View Full Version : Classify Andalusian Veterinarian

04-04-2023, 07:00 PM
Elisabeth Pérez Díaz From Andalusia



04-05-2023, 07:23 AM
Why don't you showcase Spaniards that resemble you, Gallop?

04-05-2023, 09:15 AM
Why don't you showcase Spaniards that resemble you, Gallop?

I am specifically publishing Andalusians, my regional ethnicity. You want me to publish only men, I would find it boring.

Besides, I have already been classified, so if I publish my twins I already know the classification, see here it is:

Classifications obtained by Gallop:
-You do look Basque
-CM (Berid) + minor Baskid
-Baskid + Berid, maybe + some Med too
-Paleoatlantid (berid/CM) + a bit dinarid
-You kind of look like Nacho Cano.
-You look pretty Spanish Atlantic, also very very french, north italy common look.
-Atlantid + CM
-Placido Domingo-oid
-Roman Statue-id.
-You have some vibes of Pedro Alonso

-ODELIA: Hey! I can finally see you now! I thought you would be younger. I didn't expect an older guy. You have a classical Greek or Roman look. I imagine ancient Greek/Roman emperors to look like you. You look very familiar - Who do you look like? Joe Pesci or something?

-According my french (native) friends and other friends:

1. Catalonia, Southern Europe, but he added that he had a Polish acquaintance who looked like you... So, central europe also?;

2. According a slavic mixed french friend you looks like a "Proto-basques or Gascons";

3. A Breton friend told me that you looks like a guy from "south of France", more close to Pyrénées, but that she (cause she is a woman) possibly had Breton family members (distant) who looked like you (therefore more complex than "south of France"?);

4. According another Breton friend : you look like French, but more specifically you look like his neighbor (who is Breton from the gallo zone, romance zone);

5. Spaniard or Portuguese

6. Catalan

:) keseeees! hahahaha

04-05-2023, 10:09 AM
Atlantid + Norid ? do u have a photo wich is not her side?

04-05-2023, 10:48 AM
Atlantid + Norid ? do u have a photo wich is not her side?

She only has those two photos posted on her veterinary websites.

04-05-2023, 03:24 PM
I am specifically publishing Andalusians, my regional ethnicity. You want me to publish only men, I would find it boring.

Besides, I have already been classified, so if I publish my twins I already know the classification, see here it is:

:) keseeees! hahahaha

She meant the phenotype,no spaniard that you post here have any of those phenotypes.

04-05-2023, 05:19 PM
She meant the phenotype,no spaniard that you post here have any of those phenotypes.

Celtibérico - Italo Celtic Breasailian I know what she meant, I also alluded to the genre for fun and do what Odelia does: turn things around.

I don't post people with my Atlantid, paleo atlantid, cro-Magnon, baskid phenotype but with another phenotype, because that's what it's all about, that's what I'm posting about instead of going around in circles.

This is the world upside down: a European in a European culture forum having to explain himself to non-Europeans from another continent. :picard1:

04-05-2023, 11:34 PM
This is the world upside down: a European in a European culture forum having to explain himself to non-Europeans from another continent. :picard1:
Let me see your DNA results. You probably have some non-european ethnicities in your DNA makeup.

Colonel Frank Grimes
04-05-2023, 11:47 PM
This is the world upside down: a European in a European culture forum having to explain himself to non-Europeans from another continent. :picard1:

Yes, it is upside down world: A Spaniard obsessively posting people who are not representative of the norm of his population. I've seen more blondes posted in your threads than I've seen in all my time in Spain. You are mentally ill.

04-06-2023, 08:02 AM
lol I like seeing the blonde Spaniards he posts. Always keeping an eye out for some that resemble my family. Still none look like my father or I :sigh:

04-06-2023, 09:27 AM
Let me see your DNA results. You probably have some non-european ethnicities in your DNA makeup.

He regularly posts his results allegedly in the autosomal section. Main mischief is to create silly spreadsheet-calculators like this one ;) :


04-06-2023, 09:48 AM
Yes, it is upside down world: A Spaniard obsessively posting people who are not representative of the norm of his population. I've seen more blondes posted in your threads than I've seen in all my time in Spain. You are mentally ill.

I am specialized in publishing specifically Andalusians, which is my region and the one that interests me. Obviously blondes or light-eyed people are representative of my region, also in the rest of Spain, for us it is not something exceptional or new. I have already mentioned that we in Andalusia have the Nordic from the Tartessian period onwards, of course they represent us.

04-06-2023, 09:57 AM
Let me see your DNA results. You probably have some non-european ethnicities in your DNA makeup.

Where were you, I have been publishing my results for 20 years.

These are my results with the FTDNA saliva test. Everyone knows them and everyone knows that I publish all my results openly and explicitly.






mt dna


dna Y

It gives me the entrance to the Iberian Peninsula in Roman times, but I suspect it is in modern times.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEgT4adL0V_-wp2ghOHqbWkPe_yYw5xewmOBd79MT6aRnmGS9lNKQt-abG6KLkqjkO11TyVvWaJaDtpybHVt8oFwUcCe457Pz065U438_ n_5QdpUC1kEQBtcYurd8PFzxK3St6yovPo2OiyrU7-MJLBRY8USIQwAqW44hNqlaDh4UKjLUinTR7QseyO8=s2400

dnaY by snp
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhGKvdEJxvEO_KHL2XgZ8giBxHdUo7IYp6bcJYSkPJ-qkAhrK7rC7qfISfKd8FmXq01RM1RnifCUE8-0sxGLyK3-M8gZ3WtpY73rOipkb98TR7hoSHYrt6II251DMuLOd0yaGJ4HwA ik9wuIKUAdbp_kr_erNxoqm1U-SzFNs_L-xyv84r8BX8bsC1Q/s657/MapaSNPmigracionAdnY.jpeg

The age is too modern, but it would fit between 1808-1813.

Honey I am European, what else could I be being Andalusian, well, European. :)

Colonel Frank Grimes
04-07-2023, 12:35 AM
I am specialized in publishing specifically Andalusians, which is my region and the one that interests me. Obviously blondes or light-eyed people are representative of my region, also in the rest of Spain, for us it is not something exceptional or new. I have already mentioned that we in Andalusia have the Nordic from the Tartessian period onwards, of course they represent us.

The Tartessians were not Nordic. You're so absurd. If you were legitimately interested in Andalusians and other Spaniards you wouldn't make it your goal to misrepresent Andalusians and other Spaniards, which is what you do. This has to do with your insecurity, which has led to mental illness.

btw, you have yet to assault me in the astral plane, lolz. You crazy fucker.

04-07-2023, 01:25 AM
I am specialized in publishing specifically Andalusians, which is my region and the one that interests me. Obviously blondes or light-eyed people are representative of my region, also in the rest of Spain, for us it is not something exceptional or new. I have already mentioned that we in Andalusia have the Nordic from the Tartessian period onwards, of course they represent us.
Why are you such an embarrassment? You are not just insecure and mentally challenged, you are also very ignorant. :picard2:

You are from Spain. The main phenotype there is Mediterranean to atlantid looking, both of which have dark hair. Nordics are from Sweden. You will never be from Sweden. And it is disgusting that you only think Nordic looking people are European. It is you who displaces most of Europeans out of Europe, because to you only the Nordic appearance is a true European look. You are ineffable. :picard1:

Gallop's Europeans:

Gallop's non-Europeans:

You are a terrible stain on this forum. You think only Europeans are blondes and nordic looking. So half of Europe is not European to you. Shame on you. Your agenda is offensive and silly. And I rarely get offended, but you really are something. :rolleyes:

04-07-2023, 02:48 AM
lol I like seeing the blonde Spaniards he posts. Always keeping an eye out for some that resemble my family. Still none look like my father or I :sigh:

Be patient. If 10% of andalusian population has light eyes this means there're around 700.000 light-eyed andalusians, and Gallop will not stop until the last one has been posted by him.
So sooner or later someone who looks like your father will appear.

Nothing to add to the kind words of Colonel and Odelia about Gallop. Only that besides he has the gift of knowing is someone is 'español completo' ,lol, or not only by reading that someone's posts.

Now you know where it comes from the widespread saying in Spain, 'mas tonto que un bocado en la polla'.

04-07-2023, 11:06 AM
Why are you such an embarrassment? You are not just insecure and mentally challenged, you are also very ignorant. :picard2:

You are from Spain. The main phenotype there is Mediterranean to atlantid looking, both of which have dark hair. Nordics are from Sweden. You will never be from Sweden. And it is disgusting that you only think Nordic looking people are European. It is you who displaces most of Europeans out of Europe, because to you only the Nordic appearance is a true European look. You are ineffable. :picard1:

You are a terrible stain on this forum. You think only Europeans are blondes and nordic looking. So half of Europe is not European to you. Shame on you. Your agenda is offensive and silly. And I rarely get offended, but you really are something. :rolleyes:

You are saying it all. You just dump all your frustrations, complexes and stereotypes and clichés on blond or light-eyed Andalusian publications, you put yourself in evidence. Evidently you are angry about the huge amount of publications of blond or light-eyed Andalusians and you should not care, you are Italian raised in the United States and I will not allow you more disrespect towards me or my publications. ;)

04-07-2023, 11:14 AM
Please keep classifying the blonde Andalusian veterinarian and excuse the interruptions of the sick. :Frío:

04-09-2023, 11:56 PM
Be patient. If 10% of andalusian population has light eyes this means there're around 700.000 light-eyed andalusians, and Gallop will not stop until the last one has been posted by him.
So sooner or later someone who looks like your father will appear.

Nothing to add to the kind words of Colonel and Odelia about Gallop. Only that besides he has the gift of knowing is someone is 'español completo' ,lol, or not only by reading that someone's posts.

Now you know where it comes from the widespread saying in Spain, 'mas tonto que un bocado en la polla'.

You're the guy no one has ever seen a single genetic result from?

That profile of a Latin American who has been in Spain for more than a decade, perhaps he has even grown up in Spain and speaks like the Spanish but there is something in the rhythm, in the musicality of his long and tedious paragraphs that does not fit, in a way it is like a kind of translation to avoid making a mistake and use some phonetic idiom of his ethnicity, you can see the intention and the effort, you can see the gaps that have been replaced by a Spanish of Spain that is not always well used at all. And I wonder, why hide the true origin? ;)

04-10-2023, 12:41 AM
You're the guy no one has ever seen a single genetic result from?

That profile of a Latin American who has been in Spain for more than a decade, perhaps he has even grown up in Spain and speaks like the Spanish but there is something in the rhythm, in the musicality of his long and tedious paragraphs that does not fit, in a way it is like a kind of translation to avoid making a mistake and use some phonetic idiom of his ethnicity, you can see the intention and the effort, you can see the gaps that have been replaced by a Spanish of Spain that is not always well used at all. And I wonder, why hide the true origin? ;)

Además de simplón acomplejado eres un pobre tonto del culo... que encima se cree ingenioso.

You're already the official fool of the forum, everybody laughs at you and your bizarre obsessions, and still you pretend to be something like the guardian of 'españolidad'...

You must have some kind of intellectual impairment, is the most probable explanation.

04-10-2023, 04:28 AM
You are saying it all. You just dump all your frustrations, complexes and stereotypes and clichés on blond or light-eyed Andalusian publications, you put yourself in evidence. Evidently you are angry about the huge amount of publications of blond or light-eyed Andalusians and you should not care, you are Italian raised in the United States and I will not allow you more disrespect towards me or my publications. ;)
Because you think only these type of people are the true Europeans, and if I post someone who look like you or me they are not European. Lol. Your logic is skewed and it betrays you. :rolleyes:

04-10-2023, 12:05 PM
Because you think only these type of people are the true Europeans, and if I post someone who look like you or me they are not European. Lol. Your logic is skewed and it betrays you. :rolleyes:

I do not think that and I have never said anything like that, I am and I live in Europe and that phenotype is one more, however you are the one who says it and it must be because in your host country and in general in all that continent are the phenotypes par excellence for the European and that is why you are annoyed by the publications of blond or blue-eyed Andalusians because your job is to displace Spain from Europe something unlikely because you are an Italian and you should be aware of the Italians in the center, there you have a lot of exotic work.

Besides what are you talking about, you are not my ethnicity, the Andalusians I post whatever their phenotypes are my ethnicity, not you. ;)

04-12-2023, 06:30 AM
I do not think that and I have never said anything like that, I am and I live in Europe and that phenotype is one more, however you are the one who says it and it must be because in your host country and in general in all that continent are the phenotypes par excellence for the European and that is why you are annoyed by the publications of blond or blue-eyed Andalusians because your job is to displace Spain from Europe something unlikely because you are an Italian and you should be aware of the Italians in the center, there you have a lot of exotic work.

Besides what are you talking about, you are not my ethnicity, the Andalusians I post whatever their phenotypes are my ethnicity, not you. ;)
Wrong again. There are many blonde Afghans and Tajiks. Are they European by your logic? You are making an argument out of nothing. You are creating strawmen.

04-12-2023, 06:53 AM
Wrong again. There are many blonde Afghans and Tajiks. Are they European by your logic? You are making an argument out of nothing. You are creating strawmen.

The blond Afghans you have come to post in the blond Andalusian threads, something that could only occur to someone who is obsessed with displacing Spain from Europe. Luckily you are only fooling yourself. I am a full Andalusian, my dear. Andalusia is Europe, Afghanistan is not Europe.

04-12-2023, 07:18 AM
The blond Afghans you have come to post in the blond Andalusian threads, something that could only occur to someone who is obsessed with displacing Spain from Europe. Luckily you are only fooling yourself. I am a full Andalusian, my dear. Andalusia is Europe, Afghanistan is not Europe.
And? Because everyone knows Spain is in Europe, and nobody said Afghanistan is European. But Afghans and Tajiks have a lot of blonde types. Nobody is displacing Spain from Europe. Again, that's a figment of your recurring delusions.

04-12-2023, 11:29 AM
And? Because everyone knows Spain is in Europe, and nobody said Afghanistan is European. But Afghans and Tajiks have a lot of blonde types. Nobody is displacing Spain from Europe. Again, that's a figment of your recurring delusions.

I don't give a damn about Afghans, I publish Andalusians which is my regional ethnicity.

04-12-2023, 11:56 PM
I don't give a damn about Afghans, I publish Andalusians which is my regional ethnicity.
I don't give a damn as well, but my point was being blonde doesn't make you more European than dark-haired Europeans.

04-13-2023, 01:30 AM
Awe cute dog. Hope doggo is doing good

04-13-2023, 10:02 AM
I don't give a damn as well, but my point was being blonde doesn't make you more European than dark-haired Europeans.

This is something we all know in Europe.