View Full Version : Classify these Mediterranean influenced Englishmen

03-01-2023, 11:23 AM
Upper class Oxford rowers
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6e/1902_-_University_College%2C_Oxford_Rowing_VIII_-_far_right_%28with_boater%29_Henry_Dubs_Middleton% 2C_Chairman_of_Leeds_General_Infirmary_1928-1932.jpg

03-01-2023, 11:28 AM
Atlanto-meds and atlantids

03-01-2023, 12:19 PM
Atlanto-meds and atlantids

Lol predictable

03-01-2023, 01:28 PM
Lol predictable

Talking about predictable Tootings been somewhat quite recently

03-01-2023, 01:52 PM
They have reminded me a lot of my maternal grandfather although they seem to have some alpine and some Germanic influence.

My maternal grandfather was of that Atlantic type, they must have been the ones who built the dolmens or megaliths I imagine.

When he was published he was classified as North Atlantic, it could be that he had Mediterranean influence, but I think he is very tall in Atlantic and in his family there was blond hair, red hair and blue eyes.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh_JS6bIVQaiCBELqxJoNLBDPbPOgPTd-VfTaZ7apD86w5a6AZ2PerD81d4tORkZ55gZGi47iszaI2zADVe PalR91WUvQDHUGIxiqc-hAzcCDpI1zgmhItyPiypbMCRsHM1m_vZ5QG7tsVNUfwnN-a2p7merelgneEVrF-rgFc-BZ1TmcbuRh7JXPwE/s241/AbueloDiegomarcoblancomaspeque%C3%B1o.jpeg

03-01-2023, 01:58 PM
They have reminded me a lot of my maternal grandfather although they seem to have some alpine and some Germanic influence.

My maternal grandfather was of that Atlantic type, they must have been the ones who built the dolmens or megaliths I imagine.

When he was published he was classified as North Atlantic, it could be that he had Mediterranean influence, but I think he is very tall in Atlantic and in his family there was blond hair, red hair and blue eyes.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh_JS6bIVQaiCBELqxJoNLBDPbPOgPTd-VfTaZ7apD86w5a6AZ2PerD81d4tORkZ55gZGi47iszaI2zADVe PalR91WUvQDHUGIxiqc-hAzcCDpI1zgmhItyPiypbMCRsHM1m_vZ5QG7tsVNUfwnN-a2p7merelgneEVrF-rgFc-BZ1TmcbuRh7JXPwE/s241/AbueloDiegomarcoblancomaspeque%C3%B1o.jpeg

Their eyes are a bit smaller though they still seem quite swarthy, perhaps swarthier than your grandfather

03-01-2023, 02:05 PM
Their eyes are a bit smaller though they still seem quite swarthy, perhaps swarthier than your grandfather

It was quite white yes and for its time tall.