View Full Version : Classify Michael Jackson's kids

12-30-2022, 02:54 AM


Blanket Jackson

12-30-2022, 02:57 AM
Girl: North Atlantid + Alpine
Guy 1: Alpine
Guy 2: Quadroon

12-30-2022, 04:46 AM
The guys are Asiatic alpine...They look fucking Turkish
The girl is north atlantid.
They're adopted. They're not his actual kids! :picard2:

12-30-2022, 07:41 AM

Absurdly Turkish looking.

12-30-2022, 08:42 AM
The biological father is probably this fine s.American individual (the bodyguard lel)


12-30-2022, 11:51 AM
For being part black, Paris Hilton is fucking hot.
Will you stop writing with your dick all the time you old Arab creep :picard1:

12-30-2022, 12:14 PM
Italian retard.
Well at least I'm not a Muslim dude larping as a horny "Mestizo" lesbian who fetishises chicks under 25. Don't you like older women for a change, Mr Muhammad?

01-02-2023, 05:27 AM


Blanket Jackson

Im sure i'll be attacked for this post, but oh well.

Why don't people ever post pictures of Paris with her natural dark curly hair? She is not a natural blond. So I don't understand why that isn't taken into consideration in a taxonomy thread. I think the blond hair gives the impression that she is paler than she actually is. When you see her next to her mother, who does look 100% Northern European, it's obvious she has some admixture. Like a lot of white passing biracials I think she looked more mixed race when you look at her childhood pictures. I've seen a lot of biracial girls who look like her.

Her as a child/teen before she started changing her hair

https://scontent-atl3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/66364806_2426431490748672_2406244776065105920_n.jp g?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=88JIRaCFpvsAX_68ont&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-2.xx&oh=00_AfD6vkMTLmnXmmjuO8WFfTwdgwsaSPgYkSXY8Q1KUYyC pA&oe=63D9D379






Her and her mother. Mom looks 100% european. And Paris looks like her but her skin is darker and a different undertone.



https://people.com/thmb/c5moYZaLs5CFhoF7_90_fzfYXbE=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc() :focal(545x419:547x421)/gettyimages-481234445-2000-776240a0172140ef9c6e906e25303847.jpg

I really feel like people don't take the Jackson family history into consideration when they make judgments about these 3. I honestly don't find their phenotypes that shocking when you consider how nordic looking the oldest two's mother is and the fact that Michael has recent European ancestry. His father had natural green/blue eyes which combined with the mother Debbie means there was a 50% chance for light eyed children.


01-02-2023, 05:27 AM
As for his sons looking "turkish"

I know it's hard to believe but the Jacksons can make "turkish" looking children. Case in point.


The man on the left is Joe Jackson's brother, the white woman is his wife and the little girl is their child. As you can see the little girl has the same look as Michael's youngest son. Dark Straight hair, olive skin. Most people wouldn't assume that she has a black father, but she does.

I think it's obvious that both of his sons are his. The oldest son has a strong resemblance to Michael's grandfather. Very distinctive facial features that they share.


He also has vitiligo (confirmed by several family members) which is genetic and should put an end to the rumors and conspiracies.





And Michael's youngest son looks a lot like him if your look past the skin color and hair. They have identical eyes, bone structure. Im sure he looks like his mother too whoever she is, But I definitely see Young Mj when I look at him.

I just don't get why people are so sure these can't be his kids. White passing biracials exist.

01-02-2023, 05:48 AM
The biological father is probably this fine s.American individual (the bodyguard lel)

He looks absolutely nothing like this man. This is such a dumb rumor, it is based purely on his skin color which is nuts.

I think he and his brother resemble each other quite a bit, They look like half siblings o me. So you think Miko Brando fathered both of them?


01-02-2023, 06:03 AM
That's even more imbecile than calling me pedo for liking a 23 year old. You are ignorant as fuck, even semantics are beyond your comprehension. You didn't even understand what I just told you lmao. You can't read.
It's not about comprehension skills you fucking lost cause. You're not even Hispanic. That's the fucking point! You are a Muslim larper posing as a "Hispanic" dude. I don't give a fuck what you pose as anyway, because you will always be some Muslim MENA virgin behind his or her keyboard. I will always see you that way. Your views on Jews and your taste in younger women prove that you're a Muzzie. So shut the fuck up please. You're already figured!