimes
01-05-2023, 03:48 AM
Jacques de Mahieu

De Mahieu wrote on pre-Columbian America and esoteric Nazism. He traveled to Paraguay for anthropological studies, and claimed the Guayaki tribes were descendants of the Vikings. He allegedly travelled to Brazil in 1974, where he visited the Sete Cidades park in Piauí and considered it a Viking establishment.[9] His books on the Knights Templar allege they settled in Mexico before Columbus.

Learned about the above fellow from one of our Low IQ residents who thought it was meaningful that the above crackpot was a university professor, lolz. The reason he got the job was political (he was a Peronist).

Solutrean hypothesis

The Solutrean hypothesis on the peopling of the Americas claims that the earliest human migration to the Americas took place from Europe, with Solutreans traveling along pack ice in the Atlantic Ocean.[1][2][3] This hypothesis contrasts with the mainstream academic narrative that the Americas were first populated by people crossing the Bering Strait to Alaska by foot on what was land during the Last Glacial Period[4] or by following the Pacific coastline from Asia to America by boat.[5]

I've seen this around the internet over the years. It seems to lure the typical racialist types ("White people were THE REAL Native Americans, man!!!! They were, like, cannibalized...).

01-05-2023, 04:21 AM
A thread to post the most amusing pseudo-science nonsense.

Over the years, I've listened to quite a few whacky people. Some of them, such as Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, wave around their impressive PhD from Ivy League universities to give themselves credibility.

From this dude's book Traced: Human DNA’s Big Surprise:


The dude is really into haplogroups. He's not a fan of autosomal DNA.

It's so bizarre.


Don't have time to see the video. Who does he say were the first people here.