View Full Version : Classify Alviz Perez Spanish Politician

01-12-2023, 04:30 AM
https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/325160442_737242120817025_7894853465062221238_n.jp g?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=mqoldh_ikvIAX-p8VRq&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=03_AdSg-Bms-7E0ZFPap0iNDxrTrZ764nHKwxfHXZ_6PQygVA&oe=63E7104A

He did a DNA test and was mainly Spanish with 20% Arab ancestry which is quite common among Spanish. Remember Spain was occupied by the Arabs for 800 years and 5.5 million north Africans settled in Iberia and there was a lot intermarriages.

01-12-2023, 04:42 AM
Saharid/South Med

01-12-2023, 04:47 AM
Puerto Rican with SSA ancestry.

01-12-2023, 05:02 AM
Puerto Rican with SSA ancestry.

Spaniard with DNA Results he is very similar to Perez


01-12-2023, 06:04 AM
Pseudo Yemenid

01-12-2023, 06:38 AM
https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/325160442_737242120817025_7894853465062221238_n.jp g?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=mqoldh_ikvIAX-p8VRq&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=03_AdSg-Bms-7E0ZFPap0iNDxrTrZ764nHKwxfHXZ_6PQygVA&oe=63E7104A

He did a DNA test and was mainly Spanish with 20% Arab ancestry which is quite common among Spanish. Remember Spain was occupied by the Arabs for 800 years and 5.5 million north Africans settled in Iberia and there was a lot intermarriages.

Actually genetically in modern Iberians is very oncommon the Arabic genes as much the NA traces but Arabic? He is a very outlier individual.

Btw he looks trans-med

01-12-2023, 01:04 PM

The Arabs were only 800 years in the Kingdom of Granada and well the modern Spaniards we get the samples I of the Muslim era that were Islamized locals, we should not forget the Reconquest which is our reason for being and what shapes the character and identity of modern Spaniards. Thank you

His sister, no.

His sister, no, they are not full Spaniards, they must have some relatively modern foreign mix, even from another European country, I wouldn't be surprised if they had some Italian ancestors or modern arabic.

We all know that MH needs an update.

01-12-2023, 01:17 PM
Looks gipsy

01-12-2023, 01:52 PM
Looks gipsy

He might look more so to me than the sister who has a very SSA look which if so must be something relatively modern not at all from the time of Al Andalus, who would have thought something like that?

There is also the possibility of some ancestor from Equatorial Guinea, a former Spanish colony and ultimately that ancestor could be some black slave from a couple of centuries ago, they are too atypical, there is something.

Jingle Bell
01-12-2023, 01:57 PM
Quite common? Iberians generally dont even have a single drop of Arab blood, the MENA blood in iberia is NA (Which dont even comes from Moors, comes since the Copper Age in this time NA werent even muslins, and also peaks on Roman Era) this guy is Arabid + some kinda of a Influence of a European Mediterran type im not sure.
I sugest to u read that study before say that is quite common to iberians have Arab blood.


Jingle Bell
01-12-2023, 02:02 PM
https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/325160442_737242120817025_7894853465062221238_n.jp g?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=mqoldh_ikvIAX-p8VRq&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=03_AdSg-Bms-7E0ZFPap0iNDxrTrZ764nHKwxfHXZ_6PQygVA&oe=63E7104A

He did a DNA test and was mainly Spanish with 20% Arab ancestry which is quite common among Spanish. Remember Spain was occupied by the Arabs for 800 years and 5.5 million north Africans settled in Iberia and there was a lot intermarriages.

Man. . 5.5 Millions? What?

"The languages spoken in the parts of the Iberian Peninsula under Muslim rule were Andalusian Arabic and Mozarabic; they became extinct after the expulsion of the Moriscos, but Arabic language influence on the Spanish language can still be found today. The Muslims were resisted in parts of the Iberian Peninsula in areas of the northwest (such as Asturias, where they were defeated at the battle of Covadonga) and the largely Basque Country in the Pyrenees. Though the number of Moorish colonists was small, many native Iberian inhabitants converted to Islam. By 1000, according to Ronald Segal, some 5,000,000 of Iberia's 7,000,000 inhabitants, most of them descended from indigenous Iberian converts, were Muslim. There were also Sub-Saharan Africans who had been absorbed into al-Andalus to be used as soldiers and slaves. The Berber and Sub-Saharan African soldiers were known as "tangerines" because they were imported through Tangier.[39][40]"

The common estimative its that abt 30.000 soldiers from NA get in Iberia, in this time Iberia were populated by 7.000.000 of persons, so 30.000 compared to this is nothing. . .

01-12-2023, 04:00 PM
Man. . 5.5 Millions? What?

"The languages spoken in the parts of the Iberian Peninsula under Muslim rule were Andalusian Arabic and Mozarabic; they became extinct after the expulsion of the Moriscos, but Arabic language influence on the Spanish language can still be found today. The Muslims were resisted in parts of the Iberian Peninsula in areas of the northwest (such as Asturias, where they were defeated at the battle of Covadonga) and the largely Basque Country in the Pyrenees. Though the number of Moorish colonists was small, many native Iberian inhabitants converted to Islam. By 1000, according to Ronald Segal, some 5,000,000 of Iberia's 7,000,000 inhabitants, most of them descended from indigenous Iberian converts, were Muslim. There were also Sub-Saharan Africans who had been absorbed into al-Andalus to be used as soldiers and slaves. The Berber and Sub-Saharan African soldiers were known as "tangerines" because they were imported through Tangier.[39][40]"

The common estimative its that abt 30.000 soldiers from NA get in Iberia, in this time Iberia were populated by 7.000.000 of persons, so 30.000 compared to this is nothing. . .

Only 30.000? The Visigoths were beetween 500.000-300.000 that's a lot more i thought there were more Berbers

Jingle Bell
01-12-2023, 04:31 PM
Only 30.000? The Visigoths were beetween 500.000-300.000 that's a lot more i thought there were more Berbers

Yeah, the true impact was in Roman Era but we dont have informations in this times so

01-12-2023, 04:40 PM
Yeah, the true impact was in Roman Era but we dont have informations in this times so

Yeah true as those roman era samples showed

A great mix of Iberian+NA and East Med or Central Med

Cristiano viejo
01-12-2023, 04:47 PM
He did a DNA test and was mainly Spanish with 20% Arab ancestry which is quite common among Spanish. Remember Spain was occupied by the Arabs for 800 years and 5.5 million north Africans settled in Iberia and there was a lot intermarriages.

His name is Luis Alvise Pérez. Alvise is an Italian surname, not Spanish at all :picard1:

Spain was not occupied by Arabs for 800 years, that only happened in a part of the south of Andalusia, called Granada.

"5,5 millions of North Africans settled in Iberia" killed me, jajajaja :lol: boy, when Muslims were expelled of Spain they were... 325.000 :pound:

The population in Spain in the year 1500 was... 5 millions. So I imagine you got these figures from your brown ass :rolleyes:


https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evoluci%C3%B3n_de_la_poblaci%C3%B3n_espa%C3%B1ola_ en_la_%C3%A9poca_precensal

There were a lot of intermarriages only in your imagination, since Christians and Muslims avoided this due their religion.

And no, there is not Arab dna among the Spaniards.

01-13-2023, 01:53 AM
He looks fucking indian verging on saudi. This thread is cristiano's nightmare. But in all fairness I don't think he's a full spaniard.


01-13-2023, 01:59 AM
https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/325160442_737242120817025_7894853465062221238_n.jp g?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=mqoldh_ikvIAX-p8VRq&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=03_AdSg-Bms-7E0ZFPap0iNDxrTrZ764nHKwxfHXZ_6PQygVA&oe=63E7104A

He did a DNA test and was mainly Spanish with 20% Arab ancestry which is quite common among Spanish. Remember Spain was occupied by the Arabs for 800 years and 5.5 million north Africans settled in Iberia and there was a lot intermarriages.

Canarian perhaps?

Jingle Bell
01-13-2023, 11:31 AM
Yeah true as those roman era samples showed

A great mix of Iberian+NA and East Med or Central Med

some samples from Iberian in Roman Times:


They alr are pretty much as modern iberians but with a bit less steppe (prob bcs they dont have Visigohth and Suebi blood?)

Testing they on my model: (Would be better test on qpAdm but u know, lest test in this model)


They are like modern iberians which sugest 2 thing for us: Majority of Iberian Steppe ancestry comes from Celts and Suebi/Germanics had a low impact on genepool

and as u can see also compared to their ancestors of IA and BA they got a lot more Roman Imperial related ancestry and also more Urnfield related:

IA Iberians:


Which for me means 2 thing: Or a massive imigration of Hallsttat comes to Iberia in LIA or the iberians descends mostly from the West Celts? (Bcs they were prob even more steppe the Celtiberians and other tribes) but they also had some residual NA and Phoenician, so yeah, Moors did a very very minor impact than ppl think (But u know im doing this on g25, in qpAdm it qould be more precise but i still dont know how use that thing XD)

01-13-2023, 12:05 PM
some samples from Iberian in Roman Times:


They alr are pretty much as modern iberians but with a bit less steppe (prob bcs they dont have Visigohth and Suebi blood?)

Testing they on my model: (Would be better test on qpAdm but u know, lest test in this model)


They are like modern iberians which sugest 2 thing for us: Majority of Iberian Steppe ancestry comes from Celts and Suebi/Germanics had a low impact on genepool

and as u can see also compared to their ancestors of IA and BA they got a lot more Roman Imperial related ancestry and also more Urnfield related:

IA Iberians:


Which for me means 2 thing: Or a massive imigration of Hallsttat comes to Iberia in LIA or the iberians descends mostly from the West Celts? (Bcs they were prob even more steppe the Celtiberians and other tribes) but they also had some residual NA and Phoenician, so yeah, Moors did a very very minor impact than ppl think (But u know im doing this on g25, in qpAdm it qould be more precise but i still dont know how use that thing XD)

It is what people ignore but we know, Rome continued to live despite the Muslim imposition, the Visigoths ruled almost 200 years, but they had also adopted almost all of what was left of Rome, so the Muslim period was a skirmish, the native substratum from Tartessos, Rome, Visigoths did not manage to erase it because they were 800 years of wars, nothing can take root and establish itself in a scenario of constant wars for 800 years, for that it is necessary to live in peace and there was none. If it were the other way around, we would say so, but since we do not feel it, we cannot say so.

01-13-2023, 01:38 PM
20%???, Arab genetics is non-existent fucking ignorant

North African impact is irrelevant

The genetic data of 17 Y chromosome short tandem repeats in 146 unrelated donor residents in the provinces of Granada, Málaga, and Almería (GMA) were analyzed to determine the genetic legacy of the male inhabitants of the former Kingdom of Granada. A total of 139 unique haplotypes were identified. Observed allele frequencies and haplogroup frequencies were also analyzed. By AMOVA and STRUCTURE analysis, the populations of the 3 provinces could be treated genetically as a single population. The most frequent haplogroup was R1b1b2 (58.22%). By network analysis of all individuals, we observed a distribution according to haplogroup assignment. To improve the characterization of GMA population, it was compared with those of North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula, and southern Europe. In our analysis of allele frequencies and genetic distances, the GMA population lay within the Spanish population group. Further, in the STRUCTURE analysis, there was no African component in the GMA population, confirming that, based on our genetic markers, the GMA population does not reflect any male genetic influence of the North African people. The presence of African haplogroups in the GMA population is irrelevant when their frequency is compared with those in other European populations.


01-13-2023, 01:42 PM
some samples from Iberian in Roman Times:


They alr are pretty much as modern iberians but with a bit less steppe (prob bcs they dont have Visigohth and Suebi blood?)

Testing they on my model: (Would be better test on qpAdm but u know, lest test in this model)


They are like modern iberians which sugest 2 thing for us: Majority of Iberian Steppe ancestry comes from Celts and Suebi/Germanics had a low impact on genepool

and as u can see also compared to their ancestors of IA and BA they got a lot more Roman Imperial related ancestry and also more Urnfield related:

IA Iberians:


Which for me means 2 thing: Or a massive imigration of Hallsttat comes to Iberia in LIA or the iberians descends mostly from the West Celts? (Bcs they were prob even more steppe the Celtiberians and other tribes) but they also had some residual NA and Phoenician, so yeah, Moors did a very very minor impact than ppl think (But u know im doing this on g25, in qpAdm it qould be more precise but i still dont know how use that thing XD)

i was talking abou those samples from Southeast that were very Outlier like having 25% NA admixture or high Italic

Jingle Bell
01-13-2023, 01:46 PM
i was talking abou those samples from Southeast that were very Outlier like having 25% NA admixture or high Italic

I know, but i just adding some others samples from Roman Era which also alr show Roman and NA admixture

01-13-2023, 01:51 PM
I know, but i just adding some others samples from Roman Era which also alr show Roman and NA admixture

i remember also in MyTrueAncestry.com a sample from Al-Andalus who was labelled as "Alemmanic" a very interesting sample also, but i don't think is in g25 the last time i've seen that sample was around 1 year ago

Cristiano viejo
01-13-2023, 05:43 PM
He looks fucking indian verging on saudi. This thread is cristiano's nightmare. But in all fairness I don't think he's a full spaniard.
How is going to be my nightmare, if that politician is not an ethnic Spanish??

People with Italian surnames are not Spanish, repeat it along me :thumb001:

01-13-2023, 06:19 PM
Descendant of a New Christian, no doubt

01-14-2023, 12:31 AM
How is going to be my nightmare, if that politician is not an ethnic Spanish??

People with Italian surnames are not Spanish, repeat it along me :thumb001:
Well I agree with ya that he is not Spanish. He's that sicilian italian with obvious north african ancestry.

Cristiano viejo
01-14-2023, 10:28 PM
Well I agree with ya that he is not Spanish. He's that sicilian italian with obvious north african ancestry.

Alvise is not a Sicilian surname afaik.

01-14-2023, 10:32 PM
Alvise is not a Sicilian surname afaik.
Like I said he can be sicilian and passes as that. You see, unlike you, i don't mind brownies being labeled italian.

Cristiano viejo
01-14-2023, 10:43 PM
Like I said he can be sicilian and passes as that. You see, unlike you, i don't mind brownies being labeled italian.

Because they indeed are.

Not my fault that a Gypsy comes here, posts a man with an Italian surname and claims he is Spanish :picard1:

Marshall Theodore
01-14-2023, 11:00 PM
Regarding this thread, i have only two hypothesis:

1 - Mortimer is a troll

2 - Mortimer is extremely mentally ill

01-14-2023, 11:26 PM
Regarding this thread, i have only two hypothesis:

1 - Mortimer is a troll

2 - Mortimer is extremely mentally ill

As Mortimer said himself, he wants to provoke a nightmare to CV posting exotic spaniards, like half of the forum.

CV is the best public relations ever :thumb001:, you only have to see the amount of attention spaniards get.

Cristiano viejo
01-14-2023, 11:31 PM
As Mortimer said himself, he wants to provoke a nightmare to CV posting exotic spaniards, like half of the forum.

He maybe would do... if he really posted Spaniards, not people with Italian surnames :rolleyes:

All what the Gypsy wants is posting exotic Europeans to think he looks European after all.

01-14-2023, 11:42 PM
He maybe would do... if he really posted Spaniards, not people with Italian surnames :rolleyes:

All what the Gypsy wants is posting exotic Europeans to think he looks European after all.

Don't know what the guy is, but my very first impression was that he was saharaui. For the skin tone and facial features, maybe with some spanish input. Well, Perez is spanish.

Cristiano viejo
01-14-2023, 11:46 PM
Don't know what the guy is, but my very first impression was that he was saharaui. For the skin tone and facial features, maybe with some spanish input. Well, Perez is spanish.

His name is Luis Alvise Pérez. Alvise is an Italian surname.

The Gypsy is so Gypsy que ni escribirlo bien pudo.

Marshall Theodore
01-15-2023, 02:56 AM
some samples from Iberian in Roman Times:


They alr are pretty much as modern iberians but with a bit less steppe (prob bcs they dont have Visigohth and Suebi blood?)

Testing they on my model: (Would be better test on qpAdm but u know, lest test in this model)


They are like modern iberians which sugest 2 thing for us: Majority of Iberian Steppe ancestry comes from Celts and Suebi/Germanics had a low impact on genepool

and as u can see also compared to their ancestors of IA and BA they got a lot more Roman Imperial related ancestry and also more Urnfield related:

IA Iberians:


Which for me means 2 thing: Or a massive imigration of Hallsttat comes to Iberia in LIA or the iberians descends mostly from the West Celts? (Bcs they were prob even more steppe the Celtiberians and other tribes) but they also had some residual NA and Phoenician, so yeah, Moors did a very very minor impact than ppl think (But u know im doing this on g25, in qpAdm it qould be more precise but i still dont know how use that thing XD)

Interesting, even tartessians had NA admix

Jingle Bell
01-15-2023, 03:34 AM
Interesting, even tartessians had NA admix

a lot of BA iberians had some residual NA >3%, they traded a lot with NA so its normal, Tartessians and Iberians also got Greek-Roman-Punic bcs the trades over mediterran, unlike the Celtiberians and Hispano-Celts which werent coastal so havent any early contat with Phoenicians and Greco-Romans from traders embarcations and thing like that

01-15-2023, 06:07 AM
He maybe would do... if he really posted Spaniards, not people with Italian surnames :rolleyes:

All what the Gypsy wants is posting exotic Europeans to think he looks European after all.

What would I gain if people on TA think I look European but then I turn off the computer and Im a foreigner again whenever I go outside? I know that I do not look "European or White" at least not for Austrian standards, and Im a foreigner. Maybe there are some people who pretend to be something on the internet which they are not, but i see nothing to gain from it, or I would not told you Im a Gypsy and go under my real name, and who i really am etc. I could be anonymous and pretend that Im English/German etc. like Fractal did.

01-15-2023, 06:08 AM
To be honest I think the guy is an extreme outlier, and that Spaniards do not look like him, he maybe has more northafrican ancestry then average, but he did a genetic test and was not a gypsy, italian or puerto rican though.

01-15-2023, 06:10 AM

Marshall Theodore
01-15-2023, 09:52 AM
To be honest I think the guy is an extreme outlier, and that Spaniards do not look like him, he maybe has more northafrican ancestry then average, but he did a genetic test and was not a gypsy, italian or puerto rican though.

He doesnt looks like outlier nor have above than average NA (How much above the average? 30%????) but literally mixed-race, your post is worthless.

Marshall Theodore
01-15-2023, 09:54 AM

As always, you and other browns have fetish on posting the same atypical/outlier individuals to pass them as average or justify your own browness and exoticism, what else to expect from a gypsy who thinks is white?

Post something useful!

Cristiano viejo
01-15-2023, 09:56 AM
He has a peculiar look that’s not typical for any ethnicity. Probably mixed.

He is ethnic Spanish. His surname is Italian.

01-15-2023, 10:18 AM
Celto Iberian;)

Marshall Theodore
01-15-2023, 10:18 AM
Celto Iberian;)

Pure autism

Cristiano viejo
01-15-2023, 10:32 AM
Pure autism

Mongolism, in other words.

01-15-2023, 10:33 AM
As always, you and other browns have fetish on posting the same atypical/outlier individuals to pass them as average or justify your own browness and exoticism, what else to expect from a gypsy who thinks is white?

Post something useful!

I just said that they are not average, and i never said i think im white. I know im not white.

Cristiano viejo
01-15-2023, 10:50 AM
Fucking liar. His real name is Luis Perez Fernandez. Alvise is a nickname.

His name could be LLuis Pèrez Montoliú, same than his nickname could be The Catalan... but no, his surname is Alvise :)

01-15-2023, 10:56 AM
Pure autism
well, he is the purest Celtic Iberian:cool:

01-15-2023, 11:55 AM
He is a dark Irish type. You jelous?

Lol,you are 100% a sock acc

Marshall Theodore
01-15-2023, 12:31 PM
well, he is the purest Celtic Iberian:cool:

And Santa Claus exists