View Full Version : I am gonna write boy love (gay comic)

01-20-2023, 05:30 AM
I am desperate for success and all boy love (gay comic) at least get some fan.
I just don't want to offend anyone and write stereotypical gay character
Premise that I am thinking about writing is about a homophobic tribe where two gay men fall in love with each other and fight against colonists and hide about their relationship because of homophobia. This premise is different you rarely see anyone writing about tribal people.maybe it is gonna be my breakout success. My friend always ask me to draw more good looking male lead for attracting more audience. I am gonna try to draw more good looking gay dude.
Hope this one is gonna be a big success

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01-20-2023, 05:41 AM
I only know Brokeback Mountain

01-20-2023, 05:46 AM
I only know Brokeback Mountain

Mortimer I have another idea for my gay comic.
Ottoman style gay comic. Where gay ottoman prince fall in love with a gay Serbian /Bulgarian/Albanian/Armenian/Greek/romanian /Georgian/ Lebanese /Syrian /north African /Circassian peasant. Most historical gay romance take place in East Asian or west European inspired area.
Which one do you prefer gay ottoman style one or gay tribal one?

01-20-2023, 05:47 AM
Mortimer I have another idea for my gay comic.
Ottoman style gay comic. Where gay ottoman prince fall in love with a gay Serbian /Bulgarian/Albanian/Armenian peasant. Most historical gay romance take place in East Asian or west European inspired area.
Which one do you prefer gay ottoman style one or gay tribal one?

I like both. I support your idea.

01-20-2023, 05:52 AM
Serbian? Are you hinting at Mort? Okay, if so, you're forgiven for nixing him at straight romance.

01-20-2023, 06:04 AM
Serbian? Are you hinting at Mort? Okay, if so, you're forgiven for nixing him at straight romance.
Lmao no ottoman prince sister would be Mortimer love interest. Mortimer would be ottoman prince serbian lover gypsy best friend.
Anyway I am joking I don't have decided if I want to do tribal or ottoman and ethnicity of ottoman prince love interest he could be serb but he could also be Syrian.

01-20-2023, 06:25 AM
Rajputprincess, we should team up to write a romance. I have a idea, partly stolen from NSDX60... Im a Gypsy in 1930s Hungary, Blondie is a Hungarian nazi girl and rich, she can save me from concentration camp... BUT she wants a "deal"... I have to serve her sexually, but Im a honest and married man married to a gypsy woman (you, i guess you look the part) and i have two kids, i object, Blondie uses black magick, to seduce me, she does magick infront of the black sun, and aryan swastika, but my wife (you) have stronger white gypsy magick and break her nazi spells, in the end Blondie makes me send to concentration camp, and my family. In 1942 I die in a gas chamber.

01-20-2023, 06:29 AM
Rajputprincess, we should team up to write a romance. I have a idea, partly stolen from NSDX60... Im a Gypsy in 1930s Hungary, Blondie is a Hungarian nazi girl and rich, she can save me from concentration camp... BUT she wants a "deal"... I have to serve her sexually, but Im a honest and married man married to a gypsy woman (you, i guess you look the part) and i have two kids, i object, Blondie uses black magick, to seduce me, she does magick infront of the black sun, and aryan swastika, but my wife (you) have stronger white gypsy magick and break her nazi spells, in the end Blondie makes me send to concentration camp, and my family. In 1942 I die in a gas chamber.

Mortimer I don't date. You do you and i have decided that I want to write gay romance

01-20-2023, 06:34 AM
Mortimer I don't date. You do you and i have decided that I want to write gay romance

Why dont you date? You mean you dont date because your father will arrange a marriage or you mean you dont date because you are a asexual or bisexual or some crazy snowflake? Are you even "real" are you really a 20 year old rajput-indian girl? Do you live in india or in diaspora? What is wrong with you?

01-20-2023, 06:38 AM
Why dont you date? You mean you dont date because your father will arrange a marriage or you mean you dont date because you are a asexual or bisexual or some crazy snowflake? Are you even "real" are you really a 20 year old rajput-indian girl? Do you live in india or in diaspora? What is wrong with you?

Because I am asexual lmao anyway Mort if you want me to write a character based on you then I would think about it if I did ottoman prince story you can be his Serbian lover gypsy friend and even have romance with prince sister

01-20-2023, 06:41 AM
Because I am asexual lmao anyway Mort if you want me to write a character based on you then I would think about it if I did ottoman prince story you can be his Serbian lover gypsy friend and even have romance with prince sister

You changed from bisexual to asexual. But whatever floats your boat. Are you really a rajput-indian girl? Are you really that girl? Ok thanks, if you want to write about me all power to you.

01-20-2023, 06:43 AM
You changed from bisexual to asexual. But whatever floats your boat. Are you really a rajput-indian girl? Are you really that girl? Ok thanks, if you want to write about me all power to you.

I was confused about my sexuality. You can think that someone is good looking and cool. after dating some people I have decided that I am actually asexual and dating is not for me

01-20-2023, 06:45 AM
I was confused about my sexuality. You can think that someone is good looking and cool. after dating some people I have decided that I am actually asexual and dating is not for me

You were confused because of all the evil in this world, i think you just think it is more liberal and sjw etc. to be lgbtq of some kind, you dont want to be just "straight" so you invent some things. You are actually just "straight" i know that. But you dont want to be "straight"

01-20-2023, 06:57 AM
You were confused because of all the evil in this world, i think you just think it is more liberal and sjw etc. to be lgbtq of some kind, you dont want to be just "straight" so you invent some things. You are actually just "straight" i know that. But you dont want to be "straight"

Mort why are you assuming my sexuality lmao yes I am very liberal but there are many straight liberals. and I used to think that I am bisexual not straight because of all propogenda that make you think that you need to date opposite gender. But after doing dating and exploring world myself I have decided that I am actually asexual and dating is not for me and I find women very attractive. Whenever I go out I always see cute girls and it never happen with guys lmao you can accused me of being lesbian but not straight