View Full Version : Hard challenge: Classify me.

Edgarius Rex
01-15-2023, 05:36 PM
I have been lurking in this forum for quite some time, trying to learn about human anthropology so that I might classify myself. However I have not been able to, as I suspect I have traits from many different European phenotypes. To help you in your efforts I will do a quick summery of my immediate ancestry.

My fathers side:

My grandad comes from Latvia, his family fled to Sweden when the soviets invaded. He came from a small bourgeois family that might have been mayors in some super tiny town. At most upper middle class. I haven’t seen any pictures of his parents, but he looks as he might be Jewish, curly hair, low set ears and big nose although no Jewish eyes or face. However we do not have any Jewish last name and I have never heard anything about us being Jewish. And to add to counter evidence for Jewish ancestry, the Soviet government was always very favorable to its Jews, and so they would not have to fear anything from the soviets. In fact they were so anti-communist that one part of the family fled all the way to USA because Sweden was too friendly to soviets. I think they may just be alpinids or dinarics with big noses.

My grandma comes from Jämtland a north-western part of Sweden. This province has its own separate phenotype with dark hair, small pigmentation around the eyes, very light eyes, looks quite different from anything else. Pure versions look like crows and have a very noble yet mystical feel to them. My grandma says she might have some sami blood aswell, although I can’t confirm that. Her family were poor hunters, farmers who settled in the northern regions.

My father is then a mix of these, his closest looking phenotype is that of the north atlandid. Very similar to a young Joe Biden. Dark brown hair, slightly wavy and brown eyes.

My mothers side:

My granddad is a pure Swedish phenotype, looks like a Swedish 18th century farmer but with curly hair. I don’t know too much about his family other than that they come from Stockholm.

My grandma had an absent father, who was a drunken sailor. He was apparently of a darker phenotype, I’m guessing some sort of atlandid, due to the T-shaped facial structure both I and my grandmother inherited. He brought with him genetics for very hairy legs, that might be a clue to where he’s from. Her mother was a very fair and Swedish woman, probably pure Hallstatt. Her family was from Kalmar, but she herself was from Stockholm. Grandma looks like a nordic mixed with atlandid, with brown hair and blue eyes.

My mother looks very typically Swedish, long oval face with a pointed nose and blue eyes. Blonde and straight hair.

Me myself am a weird mix of all these. I can’t be precisely categorized as anything, therefore I need your help! A description: Dark blonde hair that shifts in color depending on lighting. Hazel almond shape eyes and tall and slim stature. 76 in cephalic index, 181cm tall and expecting to grow. You should also consider that i have braces, and it effects my lips and sideprofile a little.

Here are some images of me:

01-15-2023, 05:39 PM

01-15-2023, 05:43 PM

01-15-2023, 05:45 PM
Atlanto Med + slight Nordid and Ladogan admixutre

Edgarius Rex
01-15-2023, 05:46 PM
My mother actually looks very similar to the morph of the Subnordid. Mind if you give some reasoning behind this? I dont think I look a lot like it though.

01-15-2023, 05:47 PM
Aisto-Nordid + Hallsttat + a tiny bit of CM

Jingle Bell
01-15-2023, 05:55 PM
Hallsttat leaning Sub-Nordic, residual CM is also visible

Marshall Theodore
01-15-2023, 05:57 PM
Dark-haired Hallstatt Nordid + CM

Edgarius Rex
01-15-2023, 05:57 PM
Thank you for your answer, but what does CM mean?

Marshall Theodore
01-15-2023, 05:57 PM
Thank you for your answer, but what does CM mean?


Edgarius Rex
01-15-2023, 05:59 PM
So what does it mean for me? Do i have cave man ancestors? Also could you explain how its "visible" I want to learn a bit more!

01-15-2023, 06:13 PM
Sub Nordid Hallstatt with indigenous chin.

Edgarius Rex
01-15-2023, 06:19 PM
Sub Nordid Hallstatt with indigenous chin.

What do you mean with indigenous chin? I would appreciate some further explanation

Marshall Theodore
01-15-2023, 06:21 PM
So what does it mean for me

You do have robust traits.

Robust phenotypes like Paleo-Atlantid and Faelid are CM-derived.

Edgarius Rex
01-15-2023, 06:28 PM
Cool! Do you have any sources I could read or look at to learn a bit more? So far I have only looked at pictures I find here and there, a systematic way of learning would help!

01-15-2023, 06:58 PM
Cool! Do you have any sources I could read or look at to learn a bit more? So far I have only looked at pictures I find here and there, a systematic way of learning would help!

you look like a mix of George Harrison with a slight touch of Gary Neville, Kai Havertz and the Gallagher bros.

Edgarius Rex
01-15-2023, 07:08 PM
yeah he looks quite similar to me, I have never noticed that before. Do you have any idea what my Grandfather might be?

01-15-2023, 07:27 PM
Agree with above, you look kinda British in honesty, also pass well in Belgium

Edgarius Rex
01-15-2023, 07:49 PM
Agree with above, you look kinda British in honesty, also pass well in Belgium

If you where to break down my appearance to say what features come from where I would greatly appreciate that

01-15-2023, 11:04 PM
I think you're an Atlantid-Nordid combo with some CM.