View Full Version : Classify Syrian refugee in Catalonia

02-14-2023, 03:55 PM
Does he pass there?

Atlantic Reptilian
02-14-2023, 04:07 PM
Eurafricanid + CM

02-14-2023, 04:23 PM
East Med + minor Armenoid

Jingle Bell
02-14-2023, 04:35 PM
idk if he pass, he looks very MENA imo

02-14-2023, 04:40 PM
idk if he pass, he looks very MENA imo

I was thinking cos in Catalonia you see many like him, with strong beard growth, facial hair etc.

Sacrificed Ram
02-14-2023, 05:12 PM
Typical Barcelona fan.

02-14-2023, 08:33 PM
Nah he looks west Asian/ MENA, passes as Kurdish with ease

02-14-2023, 08:36 PM
Catalans trying to repopulate empty villages with Syrians? May God help them.

02-14-2023, 08:54 PM
Nah he looks west Asian/ MENA, passes as Kurdish with ease

What would you say about these people from Albacete?

02-14-2023, 11:39 PM
The OP is talking about him:


He's cute. Berid-Taurid

02-14-2023, 11:51 PM
Catalans trying to repopulate empty villages with Syrians? May God help them.
Syrian muslims yeah, the Christians I don't mind that at all provided it's done in some moderation (as no culture should replace another culture)! After all the aramean syrians are usually catholic and orthodox like the spaniards and slavs, respectively, so there is a common ground to share. Many syrian/iraqi christian here in detroit have married italians and serbs in the same church. Only in this forum syrians are likened to central asian burqa wearing nomads ruled by islamists, when syria was the cradle of civilization and had more common with the mediterranean world than the eastern parts of mena...

02-15-2023, 12:05 AM
Won't attract attention in Xavier Cugat's homeland.

02-15-2023, 07:43 PM
Arabid/Semitic is the main element. Typical face, but I think there is Alpinid/CM too

02-15-2023, 09:20 PM
East Med with some Alpine. I don't think he's among these Syrians or MENA people in general who stand out in Spain.

02-15-2023, 10:36 PM
Arabid/Semitic is the main element. Typical face, but I think there is Alpinid/CM too
Some semitic yeah (which is pretty much armenoid), but theres nothing arabid about him...He has a round full face with relatively light skin, which makes him pass as turkish, armenian and kurdish to cypriot.

This is arabid:


02-15-2023, 11:01 PM
Syrian muslims yeah, the Christians I don't mind that at all provided it's done in some moderation (as no culture should replace another culture)! After all the aramean syrians are usually catholic and orthodox like the spaniards and slavs, respectively, so there is a common ground to share. Many syrian/iraqi christian here in detroit have married italians and serbs in the same church. Only in this forum syrians are likened to central asian burqa wearing nomads ruled by islamists, when syria was the cradle of civilization and had more common with the mediterranean world than the eastern parts of mena...

we have both afghans, syrians in here and tbh both don't look much different from them. (i mean culturally)

both are mena shithole but afghans are worst. many dumbheads consider us as mena but even russian and ukranian refugees more easily to adopt our culture than afghan or syrian refugees.

02-16-2023, 12:28 AM
we have both afghans, syrians in here and tbh both don't look much different from them. (i mean culturally)

both are mena shithole but afghans are worst. many dumbheads consider us as mena but even russian and ukranian refugees more easily to adopt our culture than afghan or syrian refugees.

Afghans are not MENA. But you will call them MENA while complaining about turks being considered MENA. Lm oa :icon_lol: do u see the disconnect?

02-16-2023, 12:28 AM
we have both afghans, syrians in here and tbh both don't look much different from them. (i mean culturally)

both are mena shithole but afghans are worst. many dumbheads consider us as mena but even russian and ukranian refugees more easily to adopt our culture than afghan or syrian refugees.
Well if you have both in a mosque you wouldn't tell the difference. Light featured bosnian muslims with a kufi hat that sit around with afghans and other MENAs in gatherings will look all the same to me. It's some sort of an effect/cognitive bias!.....To be honest, turkey is a mixed bag. The western portion of anatolia is european, especially istanbul. But the eastern half, particularly the southeast is pretty much MENA and their inhabitants look no different to syrians. I actually couldn't tell the difference between the syrian and turkish victims in the syrian/turkey earthquake. Also turks are mixed as we know, some are turanid, armenoid and pontid types to even lighter noric types. So we can't put it under one box!

By the by, why do turks view syrians and levantines as inferior? Youre not the first user to do this! It is very ironic to me because most of conservative europe views turkey the same way. You guys have the same religion too, so what's the deal with this?

02-16-2023, 12:41 AM
Afghans are not MENA. But you will call them MENA while complaining about turks being considered MENA. Lm oa :icon_lol: do u see the disconnect?

i know afghans are not mena but i'm talking about culture and it's conservative muslim culture. i'm not saying all turks are very open-minded or something like that. some of us very conservative but refugees even more conservative from them. and no one can make me accept that we are culturally middle eastern.

Well if you have both in a mosque you wouldn't tell the difference. Light featured bosnian muslims with a kufi hat that sit around with afghans and other MENAs in gatherings will look all the same to me. It's some sort of an effect/cognitive bias!.....To be honest, turkey is a mixed bag. The western portion of anatolia is european, especially istanbul. But the eastern half, particularly the southeast is pretty much MENA and their inhabitants look no different to syrians. I actually couldn't tell the difference between the syrian and turkish victims in the syrian/turkey earthquake. Also turks are mixed as we know, some are turanid, armenoid and pontid types to even lighter noric types. So we can't put it under one box!

By the by, why do turks view syrians and levantines as inferior? Youre not the first user to do this! It is very ironic to me because most of conservative europe views turkey the same way. You guys have the same religion too, so what's the deal with this?

it's not about view as inferior, it's reality and i know most of conservative europe views turks as same way but even half of turks in turkey views same way for turks in europe. the way of islam of the turks is different in my opinion, when the atatürk revolutions are added to it, it separated us quite a bit.

02-16-2023, 01:02 AM
i know afghans are not mena but i'm talking about culture and it's conservative muslim culture. i'm not saying all turks are very open-minded or something like that. some of us very conservative but refugees even more conservative from them. and no one can make me accept that we are culturally middle eastern.
Then what are you culturally? You guys have a cuisine very similar to MENA's, in addition to music and other daily customs and habits....The religion is also the same (predominantly Islam). Many of anatolian turks can interchangeably pass in the upper half of the levant. So I don't get it...Whilst your turkish language is very different, you have borrowed a lot of semitic and iranic words due to language contact. I'm not saying Turkey is stereotypically 100% MENA, but let's not say that you are completely different from middle easterners as culture goes. We get it, shit happens in the middle east and with all the terorrism and corruption you naturally don't to affiliate yourself with it, but the truth of the matter is that you guys still have a half of their culture.

it's not about view as inferior, it's reality and i know most of conservative europe views turks as same way but even half of turks in turkey views same way for turks in europe. the way of islam of the turks is different in my opinion, when the atatürk revolutions are added to it, it separated us quite a bit.
To be honest, if Turkey was more christian or even atheistic most of the world would've viewed it as a liberal european country. Islam held it back way too much which is sad. I don't know why Turks and Iranians, with their rich history (particularly persians) have cowered to a desert religion that was fabricated by chauvinistic camel riders from saudi arabia! :picard1:

02-16-2023, 01:05 AM
i know afghans are not mena but i'm talking about culture and it's conservative muslim culture. i'm not saying all turks are very open-minded or something like that. some of us very conservative but refugees even more conservative from them. and no one can make me accept that we are culturally middle eastern.

it's not about view as inferior, it's reality and i know most of conservative europe views turks as same way but even half of turks in turkey views same way for turks in europe. the way of islam of the turks is different in my opinion, when the atatürk revolutions are added to it, it separated us quite a bit.

Well no one should force you to accept that you are culturally middle eastern. It just isn't true and you know that and so do I along with many others. :) However there are many ignorant people and their views are just not worth caring about :) However you must understand that crapping on MENA's isn't going to change the ignorant views on Turks and Turkey, as Turks are not seen in a positive light in some places. I get that you want to separate yourself from MENA's, I totally understand your point of view, you SHOULD be seen as separate. But there are better ways to differentiate yourselves from MENA. :) Do you understand what I am trying to get at? :cool:

I respect Turks and Turkey, I used to troll but after making some Turkish friends my views have changed. I respect them and they respect me. :) :cool:

02-16-2023, 01:09 AM
Then what are you culturally? You guys have a cuisine very similar to MENA's, in addition to music and other daily customs and habits....The religion is also the same (predominantly Islam). Many of anatolian turks can interchangeably pass in the upper half of the levant. So I don't get it...Whilst your turkish language is very different, you have borrowed a lot of semitic and iranic words due to language contact. I'm not saying Turkey is stereotypically 100% MENA, but let's not say that you are completely different from middle easterners as culture goes. We get it, shit happens in the middle east and with all the terorrism and corruption you naturally don't to affiliate yourself with it, but the truth of the matter is that you guys still have a half of their culture.

To be honest, if Turkey was more christian or even atheistic most of the world would've viewed it as a liberal european country. Islam held it back way too much which is sad. I don't know why Turks and Iranians, with their rich history (particularly persians) have cowered to a desert religion that was fabricated by chauvinistic camel riders from saudi arabia! :picard1:

agree about food part but isn't that make greece also mena lol? turkish traditional music is not similar to arabic ones btw, there are some influence but it's quite different to me. and other daily customs and habits is not really similar. i'm sure people who have lived in turkey for a while will understand this.

i'm not denying there are middle eastern influence in turkish culture but many people act like turkish culture is 100% middle eastern because it's not. we have still more turkic traditions. (although it's also influenced by islam a bit)

02-16-2023, 01:16 AM
agree about food part but isn't that make greece also mena lol? turkish traditional music is not similar to arabic ones btw, there are some influence but it's quite different to me. and other daily customs and habits is not really similar. i'm sure people who have lived in turkey for a while will understand this.

i'm not denying there are middle eastern influence in turkish culture but many people act like turkish culture is 100% middle eastern because it's not. we have still more turkic traditions. (although it's also influenced by islam a bit)

and that's why i said even ukranians adopt culture more easily than syrians. maybe some think i'm lying but it's the truth.

maybe it's not about culture because in 21st century in big cities cultural things and lifestyle somewhat similar to each other (all around the world) and turks are more secular than syrians maybe that's why ukranians and russians get along well turks more than syrians or afghans.

for the simplest example, while my ukrainian friend from university were having a toast with us, a syrian man was saying to a turkish girl why your head is not covered. are there any turks like him? of course there is.

Marshall Theodore
02-16-2023, 01:18 AM
Foreigner scum.

Should be sterilized.

Marshall Theodore
02-16-2023, 01:20 AM

Pure autism

02-16-2023, 01:22 AM
Foreigner scum.

Should be sterilized.


02-16-2023, 01:23 AM
agree about food part but isn't that make greece also mena lol? turkish traditional music is not similar to arabic ones btw, there are some influence but it's quite different to me. and other daily customs and habits is not really similar. i'm sure people who have lived in turkey for a while will understand this.

i'm not denying there are middle eastern influence in turkish culture but many people act like turkish culture is 100% middle eastern because it's not. we have still more turkic traditions. (although it's also influenced by islam a bit)
Yeah true Greece has some mena style foods. I guess it is gradient, and as you go west this cuisine wears off. But hey, what about kebabs and shawarma...very uniquely levantine-anatolian. But food is food, there are also looks and phenotypes.

Imo, i think you should instead push away islam rather than "middle eastern" because before Islam MENA was pretty much a prosperous, civilised region whilst europe was the one behind. Btw are you a practicing muslim or nonbelieving? Won't judge either way! :thumb001:

02-16-2023, 01:26 AM
Yeah true Greece has some mena style foods. I guess it is gradient, and as you go west this cuisine wears off. But hey, what about kebabs and shawarma...very uniquely levantine-anatolian. But food is food, there are also looks and phenotypes.

Imo, i think you should instead push away islam rather than "middle eastern" because before Islam MENA was pretty much a prosperous, civilised region whilst europe was the one behind. Btw are you a practicing muslim or nonbelieving? Won't judge either way! :thumb001:

it's been a long time since i stopped believing islam. i'm agnostic or deist.

i'm not hater of mena culture btw i really want to see syria and lebanon. but for example azerbaijan, albania or bosnia culturally much closer than levantine to us and none of them considered mena. (phenotypically also azeris are basically a bit eastern version of us and and half of turks pass better as albanian and the other levantine. but bosnians are obviously not similar as phenotypical.)

and "mena" term is annoying from beginning for example i have some common with levantines and iranians but i don't have any common with north african.

02-16-2023, 03:11 AM
if you said he was from Catalonia I'd honestly believe you.

Those who disagree suffer from clear bias of knowing where he is from.

02-16-2023, 04:22 AM
it's been a long time since i stopped believing islam. i'm agnostic or deist.

i'm not hater of mena culture btw i really want to see syria and lebanon. but for example azerbaijan, albania or bosnia culturally much closer than levantine to us and none of them considered mena. (phenotypically also azeris are basically a bit eastern version of us and and half of turks pass better as albanian and the other levantine. but bosnians are obviously not similar as phenotypical.)

and "mena" term is annoying from beginning for example i have some common with levantines and iranians but i don't have any common with north african.
Yeah coz some levantines look even closer to islander meds and even may cluster close, whilst north africans like egyptians are very distinct and have their own cluster that is more SSA proximate.

And fair enough, I can see some turks aligning closer with albanians and bosnians, as I see some finding common ground with caucasus people and as well as levantines and iranians...it depends on where you were raised in Turkey because it is still a is a transcontinental country...

if you said he was from Catalonia I'd honestly believe you.

Those who disagree suffer from clear bias of knowing where he is from.
Here he is again:


The only exotic thing about him are his semitic lips. Otherwise he passes as an outlier. And you're iberian, so i guess you will know better.

Atlantic Reptilian
02-16-2023, 05:08 AM
Pure autism

What do you mean? I don't think you would notice a difference if you are from another part of Europe.

Marshall Theodore
02-16-2023, 07:50 AM
What do you mean? I don't think you would notice a difference if you are from another part of Europe.

There's kebab immigrants in my city and i know very well how to differentiate them from white brazilians of Iberian or Italian stock, unlike you.

They're definitely not the same thing on average.

Marshall Theodore
02-16-2023, 08:26 AM
Apricity members on this thread be like:

"Classify these refugees in Catalonia, can they pass there?"

Atlantic Reptilian
02-16-2023, 08:46 AM
Apricity members on this thread be like:

"Classify these refugees in Catalonia, can they pass there?"

One is med the other is not, in the case you gave.

As for more Eurasian people, there is an overlap that is seen between different mediterranean people

Marshall Theodore
02-16-2023, 09:50 AM
One is med the other is not, in the case you gave.
Both are non-european animals, totally alien.

As for more Eurasian people, there is an overlap that is seen between different mediterranean people
Only between meds? Lel.

02-16-2023, 01:00 PM
we have both afghans, syrians in here and tbh both don't look much different from them. (i mean culturally)

both are mena shithole but afghans are worst. many dumbheads consider us as mena but even russian and ukranian refugees more easily to adopt our culture than afghan or syrian refugees.

Bro majority of the afghan refugees in Turkey are either uzbek/ Turkmen ( your own Turkic folk ) or hazaras . So I don't know why you hate on them man . Most of the Afghan Uzbeks lived in hatay province and from what I've heard alot of them died during the earthquake. These were hardworking well behaved humans who im sure you are happy to see theyve left your country , except in a body bag.

02-16-2023, 01:02 PM
The guy in OP does not pass in Spain of all places , he had hooded droopy eyes that is a trademark Arab trait . He looks MENA. Atleast pick a Syrian example who actually looks European .

02-16-2023, 01:10 PM
The guy in OP does not pass in Spain of all places , he had hooded droopy eyes that is a trademark Arab trait . He looks MENA. Atleast pick a Syrian example who actually looks European .

That is correct though pigmentationally I think he would pass, he probably passes as well in Spain as a very Uralic or baltid Russian passes in the UK or France i.e doesn't pass as native.

02-16-2023, 01:23 PM
What would you say about these people from Albacete?

Are these actual native spanish?
Handfull of them could pass in lebanon and Palestine, 1-2 of them even pass for afghans

Marshall Theodore
02-16-2023, 01:27 PM
Are these actual native spanish?
Handfull of them could pass in lebanon and Palestine, 1-2 of them even pass for afghans

Remember that there's a lot of gypsies in Spain, specially Andalusia, moreover, Albacete is Southern Spain.

02-16-2023, 01:47 PM
Are these actual native spanish?
Handfull of them could pass in lebanon and Palestine, 1-2 of them even pass for afghans

Surely CV wouldn't post a thread with gypsies in it, anyway there are possibly a million Afghans lighter than these folks.

02-16-2023, 02:21 PM
Surely CV wouldn't post a thread with gypsies in it, anyway there are possibly a million Afghans lighter than these folks.

I didnt knew CV posted these pics to represent spanish
Weird, considering how he views middleeasternes as inferior scum

02-16-2023, 02:30 PM
Remember that there's a lot of gypsies in Spain, specially Andalusia, moreover, Albacete is Southern Spain.

You are purely autistic ;) holy shit lol. Calling obviously native Spaniards gyspy cause they are med

Marshall Theodore
02-16-2023, 02:32 PM
Surely CV wouldn't post a thread with gypsies in it, anyway there are possibly a million Afghans lighter than these folks.

Thats obvious, there's atypical people in every country, even Morocco has individuals who are lighter than some swarthy British, Germans...;)

02-16-2023, 03:51 PM
we have both afghans, syrians in here and tbh both don't look much different from them. (i mean culturally)

both are mena shithole but afghans are worst. many dumbheads consider us as mena but even russian and ukranian refugees more easily to adopt our culture than afghan or syrian refugees.Geographical afghanistan is in Central Asia

Sent from my Redmi Y3 using Tapatalk

02-16-2023, 04:05 PM
what about kebabs and shawarma...very uniquely levantine-anatolian.

Turks, the nomadic sheep herders learned "how to eat lamb" from levantine-anatolian farmers?

02-18-2023, 01:30 AM
Bro majority of the afghan refugees in Turkey are either uzbek/ Turkmen ( your own Turkic folk ) or hazaras . So I don't know why you hate on them man . Most of the Afghan Uzbeks lived in hatay province and from what I've heard alot of them died during the earthquake. These were hardworking well behaved humans who im sure you are happy to see theyve left your country , except in a body bag.

if really majority is uzbek and turkmen my opinion still doesn't change, it doesn't matter they are turkic or not. and it's terrible and sad just like the other people who died in earthquake. sorry but your sentence is so stupid bro. why should i be happy they go this way? we all human. but no lie, i don't want refugees in my country. if there are to be refugees in my country, i want refugees who are able to adapt.

02-18-2023, 01:57 AM
The guy in OP does not pass in Spain of all places , he had hooded droopy eyes that is a trademark Arab trait . He looks MENA. Atleast pick a Syrian example who actually looks European .
Uh wtf...You're thinking of saddam hussein and similar faced iraqis who are arabid-turkmen mutts.... Even your own afghans have this look and as well as turks! True arabs have large almond eyes and are dolichocephalic ectomorphs! Nothing like the OP, who is within the kurdish-anatolian range and passes better in spain than most of the afghans you post here. But i'm not sure why this triggers you. Anyway behold the true arab look:


if really majority is uzbek and turkmen my opinion still doesn't change, it doesn't matter they are turkic or not. and it's terrible and sad just like the other people who died in earthquake. sorry but your sentence is so stupid bro. why should i be happy they go this way? we all human. but no lie, i don't want refugees in my country. if there are to be refugees in my country, i want refugees who are able to adapt.
His sentence is hypocritical too! He wants you to cry for his people, but at the same time he'll be nastily racist against levantines, who mostly share his religion, skin colour and struggle as well (as the levant is heading down the drain too sadly)! Not sure if this is funny or just pathetic.

As the saying goes: Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

02-18-2023, 08:43 AM
Uh wtf...You're thinking of saddam hussein and similar faced iraqis who are arabid-turkmen mutts.... Even your own afghans have this look and as well as turks! True arabs have large almond eyes and are dolichocephalic ectomorphs! Nothing like the OP, who is within the kurdish-anatolian range and passes better in spain than most of the afghans you post here. But i'm not sure why this triggers you. Anyway behold the true arab look:


His sentence is hypocritical too! He wants you to cry for his people, but at the same time he'll be nastily racist against levantines, who mostly share his religion, skin colour and struggle as well (as the levant is heading down the drain too sadly)! Not sure if this is funny or just pathetic.

As the saying goes: Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Show me anywhere in this place I've been racist towards levantines ? Do you even know what racist means ? You are the epitome of a hyprocrite .

Sure this man passes in Spain better the afghans I've posted :thumbs:

02-19-2023, 11:07 PM
Show me anywhere in this place I've been racist towards levantines ? Do you even know what racist means ? You are the epitome of a hyprocrite .

Sure this man passes in Spain better the afghans I've posted :thumbs:
Some of them you post pass in Spain tbh, but definitely not the majority ....

In actuality, the OP guy still looks more hardcore and purely anatolian first and foremost.