View Full Version : Is the Andalusian president a white person?

02-03-2023, 01:39 AM
I'm fed up with Gallop insulting me and spaming my thread about pitch black haired spanairds...

So I'm fighting back trying to stop him. :p We had a 'discussion' about the whiteness of current andalusian president, Juanma Moreno.



I say is MENA looking.

Gallop post a picture of him and his family.


Then I said:

Lol, he seems to be 'bettering the race' married and breeding with a white woman.

Then he said:


He is whiter white than you, by the way we don't know what kind of whore you are, no one has seen any results from you yet.

thrilling discussion as you can see...

So I want to know your opinion about the whiteness of Andalusian president.

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-03-2023, 02:04 AM
Looks like a regular dude.

I do agree, however, that Gallop is annoying as fuck.

02-03-2023, 02:39 AM

02-03-2023, 06:05 PM
Looks like a regular dude.

I do agree, however, that Gallop is annoying as fuck.

A regular dude... from Morocco.

The man passes unnoticed among this crowd of moroccans.

02-04-2023, 06:23 PM


Sala malaikunn... como dicen por allí.

Cristiano viejo
02-05-2023, 12:52 AM
Obviously yes


you just say he is not because he is from a right party and you are a progre.

Of course he looks much more European than your lefty Catalan president


02-05-2023, 01:07 AM
Looks like a regular dude.

I do agree, however, that Gallop is annoying as fuck.

He lightwash Andalusian, the andalusian are mediterranean type with moderate Frequency of Berid and Berid influenced folks. Neither I troll as shitcanos trolls that Say Andalusian overlap with Coastal Moroccan

02-05-2023, 01:09 AM
But the andalusian president look white

Marshall Theodore
02-05-2023, 01:09 AM
Lighter than 99,99% of qatalans.

02-05-2023, 01:34 AM
Very white, yes, looks Keltic-Nordid + minor Alpine, structurally, but probably is Baskid (with slight Med influence) + a bit of Alpine

02-05-2023, 04:37 PM
Very white, yes, looks Keltic-Nordid + minor Alpine, structurally, but probably is Baskid (with slight Med influence) + a bit of Alpine


And then this guy must be nordid-baltic no?. He's andalusian too.


02-05-2023, 05:02 PM
He could be Matteo Salvini brother (younger and less ugly):

https://i.postimg.cc/vmk8K2Vt/Matteo-Salvini-Quirinale-2019.jpg (https://postimg.cc/nsKtjkTX)

https://i.postimg.cc/Y9HZj1Kw/juanma03-E725-AC7-B09-1-e1668767103324.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

02-05-2023, 05:07 PM
He could be Matteo Salvini brother:

https://i.postimg.cc/vmk8K2Vt/Matteo-Salvini-Quirinale-2019.jpg (https://postimg.cc/nsKtjkTX)

I don't see it... Juanma seems straight out of the Old Testament, philistine or something. Salvini no.

Cristiano viejo
02-05-2023, 05:13 PM
He could be Matteo Salvini brother (younger and less ugly):

I don't see it... Salvini seems straight out of the Old Testament, philistine or something. Juanma no.

02-05-2023, 05:14 PM
I don't see it... Salvini seems straight out of the Old Testament, philistine or something. Juanma no.

Any day someone from Italic Roots will kill you.

02-05-2023, 05:14 PM
The first time I saw Juanma Moreno I thought he was from South America because of his accent, later he was from the Canary Islands but I finally recognizing that his homeland is Andalusia.

Cristiano viejo
02-05-2023, 05:30 PM
Any day someone from Italic Roots will kill you.
Fortunately when I see a brown person near me I am always attentive.

The first time I saw Juanma Moreno I thought he was from South America because of his accent, later he was from the Canary Islands but I finally recognizing that his homeland is Andalusia.

Andalusian, Catalan, Galician, Murcian and Extremaduran accents are an insult to this country, yeah.

02-05-2023, 05:44 PM
I don't see it... Salvini seems straight out of the Old Testament, philistine or something. Juanma no.

Maybe of Hammurabi's Code then, from sumerians.


Lol, say how white he looks to you again, it's rewarding. :thumb001:

02-05-2023, 05:48 PM
Obviously yes


you just say he is not because he is from a right party and you are a progre.

Of course he looks much more European than your lefty Catalan president


You see, the picture selection is important, it tells us everything about the poster's intentions, me included of course.

Cristiano viejo
02-05-2023, 05:57 PM
me included of course.
I knew you would notice why I chose that specific picture. I just played in your league. Now dont complain.

02-05-2023, 06:12 PM
Pere Aragones seems to me more "passable" above the Pyrenees than Juanma, the whiter photos of Pere could be from a Frenchman, however Juanma's only seem to be from a Spaniard at best.



Andalusian, Catalan, Galician, Murcian and Extremaduran accents are an insult to this country, yeah.

You are unpatriotic and you know it.

02-05-2023, 06:13 PM
I knew you would notice why I chose that specific picture. I just played in your league. Now dont complain.

I DON'T complain.

And since when I give a fuck about how catalans (or anybody else) looks?

02-05-2023, 06:17 PM


Cristiano viejo
02-05-2023, 06:19 PM
Pere Aragones seems to me more "passable" above the Pyrenees than Juanma, the whiter photos of Pere could be from a Frenchman, however Juanma's only seem to be from a Spaniard at best.
I opine different, Juanma passing in a lot of European countries and Pere Aragonés looking exotic and even passing in MENA countries.

You are unpatriotic and you know it.
Unpatriotic why? for telling the truth? your accents are a shame, just saying. I dont want to imagine your Extremaduran-Catalan accent :dizzy:

I DON'T complain.
Yes you do, just in your previous post.

And since when I give a fuck about how catalans (or anybody else) looks?
Since your previous post.

02-05-2023, 06:19 PM
He looks completely white. Are you a troll?

02-05-2023, 06:30 PM
I opine different, Juanma passing in a lot of European countries and Pere Aragonés looking exotic and even passing in MENA countries.

B9000 should open a thread with survey to get a neutral verdict on who among them looks more European or white.

Unpatriotic why? for telling the truth? your accents are a shame, just saying. I dont want to imagine your Extremaduran-Catalan accent :dizzy:

You do not respect the different ways of speaking of the Spanish and that seems unpatriotic to me.

Cristiano viejo
02-05-2023, 06:35 PM
B9000 should open a thread with survey to get a neutral verdict on who among them looks more European or white.

And even if the entire humanity thought the Catalan loos more European than the Andalusian, that will not change my opinion :thumb001:

You do not respect the different ways of speaking of the Spanish and that seems unpatriotic to me.

Andalusian, Extremaduran, Catalan, Galician and Murcian accents are horrible, but I do respect it. Well, being honest not sure if I do :lol:

02-05-2023, 06:49 PM



:scared: arggg!

02-05-2023, 06:51 PM
B9000 should open a thread with survey to get a neutral verdict on who among them looks more European or white.

I'm too busy rigth now as you can see. But you can do it man, come on!!

Give them a lesson!

02-05-2023, 06:58 PM
He looks completely white. Are you a troll?


Are you blind or what?. The man looks more summerian than Nabucodonosor.



02-05-2023, 07:08 PM
And even if the entire humanity thought the Catalan loos more European than the Andalusian, that will not change my opinion :thumb001:

We all know very well what's your true opinion, although the current circunstances makes you say just the contrary por political reasons. jeje.

This's rewarding, seriously. :thumb001:

02-05-2023, 07:18 PM
Basquid Med sounds right; hell, he looks whiter (not PIE White ofc) than actor Joe Mantegna.

02-05-2023, 07:40 PM
Lo que pasa es que a BAIBAC o como se llame le ha dado una rabia que se mure, chiquilla, él estaba muy tranquilito: Soy de los Reinosss Cristianosss, de los reductos cristianosss que lanzaban lanzasss contra Al Andalus... dudo hasta que sea español y claro las latinas que ahora todas son descendientes de vascos y catalanes, pues claro ellas encantadas, vamos que aquí en el sur estamos todavía en Al Andalus, pues no, va a ser que no y eso os tiene que quedar muy clarito como latinas que sois. Vamos es que le ha dado un coraje y una rabia a baibac cuando se ha mostrado Andalucía que le ha superado, pues se va a comer un mojón más grande que la Catedral de Sevilla!

02-05-2023, 07:40 PM
Basquid Med sounds right; hell, he looks whiter (not PIE White ofc) than actor Joe Mantegna.

What's a PIE white please?

02-05-2023, 07:51 PM
Lo que pasa es que a BAIBAC o como se llame le ha dado una rabia que se mure, chiquilla, él estaba muy tranquilito: Soy de los Reinosss Cristianosss, de los reductos cristianosss que lanzaban lanzasss contra Al Andalus... dudo hasta que sea español y claro las latinas que ahora todas son descendientes de vascos y catalanes, pues claro ellas encantadas, vamos que aquí en el sur estamos todavía en Al Andalus, pues no, va a ser que no y eso os tiene que quedar muy clarito como latinas que sois. Vamos es que le ha dado un coraje y una rabia a baibac cuando se ha mostrado Andalucía que le ha superado, pues se va a comer un mojón más grande que la Catedral de Sevilla!

Eres un tanto retrasadillo (tonto vamos), además de acomplejado por ser andaluz. Por eso continuamente tienes que demostrar cuanta gente rubia hay en Andalucia y dejarnos claro que los moros como si no hubieran estado nunca en Andalucia y cuanto reniegas de ellos.

Lo que consigues solo es eso, mostrar una y otra vez lo acomplejado que te sientes frente a los reinosss cristianossss :rolleyes: del norte (quien cojones ha mencionado eso salvo tú?, tontorrón)

02-05-2023, 07:58 PM
Very white, yes, looks Keltic-Nordid + minor Alpine, structurally, but probably is Baskid (with slight Med influence) + a bit of Alpine

And then this guy must be nordid-baltic no?. He's andalusian too.


Did you read the thing you just quoted?

He doesn't have any resemblance to Nordid-Baltid, he looks Indo-Brachid + Atlanto-Med + CM, also is totally different from the other one you showed before, he looks Gypsy.

02-05-2023, 08:00 PM
What's a PIE white please?

creo que es para


02-05-2023, 08:00 PM
Eres un tanto retrasadillo (tonto vamos), además de acomplejado por ser andaluz. Por eso continuamente tienes que demostrar cuanta gente rubia hay en Andalucia y dejarnos claro que los moros como si no hubieran estado nunca en Andalucia y cuanto reniegas de ellos.

Lo que consigues solo es eso, mostrar una y otra vez lo acomplejado que te sientes frente a los reinosss cristianossss :rolleyes: del norte (quien cojones ha mencionado eso salvo tú, tontorrón)

Hablo de años atrás odiota, de tu trayectoria de décadas en el foro. Que generación xd

Pues mira de retrasado tengo poco, bastante largo soy, pero a veces no me compensa entrar al trapo. Por supuesto que reniego de la época musulmana, totalmente además. En Andalucía nunca han estado los moros, tú eres español o qué eres tú.

No tengo ningún complejo y menos por ser andaluz y menos con el ego que tengo yo, controlado eso sí.

El coraje que te ha dado. Aquí teníais a Andalucía en penumbras, pocos foreros andaluces habrían aquí, ninguno y si los hay no son de entrar en estos temas no durarían dos días porque no les interesan estas movidas, así como a otros muchos españoles no les va a interesar, estos rollos son muy al estilo latinoamericano, yo lo he aprendido asquí, mira que fisno soy.

Que rabia te ha dado chiquillo todo lo que se ha visto de Andalucía y entonces qué has hecho todos estos años, hablar de Don Pelayo?

Envidia y coraje es lo que te ha dado, gracias a Dios estoy libre, me da hasta pereza publicar gente fea de tu región, no sé cómo decirte es que ni lo necesito.

Viva Andalucía!

02-05-2023, 08:09 PM
Ahora mismo cualquier español que ponga en duda a ANDALUCÍA es por cuestiones socio-económicas de supremacías regionales españolas.

Que se enteren todos los extranjeros.

02-05-2023, 09:15 PM
Pues mira de retrasado tengo poco, bastante largo soy, pero a veces no me compensa entrar al trapo. Por supuesto que reniego de la época musulmana, totalmente además. En Andalucía nunca han estado los moros, tú eres español o qué eres tú.

Así que en Andalucía, y de hecho en toda España y Portugal, nunca han estado los moros...

Tú eres español o marciano?. O simplemente un simplón diciendo simplezas.

No tengo ningún complejo y menos por ser andaluz y menos con el ego que tengo yo, controlado eso sí.

El coraje que te ha dado. Aquí teníais a Andalucía en penumbras, pocos foreros andaluces habrían aquí, ninguno y si los hay no son de entrar en estos temas no durarían dos días porque no les interesan estas movidas, así como a otros muchos españoles no les va a interesar, estos rollos son muy al estilo latinoamericano, yo lo he aprendido asquí, mira que fisno soy.

Que rabia te ha dado chiquillo todo lo que se ha visto de Andalucía y entonces qué has hecho todos estos años, hablar de Don Pelayo?

En fin, aunque te expresas como un libro en braile entiendo que tu sagrada misión aquí es sacar Andalucia de las catacumbas en que estaba metida por la maldad milenaria de los reinosss cristianosss del norte... no se, hay que estar zumbao para montarse esas historias la verdad.

Envidia y coraje es lo que te ha dado, gracias a Dios estoy libre, me da hasta pereza publicar gente fea de tu región, no sé cómo decirte es que ni lo necesito.

Lo que me ha dado rabia, simplón del carajo, es que yo estaba tranquilamente posteando españoles de pelo negro, ni siquiera andaluces en particular, y tú has venido a insultarme como si fuera un moro invadiendo Andalucía :D, sin ton ni son y como si tener pelo negro fuera un terrible afrenta a España.

Viva Andalucía!

Pobre Andalucia con retrasados como tú pululando por ahí haciendose el patriota.

02-05-2023, 09:19 PM
Ahora mismo cualquier español que ponga en duda a ANDALUCÍA es por cuestiones socio-económicas de supremacías regionales españolas.

Que se enteren todos los extranjeros.

que intelectual te ha quedado eso, en serio... :picard1:

02-05-2023, 09:34 PM
que intelectual te ha quedado eso, en serio... :picard1:

Tú otra vez?

Soy muy intelestual; aunque lo voy a ser cada vez menos, mira por donde.

Si te digo la verdad, ahora mismo no sé quién eres, hay cosas que no me cuadran de ti o bien tratas de acomodarte a la forma de ver estos temas en otro continente, que ya sabemos cual es, por eso quizá te sale tal mal, no sé, pero no te creo, ahora mismo no te compro, algo falla.

02-05-2023, 09:38 PM
Could be MENA. But also looks Iberian too :)

02-05-2023, 09:40 PM
Tú otra vez?

Soy muy intelestual; aunque lo voy a ser cada vez menos, mira por donde.

Si te digo la verdad, ahora mismo no sé quién eres, hay cosas que no me cuadran de ti o bien tratas de acomodarte a la forma de ver estos temas en otro continente, que ya sabemos cual es, por eso quizá te sale tal mal, no sé, pero no te creo, ahora mismo no te compro, algo falla.

Tu cerebro de burro lleno de fantasmadas es lo que falla, tonnnnto, que eres tonto.

02-05-2023, 11:06 PM
Could be MENA. But also looks Iberian too :)

What are you going to say! ja. You'll be happy to do whatever it takes to throw shit at Spain. Your opinion about Spain is worth less than a 7 € bill.

02-05-2023, 11:08 PM
What are you going to say! ja. You'll be happy to do whatever it takes to throw shit at Spain. Your opinion about Spain is worth less than a 7 € bill.

it isn't a negative thing. Not sure why you take it so negatively when you get very happy and surprised about traces of semitic, and north african like egyptian on Anthrogenica. But here it's a different personality?

02-05-2023, 11:17 PM
it isn't a negative thing. Not sure why you take it so negatively when you get very happy and surprised about traces of semitic, and north african like egyptian on Anthrogenica. But here it's a different personality?

Ah, you are the one who also throws shit there about Spain at the slightest opportunity you have to create opinion, why don't you also publish here the coordinates of your friend from Alicante.

You are opaque like those old tracing sheets that stained the hands of many decades ago, the only difference is that you are full of shit, so you throw shit on your country, not on mine, you do not shine, you are not brilliant, you will understand, sorry, that is not done, you are born.


02-05-2023, 11:20 PM
Ah, you are the one who also throws shit there about Spain at the slightest opportunity you have to create opinion, why don't you also publish here the coordinates of your friend from Alicante.

You are opaque like those old tracing sheets that stained the hands of many decades ago, the only difference is that you are full of shit, so you throw shit on your country, not on mine, you do not shine, you are not brilliant, you will understand, sorry, that is not done, you are born.


I love España, you do not represent the entire country :picard2:

02-05-2023, 11:23 PM
I love España, you do not represent the entire country :picard2:

More than you, I am sure I represent it, I am Spanish, you are NOT.

You love Spain? but we don't love you, sorry.

Forget me!

02-05-2023, 11:27 PM
Stay away from me.

02-06-2023, 01:17 AM
Fortunately when I see a brown person near me I am always attentive.

I kid you not, they are worse than gypsies. I've never been robbed or tricked by a gypsy. In fact I can say that they are quite nice if you know how to speak with them. Meanwhile in Italy, two out of three or four times we have been there, they've robbed us of some of our possessions when they saw an opportunity.

02-06-2023, 01:22 AM
I kid you not, they are worse than gypsies. I've never been robbed or tricked by a gypsy. In fact I can say that they are quite nice if you know how to speak with them. Meanwhile in Italy, two out of three or four times we have been there, they've robbed us of some of our possessions when they saw an opportunity.

Gypsies arent brown?

02-06-2023, 01:24 AM
Gypsies arent brown?

Yes, but CV was refering to Italians who are white.. Mostly.

02-06-2023, 09:09 PM
I'm fed up with Gallop insulting me and spaming my thread about pitch black haired spanairds...

So I'm fighting back trying to stop him. :p We had a 'discussion' about the whiteness of current andalusian president, Juanma Moreno.



I say is MENA looking.

Gallop post a picture of him and his family.


Then I said:

Then he said:

thrilling discussion as you can see...

So I want to know your opinion about the whiteness of Andalusian president.

My dad has the same hair and skin color, but blue eyes. Is he white?

02-07-2023, 07:11 PM
My dad has the same hair and skin color, but blue eyes. Is he white?

It's about facial features more than colors.



To me he resembles more to summerians than to the average spaniard.

02-07-2023, 07:17 PM
Baibá Baibá te adoro y te llevo a los toros!

02-07-2023, 10:44 PM
He could be Matteo Salvini brother (younger and less ugly):

https://i.postimg.cc/vmk8K2Vt/Matteo-Salvini-Quirinale-2019.jpg (https://postimg.cc/nsKtjkTX)

https://i.postimg.cc/Y9HZj1Kw/juanma03-E725-AC7-B09-1-e1668767103324.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

no, Juanma looks western


Grace O'Malley
02-07-2023, 10:59 PM
Andulusian President looks just European. Nothing particularly unusual or exotic either.

02-08-2023, 12:47 AM
He have gipsy ancenstor, he is dark for spanish

He has no gypsy ancestors-

Your are B01AB20

02-09-2023, 10:19 AM
It is easy, if he is fully spanish he is white. Thats the definition of white.

02-09-2023, 06:14 PM
Es muy oscuro pisha, algun gitano tendra de abuelo

Ya tenemos la cuota de estúpidos cubierta, gracias.



02-10-2023, 11:15 PM
Maybe it's the bias that I know he's an ethnic Spaniard but he looks pretty Euro to me

02-10-2023, 11:53 PM
Maybe it's the bias that I know he's an ethnic Spaniard but he looks pretty Euro to me

In fact it is not a question that would occur to any Spaniard.

Son cosas de "latinas resentidas".

02-11-2023, 01:54 AM
It is easy, if he is fully spanish he is white. Thats the definition of white.
Didn't you say a few days ago that there is no fixed definition of "white"?

02-11-2023, 05:12 AM
Didn't you say a few days ago that there is no fixed definition of "white"?

Maybe something similar, but that there is really no definition or idea of white, i never said nor would it be true, for example if someone is 100% SSA and looks that part, then by no definition or idea he is white, right? At least that we know. I said there are a few definitions of white, i said it in the context of westasians being white or jews etc. that some definitions exclude them but some include them. It doesnt really contradict what i said now, that spaniards are by definition white.

02-17-2023, 03:59 PM
He's an olive brown man. If what you're asking is "is he european?" Then sure, but maybe it's time we get a better label for people from Europe than a vague one like "white" (who even is truly white?).

You know, a label like European would do Europeans just fine.

Jingle Bell
02-17-2023, 04:44 PM
Looks full Euro imo

Marshall Theodore
02-17-2023, 05:42 PM
Looks fully euro.

02-18-2023, 01:23 AM
Looks like a white pan southern european to me. Don't see anything MENA. He looks stereotypically southern european even -- Here he passes as an annoying Italian boss with a heavy New york accent from brooklyn...