View Full Version : Were you ever bullied as a child?

01-20-2023, 06:06 PM
If you were, share any stories you have.

01-20-2023, 06:08 PM
yes, in primary school because i wasn't full mallorquín and most of my spanish family came from Andalusia

01-20-2023, 06:13 PM
In Kindergarten there was this fat Italian kid that bullied me with authority, he always was throwing toy cars etc at windows, called the Kindergarten teacher and told her it was me, and she always believed him, I hated him and the Kindergarten teacher.

Then when we were in elementary school, my mom still invited him to my birthdays as his mom and mine were friends.

And I had this window in my room, you can complete turn to the opposite direction, hard to explain on english.


I made him look out of it, and pulled the window to trap him and he thought he was falling from the roof and screamed, after that he always was scared of me, valuable lesson in life that shaped my character and lust and enjoyment for revenge.

01-20-2023, 06:17 PM
yes, in primary school because i wasn't full mallorquín and most of my spanish family came from Andalusia
What are some things they said to you?

Cristiano viejo
01-20-2023, 06:22 PM
yes, in primary school because i wasn't full mallorquín and most of my spanish family came from Andalusia

Since when Mallorcans bully other Spaniards??

01-20-2023, 06:24 PM
Mother would beat me because I didn't know how to tie my shoelaces or refused to eat/sleep during Kindergarten. Due to this reason I was always afraid when waiting for her to pick me up after Kindergarten.

Another episode I remember was when mother sent me to skiing holidays with notably older children who didn't like me, so during the night they evicted my stuff from hotel room I was sleeping and threw them in the hallway, saying to their headmaster they didn't want me among them.

Also, when I was training swimming as child and my my mother cut my hair almost to zero I came to dressing rooms to change in a swimsuit-I was extremely skinny-one girl asked me weather I was a boy or girl.


01-20-2023, 06:27 PM
What are some things they said to you?

Not directly insults but they treated me as a idiot and mocking with my surnames and thos things casually all these people had catalan surnames obviosly, but when i started high school that didn't happened again

01-20-2023, 06:28 PM
Not directly insults but they treated me as a idiot and mocking with my surnames and thos things casually all these people had catalan surnames obviosly, but when i started high school that didn't happened again

Were there any Germans during your school time in Mallorca? Or are they in separate schools?

01-20-2023, 06:28 PM
We're on an internet anthropology forum, I think everyone was bullied here.

01-20-2023, 06:29 PM
Since when Mallorcans bully other Spaniards??

Nunca les han gustado "els forasters" por que traen problemas sobretodo los andaluces y no solo aqui pasaba tambien en cataluña donde mi padre pasó por lo mismo, ademas de quw mis bisabuelos andaluces que llegaron a mallorca simplemente vinieron en busca de trabajo y respetaron la cultura mallorquina y ya esta pero siempre estan los puñeteros prejuicios

01-20-2023, 06:30 PM
Were there any Germans during your school time in Mallorca? Or are they in separate schools?

Yes some was german or half german or english maybe, they were in the same public school

Cristiano viejo
01-20-2023, 06:37 PM
Nunca les han gustado "els forasters" por que traen problemas sobretodo los andaluces y no solo aqui pasaba tambien en cataluña donde mi padre pasó por lo mismo, ademas de quw mis bisabuelos andaluces que llegaron a mallorca simplemente vinieron en busca de trabajo y respetaron la cultura mallorquina y ya esta pero siempre estan los puñeteros prejuicios

Nunca oí de tales cosas. Ni en Mallorca ni en ningún sitio de España. ¡Pero si la mayoría de mallorquines tienen algún apellido, o varios, no mallorquines! :picard1:

01-20-2023, 06:39 PM
Nunca oí de tales cosas. Ni en Mallorca ni en ningún sitio de España. ¡Pero si la mayoría de mallorquines tienen algún apellido, o varios, no mallorquines! :picard1:

Bueno, sera por que yo iba a una escuela del centro de mallorca una zona muy rural y de pueblo, en palma lo dudo que pase pero en lugares como el centro si, aunque ya no pasa tanto por que ahora ese pueblo empiezan a haber alemanes xd y marroquies tambien y saber que mas

01-20-2023, 06:45 PM
We're on an internet anthropology forum, I think everyone was bullied here.
I don't recall it happening with me honestly. I was always (and still am) fairly quiet and non-confrontational. Most I can think of are hearing terrorist jokes which I only vaguely recall, but they were pretty light-hearted, rarely happened, and not something that I would count as bullying/harassment since I wasn't really bothered by it.

01-20-2023, 06:54 PM
No, I started with martial arts at very young age, so I had that upperhand on most kids around me, I wasn't easily intimidated. Till the 4th grade, I was not one to pick on others but if provocated I would fight and stand my ground easily.
I remember though when moving school in 5th grade, it was a rough area and many kids were older, I had in my class two 15 year olders for example. So the kid seating by my side, older than me a year but much taller, immediately at the first day of school, I don't know if he had problems at home or whatever, started to kick me for no reason, I told him to stop. Next day the same, in the third day he continued. And I thought to myself, I'm not going to take this anymore, I need to beat him up because first he is not going to stop, and second the other ones will see me as weak and will start to take their chances as well. So I got to the courtyard where all the students were, and told him "Let's go now, beat me!" He got all surprised but since he was bigger he started to laugh and was pretty confident, I deflected his attack and punch him some 3 or 4 times in a row, the kid step back, I never forgot the expression on his face a mix of confusion, surprise and fear, I knew I had him there, regardless he charged again I defended and gave him some ninja moves ending kicking him in the head. He was dizzy and I let him, he ran afterwards to the toilet I went after him, when I got there he was in fetal position in the corner "I'm sorry, I'm sorry".
Never picked on me anymore quite the opposite he became my friend, and the message was passed to the rest as well.

01-20-2023, 06:55 PM
Not directly insults but they treated me as a idiot and mocking with my surnames and thos things casually all these people had catalan surnames obviosly, but when i started high school that didn't happened again

Well, then it must have been for having Castilian surnames, not for being of Andalusian origin.

It is strange because if we were talking about the late 60's, the 70's but already of the generation to which you belong, decades of national emigration with Castilian surnames in the Balearic Islands would not be something new or exceptional.

01-20-2023, 07:05 PM
Well, then it must have been for having Castilian surnames, not for being of Andalusian origin.

It is strange because if we were talking about the late 60's, the 70's but already of the generation to which you belong, decades of national emigration with Castilian surnames in the Balearic Islands would not be something new or exceptional.

Bueno en mi colegio no hubo problemas con gente que venia de castilla o madrid pero con andaluces si :picard1: además adivina con quienes se llevaban mejor? con los immigrantes del norte o centro de europa que habia en mi pueblo literalmente habian casi 10 checos por lo menos :picard2: habia otro chaval con padres andaluces con una situación parecida a la mia tambíen

01-20-2023, 07:10 PM
Yes. I was fat as a child and suffered acne in my teenage years up until age 25 (when I was put on strong medication).

I thankfully had hard men relatives of reputation who saved me from getting the beatings of my lifetime.

01-20-2023, 07:12 PM
Bueno en mi colegio no hubo problemas con gente que venia de castilla o madrid pero con andaluces si :picard1: además adivina con quienes se llevaban mejor? con los immigrantes del norte o centro de europa que habia en mi pueblo literalmente habian casi 10 checos por lo menos :picard2: habia otro chaval con padres andaluces con una situación parecida a la mia tambíen

Un familiar me comentó que fue a trabajar a su Hospital una chica de Mallorca nativa y que después de un tiempo ella misma decía que no podía regresar a Mallorca por el carácter cerrado que tienen, que no podía soportarlos ya cuando volvía a casa por Navidad e.t.c. y que de Andalucía ya no la movía nadie, se quedaba aquí para siempre jamás. Es posible que tuvieran un carácter muy cerrado en esas Islas, pues que se enteren que los andaluces sacamos Deep Dive de Mallorca y Menorca, así que más les vale...

Por eso y otras cosas no supero la escena de Margarida en la serie Mallorca Files, bueno y el resto de escenas.

Cristiano viejo
01-20-2023, 07:14 PM
Well, then it must have been for having Castilian surnames, not for being of Andalusian origin.

It is strange because if we were talking about the late 60's, the 70's but already of the generation to which you belong, decades of national emigration with Castilian surnames in the Balearic Islands would not be something new or exceptional.
And since when people with Castilian surnames (ie the very vast majority of the Spanish population) have been bullied for this reason????

I remember in the school we received at the half of the year a kid who was Catalan, although he was adopted and I already dont remember if his adoptive parents were Catalans (I doubt since his surnames were not) or he was from Catalonia himself. The case is that we called him The Catalan, but never bullied him for this.

Only one time I remember we were playing at table football in the recreativos, games saloon or whatever its name in English, he had paid the game (5 pesetas, I remember perfectly the prize of those games)... and at the middle of the game his mother came to search him. Then he left the table game, said goodbye to us and went with his mother. We continued playing... and immediately he returned, without saying a single word took all the balls that remained and introduced it in the football goal and definitely went :lightbul: we looked each other not believing what he had done :lol: the very much stingy did not allow we played with his money :lol:

So if any, he bullied us :lol:

Since then we called him stingy, which made sense since he was Catalan :laugh:

01-20-2023, 07:20 PM
Un familiar me comentó que fue a trabajar a su Hospital una chica de Mallorca nativa y que después de un tiempo ella misma decía que no podía regresar a Mallorca por el carácter cerrado que tienen, que no podía soportarlos ya cuando volvía a casa por Navidad e.t.c. y que de Andalucía ya no la movía nadie, se quedaba aquí para siempre jamás. Es posible que tuvieran un carácter muy cerrado en esas Islas, pues que se enteren que los andaluces sacamos Deep Dive de Mallorca y Menorca, así que más les vale...

Por eso y otras cosas no supero la escena de Margarida en la serie Mallorca Files, bueno y el resto de escenas.

Eso dejo de ser común hace bastante tiempo pero en pueblos del centro que son zonas muy rurales aun hay gente que no le gusta nada "els forasters" ahora hay un monton de gente que viene de andalucia, pais vasco, Gran bretaña etc...

01-20-2023, 07:38 PM
In Kindergarten there was this fat Italian kid that bullied me with authority, he always was throwing toy cars etc at windows, called the Kindergarten teacher and told her it was me, and she always believed him, I hated him and the Kindergarten teacher.

Then when we were in elementary school, my mom still invited him to my birthdays as his mom and mine were friends.

And I had this window in my room, you can complete turn to the opposite direction, hard to explain on english.


I made him look out of it, and pulled the window to trap him and he thought he was falling from the roof and screamed, after that he always was scared of me, valuable lesson in life that shaped my character and lust and enjoyment for revenge.

We're on an internet anthropology forum, I think everyone was bullied here.
I'm laughing out loud.

01-20-2023, 07:58 PM
No, never.

01-20-2023, 08:05 PM
I wasn't really bullied (except by this one asshole who I thought was a friend) but I was a social reject. I mainly kept to myself throughout high school, I was the quiet kid that did his own thing.

01-20-2023, 08:14 PM
Yes, a couple of times and then i bullied back.

I also bullied myself other kids a couple of times without being previously provoked but i don't
consider myself a bully by nature the cases where i did it i felt regret afterwards
and the idea to bully other kids i didn't have at the beginning but i took it from some older
kids watching them bullying and after tried it myself because i thought it was funny but when i did
it made me feel bad after because i become conscious and realized how the other person must feel
in this situation this made me stop it finally.

01-20-2023, 08:17 PM
Until my early teens, I had a "friend" who divided himself into nice moments and retarded showings of arrogance and narcisism against me. He bragged like a barking dog about how much better he was than me the entire time, and he was the reason I gave up on football for some years as a kid, something that I repent a lot. But at the same time him and his family were the ones to call me back. Only at like 15-16 years old I discovered that he was like that because his mother is a bastard daughter of my maternal grandfather. Now even though I feel bad for the damage of that toxic friendship, I understand why the guy was like that and don't have much resentment. He was an asshole, especially so with me and now is dealing with the consequences of such. But he is a pretty bright and skillful type who can find himself if he wants.

Other than that, I was overweight for a while, and my long hair made a lot of people make fun of me too. I was not a bully as a kid, but as a teenager I regret some disrespectful stuff I did with classmates.

01-20-2023, 08:37 PM
no, once I was friendly with a serbian victim who I have defended against his harrassers
he invented a rumor about me and with 2 others they tried to piss me off I couldn't believe my eyes he acted completely different usually
all alone I put a beating to the three, they were running everywhere
after this asshole acted nice he even tried to be friend with his harassers

01-20-2023, 08:42 PM
No, I started with martial arts at very young age, so I had that upperhand on most kids around me, I wasn't easily intimidated. Till the 4th grade, I was not one to pick on others but if provocated I would fight and stand my ground easily.
I remember though when moving school in 5th grade, it was a rough area and many kids were older, I had in my class two 15 year olders for example. So the kid seating by my side, older than me a year but much taller, immediately at the first day of school, I don't know if he had problems at home or whatever, started to kick me for no reason, I told him to stop. Next day the same, in the third day he continued. And I thought to myself, I'm not going to take this anymore, I need to beat him up because first he is not going to stop, and second the other ones will see me as weak and will start to take their chances as well. So I got to the courtyard where all the students were, and told him "Let's go now, beat me!" He got all surprised but since he was bigger he started to laugh and was pretty confident, I deflected his attack and punch him some 3 or 4 times in a row, the kid step back, I never forgot the expression on his face a mix of confusion, surprise and fear, I knew I had him there, regardless he charged again I defended and gave him some ninja moves ending kicking him in the head. He was dizzy and I let him, he ran afterwards to the toilet I went after him, when I got there he was in fetal position in the corner "I'm sorry, I'm sorry".
Never picked on me anymore quite the opposite he became my friend, and the message was passed to the rest as well.

Something quite similar happened to me as a kid. Of course I wasn't trained on martial arts and the final outcome was quite different lol

01-20-2023, 08:46 PM
A couple of times in middle school because I was really shy but it all changed once I got to high school.

01-20-2023, 08:51 PM
Bullied, not really. I just made a lot of trouble for myself in middle school for constantly trying to start arguments with other students, I probably was seen as a bully myself by some people. I mostly calmed down by high school and most people were pretty nice to me then. I don't think it matters that much, not everyone will like you in life. It's normal and fun to have those rivalries as a kid, and I made sure to never pick on anyone who was shy or lonely or worse off than others.

01-20-2023, 08:59 PM
A couple of times in middle school because I was really shy but it all changed once I got to high school.

Me too. From 7th grade to kindergarten I was very shy and bullied as well but my tempt changed once I was like In 8th grade and I was that guy people preferred avoiding me lol.

There's was this Anglo kid who said a joke In a dark humor manner and after lunch as he was getting out of the cafeteria I punched him very hard on the back of the head.

I was expelled and taken to the school district Court lol he's parents tried everything for pressing charges on me but I had people who went and speak up for me so everything was dropped

But yeah lol

01-20-2023, 09:18 PM
I was bullied for being the brownest kid in elementary and middle school. Of course I eventually started standing up for myself. I wasn't bullied in high school, at most I just known as the long haired guy who did his own thing

01-20-2023, 09:24 PM
I was bullied for being the brownest kid in elementary and middle school. Of course I eventually started standing up for myself. I wasn't bullied in high school, at most I just known as the long haired guy who did his own thing

That's kinda retarded tbh, I did eventually put several Anglo kids on their place.

01-20-2023, 09:32 PM
Grade 6 and 7. I got physical with the bullies twice (fistfight) I lost cause I was 5'6 and couldn't curl a 15 pound weight, and my bully was this 5'11 athlete (he practiced Muay Thai). So considering there was no other option I told on them to the principal and that was the end of that pretty much. (Got into boxing so I could beat him up if they didn't stop but they stopped)

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
01-20-2023, 09:37 PM
This concept of bullying, did not exist in Portugal when I grew up or at least I do not recall it, perhaps at the end of high school at most. No, I'm not that old, but for some of you what was normal in some of my country's schools in the 90's maybe was not in some of your countries since the 70's. Of course looking in retrospect I can now analyze whether what I experienced was bullying or not. I would say that I never suffered from bullying at school. What did happened was that I was teased sometimes and I teased others sometimes too. It's part of life and it's kids being kids. Bullying to me has to be something systematic, persistent, violent or traumatic. So with that in mind, I would say that I have never experienced bullying or had any traumatic experience or would call myself a victim of bullying. The teachers at my primary school had iron and wooden rulers to beat the students if they misbehaved, hair pulling or slapping students in the face was socially accepted and no parent would do a scandal out of it as nowadays and yet what scared me the most was being sent to the school director office (who wouldn't ever beat us) but had a roaring deep voice that would get really loud whenever he shouted at us, that was more frightening to me that any ruler :D I also was afraid of having my father shouting at me more than anything.

01-20-2023, 09:45 PM
Me too. From 7th grade to kindergarten I was very shy and bullied as well but my tempt changed once I was like In 8th grade and I was that guy people preferred avoiding me lol.

There's was this Anglo kid who said a joke In a dark humor manner and after lunch as he was getting out of the cafeteria I punched him very hard on the back of the head.

I was expelled and taken to the school district Court lol he's parents tried everything for pressing charges on me but I had people who went and speak up for me so everything was dropped

But yeah lol

Aw I’m sorry to hear that.
Bullying is never fun. It sounds like you had enough and turned physical.

I was bullied for being quiet but also for being a goody-two shoes. Haha.
I was labeled a “know-it-all” but I was just kinda nerdy growing up.
High-school was different for me but that’s because I changed myself to fit in.
I kinda do that now but I’m getting tired of it lol

01-20-2023, 09:52 PM
Aw I’m sorry to hear that.
Bullying is never fun. It sounds like you had enough and turned physical.

I was bullied for being quiet but also for being a goody-two shoes. Haha.
I was labeled a “know-it-all” but I was just kinda nerdy growing up.
High-school was different for me but that’s because I changed myself to fit in.
I kinda do that now but I’m getting tired of it lol

lol, I'm glad I can control my impulses and actions now. But when I was teen ager of boy.... Ive been In jail before I mean Juvenile jail lol for other things like vandalism and shit.

01-20-2023, 10:03 PM
Last week I threw someone into a locker and smashed there head and a few days ago I threw a kids backpack out the window

01-20-2023, 10:07 PM
Grade 6 and 7. I got physical with the bullies twice (fistfight) I lost cause I was 5'6 and couldn't curl a 15 pound weight, and my bully was this 5'11 athlete (he practiced Muay Thai). So considering there was no other option I told on them to the principal and that was the end of that pretty much. (Got into boxing so I could beat him up if they didn't stop but they stopped)

where in Canada?

01-20-2023, 10:22 PM
Yes, I was bullied every day at school from second grade to 9th grade. What was really terrible about it was that I'd be bullied all day at school, and then go home and get bullied more, by my brothers, step-dad, and mother. For a couple years my older brother ( he is not blood related, my mother adopted him) went to the same school as me, and he'd find me at recess and beat me up behind the bathrooms with his friends. I was always covered in bruises. It amazes me that CPS was never called.

01-20-2023, 10:36 PM
I suffered a lot of bullying in primary school and first years of high school back in Venezuela.

Bullies in Venezuela are very cruel, and I don't desire it to anybody. No even to my worst enemies.

01-20-2023, 10:43 PM
This concept of bullying, did not exist in Portugal when I grew up or at least I do not recall it, perhaps at the end of high school at most. No, I'm not that old, but for some of you what was normal in some of my country's schools in the 90's maybe was not in some of your countries since the 70's. Of course looking in retrospect I can now analyze whether what I experienced was bullying or not. I would say that I never suffered from bullying at school. What did happened was that I was teased sometimes and I teased others sometimes too. It's part of life and it's kids being kids. Bullying to me has to be something systematic, persistent, violent or traumatic. So with that in mind, I would say that I have never experienced bullying or had any traumatic experience or would call myself a victim of bullying. The teachers at my primary school had iron and wooden rulers to beat the students if they misbehaved, hair pulling or slapping students in the face was socially accepted and no parent would do a scandal out of it as nowadays and yet what scared me the most was being sent to the school director office (who wouldn't ever beat us) but had a roaring deep voice that would get really loud whenever he shouted at us, that was more frightening to me that any ruler :D I also was afraid of having my father shouting at me more than anything.

Yup. I'd say romance countries were the healthiest about this. Here, it was mostly pranks but nothing really mean or even physical (not that much). If by any chance someone got too extreme all the other classmates would tell him to stop or the biggest guy would step in.

01-20-2023, 10:46 PM
Some of my earliest school memories are me telling my mother that some boy hit me and she would just say "hit him back".

I only encountered 1 real bully when I was about 11. For some reason he took a dislike to me. One day I met him after school and punched him in the face and that was that. I was a bit introverted but athletic and good at sports so I never had any trouble after that but there wasn't really any bullying in my school.

It was a very politically incorrect time compared to nowadays and there wasnt much sympathy for people with victim mentalities. If my mother went to the school complaining would it have helped me? Not at all. We can see the results now of promoting victimhood.

01-20-2023, 10:50 PM
No, not that I remember. I also never witnessed anyone else being bullied. This is not a common phenomenon over here I guess. People do make fun of each other but it's not really meant to be offensive.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
01-20-2023, 10:54 PM
Yup. I'd say romance countries were the healthiest about this. Here, it was mostly pranks but nothing really mean or even physical (not that much). If by any chance someone got too extreme all the other classmates would tell him to stop or the biggest guy would step in.

Physical violence between students was a rare occurrence (at least in my school) but that might also be because it was a school with stricter teachers. Most fights would also be overcome and after sometime people would get along with one another again. At least among young boys. The worst fight I ever saw at school was actually between two girls, over some crush they had. Girls can be vicious :D

01-20-2023, 11:00 PM
No, not really. I knew bullies and now and again, I put myself offside with them. But generally, after a few words, it ended.

When we played rugby for PE, I always made sure they were on the opposite team and I targeted them specifically. They knew what the deal was.

Marshall Theodore
01-20-2023, 11:00 PM

I was the Bully.

01-20-2023, 11:01 PM
Yup. I'd say romance countries were the healthiest about this. Here, it was mostly pranks but nothing really mean or even physical (not that much). If by any chance someone got too extreme all the other classmates would tell him to stop or the biggest guy would step in.

There was really mean stuff in here as well, at least in my city. The thing is, there wasn't a name for it and was somewhat discarded as "normal", part of the process of kids growing up. When in primary school professors would beat students if they misbehave with a wooden stick in the head or with a wooden ruler in the palm of your hands, and was relatively accepted. But I do know of kids at the time that had to change school due to constant beating and humiliations perpetuated by other students.

01-20-2023, 11:03 PM

I was the Bully.


01-20-2023, 11:04 PM
I'm jealous of everyone who posts that they never experienced or witnessed bullying. That's awesome! The worst bullying I witnessed was a boy in 5th grade who had cerebral palsy and was wheelchair bound. He was pushed into the middle of the street after school (multiple times) and the bullies would put the wheelchair locking mechanism on. It was sad. I'd run over to help him, but luckily all the cars would stop, and adults would help him. They'd also tip him out of his wheelchair. :(

Another instance was a group of kids on their way home from school. I watched them many times take a dog with a shock collar/invisible fence and purposely shock the dog, by carrying them past the line. The dog would cry, and they would laugh. It made me sick and my blood boil. One day I mustered up the courage to say something. They just laughed at me. My friend and I, though, knocked on the owners door, nobody answered, but we left them a note about their dog being abused.

I have too many examples. I hated people for the longest time. I still do, though I'm not supposed to. Hate the sin, love the sinner...

01-20-2023, 11:07 PM
Nothing of note. People were nearly always nice to me; consequently I'm nearly always nice to others, and never bullied anyone. I was lucky to grow up in a friendly, smallish community (homogenous) with good people. I believe that in any good community, those who get bullied are probably bringing it on themselves to some extent. I had one friend who was bullied, but that's because he's a bit of a weirdo who likes to be transgressive for the sake of it (wearing dresses etc).

01-20-2023, 11:08 PM
I'm jealous of everyone who posts that they never experienced or witnessed bullying. That's awesome! The worst bullying I witnessed was a boy in 5th grade who had cerebral palsy and was wheelchair bound. He was pushed into the middle of the street after school (multiple times) and the bullies would put the wheelchair locking mechanism on. It was sad. I'd run over to help him, but luckily all the cars would stop, and adults would help him. They'd also tip him out of his wheelchair. :(

Another instance was a group of kids on their way home from school. I watched them many times take a dog with a shock collar/invisible fence and purposely shock the dog, by carrying them past the line. The dog would cry, and they would laugh. It made me sick and my blood boil. One day I mustered up the courage to say something. They just laughed at me. My friend and I, though, knocked on the owners door, nobody answered, but we left them a note about their dog being abused.

I have too many examples. I hated people for the longest time. I still do, though I'm not supposed to. Hate the sin, love the sinner...

This makes me sick to my stomach. I would’ve killed someone if they did that to my child.
That’s the very reason why I stayed home with my son..
I could never trust anyone else to properly care for him and people can be so cruel. :(

01-20-2023, 11:20 PM
This makes me sick to my stomach. I would’ve killed someone if they did that to my child.
That’s the very reason why I stayed home with my son..
I could never trust anyone else to properly care for him and people can be so cruel. :(

It was so awful :(
You are a smart mama for staying home with him. I wouldn't trust others with my kids either.

01-20-2023, 11:31 PM
Some of my coaches and teachers were bullies, which was even worse than students. I had a chip on my shoulder, that was the size of a mountain, for a while. There was a bright side, though. It taught me to not trust authority figures, and *that* greatly improved my life (cough, Fauci, cough).

01-20-2023, 11:39 PM
Another instance was a group of kids on their way home from school. I watched them many times take a dog with a shock collar/invisible fence and purposely shock the dog, by carrying them past the line. The dog would cry, and they would laugh. It made me sick and my blood boil. One day I mustered up the courage to say something. They just laughed at me. My friend and I, though, knocked on the owners door, nobody answered, but we left them a note about their dog being abused.

I encountered an act of animal cruelty that put my life at risk. It's so OTT that I can't post it here, but the dog abusers were kids like me, and the threats and the torturing were demonic!

01-20-2023, 11:42 PM
Yes, it occured mainly in the 7th and 8th school class. I'd say it had no particular reason, but this: Many boys became bullies at that age and in tendency everyone bullied everyone. But as I was socialising with just one individual at a time and not much in groups I regularly faced groups that outnumbered me or me + 1, which encouraged them. I was involved in conflicts and defensive struggles again and again. Sometimes I even attacked. I essentially always managed to defend myself, but experienced all that involvement as laborious and unpleasant. Of course, one learns important things for one's life out of such events and I guess this is the deeper meaning of such a "bullying era" in the development of an individual.

Later I never faced being bullied.

01-20-2023, 11:46 PM
There was really mean stuff in here as well, at least in my city. The thing is, there wasn't a name for it and was somewhat discarded as "normal", part of the process of kids growing up. When in primary school professors would beat students if they misbehave with a wooden stick in the head or with a wooden ruler in the palm of your hands, and was relatively accepted. But I do know of kids at the time that had to change school due to constant beating and humiliations perpetuated by other students.

lol that was the rule here.

01-20-2023, 11:56 PM
Definitely not in my childhood, but during my puberty yes... I didn't grew up like other kids, at 14 I was only 153cm/34kg teenager, so obviously an easy prey... fortunately for me I grew up smth like 25cm, mainly at 16/17 yo.

Colonel Frank Grimes
01-21-2023, 12:10 AM
Yup. I'd say romance countries were the healthiest about this. Here, it was mostly pranks but nothing really mean or even physical (not that much). If by any chance someone got too extreme all the other classmates would tell him to stop or the biggest guy would step in.

American youth culture is violent. What struck me about visiting family in Spain was I could walk around by myself and other kids would just go about their day, while here in the US there was always someone looking for a fight (always in a group, of course), and on top of that, you're fighting with your friends and I don't mean playful fighting. However, these are not brave kids. If you were walking with your friends, they're minding their business. If you were by yourself getting milk at the deli, then suddenly they have courage and mouth off to you. You might be fighting one, or maybe you'll be fighting all of them.

The only actual bullying I can think of was in 7th grade science class this kid sitting behind me was jabbing me in the back with his pen but not enough to break skin. I was afraid to fight in school because it was a Catholic private school, and if I got in trouble, I'd get my ass kicked at home. My father would have understood but my mother always sent me mixed messages ('Don't let anyone pick on you. Don't you dare get in trouble in school.') She was always (and still is) concerned about what other people will say and if I got kicked out of school for striking another student these people whose opinion she cares about would know and that means my life would be hell at home. Anyway, I punched him in class. The teacher was cool with it. There were no consequences.

01-21-2023, 12:15 AM
Definitely not in my childhood, but during my puberty yes... I didn't grew up like other kids, at 14 I was only 153cm/34kg teenager, so obviously an easy prey... fortunately for me I grew up smth like 25cm, mainly at 16/17 yo.

I was that tiny when I was 12 (not that light, though), and I knocked out a much bigger 16-year-old bully with a brown belt in something. I think that the poor guy required years of therapy for the humiliation.

01-21-2023, 12:21 AM
The only actual bullying I can think of was in 7th grade science class this kid sitting behind me was jabbing me in the back with his pen but not enough to break skin.

I just can't anymore, with this synchronicity. The same exact thing happened to me, but it was a *pin* instead of a *pen*. First, I freak out Ellethwyn with her dad's name and the Greek restaurant coincidences, and now this! Are you a detective who investigated my youth?

01-21-2023, 12:38 AM
I can't be the only one here who was fingered by bullies. I can't be alone

Yikes! I hope that you're talking about a police lineup.

01-21-2023, 12:45 AM
I can't be the only one here who was fingered by bullies. I can't be alone

Yikes! I hope that you're talking about a police lineup.


01-21-2023, 01:02 AM
Wasn't everyone? Either way, yes. Got my first taste of an American public school at age 8 or so. I had a drawl leftover from Denmark that made my speech sound flat and somewhat slurred, so that made ya boy an easy target. Remember a lot of fights between grade school and junior high.

01-21-2023, 01:08 AM
Wasn't everyone? Either way, yes. Got my first taste of an American public school at age 8 or so. I had a drawl leftover from Denmark that made my speech sound flat and somewhat slurred, so that made ya boy an easy target. Remember a lot of fights between grade school and junior high.

What was your record for school fights. I think that mine was 20-2-2, but my most embarrassing moment was when our neighbor's *dog* bullied me FFS.

01-21-2023, 01:32 AM
What was your record for school fights. I think that mine was 20-2-2, but my most embarrassing moment was when our neighbor's *dog* bullied me FFS.

Fucked if I remember, there were like 6 in 3rd grade alone. That's the one I recall most because it was my first year as a fish out of water. Not like Danes were saints either. Giving your child a British sounding name was a right faux pax in Denmark and Norway back in the day.
There used to be slur in good old Norge referring to the spawn of this low class trash: "harry", kinda like how chavs and neds leave a bad taste in people's mouth in Britain, you get the jist, signs of a lower class upbringing. Should have eased by now, I've met more Danish Williams, 'course they were often born after '83, so millennials.

01-21-2023, 01:33 AM
where in Canada?

check DM

01-21-2023, 01:35 AM
Fucked if I remember, there were like 6 in 3rd grade alone. That's the one I recall most because it was my first year as a fish out of water. Not like Danes were saints either. Giving your child a British sounding name was a right faux pax in Denmark and Norway back in the day.
There used to be slur in good old Norge referring to the spawn of this low class trash: "harry", kinda like how chavs and neds leave a bad taste in people's mouth in Britain, you get the jist, signs of a lower class upbringing. Should have eased by now, I've met more Danish Williams, 'course they were often born after '83, so millennials.

It was never about ethnic stuff when I was in school. It was more down to entertainment for bullies and sadists, and some of them were adults who could make you feel like a male version of Carrie (Sissy Spacek).

01-21-2023, 01:44 AM
It was never about ethnic stuff when I was in school. It was more down to entertainment for bullies and sadists, and some of them were adults who could make you feel like a male version of Carrie (Sissy Spacek).

Oh, it was more about that with me too once I got here, just sounded more like their drunk fathers rather than a fellow 8 year old, so they had extra ammo. They were kids and it was the Midwest, the last person that had an accent like mine sitting in that school was most likely a grandparent to a handful of them.

01-21-2023, 03:20 AM
I got fingered, punched in the nuts...nipple twitters. The bullying was completely out of hand.

Well that was pretty common over here, even during uni years lol

01-21-2023, 03:31 AM
From 7th grade to 11th grade, i always dealth with dickheads who tried to pick on me for no reason.

Real reason was because they were jealous i was getting a lot of attention from females.

In 10th grade i switched classes and there was this kid in my class who attempted to bully me from day 1, he didn't even take the time to know me before deciding on to hate me. he was unsuccessful and gave up on it.

People always assumed that i was this popular arrogant prick because of my looks, so there was always the ones who tried to suck up on me, and those who tried to challange me. Reality was completely different though, i was a nerdy kid with nerdy interests.

Edit: Forgot to add, there was this girl in 7th grade (who was my childhood friend) that i bullied unknowingly. I really don't want to get into it because i'm embarrassed about it still today, she eventually cut contact with me and turned into a slut in 8th grade. I still have a short pause when i remember it.

There were also other kids i bullied that i regret today. Even today i find myself accidentally bullying someone, i immediately correct myself when i realize.

01-21-2023, 05:23 AM
Yup. I'd say romance countries were the healthiest about this. Here, it was mostly pranks but nothing really mean or even physical (not that much). If by any chance someone got too extreme all the other classmates would tell him to stop or the biggest guy would step in.

I suffered a lot of bullying in primary school and first years of high school back in Venezuela.

Bullies in Venezuela are very cruel, and I don't desire it to anybody. No even to my worst enemies.

01-21-2023, 05:26 AM
I wasn't really bullied (except by this one asshole who I thought was a friend) but I was a social reject. I mainly kept to myself throughout high school, I was the quiet kid that did his own thing.

I was a bit bullied but yes by the assholes i thought are "friends" or i used to hang around, who were in close proximity to me, not by everyone. And I was also a social reject alot, i kept being a bit isolated from the other kids throughout high school.

01-21-2023, 05:30 AM
No, not that I remember. I also never witnessed anyone else being bullied. This is not a common phenomenon over here I guess. People do make fun of each other but it's not really meant to be offensive.
Pretty much the same experience with me. I did see fights though.

01-21-2023, 05:37 AM
Well, Venezuela has always been the sudamerican country with skyrocketing crime, way above the others (Brazil being the closer) so I'm not surprised if the average venezuelan is way more vicious and cruel than the average sudaca.

01-21-2023, 05:42 AM
No, I was just made fun of.

01-21-2023, 05:45 AM
I was a legend in the 6-10 grades school in a good way, like a Robinhood for the bullied kids, a bit good fighter but not of the bests, also had a friend who was the top fighter--not one of, but literally the topfist of the whole school ground, he is an albino, he lobbied in the heads of the school thug for me not to get ganged up. Bullied? not quite but not in a harmonious vibe with those cretins, pretty much I never changed since then. ;) I was weak during the two last grades of highschool, not into fighting anymore because my teacher got sick of me so I was taken for a sissy boy when I softened myself down, larger boys liked to touch my hands and legs in some way. However I won many fights but people were not afraid of me at all.

01-21-2023, 05:47 AM
This is not a common phenomenon over here I guess. People do make fun of each other but it's not really meant to be offensive.
Unfortunately, it became more common with these younger generations.
At some point (few years ago) Romania was ranking on the 3rd place in Europe on bullying phenomenon.

Personally, I experienced some bullying in school but it never got physical.
In highschool (because my classmates were only girls), I've dealt with what some would consider "toxic femininity": isolation from the group, gossiping, backstabbing, etc.
Is interesting these characteristics continue later in the working environment for some people.

01-21-2023, 05:57 AM
Nunca oí de tales cosas. Ni en Mallorca ni en ningún sitio de España. ¡Pero si la mayoría de mallorquines tienen algún apellido, o varios, no mallorquines! :picard1:

Bueno, sera por que yo iba a una escuela del centro de mallorca una zona muy rural y de pueblo, en palma lo dudo que pase pero en lugares como el centro si, aunque ya no pasa tanto por que ahora ese pueblo empiezan a haber alemanes xd y marroquies tambien y saber que mas

Concuerdo con VikingMallorcaSpain. En el tiempo que vivi en Mallorca, mas las varias veces que he ido de visita, puedo corroborar que en la mayoria del interior profundo de la Isla (exceptuando algun par de pueblos invadidos por extrangeros como Sa Pobla y Deia), la gente Mallorquina rancia son mayoria, y casi todo el mundo habla en Mallorquin (aunque tambien sepan Castellano). En Palma es diferente, es mas cosmopolita, y diria que se habla mas en Castellano que en Mallorquin (y de paso hay montones de peninsulares, gente de Sudamerica, Norafricanos, y todo eso), pero incluso ahi, todavia hay montones de gente con apellidos Mallorquines, y no es inusual escuchar de tanto en tanto a algun par personas hablando Mallorquin entre ellas, y famlias (padre, madre e hijos) que hablan Mallorquin entre ellas.

Yo apostaria (tal vez me equivoco) que Baleares es la region bilingue Española donde mas se a conservado la lengua y cultura locales, y mas gente nativa del lugar se conserva en las partes rurales, e incluso se hacen notar con su presencia, cultura e idioma incluso en las ciudades principales como Palma, Manacor, Inca, Ibiza ciudad, y demas (mas que en Cataluña, Valencia, Pais Vasco y Galicia). Quiero decir que en esas ciudades principales de Baleares, aunque los nativos ya no son tan mayoria dominante como en las areas rurales, aun ahi son bastante abundantes. Quizas todo esto se deba a la posicion insular de las Islas Baleares.

01-21-2023, 06:10 AM
I went from unconscious bully (and racist) to something of a slight victim, by the end of high school.
My hometown was mostly English, with a small percentage of South Asian (for the time, it was quite notable - back in the '80s). It was a factory town, which once serviced an old North Western milling business.

Growing up, I tended to be bigger than the other, few, Bangladeshi/Pakistani/desi kids that were in town and also a good deal fairer and "different looking". I didn't really understand any of this, nor see any value judgements around this, just that "it was so".

I tended to bully a very heavily mongoloid looking Bangladeshi kid. Mostly because he was slow witted and a bit of a thug - even in primary school, the other kids had a "gang", which a friend of mine lead and this kid was his "enforcer". I was never one of the gang, nor did they really bother me, but I didn't like him picking on kids, so I'd pick on him and comment on his "chinky" features - stupid really, as he ended up embracing "black culture".

He got his own back, in the end, as in high school, there were more Bangladeshis from other areas and they had a gang, which he was in, so often he'd seek me out for a pushing/shoving match, which would turn into punches and ... I had no back-up, but I did alright, certainly didn't traumatise or stress me out. I was more preoccupied with girls and computers.

Aside from that, I don't think anyone ever bothered me or bullied me.Unless we're talking girls and their groping/grappling/grabbing and other weirdness...

01-21-2023, 06:15 AM
No, I got along with everyone there was only innocent teasing going on around me. Secondary school/Sixth form especially was a great time. I think the students being quite advanced and mature helped matters. Bullying was seen as immature/low class and bullies were seen as the weirdos.
I do find that those who got bullied severely usually become assholes themselves in adulthood. It’s hard to have sympathy.

01-21-2023, 06:25 AM
No, I got along with everyone there was only innocent teasing going on around me. Secondary school/Sixth form especially was a great time. I think the students being quite advanced and mature helped matters. Bullying was seen as immature/low class and bullies were seen as the weirdos.
I do find that those who got bullied severely usually become assholes themselves in adulthood. It’s hard to have sympathy.

I was severely bullied, and I'm not an ass hole.

I hate bullies though, and I can push back very hard if somebody messes with me. But I'm a nice person most of the time, with most people.

Ellethwyn was severely bullied too. And she seems to be a very nice person.

01-21-2023, 06:41 AM
I was severely bullied, and I'm not an ass hole.

I hate bullies though, and I can push back very hard if somebody messes with me. But I'm a nice person most of the time, with most people.

Ellethwyn was severely bullied too. And she seems to be a very nice person.

Well I’m obviously not referring to you or anybody here (I haven’t read the whole thread) and am sorry for your experiences. It’s just usually when you do meet somebody in real life who is an asshole, and I mean those who makes others life hell, they usually got bullied or experienced some sort of abuse.

01-21-2023, 06:58 AM
I was a bit bullied but yes by the assholes i thought are "friends" or i used to hang around, who were in close proximity to me, not by everyone. And I was also a social reject alot, i kept being a bit isolated from the other kids throughout high school.

Reasons why I was bullied*

A) because im not white but "brown"
B) because i was and i still am fat
C) because i was bad with girls, and was a virgin until 22nd birthday

01-21-2023, 07:36 AM
Never, i was popular in middle school and high school.

In middle school there was an arab kid from Yemen, his name was "zaki" or "zeki" or something like that, he was short with very thin body and glasses, he was bullied by others almost in every day but not in serious way.

Its socking what Ellethwyn said, i feel sorry for her :(

01-21-2023, 12:43 PM
Concuerdo con VikingMallorcaSpain. En el tiempo que vivi en Mallorca, mas las varias veces que he ido de visita, puedo corroborar que en la mayoria del interior profundo de la Isla (exceptuando algun par de pueblos invadidos por extrangeros como Sa Pobla y Deia), la gente Mallorquina rancia son mayoria, y casi todo el mundo habla en Mallorquin (aunque tambien sepan Castellano). En Palma es diferente, es mas cosmopolita, y diria que se habla mas en Castellano que en Mallorquin (y de paso hay montones de peninsulares, gente de Sudamerica, Norafricanos, y todo eso), pero incluso ahi, todavia hay montones de gente con apellidos Mallorquines, y no es inusual escuchar de tanto en tanto a algun par personas hablando Mallorquin entre ellas, y famlias (padre, madre e hijos) que hablan Mallorquin entre ellas.

Yo apostaria (tal vez me equivoco) que Baleares es la region bilingue Española donde mas se a conservado la lengua y cultura locales, y mas gente nativa del lugar se conserva en las partes rurales, e incluso se hacen notar con su presencia, cultura e idioma incluso en las ciudades principales como Palma, Manacor, Inca, Ibiza ciudad, y demas (mas que en Cataluña, Valencia, Pais Vasco y Galicia). Quiero decir que en esas ciudades principales de Baleares, aunque los nativos ya no son tan mayoria dominante como en las areas rurales, aun ahi son bastante abundantes. Quizas todo esto se deba a la posicion insular de las Islas Baleares.

Pues si incluso conoci gente que ni sabian hablar bien el castellano y lo mezclaban con el catalan literalmente no podian hablar el castellano por que apenas lo hablaban aunque ahora la situación de esos pueblos donde habian mas mallorquines "puros" ahora hay un monton de alemanes comprando casas y norte africanos tambien, ademas que hace una semana creo se prohibió que los no residentes de baleares puedan comprar casas, solo alquilarlas

01-21-2023, 02:12 PM
I hated people for the longest time. I still do, though I'm not supposed to. Hate the sin, love the sinner...
Bullying can have repercussions in adulthood that can linger for decades, such as depression, anxiety, inability to trust and so on. So in normal to feel this way regarding humans. In any case, you turned out to be a really nice person. I do hope you will enjoy a great life. :) What advices do you offer to your children, to avoid such situations?

01-21-2023, 04:53 PM
Bullying can have repercussions in adulthood that can linger for decades, such as depression, anxiety, inability to trust and so on.
It can also toughen you up.

01-21-2023, 06:42 PM
It can also toughen you up.
If the trauma is addressed and resolved. But it’s not easy.

01-21-2023, 06:46 PM
If the trauma is addressed and resolved. But it’s not easy.

I think people sometimes just respond to the same situation differently on an individual level. Some get traumatized, some turn into bullies themselves. It just depends on their personality.

01-21-2023, 06:58 PM
I think people sometimes just respond to the same situation differently on an individual level. Some get traumatized, some turn into bullies themselves. It just depends on their personality.
I agree. By the way, would wanting to inflict pain on your bully, makes you technically a bully too?

01-21-2023, 07:03 PM
I agree. By the way, would wanting to inflict pain on your bully, makes you technically a bully too?
No, because you're doing it in self-defense. But if you continue harassing them after that, then yes.

01-21-2023, 07:09 PM
Yes I was bullied a lot :)

01-21-2023, 07:18 PM
I think people sometimes just respond to the same situation differently on an individual level. Some get traumatized, some turn into bullies themselves. It just depends on their personality.
According to this article (https://drgabormate.com/there-is-a-cure-for-bullying/) bullies and the bullied also have another thing in common: disconnection from emotionally relevant adults in their lives

Children who enjoy a healthy relationship with adults do not ostracize others, nor are they objects of ostracization. But why does one peer-oriented child become a bully, another a victim? A perceptive 13-year-old pointed out to me that the difference is based on how successfully a child is able to assimilate the rules and social cues governing peer interaction. The bullies, she said, gave up on adult contact early, but were able to learn the laws of “cool.” The ostracized child is more confused, still looking for love, unable to recognize or accept love’s absence. [...]The ultimate solution is to reverse the large-scale abandonment of our youth to the peer culture and, in every way we can, to rebuild children’s lost relationships with parents, teachers and the other adults in whose hands their future lies.

01-21-2023, 10:23 PM
Well I’m obviously not referring to you or anybody here (I haven’t read the whole thread) and am sorry for your experiences. It’s just usually when you do meet somebody in real life who is an asshole, and I mean those who makes others life hell, they usually got bullied or experienced some sort of abuse.

From my experience, those types were actually the bullies themselves.

I'd say the only exception where yor thesis applies, is with US cops.

01-21-2023, 10:42 PM
No, except for a few things. But I don't know if I should count them as bullying either because it wasn't much serious and I responded to all of them.

01-22-2023, 02:00 AM
Bullying can have repercussions in adulthood that can linger for decades, such as depression, anxiety, inability to trust and so on. So in normal to feel this way regarding humans. In any case, you turned out to be a really nice person. I do hope you will enjoy a great life. :) What advices do you offer to your children, to avoid such situations?

That is true. It's been very difficult for me to trust others, and i've dealt with crippling anxiety, but I have spent years working on it, and I am enjoying life. Thank you:) My husband taught our kids how to stick up for themselves and defend themselves. I taught them at a very young age that if anyone tries to hurt them or threaten them, to tell me or a teacher or counselor at school right away. Thankfully they have not been bullied, other than one time my daughter kept being threatened by a boy in third grade. The threats were very dark and morbid, so i immediately talked to the school counselor who talked with the kid and it was never a problem after that. We also taught them when to just ignore someone. Sometimes that is all you can do.

01-22-2023, 04:58 PM
Yes but I have ASD so I was a natural target.

01-22-2023, 05:13 PM
There were bullying attempts towards me in elementary school, I was one year younger than everyone else, but it turned into exaggerated counteroffensive agression from me. I could hit a person with a wooden stick in his head, it could be piece of brick, I could throw some heavy things at people, once I had a broken hand with a gypsum on it, I received some mocking remarks from a person I disliked, so I broke his nose with my broken hand, it was like 7th or 8th grade, secondary school. When I was like 13 years old I rapidly grew and looked the oldest (like 16-17 years old) and tallest (like 173-4 cm) between the people who were year older than me, so I normally felt superior.

I had some agression periods and did something myself which can be named bullying (there's no justification for it, but I had bad feelings towards these people), I finally tamed my aggression in my 20s.

Colonel Frank Grimes
01-22-2023, 05:55 PM
From my experience, those types were actually the bullies themselves.

I'd say the only exception where yor thesis applies, is with US cops.

Often times - but obviously not always - the bullied has been a bully himself under different circumstances. Someone might be shat on by others but will then pick on someone even further down the pole instead of having empathy.

01-22-2023, 07:11 PM
I was rarely bullied physically because I would stand my ground and then people woulldnt do it again.

I have stood up to people who were around 6 feet or 5'10 when I was like 5'4.

I have been in multiple fights mostly in middle and junior highschool but not so many like regular frequent thing.

I was lucky that I never really got beat up bad because when I stood my ground to people who were bigger than me it could have always happened.

01-23-2023, 03:30 PM
Mother would beat me because I didn't know how to tie my shoelaces or refused to eat/sleep during Kindergarten. Due to this reason I was always afraid when waiting for her to pick me up after Kindergarten.

Another episode I remember was when mother sent me to skiing holidays with notably older children who didn't like me, so during the night they evicted my stuff from hotel room I was sleeping and threw them in the hallway, saying to their headmaster they didn't want me among them.

Also, when I was training swimming as child and my my mother cut my hair almost to zero I came to dressing rooms to change in a swimsuit-I was extremely skinny-one girl asked me weather I was a boy or girl.


what the hell is wrong with your mom. She was nuts. She hit for not knowing how to tie your shoes or because you couldn't sleep?
Like how does she figure you will go to sleep by beating you unless she beats you unconscious? She sounds crazy.
poor feichy. you sound like had a somewhat hard early childhood.

01-24-2023, 11:35 AM
From my experience, those types were actually the bullies themselves.

I'd say the only exception where yor thesis applies, is with US cops.

Most bullies and their victims go on to lead normal lives in adulthood. But it is true that some of those victims develop aggression as a result of that. Wasn't one of the school shooters severely bullied and rejected by girls. I think it does have consequences.
And we are told to be considerate of their past.

01-24-2023, 12:36 PM
I was bullying some other kids. Not too badly, sometimes even ending up being friend with them after a while, or protecting them against other bullies. For some reasons it is often a way boys socialize at that age.

01-24-2023, 01:07 PM
I mentioned coaches and teachers. One coach did a "Carrie" on me, and made me do something really mortifying in front of everybody just for kicks, and a teacher told me that I more or less would suck in all aspects of my life because I did something relatively minor, and it just reared its ugly head after all of these years because I pushed that out of my conscious, but I didn't do any revenge Carrie tricks like in the movie.

01-24-2023, 10:05 PM
In Kindergarten there was this fat Italian kid that bullied me with authority, he always was throwing toy cars etc at windows, called the Kindergarten teacher and told her it was me, and she always believed him, I hated him and the Kindergarten teacher.

Then when we were in elementary school, my mom still invited him to my birthdays as his mom and mine were friends.

And I had this window in my room, you can complete turn to the opposite direction, hard to explain on english.


I made him look out of it, and pulled the window to trap him and he thought he was falling from the roof and screamed, after that he always was scared of me, valuable lesson in life that shaped my character and lust and enjoyment for revenge.

That story was funny so I made an audio version of it.


Colonel Frank Grimes
01-24-2023, 11:39 PM
Bullies are based


01-25-2023, 12:15 AM
Not a bully victim, but I always had low self-esteem and was afraid to speak up for myself which made me vulnerable to bullying. Fortunately enough, I had good relations with everyone.
Nowadays I tend to be more defensive. If someone pushes me, I'll push him back.

01-25-2023, 12:21 AM
Bullies are based

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W---v36LWisGotta admit. That Murica music makes it sound pretty based

05-13-2023, 06:22 PM
There was only one instance, on the first grade, where I was bullied merely for my height. But I literally just fought back and then they knocked it off.

Other than that nothing. The only thing was that I was too distant from others. Merely because I didn't like them. They approached me, and I immediately said no or indirectly made it so that I removed their presence off me. This I do regret, but I'm regaining ground on friendships.

05-13-2023, 08:29 PM
Unfortunately, it became more common with these younger generations.
At some point (few years ago) Romania was ranking on the 3rd place in Europe on bullying phenomenon.

Personally, I experienced some bullying in school but it never got physical.
In highschool (because my classmates were only girls), I've dealt with what some would consider "toxic femininity": isolation from the group, gossiping, backstabbing, etc.
Is interesting these characteristics continue later in the working environment for some people.

Same for me almost all the bullying I endured was toxic femininity and I experienced it multiple times at work as well as an adult.

12-08-2023, 04:15 PM
A few times very early on and towards the end of school, but it was for a very, very short period of time, because I confronted them or my parents or sister did.

Nothing compared to what for example Ellethewyn went through. I feel just sorry for these phenomena. These bullies should normally meet capital punishment, what they're doing is inexcusable to say the very least.

Edit: just saw I commented before here, looool