View Full Version : Are you really an incel if you've had more than one date?

03-29-2023, 07:44 AM
The word "incel" gets thrown around too losely, IMO. I was thinking I CAN'T be an incel because I have had a total of four dates, although with four different females. For some reason none of them wanted a second date, but they wouldn't really explain why and they didn't even want to be "just friends". Still, since I have managed to hook at least 4 females I think I had Chad potential. I dated from ages 18-25, but now in my 40s I've had kind of a long stretch of not dating. But God says we shouldn't date anyway.

03-29-2023, 07:58 AM
All of you are truly Incels probably because of how you approach to women don't like weak ass insecure men.

I have some very hot female friends and have even slept on their beds after being so wasted from a party etc

03-29-2023, 08:01 AM
I think Incel is a way of thinking, black pill etc. I dont think everyone who struggles with dating or is single is a incel...

A Incel also probably would say he wants a 20 year old virign white or asian female, petite etc. and submissive etc. And that only ugly fat girls are into him etc. such misogynistic things.

03-29-2023, 09:29 AM
Are you celibate, but it's involuntary? If not, you're not an incel.

03-29-2023, 09:51 AM
1 date every 10 years on average. Clearly not incel.