View Full Version : How come Greeks are darker than Iberians?

04-01-2023, 07:48 AM
It is always told that Greeks are darker than Iberians. However, Greeks clearly have more Alpines and Dinarics than Iberians. In other words, Iberians are more Med than Greeks while Greeks are more Alpine and Dinaric than Iberians.

One might claim that Spainards are lighter because they have Atlantids but similarly, Greeks have North Pontids (lighter than Atlantids), Balkan Borrebies (lighter than Atlantids) and Alpines (as light as Atlantids).

Don't you think Greeks and Italians are dark-washed on anthrofora?

04-01-2023, 07:53 AM
Don't you think Greeks and Italians are dark-washed on anthrofora?

Yes, they are. Same than Iberians.

In these forums anyone is darkwashed or withewashed alternatively according to the mood with which the troll on duty gets up every morning.

04-01-2023, 07:57 AM
Probably because Spanish and Porgtuguese were originally Celto-Iberian before mixing with the local hunter gatherer population and later the neolithic anatolian farmers , Don't forget the Germanic invasions of Vandals, goths and Suebi , Also Spain is directly connected to France which has fair amount of germanic genes stocks , the only thing making Iberians less white than the rest of europe is their none negligable genes share with north african , it could be from Mesolithic , Neolithic period or during the middle ages Muslim rule of Iberia .

04-01-2023, 08:53 AM
Less Yamnaya, less WHG and less Germanic admixtures.

04-01-2023, 09:52 AM
Don't care all that matters is the people are happy. Happy without being soft with money is even better.

04-01-2023, 10:01 AM
Don't care all that matters is the people are happy. Happy without being soft with money is even better.

Would it bother you if they confused you with Italian or Spanish?

Not me.

04-01-2023, 10:46 AM

these are just anthropological facts the Greeks have more important Mediterranean and Anatolian contributions, the Iberians received important central European contributions (Celts and Yamnaya)

04-01-2023, 12:22 PM
Probably because Spanish and Porgtuguese were originally Celto-Iberian before mixing with the local hunter gatherer population and later the neolithic anatolian farmers , Don't forget the Germanic invasions of Vandals, goths and Suebi , Also Spain is directly connected to France which has fair amount of germanic genes stocks , the only thing making Iberians less white than the rest of europe is their none negligable genes share with north african , it could be from Mesolithic , Neolithic period or during the middle ages Muslim rule of Iberia .

The NA thing is a cheap excuse, already in the Neolithic the population would be rather obscure. And what you are talking about conditions the viewer and tries to create opinion since there are very clear Berbers, you forgot the Reconquest and those who could stay were not millions, which is what it would have taken to modify the phenotype of the Spanish and it was not so taking into account those who could be already Islamized locals and others not complete NA.

In the forums you become an expert in search of photos and the averages that we have in Spain you find them equally in a good part of Europe and among North Americans with North American faces. So one combination may have been more successful in one territory and another combination in another.

I think that the current Spanish averages fit in Europe, I remember that Europe is not only Germany, nor is it the model and I think that our averages come from far away, that they should not have changed, perhaps those who have changed have been other Europeans so the approach should be why some Europeans on average were clearer, than to bother those who have changed less.

04-01-2023, 12:25 PM
The NA thing is a cheap excuse, already in the Neolithic the population would be rather obscure. And what you are talking about conditions the viewer and tries to create opinion since there are very clear Berbers, you forgot the Reconquest and those who could stay were not millions, which is what it would have taken to modify the phenotype of the Spanish and it was not so taking into account those who could be already Islamized locals and others not complete NA.

In the forums you become an expert in search of photos and the averages that we have in Spain you find them equally in a good part of Europe and among North Americans with North American faces. So one combination may have been more successful in one territory and another combination in another.

I think that the current Spanish averages fit in Europe, I remember that Europe is not only Germany, nor is it the model and I think that our averages come from far away, that they should not have changed, perhaps those who have changed have been others.

Spain has a considerable influence from the mountains of western Asia, the body form of the Spaniards is often similar to that of people from Iran, Jordan Egypt etc but there are also lighter types because of more recent migrations from the north.

04-01-2023, 12:38 PM
Greece Italy, Spain and Portugal are more or less the same in skintone and hair color

04-01-2023, 12:48 PM
Spain has a considerable influence from the mountains of western Asia, the body form of the Spaniards is often similar to that of people from Iran, Jordan Egypt etc but there are also lighter types because of more recent migrations from the north.

Not at all since even the police specialists by taxonomy even someone dressed and with a mask for example in a robbery would know if they are Spanish, Eastern, North African, South American e.t.c. , I'm not bad at it either and I can see in a video of a robbery; although people are completely covered up to their faces if they are Spanish or foreigners. If it were as you say, that specialty would not exist. The Spanish police are catching all the Romanian, Albanian, Croatian, Moroccan, Latin gangs and they are all always covered
when they commit criminal acts. . :)

04-01-2023, 01:08 PM
Ugh :roll eyes

They always have to start these cheap, popcorn kind of threads with some "grand claim" in the OP that they can't support.

04-01-2023, 01:08 PM

The red star is me, the other two yellow my father with FTDNA and 23andMe. And the other Greco Was Emporion what kind of Greek is he, since he is not Greek? It must have been a Celtiberian I think. Even my own region is the most displaced towards the north of Italy, however I, being a complete Andalusian, am more displaced towards the French SW and closer to the Greek sample that is not Greek. Well, I don't think that we Spaniards have changed so much since bronze so our averages are ideal.