View Full Version : What did you hate and like about the Nazis?

11-22-2011, 09:34 AM
I disliked the nazis attitude towards homos and disabled people. I also disliked their expansionist attitude. Mostly I hate the way they got to power on bullying and thuggery.

What I liked about them was the honesty. Rights for the working man and rights for women to be women. Their no nonsense approach to the economy(which unfortunately brought the world down on them in war).And of course the racial hygiene.

And the uniforms, art etc of course.

Joe McCarthy
11-22-2011, 09:57 AM
The good:

A methodical racial science
Relatively conservative social values

The bad:

An idiotic and conspiratorial form of anti-Semitism
Mass murderers
Eugenics policies that were far too extreme
Far too authoritarian political structure
Militarily aggressive; catastrophically so
A socialist movement, which means they had the usual baggage of envying others
Crazy economics philosophy which sought resources through force and land grabs in Europe rather than trade

11-22-2011, 10:00 AM
i hate the nazis that they went to war on there white brothers and sisters and vice versa, they shuld just killed the jews, and better there economy and way of life, and helped ther fellow europeans to see the jew threat

11-22-2011, 10:12 AM
The only thing I don't like about them is that they killed so many people. They just had to force them to leave Europe. The nazis shouldn't have been so radical.

Motörhead Remember Me
11-24-2011, 11:36 AM
i hate the nazis that they went to war on there white brothers and sisters and vice versa, they shuld just killed the jews, and better there economy and way of life, and helped ther fellow europeans to see the jew threat

That's rubbish. White brothers and sisters have been at war with each other for millennias. I'd never consider Russians as brothers and sisters, not as long as they are oppressing and ethnically cleansing European minorities and cultures.

11-25-2011, 10:20 AM
That's rubbish. White brothers and sisters have been at war with each other for millennias. I'd never consider Russians as brothers and sisters, not as long as they are oppressing and ethnically cleansing European minorities and cultures.

well those are your thoughts and no country is perfect but europeans must learn that United we stand, divided we fall, i belive in a unified europe, with out the muslim population.

Der Steinadler
11-25-2011, 10:26 AM
the thing i didn't like about them is that they never had a contingency for the backstabbers in Britain, America and France.

other than that, spot on.

11-25-2011, 10:20 PM
I like about Nazis: nationalism, racism, militarism, expansionism, idealism.

Padre Organtino
12-11-2011, 11:42 AM
That's rubbish. White brothers and sisters have been at war with each other for millennias. I'd never consider Russians as brothers and sisters, not as long as they are oppressing and ethnically cleansing European minorities and cultures.

Which European minorities do you exactly mean?

12-11-2011, 11:49 AM
What I liked was the return of Germanic Paganism, Germanic symbols, and the will to preserve Germanic culture.

What I do not like is dictatorships and mass murder.:P

12-13-2011, 11:22 AM
That's rubbish. White brothers and sisters have been at war with each other for millennias. I'd never consider Russians as brothers and sisters, not as long as they are oppressing and ethnically cleansing European minorities and cultures.
If I did't know that you are a local idiot, I would have argued with you. But it's useless. :( The minorities oppressed by evil russians are exist only in your sick imagination.

12-13-2011, 11:23 AM
Like: their sense of style

Hate: everything else

The Ripper
12-13-2011, 11:31 AM

Social policies
Detachment Kuhlmey.


Extreme racial discrimination
Their racial "science" and hierarchy

12-13-2011, 11:36 AM
What I liked was the return of Germanic Paganism, Germanic symbols, and the will to preserve Germanic culture.

What I do not like is dictatorships and mass murder.:P

Yep. This is about the size of it:)

Some of them were even hot. LOL!

12-13-2011, 11:37 AM
Like: their sense of style

Hate: everything else

Yep. Spot on, Hev, as per usual:)

12-13-2011, 11:38 AM
Like: A sense of unity within their people
Hate: The price that unity extracted upon the rest of the world:(

12-13-2011, 11:42 AM
They were rather unique to their time and place in history. For their time and place, they were the best thing by a long shot, and most of the negatives attributed to them are in fact the responsibility of those who opposed them, but their ideology doesn't translate well to modern situations-similar to, say, the medieval feudal system.

The Ripper
12-13-2011, 12:00 PM
They were rather unique to their time and place in history

Well in some ways yes, but they're still part of a general political trend that emerged in all of Europe during the interbellum years.

Der Steinadler
12-13-2011, 12:00 PM
for anyone who knows their history, they will agree that the NationalSocialists fought the Thermopylae of the 20th century.

the west owes them, and owes them big time.

The Ripper
12-13-2011, 12:01 PM
for anyone who knows their history, they will agree that the NationalSocialists fought the Thermopylae of the 20th century.

the west owes them, and owes them big time.

For what do we owe them?

Der Steinadler
12-13-2011, 12:03 PM
For what do we owe them?

your lives.

The Ripper
12-13-2011, 12:09 PM
your lives.


Der Steinadler
12-13-2011, 12:13 PM

well, if it wasn't for Adolf, Western Europe would of been subsumed into the USSR, and global communism.

the NS stopped international 'socialism' for half a century, and gave the west a chance to regroup.

it was literally the thermopalae of the 20the century.

The Ripper
12-13-2011, 12:14 PM
well, if it wasn't for Adolf, Western Europe would of been subsumed into the USSR, and global communism.

the NS stopped international 'socialism' for half a century, and gave the west a chance to regroup.

it was literally the thermopalae of the 20the century.

I don't agree.

12-13-2011, 12:14 PM
the west owes them, and owes them big time.

I owe them nothing.

12-13-2011, 03:11 PM
I dislike many things and deeds of the Nazis and Nazism but I can't hate them as I can't hate my family, and large parts of my family were part of the Nazi system and had positions here and there, not only as soldiers.

Of course I'm aware of the lots of disadvantages and also of the few advantages. Not everything was bad and evil!

12-13-2011, 03:16 PM
Supported Christianity
Racially Realistic
A genious economic system
Supported Greater Hungary (unfortunately only to a certain extent)
Didn't support Greater Hungary enough

The good side of Nazism far overshadows the bad side.
Nazism is good, case closed.
Heil Hitler, Adolf the Great!

Stars Down To Earth
12-13-2011, 03:38 PM
Cool uniforms
Racial laws
European sense of idealism
"Volksgemeinschaft" ideas
Social values

"Lebensraum" plans
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

the NS stopped international 'socialism' for half a century, and gave the west a chance to regroup. It was literally the thermopalae of the 20the century.
Well, that's a bit too simplistic. Just look what happened in Ukraine. I mean, the Ukrainians were starving under the Soviet communist tyranny, and actually cheered on the Nazis as liberators - until it become obvious that the Nazis were more evil than the communists. So aye, I agree that the Nazis did many good things, but it wasn't all sunshine and heroism.

12-13-2011, 03:50 PM
I owe them nothing.

Me either. They are a black mark on the annals of history I wish I could forget...not to mention a shitload of other people...

Der Steinadler
12-13-2011, 05:00 PM
Me either. They are a black mark on the annals of history I wish I could forget...not to mention a shitload of other people...

what you know about history, I could fit on the back of a postage stamp.

12-13-2011, 05:04 PM
what you know about history, I could fit on the back of a postage stamp.

*Dud* Try again. :rolleyes:

Der Steinadler
12-13-2011, 05:07 PM
Me either. They are a black mark on the annals of history I wish I could forget...not to mention a shitload of other people...

explain why they're 'a black mark on the annals of history' ?

in your answer, reference these 'annals'.

12-14-2011, 04:21 AM
What I hate about the Nazis: in a phrase, their Social Darwinism - using distorted evolutionary theories, they confused reality with justifiability. Racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, anti-semitism, anti-JWism [not that i'm a JW]), killing off the disabled, and in general their maniacal contempt for weakness. Confusing short-term success with long-term national sustainability (and throwing out the baby with the bathwater in doing so - as though the people they got rid of were bathwater to begin with!)

What I like about them: Nothing that any half-way competent political party would have achieved anyway. Granted it would have taken a longer time, but it would have done so much more peacefully and sustainably. FDR put young men to work too (my grandfather was in the Civilian Conservation Corps).

The only reason totalitarians zeroed out unemployment was because the leaders demanded their pet projects be completed no matter what the human costs.

Hitler - for rearmament and logistics construction, for his project to turn Eastern Europe into "Greater Germany"

Stalin - drafted political prisoners and practically slave labor to build dams, factories, etc.

In the end Communism certainly wasn't sustainable, and Naziism probably wouldn't be either, even had they won the war (driving out or suppressing dissidents, and generally abusing your own people's civil liberties is a great way to stagnate your economy. It happened to France once Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes).

12-14-2011, 04:22 AM
Like: Architectural/Design Style. City planning apart from the whole tearing down half of Berlin thing.

Dislike: Terrible military decisions, bombing England and generally being a twat about things

The Journeyman
12-14-2011, 04:36 AM
What I liked: Order (lack of crime), structure, sense of community and comradery, a respect for culture and the classical arts, respect for nature, long-term strategies for a sustainable atmosphere for the volk.

What I disliked: Lack of artistic freedom, unnecessary brutality, lack of diplomacy, Nordicism (although I like the Nordic folk).

12-14-2011, 04:38 AM
What I liked was the return of Germanic Paganism, Germanic symbols, and the will to preserve Germanic culture.

What I do not like is dictatorships and mass murder.:P

When did the Nazis want a return to Germanic paganism? Why were early Germanic pagan reconstructionists sent to concentration camps? Why did Hitler bash the hell out of pagans in Mein Kampf?

Hitler seems like a Catholic with rather secular beliefs. I find no evidence that he's an atheist or anything other than a monotheist. He references one God continually through his speeches. When he was in WW1 he did write a poem to Wotan but that was early on in his life.

What I disliked: Lack of artistic freedom, unnecessary brutality, lack of diplomacy, Nordicism (although I like the Nordic folk).

Same. I respect Nordic way of life and Germanic & Nordic history. All of it is absolutely fascinating to me. But I hate any culture that is overly-obsessed with itself. Whether it be Germanic, Celtic, or Mediterranean.

12-14-2011, 04:39 AM
Like: Sexy


Justin Timberlake didn't bring sexy back; Albert Speer did.


That, my friends, is a haircut.


Effing right.


I need a jacket that ends at the hips like that. Check out that tapered waist; perfect for those svelte, lithe Nordic bodies.

Dislike: Killing

They could have just asked for whatever they wanted; nobody is going to say no to people that look as good as the Nazis did.

12-14-2011, 04:45 AM
explain why they're 'a black mark on the annals of history' ?

Upwards to six million deaths of indigenous European peoples speak for themselves. I recognize that the Nazis had it out for MANY groups of people....this was not all just about the Jews, although the Jews were the largest target.

Genocide or attempted Genocide is never good for anyone. All it does is perpetuate further violence and hate:mad::(

12-14-2011, 04:46 AM
Upwards to six million deaths of indigenous European peoples speak for themselves. I recognize that the Nazis had it out for MANY groups of people....this was not all just about the Jews, although the Jews were the largest target.

Genocide or attempted Genocide is never good for anyone. All it does is perpetuate further violence and hate:mad::(

Seriously, fuck the Nazis. Fuck them for invading other European nations. Fuck them for sending entire families to concentration camps. Fuck them for giving east Europe to USSR.

Joe McCarthy
12-14-2011, 04:57 AM
The failing of National Socialism was the policy of Lebensraum. Had they not been militarily aggressive they could have served as a counterweight to Soviet Communism and egalitarians in general and aided greatly in the science of race. Instead, through their excesses they strengthened our enemies immeasurably.

12-14-2011, 06:23 AM
I think what you are all missing here is this.

When a nation tries to escape from international finance, and break the chains of the debt system, they are inevitably invaded and or embargoed.

The Nazis, Whether you like them or not, were visionary enough to know that war is inevitably forced upon those who seek freedom from the banks.

That's why they did everything they could to build up military strength and beseech as many allies as they could.They didn't want war, but they wanted to win when it came. They aimed to be a Germany for Germans and thanks to international finance, that's not possible unless you conquer the world.

We've just seen the same thing happen to Libya.

You might be appalled at the sympathy for the Nazis today, but I can guarantee you, if the wages keep distancing themselves from the cost of living at the rate they are, Your grandchildren will not only have sympathy for the Nazis, but reverence. Perhaps even religious fervor. Whether they are mongrelised or not.

12-14-2011, 07:05 AM
I don't know what there was not to like except for the holocaust. If Hitler had not been so idiotic so as to allow it to occur then the Germans would have stood a chance of winning the war.

That is they could have devoted more troops and resources to the war effort then to maintaining concentration camps. The desire to secure racial purity and reaffirm the cultural identity of the German people which had been under attack by other European nations since World War 1 was a noble cause.

A lot of their ideas on race and culture were not so bad just if they had not been as pseudo-intellectual about it such with the meaning of terms as Ayran. Their were plenty of mistakes and errors with the Nazis regime but in general there were also some noble things they were desiring to attain.

12-14-2011, 07:32 AM
Hitler should have stopped in 1939 before the invasion of Poland. I cant believe they were so stupid as to go to war over Danzig. I mean really...you got Austria and Czech and actually had more land than before the first world war if i'm not mistaken,so what was the true objective here? Lebensraum? If there ever was a stupid ideology that would be it.

Contra Mundum
12-14-2011, 08:13 AM
The Nazi bashers cannot seem to distinguish between National Socialism and Hitlerism. Not all NS were expansionists and warmongers.

Contra Mundum
12-14-2011, 08:16 AM
The bad:

Mass murderers
Far too authoritarian political structure
Militarily aggressive; catastrophically so
Crazy economics philosophy which sought resources through force and land grabs in Europe rather than trade

Does't sound that different from what you and other Neocons advocate.

12-14-2011, 08:27 AM
^it's identical

12-14-2011, 08:39 AM
German solders were the most dicipline solders in history of modern warfare.

In comperason with russians and serbs that would drink vodka and rape old ladies and kids with no min or maximum age limit, germans were moraly superior and honerable.

I do not agree with holocoust etc.

I think hitler has expressed that if he had the american genrals and his solders, we could be speaking german right now.

Contra Mundum
12-14-2011, 08:43 AM
German solders were the most dicipline solders in history of modern warfare.

In comperason with russians and serbs that would drink vodka and rape old ladies and kids with no min or maximum age limit, germans were moraly superior and honerable.

I do not agree with holocoust etc.

I think hitler has expressed that if he had the american genrals and his solders, we might have be speaking german right now.

He most likely said that out of frustration and trying to blame military failures on others. He had excellent Generals. He should have listened to them more.

12-14-2011, 09:06 AM
He most likely said that out of frustration and trying to blame military failures on others. He had excellent Generals. He should have listened to them more.Could very well be, but i can see why he might have said that. Since there were some good american generals as well.

Stars Down To Earth
12-14-2011, 11:28 AM
German solders were the most dicipline solders in history of modern warfare. In comperason with russians and serbs that would drink vodka and rape old ladies and kids with no min or maximum age limit, germans were moraly superior and honerable.
On the Western Front, aye. But when they invaded the Soviet Union, they took off all moral restraints and went on a raping spree (being efficient Germans, they made sure to kill their rape victims, which is why we don't have survivor stories). During the chaos of the Soviet war, the famous "German discipline" vanished. As we all know, the Russians upped the ante and took this to a new shocking level when they rolled into Germany.

War crimes happen in every great war, and the Germans did their fair share. You'll have to factor in that young men sometimes rape and kill others even when they're civilians and living in peacetime, and now we're talking about several millions of young guys, fighting a war under horrendous conditions which killed all empathy towards enemies and civilians alike. Lots of war crimes were also done by American, British and French soldiers, who are usually depicted as shining heroes who never did anything bad, in contrast to those evil Axis Powers who were only monsters (and the Russkies who have been revealed to be pretty monstrous as well).

The truth is that socio-cultural reasons and circumstances have a lot to do with it. The Japanese raped more than any Westerners (this includes both Germans and Yanks), while in Europe the worst rapists were probably the Allies - mainly the Mongol-Tatar soldiers in the Red Army, along with the French colonial troops of Arabs and Africans.

I think hitler has expressed that if he had the american genrals and his solders, we could be speaking german right now.
Nope, he never said that. The Nazis viewed the Western Allies as cowardly, because they only attacked when they had superior numbers and the outcome was already decided. (Well, some might call it cowardice, others call it being tactical and smart.)

Der Steinadler
12-14-2011, 12:03 PM
Upwards to six million deaths of indigenous European peoples speak for themselves. I recognize that the Nazis had it out for MANY groups of people....this was not all just about the Jews, although the Jews were the largest target.

Genocide or attempted Genocide is never good for anyone. All it does is perpetuate further violence and hate:mad::(

got any evidence for this ?

Der Steinadler
12-14-2011, 12:06 PM
Like: Sexy


Justin Timberlake didn't bring sexy back; Albert Speer did.


That, my friends, is a haircut.


Effing right.


I need a jacket that ends at the hips like that. Check out that tapered waist; perfect for those svelte, lithe Nordic bodies.


a re-emphasis on the Aesthetic helped brighten things up.

12-14-2011, 12:43 PM
On the Western Front, aye. But when they invaded the Soviet Union, they took off all moral restraints and went on a raping spree (being efficient Germans, they made sure to kill their rape victims, which is why we don't have survivor stories). During the chaos of the Soviet war, the famous "German discipline" vanished. As we all know, the Russians upped the ante and took this to a new shocking level when they rolled into germany) This doesn't make any sense!?
Its precisely what germans were known for, to kill but not rape.
So if there are no survivor stories why wouldn't we believe in their earned reputaion that they just killed the victims without raping them, for what they were famous for?

This could be russian propoganda as a desperate atempt to justify why they would rape 85 year old women and kids in berlin while in front of russian generals, something i do not imagine to have ever taking place under german generals knowlege or controll.

Francisco D'anconia
12-14-2011, 12:45 PM
There is nothing to like about the Third reich.

12-14-2011, 03:41 PM
There is nothing to like about the Third reich.

That's an odd thing to say right after some photos of the uniforms.

Stars Down To Earth
12-14-2011, 05:38 PM
This doesn't make any sense!?
Its precisely what germans were known for, to kill but not rape.
It's a daft stereotype that all Germans, including the soldiers, are cold-blooded androids that never do anything impulsive. A S-T-E-R-E-O-T-Y-P-E. In the horrible conditions of the war, things like rules and ethnics tended to disappear. Like I said before, some young men have the impulse to rape even in peacetime when they are civilians; being in a chaotic war increases the likeliness of this happening. Not even German lads are immune to this, especially not on the Eastern Front where all discipline broke down. This is why the definition of "war crimes" is so vague in the first place.

So if there are no survivor stories why wouldn't we believe in their earned reputaion that they just killed the victims without raping them, for what they were famous for?
There are survivor stories of Russian rape victims (half of the Soviet partisan guerrillas were female, WTF do you think happened to them when they got captured?), it's just that the Germans are overshadowed in the raping department by the Allies.

This could be russian propoganda as a desperate atempt to justify why they would rape 85 year old women and kids in berlin while in front of russian generals, something i do not imagine to have ever taking place under german generals knowlege or controll.
Well, it did happen under German knowledge and control.

FFS, the Nazis even had an entire SS brigade (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirlewanger_Brigade) made of sex offenders and criminal yobs (and their commander was a paedophile). You can guess what happened when they were sent into the Russian countryside...

12-14-2011, 05:48 PM
No one can blame the Germans for reconquering territories lost after WWI. However, invading Great Britain, France, and the USSR crossed the line and was what ended up destroying Germany again.

Also, no one likes totalitarianism.

12-14-2011, 06:52 PM
No one can blame the Germans for reconquering territories lost after WWI. However, invading Great Britain, France...
But we didn't declare war on them! It was them declaring war on us. :( The leadership didn't wanted to lead war against France And Great Britain and there were no secret plans.

Joe McCarthy
12-14-2011, 06:55 PM
There is nothing to like about the Third reich.

Von Braun?

Der Steinadler
12-14-2011, 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Francisco D'anconia
There is nothing to like about the Third reich.

Motorways ????

the Beetle ????

Microwaves ????


12-15-2011, 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by byrnecres View Post
Upwards to six million deaths of indigenous European peoples speak for themselves. I recognize that the Nazis had it out for MANY groups of people....this was not all just about the Jews, although the Jews were the largest target.

Genocide or attempted Genocide is never good for anyone. All it does is perpetuate further violence and hate

got any evidence for this ?

There's more evidence the Holocaust happened that for Columbus' voyage to the New World, Viking settlement thereof 500 years earlier. The U.S. government convicted Tim McVeigh for the Oklahoma City bombing on evidence much flimsier than this, and McVeigh eventually admitted outright he blew up the Murrah Federal Building in that city!

Even the U.S. Government, which some fringe lunatics suppose is ultimately responsible for 9/11, can't even manage to cover up a mere hotel break-in (Watergate) more than a few months. They couldn't even keep a lid on something of much higher strategic interests to them (Iran-Contra).

The USSR, paranoid about outsiders as it was, couldn't hide their own gulags from the world.

Given all this, what makes you think anyone can cover up something involving millions of people in at least half a dozen nations? Even the German government has long admitted it happened. The USSR, whose armies overran Auschwitz, admits it too. This from a nation that historically treated its Jews even worse than Germany did, pre-Hitler.

Holocaust "revisionism" is just so beyond bizarre that I simply cannot take it seriously. Promoters and believers in it are just the most stubbornly and idiotically fanatical people on the planet. I'll bet you'd believe 9/11 Truthers too. Not to mention other Bildeberg, Trilateral Commission, and all other nutsy-cookoo theories as well.

12-15-2011, 05:43 AM
There's more evidence the Holocaust happened that for Columbus' voyage to the New World, Viking settlement thereof 500 years earlier. The U.S. government convicted Tim McVeigh for the Oklahoma City bombing on evidence much flimsier than this, and McVeigh eventually admitted outright he blew up the Murrah Federal Building in that city!

Even the U.S. Government, which some fringe lunatics suppose is ultimately responsible for 9/11, can't even manage to cover up a mere hotel break-in (Watergate) more than a few months. They couldn't even keep a lid on something of much higher strategic interests to them (Iran-Contra).

The USSR, paranoid about outsiders as it was, couldn't hide their own gulags from the world.

Given all this, what makes you think anyone can cover up something involving millions of people in at least half a dozen nations? Even the German government has long admitted it happened. The USSR, whose armies overran Auschwitz, admits it too. This from a nation that historically treated its Jews even worse than Germany did, pre-Hitler.

Holocaust "revisionism" is just so beyond bizarre that I simply cannot take it seriously. Promoters and believers in it are just the most stubbornly and idiotically fanatical people on the planet. I'll bet you'd believe 9/11 Truthers too. Not to mention other Bildeberg, Trilateral Commission, and all other nutsy-cookoo theories as well.

you should actually watch some revisionist videos. After having seen the "gas chambers" I just can't believe in it. Seriously, the evidence is overwhelming that it didn't happen.

12-15-2011, 05:51 AM
you should actually watch some revisionist videos. After having seen the "gas chambers" I just can't believe in it. Seriously, the evidence is overwhelming that it didn't happen.

And there's physicists and planetary scientists who can do just as good a job at "proving" that God created the earth in six 24-hour periods (not to mention all the other Intelligent Design garbage)

There's some people who can make a convincing on the surface case that the Bush Administration was behind 9/11.

Doesn't mean I'm gonna believe them.

12-15-2011, 05:56 AM
And there's physicists and planetary scientists who can do just as good a job at "proving" that God created the earth in six 24-hour periods (not to mention all the other Intelligent Design garbage)

There's some people who can make a convincing on the surface case that the Bush Administration was behind 9/11.

Doesn't mean I'm gonna believe them.

They don't prove the gassing didn't happen. They disprove that it did. :D

12-15-2011, 06:06 AM
They don't prove the gassing didn't happen. They disprove that it did. :D

Whatever, Turkey. The fact still remains that revisionist historians are to the Holocaust what "Intelligent Design" types are to the evolution of life - a bunch of agenda-armed biased researchers who distort the truth to suit their own worldview. Lots of junk scientists for hire out there, after all (the health care industry is also bad about this. Not to mention scientists paid by the tobacco lobby)

12-15-2011, 06:11 AM
To resume what the Nazis did and how I see it,but only a few points:

1)They were a real civilizing power(unlike the countries that won WW2 and made bs propaganda about them while destroying Europe today);
2)They got rid of their unwanted non-European elements from public life;
3)They made their country a great power again and in a very short time;
4)Their technological progress surpassed everyone else by far.

1)They made deals with the Soviets regarding other European countries which eventually resulted in many Romanians being deported and/or killed by the Soviets;
2)They supported Hungary(which in turn barely supported them back,and they were even forced to initialize military operations to replace the leader,which wanted to make peace with the Soviets,and made the country into a puppet-state until the end of the war) that eventually added more spunk to Romanian-Hungarian conflicts(and to genocide in some ethnic Romanian villages in Transylvania by the Hungarians).

12-15-2011, 06:24 AM
the health care industry is also bad about this. Not to mention scientists paid by the tobacco lobby)

I wasn't aware that revision was big business like drugs and tobacco. I must have imagined that it's a jail sentence and poverty after all.:rolleyes: Sloppy comparison Frilly.:(

12-15-2011, 07:02 AM
got any evidence for this ?


-Learning about WWII as a child, teen, and as an adult.

-I am married to somebody whose primary area of study has been 20th century history, among other things.

-Survivors of the camps who were freed when the allied forces came in...of which I have had the honor to meet and chat with.

Why are you standing up for the Nazis? Do you LIKE the fact they killed people whose racial or physical makeup they did not approve of?

Having an ideology is one thing, but taking it to the extremes of which the Nazis clearly did is something else entirely.

Ultimately, neither you or I or almost anyone on this board (I think we have one member who was alive during WWII, but that's it) can speak with absolute certainty about what went on inside the Third Reich...and there is always a certain amount of revisionism to the writing of history....

Generally speaking, I think the Nazis were seriously fucked up in their attitudes toward basically anyone that was not *one of them*

That is all I can say:(

12-15-2011, 07:30 AM
But we didn't declare war on them! It was them declaring war on us. :( The leadership didn't wanted to lead war against
France And Great Britain and there were no secret plans.

How about Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Greece etc.?

12-15-2011, 07:36 AM
I wasn't aware that revision was big business like drugs and tobacco. I must have imagined that it's a jail sentence and poverty after all.:rolleyes: Sloppy comparison Frilly.:(

Distortion of truth is distortion of truth - no matter if money's involved or not. If anything, you're the one engaged in sloppy thinking, given that you think "if there's no money involved, then people are sincere". Besides, do you really think Holocaust revisionist offer their books for free? Certainly their publishers don't.

12-15-2011, 08:00 AM
Distortion of truth is distortion of truth - no matter if money's involved or not. If anything, you're the one engaged in sloppy thinking, given that you think "if there's no money involved, then people are sincere". Besides, do you really think Holocaust revisionist offer their books for free? Certainly their publishers don't.

You brought up the whole money thing:laugh:

You Holocaust fans just get more and more far fetched:)

12-15-2011, 08:39 AM
Since when on this fourm we discussed about Nazi in positive way?! Obviously I missed something here since I was absent for a while.

There is nothing good in Nazi-all good what you "think" that is Nazi is NOT Nazi...

Nazi prudent, ha ha ha...(well this is sarcastic haha, it is not funny at all).

12-15-2011, 08:46 AM
Since when on this fourm we discussed about Nazi in positive way?! Obviously I missed something here since I was absent for a while.

There is nothing good in Nazi-all good what you "think" that is Nazi is NOT Nazi...

Nazi prudent, ha ha ha...(well this is sarcastic haha, it is not faunny at all).

Well that's just ignorant:blink:

12-15-2011, 09:01 AM
Who told me that-someone from Queensland !?

Unfortunately-we from EUROPE exactly know what is NAZI (ask our members from Germany or UK or France etc)...but,if you feel better to think I am ignorant...so let it be:D

There is one song I simply adore...may be you will learn something.


Tanz mit Laibach:D

Der Steinadler
12-15-2011, 09:09 AM
'NAZI' is a derogitory term invented by the allies.

it's Nationalsozialismus, or NationalSocialist.

12-15-2011, 11:27 AM
[COLOR=#0000ff]Unfortunately-we from EUROPE exactly know what is NAZI (ask our members from Germany...
Yes, ask me and I'll tell you that not everything was bad. Many things were bad, but not all and not everyone. Stop being hysteric like byrneces.

Der Steinadler
12-15-2011, 02:52 PM
plenty of ignorance here.

12-15-2011, 03:14 PM
Germans would have stood a chance of winning the war.
June 22 was the happiest day for Churchill in his life (read his memoirs). From this moment all should have been ok with UK. Germans began fighting with Russians (great dream of Churchill!). Bismark predicted: never go to Russia! No chances.

As to Nazis, the uniform of the Vermaht and SS was very cool. Our uniform from 43 was also cool but this was uniform or the Thzar Army, no new.

12-15-2011, 08:00 PM
Who told me that-someone from Queensland !?

Unfortunately-we from EUROPE exactly know what is NAZI (ask our members from Germany or UK or France etc)...but,if you feel better to think I am ignorant...so let it be:D

There is one song I simply adore...may be you will learn something.


Tanz mit Laibach:D

Not too pages ago someone pointed out


You don't know anything about the Nazis more than me. They did heaps of great stuff. You can start your education by actually reading the posts on this thread.

They invented the jet plane. Is that bad too?

Supreme American
12-15-2011, 08:08 PM
Hate: Foreign policy
Like: Working with Zionists to establish Israel and move out Jews, establishment of folkish state and protection of native culture.

Supreme American
12-15-2011, 08:09 PM
Not too pages ago someone pointed out


You don't know anything about the Nazis more than me. They did heaps of great stuff. You can start your education by actually reading the posts on this thread.

They invented the jet plane. Is that bad too?

They also had the first anti-smoking campaign.

Joe McCarthy
12-15-2011, 08:27 PM
Hate: Foreign policy
Like: Working with Zionists to establish Israel and move out Jews, establishment of folkish state and protection of native culture.

In practice it would have been difficult to move all of the Jews to Palestine without controlling it militarily, and the British barred further immigration. The Jews kept coming though. They were the original wetbacks.

12-15-2011, 09:10 PM
Yes, ask me and I'll tell you that not everything was bad. Many things were bad, but not all and not everyone. Stop being hysteric like byrneces.


Not too pages ago someone pointed out


You don't know anything about the Nazis more than me. They did heaps of great stuff. You can start your education by actually reading the posts on this thread.

They invented the jet plane. Is that bad too?

I could say similar things for the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Stalin achieved a tremendous amount during the pre-war years. I don't have the figures with me, but production of steel, concrete, electricity, etc in the USSR increased by several hundred percent in just 12 yrs. Not to mention practically wipe out illiteracy, greatly increased the education level of his citizens, equallly greatly improved hygene and overall health in his empire, and opened up greater career opportunities for women. In fact, in the industrial sphere, he achieved in 12 years what took Western Europe a century to do.

Later, they invented and launched the first artificial satellite, put the first man in space, and achieved a number of firsts (including the first space probe to another world - Venus).

Still doesn't wipe out the evil he did to achieve these things, and other evils not related to these achievements. Past a certain point, NO evil can be justified by the good that comes from it.

12-15-2011, 10:30 PM

I could say similar things for the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Stalin achieved a tremendous amount during the pre-war years. I don't have the figures with me, but production of steel, concrete, electricity, etc in the USSR increased by several hundred percent in just 12 yrs. Not to mention practically wipe out illiteracy, greatly increased the education level of his citizens, equallly greatly improved hygene and overall health in his empire, and opened up greater career opportunities for women. In fact, in the industrial sphere, he achieved in 12 years what took Western Europe a century to do.

Later, they invented and launched the first artificial satellite, put the first man in space, and achieved a number of firsts (including the first space probe to another world - Venus).

Still doesn't wipe out the evil he did to achieve these things, and other evils not related to these achievements. Past a certain point, NO evil can be justified by the good that comes from it.

Indeed not. That's why the thread is entitled, What do you hate and like about the Nazis? Not, Were the Nazis completely benign in all they were?

Frilly, have you had a stroke recently?

12-15-2011, 11:27 PM
Motorways ????

the Beetle ????

Microwaves ????


Great choice. Crap travel, crap cars, crap food. :p

Contra Mundum
12-15-2011, 11:39 PM
The best thing about National Socialist Germany is if the race traitors on this forum were living in German occupied areas during WW2, they would be in a forced labor camp or roasting in a crematory.

12-15-2011, 11:48 PM
Liked: mostly everything...

-Invasion of Poland (inter-wars Poland was a much more exciting state than it is today (and I like a lot today's Poland) , germans should just have kicked the Jews over there, and concentrate Alsace-Lorraine instead, plus Joining Austria and whatever other German majority state that wanted to sum up to the cause)

-Concentration Camps ,ethnic cleansing , human experimenting and all that crap done in the name of that religious-like belief in the "ubermensch-untermensch" dichotomy

-Hitler's retarded ideas: specially invading Russia. In Wintertime.

Oreka Bailoak
12-16-2011, 12:33 AM
I hated the Germans for starting the second world war (at the point where Germany invaded Poland then France, and the UK invaded Germany). But then after reading about the war myself I found out all the bad things Polish did to Germans before the war.

And I read about the secret documents Germans found in Polish archives sent by France/America/UK saying that it was THEIR OWN idea to start the world war.

It wasn't "a war for democracy" or "to save Poland" or any of that nonsense; these sayings are just cliches used by the government to avoid having to explain the dirty work behind the scenes. It was a pointless war built upon stupid ideologies in the west- we just gave Poland away to the Soviets after the war, and it wasn't even just Germany that invaded Poland but also the Soviet Union- which the west was actually ok with!

Then I read about how Germany thought that the Soviet Union was preparing an attack against Germany in the coming year, based upon statements made by soviet leadership and troop offensive positioning.

So my simple criticisms about German behavior (war mongering, world conquistadors) about the start of the war had been discredited.

Most people don't understand in any depth the second world war. If someone hasn't read a single book about the second world war, there is no way they can understand its complexity. It's so much more complex than I thought it had been. As for the comment about Germany attacking the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark etc... Churchill said that if Hitler didn't invade those countries he would have himself- and Germany knew this.

After looking at all the facts, I can say that at the start of the war I'm absolutely disgusted by the behavior of France, Poland, the British Empire and America. I can't honestly say the same thing for Japan or Germany, they didn't want the world war. At the start of the war the Soviet Union had already killed about 10,000,000 people while Germany had killed a couple hundred- and we decided to ally with the Soviet Union in a war that would kill 50,000,000 people. What a nightmare the west brought upon its own self.

12-16-2011, 08:53 AM




Der Steinadler
12-16-2011, 10:34 AM
I could say similar things for the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Stalin achieved a tremendous amount during the pre-war years. I don't have the figures with me, but production of steel, concrete, electricity, etc in the USSR increased by several hundred percent in just 12 yrs. Not to mention practically wipe out illiteracy, greatly increased the education level of his citizens, equallly greatly improved hygene and overall health in his empire, and opened up greater career opportunities for women. In fact, in the industrial sphere, he achieved in 12 years what took Western Europe a century to do.

Later, they invented and launched the first artificial satellite, put the first man in space, and achieved a number of firsts (including the first space probe to another world - Venus).

Still doesn't wipe out the evil he did to achieve these things, and other evils not related to these achievements. Past a certain point, NO evil can be justified by the good that comes from it.

is all that really altruistic or just another major effort to control people ?

Der Steinadler
12-16-2011, 10:47 AM




has the world become a 'healthier' place to live since 1945 ?

Der Steinadler
12-16-2011, 10:48 AM
Great choice. Crap travel, crap cars, crap food. :p

i'll give you that one.

Rosenberg frowned upon these things, but he wasn't listened to.

Joe McCarthy
12-16-2011, 11:03 AM
has the world become a 'healthier' place to live since 1945 ?

Given that we haven't had millions killed in world wars since then, probably so.

That's over and beyond the medical advances.

Der Steinadler
12-16-2011, 11:41 AM
Given that we haven't had millions killed in world wars since then, probably so.

That's over and beyond the medical advances.


People have been allowed to breed like rats, to the point where we now have 7 billion (useless) mouths to feed on a diminishing amount of agricultural land.

http://ts4.mm.bing.net/images/thumbnail.aspx?q=1440736416659&id=8316eb30ec59114fcbf0107491318ba8&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.euinfrastructure.com%2fmedia% 2fmedia-news%2fnews-thumb%2f100330%2flandfill-landscape.jpg

'progress' under capitalism.........

Troll's Puzzle
12-16-2011, 12:06 PM
Great choice. Crap travel, crap cars, crap food. :p

I know you're upset that there aren't many Motorways in Wales,

(or roads...

...or cars...)

but we have to have a little truth to be funny. Motorways are the fastest roads, and also the safest. That makes them the best roads, as far as I can understand.

Ivor the Engine is great and all, but have you caught a train lately? seen the price? etc, etc. So I'd say that Motorways are probably the 'best transport', short of flying. :)

Joe McCarthy
12-16-2011, 12:15 PM

People have been allowed to breed like rats, to the point where we now have 7 billion (useless) mouths to feed on a diminishing amount of agricultural land.

http://ts4.mm.bing.net/images/thumbnail.aspx?q=1440736416659&id=8316eb30ec59114fcbf0107491318ba8&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.euinfrastructure.com%2fmedia% 2fmedia-news%2fnews-thumb%2f100330%2flandfill-landscape.jpg

'progress' under capitalism.........

The countries with the highest TFR, e.g., sub-Saharan Africa, the Islamic world, etc., are also some of the least capitalist. The leading capitalist states have low birthrates.

One needs to look elsewhere for the source of the population bomb.

12-16-2011, 12:28 PM
I know you're upset that there aren't many Motorways in Wales,

(or roads...

...or cars...)

but we have to have a little truth to be funny. Motorways are the fastest roads, and also the safest. That makes them the best roads, as far as I can understand.

Ivor the Engine is great and all, but have you caught a train lately? seen the price? etc, etc. So I'd say that Motorways are probably the 'best transport', short of flying. :)

Consider what we know about the 1960's: a complete and utter disaster. We know in Britain politicians and civil servants lost their minds and starting destroying our wonderful railways (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Beeching) for modern motorways. Classical architectural styles were shunned and Soviet tower-blocks were preferred. The result was concrete everywhere, cars everywhere and the loss of one of the main success stories of the industrial revolution, the railways.

If you look at most Victorian railway stations that still exist they are almost always in a very poor state of repair. The same goes for the many Victorian buildings in our cities and towns. In an ideal future I would like to see increased use and restoration of closed railway lines.

The attack on our countries is more or less at every single level. Hardly anything has got any better. :tsk:

Der Steinadler
12-16-2011, 12:35 PM
The countries with the highest TFR, e.g., sub-Saharan Africa, the Islamic world, etc., are also some of the least capitalist. The leading capitalist states have low birthrates.

One needs to look elsewhere for the source of the population bomb.

i disagree.

if it wasn't for capitalism there would be no need to trade with these other peoples and hence no need to fuel their high birth rates.

in addition, given the amount of aid that bleeding heart liberals give to the third world, its not suprising that places like sub-saharan africa has an increasing population.

in short, the world's population problem is only a symptom of capitalism, and not the disease.

12-16-2011, 12:51 PM
In fact, if Beeching and friends got what they wanted the railways would have looked like this- http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/62/Beeching2.svg

In bold is what the railways looked like after part of his cutting, and the faint lines are what the railways would look like if his his full cutting was put into place. What we have now is something in between.

"Oh! Dr. Beeching, what have you done?
There once were lots of trains to catch, but soon there will be none!
I'll have to buy a bike, 'cause I can't afford a car.
Oh! Dr. Beeching! What a naughty man you are!"

Der Steinadler
12-16-2011, 12:58 PM
In fact, if Beeching and friends got what they wanted the railways would have looked like this- http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/62/Beeching2.svg

In bold is what the railways looked like after part of his cutting, and the faint lines are what the railways would look like if his his full cutting was put into place. What we have now is something in between.

"Oh! Dr. Beeching, what have you done?
There once were lots of trains to catch, but soon there will be none!
I'll have to buy a bike, 'cause I can't afford a car.
Oh! Dr. Beeching! What a naughty man you are!"

I personally dont approve of private transport (cars), but in a capitalistic world, its inevitable that people will buy their own transport.

so its no use blaming Beeching when all he's done is implement a policy for a capitalistic society.

Joe McCarthy
12-16-2011, 01:19 PM
i disagree.

if it wasn't for capitalism there would be no need to trade with these other peoples and hence no need to fuel their high birth rates.

Needless to say, world trade preceded capitalism by several thousand years.

Der Steinadler
12-16-2011, 01:36 PM
Needless to say, world trade preceded capitalism by several thousand years.

but everything wasn't reduced to a commodity bought and sold ...purely for profit.

http://ts4.mm.bing.net/images/thumbnail.aspx?q=1359752798903&id=8ab7e49a7c490047bc16245fc6838640&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.fawndoo.com%2findie%2feilidh% 2fthhe%2520earth%2520from%2520space.jpg

.....a commodity (from a capitalists point of view)

and where did the 7 billion useless mouths come from ?

12-16-2011, 01:56 PM
They had the coolest uniforms by far.

Dislike: Night of the Long Knives :cry

Jon Snow
12-16-2011, 02:22 PM
Holocaust "revisionism" is just so beyond bizarre that I simply cannot take it seriously. Promoters and believers in it are just the most stubbornly and idiotically fanatical people on the planet. I'll bet you'd believe 9/11 Truthers too. Not to mention other Bildeberg, Trilateral Commission, and all other nutsy-cookoo theories as well.

I haven't researched the Holocaust enough to judge the veracity of revisionist arguments one way or another; the topic itself just isn't terribly interesting to me.

What I'm wondering, Phil, is what you feel about the revisionists who've been jailed for writing books. Ernst Zundel, Germar Rudolf, David Irving, the list goes on . . . historians, many of whom had PhDs and are (were) respected in their fields, have been imprisoned for offering evidence and drawing conclusions that run against the politically correct party line.

These cases are no different than the persecution of Emma West.

So tell me, why should historians sit in jail for writing a book while rapists, murderers, and child molesters are set free by liberal activist judges?

Generally speaking, I think the Nazis were seriously fucked up in their attitudes toward basically anyone that was not *one of them*

That is all I can say:(

I agree, but no more so than Stalin &. co were, or our own governments who pray at the altar of multiculturalism are now.

Emma West yells at some immigrants on a tram, goes to jail.

A pack of niggers kick a British woman's head in (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2070562/Muslim-girl-gang-kicked-Rhea-Page-head-yelling-kill-white-slag-FREED.html) while shouting "kill the white slag", and are let off on account of their race and religion.

Just as biased as the Nazis ever were; at least the latter were honest about where they stood.

Der Steinadler
12-16-2011, 02:43 PM
one very important thing, about the NationalSocialists which most liberals can't understand is that the NS movement was in essence an Idealistic movement from start to finish.

Joe McCarthy
12-16-2011, 05:32 PM
They had the coolest uniforms by far.

Dislike: Night of the Long Knives :cry

It is a shame that the extreme socialists, fags, and idealists got pushed aside. Had they not those crazies could probably have been stopped from coming to power altogether or seen the regime collapse quickly. Gregor Strasser was the Trotsky of Nazism.

12-16-2011, 05:37 PM
I appreciated their sense of sartorial elegance. That's pretty much it.

12-16-2011, 05:41 PM
I know you're upset that there aren't many Motorways in Wales,

(or roads...

...or cars...)

but we have to have a little truth to be funny. Motorways are the fastest roads, and also the safest. That makes them the best roads, as far as I can understand.

Ivor the Engine is great and all, but have you caught a train lately? seen the price? etc, etc. So I'd say that Motorways are probably the 'best transport', short of flying. :)

Sorry, I didn't mean to upset your Nazi little ass

I've found something to keep your mind active


Der Steinadler
12-16-2011, 05:52 PM
another thing sheeple are unable to understand is how 'Hate Hitler' has been prescribed as today's religion.

the media re-tell the tale of how the allies 'saved the world' from 'Evil Hitler'.

the sheeple can't help but believe it.


12-16-2011, 06:49 PM
I like their devotion and their force.

I hate their strategic errors.

12-16-2011, 06:51 PM
They had nice uniforms.

12-16-2011, 08:38 PM
They had the coolest uniforms by far.

Dislike: Night of the Long Knives :cry

Night of the Long Knives was my favorite bit of it. Those gay thugs were the only bad part of the Nazi movement, though regrettably, an essential part. The most essential part too.

12-17-2011, 03:27 AM
SA didn't have as nice uniforms as the SS, surly that's why they had to go.:p

12-17-2011, 03:35 AM
I don't like anything about them. The current governments of the West may be corrupt, but the Nazis were truely evil. There is, in fact, a qualitative difference between eroding social solidarity vs. actually executing one's own citizens.

Damião de Góis
12-17-2011, 03:39 AM
Yeah they had a good fashion sense.

12-17-2011, 03:47 AM
I could say similar things for the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Stalin achieved a tremendous amount during the pre-war years. I don't have the figures with me, but production of steel, concrete, electricity, etc in the USSR increased by several hundred percent in just 12 yrs. Not to mention practically wipe out illiteracy, greatly increased the education level of his citizens, equallly greatly improved hygene and overall health in his empire, and opened up greater career opportunities for women. In fact, in the industrial sphere, he achieved in 12 years what took Western Europe a century to do.

Later, they invented and launched the first artificial satellite, put the first man in space, and achieved a number of firsts (including the first space probe to another world - Venus).

Still doesn't wipe out the evil he did to achieve these things, and other evils not related to these achievements. Past a certain point, NO evil can be justified by the good that comes from it.

is all that really altruistic or just another major effort to control people ?

About as altruistic as Germany's rearmament program of the 1930s (providing jobs is a good thing, after all).

About as much an effort to control people as Stalin's dictatorship was (Stalin promoted class hatred, the Nazis racial hatred - a distinction without a difference)

12-17-2011, 04:24 AM
I haven't researched the Holocaust enough to judge the veracity of revisionist arguments one way or another; the topic itself just isn't terribly interesting to me.

What I'm wondering, Phil, is what you feel about the revisionists who've been jailed for writing books. Ernst Zundel, Germar Rudolf, David Irving, the list goes on . . . historians, many of whom had PhDs and are (were) respected in their fields, have been imprisoned for offering evidence and drawing conclusions that run against the politically correct party line.

These cases are no different than the persecution of Emma West.

So tell me, why should historians sit in jail for writing a book while rapists, murderers, and child molesters are set free by liberal activist judges?

This is a Red Herring - an irrelevancy intended to shift the focus of the discussion from the main point. Whether they're in jail or not has nothing to do with the truth or falsity of their claims. If their claims are bullshit, then they are bullshit - no matter if they are sitting in jail or not. Native American activist Leonard Peltier (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_Peltier) is said to be unfairly sitting in jail, yet I doubt few people on TA would agree with his supporters claims that his trial was rigged (not that I'm a supporter). As I said in my last post, I believe Holocaust revisionists are to history what "Intelligent Designers" are to science.

The appeal to jail time is a great rhetorical trick, but it's just that - a trick to divert attention away from the main point and nothing more.

But I'll entertain your red herring. David Irving is not in jail now (at least as far as I know). He spent 3 years in an Austrian jail for triviliazing or denying the Holocaust, and that's all. Also, Holocaust denial creates climates that lead to, at the very least inciting riots, creates clear and present dangers to public order, etc. Given Germany's and Austria's history, I don't blame them.

As for "liberal activist judges", well you're falling for the two wrongs make a right fallacy - assuming that just because some hairbrained judge releases somebody too early that justifies another judge keeping in prison someone who violated Holocaust denial laws.

ADDED: I WILL NOT go down this line of reasoning again - as my point was that Holocaust revisionists are like "Intelligent Designers" (i.e. Creation Science advocates with more updated clothing styles).

12-17-2011, 04:53 AM
Loved their swagger and style.

Hated the whole genocide thing. Overkill!

Der Steinadler
12-17-2011, 10:56 AM
This is a Red Herring - an irrelevancy intended to shift the focus of the discussion from the main point. Whether they're in jail or not has nothing to do with the truth or falsity of their claims. If their claims are bullshit, then they are bullshit - no matter if they are sitting in jail or not. Native American activist Leonard Peltier (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_Peltier) is said to be unfairly sitting in jail, yet I doubt few people on TA would agree with his supporters claims that his trial was rigged (not that I'm a supporter). As I said in my last post, I believe Holocaust revisionists are to history what "Intelligent Designers" are to science.

The appeal to jail time is a great rhetorical trick, but it's just that - a trick to divert attention away from the main point and nothing more.

But I'll entertain your red herring. David Irving is not in jail now (at least as far as I know). He spent 3 years in an Austrian jail for triviliazing or denying the Holocaust, and that's all. Also, Holocaust denial creates climates that lead to, at the very least inciting riots, creates clear and present dangers to public order, etc. Given Germany's and Austria's history, I don't blame them.

As for "liberal activist judges", well you're falling for the two wrongs make a right fallacy - assuming that just because some hairbrained judge releases somebody too early that justifies another judge keeping in prison someone who violated Holocaust denial laws.

ADDED: I WILL NOT go down this line of reasoning again - as my point was that Holocaust revisionists are like "Intelligent Designers" (i.e. Creation Science advocates with more updated clothing styles).

so in other words, you don't believe in free speech ?

or, I should say - free speech for anyone but .... NationalSocialists orientated (whether the holocaust is true or false is besides the matter)

Der Steinadler
12-17-2011, 11:12 AM
About as altruistic as Germany's rearmament program of the 1930s (providing jobs is a good thing, after all).

About as much an effort to control people as Stalin's dictatorship was (Stalin promoted class hatred, the Nazis racial hatred - a distinction without a difference)

If you knew your stuff you'd know that NationalSocialism was an idealistic movement and the exact opposite of the communism practised in the soviet union. Hitler's main concern was for the betterment of the German people. I doubt he spent less than 5% of his time thinking about how to 'hate' or 'exterminate' or people. Quite a difference from the gulag run by Stalin, where people were forced to 'pitch in' under threat of execution or a terminal trip to a camp in siberia.

in short the military industrial complex built by stalin was not designed for 'improving things', it was deigned to enslave the people.

In fact, in the industrial sphere, he achieved in 12 years what took Western Europe a century to do.

Later, they invented and launched the first artificial satellite, put the first man in space, and achieved a number of firsts (including the first space probe to another world - Venus).

further still, if you knew your history you'd know that the industrial processes used by the soviets were imported from America, and... 'their' .....space programme was based on captured technology from NationalSocialist germany.

like with modern china, the soviet union was a plagiaristic entity.

Fortis in Arduis
12-17-2011, 12:02 PM
Like: Patriotism, justice, aesthetics, women's rights and education, environmentalism and parcipitatory economics.

Dislike: Over-centralisation, personality cults, social Darwinism, the demagoguery of anti-Semitism and the persecution of various innocuous minorities.

12-17-2011, 01:56 PM
In fact, if Beeching and friends got what they wanted the railways would have looked like this- http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/62/Beeching2.svg

Our German Autobahn network is better. :P Every region has a nearby connection. And thanks to no general speed limits you can drive everywhere in Germany after a maximum of 7 hours of driving.


Aces High
12-17-2011, 02:04 PM
There is, in fact, a qualitative difference between eroding social solidarity vs. actually executing one's own citizens.

Which the US has just started doing.

12-17-2011, 08:24 PM
^ this it s a brilliant post. The US is worse than the Nazis in terms of violence and control but they don't have the racial element. Or the socialist element either, so where workers in the Nazi regime got good money and affordable housing.....

Joe McCarthy
12-17-2011, 08:38 PM
[QUOTE=Turkey;628733 The US is worse than the Nazis.[/QUOTE]

Trying to rehabilitate fascist murderers hits a roadblock quickly when we remember that militarily the US was not 'worse than the Nazis'.

Burn in hell Herr Shitler.

12-17-2011, 08:47 PM
Trying to rehabilitate fascist murderers hits a roadblock quickly when we remember that militarily the US was not 'worse than the Nazis'.

Burn in hell Herr Shitler.

Joe you are a bread and butter troll who always plays it safe. You consistently try to undermine awareness with your right wing imperialist murder mongering.

We are trying to let people in the mainstream know that we don't like republicans or Tories, you consistently give the allusion that we are Republicans and Tories.


12-17-2011, 10:54 PM
Sorry, I didn't mean to upset your Nazi little ass

I've found something to keep your mind active


I know you were directing it at Troll's but cheers for that


Sebastianus Rex
12-17-2011, 11:16 PM
Joe McCarthy
You mean the Jewnited States of America ?

There's 1 million violent interracial crimes every given year in the JewSA, 90% of the victims are white. In the year 2050 whites will be the minority there. Great future...really.

Try to read some real history books instead of the usual jewish adulterated bs, search for History Revisionist authors.

Wake up.

12-17-2011, 11:20 PM
Joe McCarthy
You mean the Jewnited States of America ?

There's 1 million violent interracial crimes every given year in the JewSA, 90% of the victims are white. In the year 2050 whites will be the minority there. Great future...really.

Try to read some real history books instead of the usual jewish adulterated bs, search for History Revisionist authors.

Wake up.

He's a bread and butter troll.

12-17-2011, 11:21 PM
What I like about Nazi? Their beastially.

What I don't like about Nazi? They was pretty much anti-Slavic.

Sebastianus Rex
12-17-2011, 11:24 PM
I disliked the nazis attitude towards homos and disabled people. I also disliked their expansionist attitude. Mostly I hate the way they got to power on bullying and thuggery.

So, what do you like about homos? You like the gay parades and the way they talk? Maybe you like the fact that 86% of all pedophiles are gay or bisexual. They are degenerate scum.

What about disabled people ? in the USA they let a child die with cancer if the parents don't have the money for the treatment, for crying out loud!

What I liked about them was the honesty. Rights for the working man and rights for women to be women. Their no nonsense approach to the economy(which unfortunately brought the world down on them in war).And of course the racial hygiene.

And the uniforms, art etc of course.

National Socialism and Fascism were the best forms of government ever. But they were too good so the jews had to destroy it. :mad:

12-17-2011, 11:32 PM
My likes of the Nazi regime are few and far between, but I can appreciate resurgent nationalism after the social democratic clusterfuck that was the Weimar Republic. Some of Hitler's environmental policies were vaguely sane too (though many were not), and those images of Hitler and his dog would make for some funny Hallmark cards. Plus Eva Braun was fairly cute.

My dislikes would be completely insane and semi-suicidal military policy, hyper-centralization of the state, the competition-squashing Nazi economic ideology, and utterly needless genocide that has demonized all ethnically-based Western forms of nationalism for over half a century. In short: it could have been good, were the Nazis not such frothing twats.

Sebastianus Rex
12-17-2011, 11:33 PM
What I like about Nazi? Their beastially.

What I don't like about Nazi? They was pretty much anti-Slavic.

What do you mean? Slavs were considered aryan. The term "sub-human" was used as war propaganda and was not meant to slavs but to the asian-mongoloid soviet fighters, gypsies, jews and other non-european races.

Croats and czechs are slavs and had good relations with Germany, now for Poland is a different thing, there was a territorial dispute, and with Russia well, it was a communist regime so conquer them or... die:D

12-17-2011, 11:37 PM
So, what do you like about homos? You like the gay parades and the way they talk? Maybe you like the fact that 86% of all pedophiles are gay or bisexual. They are degenerate scum.
It's not important whether i like them or not.

They are relatively inconsequential to preservation yet they were treated with the same prejudice as Jews, who are to preservation what cancer is to a human.

Aside from that, the brown shirt leaders were homos. They used to beat up feminine homos. Why should macho homos be exonerated on high but feminine homos be treated as Jews? At least with Feminine homos you know that they are homo and you know where you stand. With the manly macho ones you don't know if they are bringing home aids to their wives or molested there nephews. They love men in toilets.

What about disabled people ? in the USA they let a child die with cancer if the parents don't have the money for the treatment, for crying out loud!
I agree the America is far to the right of Nazi Germany when it comes to social Darwinism. Thanks for bringing that up.

National Socialism and Fascism were the best forms of government ever. But they were too good so the jews had to destroy it. :mad:True. The Jews, but more specifically usury.

Thanks for you post. It will hopefully bring awareness to the casual observer.:thumb001:

Sebastianus Rex
12-17-2011, 11:37 PM
My likes of the Nazi regime are few and far between, but I can appreciate resurgent nationalism after the social democratic clusterfuck that was the Weimar Republic. Some of Hitler's environmental policies were vaguely sane too (though many were not), and those images of Hitler and his dog would make for some funny Hallmark cards. Plus Eva Braun was fairly cute.

My dislikes would be completely insane and semi-suicidal military policy, hyper-centralization of the state, the competition-squashing Nazi economic ideology, and utterly needless genocide that has demonized all ethnically-based Western forms of nationalism for over half a century. In short: it could have been good, were the Nazis not such frothing twats.

You are so far away from the truth, you don't even know, you have a lot to learn. What genocide are you talking about ?

Joe McCarthy
12-17-2011, 11:38 PM
Joe McCarthy In the year 2050 whites will be the minority there. Great future...really.

The Nazis were beginners in the science of race and got many of their ideas from us. What they did, through their excesses, was allow our domestic subversives to launch a full scale assault for racial equality by portraying the struggle against white supremacy as an effort against fascism at home. This would probably have been impossible without Nazism, so America's problems currently are due to a large degree to the influence of these fascist murderers.

There is thus no reason to romanticize these fuck ups. They have destroyed my country.

12-17-2011, 11:43 PM
What do you mean? Slavs were considered aryan. The term "sub-human" was used as war propaganda and was not meant to slavs but to the asian-mongoloid soviet fighters, gypsies, jews and other non-european races.

Croats and czechs are slavs and had good relations with Germany, now for Poland is a different thing, there was a territorial dispute, and with Russia well, it was a communist regime so conquer them or... die:D
I mean in political way. No, Slavs weren't considered as ''Aryan'' because... Hitler didn't think so.. Under Nazi ideology Slavs were Untermensch - subhuman. The long term plan was to keep them alive to use as slave labour once Europe was completely conquered and the war won. What teh fuck is so special about being Aryan? Albinos can be consider as honorary Aryan. They can have it.
Look at his smile, lucky bastard....

12-17-2011, 11:50 PM
Look at his smile, lucky bastard....

This should be an anti-miscegenation photo.

"Your great grandchildren will be white, but ugly"

Sebastianus Rex
12-18-2011, 12:03 AM
The Nazis were beginners in the science of race and got many of their ideas from us. What they did, through their excesses, was allow our domestic subversives to launch a full scale assault for racial equality by portraying the struggle against white supremacy as an effort against fascism at home. This would probably have been impossible without Nazism, so America's problems currently are due to a large degree to the influence of these fascist murderers.

There is thus no reason to romanticize these fuck ups. They have destroyed my country.

Don't be so dramatic McCarthy, the USA territory is very big and rich, there will be always places where whites can live separetely and maybe force a secession in the future.

And besides history was not as you've been told to believe, there's much more to it.

The responsibles for the USA involvement in the War were mostly the jews and their puppet the Roosevelt adminstration (by the way did you know that Roosevelt and Churchill were both of jewish descent?), they started a campaign using Hollywood and Media to mobilise the american people to accept the involvement in the war, but still the good american people were not favourable to it, if it was not for the attack on Pearl Harbour (strange thing by the way...the carriers were all out of Hawai...hmmm).

also it was the jews who were largely behind the promotion of racial equality and forced more liberal immigration policies since 1965, also they were the forces behind feminism, sexual revolution, new-left, student protests (May 68 in Paris), pro-abortion, pro-gays and minorities rights and many many more.

That small elite controls the USA, only 2% of the population holds 49% of the big fortunes and completely dominate the american economic system, the federal reserve, the mass media, the governments, foreign policies etc... did you know that 60% of the campaign donations to the Democratic Party comes from jews? The Republican Party is moderately better but still is around 40%.

I'm just pointing facts, please read this very interesting book by the renowned author Kevin MacDonald:

And if you're interested please see this film, just take a look at it:

Best regards

12-18-2011, 12:10 AM
by the way did you know that Roosevelt and Churchill were both of jewish descent?

Evidence. This lacks it. The rest is wholly irrelevant to the merits of Nazi policies, except insofar as the insanity of many Nazi policies sped up the aforementioned culturally decadent trends by providing a convenient boogeyman with which to tarnish ethnic and cultural nationalism.

I also do find it strange. One minute Holocaust deniers say "it wasn't a genocide," the next they say "look at how many bad things duh Jooz have done, they had it coming!"

Sebastianus Rex
12-18-2011, 12:15 AM
I mean in political way. No, Slavs weren't considered as ''Aryan'' because... Hitler didn't think so.. Under Nazi ideology Slavs were Untermensch - subhuman. The long term plan was to keep them alive to use as slave labour once Europe was completely conquered and the war won. What teh fuck is so special about being Aryan? Albinos can be consider as honorary Aryan. They can have it.
Look at his smile, lucky bastard....

Nothing special about being aryan, that's not even a racial classification it's a linguistic one, and besides even the Kabyles from Algeria had that status on a lower level than nordics but were considered aryans by the NS policies. Slavs also. And besides there were many desertions to the german side by russians and other slavs and they were not used as slaves. That is simply not correct.

About what could happen after the war...who knows? It's mainly speculation, what we know about WW2, the official historiography is adulterated. Did the soviet-communism used the poles and other slavs as labour? Do the our capitalist-masters use the ALL World as labour? I guess they they all do.

12-18-2011, 12:23 AM
There is thus no reason to romanticize these fuck ups. They have destroyed my country.
This applied logic could be a source for a new series of motivated photos: :rolleyes2:

"Lead war against USA...and lose it"

"Destroy USA by losing"


12-18-2011, 12:27 AM
I love meme generators, I did it myself.

There is thus no reason to romanticize these fuck ups. They have destroyed my country.

And here's the result! :D


Sebastianus Rex
12-18-2011, 12:28 AM
[QUOTE=Edmond_Dantes;628935]Evidence. This lacks it. The rest is wholly irrelevant to the merits of Nazi policies, except insofar as the insanity of many Nazi policies sped up the aforementioned culturally decadent trends by providing a convenient boogeyman with which to tarnish ethnic and cultural nationalism.

No, it is factual, Roosevelt descents from a family of dutch jews who left for America in the 18th century, family "Roosenvelt", and W.Churchill's mother was jewess, family name "Blank" it is well documented and well known. I'm not saying they were practicing judaism or even were raised as jews, i'm just pointing the fact that they were also connected with jews and had some jewsih blood, many of their closest advisors were jewish and zionists. You lack historicall knowledge on this matter.

I also do find it strange. One minute Holocaust deniers say "it wasn't a genocide," the next they say "look at how many bad things duh Jooz have done, they had it coming!"

I'm not a Holocaust denier, jews were in fact considered an enemy race and were given the possibility to leave Germany, many did, some haven't and when started the war they were captured and were treated as prisoners of war. Jewish lobbies have made a tremendous pressure on UK and USA to force the declaration of War on Germany.

I don't deny that some jews died in concentration camps, but it was not 6 millions, not even close (it was more around 600 thousand), and gas chambers and extermination camps are an hoax, they never existed, the jews died mostly of disease and starvation during the last months of war due...but so did the germans. There were not even 6 millions living in ocupied Europe by that time, only about 3.5 million. What you know about the Holocaust is a FRAUD.

12-18-2011, 12:38 AM
No, it is factual, Roosevelt descents from a family of dutch jews who left for America in the 18th century, family "Roosenvelt", and W.Churchill's mother was jewess, family name "Blank" it is well documented and well known. I'm not saying they were practicing judaism or even were raised as jews, i'm just pointing the fact that they were also connected with jews and had some jewsih blood, many of their closest advisors were jewish and zionists. You lack historicall knowledge on this matter.

What you lack are sources for these claims. What the evidence would indicate is that Roosevelt's direct paternal ancestry was Dutch, and Churchill's mother was of Huguenot descent. Some fairly reputable sources on the matter: http://wais.stanford.edu/History/history_roosevelt.htm http://www.gnxp.com/blog/2007/04/churchills-jewish-ancestry-not_08.php Surely were their Jewishness "well-documented" you'd be able to furnish some proof. And please, no Random Nazi Rag #3000, no Jew Watch, no Judicial-Inc, no dens of lunacy in general. As it stands, it's little more than hearsay from a few oddballs on the tubular interwebs.

I don't deny that some jews died in concentration camps, but it was not 6 millions, not even close (it was more around 600 thousand), and gas chambers are a hoax, they never existed, the jews died mostly of disease and starvation during the last months of war due...but so did the germans. There were not even 6 millions living in ocupied Europe by that time, only about 3.5 million. What you know about the Holocaust is a FRAUD.

Oh really? Even in spite of the evidence of systematic genocide, such as Heinrich Himmler's Posen speeches? In spite of the tests for the cyanide-based pesticide Zyklon B at Auschwitz being consistent with the amount needed to kill a human being?

Or this quote from the diary of one Joseph Goebbels: "The SD gave me a police report on conditions in the East. The danger of the Partisans continues to exist in unmitigated intensity in the occupied areas. The Partisans have, after all, caused us very great difficulties during the winter, and these difficulties have by no means ceased with the beginning of spring. Short shrift is made of the Jews in all eastern occupied areas. Tens of thousands of them are liquidated." Then again, perhaps you need the word of Der Fuhrer himself. Oh, wait, I can provide that too: "I am currently talking about the 'evacuation' of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It is one of those things that is easily said. 'The Jewish people is being exterminated,' every Party member will tell you, 'perfectly clear, it's part of our plans, we're eliminating the Jews, exterminating them."

Also, yes, you are a Holocaust denier in that you deny that it was a systematic genocide. This does not necessitate saying "no Jews died in the camps," which almost none of your ilk have the audacity to spout. It merely indicates that you do not believe it to be a genocidal act, a "holocaust" as it were.

12-18-2011, 12:39 AM
i like everything

12-18-2011, 12:52 AM
What you lack are sources for these claims. What the evidence would indicate is that Roosevelt's direct paternal ancestry was Dutch, and Churchill's mother was of Huguenot descent. Some fairly reputable sources on the matter: http://wais.stanford.edu/History/history_roosevelt.htm http://www.gnxp.com/blog/2007/04/churchills-jewish-ancestry-not_08.php Surely were their Jewishness "well-documented" you'd be able to furnish some proof. And please, no Random Nazi Rag #3000, no Jew Watch, no Judicial-Inc, no dens of lunacy in general. As it stands, it's little more than hearsay from a few oddballs on the tubular interwebs.

Oh really? Even in spite of the evidence of systematic genocide, such as Heinrich Himmler's Posen speeches? In spite of the tests for the cyanide-based pesticide Zyklon B at Auschwitz being consistent with the amount needed to kill a human being?

Or this quote from the diary of one Joseph Goebbels: "The SD gave me a police report on conditions in the East. The danger of the Partisans continues to exist in unmitigated intensity in the occupied areas. The Partisans have, after all, caused us very great difficulties during the winter, and these difficulties have by no means ceased with the beginning of spring. Short shrift is made of the Jews in all eastern occupied areas. Tens of thousands of them are liquidated." Then again, perhaps you need the word of Der Fuhrer himself. Oh, wait, I can provide that too: "I am currently talking about the 'evacuation' of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It is one of those things that is easily said. 'The Jewish people is being exterminated,' every Party member will tell you, 'perfectly clear, it's part of our plans, we're eliminating the Jews, exterminating them."

Also, yes, you are a Holocaust denier in that you deny that it was a systematic genocide. This does not necessitate saying "no Jews died in the camps," which almost none of your ilk have the audacity to spout. It merely indicates that you do not believe it to be a genocidal act, a "holocaust" as it were.

This is your 4th current duplicate account Joe. :D

Remember, never go for the vault. Just stick to the bread and butter trolling.

12-18-2011, 12:57 AM
This is your 4th current duplicate account Joe. :D

Remember, never go for the vault. Just stick to the bread and butter trolling.

By Joe, I presume you mean the guy with the Coolidge avatar. That's not me. :tongue

Joe McCarthy
12-18-2011, 01:01 AM
By Joe, I presume you mean the guy with the Coolidge avatar. That's not me. :tongue

Paranoia is a hallmark of fascists both old and new.

Sebastianus Rex
12-18-2011, 02:24 AM
[QUOTE=Edmond_Dantes;628965]What you lack are sources for these claims. What the evidence would indicate is that Roosevelt's direct paternal ancestry was Dutch, and Churchill's mother was of Huguenot descent. Some fairly reputable sources on the matter: http://wais.stanford.edu/History/history_roosevelt.htm http://www.gnxp.com/blog/2007/04/churchills-jewish-ancestry-not_08.php Surely were their Jewishness "well-documented" you'd be able to furnish some proof. And please, no Random Nazi Rag #3000, no Jew Watch, no Judicial-Inc, no dens of lunacy in general. As it stands, it's little more than hearsay from a few oddballs on the tubular interwebs.

Your reputable sources are the same that corroborate the sistematic falsification of history. That is theme of debate, you could quote some sources i could quote other sources and provide you with genealogical threes also. I told you already that they were not raised as jews.

What is more important is to point that their administrations were heavily influenced by zionists and they executed their agenda. Like the USA does today.

Oh really? Even in spite of the evidence of systematic genocide, such as Heinrich Himmler's Posen speeches? In spite of the tests for the cyanide-based pesticide Zyklon B at Auschwitz being consistent with the amount needed to kill a human being?

Really ?! Now please tell me that the guards entered and cleared the gas chambers and after ten minutes entered another round and so on and the guards didn't die or suffered from severe intoxication. Read about the Leutcher Report, it gives scientific evidence of the impossibility of the gas chambers as a mean of mass extermination. What about the capacity of the crematories, at full capacity they could have icinerated around 300 thousand corpses in Birkenau. Yeah, forget about the 4 million, and they they lowered it to 2 million and fianally they settled for 1,2 million.

The Holocaust story tellers provide no scientific evidence nor a systematic account on the real number of victims, only tesmonials and very bad ones. revisionists made estimations based on forensic, logical evidence and backed by demographic data.

And you are just a kid that thinks you're very smart. As a matter of fact i've spoken with people who survived Auschwitz, 2 jewish ladies that live in France, i've seen their tatoos also so they were for real. They were there at a very young age, 10 and 12 years old and survived for almost 1 year, according to the official historians they should have been gased and icinerated because they were not even considered fit to work but yet they survived, another 2 holocaust survivor, so much for the Hollywood bs movies...Did they saw people dying? yes. Did some people died during the fumigation process ? sure accidents happen and alergic reactions also, but it was not used as a mean of systematic extermination, it's a scientifc impossibility, it has been debunked about 100 times with facts.

All there is defendind the BS version of the Holocaust are testemonials and contraditory ones, and crappy hollywood movies made by jews nothing more.

My dear, Zyklon B is not adequated to mass killing, it is very slow at killing, it was a common fumigant, there were much more effective substances like the Sarin Gas and the germans should know that because thay had most of the nobel prize winners in chemistry and the most advanced chemisty industrial sector...oh and they used gas sarin in WWI.

Or this quote from the diary of one Joseph Goebbels: "The SD gave me a police report on conditions in the East. The danger of the Partisans continues to exist in unmitigated intensity in the occupied areas. The Partisans have, after all, caused us very great difficulties during the winter, and these difficulties have by no means ceased with the beginning of spring. Short shrift is made of the Jews in all eastern occupied areas. Tens of thousands of them are liquidated." Then again, perhaps you need the word of Der Fuhrer himself. Oh, wait, I can provide that too: "I am currently talking about the 'evacuation' of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It is one of those things that is easily said. 'The Jewish people is being exterminated,' every Party member will tell you, 'perfectly clear, it's part of our plans, we're eliminating the Jews, exterminating them."

What ? You quote diaries as scientifc proof? What next, are you going to quote me about he diary of Anne Frank to prove that the Holocaust of the 6 millions existed? Yeah, she died with tifo, not gased or shot.

Those quotes are out of the context, we all know that many things about NS has been falsified by "modern historians" stick with evidence and mathematics.

Jews were allowed to left Germany until 1938, many thousands left for America and other countries, in fact Hitler was interested in creating a jewish state so they could left Europe he has made several diplomatic attepts to achieve that (it was to be created in Madagascar). And besides he was even nominated for Nobel peace prize in 1938, did you knew about that? But during to the escalating of tensions during 1939 that was withdrawn. After the war started, the jews who remained in Germany and all the occupied countries were treated as prisoners of War and put in LABOUR camps.

I told you already there were only 3,5 million jews in all occupied Europe even jewish sources of that time confirm it, about 1.2 million people died in german camps, about half were jews, mostly died with tifo, hunger and some were executed...shit happens in war times. All suffered not only jews, dring the final months of the war the german civilians were also dying due to hunger and diseases. The german POWs suffered very much also at russians hands, all german and other eastern european women were mass raped by soviet soldiers during the liberation.

And the USA had also concentration camps also, all the japanese-american population was concentrated, many died also. The C.Camps where in fact invented by the english during the Boers War, more than 30 thousand boers women and children were left do die in those camps, it's a normal thing in War times. And by the way what do you call to the Gaza Strip ?

Also, yes, you are a Holocaust denier in that you deny that it was a systematic genocide. This does not necessitate saying "no Jews died in the camps," which almost none of your ilk have the audacity to spout. It merely indicates that you do not believe it to be a genocidal act, a "holocaust" as it were.

I think you are a zionist or just someone who has a lot to learn, but i don't blame you for many years i tough just like you (and 95% of the western world) but i've read alot and collected many information on the subject and even spoke personally to Auschwitz surivors, you don't teach me anything on this subject.

You believe in fairytales, they appeal to the emotional side, try to read about the subject, see revionist works and movies and use reason. Even serious jewish historians have talked and written about this, making revisionist works.

If you want consult this and then make up your mind:

Der Steinadler
12-18-2011, 01:37 PM
The Nazis were beginners in the science of race and got many of their ideas from us. What they did, through their excesses, was allow our domestic subversives to launch a full scale assault for racial equality by portraying the struggle against white supremacy as an effort against fascism at home. This would probably have been impossible without Nazism, so America's problems currently are due to a large degree to the influence of these fascist murderers.

There is thus no reason to romanticize these fuck ups. They have destroyed my country.

Joe, America is a country built on capitalism, not Nationalsocialism.

Joe McCarthy
12-18-2011, 08:49 PM
Joe, America is a country built on capitalism, not Nationalsocialism.

The US was managing well enough until the Nazis came along. The West in general was, all things considered.

12-18-2011, 09:03 PM
In a word, lack of Freedom. An old English tradition.

The lack of makes me forget any likes.

Contra Mundum
12-19-2011, 06:02 AM
If the good guys had won.


12-19-2011, 06:28 AM
It was funny before Enya came on, then it got hysterical.

Der Steinadler
12-19-2011, 11:18 AM
The US was managing well enough until the Nazis came along. The West in general was, all things considered.


the problems are here because capitalism in one of those things that eats itself.

you cant stop its death.

Jon Snow
12-19-2011, 02:04 PM
This is a Red Herring - an irrelevancy intended to shift the focus of the discussion from the main point.

Not really. This thread is all over the place to begin with, and I was just curious as to your view on what basically amounts to the persecution of academics and the suppression of ideas (even if those ideas don't hold up to scrutiny--like I said, I've done almost no research into the topic).

But I'll entertain your red herring. David Irving is not in jail now (at least as far as I know). He spent 3 years in an Austrian jail for triviliazing or denying the Holocaust, and that's all.

Three years is jail is pretty fucking severe for writing a book, wouldn't you say?!

Also, Holocaust denial creates climates that lead to, at the very least inciting riots, creates clear and present dangers to public order, etc. Given Germany's and Austria's history, I don't blame them.

This is a mighty stretch.

You know what else "creates climates that lead to, at the very least inciting riots"? Just about everything. Think of elections. Sports matches.

ADDED: I WILL NOT go down this line of reasoning again - as my point was that Holocaust revisionists are like "Intelligent Designers" (i.e. Creation Science advocates with more updated clothing styles).

Could you flesh out this analogy a bit more thoroughly? I'm not really following your point.

Jon Snow
12-19-2011, 02:09 PM
Anyway, to answer the OP:


- Killer style. Dudes were cool as hell.
- Dedication to technological progress while maintaining a healthy reverence for the environment.
- The culture of physical fitness and martial prowess.
- Pre-eminence of race in social hierarchy and worldview.


- Role in the war that single-handedly precipitated the decline of the Western world.
- Inevitable association with every modern nationalist movement.

Francisco D'anconia
12-19-2011, 03:24 PM

-Learning about WWII as a child, teen, and as an adult.

-I am married to somebody whose primary area of study has been 20th century history, among other things.

-Survivors of the camps who were freed when the allied forces came in...of which I have had the honor to meet and chat with.

Why are you standing up for the Nazis? Do you LIKE the fact they killed people whose racial or physical makeup they did not approve of?

Having an ideology is one thing, but taking it to the extremes of which the Nazis clearly did is something else entirely.

Ultimately, neither you or I or almost anyone on this board (I think we have one member who was alive during WWII, but that's it) can speak with absolute certainty about what went on inside the Third Reich...and there is always a certain amount of revisionism to the writing of history....

Generally speaking, I think the Nazis were seriously fucked up in their attitudes toward basically anyone that was not *one of them*

That is all I can say:(

"Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason." ~Abraham Joshua Heschel

“To a superior race of being the pretensions of mankind to extraordinary sanctity and virtue must seem... ridiculous.” ~William Hazlitt

12-19-2011, 09:10 PM
I hate the Nazi's because they bombed my grandfather's favorite fish and chip shop in 1941

Sebastianus Rex
12-19-2011, 11:24 PM
In 1941 ? And that bombing was before or after Churchill's refusal to accept the German peace offer made by Ruldolf Hess who has put is own life at risk by flying alone to England ?

He was put in prison for the rest of his life by the way. All in the name of peace of course...

Der Steinadler
12-20-2011, 12:27 PM
There is thus no reason to romanticize these fuck ups. They have destroyed my country.

This applied logic could be a source for a new series of motivated photos: :rolleyes2:

"Lead war against USA...and lose it"

"Destroy USA by losing"


I was going to mention that.

I could be wrong but I think Joe has an inverted way of looking at the world.

2+2 = 0
sun goes round the earth
'Nazis' lost WW2 and now control the earth
water flows upstream

.......a very peculiar encyclopeadia.

12-20-2011, 12:39 PM
The list of evil deeds is too long to discuss...

12-20-2011, 12:43 PM
The Nazis and their modern day supporters remind me of the depths at which humanity can sink. Not only were they degenerate to a degree never seen before, but they were also honourless cowards and weaklings, preferring to kill Jewish and Slavic women and children rather than fight men their own size. No wonder their supporters on this forum are equally as lowly. :shrug:

Nazism encouraged a hive mentality rather than independent thinking. It was an ideology for the spineless, the weak and the feeble minded. You can see the same weakness and feeble mindedness in today's supporters of their ideology. They've preferred to be mindless drones rather than to think for themselves.

The dirt under my boots has more value to me than the Third Reich. The Nazis suffered a humiliating defeat because they were the degenerate spineless cowards and weaklings that they were. :shrug:

Der Steinadler
12-20-2011, 12:51 PM

Nazism encouraged a hive mentality rather than independent thinking. It was an ideology for the spineless, the weak and the feeble minded. You can see the same weakness and feeble mindedness in today's supporters of their ideology. They've preferred to be mindless drones rather than to think for themselves.


yes, makes sense when you consider the millions that all believe the ....same..... 'philosophy' (liberal democracy)

your a real load of 'independent thinking types', arn't you!!!


12-20-2011, 12:53 PM
yes, makes sense when you consider the millions that all believe the ....same..... 'philosophy' (liberal democracy)

your a real load of 'independent thinking types', arn't you!!!



And Fascism is better?

Der Steinadler
12-20-2011, 12:57 PM

And Fascism is better?


^......member of the liberal hive.

ps. fascism and ns are two different things. you illiterate.

12-20-2011, 01:00 PM

^......member of the liberal hive.

ps. fascism and ns are two different things. you illiterate.

Do you even know who Nansen is? :rolleyes2:

Fascism and NS are two sides of the same coin.

Funny that you call me an illiterate when you don't even know how to capitalise letters at the beginning of a sentence. Idiot.

Der Steinadler
12-20-2011, 02:08 PM
Do you even know who Nansen is? :rolleyes2:

yes, another politically correct twat.

Fascism and NS are two sides of the same coin.

no their not.

fascism is an economic worldview. ns is an idealistic worldview.

big difference.

Funny that you call me an illiterate when you don't even know how to capitalise letters at the beginning of a sentence. Idiot.

who says you have to use capital letters ?

i'll use what i like.

12-20-2011, 02:18 PM
yes, another politically correct twat.

Wrong, he's one of the greatest men of the 20th century. That you have the gumption to call a man who's work made him one of the most celebrated explorers in history, and ended up helping 20 million Europeans, says a lot about you. Ignorant fool.

no their not.

It's "they're". Who's the illiterate one? :rolleyes2:

fascism is an economic worldview. ns is an idealistic worldview.

Fascism is much more than an economic worldview.

big difference.


who says you have to use capital letters ?

Every language teacher on the planet?

i'll use what i like.

You're such a rebel. :rolleyes2:

Der Steinadler
12-20-2011, 02:33 PM
Wrong, he's one of the greatest men of the 20th century. That you have the gumption to call a man who's work made him one of the most celebrated explorers in history, and ended up helping 20 million Europeans, says a lot about you. Ignorant fool.

any cunt who gets a Zionist nobel peace prize or who works for the Zionist controlled league of nations is exactly that......a cunt.

he was a major cunt.

Fascism is much more than an economic worldview.

in what way ?


yes, a very big way.

pity you dont' know. pity for you that is.

Every language teacher on the planet?

you mean every language lawyer!

You're such a rebel. :rolleyes2:

against what ?

12-20-2011, 02:43 PM
Here's your new avatar Hevneren! You've got a nice tattoo on your forehead.


You're so likeable when you're offensive and angry! :rolleyes2:

With evil German Nazi drone greetings,

Yours truly,


12-20-2011, 02:44 PM
What I hate about NS Germany it's that they didn't prepare well for the winter war, was reading a passage from Otto Skorzeny's memoires, so he was describing how they were exploding the frozen ground under Moscow to burry dead men, really terrible.

12-20-2011, 02:53 PM
any cunt who gets a Zionist nobel peace prize or who works for the Zionist controlled league of nations is exactly that......a cunt.

You are a laughable little clown. That you'd dare to call a great man like Nansen a cunt, tells me what an ignorant, uneducated and warped individual you are.

The Nobel Prize is Zionist? And they wonder why I think you NS drones are stupid. :rolleyes2:

he was a major cunt.

That's all you have? Insulting the good name of one of the greatest men of the 20th century? Are you pissy because your beloved Third Reich is dead and buried?

in what way ?

Read a history book.

yes, a very big way.

pity you dont' know. pity for you that is.

What compelling arguments.

you mean every language lawyer!

Turkey? :rolleyes2:

against what ?


12-20-2011, 02:55 PM
Here's your new avatar Hevneren! You've got a nice tattoo on your forehead.


You're so likeable when you're offensive and angry! :rolleyes2:

With evil German Nazi drone greetings,

Yours truly,


Wrong thread, Leliana. This thread is about the Nazis. Perhaps you can take your personal issues against me somewhere else? :shrug:

12-20-2011, 03:03 PM
Wrong thread, Leliana. This thread is about the Nazis. Perhaps you can take your personal issues against me somewhere else? :shrug:
But we Germans who stand up for our rights are all Nazi drones, according to you! :embarrassed

12-20-2011, 03:05 PM
But we Germans who stand up for our rights are all Nazi drones, according to you! :embarrassed

Please don't put words in my mouth.

12-20-2011, 03:09 PM
Fascism isn't Nazism.

There are many difference between this two theories.

12-20-2011, 03:17 PM
Fascism isn't Nazism.

There are many difference between this two theories.

Perhaps, but many if not most Nazis were fascist.

12-20-2011, 03:34 PM
Perhaps, but many if not most Nazis were fascist.

Not 100% correct...definitely many nazis of the "first wave" (Hitler, Goring, Goebbles, Freiherr Von Sebottendorf, etc) were heavily inspired by fascism and by the writings and political doctrines of Mussolini, Gentile and of the Futurist poets, but they don't simply "copy" these doctrines, but they adapted to their purpose (in this case, antisemitism, violence, "borderline" nordicism, etc).

I personal consider "nazis" all the german hierarchy of the Third Reich, while i consider "fascist" 7/10 of the italian government from 1919 to 1945 and some other politicians like Sir Oswald Mosley, Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, etc.

Der Steinadler
12-20-2011, 03:36 PM
Perhaps, but many if not most Nazis were fascist.

if they were fascist, why did they call themselves NationalSocialists ?

12-20-2011, 03:45 PM
the only thing that i like about the Nazis is the high level of technological development that they have reached in many science fields, like aeronautics, medicine, etc.
though they tested many of their discoveries and inventions on the prisoners in the lagers :rolleyes2:

Der Steinadler
12-20-2011, 03:55 PM
Not 100% correct...definitely many nazis of the "first wave" (Hitler, Goring, Goebbles, Freiherr Von Sebottendorf, etc) were heavily inspired by fascism and by the writings and political doctrines of Mussolini, Gentile and of the Futurist poets, but they don't simply "copy" these doctrines, but they adapted to their purpose (in this case, antisemitism, violence, "borderline" nordicism, etc).

not true.

NationalSocialism has its roots in movements like Prussian Socialism, the Los von Rom movement, Germanic mysticism, and the Racial theories of the 19th century.

philosophers like Hegel, Friedrich Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Sombert, Karl Willigut, Guido von List and Liebenfels provided the groundwork on which NS was built.

they never copied a thing from the fascists, which has its roots in Greek philosophy. its an entirely different worldview alltogether. further still, it was not focused on anti-semitic activity.

I personal consider "nazis" all the german hierarchy of the Third Reich, while i consider "fascist" 7/10 of the italian government from 1919 to 1945 and some other politicians like Sir Oswald Mosley, Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, etc.
that's correct.

the distinguishing feature between the two is that one is German, and the other is not.

NS would never occur as any kind of ideal, unless they had some German blood. its bound up with the Germanic people.

12-20-2011, 04:47 PM
not true.

NationalSocialism has its roots in movements like Prussian Socialism, the Los von Rom movement, Germanic mysticism, and the Racial theories of the 19th century.

philosophers like Hegel, Friedrich Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Sombert, Karl Willigut, Guido von List and Liebenfels provided the groundwork on which NS was built.

they never copied a thing from the fascists, which has its roots in Greek philosophy. its an entirely different worldview alltogether. further still, it was not focused on anti-semitic activity.

I know, i know all this topic, but I simplified the answer because English isn't my mother tongue and I wouldn't be able to write a long treatise/assay on the differences between fascism and National Socialism :)

Der Steinadler
12-20-2011, 05:05 PM
I know, i know all this topic, but I simplified the answer because English isn't my mother tongue and I wouldn't be able to write a long treatise/assay on the differences between fascism and National Socialism :)


they're interesting to study, both out of curiosity and for social-political purposes.

Sebastianus Rex
12-20-2011, 05:19 PM
[QUOTE=Hevneren;631646]The Nazis and their modern day supporters remind me of the depths at which humanity can sink. Not only were they degenerate to a degree never seen before, but they were also honourless cowards and weaklings, preferring to kill Jewish and Slavic women and children rather than fight men their own size. No wonder their supporters on this forum are equally as lowly. :shrug:

Really, and what do you call your fellow countrymen norwegian "democrats" that after the war have put 15.000 Lebensborn children (of norwegian mothers) in mental institutions and sanatories, those children were persecuted (they drawed swastikas on their foreheads), beaten, abandoned and some were sterilised and their monthers were arrested and condemned to forced labours, many were raped and beaten also. Very humanistic...but of course you prefer to ignore this or you don't even know about it, always talking about the "evil nazis" and swallowing jewish lies.

And by the way, the communists FORCED women and children to charge against the german troops, they were slaves of the soviet political comissars (many of them jews) who were behind the officers, soldiers and civilians to force them to advance to the be slaughtered, if they refused they would be shot. Learn about that before posting nonsense, you have a lot to learn.

You watch these movies, maybe you'll learn something:

Nazism encouraged a hive mentality rather than independent thinking. It was an ideology for the spineless, the weak and the feeble minded. You can see the same weakness and feeble mindedness in today's supporters of their ideology. They've preferred to be mindless drones rather than to think for themselves.

Look who's talking, the average brainwashed chump...

The dirt under my boots has more value to me than the Third Reich. The Nazis suffered a humiliating defeat because they were the degenerate spineless cowards and weaklings that they were. :shrug:

Oh really?! Cowards? So tell me how one nation of "cowards" put all the World shiting their pants?

Educate yourself, all you know is not true or is distorted.

12-28-2011, 08:08 PM
How about Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Greece etc.?

Norway and Denmark got in the way and Denmark didn't even put up a fight;Iceland and Greenland were invaded by the USA,not Germany;Belgium is a fake state and Greece was because of Italy's fail and need of help. :shrug:

01-26-2012, 03:45 AM
What I did like.

There has been a lot of points previously brought up which I agree with but I must add...

The uniforms were sexy. The Waffen SS were not just bad ass but sexy as Hell.

A healthy racial attitude, race-mixers and other freaks were appropriately dealt with. There wouldn't be Turks, Negroes etc in Germany if they won.

There is a lot I like about it and I can go on and on.

What I do not like.

They didn't win, costly tactical mistakes etc.

The Ripper
01-27-2012, 03:08 PM
I must say, I quite like their drones.

01-27-2012, 03:35 PM
Fighters from Vermacht and SS are very apressiated in Russia by folks. Killers are hated.

01-27-2012, 03:47 PM
SS are very apressiated.

Killers are hated.

Anyway, I like the weapons, military tactics, uniforms and the fact that they somewhat cared about the good of their own people.

Can't be bothered to write down everything I disliked, long list, that's all you need to know.

01-27-2012, 03:53 PM
Some of their ideals, but little of their ethics or methodology.