View Full Version : Bizarro Colonel versus Grace

Colonel Frank Grimes
01-22-2023, 07:04 AM
I think everyone remembers Bizarro Superman.


Whether you thought it was a problem or not you have no control over it. What someone else does is their business.

Is it Grace? Is it not my business? Their decisions will have repercussions on the community. MY community is MY business. If the rest of the community is against it, then why can't we have control over the behavior of a wayward member? Do you have an HOA (Homeowner association)? They can control what you do with your property. If they say you can't paint your home pink, you can't paint your house pink. If a community decides little Jenny is not to be plowed by some Chinaman, then why can't we restrict her behavior or cast her out for not following the rules. The rules are very simple, Grace. No pink houses and no fucking Chinamen.

Now think of this in a larger context: nation. A larger community. You can repaint a house but you can't unfuck a Chinaman. If that Chinaman impregnates Jenny, then that fetus has got to go. We don't want to set a precedent of allowing mongrel children to exist, especially if it's a female. If it's a male, then his mongrel status will make him unlikely to date. He's not a danger, as he'll be at the bottom of the dating pool. The female is the real danger because a female can always find a willing partner. The body of another is always better than one's hand. She will produce more mongrel children, and while, as I said, the males won't be a danger to the community, if she has girls they will spread the genes throughout the community. It really is a double whammy: you have awkward, low-class inferior men having children, and these children carry the poison (inferior genes) that, over generations, will affect the community at large.

The community is now royally fucked. Think about it, Grace. Do you think the child of a Chinaman and Jenny will play the bagpipes with the same soul? Nay, his heart is in manufacturing cheap goods for international consumption. What about their grandchild and great-grandchild? They will always carry the taint, and like a pebble that strikes the water, there will be a rippling effect across generations.

How dare you, Grace... Shame... Shame...

If it is allowed in the law and people are adults and everything is consensual why would you poke your nose into someone else's business?

The rational thing to do would be to create laws banning interracial mixing. People always make the wrong choices. I know this for a fact. I tell all my dates they have to fuck me because I'm a White man, and because they're irrational, they say no. These women have no regard for the community.

I think it would be terrible to live in a society that was overly controlling. There are still places like that in the world.

What's terrible is a Chinaman fucking Jenny. You're clearly subversive and need to get your mind right.

Grace O'Malley
01-22-2023, 07:08 AM
I think everyone remembers Bizarro Superman.


Is it Grace? Is it not my business? Their decisions will have repercussions on the community. MY community is MY business. If the rest of the community is against it, then why can't we have control over the behavior of a wayward member? Do you have an HOA (Homeowner association)? They can control what you do with your property. If they say you can't paint your home pink, you can't paint your house pink. If a community decides little Jenny is not to be plowed by some Chinaman, then why can't we restrict her behavior or cast her out for not following the rules. The rules are very simple, Grace. No pink houses and no fucking Chinamen.

Now think of this in a larger context: nation. A larger community. You can repaint a house but you can't unfuck a Chinaman. If that Chinaman impregnates Jenny, then that fetus has got to go. We don't want to set a precedent of allowing mongrel children to exist, especially if it's a female. If it's a male, then his mongrel status will make him unlikely to date. He's not a danger, as he'll be at the bottom of the dating pool. The female is the real danger because a female can always find a willing partner. The body of another is always better than one's hand. She will produce more mongrel children, and while, as I said, the males won't be a danger to the community, if she has girls they will spread the genes throughout the community. It really is a double whammy: you have awkward, low-class inferior men having children, and these children carry the poison (inferior genes) that, over generations, will affect the community at large.

The community is now royally fucked. Think about it, Grace. Do you think the child of a Chinaman and Jenny will play the bagpipes with the same soul? Nay, his heart is in manufacturing cheap goods for international consumption. What about their grandchild and great-grandchild? They will always carry the taint, and like a pebble that strikes the water, there will be a rippling effect across generations.

How dare you, Grace... Shame... Shame...

The rational thing to do would be to create laws banning interracial mixing. People always make the wrong choices. I know this for a fact. I tell all my dates they have to fuck me because I'm a White man, and because they're irrational, they say no. These women have no regard for the community.

What's terrible is a Chinaman fucking Jenny. You're clearly subversive and need to get your mind right.

You're a character Frank. Don't change. :)