View Full Version : what's wrong with BMW drivers?

03-06-2023, 02:54 PM
Almost got run over by one on zebra today. Several of my friends had several similar nasty encounters with BMW drivers, either them being agressive on road, threathening violence, not stopping on red light, almost hitting pedestriands on zebra like today....In Croatia BMW drivers are kinda stereotyped as assholes and agressive peasants who are dangerous for people around them....today (again) got stereotype confirmed xD

is this phenomenom present in your country?

03-06-2023, 03:01 PM

03-06-2023, 03:20 PM
The brand is associated with North Africans here, it's a "Bicot brand" as it's pejoratively known, almost as much as Lacoste has become. There is a disproportionate amount of them having one or wanting one, from the oldest bmw wracks to more current models, of course all driving like complete morons but apparently they are all like that around the world.

I laughed hard at Christmas when my sister started a sentence like "Une famille de bicots en BM, nous a coupé la priorité..."

Marshall Theodore
03-06-2023, 03:26 PM
They're definitely not worse than pickup (F-150/RAM) drivers in North America.

03-06-2023, 03:30 PM
I couldn't say. Here everybody drives like shit and aggressive.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-06-2023, 03:32 PM

Funny video I came across a while ago :D I am a BMW driver but there is no negative connotation that I know of around here. Usually the cars associated with street racers and tuning guys around here are the owners of Seat Ibiza, Honda Civic, Volkswagen Golf or Audi A3 but these are stereotypes.

03-06-2023, 05:05 PM
In Sweden, they're stereotypically MENA immigrants.

03-06-2023, 05:19 PM
Anyway, BMW suck that's why I drive Mercedes:


03-06-2023, 05:20 PM
I love the proper BMW M-series performance cars. I also have a heavy right foot. :shrug:

03-06-2023, 05:26 PM
In Sweden, they're stereotypically MENA immigrants.

Is Merc too? Especially the class A lately, the "Malika car" as we call it.

Our Tier list:

Bmw : Mohammed
Mercedes: Old Mohammed
Renault: Leftist
Peugeot: Center-right
Citroen: Old right wing
Audi: Trade negociator
Seat : Young & broke
Volkswagen : Young & less broke
Dacia: Really broke
Alfa Romeo : Rich kid

03-06-2023, 05:30 PM
Is Merc too? Especially the class A lately, the "Malika car" as we call it.

Our Tier list:

Bmw : Mohammed
Mercedes: Old Mohammed
Renault: Leftist
Peugeot: Center-right
Citroen: Old right wing
Audi: Trade negociator
Seat : Young & broke
Volkswagen : Young & less broke
Dacia: Really broke
Alfa Romeo : Rich kid

I don't know about Mercedes. Audi are also considered "immigrant cars" here.

03-06-2023, 05:41 PM
I don't know about Mercedes. Audi are also considered "immigrant cars" here.

The old A3, i can see that.

03-06-2023, 06:04 PM
Depends on if he's the first owner, or not. Old/second hand BMW or Audi - showoff asshole. If it's new, it can go either way, either an overconfident, egoistic speeding asshole or a perfectly normal driver. I've also had a really bad experience with Porsche Cayenne specifically (rich golddigger wives who can't drive properly and act like the road belongs to them, and men with self esteem issues) and Teslas (narcissists).

03-06-2023, 06:29 PM
Beemers are overrated garbage so only gullible attention-seeking dummies drive them.

03-06-2023, 07:44 PM
Is Merc too? Especially the class A lately, the "Malika car" as we call it.

Our Tier list:

Bmw : Mohammed
Mercedes: Old Mohammed
Renault: Leftist
Peugeot: Center-right
Citroen: Old right wing
Audi: Trade negociator
Seat : Young & broke
Volkswagen : Young & less broke
Dacia: Really broke
Alfa Romeo : Rich kid

They usually drive the older models here. Indians and Chinese can also be lumped into this category. It seems to be status driven but old cars are old cars...

03-06-2023, 07:55 PM
Ne znam vozača BMW-a, a da nije krkan.

03-06-2023, 08:38 PM
Much more annoying are those buying new cars, spending 20-30k$ on a toyota, Dacia, <insert plastic car> here, just because of a 5 year warranty and cheap maintenance costs.

03-06-2023, 08:38 PM
Ne znam vozača BMW-a, a da nije krkan.

Me neither hahahaha!

But Bras is a fine gentelman, apologies to him :P

I would never guess Bras drives BMW hehehe!

03-06-2023, 08:44 PM
Is Merc too? Especially the class A lately, the "Malika car" as we call it.

Our Tier list:

Bmw : Mohammed
Mercedes: Old Mohammed
Renault: Leftist
Peugeot: Center-right
Citroen: Old right wing
Audi: Trade negociator
Seat : Young & broke
Volkswagen : Young & less broke
Dacia: Really broke
Alfa Romeo : Rich kid

I drive VW and oddly tho your description is pretty accurate

Marshall Theodore
03-06-2023, 08:55 PM
Beemers are overrated garbage so only gullible attention-seeking dummies drive them.

How common is purchasing a BMW in USA? do you think they're as bad as pickup/truck drivers in your country?

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-06-2023, 09:34 PM
Me neither hahahaha!

But Bras is a fine gentelman, apologies to him :P

I would never guess Bras drives BMW hehehe!

People here are on the brink of implying that BMW is a trashy car manufacturer, which is far from being true. In Portugal we do not have "Mohammeds" so there is no such connotation as the ones people have been talking about. Anyone can be a danger behind the wheel, regardless of the car. I love German cars, my first car was a Volkswagen Golf (MK2) from 1985. Reliable, cheap maintenance\cost efficient and above all, fun to drive as an 18 year old who had just taken his driving license. I can see why the "Mohammeds" would opt for BMWs or Mercedes, German cars don't depreciate or lose their market value as quickly as most of the competition, I would not expect them to go for a second hand Renault or Fiat (nothing against those brands, I'd own one without a problem but it is the reality).

03-06-2023, 09:38 PM
In Türkiye we have the same BMW stereotype.

03-06-2023, 09:59 PM
I drive VW and oddly tho your description is pretty accurate

The first car i could afford myself instead of stealing my mom's was a VW Golf 3, after getting the licence, i loved that thing. I even got some beamer a while ago, still a momo car xD

03-07-2023, 04:30 AM
Hey.. I do love me a beemer. Especially M-series beemers...

My first car was a VW golf.

03-09-2023, 04:42 PM
Here they also have a bad reputation.

03-09-2023, 04:45 PM
People here are on the brink of implying that BMW is a trashy car manufacturer, which is far from being true. In Portugal we do not have "Mohammeds" so there is no such connotation as the ones people have been talking about. Anyone can be a danger behind the wheel, regardless of the car. I love German cars, my first car was a Volkswagen Golf (MK2) from 1985. Reliable, cheap maintenance\cost efficient and above all, fun to drive as an 18 year old who had just taken his driving license. I can see why the "Mohammeds" would opt for BMWs or Mercedes, German cars don't depreciate or lose their market value as quickly as most of the competition, I would not expect them to go for a second hand Renault or Fiat (nothing against those brands, I'd own one without a problem but it is the reality).

BMW makes premium cars. But I think they have certain reputation because their cars are sporty and made for agressive driving so lots of brainless young guys want to drive them.

Merc has different reputation, more of "old man's car" and classy.

I plan to buy a Benz, C class coupe, that's my ultimate car.

Marshall Theodore
03-09-2023, 04:45 PM
Hey.. I do love me a beemer. Especially M-series beemers...

My first car was a VW golf.

Golf GTI?

03-09-2023, 04:49 PM
The first car i could afford myself instead of stealing my mom's was a VW Golf 3, after getting the licence, i loved that thing. I even got some beamer a while ago, still a momo car xD

Hey.. I do love me a beemer. Especially M-series beemers...

My first car was a VW golf.

I drive a sport version of Tiguan that parents gave me and it's a great car.

03-09-2023, 04:49 PM
''When a BMW driver uses turn signals''



03-09-2023, 05:38 PM
Agreed to most comments here.

It may be added how is the traditional view among Germans and why: German commoners do appreciate quality. And money. As a general take, the cheeper a car is the worse is the quality. So if you have a cheep car the lower quality is pardoned. You are compensated by the low price. So regardless of that you would appreciate most the best car, essentially whatever car is reasonable if the relation of price and quality is okay. This relation has been somewhat violated by BMW. The cars have been medium expensive or more while the quality in the sense of durability was low. So people who bought BMW were considered somewhat unsolid and short-term minded by being willing to pay money for off-showing without getting the countervalue for that money.

Have you noted how comparably few BMW oldtimers there are around? But you have plenty of Mercedes, Porsche, Volkswagen, Opel, Borgward, Wartburg and Trabant. The reason for this is a combination of the low quality of BMW and the lack of love of BMW drivers for their cars when they get old. Because this is not why you drive a BMW.

An exception is the BMW "Barockengel" from the 1950's, see pic below. At that time BMW had a different reputation.


I guess that Feiichy did not almost get run over on a zebra by such a model.

03-09-2023, 06:03 PM
People here are on the brink of implying that BMW is a trashy car manufacturer, which is far from being true. In Portugal we do not have "Mohammeds" so there is no such connotation as the ones people have been talking about. Anyone can be a danger behind the wheel, regardless of the car. I love German cars, my first car was a Volkswagen Golf (MK2) from 1985. Reliable, cheap maintenance\cost efficient and above all, fun to drive as an 18 year old who had just taken his driving license. I can see why the "Mohammeds" would opt for BMWs or Mercedes, German cars don't depreciate or lose their market value as quickly as most of the competition, I would not expect them to go for a second hand Renault or Fiat (nothing against those brands, I'd own one without a problem but it is the reality).

BMW is in the same price bracket as Mercedes-Benz and Audi, but their cars are renowned for being less reliable (especially when second hand) and tend to be the to-go for people who care about status more than anything else. I'm not saying they're bad cars per se, although I'm a Mercedes guy, but the owners specifically tend to be young show-offs that disregard traffic laws, probably because compared to Mercedes they're still more affordable (Mercedes servicing costs are through the roof). Moreover, BMW has good and iconic design that's immediately recognizable.

It's the same as eg Gucci or Armani clothes. They're good quality compared to retail, instantly recognizable, but they attract a "fanbase" of image-oriented nouveau riche who care more about image than basic decency. It's the demographic that is just rich enough to care about being seen as rich and trendy, and those normally don't tend to have good manners.

03-09-2023, 06:28 PM
im a truck kinda guy, small cars just annoy me and they are uncomfortable to drive.

03-09-2023, 06:51 PM
Agreed to most comments here.

It may be added how is the traditional view among Germans and why: German commoners do appreciate quality. And money. As a general take, the cheeper a car is the worse is the quality. So if you have a cheep car the lower quality is pardoned. You are compensated by the low price. So regardless of that you would appreciate most the best car, essentially whatever car is reasonable if the relation of price and quality is okay. This relation has been somewhat violated by BMW. The cars have been medium expensive or more while the quality in the sense of durability was low. So people who bought BMW were considered somewhat unsolid and short-term minded by being willing to pay money for off-showing without getting the countervalue for that money.

Have you noted how comparably few BMW oldtimers there are around? But you have plenty of Mercedes, Porsche, Volkswagen, Opel, Borgward, Wartburg and Trabant. The reason for this is a combination of the low quality of BMW and the lack of love of BMW drivers for their cars when they get old. Because this is not why you drive a BMW.

An exception is the BMW "Barockengel" from the 1950's, see pic below. At that time BMW had a different reputation.


I guess that Feiichy did not almost get run over on a zebra by such a model.

If it weren't for rather dubious "Maserati" V6, I would be all-in on this old Citroen-SM. It is a beautiful vehicle but sounds like a two-stroke at idle and low revs.

This restorer does a superb job restoring and upgrading the SM.



03-09-2023, 07:27 PM
Have you noted how comparably few BMW oldtimers there are around? But you have plenty of Mercedes, Porsche, Volkswagen, Opel, Borgward, Wartburg and Trabant. The reason for this is a combination of the low quality of BMW and the lack of love of BMW drivers for their cars when they get old. Because this is not why you drive a BMW.

An exception is the BMW "Barockengel" from the 1950's, see pic below. At that time BMW had a different reputation.

Post-war BMW had two different lines of products: one was for extremely expensive, hand built cars (like BMW 502, 503 etc) and the other was for cheap appliances like the Isetta and the 700.

Both of those were dropped in late 70s, when they started to mass produce premium cars, with the first generation 3 series.

I would love to own one of those last coachbuilt BMWs, like the 2800, but now they've reached ridiculous prices:





This is class all-around.

03-09-2023, 08:03 PM
Lol I can confirm I think this is true and definitely also happens in Canada and the US with BMW drivers. Something about people who buy BMW's :mad::hides

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-09-2023, 08:20 PM
BMW is in the same price bracket as Mercedes-Benz and Audi, but their cars are renowned for being less reliable (especially when second hand)

More renowned as less reliable according to whom?

"BMW ranked #1 of 32 on Consumer Reports’ best car brands for 2023, beating both Audi and Mercedes, which came in the 9th and 26th positions, respectively. BMW performed well in road test scores, reliability, and owner satisfaction survey results, making it the best German car brand for 2023."

Source: https://engineerine.com/audi-vs-bmw-vs-mercedes/

Doesn't make any sense that someone would go for BMW just for status, as if Audi or Mercedes didn't have the same status. They are on the same market segment and Mercedes is historically the status brand, at least in Portugal. As for BMW being less expensive to maintain, that has to be in the area\region where you live because everywhere else in the world BMW is easily the most expensive to maintain.

03-09-2023, 08:35 PM
More renowned as less reliable according to whom?

"BMW ranked #1 of 32 on Consumer Reports’ best car brands for 2023, beating both Audi and Mercedes, which came in the 9th and 26th positions, respectively. BMW performed well in road test scores, reliability, and owner satisfaction survey results, making it the best German car brand for 2023."

Source: https://engineerine.com/audi-vs-bmw-vs-mercedes/

Doesn't make any sense that someone would go for BMW just for status, as if Audi or Mercedes didn't have the same status. They are on the same market segment and Mercedes is historically the status brand, at least in Portugal. As for BMW being less expensive to maintain, that has to be in the area\region where you live because everywhere else in the world BMW is easily the most expensive to maintain.

Maybe this has changed in the past few years, that was my experience with people who've previously owned them, and with multiple Mercedes models in the family. A lot of people with older models of BMW had problems with the cars. Audi and Mercedes do have the same status, and I occasionally see the same behaviour exhibited, at least with Audi, but for some reason it's less frequent. Mercedes seems to be far more favored by the 40+ crowd than Audi.

Does it have something to do with how much the engine itself is geared towards fast driving?

03-09-2023, 08:37 PM
More renowned as less reliable according to whom?

"BMW ranked #1 of 32 on Consumer Reports’ best car brands for 2023, beating both Audi and Mercedes, which came in the 9th and 26th positions, respectively. BMW performed well in road test scores, reliability, and owner satisfaction survey results, making it the best German car brand for 2023."

Source: https://engineerine.com/audi-vs-bmw-vs-mercedes/

Doesn't make any sense that someone would go for BMW just for status, as if Audi or Mercedes didn't have the same status. They are on the same market segment and Mercedes is historically the status brand, at least in Portugal. As for BMW being less expensive to maintain, that has to be in the area\region where you live because everywhere else in the world BMW is easily the most expensive to maintain.

They have some superb engines. So much so that Toyota, who are renowned for their reliability, have teamed up with them for their latest Supra.

03-09-2023, 08:48 PM
That would be Land Rover drivers!

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-09-2023, 09:03 PM
Maybe this has changed in the past few years, that was my experience with people who've previously owned them, and with multiple Mercedes models in the family. A lot of people with older models of BMW had problems with the cars. Audi and Mercedes do have the same status, and I occasionally see the same behaviour exhibited, at least with Audi, but for some reason it's less frequent. Mercedes seems to be far more favored by the 40+ crowd than Audi.

Does it have something to do with how much the engine itself is geared towards fast driving?

Obviously you occasionally see the same behavior with Audi and Mercedes owners, as I am sure you also see it with owners from any other car brand. The problem is with the driver, not the car. All of the luxury German car brands are associated with their horsepower so I don't think it has to do with how BMW designs its cars. Mercedes AMG segment comes out with models that have a very "aggressive look", if you know what I mean.

I leave here an interesting chart from the UK:


03-09-2023, 09:10 PM
Obviously you occasionally see the same behavior with Audi and Mercedes owners, as I am sure you also see it with owners from any other car brand. The problem is with the driver, not the car. All of the luxury German car brands are associated with their horsepower so I don't think it has to do with how BMW designs its cars. Mercedes AMG segment comes out with models that have a very "aggressive look", if you know what I mean.

I leave here an interesting chart from the UK:


So, one possibility is that the reputation of asshole behaviour (rather than being accident prone - but speeding, not signalling, cutting people off - and I've seen BMW drivers do this often enough, but also other luxury car brands in the same price bracket) among BMW drivers is caused by there being more BMW drivers, and/or BMWs being more easily recognizable on a whim when their driver is the culprit of these behaviours.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-09-2023, 09:16 PM
That would be Land Rover drivers!

In Lisbon, the most dangerous drivers are those on electric scooters. I'm serious. Our government recently even ordered the speed limit of these scooters to be reduced.

03-09-2023, 09:22 PM
In Lisbon, the most dangerous drivers are those on electric scooters. I'm serious. Our government recently even ordered the speed limit of these scooters to be reduced.


03-09-2023, 09:29 PM
In Lisbon, the most dangerous drivers are those on electric scooters. I'm serious. Our government recently even ordered the speed limit of these scooters to be reduced.

They are readily available but I don't remember seeing many on the main roads. Interesting.

03-09-2023, 09:29 PM
In Lisbon, the most dangerous drivers are those on electric scooters. I'm serious. Our government recently even ordered the speed limit of these scooters to be reduced.

They're worse than cyclists and classical scooters put together

03-09-2023, 10:03 PM
Maybe this has changed in the past few years, that was my experience with people who've previously owned them, and with multiple Mercedes models in the family. A lot of people with older models of BMW had problems with the cars. Audi and Mercedes do have the same status, and I occasionally see the same behaviour exhibited, at least with Audi, but for some reason it's less frequent. Mercedes seems to be far more favored by the 40+ crowd than Audi.

Does it have something to do with how much the engine itself is geared towards fast driving?

Problem with German cars in Croatia or Balkans is that most of them are used cars. People go to Germany, buy a car, don't take it to the annual car service etc. When someone in Germany decides to sell a car they usually sell it just when car needs to have a big service check done, like fuel pump replacement or something, after driving it for 5 or so years. What happens, you go buy a car, don't take it immediately to service or service at all and it malfunctions.

03-09-2023, 10:08 PM
BMW compared to Mercedes or even Audi has that sports luxury reputation compared to just luxury. So hilly billies here think they are cool driving a BMW.

04-23-2023, 12:39 AM
Just witnessed BMW driver fatally hiting a young deer :( :( :(

Friend and me were returning from World Rally Championship race on a motorike and BMW driver who drove (ofc) above speed limit hit a deer crossing a road.

We stop and call help, but young deer died in agony :( there were even tears on it's eyes :( I'm very shaken by this event. We gave it some water, but injury was fatal :(

BMW driver called the cops, he didn't call veterinary at all and didn't show any concern for dying animal but tried to force us to give fake testimony for him to Police so he can get car damage covered by his insurance :mad:

Fuck BMW drivers, RIP deer :(

Daco Celtic
04-23-2023, 12:58 AM
Top 3 worst drivers based on anecdotal experience

1) Tesla (any model)
2) BMW (any model)
3) Toyota Prius

04-23-2023, 12:58 AM
Problem with German cars in Croatia or Balkans is that most of them are used cars. People go to Germany, buy a car, don't take it to the annual car service etc. When someone in Germany decides to sell a car they usually sell it just when car needs to have a big service check done, like fuel pump replacement or something, after driving it for 5 or so years. What happens, you go buy a car, don't take it immediately to service or service at all and it malfunctions.

Owners of used-car lots usually sell any car that runs, they usually don't do major mechanical repairs on them, even if they claim they do. Most just replace fluids. Never buy one from them.

04-23-2023, 01:04 AM
Mercedes are positioned as cars for passengers (often 50+) here in Russia, except for some extreme models and sports modifications. These cars excel in terms of interior comfort and are ideal for long trips. Specialists from Mercedes pay great attention to the rear seats. These are "noble" cars, which are rarely used for conditional street racing. But BMW is chosen by those who want to drive themselves, keep everything under their own control and enjoy, to get real pleasure from the driving process. If you don't want to sit in the back chatting with passengers or hanging out on your phone flipping through business papers, then get a BMW.
Of course, BMW attracts more hot-blooded and adrenaline-pumping personalities.

04-23-2023, 01:12 AM
Top 3 worst drivers based on anecdotal experience

1) Tesla (any model)
2) BMW (any model)
3) Toyota Prius

Only one of those brands might be around in ten years time. Hopefully their owners become better drivers!

04-23-2023, 01:26 AM
On the Zebra? Wow, I knew Croats were primitive but I didn't know you were still riding wild animals... Be more careful next time!

(This is a joke, btw. I like croats, especially their women)

04-23-2023, 07:50 AM
Mercedes are positioned as cars for passengers (often 50+) here in Russia, except for some extreme models and sports modifications. These cars excel in terms of interior comfort and are ideal for long trips. Specialists from Mercedes pay great attention to the rear seats. These are "noble" cars, which are rarely used for conditional street racing. But BMW is chosen by those who want to drive themselves, keep everything under their own control and enjoy, to get real pleasure from the driving process. If you don't want to sit in the back chatting with passengers or hanging out on your phone flipping through business papers, then get a BMW.
Of course, BMW attracts more hot-blooded and adrenaline-pumping personalities.

Spot on formulated with that passenger aspect.

04-23-2023, 12:45 PM
In Croatia BMW drivers are kinda stereotyped as assholes and agressive peasants who are dangerous for people around them....today (again) got stereotype confirmed xD

is this phenomenom present in your country?

Yes, they are a mem here. BMWism knows no borders.

04-23-2023, 01:06 PM
Top 3 worst drivers based on anecdotal experience

1) Tesla (any model)
2) BMW (any model)
3) Toyota Prius

Haha yes. I'd add Subaru to the list.