View Full Version : Irish Starting to Get Annoyed With Immigration

Grace O'Malley
02-02-2023, 11:00 AM
I've been noticing this happened over the last few months and I don't blame them at all. It's ridiculous as there is no accommodation to house the people coming in. More protests are happening. There is too many refugees coming into Europe as a whole and it is starting to destabilise the population. Some Irish villages now have nearly 40% increase with immigrants and hotels are being used that would normally have tourists in them. There are still people coming in even though they have no room for them.



A further 26 asylum seekers were left without state accommodation after arriving in Ireland last Friday, bringing the total provided no shelter last week to 81.

However, the Department of Integration said yesterday that 55 of those international protection applicants were being offered shelter in the Citywest reception centre, which is closed to new arrivals this week. Despite this, a government policy implemented last week, of not providing accommodation for refugees who come to Ireland without children, remains in force.

The state is accommodating almost 76,000 people, which includes those fleeing the war in Ukraine as well as refugees from other countries.


The refugee system is broken as so many of these refugees are just economic migrants and not genuine refugees. In many European countries the population appears to be getting sick to the back teeth of what's happening. In Ireland for example there is plenty of their own homeless that don't have places to sleep and also a lack of housing for Irish people themselves. Students from country areas having to go to Dublin for tertiary education have been having trouble getting accommodation and some have had to defer. It is just ridiculous.

02-02-2023, 11:04 AM
my neighboring town became majoritay Moroccan for example these years :p

Grace O'Malley
02-02-2023, 11:15 AM
my neighboring town became majoritay Moroccan for example these years :p

That's just mad. The Refugee Convention should really be updated. The refugee situation isn't sustainable especially in places like Europe as things are only going to get worse in the future. If things don't change I can see a lot of trouble happening.

02-02-2023, 11:18 AM
That's just mad. The Refugee Convention should really be updated. The refugee situation isn't sustainable especially in places like Europe as things are only going to get worse in the future. If things don't change I can see a lot of trouble happening.

well at least here we have mostly respect to each others and these things mostly with latin americans and that and some moroccans too but yeah also i can imagine a bad future with this looking at countries like sweden or France

Tooting Carmen
02-02-2023, 11:21 AM
Not that it is any real consolation for overstretched public services, but many if not most of those refugees are Ukrainians, not non-Europeans.

Grace O'Malley
02-02-2023, 11:22 AM
well at least here we have mostly respect to each others and these things mostly with latin americans and that and some moroccans too but yeah also i can imagine a bad future with this looking at countries like sweden or France

Places like Ireland have a relatively small population and have had a huge influx of people. A lot of this is because of Ukrainians but I think what makes the Irish annoyed is all the single men coming in from other places especially with the housing shortage and other issues starting to emerge because of lack of resources.

Grace O'Malley
02-02-2023, 11:26 AM
Not that it is any real consolation for overstretched public services, but many if not most of those refugees are Ukrainians, not non-Europeans.

As I've posted above they have been pretty tolerant of the Ukrainians but it is all the single men coming in from other areas. Everything is just getting overstretched. In Limerick for instance some secondary students have not got a place because they are all gone. Irish Government is saying they have an obligation but if there is no accommodation and they are putting refugees in hotels in areas that rely on tourists people are going to start getting frustrated.

02-02-2023, 11:34 AM

Grace O'Malley
02-02-2023, 12:11 PM
People coming in with no documentation should have to prove their identity. It's obviously a sham when "40% of people who come into Ireland to claim asylum, say that between getting on the plane and getting off they have lost their passports". Why do Governments allow this?


02-02-2023, 12:17 PM

That´s funny!

Let´s see what would be like a 50% SPanish/50% Ukrainian descent:

Distance to: 50%_Spanish_Castilla_y_León/50%_Ukrainian_Dnipro
0.01998241 Austrian
0.02118607 Hungarian
0.02248577 Croatian
0.02355736 German_Erlangen
0.02498515 Slovenian
0.02887749 German
0.02965857 French_Alsace
0.03141603 Czech
0.03147450 Afrikaner
0.03185932 Moldovan
0.03220171 German_East
0.03257115 French_Nord
0.03305140 Bosnian
0.03341039 BelgianA
0.03349843 German_Hamburg
0.03504538 Serbian
0.03522027 Swiss_German
0.03540013 BelgianB
0.03558210 Ukrainian_Zakarpattia
0.03559086 BelgianC
0.03586093 Montenegrin
0.03596434 French_Seine-Maritime
0.03764793 French_Pas-de-Calais
0.03929535 Romanian
0.03978149 French_Paris

And the descents of an Irish/Spanish couple?

Distance to: 50%_Irish/50%_Castilla_y_León
0.01481150 BelgianC
0.01757177 French_Paris
0.01831519 French_Nord
0.01994764 BelgianB
0.02018748 French_Occitanie
0.02078898 Swiss_German
0.02136083 French_Alsace
0.02190086 BelgianA
0.02219040 French_Pas-de-Calais
0.02328670 French_Auvergne
0.02523523 French_Brittany
0.02816624 Afrikaner
0.02858307 Swiss_French
0.03039223 French_Seine-Maritime
0.03159847 English_Cornwall
0.03181898 French_Provence
0.03189685 Welsh
0.03258392 Spanish_Penedes
0.03282443 Spanish_Barcelones
0.03392271 English
0.03429090 German
0.03443652 Spanish_Girona
0.03461520 Dutch
0.03518293 Spanish_Camp_de_Tarragona
0.03528175 Italian_Aosta_Valley

02-02-2023, 12:27 PM
That´s funny!

Let´s see what would be like a 50% SPanish/50% Ukrainian descent:

Distance to: 50%_Spanish_Castilla_y_León/50%_Ukrainian_Dnipro
0.01998241 Austrian
0.02118607 Hungarian
0.02248577 Croatian
0.02355736 German_Erlangen
0.02498515 Slovenian
0.02887749 German
0.02965857 French_Alsace
0.03141603 Czech
0.03147450 Afrikaner
0.03185932 Moldovan
0.03220171 German_East
0.03257115 French_Nord
0.03305140 Bosnian
0.03341039 BelgianA
0.03349843 German_Hamburg
0.03504538 Serbian
0.03522027 Swiss_German
0.03540013 BelgianB
0.03558210 Ukrainian_Zakarpattia
0.03559086 BelgianC
0.03586093 Montenegrin
0.03596434 French_Seine-Maritime
0.03764793 French_Pas-de-Calais
0.03929535 Romanian
0.03978149 French_Paris

And the descents of an Irish/Spanish couple?

Distance to: 50%_Irish/50%_Castilla_y_León
0.01481150 BelgianC
0.01757177 French_Paris
0.01831519 French_Nord
0.01994764 BelgianB
0.02018748 French_Occitanie
0.02078898 Swiss_German
0.02136083 French_Alsace
0.02190086 BelgianA
0.02219040 French_Pas-de-Calais
0.02328670 French_Auvergne
0.02523523 French_Brittany
0.02816624 Afrikaner
0.02858307 Swiss_French
0.03039223 French_Seine-Maritime
0.03159847 English_Cornwall
0.03181898 French_Provence
0.03189685 Welsh
0.03258392 Spanish_Penedes
0.03282443 Spanish_Barcelones
0.03392271 English
0.03429090 German
0.03443652 Spanish_Girona
0.03461520 Dutch
0.03518293 Spanish_Camp_de_Tarragona
0.03528175 Italian_Aosta_Valley

ese ultimo es parecido al de mi abuelo:
Distance to: AbueloG25
0.01866991 US_Cajun
0.01922118 French_Central
0.02023073 French_South
0.02168629 French-Canadian
0.02217597 Italian_Aosta_Valley
0.02303357 Canada_Quebec
0.02625625 Spanish_North
0.02629342 US_Louisiana
0.02796351 Swiss_French
0.02853585 French_North
0.02953246 Swiss_German
0.02984108 Austrian_Tyrol
0.02987432 German_Southwest
0.02996599 Pennsylvania_Dutch
0.03084995 US_New-York
0.03104372 Portuguese
0.03109289 US_New-York-City
0.03167670 Spanish_Central_&_South
0.03169592 French_Alsace
0.03309020 Canada_New-Brunswick
0.03403648 Italian_North_Alpine
0.03439599 Belgian
0.03505279 US_Philadelphia
0.03685028 US_California
0.03707598 US_Northeast

solo que el esta mas south shifted

Target: AbueloG25
Distance: 0.8189% / 0.00818947
46.8 Irish
40.2 Basque_France
12.2 Saudi
0.4 Karitiana
0.4 Yoruban

Grace O'Malley
02-02-2023, 01:40 PM
Not that it is any real consolation for overstretched public services, but many if not most of those refugees are Ukrainians, not non-Europeans.

Just looking more into this and most are coming in via the UK (i.e. the men).


02-02-2023, 02:27 PM
Which countries are they mainly from?

02-02-2023, 03:04 PM
Sadly, the word refugee has been bastardized (as well as many other concepts). It used to have some meaning in the past but now it basically translates to "lazy parasite who wants to receive everything for free".

Daco Celtic
02-04-2023, 01:14 AM
Places like Ireland have a relatively small population and have had a huge influx of people. A lot of this is because of Ukrainians but I think what makes the Irish annoyed is all the single men coming in from other places especially with the housing shortage and other issues starting to emerge because of lack of resources.

Spanish men on the prowl https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-cp7md/p7md/p7dgs/


Grace O'Malley
02-04-2023, 01:28 AM
Which countries are they mainly from?

Mostly Africans (i.e. Nigerians, Somalians etc) and places like Georgia (surprisingly) and shows how the asylum system is a load of tosh. The ones from Afghanistan have a high rate of acceptance for asylum. I'm not sure where latest influx is from but some are now coming from UK. I've heard it is because the UK is looking at the possibility off-shoring some of them to places like Rwanda so there has been an influx to Ireland.

Grace O'Malley
02-04-2023, 01:34 AM
Spanish men on the prowl https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-cp7md/p7md/p7dgs/


Lativians and Lithuanians have a very high divorce rate.

I find it odd the way some on here are looking at Putin as some champion of non-wokeness and saying the west is decadent when places like Russia have one of the highest divorces rates and also high rates of abortion whereas Ireland has one of the lowest rates of divorce and abortion in Europe.

Ireland: 0.6 Divorces per 1,000 People
Compared to the rest of Europe and the world, Ireland’s divorce rate is considered remarkably low, with only 0.6 divorces per 1,000 people. Despite being a predominantly Roman Catholic country, the divorce rate among Catholics was 4.1%. This is deemed high compared to other Catholic European countries such as the UK, Poland, and Spain, with divorce rates of 1.9%, 1.8%, and 2.1%.


Colonel Frank Grimes
02-04-2023, 01:46 AM
People of a certain character believe this is the goal of 'the elite', but Western nations have a humanitarian streak that is unknown in most of the world. Living in a society where people are concerned for others is great. Empathy is a good thing. However, as with everything, there can be a negative if taken too far. Some people will take advantage.

If you have a system that helps the needy but keeps your border open, then the 'needy' of other countries will flock to your country. The needy could legitimately be a family in fear of their lives or, most likely, young men who either don't want to risk their lives in combat or, as young men tend to be - and very much unlike women, especially from such societies where women are second class citizens and so their ability to go out on their own is limited or nonexistent - willing to pack up and see how green is the other side of the fence because they have nothing much to lose.

It's good to be kind. It's not good to allow others to take advantage of you.

Daco Celtic
02-04-2023, 01:47 AM
"Ireland: 0.6 Divorces per 1,000 People
Compared to the rest of Europe and the world, Ireland’s divorce rate is considered remarkably low, with only 0.6 divorces per 1,000 people. Despite being a predominantly Roman Catholic country, the divorce rate among Catholics was 4.1%. This is deemed high compared to other Catholic European countries such as the UK, Poland, and Spain, with divorce rates of 1.9%, 1.8%, and 2.1%."

That is consistent with heavily Irish (and Catholic) areas of New England and the Northeast, which have much lower divorce rates than most of America.


Colonel Frank Grimes
02-04-2023, 01:51 AM
That is consistent with heavily Irish (and Catholic) areas of New England and the Northeast, which have much lower divorce rates than most of America.


"That's cuz my wife is wicked awesome..."

One of the funniest ethnic stereotypes is the Boston Irish.


Daco Celtic
02-04-2023, 01:57 AM
One of the funniest ethnic stereotypes is the Boston Irish.


Boston is a great city and that pumpkin beer should be illegal.

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-04-2023, 02:01 AM
Boston is a great city and that pumpkin beer should be illegal.

Pumpkin beer is wicked awesome.

Boston sports fans are only slightly less annoying than Philly sports fans.

Grace O'Malley
02-04-2023, 02:05 AM
People of a certain character believe this is the goal of 'the elite', but Western nations have a humanitarian streak that is unknown in most of the world. Living in a society where people are concerned for others is great. Empathy is a good thing. However, as with everything, there can be a negative if taken too far. Some people will take advantage.

If you have a system that helps the needy but keeps your border open, then the 'needy' of other countries will flock to your country. The needy could legitimately be a family in fear of their lives or, most likely, young men who either don't want to risk their lives in combat or, as young men tend to be - and very much unlike women, especially from such societies where women are second class citizens and so their ability to go out on their own is limited or nonexistent - willing to pack up and see how green is the other side of the fence because they have nothing much to lose.

It's good to be kind. It's not good to allow others to take advantage of you.

Yes people are willing to be kind but I think people now just think it has gone too far. There are people coming in from countries which are obviously not war torn and also seeing all the single young men flock in is really testing people's kindness. There is a huge amount of Ukrainians coming in but it hasn't stopped the others coming in and places are getting swamped. People are getting a bit pissed that Irish homeless are not getting the same help. There is a housing shortage and any accommodation is going to non-Irish so this is when trouble can start brewing.

People all over Europe are starting to get a bit of a belly full as evidenced by countries like Italy, Sweden, Denmark getting more strict on who they will accept. Also Eastern European countries have never really been fans of the idea of asylum for non-Europeans. The EU says there is an obligation to accept refugees but they need to sort out the abuses of this as there is unrest happening in many countries and the Ukrainian situation has brought this into focus more because how many resources do individual countries have to offer all these people asylum?

Daco Celtic
02-04-2023, 02:07 AM
Pumpin beer is wicked awesome.

Boston sports fans are only slightly less annoying than Philly sports fans.

Philly takes the cake for loud mouth fans. They even had a jail at the old Vet. I often wonder how these people were created.

02-04-2023, 02:09 AM
Yes people are willing to be kind but I think people now just think it has gone too far. There are people coming in from countries which are obviously not war torn and also seeing all the single young men flock in is really testing people's kindness. There is a huge amount of Ukrainians coming in but it hasn't stopped the others coming in and places are getting swamped. People are getting a bit pissed that Irish homeless are not getting the same help. There is a housing shortage and any accommodation is going to non-Irish so this is when trouble can start brewing.

People all over Europe are starting to get a bit of a belly full as evidenced by countries like Italy, Sweden, Denmark getting more strict on who they will accept. Also Eastern European countries have never really been fans of the idea of asylum for non-Europeans. The EU says there is an obligation to accept refugees but they need to sort out the abuses of this as there is unrest happening in many countries and the Ukrainian situation has brought this into focus more because how many resources do individual countries have to offer all these people asylum?

Maybe a cabal wants to destabilize European countries. There was a time when that would have sounded like a conspiracy theory, but that time has passed. North American countries aren't immune to this phenomenon, either. Our "leaders" send never ending money and weapons to Dr. Strangelove while our people suffer, but only Putin stooges would complain.

02-04-2023, 02:10 AM
Europeans Invaded the Americas and some of us didn't ask to race mixed with us. So what's the problem with none white Inmigrants moving In? As long they are willing to work and pay taxes and not living like parasites from the government aid I don't see a problem.

Daco Celtic
02-04-2023, 02:18 AM
Yes people are willing to be kind but I think people now just think it has gone too far. There are people coming in from countries which are obviously not war torn and also seeing all the single young men flock in is really testing people's kindness. There is a huge amount of Ukrainians coming in but it hasn't stopped the others coming in and places are getting swamped. People are getting a bit pissed that Irish homeless are not getting the same help. There is a housing shortage and any accommodation is going to non-Irish so this is when trouble can start brewing.

People all over Europe are starting to get a bit of a belly full as evidenced by countries like Italy, Sweden, Denmark getting more strict on who they will accept. Also Eastern European countries have never really been fans of the idea of asylum for non-Europeans. The EU says there is an obligation to accept refugees but they need to sort out the abuses of this as there is unrest happening in many countries and the Ukrainian situation has brought this into focus more because how many resources do individual countries have to offer all these people asylum?

What do you think of immigrants being let into Ireland if they meet certain education requirements? I think it will be inevitable with the rapid growth of the Irish economy.

Grace O'Malley
02-04-2023, 02:21 AM
Maybe a cabal wants to destabilize European countries. There was a time when that would have sounded like a conspiracy theory, but that time has passed. North American countries aren't immune to this phenomenon, either. Our "leaders" send never ending money and weapons to Dr. Strangelove while our people suffer, but only Putin stooges would complain.

I don't think there is a deliberate attempt to destabilise countries but there is a disconnect from reality with many in Government. It is the working class that bear the brunt of all of this and people have a limit. Irish are very proactive compared to a lot of other nationalities. They are generally kind but they are not going to stand by and watch their communities being disadvantaged.

I've read in the past in Irish media how the Irish are accepting and there is no pro-right parties in Government. I always thought this was naïve as no people are particularly special and immune to racial unrest. If things keep going the way they are there will be far right parties in Ireland just like there are in other European countries. Governments need to think about things such as social cohesion otherwise they will have instability in their countries.

Grace O'Malley
02-04-2023, 02:36 AM
What do you think of immigrants being let into Ireland if they meet certain educational requirements? I think it will be inevitable with the rapid growth of the Irish economy.

No one in Ireland is protesting about immigrants and people coming in legally. It is the large influx of mostly single men coming in. They are more accepting of women and children which is what most Ukrainians are made up of but all these single men coming in which they can see going into these refugee centres is stirring a lot of this. The problem is that they have no accommodation for them all and some of these men are now having to sleep rough. The Irish government is scrambling to get places for all these refugees. Some ordinary Irish point out how they can't get housing so these sort of things cause a lot of anger and people feel annoyed because they know that a lot of these "refugees" are economic migrants and this is something that needs to be sorted. For the asylum system to work and be sustainable they need to weed out all the scammers. There is just not enough resources for everyone.

02-04-2023, 02:38 AM
Leper cons ruling Stepper Khans in Leprechaunstan.

Grace O'Malley
02-04-2023, 02:40 AM
Europeans Invaded the Americas and some of us didn't ask to race mixed with us. So what's the problem with none white Inmigrants moving In? As long they are willing to work and pay taxes and not living like parasites from the government aid I don't see a problem.

There is no problem with non-white immigrants and people coming in legally. Every country to be functional needs to have control of what people can come in. In many European countries for the welfare system to be sustainable they can't have people coming in just for what they can get. A lot of refugees coming in are virtually a long term burden to their host countries.

Daco Celtic
02-04-2023, 02:43 AM
No one in Ireland is protesting about immigrants and people coming in legally. It is the large influx of mostly single men coming in. They are more accepting of women and children which is what most Ukrainians are made up of but all these single men coming in which they can see going into these refugee centres is stirring a lot of this. The problem is that they have no accommodation for them all and some of these men are now having to sleep rough. The Irish government is scrambling to get places for all these refugees. Some ordinary Irish point out how they can't get housing so these sort of things cause a lot of anger and people feel annoyed because they know that a lot of these "refugees" are economic migrants and this is something that needs to be sorted. For the asylum system to work and be sustainable they need to weed out all the scammers. There is just not enough resources for everyone.

So Ireland failed to deal with affordable housing and housing supply and these immigrants became the scapegoats for the working class. Sounds familiar. The poor going at the poor.

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-04-2023, 02:51 AM
Europeans Invaded the Americas and some of us didn't ask to race mixed with us. So what's the problem with none white Inmigrants moving In?

This is such an irrational post. "You guys fucked us non-Whites over. Why can't non-Whites return the favor and fuck you guys over?!" You might as well shoot yourself if you decide to allow others to fuck you over because you're just looking to die anyway.

As long they are willing to work and pay taxes and not living like parasites from the government aid I don't see a problem.

The problem is you end up having 'nations within a nation' when you have mass immigration. Immigration is fine when it's in numbers that can be assimilated. You can't assimilate massive waves.

Grace O'Malley
02-04-2023, 03:07 AM
So Ireland failed to deal with affordable housing and housing supply and these immigrants became the scapegoats for the working class. Sounds familiar. The poor going at the poor.

Yes there is a problem with affordable housing but I can understand how people are getting pissed off. Ireland is a small population and they have had 67,000 Ukrainians in Dec 2022 and it is expected 90,000 by March this year and this is along with other refugees. This is a lot in a very short space of time and a big stretch on resources.

Ireland’s housing crisis has been in the making since the late 2000s when the international housing bubble burst. Due to the burst in Ireland, it became evident that there was a growing lack of suitable and affordable rental living spaces.

The housing market has been unable to keep pace with Ireland’s population growth and urban concentration. There are rough estimates that to keep pace with the population growth and job density in cities, particularly in Dublin, there must be 45,000 new houses built a year. Unfortunately, the average annual number since 2015 has been 15,000. The cost of building materials has remained high since the early 2000s. Worse, the housing bubble exacerbated the costs for housing materials and has made it almost impossible to build houses at all, much less any new affordable housing.


So it is a difficult situation and not easily solvable. In the end Ireland just can't accommodate the amount of people coming in. In a perfect world people might be happy when they pay all the taxes and let other people come in and take all the resources. I don't know of many people who would be happy with that happening in their countries.

I think it is just the amounts coming in that is difficult to absorb. It is no good not understanding how these situations arise as everyone is under stress.

02-04-2023, 03:39 AM
There is no problem with non-white immigrants and people coming in legally. Every country to be functional needs to have control of what people can come in. In many European countries for the welfare system to be sustainable they can't have people coming in just for what they can get. A lot of refugees coming in are virtually a long term burden to their host countries.

Let's be real, and cut the hypocrisy for a while If all Inmigrants where white or even Nordic Ireland the United States or Australia Its citizens wouldn't have a problem coming In even If they happen to speak other language other than English.

But since they are none white locals start complaining they taking our houses, jobs etc. Reminds me the case of Ukrainians flooding Tijuana few months ago U. S border officials easily let them In within few hours while Central Americans had to wait their asylum process In Mexico.

I'm sure the process was different because Ukrainians are white and our central american brothers are not:rolleyes:

02-04-2023, 03:43 AM
This is such an irrational post. "You guys fucked us non-Whites over. Why can't non-Whites return the favor and fuck you guys over?!" You might as well shoot yourself if you decide to allow others to fuck you over because you're just looking to die anyway.

The problem is you end up having 'nations within a nation' when you have mass immigration. Immigration is fine when it's in numbers that can be assimilated. You can't assimilate massive waves.

I don't care but you know I have a point, Amerindians and Australian aborigines should've passed laws to prevent "massive European immigrants" to their lands.

Unfortunately they were not capable of creating a society of their own thus the consequences are now obvious.

Grace O'Malley
02-04-2023, 03:58 AM
Let's be real, and cut the hypocrisy for a while If all Inmigrants where white or even Nordic Ireland the United States or Australia Its citizens wouldn't have a problem coming In even If they happen to speak other language other than English.

But since they are none white locals start complaining they taking our houses, jobs etc. Reminds me the case of Ukrainians flooding Tijuana few months ago U. S border officials easily let them In within few hours while Central Americans had to wait their asylum process In Mexico.

I'm sure the process was different because Ukrainians are white and our central american brothers are not:rolleyes:

You are putting your issues on this. It is not because they are non-white. They are many non-whites in Ireland that there are no problems with. Ireland has many Filipino nurses for example and Asians such as Chinese etc that people don't have issues with. Look at the video I posted at the start.

There was also a town in Gort in Galway with a large percentage of the population being Brazilians. They have not had issues with racism but they initially came on visas and many have had trouble getting permanent residency. Some have been there since 2011 and many want to stay.


Using racism as the only reason is very simplistic.

02-04-2023, 04:05 AM
People of a certain character believe this is the goal of 'the elite', but Western nations have a humanitarian streak that is unknown in most of the world. Living in a society where people are concerned for others is great. Empathy is a good thing. However, as with everything, there can be a negative if taken too far. Some people will take advantage.

If you have a system that helps the needy but keeps your border open, then the 'needy' of other countries will flock to your country. The needy could legitimately be a family in fear of their lives or, most likely, young men who either don't want to risk their lives in combat or, as young men tend to be - and very much unlike women, especially from such societies where women are second class citizens and so their ability to go out on their own is limited or nonexistent - willing to pack up and see how green is the other side of the fence because they have nothing much to lose.

It's good to be kind. It's not good to allow others to take advantage of you.

Nigger, please. The majority of those charities are NGOs and owned and operated by zionist jews.



02-04-2023, 04:05 AM
I don't think there is a deliberate attempt to destabilise countries but there is a disconnect from reality with many in Government. It is the working class that bear the brunt of all of this and people have a limit. Irish are very proactive compared to a lot of other nationalities. They are generally kind but they are not going to stand by and watch their communities being disadvantaged.

I've read in the past in Irish media how the Irish are accepting and there is no pro-right parties in Government. I always thought this was naïve as no people are particularly special and immune to racial unrest. If things keep going the way they are there will be far right parties in Ireland just like there are in other European countries. Governments need to think about things such as social cohesion otherwise they will have instability in their countries.

Nah, it's deliberate. The Irishman, Computing Forever, has it right, but I can't speak for Ireland like he can. Slow Joe and his puppeteers are damaging and destroying the USA as fast as they can, and it's purposeful. The far, far, far, far (infinity) rightist, Tulsi Gabbard even says this.

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-04-2023, 04:20 AM
I don't care but you know I have a point, Amerindians and Australian aborigines should've passed laws to prevent "massive European immigrants" to their lands.

You don't have a point. You're just angry. It sucks for Amerindians and Australian aborigines, but that doesn't mean you sacrifice your own interests. Do you think the Navajo and Lakota natives want to be swamped by Mexicans and Central Americans? In the real world, people should be looking out for their interests (which coincides with that of their community). To have your nation's resources spread to the limit goes against one's interests.

Unfortunately they were not capable of creating a society of their own thus the consequences are now obvious.

They did have societies of their own. European diseases decimated them. It would have been impossible for Europeans to spread in the Americas otherwise. I'm speaking of the Amerindians only. I don't know anything about Australian aboriginals.

Let's be real, and cut the hypocrisy for a while If all Inmigrants where white or even Nordic Ireland the United States or Australia Its citizens wouldn't have a problem coming In even If they happen to speak other language other than English.

But since they are none white locals start complaining they taking our houses, jobs etc. Reminds me the case of Ukrainians flooding Tijuana few months ago U. S border officials easily let them In within few hours while Central Americans had to wait their asylum process In Mexico.

I'm sure the process was different because Ukrainians are white and our central american brothers are not:rolleyes:

It's not about race. People in Europe are complaining about White Ukrainians, also. Ukrainians aren't flooding the US and so it's not seen as a big deal here but it is a big deal in Europe.

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-04-2023, 04:31 AM
Nigger, please. The majority of those charities are NGOs and owned and operated by zionist jews.


Nigga, fake New Joisyians listen to Bon Jovi. Real New Joiysians lsten to The Boss.



I don't like immigrants cuz they prefer soccer over hockey.

02-04-2023, 05:03 AM
Nigga, fake New Joisyians listen to Bon Jovi. Real New Joiysians lsten to The Boss.



the word boss stems from the Dutch word baas or master via the original settlers. That's why you goils have a funny accent, like you're gargling ballsacks. That's how the Dutch speak english.

Deez Nuts:

Grace O'Malley
02-04-2023, 06:45 AM
The asylum system at present is broken. Eventually one major country will reject the Convention and Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees. It is just not sustainable the way it is now. There really needs to be regional centres in poor but stable countries set up which are funded by the target countries to assess these refugees. You can't just have people trekking across perfectly safe countries to get to the place they find most desirable. Long term there needs to be more effort put into reducing the drivers of asylum i.e. war and poor governance. Western countries will not be able to take all the people that want to go there. This is an issue which needs to be discussed by governments before things get a lot worse.

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-04-2023, 07:26 AM
The asylum system at present is broken. Eventually one major country will reject the Convention and Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees. It is just not sustainable the way it is now. There really needs to be regional centres in poor but stable countries set up which are funded by the target countries to assess these refugees. You can't just have people trekking across perfectly safe countries to get to the place they find most desirable. Long term there needs to be more effort put into reducing the drivers of asylum i.e. war and poor governance. Western countries will not be able to take all the people that want to go there. This is an issue which needs to be discussed by governments before things get a lot worse.

The only thing that will save the West is shutting the borders and a push for AI. Because Western Euros love their welfare system and aren't willing to give it up, but yet are not producing children that would grow up to sustain this system with their productivity, they're forced to look for an outside source of labor that is truly a mixed bag in the present and will be a powder keg in the future.

Shutting the borders is, on the surface, cruel because many good people will suffer, but what does that matter if 50 years from now your nation collapses because you allowed people who are a social problem to come and create parallel societies where they see the native-born as scum (recall the thread about the Swedish teacher)? Now everyone is fucked because society can't sustain itself. Now everyone suffers.

AI needs to advance (even with the dangers that it poses) so that much of the labor that requires young, productive men can be passed off to machines if Euros want to have a semblance of a welfare state that so many people love so much cuz they're dumb and think something comes from nothing.

Grace O'Malley
02-04-2023, 07:37 AM
The only thing that will save the West is shutting the borders and a push for AI. Because Western Euros love their welfare system and aren't willing to give it up, but yet are not producing children that would grow up to sustain this system with their productivity, they're forced to look for an outside source of labor that is truly a mixed bag in the present and will be a powder keg in the future.

Shutting the borders is, on the surface, cruel because many good people will suffer, but what does that matter if 50 years from now your nation collapses because you allowed people who are a social problem to come and create parallel societies where they see the native-born as scum (recall the thread about the Swedish teacher)? Now everyone is fucked because society can't sustain itself. Now everyone suffers.

AI needs to advance (even with the dangers that it poses) so that much of the labor that requires young, productive men can be passed off to machines if Euros want to have a semblance of a welfare state that so many people love so much cuz they're dumb and think something comes from nothing.

The welfare state can only function if people contribute. No one minds helping those less fortunate and vulnerable people but there has to be some social cohesion for this to function. You can't have large amounts of people of a different culture and ethnicity coming in and living off welfare when they haven't contributed.

I think there will be a tipping point with this when people will say enough is enough. Europe seems to be having a lot of unrest at the moment so I don't know how long the EU can continue to force people to accept large amounts of refugees who they see as not contributing and not wanting to adapt to their new countries.

There is not these issues in Australia even though they take a decent amount of refugees but it is controlled which I think is the key thing. People aren't coming in on boats every week and also we don't have the huge numbers of Ukrainians which all European countries are having to take in.

Armenian Bishop
02-04-2023, 08:07 AM
I understand some of the frustration about the migrant "refugee" problem, especially because Europe, unlike the New World, wasn't created for the purpose of being a multiracial melting pot. But here I must put this in a historical context: In the 1850s, there were places in America where "NINA" (No Irish Need Apply) signs were displayed in shop windows. There was some discrimination against Irish Potato Famine Refugees, and here we see Ireland exhibiting a similar sentiment.

Grace O'Malley
02-04-2023, 08:18 AM
I understand some of the frustration about the migrant "refugee" problem, especially because Europe, unlike the New World, wasn't created for the purpose of being a multiracial melting pot. But here I must put this in a historical context: In the 1850s, there were places in America where "NINA" (No Irish Need Apply) signs were displayed in shop windows. There was some discrimination against Irish Potato Famine Refugees, and here we see Ireland exhibiting a similar sentiment.

Yes people use that excuse all the time but Irish didn't get any handouts. They got no accommodation and help offered to them on arrival. They didn't work they didn't survive. A completely different scenario to what is happening today. Ireland only got independence from the UK in 1922 and had to build their country up to where it is today. What is happening in Ireland is no different to what is happening in other European countries. Irish went to places like Australia and the US when they were not easy places to live in. They had to rely on themselves to survive.

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-04-2023, 08:34 AM
The welfare state can only function if people contribute. No one minds helping those less fortunate and vulnerable people but there has to be some social cohesion for this to function.

Even if everyone contributes it's not sustainable unless with each generation you have a larger pool of young, productive workers. People now live longer and for the first time in history, we're witnessing the elderly being a major portion of the population. They expect to be supported. They expect their healthcare needs to be taken care of and since they're elderly they have many healthcare needs. Economic growth needs to continue or they're in big trouble.

Euros must either have more children, which is difficult in a society that is heavily taxed but even if it wasn't I doubt they'd have many children for various reasons I'm too tired to get into because it would have to be detailed, or bring in immigrants from culturally different parts of the world, which has its problems as has been discussed, or focus on developing AI further, which has some dangerous possibilities, which aren't just a Battleship Galactica type scenario but a society where a large number of people lose their sense of value and the psychological and social ramifications that will come from that.

Grace O'Malley
02-04-2023, 08:47 AM
Even if everyone contributes it's not sustainable unless with each generation you have a larger pool of young, productive workers. People now live longer and for the first time in history, we're witnessing the elderly being a major portion of the population. They expect to be supported. They expect their healthcare needs to be taken care of and since they're elderly they have many healthcare needs. Economic growth needs to continue or they're in big trouble.

Euros must either have more children, which is difficult in a society that is heavily taxed but even if it wasn't I doubt they'd have many children for various reasons I'm too tired to get into because it would have to be detailed, or bring in immigrants from culturally different parts of the world, which has its problems as has been discussed, or focus on developing AI further, which has some dangerous possibilities, which aren't just a Battleship Galactica type scenario but a society where a large number of people lose their sense of value and the psychological and social ramifications that will come from that.

The same issues are happening in Asian countries like Japan and China. In fact Japan is worse than a lot of European countries. Japan also allows very little immigration. Only 2.2% foreigners live in Japan.


Colonel Frank Grimes
02-04-2023, 09:05 AM
The same issues are happening in Asian countries like Japan and China. In fact Japan is worse than a lot of European countries. Japan also allows very little immigration. Only 2.2% foreigners live in Japan.

What Japan does now is allow foreigners to work in Japan and contribute to their system, but not benefit from the system. The understanding is these foreigners will go back home and because they mostly come from poor Asian countries, such as Vietnam, their savings is like a small fortune in their home country. So both sides gain. However, this way of dealing with immigration would never fly in the Western world. It would be seen as taking advantage of the worker.

Japanese also have a work ethic that Euros do not have and are willing to do low-skilled labor unlike many Westerners who will live on the dole instead of working a job they feel is demeaning but even then they're also beginning to open up to more immigration because they have little choice.

China has moved past the point of no return (the consequence of the one child policy coming to fruition). They will have a demographic collapse. It's going to be really bad. It'll be a warning for the rest of us.

Grace O'Malley
02-04-2023, 09:20 AM
What Japan does now is allow foreigners to work in Japan and contribute to their system, but not benefit from the system. The understanding is these foreigners will go back home and because they mostly come from poor Asian countries, such as Vietnam, their savings is like a small fortune in their home country. So both sides gain. However, this way of dealing with immigration would never fly in the Western world. It would be seen as taking advantage of the worker.

Japanese also have a work ethic that Euros do not have and are willing to do low-skilled labor unlike many Westerners who will live on the dole instead of working a job they feel is demeaning but even then they're also beginning to open up to more immigration because they have little choice.

China has moved past the point of no return (the consequence of the one child policy coming to fruition). They will have a demographic collapse. It's going to be really bad. It'll be a warning for the rest of us.

It needs to be pointed out that Irish are not protesting against immigration and people that come and work and contribute. It is the amount of refugees over the last couple of years and seeing the Government doing everything to give them accommodation when they aren't doing this for their own people. They are also putting them in hotels in small towns that rely on tourism so it is affecting people's livelihood.

Also I think that refugees should be only given temporary protection and should have to go back to their countries once they are safe.

China is indeed very interesting especially with the imbalance of males to females. It was not just the one child policy but that they aborted the females and also left many female babies to die. Chickens are now coming home to roost.

Grace O'Malley
02-05-2023, 02:57 AM
The asylum system at present is broken. Eventually one major country will reject the Convention and Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees. It is just not sustainable the way it is now. There really needs to be regional centres in poor but stable countries set up which are funded by the target countries to assess these refugees. You can't just have people trekking across perfectly safe countries to get to the place they find most desirable. Long term there needs to be more effort put into reducing the drivers of asylum i.e. war and poor governance. Western countries will not be able to take all the people that want to go there. This is an issue which needs to be discussed by governments before things get a lot worse.

This is the sort of thing I was meaning.

Rishi Sunak is prepared to take Britain out of the European convention on human rights (ECHR) after being warned that 65,000 illegal migrants are expected to come to the country this year.

Official estimates suggest there will be almost a 50 per cent increase in illegal migration on last year, when 45,000 claimed asylum, many of them after crossing the Channel in small boats.


02-05-2023, 04:31 AM
The Irish fight tooth and nail to avoid becoming british... Only to accept with open arms becoming nigerian (and I assure you, these immigrants are not gonna learn Irish, which the Irish gov has FAILED to revive...)

02-05-2023, 04:32 AM
This is the sort of thing I was meaning.


Crazy how Europeans are furious over tens of thousands, meanwhile Americans ignore millions coming across our border and are far more likely to get angry over their team (or even some team they betted on) losing in football.

Grace O'Malley
02-06-2023, 04:33 AM
The Irish fight tooth and nail to avoid becoming british... Only to accept with open arms becoming nigerian (and I assure you, these immigrants are not gonna learn Irish, which the Irish gov has FAILED to revive...)

Who said Irish accept Nigerians with open arms? Many are obviously not happy about it. A lot of people all over Europe aren't too happy about too much immigration but just whinge and feel they can't do anything about it. These protests are unusual so people are starting to get annoyed enough to protest.

02-06-2023, 05:49 AM
Who said Irish accept Nigerians with open arms? Many are obviously not happy about it. A lot of people all over Europe aren't too happy about too much immigration but just whinge and feel they can't do anything about it. These protests are unusual so people are starting to get annoyed enough to protest.

The rate at which people are getting angrier is not able to keep up with the rate at which European countries are adopting increasingly draconian laws to hide this anger. I understand that there are many paddies who despise what is going on, though, and I wish them luck.

Grace O'Malley
02-06-2023, 06:33 AM
The rate at which people are getting angrier is not able to keep up with the rate at which European countries are adopting increasingly draconian laws to hide this anger. I understand that there are many paddies who despise what is going on, though, and I wish them luck.

Over 40% of people arriving in 2022 have false or no documentation.

Former Justice Minister Michael McDowell told The Pat Kenny Show that anyone arriving in Ireland without the correct travel documents should be deported.

Senator McDowell said Ireland’s immigration system is “just ineffectual” – noting that people arriving at other countries without passports encounter a very different approach.

“I would be surprised if all of those travel documents are left on-board Ryanair flights or flushed down toilets on aircraft,” he said. “I don’t believe that happens. I think they are retained.

“But I mean, now, our system is just ineffectual. You are dealing with a person across a desk and they’re not going to search you. You know, try doing that in the United States and you’ll find a very different approach.”

“I think somebody who turns up and claims that between Paris and Dublin or Amsterdam and Dublin, they have lost their travel documents, they should be given very short shrift.”

Ireland is not the only country in Europe dealing with large numbers of undocumented asylum seekers.

Some 45% of the adult asylum seekers arriving in Germany in 2021 had no valid documents, while the figure in the Netherlands was 52% in 2020.

Over 21,000 fraudulent identity documents were presented to the UK Border Force between 2010 and 2020.

Last week saw a rising number of newly arrived asylum seekers forced to sleep on the streets after the Citywest Reception Centre closed to new arrivals.

Recent polls have shown that nearly half the population is not happy with the Government's handling of the crisis – amid growing concern the situation is fuelling the rise of far-right violence and misinformation.


This is something that needs to be clamped down on. I think these protests might make the Irish Government take this sort of thing more seriously. It is a fraud which needs to be addressed.

The link where you can listen is interesting.

02-06-2023, 09:53 AM
The rate at which people are getting angrier is not able to keep up with the rate at which European countries are adopting increasingly draconian laws to hide this anger. I understand that there are many paddies who despise what is going on, though, and I wish them luck.
European peoples have been strongly against mass non-white immigration since it began in the 50s and 60s. Didn't make a difference then, won't make a difference now sadly, in our farcical democracies. Western elites are intent on replacing their native populations no matter how they feel, and a racial nationalist revolution is the only way to stop it.


Polls in the 1960s and 1970s showed that Powell's views were popular among the British population at the time.[35] A Gallup poll, for example, showed that 75% of the population were sympathetic to Powell's views.[36] An NOP poll showed that approximately 75% of the British population agreed with Powell's demand for non-white immigration to be halted completely, and about 60% agreed with his call for the repatriation of non-whites already resident in Britain.[35]

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-06-2023, 02:20 PM
The same issues are happening in Asian countries like Japan and China. In fact Japan is worse than a lot of European countries. Japan also allows very little immigration. Only 2.2% foreigners live in Japan.


Japan looks to accept more foreigners in key policy shift

In a major shift for a country long closed to immigrants, Japan is looking to allow foreigners in certain blue-collar jobs to stay indefinitely starting as early as the 2022 fiscal year, a justice ministry official said on Thursday.

Under a law that took effect in 2019, a category of "specified skilled workers" in 14 sectors such as farming, nursing care and sanitation have been granted visas but stays have been limited to five years and without family members for workers in all but the construction and shipbuilding sectors.

Companies had cited those restrictions among reasons they were hesitant to hire such help, and the government had been looking to ease those restrictions in the other fields.

If the revision takes effect, such workers - many from Vietnam and China - would be allowed to renew their visas indefinitely and bring their families with them.

Top government spokesman Hirokazu Matsuno stressed, however, that any such change would not mean automatic permanent residency, which would require a separate application process.

"As the shrinking population becomes a more serious problem and if Japan wants to be seen as a good option for overseas workers, it needs to communicate that it has the proper structure in place to welcome them," Toshihiro Menju, managing director of think tank Japan Center for International Exchange, told Reuters.

The 2019 law was meant to attract some 345,000 "specified skilled workers" over five years, but the intake has hovered at around 3,000 per month before the COVID-19 pandemic sealed the borders, according to government data.

As of late 2020, Japan housed 1.72 million foreign workers, out of a total population of 125.8 million and just 2.5% of its working population.

02-07-2023, 02:04 AM

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-07-2023, 02:38 AM

To be fair, those White guys had stolen the shirts of those Black men.

I'm going to assume they're squatters.

Grace O'Malley
02-14-2023, 02:38 PM
This is very interesting if anyone wants to give it a listen. He's discussing the protests in Ireland and how Irish nationalism is suited to these protests. In short Irish nationalism is not linked to colonialism so it doesn't have that baggage to guilt trip the people. They still do it with mentioning Irish immigration but people are not having that. It's also interesting how the media tries to not to give the protesters much of a say i.e. instead they have representatives from one of the political parties and NGOs who are all advocates of promoting immigration and open borders but not give a voice to the actual protesters. Most Irish are not happy with the present refugee situation as they think a lot are economic migrants and not genuine refugees. They see the resources that are used for this at the expense of the indigenous Irish. It's an interesting thing happening in Ireland with these protests.


02-14-2023, 02:47 PM

Grace O'Malley
02-14-2023, 04:08 PM
This is an interesting take on the Irish protests. I agree with his take on this.


02-14-2023, 10:19 PM

02-19-2023, 06:08 PM
Moishe leading the Ethiopians to the promised land. They forgot the letters -ah after The word All


Cristiano viejo
02-19-2023, 06:17 PM
That´s funny!

Let´s see what would be like a 50% SPanish/50% Ukrainian descent:

Distance to: 50%_Spanish_Castilla_y_León/50%_Ukrainian_Dnipro
0.01998241 Austrian
0.02118607 Hungarian
0.02248577 Croatian
0.02355736 German_Erlangen
0.02498515 Slovenian
0.02887749 German
0.02965857 French_Alsace
0.03141603 Czech
0.03147450 Afrikaner
0.03185932 Moldovan
0.03220171 German_East
0.03257115 French_Nord
0.03305140 Bosnian
0.03341039 BelgianA
0.03349843 German_Hamburg
0.03504538 Serbian
0.03522027 Swiss_German
0.03540013 BelgianB
0.03558210 Ukrainian_Zakarpattia
0.03559086 BelgianC
0.03586093 Montenegrin
0.03596434 French_Seine-Maritime
0.03764793 French_Pas-de-Calais
0.03929535 Romanian
0.03978149 French_Paris

And the descents of an Irish/Spanish couple?

Distance to: 50%_Irish/50%_Castilla_y_León
0.01481150 BelgianC
0.01757177 French_Paris
0.01831519 French_Nord
0.01994764 BelgianB
0.02018748 French_Occitanie
0.02078898 Swiss_German
0.02136083 French_Alsace
0.02190086 BelgianA
0.02219040 French_Pas-de-Calais
0.02328670 French_Auvergne
0.02523523 French_Brittany
0.02816624 Afrikaner
0.02858307 Swiss_French
0.03039223 French_Seine-Maritime
0.03159847 English_Cornwall
0.03181898 French_Provence
0.03189685 Welsh
0.03258392 Spanish_Penedes
0.03282443 Spanish_Barcelones
0.03392271 English
0.03429090 German
0.03443652 Spanish_Girona
0.03461520 Dutch
0.03518293 Spanish_Camp_de_Tarragona
0.03528175 Italian_Aosta_Valley

STOP PROMOTING ETHNIC MIXES, BALD. Being 100% Castilian and Leonese > the rest :thumb001:

02-19-2023, 06:49 PM
This is very interesting if anyone wants to give it a listen. He's discussing the protests in Ireland and how Irish nationalism is suited to these protests. In short Irish nationalism is not linked to colonialism so it doesn't have that baggage to guilt trip the people. They still do it with mentioning Irish immigration but people are not having that. It's also interesting how the media tries to not to give the protesters much of a say i.e. instead they have representatives from one of the political parties and NGOs who are all advocates of promoting immigration and open borders but not give a voice to the actual protesters. Most Irish are not happy with the present refugee situation as they think a lot are economic migrants and not genuine refugees. They see the resources that are used for this at the expense of the indigenous Irish. It's an interesting thing happening in Ireland with these protests.


He got a new sub.

I have been saying this for years, Sinn Fein not being identitarian or soundly nationalistic. I fear Plaid Cymry and SNP will use them as a blueprint, because they've really taken a nosedive. In what world would eschewing all British related influence in favour of welcoming West Indian groups make any sense for identitarians? Things have to get worse before more people to wake up, I fear.
It's silly, Irish nationalism was never grounded in expansion nor having supremacy over anybody, they truly have to stop projecting what makes what on other anglophone countries onto themselves, very few of us in America for instance, would fault them for saying "Oirland for de Oirish!" we have an idea of how much they've suffered. Literally, we were earbashed with it if we descended from them.

Grace O'Malley
02-21-2023, 01:27 AM
This is from the Daily Mail but it does explain why these protests are occurring.

To a casual observer, this outbreak of political tension in a picturesque backwater of what is supposedly the world's most laid-back country might seem unusual. But actually, the opposite is true. For in recent months, similar scenes have played out in small towns across Ireland.

The reason? An astonishing fact: some 28 per cent of the country's entire stock of hotel and B&B beds — more than one in four — are being occupied by refugees and asylum seekers.

The root cause of this is a spike in immigration, exacerbated by the Ukraine war, which has left the Irish government needing to accommodate 73,000 arrivals.

To put that figure in context, Ireland's population is a mere 5.1 million, which means 1.5 per cent of the country's residents are refugees or asylum seekers in state care. Were the UK in a similar position per capita, our Exchequer would be having to house and feed more than a million refugees.

In rural Ireland, asylum seekers and refugees have been bussed to small tourist towns such as Killarney, in County Kerry, where 15,000 residents have been joined by 3,000 refugees. In cities, huge numbers of foreign nationals have been housed in predominantly working-class areas, where the arrival of unemployed single men can create severe social friction.

The upshot has been that an initially warm welcome for refugees has been replaced by mounting tension, with no fewer than 307 anti-migrant demonstrations staged last year.

The issue dominates Irish politics. Polls show that by a wide margin (56 to 30 per cent), voters believe too many migrants narrived last year. The most hostile demographic is working-class women, two thirds of whom believe government policy has failed. Many recent protest marches have been fronted not by gangs of menacing skinheads but by 'concerned mothers' pushing prams.

Almost 80 protests, marches and rallies have been staged so far in 2023, with many scheduled for this weekend (including one major pro-immigration event in Dublin). And the mood is turning fractious.


02-21-2023, 01:45 AM
It's also interesting how the media tries to not to give the protesters much of a say i.e. instead they have representatives from one of the political parties and NGOs who are all advocates of promoting immigration and open borders but not give a voice to the actual protesters.

It's a global phenomenon. They use censorship to demonize opposing views, declaring victory when their opponent is banned from the ring.

02-23-2023, 02:44 PM
Most of the people getting annoyed are lower IQ working class Irish people that can't make it in the tech economy and blame immigrants for their problems. The OP is some economic refugee to Australia like me but she acts like she is in Ireland and should make the rules.

03-19-2023, 10:11 AM
It's too late

03-24-2023, 07:53 PM
Protesters block bus with asylum seekers in Mullingar


24 Mar 2023

A bus carrying asylum seekers has been prevented from entering the site of Columb Barracks in Mullingar, Co Westmeath.

A group of protesters gathered at the front gates of the former barracks and blocked the bus from entering.

The bus arrived shortly after 1pm and has now left the area.

The protesters remain at the front gates.

They are opposed to a plan to accommodate the asylum seekers in tents at the former army barracks.

Gardaí also remain at the barracks this evening.
