View Full Version : Members' dietary opinions

03-12-2023, 04:28 PM
We have already breakfast or a day of eating threads, but I'm most curious about what do you enjoy having the most and think is better for you on a daily basis.

What are the staples of your diet?
What do you avoid eating at all? Be it for taste, faith, belief, or whatever.

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Jingle Bell
03-12-2023, 04:39 PM
No meu caso eu como absolutamente qualquer coisa, de cuzcuz á polvo, de feijoada á escargot
Não sigo dieta, mas como um pouco de tudo, nunca tive nenhum problema de saúde por minha alimentação.

03-12-2023, 04:43 PM
Staple of my diet is pork.
I come from a region where having pigs essentially meant guaranteed survival. We were occupied by the Ottomans, and when they would come to take their taxes, they would grab chickens, goats, sheep, the only thing they would stay away from was pig. Therefore most households always kept pigs, because that could guarantee that your family would be fed and no foreign invader will take it. We later became most famous pig traders and merchants in all of Europe.

So when I go for a meat, it is usually pork, since we have mastered every single way to prepare it, and it is always delicious. Not healthy, but extremely delicious.
I like vegetables a lot and I eat them even for breakfast.

I have seen cigarettes there, I like to have a Cuban cigar along with my scotch few times a month, usually on my reading nights.

Atlantic Reptilian
03-12-2023, 04:47 PM
Staple of my diet is pork.
I come from a region where having pigs essentially meant guaranteed survival. We were occupied by the Ottomans, and when they would come to take their taxes, they would grab chickens, goats, sheep, the only thing they would stay away from was pig. Therefore most households always kept pigs, because that could guarantee that your family would be fed and no foreign invader will take it. We later became most famous pig traders and merchants in all of Europe.

So when I go for a meat, it is usually pork, since we have mastered every single way to prepare it, and it is always delicious. Not healthy, but extremely delicious.
I like vegetables a lot and I eat them even for breakfast.

I have seen cigarettes there, I like to have a Cuban cigar along with my scotch few times a month, usually on my reading nights.

What meat do you think tastes the best (with least amount of cooking I suppose)?

03-12-2023, 04:51 PM
Related story: A mexican friend of mine told me mexis and argies eat somehow same amount of meat but the latter got not so many health issues because they drink Mate... lol do you agree?

03-12-2023, 04:52 PM
What meat do you think tastes the best (with least amount of cooking I suppose)?

Probably beef, though I never understood this steak obsession of the modern world, people arguing about piece of meat being cooked this or that way.

03-12-2023, 04:54 PM
Staple of my diet is pork.
I come from a region where having pigs essentially meant guaranteed survival. We were occupied by the Ottomans, and when they would come to take their taxes, they would grab chickens, goats, sheep, the only thing they would stay away from was pig. Therefore most households always kept pigs, because that could guarantee that your family would be fed and no foreign invader will take it. We later became most famous pig traders and merchants in all of Europe.

So when I go for a meat, it is usually pork, since we have mastered every single way to prepare it, and it is always delicious. Not healthy, but extremely delicious.
I like vegetables a lot and I eat them even for breakfast.

I have seen cigarettes there, I like to have a Cuban cigar along with my scotch few times a month, usually on my reading nights.

I don't think pork is unhealthy. First of all there isn't even a consensus for what health is.

From what I know, Yugoslavs have a diet that is heavy on meat and wheat products. For most dietitians it's a nightmare, and still it's a place with some of the tallest people in the world and produces a lot of sportspeople. This to me is health in some way.

Here in the colonies we also eat a lot of pork. Salami and lard were two essentials back in the day, because they were a steady and non-perishable supply of fats and protein, very important especially for hard manual labour. South Brazil is probably one of the regions that produce the most pork on Earth.

I'm curious on Cigars, never had any tobacco in my life.

03-12-2023, 04:56 PM
Plenty of veggies with a protein source. A fish fillet with a nicely dressed salad is the ideal plate for me :)

03-12-2023, 04:56 PM
No meat or fish, do eat (organic) eggs yogurt milk. Think most of the time my diet is med. I panic when I run out of olive oil (or butter) :)

Atlantic Reptilian
03-12-2023, 04:57 PM
I don't think pork is unhealthy. First of all there isn't even a consensus for what health is.

From what I know, Yugoslavs have a diet that is heavy on meat and wheat products. For most dietitians it's a nightmare, and still it's a place with some of the tallest people in the world and produces a lot of sportspeople. This to me is health in some way.

Here in the colonies we also eat a lot of pork. Salami and lard were two essentials back in the day, because they were a steady and non-perishable supply of fats and protein, very important especially for hard manual labour. South Brazil is probably one of the regions that produce the most pork on Earth.

I'm curious on Cigars, never had any tobacco in my life.

I think it has to do with Yugoslavs eating non-processed food. Many of them still do manual labor like in the garden, although not as much as their ancestors.

03-12-2023, 05:05 PM
I love vegetables. My meals always include a green, rice/couscous and either poultry or fish for protein.

03-12-2023, 05:07 PM
No meat or fish, do eat (organic) eggs yogurt milk. Think most of the time my diet is med. I panic when I run out of olive oil (or butter) :)

I don't think I could live without some meat, but I understand and respect vegetarians. Meat can be heavy on the body sometimes, if I ate steak everyday I am sure I'd feel like shit.

Qutting meat for a while could help me out on adding more vegetables. I love fruit but I neither enjoy nor feel like having salads.

03-12-2023, 05:07 PM
Plenty of veggies with a protein source. A fish fillet with a nicely dressed salad is the ideal plate for me :)

Excluding Gyro with patatines and Pastitsio I think greek food is really healthy (as most Med food). Pame na fame!

03-12-2023, 05:10 PM
Related story: A mexican friend of mine told me mexis and argies eat somehow same amount of meat but the latter got not so many health issues because they drink Mate... lol do you agree?

It must have something to do with mate indeed. People here don't eat especially healthy at all, and this plague called veganism is already a thing too.

Mate has a shitton of micronutrients and is usually drank by the liter. I feel amazing when I drink mate.

03-12-2023, 05:11 PM
I love vegetables. My meals always include a green, rice/couscous and either poultry or fish for protein.

No way! A texan?

03-12-2023, 05:13 PM
It must have something to do with mate indeed. People here don't eat especially healthy at all, and this plague called veganism is already a thing too.

Mate has a shitton of micronutrients and is usually drank by the liter. I feel amazing when I drink mate.

You told me before you have your own Mate right?

03-12-2023, 05:19 PM
You told me before you have your own Mate right?

Brazilian mate is fresh and powdered yerba, while Argentinian mate is coarse and stationed, y el mate Uruguayo son las cenizas del abuelo. (Nah seriously, Uruguayan mate is a psyop. It has very bad taste and gives me both nausea and headaches. Y pensar que se hace todo en Brasil...)

03-12-2023, 05:27 PM
No way! A texan?

Haha yeah, I try to limit the amount of red meat I consume.

03-12-2023, 05:37 PM
Staple of my diet is pork.
I come from a region where having pigs essentially meant guaranteed survival. We were occupied by the Ottomans, and when they would come to take their taxes, they would grab chickens, goats, sheep, the only thing they would stay away from was pig. Therefore most households always kept pigs, because that could guarantee that your family would be fed and no foreign invader will take it. We later became most famous pig traders and merchants in all of Europe.

So when I go for a meat, it is usually pork, since we have mastered every single way to prepare it, and it is always delicious. Not healthy, but extremely delicious.
I like vegetables a lot and I eat them even for breakfast.

I have seen cigarettes there, I like to have a Cuban cigar along with my scotch few times a month, usually on my reading nights.

Да ли твоја жена Јеврејка једе свињетину?

03-12-2023, 05:45 PM
Brazilian mate is fresh and powdered yerba, while Argentinian mate is coarse and stationed, y el mate Uruguayo son las cenizas del abuelo. (Nah seriously, Uruguayan mate is a psyop. It has very bad taste and gives me both nausea and headaches. Y pensar que se hace todo en Brasil...)


03-12-2023, 05:55 PM
Haha yeah, I try to limit the amount of red meat I consume.

Question: Do you know any other fish than Tilapia?

03-12-2023, 05:57 PM
Question: Do you know any other fish than Tilapia?

Ha! Tilapia is actually my least favorite. That’s the only fish my mom would cook while I was growing up.

I prefer salmon, halibut and cod.

03-12-2023, 09:20 PM
This is my favorite fish:


I also like mackerel.

03-12-2023, 10:33 PM
I eat mostly fruit and veggies, whole grains ( kamut, basmati, oats, and whole wheat pasta), nuts, seeds, poultry and eggs. I dont eat dairy or red meat. Rarely i eat seafood. I eat only organic and rarely eat out. I cook 99% of the time. Always from scratch.

03-13-2023, 12:11 AM
My staple food are milanesas, pasta (dry and fresh), rice, some chicken, some fish (frozen), vegetables, eggs, cheese, raw milk, fruits. Not much more..... we eat simple and without much condiments. I don't eat tons of meat like most uruguayans, which is healthier.

My crappy intakes are Coke Zero, brand cookies, coffee, chicken nuggets, take out (I agree it's 100% crap), sweets (like candy or ice cream).

But overall I think me and my family have a healthy/positive diet.

03-13-2023, 03:16 AM
My usual diet:

Protein: Beef and Chicken milanesas, Chicken breast, steak on weekends, eggs, sardinian and parmesan cheese, other than common local sliced ones.

Carbohydrates: Pasta, Polenta, Bread. Hardly ever have rice nowadays. I drink a glass of Orange, Grapefruit, Apple or Peach juice every day. Whoever tells you fruit juices are bad is dishonest. 250ml of juice will never add up to your dietary intake to the point of making you gain weight, and you get easy vitamins and some fiber, and best of all it's delicious. I also have Dulce de Leche, a life hack to be honest. Very good as a pre game or workout snack and always satisfies my sweet tooth with 62kcal a tablespoon.

Fats: Extra Virgin Olive Oil mostly, butter when I feel like it. I fry all of my steaks on the tallow I cut from the meat itself. I would never eat pure grease on the steak anyways, and I'm sparing the extra calories of a tablespoon of oil and just eating what the cut had to offer me. Lard is lindy too, but it's impossible to find it non-refined in Argentina. NO SEED OILS, my only dietary dogma.

Fruit and vegetables: Apples, oranges, bananas and that's it really. Other ones are either too expensive or too complicated to store. I will buy plain ass lettuce or frozen veg mixed if I'm feeling healthy.

Junk Food: A LOT of diet coke, scary lot of it. I realized that in this amazing year of lonely living in Buenos Aires, I get depressed if I don't have a fix of caffeine. So I'll easily go through 1,5l of diet coke in one sitting, in extreme cases twice a day. I usually don't follow a diet on entire weekends, so there will always be wine, beer, pizza and burgers at some moment.

I'll also have a liter of mate on good days. Much more lindy and healthy than coke xD.

Also, I don't give a fuck about nutrition science other than macronutrients and basic thermodynamics. They change their paradigms and opinions on stuff every day and the lobby they get is out of this world. I eat a lot of meat, suck my dick, Schwab.

03-13-2023, 05:08 AM
Totally avoiding Mcdonalds, Kentuckies, beef, mutton, all commercial fried chickens, all wild birds, snakes, reptiles, all traditional pets as food. I would eat fish once a year where all living water creatures are considered as fish except for kelps, eating fish(either fresh or sea waters counts) once a year is a part of the annual ritual of my spiritual rebirth. I flexibly designate the ritual at Autumnal equinox in Sept.22nd or Xmas or my birthday in Jan or Spring Festival. This year I ate on Jan 21 the eve of the Spring festival, and I will relegate Fish ritual for autumnal equinox this year, since eating on Spring Festival is accorded to the chinese calendar which transits into the new year a bit short of a month later than AD calender. And so on, 4 different occaisions designated for the ritual in sequence each a year.

Chicken, duck, pork, chicken/duck eggs, milk are my main protein sources, but mostly pork. Rice and vegetables every meal, use raw green coriander in dishes like 50 gram per week, always very lightly spiced with anise and pepper, eating and consuming with tenderness in taste and preparation in mind, including the ways of industrial and commercial preparations in processed or commercial products; never pursue and ethically avoid extreme tastiness and food luxury.