View Full Version : Was Helena Blavatsky a racist?

02-24-2023, 04:10 PM
discuss please

02-25-2023, 04:00 AM
Was Helena Blavatsky a racist?

Nope. (https://theamericanminvra.com/2019/11/08/another-look-at-blavatsky-and-theosophy-on-race-and-what-she-said-about-indigenous-people/)

She hyped up the concept of root races (means nothing about actual race, it's just an old occult way of describing a different cultural epoch, that humanity spawned from a number of root races that lived in successive cycles of epochs, such as mythical Atlanteans and Hyperboreans), although she envisioned that in order for humanity to reach it's full potential, all races have to fuse together into one single race, based on occult and gnostic nonsense, and this new 'progressed' race would originate in Anglo countries from an amalgamation of all the races in the world, she taught that literal mongrels would be the 6th root race (basically Latin America) and they all will possess Marvel Universe tier powers lel.


02-25-2023, 04:06 AM
...... she taught that literal mongrels would be the 6th root race (basically Latin America) and they all will possess Marvel Universe tier powers lel.

Sounds right to me look for example at some Latin posters here like Sacrificed Ram

02-25-2023, 06:19 AM
Her racial theories are based on historiological evidences like India, where there were many mixed people with dark skin color which Madam might have found spiritually superior. "A hindu is born mystic,and the luxriant nature of his country has made him a zealous pantheist."--H.B

I had read a small part of "Secret Doctrine" 14 years ago, from a 2009 self-printed complete book now missing the first part. I also under her influence printed the complete RigVeda, her influence on me is lasting but not wholely although I just had read a little(I will try to read more). I am never into pure spiritualism and meditation nor yogi nor any sort of spiritualist practices like qigong. I do not believe in pure spiritualism at all also, based on this denial I can nullify anything as purely secular, like communism and capitalism. This is not the middleway ideology some might mistake for, neither about yinyang, rather decisive in all decisions, clear in reasoning and making personal judgements. Yet the sense of obfuscation and conflation between true and false is always strong in all kinds of philosophical theories, therefore I can not make clear in words only, people have to exercise their own philosophies to make things clear to themselves. This is what stops most people, most pick things up that are strewn before them like chicken feeds, when it is good, they grow healthy, whenever something unusual mixed into it, strange things will happen.:p

02-25-2023, 06:57 AM
and this new 'progressed' race would originate in Anglo countries from an amalgamation of all the races in the world, she taught that literal mongrels would be the 6th root race (basically Latin America) and they all will possess Marvel Universe tier powers lel.

With the exception of Marvel Superpowers it could fit as a concept into abrahamic religions, and especially as noahide, i think so but im not sure what noahide teaches really.... I like that idea, of the one humanity fits with religious concepts, but the difference is to nowadays, that those humans do not have to obey God anymore... i think the Bible lesson is that when Humans rebell against God, that then they are split into several races and against eatch other like tower of Babel, that was because humans rebelled against God...

Sacrificed Ram
02-25-2023, 02:13 PM
Sounds right to me look for example at some Latin posters here like Sacrificed Ram

I just exercise the dipline, The Power comes from God, just God trust in disciplined people.

1 Timothy 1:12 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Timothy%201%3A12&version=NIV)