View Full Version : The Gun Debate

Colonel Frank Grimes
04-03-2023, 12:35 AM
You can expect statistics to be misused regarding a controversial subject. For example, mass shootings in known high-crime gang areas are often not listed as gang-related mass shootings. You need actually to dig into the specifics of the shooting. If you take the statistics at face value, you'd think Joe Six-Pack is chimping out and shooting a bunch of people because he had a bad day instead of gang members finding out their rival will be at a party and letting the bullets fly.

Most victims of US mass shootings are black, data analysis finds (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/may/23/mass-shootings-tracker-analysis-us-gun-control-reddit)

1) Few of the incidents in the New York Times-Reddit analysis resembled planned massacres that attracted intense media and political attention in recent years

2) A new analysis of 358 mass shootings in America in 2015 found that three-quarters of the victims whose race could be identified were black.

3) The analysis, conducted by the New York Times with data collected by Reddit’s mass shooting tracker and the Gun Violence Archive, used law enforcement reports on shootings that left four or more people injured or dead in 2015.

4) Roughly a third of the incidents with known circumstances were drive-by shootings or were identified by law enforcement as gang-related. Another third were sparked by arguments, often among people who were drunk or high.

5) Nearly 90% of the zip codes that saw mass shootings had higher-than-average poverty rates.

Why restrict gun laws further and allow criminals an advantage over law-abiding citizens? This gang shit spills over into the lives of law-abiding citizens. Chicago is a war zone.

I bring this up because of the recent shooting. People need to understand the concept of trade-offs: in this case, a law-abiding citizen is allowed to protect himself, family, property, but there is the possibility that someone with mental health issues (and most likely a high-functioning autist) may slip through the cracks of our system, for any number of reasons, and gain legal access to a weapon and unfortunately murder people.

While making more restrictive gun laws will lead to fewer non-gang related mass shootings (i.e. shootings in Nashville, Uvalde, etc.), which are already rare, these laws will keep law abiding citizens from being able to protect themselves, family, and property. It becomes open season on the innocent.

For fuck's sake, if I was a psychopath in an alternate universe where guns were so severely restricted, and the guns that are already floating around in the US magically disappeared, I'd be running guns to the gangs for a fortune. It's simple supply and demand. The gang with guns is better off than the gang without guns. Even though Mexico has very strict gun laws (look how well that works), I'd be getting guns from Mexican cartels, who'd be getting them from China just as the cartels get fentanyl from China.

In others words, gun violence is not a problem that magically disappears.

I'm going to say something controversial but completely rational.

I'm willing to trade a few actual mass shootings where, unfortunately, innocent people die if law-abiding citizens can be armed (yes, with an AR-15) and defend themselves and their families, thereby saving more innocent lives.

04-03-2023, 12:39 AM
IMO, removing access to the internet for many people would have a greater positive effect on society.

Colonel Frank Grimes
04-03-2023, 01:28 AM
The problem with the gun debate, in modern times, is that since Americans became less religious we did not become more reasonable but became more zealous in our politics if you catch my drift.

The issue mainly revolves around the drug trade. When drugs came into the picture, a fortune was to be made, so violence escalated. Gangs compete for clients by controlling blocks.

Colonel Frank Grimes
04-03-2023, 02:58 AM
It might seem futuristic but guns are a distraction and passe it seems. What can you do to stop an insect sized drone , that I programmed, from punching a dime sized hole in your head with a laser, or a hacker breaking into your hospital computer network/device and remotely killing you, or super engineered Covid II or the grid or dams going down or whatnot from hackers ? There is also an 80% chance AI will become tyrannical within 10 years time. Guns and the war in the Ukraine are a distraction from the modern reality that modern nation states are irrelevant.

I don't know what the future will bring for certain. I can only speak of the here and now with any confidence.

04-03-2023, 03:03 AM
Nope.. if I have 4 dudes breaking in, my glock might not be a of good use.. AR all the way..

Colonel Frank Grimes
04-03-2023, 03:18 AM
IMO, removing access to the internet for many people would have a greater positive effect on society.

At first, I thought your response was goofy (like blaming violent video games and movies) because mentally ill high functioning autists exist whether they have internet access or not. However, and I'm not signaling out anyone in the forum, but if you spend your days taking seriously racial classifications and your life revolves around 'my race' you can end up being, as they say, so Black pilled that you chimp out and murder people.

When your dream is a White future for your people, and you fail to even have children what is to stop a mentally ill high functioning autist who doesn't value non-White lives from chimping out? If the future is dreary, then the possibility of a chimp out is high.

We've seen posters from VNN and Stormfront go on murder sprees.

However, an armed public could stop a shooter from being successful in their goal. We've seen it happen. Most recently, in a mall, a mass shooter was shot by an armed citizen. Who knows how many innocent people would have been killed if not for his bravery?

04-03-2023, 03:51 AM
At first, I thought your response was goofy (like blaming violent video games and movies) because mentally ill high functioning autists exist whether they have internet access or not. However, and I'm not signaling out anyone in the forum, but if you spend your days taking seriously racial classifications and your life revolves around 'my race' you can end up being, as they say, so Black pilled that you chimp out and murder people.

Coincidentally, that's basically the story of Brenton Tarrant, the dude who went on a shooting spree in frank's place.

04-03-2023, 03:52 AM
Maga country rule #1: Don't bring a skateboard to a gun fight
Maga country rule #2: Don't walk alone to a Subway to buy a tuna sandwich at 2:30am
Maga country rule #3: See rule #1 and #2

04-03-2023, 04:09 AM
The Borg is either very stupid, or they want to disarm the American population in steps both large and small. The *woman*, who murdered six people at the Christian school, chose a soft target over a hard target, and the Demon Rats won't support a proposed bill that would harden schools. This common sense measure definitely would save lives if some other oppressed trans chose to murder more people. As Elon Musk says, let that sink in.

Gun control laws are madness because crooks don't obey laws. Who knew? Gun free zones are even more insane because only good sheep will be free of guns in said zones, but it will be target practice for demons and psychos who see those "gun free zone" signs as flashing neon letters that say "here". There's a reason that they won't target a "we're all packing" zone, but that reason is lost on the gun grabbers who screech "do something" (a phrase that rarely leads to something good).

06-19-2023, 01:25 AM

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9b/Everytown_final_logo.png (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everytown_for_Gun_Safety)https://i.imgur.com/u7leimb.png

06-21-2023, 12:40 PM