View Full Version : Does my cousin have slightly hazelish eyes?

01-16-2023, 03:29 AM
Do you see it or just "brown"... Im not sure, if they are hazelish they are very dark hazel, but i think they are lighter and/or little different then my "black" eyes...

https://i.ibb.co/6t9Qcrg/Dragan2.jpg (https://ibb.co/R6r8GYz)
https://i.ibb.co/ZxSRCX7/Dragan2-Eyes.jpg (https://ibb.co/FzXkt3C)

01-16-2023, 07:29 AM
They're hazel. Anyway you're really obsessed....Why don't you get a hobby and especially lose your weight before worrying about your cousin's eye color :picard1:

01-16-2023, 08:18 AM
They're hazel. Anyway you're really obsessed....Why don't you get a hobby and especially lose your weight before worrying about your cousin's eye color :picard1:

What about you? You and me have the same hobby, being online and talking about looks of people. You could also lose some weight no offense.

01-16-2023, 11:37 PM
They look light brown. Put a jar of Nutella next to his eyes for that hazelnut vibe.

01-17-2023, 12:26 AM
What about you? You and me have the same hobby, being online and talking about looks of people. You could also lose some weight no offense.
Except I don't bring up stupid shit like someone's eye color, which you brought up a couple of times! You're mentally unwell. But someone of your weight will do such things because they're bored. :picard2:

My weight? Try again. It is your whataboutism that keeps you stubbornly obese and in turn unattractive to women. I am a thick woman and my BMI is actually 23, which is below the overweight line. No offense, but you'd be lucky to be with a woman of my size! I find it really pathetic that obese men have ''fat standards'' when it comes to women. You're lucky to even have a woman like a 2013 Adele to be with ya. And even the 2013 adele is too petite for someone of your huge size.


01-17-2023, 01:07 AM
Your cousin Is good looking, and looks more euro too. Is he really your cousin?

01-17-2023, 04:38 AM
Your cousin Is good looking, and looks more euro too. Is he really your cousin?

He is my cousin and he is full gypsy.

His brother and mum

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/26166808_1808073362818545_6141361244797244581_n.jp g?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=qOqW4HtZ158AX9jVbDC&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfBzYhl7l9l5gzMgszItNit7T4NnHR9QlYI2EHdw_t0A TQ&oe=63EDA17B

01-17-2023, 04:43 AM
Except I don't bring up stupid shit like someone's eye color, which you brought up a couple of times! You're mentally unwell. But someone of your weight will do such things because they're bored. :picard2:

My weight? Try again. It is your whataboutism that keeps you stubbornly obese and in turn unattractive to women. I am a thick woman and my BMI is actually 23, which is below the overweight line. No offense, but you'd be lucky to be with a woman of my size! I find it really pathetic that obese men have ''fat standards'' when it comes to women. You're lucky to even have a woman like a 2013 Adele to be with ya. And even the 2013 adele is too petite for someone of your huge size.


I was not sure about his eye colour and thats why I asked, I dont see him often in real life. I forgot. Why is that stupid?

01-19-2023, 06:14 AM
In bright light they look to be "green" thats why i think "dark hazel", in less light maybe brown/dark? when i asked him when we took the picture he said depends on the light they can look brown or green.

https://i.ibb.co/6btrd1R/Dragan.jpg (https://ibb.co/0Z9mwFj)
https://i.ibb.co/4tSFshF/Dragan-Eyes-1.jpg (https://ibb.co/H4PKN5K)