View Full Version : Stop posting blue eyed blondes to "prove" some group is white

02-03-2023, 02:44 PM
Not having blue eyes and blonde hair doesn't mean you're non-white, and having blonde hair and blue eyes isn't definitively proof that someone is white. A Sicilian is still far whiter than a light skinned blonde castizo. It's fucking retarded and I'm sick of seeing it, I see it everywhere in every discussion on every website where people talk about ethnic groups. I don't fucking care if Georgians or Sicilians or Spaniards or whatever the fuck have a handful of people with blonde hair and blue eyes, or a large number, and that wouldn't sway my opinion of them because I'm not retarded. Either they are Caucasians ( which they are ) or they're not and no amount of brown hair or blonde hair could possibly change that.

For example, I've seen people posting pictures of blue eyed, blonde haired afghans, kalash, or uyghurs to "prove" they're white. I don't fucking care, they're not and a picture changes nothing. No amount of posting pictures of fair skinned mestizos could erase their native ancestry, it's just pointless. White means overwhelmingly Caucasian, if you're not then you're not white. You could be light as an Irishman and blonde as a swede, it wouldn't matter. Caucasian a.k.a. white is a genotype correlating with European and West Asian farmers and hunter-gatherers, not a phenotype.

Cristiano viejo
02-03-2023, 02:54 PM
do you really think the goal is proving they are white?? :rolleyes:

02-03-2023, 03:01 PM
Not having blue eyes and blonde hair doesn't mean you're non-white, and having blonde hair and blue eyes isn't definitively proof that someone is white. A Sicilian is still far whiter than a light skinned blonde castizo. It's fucking retarded and I'm sick of seeing it, I see it everywhere in every discussion on every website where people talk about ethnic groups. I don't fucking care if Georgians or Sicilians or Spaniards or whatever the fuck have a handful of people with blonde hair and blue eyes, or a large number, and that wouldn't sway my opinion of them because I'm not retarded. Either they are Caucasians ( which they are ) or they're not and no amount of brown hair or blonde hair could possibly change that.

For example, I've seen people posting pictures of blue eyed, blonde haired afghans, kalash, or uyghurs to "prove" they're white. I don't fucking care, they're not and a picture changes nothing. No amount of posting pictures of fair skinned mestizos could erase their native ancestry, it's just pointless. White means overwhelmingly Caucasian, if you're not then you're not white. You could be light as an Irishman and blonde as a swede, it wouldn't matter. Caucasian a.k.a. white is a genotype correlating with European and West Asian farmers and hunter-gatherers, not a phenotype.

Do you feel particularly uncomfortable or offended by this? Want to talk more about it?

02-03-2023, 03:05 PM
White means overwhelmingly Caucasian, if you're not then you're not white.

By this logic indians, arabs, ethiopians are white.


White means european, nothing else. If you belong to european genetic cluster then youre white.

02-03-2023, 03:19 PM
By this logic indians, arabs, ethiopians are white.


White means european, nothing else. If you belong to european genetic cluster then youre white.


Marshall Theodore
02-03-2023, 03:22 PM
For example, I've seen people posting pictures of blue eyed, blonde haired afghans, kalash, or uyghurs to "prove" they're white. I don't fucking care, they're not and a picture changes nothing. No amount of posting pictures of fair skinned mestizos could erase their native ancestry, it's just pointless. White means overwhelmingly Caucasian, if you're not then you're not white. You could be light as an Irishman and blonde as a swede, it wouldn't matter. Caucasian a.k.a. white is a genotype correlating with European and West Asian farmers and hunter-gatherers, not a phenotype.

1 - West Asians (including Georgians) are not white
2 - Being caucasian =/= Being White
3 - White == European

Cristiano viejo
02-03-2023, 03:31 PM
Take one :D

Marshall Theodore
02-03-2023, 03:32 PM
Take one :D

He doesnt looks blonde, but blondish.

Cristiano viejo
02-03-2023, 03:39 PM
He doesnt looks blonde, but blondish.

BLonde, blondish, whatever.

02-03-2023, 04:59 PM
By this logic indians, arabs, ethiopians are white.


White means european, nothing else. If you belong to european genetic cluster then youre white.

According to the American census, almost all of that group except africans are indeed white.

02-03-2023, 05:02 PM
According to the American census, almost all of that group except africans are indeed white.

Maybe the american census is bs? :)

02-03-2023, 05:14 PM
By this logic indians, arabs, ethiopians are white.


White means european, nothing else. If you belong to european genetic cluster then youre white.

Indians arent overhwhelmingly caucasian, more like 50-60%. That map is a gross simplification.

Most arabs are only around 85ish, I would say the limit is between 90 and 95. Due to ancient ancestry overlap, total caucasian admixture is the only non-arbitrary metric. Most west asians outside the caucasus and lebanon are below 90% anyway.

02-03-2023, 05:21 PM
Indians arent overhwhelmingly caucasian, more like 50-60%. That map is a gross simplification.

Most arabs are only around 85ish, I would say the limit is between 90 and 95. Due to ancient ancestry overlap, total caucasian admixture is the only non-arbitrary metric. Most west asians outside the caucasus and lebanon are below 90% anyway.

Are Jews considered white by Americans?

02-03-2023, 05:33 PM
By this logic indians, arabs, ethiopians are white.


White means european, nothing else. If you belong to european genetic cluster then youre white.
In my experience, "Caucasian" is just another world for White/European in the Anglosphere. When someone says "Caucasian" in USA nobody thinks about Pakis or East Africans, they think of White people. I think it's a stupid/weird term and should be discarded.

02-03-2023, 05:41 PM
In my experience, "Caucasian" is just another world for White/European in the Anglosphere. When someone says "Caucasian" in USA nobody thinks about Pakis or East Africans, they think of White people. I think it's a stupid/weird term and should be discarded.
Yeah, it's just a PC word for "White". Nobody uses it to mean West Eurasian/Caucasoid. Sometimes it can encompass Euro-passing West Asians similar to the word "White".

It's similar to how Anglos/Europeans use "African" exclusively for Sub-Saharans and exclude North Africans from it. Or use "Asian" exclusively for East Asians (and sometimes South Asians) and exclude West Asians.

02-03-2023, 05:45 PM
Yeah, it's just a PC word for "White". Nobody uses it to mean West Eurasian/Caucasoid. Sometimes it can encompass Euro-passing West Asians similar to the word "White".

It's similar to how Anglos/Europeans use "African" exclusively for Sub-Saharans and exclude North Africans from it. Or use "Asian" exclusively for East Asians (and sometimes South Asians) and exclude West Asians.
Are Pashtuns Asian in USA?

02-03-2023, 05:47 PM
Are Pashtuns Asian in USA?
Officially, Pashtuns are 'White' (including those from Pakistan), but I've always put 'Asian'. Socially, we're obviously not seen as White.

02-03-2023, 06:08 PM
Are Jews considered white by Americans?

Most people do, yeah. Do you consider mediterranean islanders and greeks white?

02-03-2023, 06:10 PM
Most people do, yeah. Do you consider mediterranean islanders and greeks white?

You ask me? In theory yes, the majority are, although there is a minority that seems non-white or exotic.
For example, in Turkey the same thing happens but in reverse.

02-03-2023, 06:23 PM
You ask me? In theory yes, the majority are, although there is a minority that seems non-white or exotic.
For example, in Turkey the same thing happens but in reverse.

Do you think ancestry or appearance matters more? For example any two greeks from the same island will have a near-identical ancestry profile. But mendelian statistics mean one may look more exotic. I know in latin america appearance plays a heightened role.

Marshall Theodore
02-03-2023, 06:32 PM
Indians arent overhwhelmingly caucasian, more like 50-60%. That map is a gross simplification.

Most arabs are only around 85ish, I would say the limit is between 90 and 95. Due to ancient ancestry overlap, total caucasian admixture is the only non-arbitrary metric. Most west asians outside the caucasus and lebanon are below 90% anyway.

None of those populations are white, you're misrepresenting the concept of "white".

According to the American census, almost all of that group except africans are indeed white.

American census is pure bullshit, only people with notable psycothic disorder use It to label someone as "white.

02-03-2023, 06:33 PM
None of those populations are white, you're misrepresenting the concept of "white".

American census is pure bullshit, only people with notable psycothic disorder use It to label someone as "white.

Trust me when I say that I spent many hours in thought to come up with this metric. If you have the capability to think about it unemotionally, you will realise why too.

But arguing whether or not non-euro caucasians can be white is not the point of the thread. For the sake of argument I'll choose to ignore the question of west asians for the time being.

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-03-2023, 06:44 PM
White isn't a meaningful term but I do agree that Gallop and Cristiano Viejo should stop making a million threads on blond and blue eyed Spaniards. I almost never click on these threads but it's the principle of it all.

02-03-2023, 06:47 PM
Do you think ancestry or appearance matters more? For example any two greeks from the same island will have a near-identical ancestry profile. But mendelian statistics mean one may look more exotic. I know in latin america appearance plays a heightened role.

Appearance is relative, true, I wouldn't say it's the most important thing, although if it helps a lot I won't deny it, here for example a person who is 80-85% euro and looks white will be considered white. In the USA it happens with the blacks a person who is majority black but not 100% will be considered black, with whites if it was more strict

I would say that it depends on the person, for me if you are 85-90% euro and you have only 10% native american for saying something you would already be white anyone with 80 or more of that should be white although you will have your opinion.

By the way, the Greeks of the islands have 15-20% of the Middle East.

Marshall Theodore
02-03-2023, 07:02 PM
White isn't a meaningful term but I do agree that Gallop and Cristiano Viejo should stop making a million threads on blond and blue eyed Spaniards. I almost never click on these threads but it's the principle of it all.

Of course, these "compilation of something... threads" made by Gallop are boring, unnecessary.

02-03-2023, 07:05 PM
You are using "Caucasian" in the American way.

Caucasoid includes also Middle Easts, South Asians, North Africans, and Horn of Africans.

02-03-2023, 07:15 PM
1- Caucasian is a very messy term as it could mean 3 different, but related terms: Caucasoid, White European and Caucasian proper (Georgian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, etc). I only use caucasian when talking about actual caucasian groups, I think it's meaningless otherwhise. For Caucasoid I use Caucasoid :rolleyes:. I think people should stop using caucasian for White Europeans, especially, I find that very weird.

2- I don't think the people here (at least the Iberians) are posting pictures with blondes, just to seem "whiter", since they, themselves, are probably not blonde, I think this has more to do with how often see people see Iberians (as Non-Europeans/Arabs or North Africans), and sometimes, even, somehow, replaced in the middle ages by Arabs (I've seen that a lot in the Internet), so, maybe, posting these, not as uncommon Iberians, they're showing that Iberians are, indeeed as europeans as others are (:rolleyes:), at least, that's what I think (Or maybe they just find that a nice aesthetic :thumb001:)

02-03-2023, 07:15 PM
in my own conception for being white ,white is not caucasian,after all,chechens are caucasians when you see chechens ,you feel a "mixed ethnie vibe" for something considered "white" by some strange obsolete criterias

chechen minority in syria,and .... euhhhh syria is not really in europe


please, being white is to be having a detached and detailed greek profile ,meaning than your ear lobe is in alignment with your nose on an almost straight line ,normally your nose need to be a bit a little upper than your ear lobe , but it's changing from people to people from some lighten various reasons

Greek Profile : Diane Kruger for example

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FHvjySYd.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=1bd3cbfa6100e30f7b04b386635b0dfd612abef0a18322 0afcb44b4e663f5d64&ipo=images
about the "chosen people" ,not quite sure than they are really whites because they came from different middle eastern tribes,not really greek profile

cyril hanouna,"trash tv show" speaker
haplogroups from europe/haplogroups from africa


Above the haplogroups shared by the "White Race"

02-03-2023, 07:16 PM
You are using "Caucasian" in the American way.

Caucasoid includes also Middle Easts, South Asians, North Africans, and Horn of Africans.

My basis is genetic closeness on a PCA. I dont consider groups only barely above 50% west eurasian to be caucasoid, more like inbetween.

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-03-2023, 08:08 PM
2- I don't think the people here (at least the Iberians) are posting pictures with blondes, just to seem "whiter", since they, themselves, are probably not blonde, I think this has more to do with how often see people see Iberians (as Non-Europeans/Arabs or North Africans), and sometimes, even, somehow, replaced in the middle ages by Arabs (I've seen that a lot in the Internet), so, maybe, posting these, not as uncommon Iberians, they're showing that Iberians are, indeeed as europeans as others are (:rolleyes:), at least, that's what I think (Or maybe they just find that a nice aesthetic :thumb001:)

That's the purpose but it's retarded. It comes across as insecure.

02-03-2023, 08:25 PM
Anyway regardless of my autism about definitions, we can all agree that europeans are the genetic cluster formed by the intersection of european hunter gatherers farmers, and steppe herders. And if any individual among them can be considered "white", it makes no sense to care what hair or eye color is present in a group containing 20% more or 10% less of the same three ancient ancestries. Either all europeans on the EEF-steppe cline are white, or none are.

02-03-2023, 08:32 PM
Anyway regardless of my autism about definitions, we can all agree that europeans are the genetic cluster formed by the intersection of european hunter gatherers farmers, and steppe herders. And if any individual among them can be considered "white", it makes no sense to care what hair or eye color is present in a group containing 20% more or 10% less of the same three ancient ancestries. Either all europeans on the EEF-steppe cline are white, or none are.

I often came across you promoting Pan-Europeanism.

Is this a new movement in America?

02-03-2023, 08:45 PM
I don't really care for it one way or another as a movement, I'm an Anglo-American nationalist. But when disucssing genetics I like to be objective and objectively, distinguishing groups of europeans in terms of ancient ancestry is arbitrary beyond a simple scale of who is more, or pess, farmer and what haplogroups one has.

I do think in general europeans whose goals can align should ally with each other. Especially smaller countries.

02-03-2023, 09:18 PM
I don't really care for it one way or another as a movement, I'm an Anglo-American nationalist. But when disucssing genetics I like to be objective and objectively, distinguishing groups of europeans in terms of ancient ancestry is arbitrary beyond a simple scale of who is more, or pess, farmer and what haplogroups one has.

I do think in general europeans whose goals can align should ally with each other. Especially smaller countries.

Now the question goes to you
What does being white mean to you?
Are you an American nationalist too?

02-03-2023, 09:37 PM
Anyway regardless of my autism about definitions, we can all agree that europeans are the genetic cluster formed by the intersection of european hunter gatherers farmers, and steppe herders. And if any individual among them can be considered "white", it makes no sense to care what hair or eye color is present in a group containing 20% more or 10% less of the same three ancient ancestries. Either all europeans on the EEF-steppe cline are white, or none are.
Why do you care about the word "white"? Why does it even matter? Why not just stick with using the much less vague term "European" and that's it?

02-03-2023, 10:07 PM
Now the question goes to you
What does being white mean to you?
Are you an American nationalist too?

White, in my opinion, is a measurement of someones total west eurasian admixture. That being someone of a total admixture level equivalent or comparable to europeans. For simplicities sake, I'll just say that this means people of wholly european ancestry or who fall within 10% of such. Due to variation its hard to set a hard line, but >90% west eurasian would suffice to me.

In other words, its a measurement of your closeness to the european cluster on a global level. Because of the variation that can exist within europeans themselves, and because i see smalle ( sub 10% ) admixture as negligible, that's the line I have in my head. That's in terms of who I would I accept being in my country. I think it's broad enough to cover all desired exceptions.

I am not a civic nationalist, I believe there is an Anglo-American ethnicity, and that being of this ethnicity means being an English speaking of european descent, descended from the stock that created the country prior to the immigration shift in the late 1890s. This will inevitably mean people of predominantly NW euro descent, from the British Isles and Germany. But obviously Anglo-Americans as an ethnic group may have other ancestry outside of that. Getting into the weeds of those details is a long conversation but a simple summation is what I previously established, British and German.

Marshall Theodore
02-03-2023, 10:18 PM
White, in my opinion, is a measurement of someones total west eurasian admixture. That being someone of a total admixture level equivalent or comparable to europeans. For simplicities sake, I'll just say that this means people of wholly european ancestry or who fall within 10% of such. Due to variation its hard to set a hard line, but >90% west eurasian would suffice to me.

In other words, its a measurement of your closeness to the european cluster on a global level. Because of the variation that can exist within europeans themselves, and because i see smalle ( sub 10% ) admixture as negligible, that's the line I have in my head. That's in terms of who I would I accept being in my country. I think it's broad enough to cover all desired exceptions.

I am not a civic nationalist, I believe there is an Anglo-American ethnicity, and that being of this ethnicity means being an English speaking of european descent, descended from the stock that created the country prior to the immigration shift in the late 1890s. This will inevitably mean people of predominantly NW euro descent, from the British Isles and Germany. But obviously Anglo-Americans as an ethnic group may have other ancestry outside of that. Getting into the weeds of those details is a long conversation but a simple summation is what I previously established, British and German.

So West Asians and Middle Easterners are "white" to you? or by "West Eurasian admix" you mean only EEF, Steppe and WHG?

02-03-2023, 10:29 PM
Do you think ancestry or appearance matters more? For example any two greeks from the same island will have a near-identical ancestry profile. But mendelian statistics mean one may look more exotic. I know in latin america appearance plays a heightened role.

Yes, this is actually where a "lookism" approach is not just nonsensic but misleading. If you leave beside personal sexual preferences, then the look of people is less important - not to say irrelevant - compared to their hereditable mental traits. The latter is what is almost exclusively determining the living conditions in a country. The shape of the nose has no impact on that.

02-03-2023, 10:45 PM
White, in my opinion, is a measurement of someones total west eurasian admixture. That being someone of a total admixture level equivalent or comparable to europeans. For simplicities sake, I'll just say that this means people of wholly european ancestry or who fall within 10% of such. Due to variation its hard to set a hard line, but >90% west eurasian would suffice to me.

In other words, its a measurement of your closeness to the european cluster on a global level. Because of the variation that can exist within europeans themselves, and because i see smalle ( sub 10% ) admixture as negligible, that's the line I have in my head. That's in terms of who I would I accept being in my country. I think it's broad enough to cover all desired exceptions.

I am not a civic nationalist, I believe there is an Anglo-American ethnicity, and that being of this ethnicity means being an English speaking of european descent, descended from the stock that created the country prior to the immigration shift in the late 1890s. This will inevitably mean people of predominantly NW euro descent, from the British Isles and Germany. But obviously Anglo-Americans as an ethnic group may have other ancestry outside of that. Getting into the weeds of those details is a long conversation but a simple summation is what I previously established, British and German.

So Bedouins are white great thanks for that

02-03-2023, 10:53 PM
White, in my opinion, is a measurement of someones total west eurasian admixture. That being someone of a total admixture level equivalent or comparable to europeans. For simplicities sake, I'll just say that this means people of wholly european ancestry or who fall within 10% of such. Due to variation its hard to set a hard line, but >90% west eurasian would suffice to me.

In other words, its a measurement of your closeness to the european cluster on a global level. Because of the variation that can exist within europeans themselves, and because i see smalle ( sub 10% ) admixture as negligible, that's the line I have in my head. That's in terms of who I would I accept being in my country. I think it's broad enough to cover all desired exceptions.

This demonstrates that the "White" topic essentially has emerged out of a mixing chaos and this in turn makes clear why it's no topic in Europe.

In Europe you mention the ethnicity and by that all that matters in this context is said. Also, consider that belonging to a particular ethnicity in Europe implies particular genetics, however, in the sense of certain range of genetics.

02-03-2023, 10:57 PM
So West Asians and Middle Easterners are "white" to you? or by "West Eurasian admix" you mean only EEF, Steppe and WHG?

A few can be borderline cases. In general west asians are well below 90%. I would consider pontic greeks white, they're genetically west asian anatolians. Steppe has CHG/Kura-Araxes-like admixture, Georgians model as >94% Kura-Araxes-like.

Some of this is splitting hairs but there will never be enough of these groups to matter anyway.

So Bedouins are white great thanks for that

Most bedouins are significantly SSA admixed from what I've seen. Based on my own analyses only Lebanese, Armenians, Georgians, and west asian jews would meet my metric anyway.

02-03-2023, 11:00 PM
White, in my opinion, is a measurement of someones total west eurasian admixture. That being someone of a total admixture level equivalent or comparable to europeans. For simplicities sake, I'll just say that this means people of wholly european ancestry or who fall within 10% of such. Due to variation its hard to set a hard line, but >90% west eurasian would suffice to me.

In other words, its a measurement of your closeness to the european.

If the categories "European" and "West Eurasian" exist, what's the purpose in trying to have a "White" category in addition to those two?

Marshall Theodore
02-03-2023, 11:13 PM
A few can be borderline cases. In general west asians are well below 90%. I would consider pontic greeks white, they're genetically west asian anatolians. Steppe has CHG/Kura-Araxes-like admixture, Georgians model as >94% Kura-Araxes-like.

> West Asian/Anatolian
> White

White is part of european identity exclusively.

Most bedouins are significantly SSA admixed from what I've seen. Based on my own analyses only Lebanese, Armenians, Georgians, and west asian jews would meet my metric anyway.

None of them are white, but browns, some browns can have a white phenotype, but they're still browns.

02-04-2023, 12:27 AM
A few can be borderline cases. In general west asians are well below 90%. I would consider pontic greeks white, they're genetically west asian anatolians. Steppe has CHG/Kura-Araxes-like admixture, Georgians model as >94% Kura-Araxes-like.

Some of this is splitting hairs but there will never be enough of these groups to matter anyway.

Most bedouins are significantly SSA admixed from what I've seen. Based on my own analyses only Lebanese, Armenians, Georgians, and west asian jews would meet my metric anyway.

"Your metric "

Yeah I think thats enough to tell me it's subjective .

White means European simple .

Caucasian means people from the Caucasus .

Caucasoid means people from Europe , north Africa , middle east , central and south Asia who are pred western eurasian <83% .

Besides , when we say 90% western eurasian etc what calculators are we basing this off ?

02-04-2023, 12:31 AM
> West Asian/Anatolian
> White

White is part of european identity exclusively.

None of them are white, but browns, some browns can have a white phenotype, but they're still browns.

Again and again I'll say it, if Lebanese are considered white then so are Iranians , kurds , Syrians , Northern Iraqis , Chaldeans and afghans. Georgians are certainly lighter than all those groups , they are white no doubt . They are Christian as well so I'm sure that gains alot of brownie points or shall I say whitie points lol

02-04-2023, 01:07 AM
This demonstrates that the "White" topic essentially has emerged out of a mixing chaos and this in turn makes clear why it's no topic in Europe.

In Europe you mention the ethnicity and by that all that matters in this context is said. Also, consider that belonging to a particular ethnicity in Europe implies particular genetics, however, in the sense of certain range of genetics.

Again and again I'll say it, if Lebanese are considered white then so are Iranians , kurds , Syrians , Northern Iraqis , Chaldeans and afghans. Georgians are certainly lighter than all those groups , they are white no doubt . They are Christian as well so I'm sure that gains alot of brownie points or shall I say whitie points lol

None of those groups are nearly as purely west eurasian. Keep in mind Lebanese are mostly anatolian farmer and CHG - groups present in not just some but all europeans.

02-04-2023, 01:19 AM
None of those groups are nearly as purely west eurasian. Keep in mind Lebanese are mostly anatolian farmer and CHG - groups present in not just some but all europeans.

Sure mate

02-04-2023, 01:28 AM
Sure mate

Standard yamnaya models w

Target: Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
Distance: 0.0817% / 0.08172921
38.5 RUS_AfontovaGora3
25.4 GEO_CHG
19.5 Kura-Araxes_ARM_Kaps
16.1 WHG
0.5 TUR_Barcin_N

Target: Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
Distance: 0.0577% / 0.05770055
56.7 RUS_Karelia_HG
24.6 GEO_CHG
18.7 Kura-Araxes_ARM_Kaps

Standard english model, and then without Yamnaya

Target: English
Distance: 0.0472% / 0.04716012
47.2 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
38.5 TUR_Barcin_N
14.3 WHG

Target: English
Distance: 0.0664% / 0.06635681
45.9 TUR_Barcin_N
33.0 RUS_Karelia_HG
10.1 WHG
3.5 Kura-Araxes_ARM_Kaps

Samaritans, closest living group to roman-era levantines

Target: Samaritan
Distance: 0.0283% / 0.02825108
57.7 Levant_PPNB
32.4 Kura-Araxes_ARM_Kaps
9.9 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N

Levant_PPNB modelled

Target: Levant_PPNB
Distance: 0.0367% / 0.03670969
53.5 Levant_Natufian
46.5 TUR_Barcin_N

Natufian itself is a mix of Anatolian farmer and a group similar to iberomarusians

Target: Levant_Natufian
Distance: 0.1433% / 0.14332727
56.0 TUR_Barcin_N
32.8 MAR_Taforalt
11.2 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N

With no natufian or iberomaurusian

Target: Levant_PPNB
Distance: 0.1101% / 0.11010873
87.9 TUR_Barcin_N
6.7 ETH_4500BP
5.4 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N

Up to you what you make of it

Dinka,-0.577083,0.0507765,-0.0003773,-0.0075098,-0.0053855,-0.0016735,-0.0176848,0.0204222,0.081145,-0.0969495,-0.02107,0.022742,-0.0383172,-0.0011698,0.0101452,-0.021347,0.0186125,-0.0094382,0.0241968,-0.0241678,0.002402,0.003308,0.001479,0.0009038,0.0 096995
Gambian,-0.6064875,0.0671942,0.0197362,0.0114665,0.0021028, 0.0055777,-0.0358392,0.0387677,-0.0317353,0.0241463,0.0054132,-0.0036467,0.0162287,-0.0009865,0.011016,-0.0153362,0.009692,-0.0011823,-0.002116,-0.0032307,-0.001643,-0.0018137,0.0043958,-0.0001005,0.001377
IRN_Shahr_I_Sokhta_BA2_I8728,0.033009,-0.081242,-0.184789,0.125325,-0.09848,0.06777,0.002585,0.007615,0.03661,0.02606,-0.002273,0.010041,-0.005798,0.006744,0.004479,0.001326,0.008605,0.001 267,0.00352,0.001376,0.003743,-0.004946,-0.00037,-0.00253,-0.007305
Jarawa,-0.0219821,-0.2430289,-0.1324164,0.0986968,0.0323713,-0.0045841,-0.01012,0.0065044,0.0546974,0.0238044,0.0228054,0. 0027349,-0.0041532,0.0103562,-0.0108067,-0.0114441,0.0094529,-0.0019082,-0.0062221,0.0286778,-0.0046401,0.0111366,-0.0123402,0.0022668,0.0049844
Nganassan,0.0476917,-0.4066181,0.1557885,0.0023902,-0.1594452,-0.0882129,0.0285066,0.0433367,0.0310876,0.0128477, 0.1028569,0.0094115,-0.0040734,-0.0261619,-0.0219731,-0.0123307,-0.0010952,0.0134165,0.0268365,-0.0008505,0.0431363,-0.0118954,0.0336096,0.0003977,0.0135556
WHG,0.1246365,0.116278,0.184789,0.189279,0.1546445 ,0.0464355,0.0131605,0.0372675,0.0890705,0.017768,-0.0153455,-0.015811,0.0159065,-0.0030275,0.053338,0.0582065,0.00502,0.016343,-0.0093015,0.055589,0.0944585,0.0111905,-0.049607,-0.160866,0.0170045
Yoruba,-0.6300625,0.0625011,0.022113,0.0167079,0.0005035,0 .0124741,-0.044417,0.0477673,-0.0488813,0.0327694,0.0046205,0.0007904,0.0230561, 0.0009509,0.0125232,-0.0096067,0.0070763,0.0004491,0.006022,-0.00299,0.0015542,0.0023156,-0.0017592,-0.0004711,-0.0004246
RUS_Karelia_HG,0.1236877,0.0321583,0.129855,0.2101 663,-0.010361,0.0571723,-0.0196627,-0.0234603,-0.002659,-0.0860153,0.0182957,-0.0184337,0.0333497,-0.039085,0.018865,0.0295237,-0.0148203,0.0031673,-0.0044413,0.012506,-0.007487,0.0169817,0.0093667,-0.021007,-0.0103383
Yamnaya_RUS_Samara,0.1255849,0.089028,0.0426986,0. 1153479,-0.0287232,0.0450564,0.0036033,-0.0025642,-0.0559032,-0.0728943,0.0018222,3.32e-05,-0.0026924,-0.0233041,0.0366141,0.0157633,-0.0012316,-0.0017879,-0.0038408,0.0137704,-0.0031749,0.0007557,0.0110649,0.0186102,-0.004537


English,0.1318551,0.137043,0.0617883,0.044013,0.03 92299,0.0167481,0.0049845,0.0057448,0.0052637,0.00 56781,-0.0047691,0.0056161,-0.0125892,-0.0103507,0.0206153,0.0035521,-0.0103689,0.004094,0.003685,0.0029619,0.0059369,0. 0034036,-0.0032693,0.0137938,3.16e-05

02-04-2023, 01:31 AM
Standard yamnaya models w

Target: Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
Distance: 0.0817% / 0.08172921
38.5 RUS_AfontovaGora3
25.4 GEO_CHG
19.5 Kura-Araxes_ARM_Kaps
16.1 WHG
0.5 TUR_Barcin_N

Target: Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
Distance: 0.0577% / 0.05770055
56.7 RUS_Karelia_HG
24.6 GEO_CHG
18.7 Kura-Araxes_ARM_Kaps

Standard english model, and then without Yamnaya

Target: English
Distance: 0.0472% / 0.04716012
47.2 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
38.5 TUR_Barcin_N
14.3 WHG

Target: English
Distance: 0.0664% / 0.06635681
45.9 TUR_Barcin_N
33.0 RUS_Karelia_HG
10.1 WHG
3.5 Kura-Araxes_ARM_Kaps

Samaritans, closest living group to roman-era levantines

Target: Samaritan
Distance: 0.0283% / 0.02825108
57.7 Levant_PPNB
32.4 Kura-Araxes_ARM_Kaps
9.9 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N

Levant_PPNB modelled

Target: Levant_PPNB
Distance: 0.0367% / 0.03670969
53.5 Levant_Natufian
46.5 TUR_Barcin_N

Natufian itself is a mix of Anatolian farmer and a group similar to iberomarusians

Target: Levant_Natufian
Distance: 0.1433% / 0.14332727
56.0 TUR_Barcin_N
32.8 MAR_Taforalt
11.2 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N

With no natufian or iberomaurusian

Target: Levant_PPNB
Distance: 0.1101% / 0.11010873
87.9 TUR_Barcin_N
6.7 ETH_4500BP
5.4 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N

Up to you what you make of it

Dinka,-0.577083,0.0507765,-0.0003773,-0.0075098,-0.0053855,-0.0016735,-0.0176848,0.0204222,0.081145,-0.0969495,-0.02107,0.022742,-0.0383172,-0.0011698,0.0101452,-0.021347,0.0186125,-0.0094382,0.0241968,-0.0241678,0.002402,0.003308,0.001479,0.0009038,0.0 096995
Gambian,-0.6064875,0.0671942,0.0197362,0.0114665,0.0021028, 0.0055777,-0.0358392,0.0387677,-0.0317353,0.0241463,0.0054132,-0.0036467,0.0162287,-0.0009865,0.011016,-0.0153362,0.009692,-0.0011823,-0.002116,-0.0032307,-0.001643,-0.0018137,0.0043958,-0.0001005,0.001377
IRN_Shahr_I_Sokhta_BA2_I8728,0.033009,-0.081242,-0.184789,0.125325,-0.09848,0.06777,0.002585,0.007615,0.03661,0.02606,-0.002273,0.010041,-0.005798,0.006744,0.004479,0.001326,0.008605,0.001 267,0.00352,0.001376,0.003743,-0.004946,-0.00037,-0.00253,-0.007305
Jarawa,-0.0219821,-0.2430289,-0.1324164,0.0986968,0.0323713,-0.0045841,-0.01012,0.0065044,0.0546974,0.0238044,0.0228054,0. 0027349,-0.0041532,0.0103562,-0.0108067,-0.0114441,0.0094529,-0.0019082,-0.0062221,0.0286778,-0.0046401,0.0111366,-0.0123402,0.0022668,0.0049844
Nganassan,0.0476917,-0.4066181,0.1557885,0.0023902,-0.1594452,-0.0882129,0.0285066,0.0433367,0.0310876,0.0128477, 0.1028569,0.0094115,-0.0040734,-0.0261619,-0.0219731,-0.0123307,-0.0010952,0.0134165,0.0268365,-0.0008505,0.0431363,-0.0118954,0.0336096,0.0003977,0.0135556
WHG,0.1246365,0.116278,0.184789,0.189279,0.1546445 ,0.0464355,0.0131605,0.0372675,0.0890705,0.017768,-0.0153455,-0.015811,0.0159065,-0.0030275,0.053338,0.0582065,0.00502,0.016343,-0.0093015,0.055589,0.0944585,0.0111905,-0.049607,-0.160866,0.0170045
Yoruba,-0.6300625,0.0625011,0.022113,0.0167079,0.0005035,0 .0124741,-0.044417,0.0477673,-0.0488813,0.0327694,0.0046205,0.0007904,0.0230561, 0.0009509,0.0125232,-0.0096067,0.0070763,0.0004491,0.006022,-0.00299,0.0015542,0.0023156,-0.0017592,-0.0004711,-0.0004246
RUS_Karelia_HG,0.1236877,0.0321583,0.129855,0.2101 663,-0.010361,0.0571723,-0.0196627,-0.0234603,-0.002659,-0.0860153,0.0182957,-0.0184337,0.0333497,-0.039085,0.018865,0.0295237,-0.0148203,0.0031673,-0.0044413,0.012506,-0.007487,0.0169817,0.0093667,-0.021007,-0.0103383
Yamnaya_RUS_Samara,0.1255849,0.089028,0.0426986,0. 1153479,-0.0287232,0.0450564,0.0036033,-0.0025642,-0.0559032,-0.0728943,0.0018222,3.32e-05,-0.0026924,-0.0233041,0.0366141,0.0157633,-0.0012316,-0.0017879,-0.0038408,0.0137704,-0.0031749,0.0007557,0.0110649,0.0186102,-0.004537


English,0.1318551,0.137043,0.0617883,0.044013,0.03 92299,0.0167481,0.0049845,0.0057448,0.0052637,0.00 56781,-0.0047691,0.0056161,-0.0125892,-0.0103507,0.0206153,0.0035521,-0.0103689,0.004094,0.003685,0.0029619,0.0059369,0. 0034036,-0.0032693,0.0137938,3.16e-05

I think the boundary between those ancient groups and modern definitions of white are quite muddy. I think Alot of those groups above would not pass as white rather they are brown skinned caucaosids. But like I said , it's subjective .

Marshall Theodore
02-04-2023, 01:34 AM
Target: English
Distance: 0.0664% / 0.06635681
45.9 TUR_Barcin_N
33.0 RUS_Karelia_HG
10.1 WHG
3.5 Kura-Araxes_ARM_Kaps

What happens if you replace RUS_Karelia_HG (probably EHG) with ANE (MA1/RusAfontovaGora)?

I did replace Steppe with ANE on Vahaduo, but it doesnt appears, It seems Steppe hides ANE on G25.

02-04-2023, 01:42 AM
I think the boundary between those ancient groups and modern definitions of white are quite muddy. I think Alot of those groups above would not pass as white rather they are brown skinned caucaosids. But like I said , it's subjective .

I mean, I'd agree that "white europeans" as a genetic cluster are a modern creation from ancient groups to which white has trouble applying. It's why I use modern Europeans as a metric for what is white, rather than pure West Eurasians. Considering that many those groups with the exception of Barcin_N and WHG will have some admixture from east-Eurasians, or Sub Saharan Africans.

I think it makes sense to only consider people within the European genetic cluster white for the sake of brevity, and there's really no practical point to making exceptions for such insignificant minorities. But I have to use a metric which is internally logically consistent, and the boundaries of the definition have to reflect that.

For this purpose I've devised a fairly simple calculator using HGDP populations to determine someones global position relative to europeans, east asians, americans, sub saharan africans, and oceanians.

European:Basque_French:HGDP01357,0.121791,0.157407 ,0.05242,0.006137,0.055395,0.000279,-0.000705,0.007846,0.030474,0.042825,-0.009743,0.013488,-0.023191,-0.007294,0.011943,0.000928,-0.018515,-0.00266,-0.002137,-0.001,0.007861,0.00779,-0.011462,-0.013496,0.003592
European:Basque_French:HGDP01358,0.127482,0.151314 ,0.055814,0.008721,0.05601,0.001394,-0.006815,0.004615,0.032724,0.042643,-0.007145,0.008093,-0.016353,-0.009909,0.012893,-0.007027,-0.012256,0.00266,0.000251,0.001376,0.009608,0.0043 28,-0.003328,-0.009519,-0.00012
European:Basque_French:HGDP01359,0.125205,0.153345 ,0.055437,0.01292,0.061242,0.001394,0.003995,0.006 ,0.029247,0.042643,-0.012829,0.012139,-0.022745,-0.007844,0.015472,-0.008221,-0.014473,0.003167,-0.00088,-0.001,0.012228,-0.00136,-0.007765,-0.006627,0.002395
European:Basque_French:HGDP01360,0.133173,0.149283 ,0.063733,0.020995,0.056318,0.005578,-0.000705,0.004615,0.034155,0.049386,-0.012829,0.01124,-0.02438,-0.020368,0.019951,0.011933,-0.005607,0.004181,0.003017,-0.007754,0.012728,-0.000124,-0.007395,-0.01205,-0.001078
European:Basque_French:HGDP01362,0.122929,0.152329 ,0.054682,0.018411,0.059396,0.004183,-0.000235,0.004615,0.033746,0.037541,-0.013153,0.010191,-0.020069,-0.020919,0.005022,-0.00769,-0.02021,0.003927,-0.000628,-0.012381,0.006738,0.005935,-0.007641,-0.008917,-0.000958
European:Basque_French:HGDP01363,0.127482,0.15436, 0.057322,0.010982,0.055395,0.002789,-0.00141,-0.000692,0.026179,0.035901,-0.007795,0.009591,-0.025124,-0.015276,0.012622,0.005436,0.00013,0.002027,0.0027 65,0,0.010981,-0.002349,-0.012078,-0.00723,-0.001916
European:Basque_French:HGDP01364,0.12862,0.152329, 0.044877,0.008398,0.053856,-0.003626,0.000235,-0.001385,0.027611,0.035536,-0.006171,0.006145,-0.017096,-0.008808,0.013301,0.001193,-0.014603,0.005828,-0.004525,-0.002751,0.009982,0.002349,-0.00912,-0.01217,0.002395
European:Basque_French:HGDP01365,0.12862,0.15436,0 .048649,0.011305,0.054779,0.00502,-0.001175,0.001615,0.03027,0.046106,-0.007957,0.01109,-0.022894,-0.012799,0.014386,-0.009679,-0.017341,0.006334,-0.002011,-0.006753,0.007112,0.001237,-0.012695,-0.004097,0.003473
European:Basque_French:HGDP01366,0.137726,0.147252 ,0.055814,0.017442,0.052317,0.002231,0.00094,0.009 461,0.02802,0.034989,-0.008769,0.008992,-0.01888,-0.015551,0.016694,0.00053,0.00326,0.002154,-0.006788,-0.006753,0.012228,0.006183,-0.008627,-0.003976,-0.00479
European:Basque_French:HGDP01367,0.127482,0.148267 ,0.062979,0.01292,0.059396,0.005857,-0.008225,-0.003461,0.033542,0.044466,-0.006333,0.012439,-0.019029,-0.021469,0.009908,-0.006762,-0.019558,0.00266,0.003771,-0.007128,0.012104,0.000866,-0.006286,-0.013616,-0.002275

European:Italian_Bergamo:HGDP01147,0.127482,0.1523 29,0.035826,-0.005491,0.034776,-0.003347,0.00705,0,0.005522,0.022051,-0.003735,0.010491,-0.013082,-0.007569,-0.003393,0.001458,0.008214,0.000887,0.004274,0.000 375,0.001872,0.001855,-0.000246,0.006868,0.000838
European:Italian_Bergamo:HGDP01151,0.127482,0.1502 98,0.039221,-0.011951,0.042777,-0.001116,0.001175,0.005769,0.012271,0.03262,-0.002761,0.010491,-0.017988,0.000826,0.001493,-0.017767,-0.014603,-0.00228,0.005028,-0.01138,-0.000374,-0.002226,-0.005916,-0.001928,0.005029
European:Italian_Bergamo:HGDP01152,0.120652,0.1523 29,0.02489,-0.010659,0.032929,0.000837,0,0.003692,0.013294,0.0 26606,-0.001624,0.002698,-0.00773,-0.007569,-0.002986,0.00053,0.002477,0.00038,0.002388,-0.002626,-0.007362,-0.002473,-0.010476,0.008917,0.000479
European:Italian_Bergamo:HGDP01153,0.125205,0.1492 83,0.02753,-0.014535,0.03693,-0.006414,-0.00329,0.004384,0.009204,0.028976,0,0.002098,-0.011893,-0.005643,-0.00285,-0.004508,0.002347,0.003927,0.007793,-0.003377,-0.00287,0.001978,-0.005669,0.002651,0.002155
European:Italian_Bergamo:HGDP01155,0.118376,0.1492 83,0.026021,-0.01615,0.033545,-0.003347,0.00047,-0.005307,0.013499,0.028064,0.001137,0.008243,-0.013528,-0.011423,-0.009636,-0.00053,-0.000261,0.00038,0.006285,-0.010755,0.003494,0.000742,0.001356,0.00241,-0.003712

European:Orcadian:HGDP00794,0.124067,0.131003,0.06 1848,0.044251,0.040623,0.016455,0.00141,-0.003923,0.0045,-0.001093,-0.009419,0.009292,-0.015015,-0.011147,0.023751,-0.013922,-0.021513,-0.000253,0.001257,-0.002501,0.007986,0.000124,-0.008258,0.013255,-0.005628
European:Orcadian:HGDP00796,0.130897,0.131003,0.06 1471,0.051034,0.038161,0.022032,-0.002585,0.007384,0.012067,0.000729,-0.006171,0.003897,-0.002825,-0.003716,0.021172,-0.001193,-0.025295,0.008108,0.005405,-0.004877,0.005241,0.002473,-0.003081,0.011809,0.001437
European:Orcadian:HGDP00797,0.133173,0.132019,0.06 3733,0.046512,0.040007,0.018128,-0.001645,0.007384,0.009817,-0.004556,-0.008119,0.005845,-0.008771,-0.011423,0.02443,0.000663,-0.008605,0.00076,0.001634,-0.002251,-0.00287,0.000247,-0.006655,0.006748,-0.003353
European:Orcadian:HGDP00798,0.126344,0.138112,0.06 1471,0.044574,0.031698,0.016176,0.00376,0.002769,0 .004704,-0.000182,-0.010555,0.007643,-0.014123,-0.006055,0.027416,-0.003978,-0.024903,0.005701,0.001006,-0.001876,0.001373,0.002968,0.00037,0.011688,0.0025 15
European:Orcadian:HGDP00799,0.130897,0.138112,0.06 4488,0.053295,0.037238,0.018965,0.00376,0.006692,0 .00225,0.001093,-0.005359,0.006145,-0.014866,-0.008257,0.025787,-0.004508,-0.018123,0.006714,0.002891,0.006003,0.00861,0.0048 22,-0.002465,0.007953,-0.005389
European:Orcadian:HGDP00800,0.134311,0.131003,0.06 5996,0.046189,0.041546,0.019522,0.002585,0.004615, 0.002454,0.008383,-0.001624,0.004796,-0.013231,-0.008257,0.020222,0.009149,-0.01369,0.001647,0.002011,-0.004377,0.006364,-0.001855,-0.001602,0.003253,-0.000599
European:Orcadian:HGDP00802,0.12862,0.133034,0.063 356,0.053295,0.034468,0.018965,-0.00047,0.007154,0.002454,-0.001822,0.000162,0.005245,-0.008622,-0.020093,0.016015,0.01432,0.011343,0.00228,0.00150 8,0.002376,-0.000499,0.004575,-0.001232,0.01928,-0.003473
European:Orcadian:HGDP00803,0.133173,0.137096,0.05 8454,0.048127,0.038161,0.019243,0.004935,0.003923, 0.002454,0.001822,-0.009906,0.002098,-0.007136,-0.01445,0.022122,0.012066,-0.014994,0.002407,0.002263,0.004877,0.005241,0.005 688,-0.000246,0.015303,0.00467
European:Orcadian:HGDP00804,0.135449,0.133034,0.07 0899,0.049742,0.042162,0.012271,0.00517,0,0.007567 ,0.009659,-0.006983,0.004496,-0.014866,-0.013212,0.025108,0.009944,-0.005476,0.002154,0.003771,0.004877,0.00549,0.0043 28,0.001725,0.007591,0.003712
European:Orcadian:HGDP00805,0.129758,0.138112,0.05 8077,0.047481,0.043085,0.013666,0.00094,0.003231,0 .002045,0.003827,-0.010393,-0.001349,-0.019623,-0.011698,0.017508,0.007823,-0.002608,0.005194,0.005028,0.00075,0.012603,-0.000866,-0.000123,0.003494,0.00012

European:Sardinian:HGDP00665,0.119514,0.162485,0.0 19233,-0.052326,0.05878,-0.025658,-0.002585,0.005307,0.041314,0.076721,-0.003085,0.015286,-0.027354,-0.015689,-0.015201,0.005569,0.018906,0.000253,-0.000126,-0.004627,-0.001747,0.003957,-0.012695,-0.020846,0.00467
European:Sardinian:HGDP00671,0.121791,0.170609,0.0 32809,-0.046835,0.065551,-0.017849,0.000235,0.004154,0.043155,0.071801,0.003 085,0.014387,-0.030475,-0.01445,-0.015065,0.005436,0.023991,-0.001267,-0.003142,-0.010005,0.001622,-0.003586,-0.011462,-0.018075,0.001916
European:Sardinian:HGDP00672,0.121791,0.164516,0.0 2489,-0.057171,0.055087,-0.023985,-0.003995,0.002538,0.037837,0.074717,0.004547,0.018 883,-0.029435,-0.013074,-0.017372,-0.009812,0.002868,0.000253,0.008799,-0.012131,0.000998,-0.000989,-0.010106,-0.018436,-0.000838
European:Sardinian:HGDP00674,0.124067,0.168578,0.0 36204,-0.046189,0.063704,-0.024263,-0.003055,-0.001154,0.042132,0.083282,0.002598,0.017085,-0.034043,-0.011836,-0.01045,-0.016441,-0.0103,-0.000633,0.004651,-0.018759,-0.003119,0.008037,-0.010969,-0.024823,0.003353
European:Sardinian:HGDP01063,0.119514,0.167562,0.0 26776,-0.046189,0.059088,-0.024542,-0.004935,-0.005769,0.040905,0.071072,0.000325,0.019633,-0.030624,-0.009083,-0.020358,0.005304,0.018906,-0.003167,0.003645,-0.015007,-0.003494,0.004204,-0.008381,-0.017111,-0.000718
European:Sardinian:HGDP01066,0.119514,0.168578,0.0 26021,-0.050065,0.066166,-0.020638,-0.002115,0.007384,0.049086,0.085286,-0.008119,0.018883,-0.028097,-0.015001,-0.013708,-0.010872,0.009518,0.005068,0.00729,-0.02151,-0.004991,-0.004081,-0.010353,-0.0194,0.000958
European:Sardinian:HGDP01067,0.122929,0.166547,0.0 2225,-0.055879,0.05878,-0.019243,-0.010105,0.000462,0.041518,0.075446,-0.003897,0.015886,-0.024826,-0.009771,-0.013165,-0.005038,0.008605,0.00076,-0.000251,-0.013506,0.007986,0.001607,-0.012818,-0.02651,0.003233
European:Sardinian:HGDP01073,0.117238,0.171624,0.0 28661,-0.053941,0.058472,-0.018965,-0.003995,-0.000923,0.046018,0.087656,0.002436,0.01094,-0.028097,-0.012524,-0.013979,-0.010607,0.004955,-0.004181,-0.000754,-0.013506,-0.005615,-0.015333,-0.006779,-0.02663,0.003473
European:Sardinian:HGDP01075,0.124067,0.17264,0.03 1301,-0.05491,0.05878,-0.025379,-0.005875,0.004154,0.043564,0.077086,-0.005846,0.013488,-0.020664,-0.007844,-0.016965,-0.012198,0.010561,-0.002787,0.002891,-0.016008,-0.009358,-0.00507,-0.009737,-0.015785,0.005628
European:Sardinian:HGDP01078,0.122929,0.164516,0.0 33187,-0.046512,0.059396,-0.021753,-0.00282,0.005538,0.033542,0.07253,0.004222,0.02083 1,-0.030921,-0.014863,-0.006243,0.005038,0.016298,-0.004941,-0.000503,-0.009004,-0.003743,-0.000495,-0.008997,-0.022774,-0.010538

Sub_Saharan_African:Bantu_Kenya:HGDP01417,-0.599848,0.064994,0.014331,0.01292,0.004308,0.0064 14,-0.009635,0.028845,0.00409,-0.026606,-0.002273,0.01124,-0.032408,0.004542,-0.033523,0.024131,-0.015125,-0.002407,-0.016718,0.004502,0.002121,-0.006059,-0.00456,0.001084,0.002036

Sub_Saharan_African:Biaka:HGDP00454,-0.641962,0.06804,0.028284,0.038114,0.001846,0.0086 46,0.167798,-0.135687,-0.017794,0.036083,0.016726,-0.160957,-0.05218,-0.00578,0.00475,-0.005038,0.004042,-0.036866,0.014832,-0.001251,0.004243,-0.000989,-0.003081,-0.000482,-0.004431
Sub_Saharan_African:Biaka:HGDP00455,-0.641962,0.061947,0.02753,0.029716,0.003385,0.0036 26,0.181193,-0.144456,-0.023929,0.043008,0.019487,-0.156311,-0.046679,-0.00523,0.0057,-0.003315,0,-0.033192,0.011564,0.001751,-0.004492,-0.002102,-0.004314,0.00012,-0.003832
Sub_Saharan_African:Biaka:HGDP00457,-0.645377,0.059916,0.026776,0.032946,0.002154,0.008 367,0.169678,-0.129225,-0.022089,0.037723,0.01835,-0.142223,-0.051437,-0.00055,0.005022,-0.002121,-0.005215,-0.027871,0.00993,0.001,0.003868,-0.003091,-0.00037,0.005302,-0.003592
Sub_Saharan_African:Biaka:HGDP00458,-0.644239,0.059916,0.026398,0.036499,0.001846,0.008 925,0.173673,-0.130148,-0.023929,0.042643,0.014615,-0.135779,-0.041328,0.002615,0.00475,-0.004773,-0.00339,-0.02027,0.008547,-0.001876,0.001373,-0.002473,0.001232,-0.000482,-0.001557
Sub_Saharan_African:Biaka:HGDP00460,-0.641962,0.057885,0.023381,0.031008,0.001539,0.008 925,0.165212,-0.127841,-0.023929,0.039545,0.012179,-0.133831,-0.045787,-0.004129,0.003122,-0.006364,-0.001304,-0.029265,0.005531,-0.003377,0.006863,0.000742,-0.001109,0.000482,0.000359

Sub_Saharan_African:Mandenka:HGDP00905,-0.606677,0.063978,0.013199,0.017119,0.000923,0.008 088,-0.038777,0.035537,-0.02986,0.024602,0.012017,0.001499,0.013082,0,0.01 7236,-0.009546,0.012908,-0.001394,-0.003394,-0.00075,-0.001872,-0.004822,-0.000246,-0.000241,0.000838
Sub_Saharan_African:Mandenka:HGDP00906,-0.604401,0.067025,0.021873,0.006137,0.003077,0.008 367,-0.038072,0.040383,-0.031906,0.025878,0.004222,0.002098,0.018285,-0.00055,0.018865,-0.010342,0.009909,0.001774,-0.006536,-0.001251,-0.002496,-0.010016,-0.001725,-0.003615,0.001796
Sub_Saharan_African:Mandenka:HGDP00909,-0.614645,0.067025,0.018479,0.017765,0.002462,0.007 53,-0.040892,0.040383,-0.033542,0.025331,0.00341,0.001349,0.016204,-0.004404,0.009229,-0.014187,0.006258,0.001014,-0.001131,-0.004752,-0.003494,-0.002349,0.002958,0.00012,0.000479
Sub_Saharan_African:Mandenka:HGDP00911,-0.600986,0.064994,0.011691,0.011305,0.000308,0.006 136,-0.039482,0.038998,-0.026793,0.024966,0.004547,-0.005695,0.021853,-0.00289,0.015201,-0.015646,0.005737,-0.001647,-0.00176,-0.006378,0.003619,-0.002597,0.000616,-0.005061,0.00012
Sub_Saharan_African:Mandenka:HGDP00913,-0.604401,0.064994,0.029038,-0.001938,-0.004924,0.010877,-0.034312,0.043152,-0.02802,0.024237,0.008282,0.001049,0.01888,0.00440 4,0.018865,-0.007558,0.014864,0.005448,0.000126,0.003377,0.003 743,-0.006306,0.009983,0.001928,0.009819
Sub_Saharan_African:Mandenka:HGDP00915,-0.599848,0.064994,0.017348,0.008721,0.002462,0.008 646,-0.042302,0.034152,-0.03027,0.02606,0.003897,0.004646,0.024975,-0.002477,0.014658,-0.016839,0.007302,0.004561,-0.00264,-0.003126,-0.002496,-0.005317,0.000863,-0.002651,-0.002874
Sub_Saharan_African:Mandenka:HGDP00918,-0.588465,0.064994,0.013576,0.008075,0.003693,0.001 116,-0.039952,0.042229,-0.026179,0.029887,0.002598,-0.005545,0.023191,0.000826,0.019815,-0.013657,0.00339,-0.000507,-0.005908,-0.001126,-0.001123,-0.009274,0.00493,-0.005302,-0.000479
Sub_Saharan_African:Mandenka:HGDP01199,-0.61123,0.059916,0.014331,0.008398,0.001539,0.0100 4,-0.033842,0.031614,-0.029656,0.02442,0.004872,-0.002548,0.020367,0.002752,0.010586,-0.005569,0.008736,-0.00114,-0.004525,-0.003627,-0.000998,-0.003833,0.003821,-0.004338,-0.001796
Sub_Saharan_African:Mandenka:HGDP01201,-0.615783,0.064994,0.01697,0.010336,0.000615,0.0105 98,-0.040657,0.038075,-0.035178,0.02606,0.004547,0.000899,0.017691,-0.003165,0.015879,-0.007027,0.019036,0.003421,-0.000754,-0.001251,-0.004866,-0.004081,-0.002218,0.001928,-0.000718
Sub_Saharan_African:Mandenka:HGDP01202,-0.610092,0.060932,0.013953,0.012274,0.001539,0.010 04,-0.032431,0.033229,-0.034155,0.025331,0.006496,-0.001349,0.018285,0.002202,0.018594,-0.013789,0.00691,0.000127,0.003645,-0.003627,0.000749,-0.005688,0.001109,0.001687,0.000718



East_Asian:She:HGDP01327,0.020488,-0.450895,-0.018102,-0.070737,0.096018,0.04518,0,-0.005538,-0.022907,-0.004738,-0.045956,-0.005545,0.001933,-0.011973,-0.002172,0.004243,0.004172,0.003674,0.000754,-0.021135,0.017719,0.009892,0.030319,0.000482,0.002 036

East_Asian:Miao:HGDP01189,0.01935,-0.445817,-0.01961,-0.063631,0.081554,0.04016,0.004465,-0.001846,-0.014726,-0.00492,-0.037837,-0.007793,0.00223,-0.003028,-0.006786,0.001193,0.001434,0.000887,-0.006411,-0.016383,0.014974,0.016199,0.01861,0.000964,0.0037 12
East_Asian:Miao:HGDP01190,0.018212,-0.445817,-0.013199,-0.063631,0.084631,0.038766,0.000235,-0.002077,-0.01718,-0.004374,-0.045794,-0.008393,0.005798,-0.000963,-0.000136,0.002784,0.008736,-0.0019,-0.011187,-0.008379,0.014225,0.013725,0.011462,0.00012,0.0062 27



American:Karitiana:HGDP00998,0.056912,-0.319892,0.114268,0.108206,-0.110482,-0.016176,-0.332775,-0.39483,-0.013499,-0.015126,-0.000812,-0.001798,-0.000297,0.027112,-0.005157,0.008486,0.014733,0.004687,0.004022,0.001 126,-0.006114,0.010758,-0.011832,0.00012,0.000359


02-04-2023, 01:45 AM
What happens if you replace RUS_Karelia_HG (probably EHG) with ANE (MA1/RusAfontovaGora)?

I did replace Steppe with ANE on Vahaduo, but it doesnt appears, It seems Steppe hides ANE on G25.

Yeah EHG hides ANE

Target: English
Distance: 0.0776% / 0.07764164
41.7 TUR_Barcin_N
22.0 WHG
19.2 RUS_AfontovaGora3
11.7 Kura-Araxes_ARM_Kaps

Seems like it might be hiding some extra CHG and Kura-Araxes-like ancestry, although it could be a factor of overfitting. There could be a better european hunter gatherer fit for the basic admixture of EHG other than WHG.

Here's EHG modelled:

Target: RUS_Karelia_HG
Distance: 0.0642% / 0.06417507
68.4 RUS_AfontovaGora3
30.1 WHG
0.3 Kura-Araxes_ARM_Kaps
0.3 TUR_Barcin_N

02-04-2023, 01:45 AM

02-04-2023, 02:37 AM
three-way PCA of modern west asians and europeans


Zoom in


So you can see Europeans clearly form their own island away from other West Eurasians, it's a clearly definable population. There's a blend into West Asia in the Mediterranean, but you can still see the division.

Grace O'Malley
02-04-2023, 02:51 AM
three-way PCA of modern west asians and europeans


Zoom in


So you can see Europeans clearly form their own island away from other West Eurasians, it's a clearly definable population. There's a blend into West Asia in the Mediterranean, but you can still see the division.

It looks more a continuum to me a not a clearly definable "European cluster". It's all a bit arbitrary anyway as every European population will have some non-Europeans they are closer to than other Europeans. For example I'm closer to Tatar_Mishar than to Italian_Lazio.

02-04-2023, 03:04 AM
It looks more a continuum to me a not a clearly definable "European cluster". It's all a bit arbitrary anyway as every European population will have some non-Europeans they are closer to than other Europeans. For example I'm closer to Tatar_Mishar than to Italian_Lazio.

Well it's definitely more of a cline, but keep in mind everyone past that sort of low density break away area in eastern europe is either karelian, finnish, or northeast russian. Everyone else is part of the central cluster. And without factoring in extra admixture like east asian, eastern european compress down inwards. Consider this image:


The only close groups are a handful of balkan turks which, in reality, are >85% european overall and only about 15% turkic or west asian.

For example I'm closer to Tatar_Mishar than to Italian_Lazio.

Probably not on a PCA, raw FST distance is skewed by isolation and other factors.

02-04-2023, 03:14 AM
It looks more a continuum to me a not a clearly definable "European cluster". It's all a bit arbitrary anyway as every European population will have some non-Europeans they are closer to than other Europeans. For example I'm closer to Tatar_Mishar than to Italian_Lazio.

You got me curious


This is an unprojected PCA of G25_modern_scaled_averages, somewhat correctly sorted and re-labelled by myself. It shows no noticeable deviation from what I've seen from other global PCAs as far as major things are concerned. Europeans ALWAYS form their own cluster in a corner by themselves. The coordinates trailing off either towards Africa or Asia are not large portions of the population of Europe and appear to have an exaggerated importance; most Russians plot just east of Estonians, in that small blob at the bottom of the graph.

Marshall Theodore
02-04-2023, 03:20 AM
Yeah EHG hides ANE

Target: English
Distance: 0.0776% / 0.07764164
41.7 TUR_Barcin_N
22.0 WHG
19.2 RUS_AfontovaGora3
11.7 Kura-Araxes_ARM_Kaps

Seems like it might be hiding some extra CHG and Kura-Araxes-like ancestry, although it could be a factor of overfitting. There could be a better european hunter gatherer fit for the basic admixture of EHG other than WHG.

Here's EHG modelled:

Target: RUS_Karelia_HG
Distance: 0.0642% / 0.06417507
68.4 RUS_AfontovaGora3
30.1 WHG
0.3 Kura-Araxes_ARM_Kaps
0.3 TUR_Barcin_N

ANE were almost 20-30% East Eurasian, thus an european with 25% ANE would be 5%-7,5% in theory, can G25 detect this East Eurasian part? Or Steppe/EHG hides It?

02-04-2023, 03:25 AM
ANE were almost 20-30% East Eurasian, thus an european with 25% ANE would be 5%-7,5% in theory, can G25 detect this East Eurasian part? Or Steppe/EHG hides It?

Steppe/EHG does hide it, but you can sort of work it out by removing them and using close enough proxies. However it actually gives a little too much in my opinion.

English without Steppe/EHG/ANE

Target: English
Distance: 0.0947% / 0.09470194
43.1 Kura-Araxes_ARM_Kaps
31.9 WHG
22.7 TUR_Barcin_N
1.9 BRA_LapaDoSanto_9600BP
0.4 Nganassan

No Kura-Araxes

Target: English
Distance: 0.1090% / 0.10900789
45.8 TUR_Barcin_N
31.5 WHG
19.7 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N
3.0 BRA_LapaDoSanto_9600BP

No ancient averages with high basal ( because ANE has a significant amount of basal )

Target: English
Distance: 0.1273% / 0.12730412
60.3 TUR_Barcin_N
31.4 WHG
5.2 BRA_LapaDoSanto_9600BP
2.8 Nganassan
0.3 ETH_4500BP

No Nganassan or Han because they both have West Eurasian

Target: English
Distance: 0.1321% / 0.13213405
61.0 TUR_Barcin_N
32.7 WHG
5.5 Han
0.8 ETH_4500BP

Target: English
Distance: 0.1321% / 0.13213405
93.7 West_Eurasian
5.5 East_Eurasian
0.8 SSA

SSA is probably noise/overfit because we've removed a lot of populations that have archaic ancestry not present in WHG or Barcin_N

On a PCA using modern pops though, the English look more like 95-96%

02-04-2023, 03:32 AM
In fact, the spread of the european cluster on a global level seems to come, ultimately, from the ancient eastern-non-african ancestry present in Steppe Herders. This is why sardinians plot furthest from east asians, and any individual with more steppe herder will plot closer. I would say the admixture run exaggerates things because on a PCA northern europeans seem to only have about half as much eastern-non-african. ANE having a good chunk of basal ( ust-ishim ) related ancestry causes a slight shift towards eastern-non-africans not present in modern populations. We are after all talking about essentially a pre-racial population. It's why I don't factor it in when considering non-caucasian admixture because eventually you find yourself getting lost in the sauce of what a "pure" ancient west eurasian is when only post-bronze-age are quite so concentrated.

Grace O'Malley
02-04-2023, 03:44 AM
You got me curious


This is an unprojected PCA of G25_modern_scaled_averages, somewhat correctly sorted and re-labelled by myself. It shows no noticeable deviation from what I've seen from other global PCAs as far as major things are concerned. Europeans ALWAYS form their own cluster in a corner by themselves. The coordinates trailing off either towards Africa or Asia are not large portions of the population of Europe and appear to have an exaggerated importance; most Russians plot just east of Estonians, in that small blob at the bottom of the graph.

You should just do a plot with Europeans and Russians, Caucasus populations as too many other populations will not show the diversity within Europe.

02-04-2023, 03:54 AM
You should just do a plot with Europeans and Russians, Caucasus populations as too many other populations will not show the diversity within Europe.

Here's a plot of europeans not projected on top of anything else:


You can see that the major differences are still captured in a global PCA:


02-04-2023, 03:58 AM
Finally a PCA projected on top of Farmers, WHG, and Steppe Herders


Grace O'Malley
02-04-2023, 04:22 AM
Here's a plot of europeans not projected on top of anything else:


You can see that the major differences are still captured in a global PCA:


You can still see how some European populations will be closer to some Middle Eastern populations and some others to North Caucasus populations. It's not controversial. Of course being part of what is considered Europe makes you European but it's not like all Europeans are closer to each other genetically.

What I find interesting is how me being Irish can be as close to Cossack_Kuban as Basque_Lower_Navarre.

Distance to: Grace_scaled

0.06557739 Ukrainian_Zakarpattia
0.06673803 Polish_Kashubian
0.06725697 Ukrainian_Lviv
0.07027141 Sorb_Niederlausitz
0.07074837 Italian_Aosta_Valley
0.07109016 French_Provence
0.07131784 Bosnian
0.07171106 Basque_Araba
0.07173542 Moldovan_o
0.07296989 Finnish_Southwest
0.07377269 Moldovan
0.07379135 Ukrainian_Rivne
0.07380695 Cossack_Ukrainian
0.07409128 Ukrainian_Zhytomyr
0.07487439 Ukrainian_Dnipro
0.07514324 Montenegrin
0.07516348 Spanish_Penedes
0.07608760 Spanish_Barcelones
0.07630886 Ukrainian_Sumy
0.07634465 French_Chalosse
0.07645254 Serbian
0.07669061 Spanish_Biscay
0.07691614 Russian_Voronez
0.07712721 Russian_Belgorod
0.07728130 Spanish_Catalunya_Central
0.07739087 Ukrainian_Chernihiv
0.07747724 Spanish_Aragon_North
0.07748194 Spanish_Girona
0.07754333 Russian_Orel
0.07757584 Russian_Kursk
0.07780406 French_South
0.07793697 Italian_Northeast
0.07831181 Russian_Smolensk
0.07831396 Finnish_Southeast
0.07843534 Spanish_Lleida
0.07849207 Spanish_Camp_de_Tarragona
0.07889670 Basque_Roncal
0.07891472 French_Bearn
0.07894115 Basque_Gipuzkoa_Southwest
0.07916691 Spanish_Pais_Vasco
0.07926743 Russian_Kaluga
0.07927795 Basque_Biscay
0.07931593 Russian_Ryazan
0.07952284 Spanish_Peri-Barcelona
0.07978315 Spanish_Mallorca
0.07979962 Italian_Friuli_Venezia_Giulia_Sappada
0.08009438 Spanish_Cataluna
0.08018024 Basque_French
0.08053296 Romanian
0.08059316 Basque_Gipuzkoa
0.08060238 Spanish_Soria
0.08080232 French_Bigorre
0.08104556 Cossack_Kuban
0.08111626 Basque_Lower_Navarre
0.08117515 Belarusian
0.08128012 Spanish_Burgos
0.08134033 Finnish_Central
0.08191301 Basque_Baztan
0.08207535 Spanish_Castello
0.08222034 Spanish_Pirineu
0.08230282 Basque_Navarre_Center
0.08244065 Russian_Tver
0.08258874 Spanish_Terres_de_l'Ebre
0.08262377 Basque_Spanish
0.08314324 Spanish_Cantabria
0.08335109 Ingrian
0.08358207 Spanish_Valencia
0.08366022 Spanish_Aragon
0.08368274 Russian_Pskov
0.08382141 Lithuanian_PA
0.08413045 Basque_Navarre_North
0.08416146 Spanish_Navarra
0.08421667 Italian_Trentino_Alto_Adige
0.08437811 Estonian
0.08453856 Spanish_Alacant
0.08460214 Spanish_Eivissa
0.08461408 Russian_Yaroslavl
0.08462912 Spanish_Baleares
0.08496293 Spanish_La_Rioja
0.08529792 Spanish_Galicia
0.08603247 Basque_Soule
0.08640517 Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon
0.08664242 Lithuanian_VA
0.08683009 Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha
0.08685421 Italian_Veneto
0.08747557 Moksha
0.08775701 Spanish_Asturias
0.08850740 Russian_Kostroma
0.08901206 Macedonian
0.08906773 Bulgarian
0.08962008 Spanish_Menorca
0.08993079 Portuguese
0.09050665 Spanish_Andalucia
0.09099926 Lithuanian_VZ
0.09122757 Spanish_Extremadura
0.09187435 Spanish_Murcia
0.09272449 Finnish_North
0.09279029 Erzya
0.09382075 Italian_Bergamo
0.09494843 Lithuanian_RA
0.09494934 Italian_Piedmont
0.09526858 Russian_Krasnoborsky
0.09543377 Lithuanian_PZ
0.09569529 Swiss_Italian
0.09570481 Gagauz
0.09612235 Finnish_East
0.09646066 Italian_Liguria
0.09731429 Karelian
0.09755705 Lithuanian_SZ
0.09906082 Latvian
0.09948654 Italian_Lombardy
0.10128617 Italian_Emilia
0.10190213 Greek_East_Macedonia_and_Thrace
0.10210286 Turkish_Deliorman
0.10308603 Vepsian
0.10800716 Italian_Tuscany
0.10992052 Rumelia_East
0.11022177 Greek_Central_Macedonia
0.11085354 Greek_Macedonia
0.11097270 Greek_Thessaly
0.11137247 French_Corsica
0.11142238 Spanish_Canarias
0.11197318 Albanian
0.11207182 Russian_Pinega
0.11227608 Russian_Pinezhsky
0.11392141 Roma_Barcelona
0.11509378 Greek_West_Taygetos
0.11653686 Turkish_Rumeli
0.11801228 Italian_Marche
0.11872657 Italian_Umbria
0.11907281 Greek_Messenia
0.11959146 Greek_Achaea
0.12110862 Greek_Arcadia
0.12119320 Greek_Elis
0.12125875 Tatar_Mishar
0.12211402 Greek_Argolis
0.12240940 Greek_Corinthia
0.12267243 Greek_Peloponnese
0.12367977 Greek_East_Taygetos
0.12449539 Italian_Lazio
0.12602776 Greek_Laconia
0.12711904 Russian_Leshukonsky
0.12760057 Greek_North_Tsakonia
0.12786713 Italian_Molise
0.12891987 Italian_Abruzzo
0.12947355 Ukrainian_Zhytomyr_o
0.13046196 Greek_Cyclades_Kea
0.13144389 Sicilian_West
0.13196644 Greek_Izmir
0.13338188 Greek_South_Tsakonia
0.13493700 Komi
0.13617492 Italian_Apulia
0.13689741 Roma_Madrid
0.13710566 Ashkenazi_Russia
0.13747224 Ashkenazi_Ukraine
0.13749361 Italian_Basilicata
0.13753855 Greek_Apulia
0.13779666 Ashkenazi_Belarussia
0.13972474 Sicilian_East
0.13989236 Greek_Cyclades_Milos
0.14023296 Greek_Crete_Chania
0.14067591 Ashkenazi_Lithuania
0.14125804 Italian_Campania

I find that sort of thing interesting. Just being part of Europe makes you European no one is disputing that but Europeans are not all the same. I wouldn't think that is something controversial and it doesn't mean one is better than the other. I've seen people posting on here when they get their knickers in a knot about being real Europeans while the others are just not important and some backwater. I don't really care about that and I don't really have issues if someone says I'm not core European. People should be able to discuss these topics without being overly sensitive and no one should be disparaging any ethnicity or feeling superior.

Marshall Theodore
02-04-2023, 04:24 AM
Target: English
Distance: 0.1321% / 0.13213405
93.7 West_Eurasian
5.5 East_Eurasian
0.8 SSA

This one seems to be the most accurate, except for the SSA.

For now, probably there's not any calculator (at least not a amateur one) which give Steppe and ANE in the results (and accurate) without one hiding other and vice-versa.

02-04-2023, 06:33 AM
All White is Allright....

Cristiano viejo
02-05-2023, 12:12 AM
2- I don't think the people here (at least the Iberians) are posting pictures with blondes, just to seem "whiter", since they, themselves, are probably not blonde, I think this has more to do with how often see people see Iberians (as Non-Europeans/Arabs or North Africans), and sometimes, even, somehow, replaced in the middle ages by Arabs (I've seen that a lot in the Internet), so, maybe, posting these, not as uncommon Iberians, they're showing that Iberians are, indeeed as europeans as others are (:rolleyes:), at least, that's what I think (Or maybe they just find that a nice aesthetic :thumb001:)
No, no. I just post blondes because I know this bothers to some :thumb001:

02-05-2023, 01:27 AM
I'm White,
(He's White!),
Not what my peeps display:
Moors cited White in April,
Shot down in May.
But I know I'm gonna change that tune
When I'm back on top, not a Wop, in June.
I said I'm White,
(PIE White!),
And as scummy as it may seem,
Some people are just Hicks dumping out the cream!


02-18-2023, 01:27 AM
do you really think the goal is proving they are white?? :rolleyes:
Yes. That's what YOU and Gallop do with your people! :picard2:

So insecure, so pathetic...Because you don't have to be fucking nordic looking to be white!

Cristiano viejo
02-18-2023, 01:32 AM
Yes. That's what YOU and Gallop do with your people! :picard2:

So insecure, so pathetic...Because you don't have to be fucking nordic looking to be white!

No, no. I just post blondes because I know this bothers to some :thumb001:

What I said... :pound:

02-18-2023, 01:43 AM
Some Spanish users post blond/blue eyed Spaniards just demonstrate that Spaniards with light hair and/or blue eyes aren't uncommon as some people stupidly assume.

They don't pretend with it that most Spaniards are blond/blue eyed. What a stupid conclusion!

Cristiano viejo
02-18-2023, 01:50 AM
Some Spanish users post blond/blue eyed Spaniards just demonstrate that Spaniards with light hair and/or blue eyes aren't uncommon as some people stupidly assume.
That were the first times, since that Jew Anglojew claimed blonde Spaniards did not exist, and I posted them for this.

But since many time ago I post them just because this bothers to haters ;) I know it, I know it, it is incredible that this could bother, but it does :rolleyes:

Grace O'Malley
02-19-2023, 02:20 AM
I prefer to post group pictures and to show what the general look of a population is. I also try to randomly post group pictures but even then there are people that will still accuse of cherry picking. Some people just have a stereotype in their head and aren't happy unless populations fit that stereotype. I even put in google links many times to show where I'm sourcing those pictures. In the end it is better to try to be honest with the pictures you are using to represent your ethnicity. What does the average look consist of? Some unusual examples might be a good topic for discussion. Posting threads of blonds and lighter types does smack of inferiority complex IMO so it can be counter productive to what you are trying to achieve. All European populations don't look alike. In group pictures you can differentiate most populations except sometimes neighbouring populations. All populations have variety and extremes but what does the majority look like? That is what I try to show. What is it that differentiates your ethnicity from others?

Cristiano viejo
02-19-2023, 02:33 AM
All populations have variety and extremes but what does the majority look like? That is what I try to show. What is it that differentiates your ethnicity from others?

So THE ONLY VALID REASON to post people is to show what the majority look like????? LMAOOOOOO

Grace O'Malley
02-19-2023, 03:00 AM
So THE ONLY VALID REASON to post people is to show what the majority look like????? LMAOOOOOO

No not the only valid reason. The point I'm making is that cherry picking certain types will expose you to ridicule if that is all you do. You don't always have to post group pictures but if you only pick certain looks it isn't really going to be representative. People generally know what a population looks like or else have a certain stereotype of what they think a population looks like. It is easy to cherry pick one type of look but with multiple group pictures it will be much more representative of what a population looks like.

02-19-2023, 03:10 AM
Yeah, it's just a PC word for "White". Nobody uses it to mean West Eurasian/Caucasoid. Sometimes it can encompass Euro-passing West Asians similar to the word "White".

It's similar to how Anglos/Europeans use "African" exclusively for Sub-Saharans and exclude North Africans from it. Or use "Asian" exclusively for East Asians (and sometimes South Asians) and exclude West Asians.

It's like the blanket comment that Asians have higher IQs than Europeans. The Northeast Asians do, but the Southeast Asians (most) have yet to get the memo.