View Full Version : Clasifica two Andalusians boys

03-02-2023, 07:06 PM
Rafael Garrido From Andalusia


Alfonso Conejero From Andalusia


03-02-2023, 08:23 PM
Your obsession is creepy.

Marshall Theodore
03-02-2023, 08:36 PM
Your obsession is creepy.

He probably does it as a form of reactionism against years of darkwashing against Iberians, andalusians in particular.

03-02-2023, 10:40 PM
Your obsession is creepy.

What obsession?

03-02-2023, 11:27 PM
First guy is unclassifiable. Second guy is nordo-med.

All the people you posted thus far are lighter-skinned than you are, Gallop. You remind me of a certain Iranian user who looked very central Asian and posted his lighter types only... all were lighter skinned than he was. What's the deal with this logic?

03-02-2023, 11:37 PM
First guy is unclassifiable. Second guy is nordo-med.

All the people you posted thus far are lighter-skinned than you are, Gallop. You remind me of a certain Iranian user who looked very central Asian and posted his lighter types only... all were lighter skinned than he was. What's the deal with this logic?

I am a Spaniard from Andalusia (Europe), do not compare me with Iranians, we have nothing to do with each other. :D

maybe you are also in Iranian forums, I think it's great, I have nothing against it.

03-02-2023, 11:44 PM
I am a Spaniard from Andalusia (Europe), do not compare me with Iranians, we have nothing to do with each other. :D

maybe you are also in Iranian forums, I think it's great, I have nothing against it.
No, no. There was a mistranslation. ;)

I mean that you were olive skinned with dark hair, very similar to an ancient Roman emperor. But all the people you post are lighter skinned than you. I was comparing you to an Iranian user who very dark, but he would post fair-skinned Iranian people. I'm not sure what he was trying to prove. I am not comparing you to Iranians in the racial sense. I just meant that you two people were similar in this sense. Nothing racial.

Why do Spaniards get very emotional and defensive when they're compared to darker peoples anyway? We Italians don't even mind it! Let us not be insecure with ourselves. We are what we are!

03-03-2023, 12:01 AM
No, no. There was a mistranslation. ;)

I mean that you were olive skinned with dark hair, very similar to an ancient Roman emperor. But all the people you post are lighter skinned than you. I was comparing you to an Iranian user who very dark, but he would post fair-skinned Iranian people. I'm not sure what he was trying to prove. I am not comparing you to Iranians in the racial sense. I just meant that you two people were similar in this sense. Nothing racial.

Why do Spaniards get very emotional and defensive when they're compared to darker peoples anyway? We Italians don't even mind it! Let us not be insecure with ourselves. We are what we are!

I understood it from the very first moment. ;)

It does not matter how I have the skin to publish my countrymen.

It uses American style coordinates, I am not in America nor am I American, nor in Spain do we have those coordinates for ourselves.

Would anyone question anything in America with this photo?
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhSFKXHcLO47C5gY72F5my9aNeUtKrow1rCfxbswS2O9R LiOJNqPGD1eMh5erq9Ar1OpqEmf5-e4-9zleQvbuIbgdJBHrv27cCZtVAX_1eGW3PqbTmCXhr6EtHdNgrM M0EAQjD77aYSe-FAZT50NIkg__EVg9Y_ssw-fqJP_p1ITzgYVa2sSaCnNpmY/s739/MarylinToniCurtis.jpg

You won't be able to beat me by alluding to my skin because my skin doesn't age, can you say the same?

Remember I am an Andalusian from Spain Europe, you are not talking to someone from a minority race in the United States.

Since you mentioned it here is my thread: Classify Gallop

You don't know how I enjoy it, my ego is about to explode.

Classify Gallop one of the threads of the year, where others don't dare Gallop does.

*Don't spread my pictures or we will see each other in court, Thank you.

03-03-2023, 12:19 AM
I understood it from the very first moment. ;)

It does not matter how I have the skin to publish my countrymen.

It uses American style coordinates, I am not in America nor am I American, nor in Spain do we have those coordinates for ourselves.

Would anyone question anything in America with this photo?
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhSFKXHcLO47C5gY72F5my9aNeUtKrow1rCfxbswS2O9R LiOJNqPGD1eMh5erq9Ar1OpqEmf5-e4-9zleQvbuIbgdJBHrv27cCZtVAX_1eGW3PqbTmCXhr6EtHdNgrM M0EAQjD77aYSe-FAZT50NIkg__EVg9Y_ssw-fqJP_p1ITzgYVa2sSaCnNpmY/s739/MarylinToniCurtis.jpg

You won't be able to beat me by alluding to my skin because my skin doesn't age, can you say the same?

Remember I am an Andalusian from Spain Europe, you are not talking to someone from a minority race in the United States.

Since you mentioned it here is my thread: Classify Gallop

You don't know how I enjoy it, my ego is about to explode.

Classify Gallop one of the threads of the year, where others don't dare Gallop does.

*Don't spread my pictures or we will see each other in court, Thank you.
I am not saying you're American. But Americans come from many nations. Many European Americans are German, Irish, English, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch and even Spanish. You can easily be an American of Spanish descent, like I am an Italian of Italian descent. What is your point? You're making it seem like "American" is an ethnic group. :cool:

03-03-2023, 12:39 AM
I am not saying you're American. But Americans come from many nations. Many European Americans are German, Irish, English, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch and even Spanish. You can easily be an American of Spanish descent, like I am an Italian of Italian descent. What is your point? You're making it seem like "American" is an ethnic group. :cool:

It's amazing how you turn things around.

I have nothing more to say about it, the American public will know how to understand, I don't think you are capable of controlling your opinions or do you really think so? :rotfl:

When you are so concerned about the publications of blondes or light eyes from Spain for some reason it is. hahaha

Have a good night, ups! it must be daytime there.

03-03-2023, 12:43 AM
It's amazing how you turn things around.

I have nothing more to say about it, the American public will know how to understand, I don't think you are capable of controlling your opinions or do you really think so? :rotfl:

When you are so concerned about the publications of blondes or light eyes from Spain for some reason it is. hahaha

Have a good night, ups! it must be daytime there.
I merely said Americans come from many European nations and that anyone can be an American. What did I say that was wrong? You turned this around yourself. :rolleyes:

03-03-2023, 12:55 AM
I merely said Americans come from many European nations and that anyone can be an American. What did I say that was wrong? You turned this around yourself. :rolleyes:

Now you will tell me that you have never eaten potato omelette.

Me tengo que ir ya querida, sé que por la madrugada el foro sin europeos o españoles no brilla igual, es como una noche sin estrellas, llévalo lo mejor que puedas y nada, mis mejores deseos a ti, a los askenazis a los marroquíes y a todo el mundo.

03-03-2023, 01:10 AM
Now you will tell me that you have never eaten potato omelette.
Is this a Spanish idiom? I don't understand it :rolleyes:

03-03-2023, 03:02 AM
No, no. There was a mistranslation. ;)

I mean that you were olive skinned with dark hair, very similar to an ancient Roman emperor. But all the people you post are lighter skinned than you. I was comparing you to an Iranian user who very dark, but he would post fair-skinned Iranian people. I'm not sure what he was trying to prove. I am not comparing you to Iranians in the racial sense. I just meant that you two people were similar in this sense. Nothing racial.

Why do Spaniards get very emotional and defensive when they're compared to darker peoples anyway? We Italians don't even mind it! Let us not be insecure with ourselves. We are what we are!

I noticed this difference between Italians and (internet) Spaniards too. Internet Spaniards seem extremely insecure, and that Gallop guy shamelessly took it to a whole new level. He has been exhibiting his neurosis for months on this forum. Sometimes I've even wondered if he wasn't a troll trying to ridicule the Spaniards.
Fortunately, Spaniards I met IRL have nothing to do with these internet insecure weirdos.

03-03-2023, 11:25 AM
I noticed this difference between Italians and (internet) Spaniards too. Internet Spaniards seem extremely insecure, and that Gallop guy shamelessly took it to a whole new level. He has been exhibiting his neurosis for months on this forum. Sometimes I've even wondered if he wasn't a troll trying to ridicule the Spaniards.
Fortunately, Spaniards I met IRL have nothing to do with these internet insecure weirdos.

The only weirdo here is you. To begin with I do not know where you have come from, I have never seen you in the Spain section nor comment on my thread of old photos of Andalusia, nor in my thread of ranking of Spain, nor in my thread of nudist beaches of Spain, but you come out of the and nothing and protest because they are publishing blond Spaniards, you are a shameless with very little shame.

This thread is to classify these two Andalusian men.

Rafael Garrido From Andalusia


Alfonso Conejero From Andalusia


03-03-2023, 01:40 PM
The only weirdo here is you. To begin with I do not know where you have come from, I have never seen you in the Spain section nor comment on my thread of old photos of Andalusia, nor in my thread of ranking of Spain, nor in my thread of nudist beaches of Spain, but you come out of the and nothing and protest because they are publishing blond Spaniards, you are a shameless with very little shame.

Besides being racially insecure, you're a nudist eunuch. I have to say, you are typically Spanish.

03-29-2023, 06:53 PM
Besides being racially insecure, you're a nudist eunuch. I have to say, you are typically Spanish.

How nice and pleasant! :bootyshake:

This was my classification by other users.:

Classifications obtained by Gallop:
-You do look Basque
-CM (Berid) + minor Baskid
-Baskid + Berid, maybe + some Med too
-Paleoatlantid (berid/CM) + a bit dinarid
-You kind of look like Nacho Cano.
-You look pretty Spanish Atlantic, also very very french, north italy common look.
-Atlantid + CM
-Placido Domingo-oid
-Roman Statue-id.
-You have some vibes of Pedro Alonso

-ODELIA: Hey! I can finally see you now! I thought you would be younger. I didn't expect an older guy. You have a classical Greek or Roman look. I imagine ancient Greek/Roman emperors to look like you. You look very familiar - Who do you look like? Joe Pesci or something?

-According my french (native) friends and other friends:

1. Catalonia, Southern Europe, but he added that he had a Polish acquaintance who looked like you... So, central europe also?;

2. According a slavic mixed french friend you looks like a "Proto-basques or Gascons";

3. A Breton friend told me that you looks like a guy from "south of France", more close to Pyrénées, but that she (cause she is a woman) possibly had Breton family members (distant) who looked like you (therefore more complex than "south of France"?);

4. According another Breton friend : you look like French, but more specifically you look like his neighbor (who is Breton from the gallo zone, romance zone);

5. Spaniard or Portuguese

6. Catalan
