View Full Version : Are Americans the new Jews?

01-13-2023, 07:49 PM
That seems to be the case. Americans from USA seem to be the latest spacegoat.

Whenever there's something wrong in the world (or something that's seen as wrong), many people think there are Americans/Anglos/Anglo-Saxons behind it.

Low birthrate? It's fault of Americans.
Multiculturalism and immigration to Europe? It is also fault of Americans.
Racism? Invented by Americans.
Gays? Created by Americans.
War in Ukraine? Started by Americans (or "Anglo-Saxons").
In short: everything is run by Americans, everything wrong is influenced by them.

When I go to reddit, there are tons of people trying to virtue signal and farm karma points by saying USA is a horribly racist place with horrible people who have horrible personalities. You'd think USA is some sort of hell on earth if you trusted redditors. Despite that huge amount of people of all kinds willingly migrate to USA every year.

01-13-2023, 08:01 PM
No really. The problem is that their nation is kidnapped by Jews (who control the media, the big corporations, have great influence on the politics, Academia, etc), and the deep state instead of seeking the well being of the general American population, only go for the interests of elites (with high presence of Jews). And they are even declared enemies of the common American population, and more particularly of the mainstream white majority, who they want to undermine getting them replaced (open borders), disarm them, turn blacks and other minorities against them, and so on.

01-13-2023, 08:07 PM
Ironically people who think "USA is ruining the world" will simpathize with Russia which is a poorer/weaker version of USA that opposes gay rights.

01-13-2023, 10:30 PM

Reddit is full of liberals with the majority of its base being Wog and non-White (not the first time you're taking the word of Redditors (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?359227-Is-USA-a-bad-place-to-live&p=7427795&viewfull=1#post7427795)). They want someone to blame for their own misery (White success breeds jealousy). The easy option is to blame the Americans (although there was a study done by Yale I believe that concluded that there is almost no relationship between what the citizens of the United States want and the actions taken by those in power). They have a tendency to attribute government actions to the people living under the direct tyranny of those governments. It's easier and more comfortable to blame one country for all of the world's ills, and America is simply being used as the hammer of the global elite just like Great Britain before it. They will pander to those those share this hate, so whenever a liberal European Redditor posts or comments something anti-American, no matter how wrong it is, it will be praised and reinforced by the retarded upvote system used over there. Western European right wingers on the other hand hate their own governments and defend Russian aggression in Ukraine, and blame America for the war, even if you thought your own government was shit this type of mentality is traitorous. Personally, I'd pick America over Russia or Europe 1000 times out of 1000.


01-13-2023, 10:56 PM
Jews subverted us. It's still Jews, although to Redditors that's wrongthink.

01-13-2023, 11:27 PM
It comes with the territory of being the global hegemon, rightly or wrongly (usually wrongly). But I don't believe the spacegoating (sic) of America is as widespread as you say IRL, and it's not comparable with Jews. It's politically correct and almost encouraged to blame America(ns) for everything, whereas it's politically incorrect and almost illegal to blame Jews for anything.


01-13-2023, 11:57 PM
That seems to be the case. Americans from USA seem to be the latest spacegoat.

Whenever there's something wrong in the world (or something that's seen as wrong), many people think there are Americans/Anglos/Anglo-Saxons behind it.

Low birthrate? It's fault of Americans.
Multiculturalism and immigration to Europe? It is also fault of Americans.
Racism? Invented by Americans.
Gays? Created by Americans.
War in Ukraine? Started by Americans (or "Anglo-Saxons").
In short: everything is run by Americans, everything wrong is influenced by them.

When I go to reddit, there are tons of people trying to virtue signal and farm karma points by saying USA is a horribly racist place with horrible people who have horrible personalities. You'd think USA is some sort of hell on earth if you trusted redditors. Despite that huge amount of people of all kinds willingly migrate to USA every year.

People have been blaming the English/British Empire/Anglo-Americans/WASPs since the idea first struck them. Better not let it bother you because it's not going to end, whether we win or whether we lose.

Tooting Carmen
01-14-2023, 02:35 AM
Anti-Americanism brings out the worst from both Left and Right. Left-wing anti-Americanism is more along the lines of "US is the embodiment of racism, capitalism and greed", whereas right-wing anti-Americanism is more along the lines of "American culture is crass, vulgar and immoral". While of course the US is certainly not above criticism, and it is true it is in many ways an outlier in the Western world (for good and for ill) - its religiosity, high levels of poverty and inequality, extremely high incarceration rate, usage of the death penalty, permissive laws regarding guns, expensive healthcare - nevertheless the demonisation of it can go too far at times. In fact, various studies from across Europe show that anti-Americanism is the one prejudice (or one of the few, at any rate) that actually increases the further up the social scale you go. In other words, it is largely snobs from both ends of the political spectrum that often look down on it, whereas the European masses if anything think of it as a land of fun and opportunity.

Tooting Carmen
01-14-2023, 02:52 AM
Re the death penalty issue: here is one example where a commitment to universal human rights conflicts with a commitment to national sovereignty and democracy IMHO. On the one hand, I oppose the death penalty because (1) what happens if the person executed turns out to be innocent? and (2) in any case, it is a very dangerous and easily-abused power for the State to have. However, at the same time I respect the right of sovereign democracies such as the US and Japan to retain it, if they so wish. (Unlike Amnesty International, which automatically blacklists any country that maintains the death penalty as "retentionist").

01-14-2023, 08:59 AM
Are Americans the new Jews?

That seems to be the case. Americans from USA seem to be the latest spacegoat.

Whenever there's something wrong in the world (or something that's seen as wrong), many people think there are Americans/Anglos/Anglo-Saxons behind it.

Low birthrate? It's fault of Americans.
Multiculturalism and immigration to Europe? It is also fault of Americans.
Racism? Invented by Americans.
Gays? Created by Americans.
War in Ukraine? Started by Americans (or "Anglo-Saxons").
In short: everything is run by Americans, everything wrong is influenced by them.

When I go to reddit, there are tons of people trying to virtue signal and farm karma points by saying USA is a horribly racist place with horrible people who have horrible personalities. You'd think USA is some sort of hell on earth if you trusted redditors. Despite that huge amount of people of all kinds willingly migrate to USA every year.

What you describe seems somewhat natural to me after the US are doubtless pretty influencive in the world and do also pursue their interests.

The main difference with Jews is that Jews are/were considered more a generally alien, closed and intransparent society, that amongst others also has genuinely evil intents towards non-Jews. All these imaginations are not applied to the US.

Because of that I'd answer your question with "no".

Atlantic Reptilian
01-14-2023, 09:27 AM
It's because some Europeans are envious of the US and/or want to imitate it, because of its large economy, civil rights and military power. Or they want the opposite of the enlightenment.

01-14-2023, 02:16 PM
Europeans are envious of the US and/or want to imitate it, because of its civil rights

We're jealous of being told "stop being so White", we've been discovered.

Cristiano viejo
01-15-2023, 12:14 AM
Ironically people who think "USA is ruining the world" will simpathize with Russia which is a poorer/weaker version of USA that opposes gay rights.Where is the irony??

01-20-2023, 04:31 PM
Not all, but most are.

01-20-2023, 05:11 PM
No really. The problem is that their nation is kidnapped by Jews

Jews subverted us.
Prove it.

01-20-2023, 05:55 PM
Ironically people who think "USA is ruining the world" will simpathize with Russia which is a poorer/weaker version of USA that opposes gay rights.

Indeed, the post-Perestroika Russia was in many ways modeled after USA and probably even by direct "recommendations" from there. Like most of the world was. Still the two countries have too big core differences to call one a version of another. But in last years the globalization does accelerate.

Daco Celtic
01-20-2023, 06:00 PM
We have a huge George Soros mural in our neighborhood. Very common in America today.

01-20-2023, 06:01 PM
If things go the way they do now, I doubt Americans will ever reach the level of Jews just because their state doesn't seem to last so long. And without America there aren't Americans either.

01-20-2023, 07:05 PM
Prove it.

If you look at who's disproportionately represented in media, academia, politics, finance, large corporations and Hollywood, you'll see a lot of "God's chosen people." And they all push for mass migration, sexual deviance, socialism, big government and gun control. There might not be some secret cabal (although there probably is, look at Epstein) Jews have damaged American culture to what looks like beyond repair. Not all of them, but many of them are snakes in the grass.

01-20-2023, 07:06 PM
We have a huge George Soros mural in our neighborhood. Very common in America today.

Is this for real? Jesus christ.

01-20-2023, 07:17 PM
If you look at who's disproportionately represented in media, academia, politics, finance, large corporations and Hollywood, you'll see a lot of "God's chosen people." And they all push for mass migration, sexual deviance, socialism, big government and gun control.
I was somewhat surprised to find in the first year of the plandemic that almost all of the public persons of this tribe voiced the misantropic propaganda the globalists push. IIRC only one or two of them voiced the sane ideas.

Daco Celtic
01-20-2023, 07:20 PM
Is this for real? Jesus christ.

I live in a college town so he is a sex symbol to many women. All the sorority girls lust after Soros.

01-20-2023, 07:21 PM
I was somewhat surprised to find in the first year of the plandemic that almost all of the public persons of this tribe voiced the misantropic propaganda the globalists push. IIRC only one or two of them voiced the sane ideas.

And then they wonder why so many people hate them. I want them to dissappear. Many others do too.

01-20-2023, 07:22 PM
I live in a college town so he is a sex symbol to many women. All the sorority girls lust after Soros.

Is this for real or is this a joke? Nothing surprises me anymore.

Daco Celtic
01-20-2023, 07:28 PM
Is this for real or is this a joke? Nothing surprises me anymore.

Joke :)

01-20-2023, 07:37 PM
That seems to be the case. Americans from USA seem to be the latest spacegoat.

Whenever there's something wrong in the world (or something that's seen as wrong), many people think there are Americans/Anglos/Anglo-Saxons behind it.

Low birthrate? It's fault of Americans.
Multiculturalism and immigration to Europe? It is also fault of Americans.
Racism? Invented by Americans.
Gays? Created by Americans.
War in Ukraine? Started by Americans (or "Anglo-Saxons").
In short: everything is run by Americans, everything wrong is influenced by them.

When I go to reddit, there are tons of people trying to virtue signal and farm karma points by saying USA is a horribly racist place with horrible people who have horrible personalities. You'd think USA is some sort of hell on earth if you trusted redditors. Despite that huge amount of people of all kinds willingly migrate to USA every year.

America,since its foundation,is jewish.

01-20-2023, 07:54 PM
And then they wonder why so many people hate them. I want them to dissappear. Many others do too.
Indeed this idea easily comes to mind but if we ask ourselves what would be next after such a disappearing, what would be the answer? Wouldn't their places be occupied by others who match them? I mean we'd rather have a society that rejects filth no matter what tribe it comes from.

01-20-2023, 07:57 PM
Indeed this idea easily comes to mind but if we ask ourselves what would be next after such a disappearing, what would be the answer? Wouldn't their places be occupied by others who match them? I mean we'd rather have a society that rejects filth no matter what tribe it comes from.

Admittedly a lot of filth comes from regular gentiles too. But Jewish influence is just cancer. Gentiles that are in bed with Jews should just dissappear too.

01-20-2023, 07:58 PM
America,since its foundation,is jewish.

That's simply just not true. Sure, there were a few Jews ever since America's inception, but then a sewage flood of Jews came in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They should have fucking stayed home.

01-20-2023, 08:11 PM
That's simply just not true. Sure, there were a few Jews ever since America's inception, but then a sewage flood of Jews came in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They should have fucking stayed home.

Hm,i dont think so,america is jewish exactly because of the English,their colonizers,and the English are the most kikefied europeans of all europe.

Atlantic Reptilian
01-21-2023, 10:23 AM
I was somewhat surprised to find in the first year of the plandemic that almost all of the public persons of this tribe voiced the misantropic propaganda the globalists push. IIRC only one or two of them voiced the sane ideas.

Another reason for why fear is an irrational emotion.

Some people who study/work in the natural sciences follow the agenda because they think it's the logical conclusion, but in reality it's similar to cult worshiping behavior. So as long as the mentality is there, we will continue having these situations were they think they are above all other people.

But only a person who doesn't follow logic would believe in things that aren't proven. :noidea:

01-21-2023, 05:47 PM
Another reason for why fear is an irrational emotion.

Some people who study/work in the natural sciences follow the agenda because they think it's the logical conclusion, but in reality it's similar to cult worshiping behavior. So as long as the mentality is there, we will continue having these situations were they think they are above all other people.

But only a person who doesn't follow logic would believe in things that aren't proven. :noidea:

Fear is actually,quite logical.

04-15-2023, 12:13 PM
it is true it is in many ways an outlier in the Western world (for good and for ill) - its religiosity, high levels of poverty and inequality, extremely high incarceration rate, usage of the death penalty, permissive laws regarding guns, expensive healthcare.

And you highlight how delusional and entrenched anti-Americanism is because you immediately embark on a list of lies about the US, that are easy to dispel with a simple Google search.

1) The US does not have “high rates of poverty”, Europe does - the US is the highest performing country on income and wealth metrics judging by the aggregate of data (from disposable income to average wage to GDP) - there is no defense for believing otherwise, because it’s been this way for over 100 years.

“Inequality” isn’t worth mentioning because it was a metric invented by socialist Europeans bitter about superior American wealth. Measuring the gap between two income classes doesn’t hide the fact that those income classes are wealthier than their European counterparts.

2) Ergo, healthcare isn’t expensive. The vast majority of Americans have insurance plans or their healthcare costs covered.

3) Why are you pretending religiosity is a bad thing, one, two, no, it’s not particularly religious - it’s about as adherently christian as Canada, and it’s most religious population, like in the rest of the west, is it’s ethnic minority groups.

The rest (incarceration rate, death penalty…) are not negative outliers.

04-15-2023, 12:22 PM
well i have noticed way more delicatessens opening up

04-15-2023, 12:29 PM
I would say yes. I think people are missing the point: the problem is less that people lash out against the American establishment, the problem is that there is clearly a lot of personal, bigoted anti-American bias entrenched in media - and, notably, epidemiology. A lot of propaganda has been manipulated into statistics in an attempt to dehumanize Americans and render them inferior beings in the minds of the globe (as if “Americans” were one easily generalizable race or ethnicity of people) - “obesity” rates, infant mortality/life expectancy, health in general - there’s a lot of people misrepresenting epidemiological data, including the WHO, just to push an anti-American narrative out of resentment of the American population advantage (these people are mad about everything from the American dominance of entertainment-media to the Olympic medal table). European intelligence seeks the tarnishing of American soft power, sex appeal, and cultural esteem through non-stop propaganda about how Americans are physically degenerate, in the same way they propagandized against Jews in the early 20th century. Americans have mostly bought into this and now accept abuse, because they think they’re an inferior group of people and feel very bad about their own nationality.

You see a tiny bit of the same bigotry against British people, but against no nationality has bigotry been as institutionalized, formalized, legitimized as it has against Americans. People just believe anything bad about American people, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary.

04-15-2023, 12:33 PM
Americans are the new Jews in the sense that it is Weimar 2.0 with a largely Jewish hostile elite that replaced the traditional WASP ruling class. However, the elites don't want you to know it is Weimar 2.0.

04-15-2023, 12:38 PM
And you highlight how delusional and entrenched anti-Americanism is because you immediately embark on a list of lies about the US, that are easy to dispel with a simple Google search.

1) The US does not have “high rates of poverty”, Europe does - the US is the highest performing country on income and wealth metrics judging by the aggregate of data (from disposable income to average wage to GDP) - there is no defense for believing otherwise, because it’s been this way for over 100 years.

“Inequality” isn’t worth mentioning because it was a metric invented by socialist Europeans bitter about superior American wealth. Measuring the gap between two income classes doesn’t hide the fact that those income classes are wealthier than their European counterparts.

2) Ergo, healthcare isn’t expensive. The vast majority of Americans have insurance plans or their healthcare costs covered.

3) Why are you pretending religiosity is a bad thing, one, two, no, it’s not particularly religious - it’s about as adherently christian as Canada, and it’s most religious population, like in the rest of the west, is it’s ethnic minority groups.

The rest (incarceration rate, death penalty…) are not negative outliers.

America is more corrupt than Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands , the rest of Scandinavia and even the UK so Americans of those ethnic backgrounds and those Euros can look down on America and places like New York are uber corrupt.

04-15-2023, 12:40 PM
America is more corrupt than Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands , the rest of Scandinavia and even the UK so Americans of those ethnc backgrounds and those Euros can look down on America and places like New York are uber corrupt.

No, all of those places are indistinguishably as corrupt - the US is just actually scrutinized and none of those countries are

04-15-2023, 12:52 PM
No, all of those places are indistinguishably as corrupt - the US is just actually scrutinized and none of those countries are

No, just because most Americans know almost nothing about the rest of the world does not make that true that is called projection. America is about as corrupt as France but guess what ? I am not a bloody frog !

04-15-2023, 12:57 PM
Actually feminist group I use literally say that USA is as misogynistic as middle Eastern countries. Leftist space I use always sort of exaggerate things in America like homophobia misogyny racism transphobia.

Even as a leftist it can be hard sometimes because lot of them want you to always only say yes mam/yes sir even if they're you're friends . You can't have different opinion.
Like I support abortion but I can't say that pro life user are against abortion because they care about kid's not because they hate women . Can't even have little bit different opinion even it we agree on basically everything

Sent from my Redmi Y3 using Tapatalk

04-15-2023, 01:09 PM
Actually feminist group I use literally say that USA is as misogynistic as middle Eastern countries. Leftist space I use always sort of exaggerate things in America like homophobia misogyny racism transphobia.

Even as a leftist it can be hard sometimes because lot of them want you to always only say yes mam/yes sir even if they're you're friends . You can't have different opinion.
Like I support abortion but I can't say that pro life user are against abortion because they care about kid's not because they hate women . Can't even have little bit different opinion even it we agree on basically everything

Sent from my Redmi Y3 using Tapatalk

I am beyond the left/right paradigm but all that LBGQT and transexual stuff is degenerate Weimar Republic 2.0 worthy pioneered by Jewish-German doctor Magnus Hirschfeld.

04-15-2023, 06:00 PM
I am beyond the left/right paradigm but all that LBGQT and transexual stuff is degenerate Weimar Republic 2.0 worthy pioneered by Jewish-German doctor Magnus Hirschfeld.LGBT and transsexual degenerate according to who? Homophobic and transphobic? Lmao

Sent from my Redmi Y3 using Tapatalk

Colonel Frank Grimes
04-15-2023, 06:32 PM
Here is the problem: people are retarded. They have no concept of nuance. Something is either all good or all bad. For example, healthcare is seriously expensive. I pay for my own health insurance, and so I know what I'm fucking talking about. It's a consequence of Obamacare and Medicare causing prices to be jacked up because it's 'free money' (taxpayers). However, the US has a superior standard of care compared to other 1st World nations.

Soft-brain people (some of the people in this thread) think you need to be all on board with whatever the US government is doing, or you're 'playa hatin'.' Humorously these are the same people who think there is a conspiracy to undermine White American demographics, which, if true, can only be done by the US government.

The US government does shitty things, and much of it is against its own people's will, and so there is nothing wrong with pointing out the US government's history of shittiness. Are we going to pretend that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when it didn't? Or that it was an honest mistake? Are we going to pretend the opioid epidemic isn't tied to our time in Afghanistan?

It's stupid to blame the world's problems on the US. It's also stupid to think the US government isn't involved in creating world problems.

04-15-2023, 06:52 PM
Here is the problem: people are retarded. They have no concept of nuance. Something is either all good or all bad. For example, healthcare is seriously expensive. I pay for my own health insurance, and so I know what I'm fucking talking about. It's a consequence of Obamacare and Medicare causing prices to be jacked up because it's 'free money' (taxpayers). However, the US has a superior standard of care compared to other 1st World nations.

Soft-brain people (some of the people in this thread) think you need to be all on board with whatever the US government is doing, or you're 'playa hatin'.' Humorously these are the same people who think there is a conspiracy to undermine White American demographics, which, if true, can only be done by the US government.

The US government does shitty things, and much of it is against its own people's will, and so there is nothing wrong with pointing out the US government's history of shittiness. Are we going to pretend that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when it didn't? Or that it was an honest mistake? Are we going to pretend the opioid epidemic isn't tied to our time in Afghanistan?

It's stupid to blame the world's problems on the US. It's also stupid to think the US government isn't involved in creating world problems.

The NHS works in Britain because Britain is about 80% or more native British. America is about 60% 'white' whatever that is supposed to mean. America is just an economic area with different competing ethnic and racial groups with different often conflicting agendas so it is not a real country (TM). Normally I would not care that much except when you look into getting rid of your citizenship it is not free in the slightest and not that easy it is like being a prisoner for certain poor demographics even if their ancestors did not come to America poor. Between that, the mental health system and the prison system America is like one giant jail.

04-15-2023, 07:03 PM
LGBT and transsexual degenerate according to who? Homophobic and transphobic? Lmao

Sent from my Redmi Y3 using Tapatalk

So, if I let a man frolick in my butthole that is not a bigger serious disease vector than normal heterosexual sex ? Does transexuality happen among our closest animal relatives ? You are divorced from reality It is obviously degenerate and your stance of the 'moral' high ground speaking against racism, homophobia, and transphobia is vacuous as a moral statement because it carries virtually no risk.

Armenian Bishop
04-15-2023, 08:14 PM
For those who don't like the United States, be careful what you wish for, you won't like what the People's Republic of China does in its place.

Armenian Bishop
04-15-2023, 08:17 PM
Here is the problem: people are retarded. They have no concept of nuance. Something is either all good or all bad. For example, healthcare is seriously expensive. I pay for my own health insurance, and so I know what I'm fucking talking about. It's a consequence of Obamacare and Medicare causing prices to be jacked up because it's 'free money' (taxpayers). However, the US has a superior standard of care compared to other 1st World nations.

Soft-brain people (some of the people in this thread) think you need to be all on board with whatever the US government is doing, or you're 'playa hatin'.' Humorously these are the same people who think there is a conspiracy to undermine White American demographics, which, if true, can only be done by the US government.

The US government does shitty things, and much of it is against its own people's will, and so there is nothing wrong with pointing out the US government's history of shittiness. Are we going to pretend that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when it didn't? Or that it was an honest mistake? Are we going to pretend the opioid epidemic isn't tied to our time in Afghanistan?

It's stupid to blame the world's problems on the US. It's also stupid to think the US government isn't involved in creating world problems.

In agreement about this :thumb001:

04-15-2023, 08:26 PM
For those who don't like the United States, be careful what you wish for, you won't like what the People's Republic of China does in its place.

The irony is America is not much different from Cuba and China :



America being a free country was a 19th century WASP phenonemon not a hostile Jewish elite w/ a hostile corrupt incompetent meritocratic elite.

04-15-2023, 10:24 PM
Here is the problem: people are retarded. They have no concept of nuance. Something is either all good or all bad. For example, healthcare is seriously expensive. I pay for my own health insurance, and so I know what I'm fucking talking about. It's a consequence of Obamacare and Medicare causing prices to be jacked up because it's 'free money' (taxpayers). However, the US has a superior standard of care compared to other 1st World nations.

Soft-brain people (some of the people in this thread) think you need to be all on board with whatever the US government is doing, or you're 'playa hatin'.' Humorously these are the same people who think there is a conspiracy to undermine White American demographics, which, if true, can only be done by the US government.

The US government does shitty things, and much of it is against its own people's will, and so there is nothing wrong with pointing out the US government's history of shittiness. Are we going to pretend that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when it didn't? Or that it was an honest mistake? Are we going to pretend the opioid epidemic isn't tied to our time in Afghanistan?

It's stupid to blame the world's problems on the US. It's also stupid to think the US government isn't involved in creating world problems.

Like the destruction of the gas pipeline?

04-15-2023, 10:45 PM
US is run by jews, we all know that. However I don't see US people as an ethnicity or smth. It is an heterogeneous country full of people from everywhere and different opinions towards a lot of things, they easily could be 5 or 6 different countries at least. To be fair we cannot complain about americans themselves.

Colonel Frank Grimes
04-15-2023, 11:23 PM

Reddit is full of liberals with the majority of its base being Wog and non-White (not the first time you're taking the word of Redditors (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?359227-Is-USA-a-bad-place-to-live&p=7427795&viewfull=1#post7427795)). They want someone to blame for their own misery (White success breeds jealousy). The easy option is to blame the Americans (although there was a study done by Yale I believe that concluded that there is almost no relationship between what the citizens of the United States want and the actions taken by those in power). They have a tendency to attribute government actions to the people living under the direct tyranny of those governments. It's easier and more comfortable to blame one country for all of the world's ills, and America is simply being used as the hammer of the global elite just like Great Britain before it. They will pander to those those share this hate, so whenever a liberal European Redditor posts or comments something anti-American, no matter how wrong it is, it will be praised and reinforced by the retarded upvote system used over there. Western European right wingers on the other hand hate their own governments and defend Russian aggression in Ukraine, and blame America for the war, even if you thought your own government was shit this type of mentality is traitorous. Personally, I'd pick America over Russia or Europe 1000 times out of 1000.


Allow Sean to speak on anything (except rambling psychotically about race mixing or wogs) and you always get a jumbled mess.

Sean: "The easy option is to blame the Americans (although there was a study done by Yale I believe that concluded that there is almost no relationship between what the citizens of the United States want and the actions taken by those in power). They have a tendency to attribute government actions to the people living under the direct tyranny of those governments. It's easier and more comfortable to blame one country for all of the world's ills, and America is simply being used as the hammer of the global elite just like Great Britain before it."

Also Sean: "Western European right wingers on the other hand hate their own governments and defend Russian aggression in Ukraine, and blame America for the war, even if you thought your own government was shit this type of mentality is traitorous."

So we should support our governments even if they go against the people's interests or we're traitors. The same guy who complains about wogs being purposefully allowed into Western Europe to change the demographics forever also wants you to support these governments - because they are only nefarious when he feels like it - or you're a traitor.

The rational approach would be to support your people's interests over your own government that isn't acting in its citizen's interests.

But what can be expected from someone who plagiarizes Redditors to appear smart to a bunch of strangers on a forum?

Colonel Frank Grimes
04-15-2023, 11:45 PM
Like the destruction of the gas pipeline?

Yes, it was ordered by the US government. I get the impression people think the Nord Stream pipeline is 100% Russian.

They are majority owned (51 per cent) by Russia, along with German, Dutch and French stakeholders. They were financed by a consortium of companies from Russia, Germany, France, Austria and the Netherlands. It was the first pipeline that bypassed Ukraine and Poland to deliver Russian natural gas directly to West Europe. The project was opposed from the start by the United States,[1][2] who imposed sanctions on companies that were involved in the project.[3] The U.S. sanctions were critized heavily by European leaders as "a serious interference in the internal affairs of Germany and Europe and their sovereignty".[4]

So the US government basically said fuck you to Germany, France, etc.

Personally, I'm a big fan of a foreign nation choosing to take options away from my country by blowing shit up...

04-16-2023, 12:37 AM
US is run by jews, we all know that. However I don't see US people as an ethnicity or smth.

America used to be Anglo-Saxon e.g. Calvin Coolidge passed an immigration restriction law favoring immigration from NorthWestern Europe.

It is an heterogeneous country full of people from everywhere and different opinions towards a lot of things, they easily could be 5 or 6 different countries at least. To be fair we cannot complain about americans themselves.

That is how the Jews like it : heterogenous. The Jews and Irish changed America's demographics with the 1965 Chains Immigration Act. One could make the case everyone in Ameica is merely a visitor except for Englishmen and that is why the Jews hate WASPs :


04-16-2023, 06:54 PM
America used to be Anglo-Saxon e.g. Calvin Coolidge passed an immigration restriction law favoring immigration from NorthWestern Europe.

That is how the Jews like it : heterogenous. The Jews and Irish changed America's demographics with the 1965 Chains Immigration Act. One could make the case everyone in Ameica is merely a visitor except for Englishmen and that is why the Jews hate WASPs :


Since when did Jews and Irish enter the government?

04-20-2023, 09:59 PM
Since when did Jews and Irish enter the government?

There have been Jews and Irish in government since the 19th century.

06-16-2023, 12:53 AM
America is more corrupt than Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands , the rest of Scandinavia and even the UK so Americans of those ethnic backgrounds and those Euros can look down on America and places like New York are uber corrupt.

No, it's not. Get the hell out of my country.