View Full Version : Which country would you rather live in: Wales, Italy or New Zealand?

Tooting Carmen
04-04-2023, 11:03 PM
I mention the three of them together in this thread: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?227882-List-examples-of-blatant-oxymorons-and-paradoxes

04-04-2023, 11:04 PM
Probably Wales

Tooting Carmen
04-04-2023, 11:11 PM
Probably Wales

How come?

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
04-04-2023, 11:13 PM
Either option sounds interesting and good. I'll stick with Italy however. If it weren't for the distance of a 25 hour flight and numerous stopovers, New Zealand would be very tempting too but it shortens the possibility of returning home and to the family more often.

04-04-2023, 11:13 PM
Going with Italy here.

04-04-2023, 11:15 PM
Wales, under the condition I get to live in a stone cottage on a little farm:)

04-04-2023, 11:16 PM

de Burgh II
04-04-2023, 11:19 PM
Wales, preferably in a rural village.

04-04-2023, 11:20 PM
Tough one, the three are great options. Beautiful countries. I think I'd discard New Zealand due to its isolation.

04-04-2023, 11:25 PM
How come?

It just looks pretty to me

04-04-2023, 11:31 PM

04-04-2023, 11:52 PM
Italy, the prime minister ain't woke and will no longer let it get poked in the ass like Wales. New Zealand? Still indecisive politically.

Sebastianus Rex
04-05-2023, 12:08 AM
Can't answer properly, I've only been to (parts of) Italy.

04-05-2023, 12:23 AM
Can I change my option and say Andorra Tooting?

04-05-2023, 12:31 AM
Italy when it comes to culture and lifestyle, New Zealand for condition of life.

Tooting Carmen
04-05-2023, 12:32 AM
Can I change my option and say Andorra Tooting?

No. But you can vote here: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?371822-Which-city-state-would-you-rather-live-in-Andorra-Monaco-San-Marino-or-Luxembourg

04-05-2023, 12:34 AM
No. But you can vote here: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?371822-Which-city-state-would-you-rather-live-in-Andorra-Monaco-San-Marino-or-Luxembourg


04-05-2023, 12:37 AM

Tooting Carmen
04-05-2023, 12:37 AM

Viva Franco, al menos en temas economicos! (As I have written elsewhere, on issues of State ownership and public welfare, the likes of Franco and Mussolini were actually to the Left of today's UK Labour Party and US Democrats, let alone the Tories and Republicans).

04-05-2023, 12:42 AM
Viva Franco, al menos en temas economicos! (As I have written elsewhere, on issues of State ownership and public welfare, the likes of Franco and Mussolini were actually to the Left of today's UK Labour Party and US Democrats, let alone the Tories and Republicans).

In Spain nobody accepts nuances of this type in politics Tooting. Or white or black. In this case or blue or red.

Most people label you at the slightest opinion as one side or the other.

Maybe it's not just a thing of Spain, possibly the majority of people in any country act like that in ideological matters.:icon_ask:

Tooting Carmen
04-05-2023, 12:47 AM
In Spain nobody accepts nuances of this type in politics Tooting. Or white or black. In this case or blue or red.

Most people label you at the slightest opinion as one side or the other.

Maybe it's not just a thing of Spain, possibly the majority of people in any country act like that in ideological matters.:icon_ask:

I know what you mean, but don't forget that Continental Europe in general (including Spain) tends to be more statist and corporatist on economic issues, for good and for ill, than the Anglosphere. Thus, it is true to an extent that your Right is our Left. xD As for the economy under Franco, the level of State intervention and ownership would horrify almost all contemporary Republicans and Tories and even many contemporary Democrats and Labourites: SOEs like Iberia, RENFE, AENA, SEAT etc. were abundant, and the permitted trade unions, although forbidden from striking, actually had a lot of power in terms of collective bargaining and wage-setting.

Mopi Licinius Crassus
04-05-2023, 05:04 AM
Probably Wales

i live in North Wales :cool:

04-05-2023, 05:21 AM
Between Wales and Italy, I like Italy more.

New Zealand would be nice to live in there, since I love countries with good standard of living and very sparsely populated and with lots of nature and amazing, wild and beautiful landscapes, though it would be very far from my two home countries (Spain and Venezuela). I would be undecided between Italy and New Zealand.

Nothing against Wales. Is a nice country too, but I prefer Italy and NZ over Wales.

06-07-2023, 03:12 PM
Although I find all three options to be interesting and appealing, I'd choose Italy simply since it's closer to home.
The most alluring places to me are the small, genuine towns and rural parts of Tuscany, Liguria and Emilia Romagna.

06-07-2023, 04:00 PM
Italy, Wales, New Zealand, in this order.

Tooting Carmen
06-07-2023, 06:32 PM
Italy, Wales, New Zealand, in this order.


06-07-2023, 06:38 PM
Wales, I love this country for a personal reason that dates back to a long time ago. Italians are extremely nice people , but a bit different from Greeks mentality-wise. NZ probably too capitalistic and too conventional for my taste, but I love it as well.

06-07-2023, 06:50 PM

Italy is the least cultural shock. Not that other European countries are that distant but i feel instantly more at home in Italy than in any other country. Only other cuisine i find entirely edible on the whole as well :D

Maybe if you seek the change of scenery, then that wouldn't be Italy for me in this case.

06-07-2023, 06:51 PM
Italy, but not northern Italy. I prefer centre and south. Islands are cool too.

06-07-2023, 09:10 PM

06-09-2023, 05:06 AM
Definitely Italy for me

06-09-2023, 09:45 AM
NZ is nice place its just the New Zealanders, those accents ...fishn cheps, sex sex instead six six,
Wales is probably interesting for quick visit but I consider Ireland and England more interesting but just too friggin cold.

I would go somewhere more diverse to what Im accustomed to.
I would choose Italy , maybe Rome or the Amalfi coast or Lake como.
I would learn Italian, drink good coffee and wine, eat good pasta and Pizza, whats not to like.

07-06-2023, 06:27 AM
New Zealand - Rotorua perhaps

07-06-2023, 06:37 AM
Not anglo: Italy.

07-06-2023, 07:29 AM
Probably Wales

Because they speak English and I dont speak Italian
Because it is not as hot there as in New Zealand

07-06-2023, 08:46 AM
Italy by far. Good weather, great food, warm sea etc.

Hobbiton is far away from everything, would be boring.

Wales is a cloudy, rainy land, not my taste.

07-06-2023, 09:55 AM
In Italy, a siesta is when people sleep for half a day and no one is working around. From 10.00-20.00 every Italian is obliged to sleep. It doesn't suit me. Usually I sleep - and everyone works. New Zealand is too small, cramped and isolated from the whole world. Wales is probably too dreary + I don't like English. I think he's too illogical.

07-06-2023, 10:24 AM
Italy has great history and nice sights but the weather is dogshit. Too hot, too humid, too sunny. New Zealand has fantastic camping/hiking spots/trails but it's relatively poor, has ethnic natives and is removed far away from Europe. Wales would be a perfect choice. An interesting language which, unlike irish, is actually wide-spread and used by people outside of Gaeltachts and I'd love to have a motivation to learn a celtic language. A long and interesting history and one of the most influential mythologies in Europe. Also welsh people are nice in general, one of my best mates is Welsh.

07-06-2023, 10:26 AM
Italy, sun and sea, best food, history....

07-06-2023, 11:03 AM
South of Italy or Sicilia, for sure, some smaller town, not a huge city, but not a village at the same time, with income from outside.

07-06-2023, 11:05 AM
but it's relatively poor

I think NZ standard is quite high, never heard about it being poor. The other thing is that I always thought it's better to live in poorer countries with better climate, food, more open people, than in countries of higher standard where you're gonna be on bottom unless you're some valuable specialist. People like you, who are in IT (you've mentioned it) often use to benefit through such differences.

Btw North of Italy has much less hours of sun annually than both Russian and Ukrainian South, considering you're from our South you'd feel perfect somewhere in close to Milan or Torino with mountains next to you.

07-06-2023, 11:24 AM
I think NZ standard is quite high, never heard about it being poor. The other thing is that I always thought it's better to live in poorer countries with better climate, food, more open people, than in countries of higher standard where you're gonna be on bottom unless you're some valuable specialist. People like you, who are in IT (you've mentioned it) often use to benefit through such differences.

Btw North of Italy has much less hours of sun annually than both Russian and Ukrainian South, considering you're from our South you'd feel perfect somewhere in close to Milan or Torino with mountains next to you.

The problem with settling in some poor, small country with 'good weather/food/people' is that your children will have less opportunities in the future. Again, NZ is only relatively poor. It's poorer than the UK on average, but richer than the balkans by a huge margin. Countries with 'higher standards of living' will be a great boost for your future generations to establish themselves. Even if you're not a 'specialist' and are poor yourself, it's better to live in a richer country, because it will always have better education, access to better healthcare, it will be much safer to live there, etc. I would not move to NZ or Wales because currently Russia has better opportunities for me, especially considering "His" reign is nearing an end and Russia will have an opportunity to shift towards the US and Western Europe again.
I'm from the south but I absolutely despise the weather here. Hot weather is for actual southrons, I was made for Karelian forests and lakes. Or for Norwegian mountains. I'm most comfortable when the temps are at -15 or +15, when there's little to no wind and when it's snowy, I love snow. We get a lot of snow in winter but our summers are awful. Yesterday I received a notification from our Emergency services that the temperatures might be as high as 36c for the next three days :) Lovely.

07-06-2023, 11:37 AM
Yesterday I received a notification from our Emergency services that the temperatures might be as high as 36c for the next three days :) Lovely.

+29c in Moscow atm

Current weather in place I lived from 3 to 14 years old and went for whole summer almost until 19 before the uni


Current weather in place where I lived from 24 to 30 years old (almost +40 there soon)


Current weather in place where I will hopefully move finally in end of this autumn


Also, I guess you're in Krasnodar region where hot weather is very humid which makes it unbearable, while "my" places except Moscow and partly Serbia have much drier or steppe dry climate with active air circulation. +36 in Nikolaev is much better than +28c in Moscow.

But, after all, I guess you see why I would prefer Southern Italy :D

07-06-2023, 12:14 PM
Preferisco il paese della migliore pizza, le migliori paste e e il piu gelato piu buono.
Voi gia sapete di quale paese sto parlando. :)

Mopi Licinius Crassus
07-06-2023, 01:28 PM
Italy by far. Good weather, great food, warm sea etc.

Hobbiton is far away from everything, would be boring.

Wales is a cloudy, rainy land, not my taste.

Did you know I live in Wales ? (I actually live about 1/2 mile inside the border from England) :)

07-06-2023, 01:40 PM
But probably I would like to live in the three places.
I like a lot the three ones.
The only issue is if I wouldn't considered too wog by local people in Cymru and in New Zealand... :confused:

07-06-2023, 01:43 PM
Italy. I have nothing against Wales -- beautiful countryside and plenty of historical sights, quite nice beaches -- but I'm not a fan of British politics, British food, and British humidity. New Zealand also seems like a beautiful place, but it's too far removed from everything else, which makes traveling even for work or family related purposes very difficult and expensive. Island living is difficult if your obligations and attachments are not all in one place. Plus, it is a relatively 'new' country, and I would miss living surrounded by history the way that I'm accustomed to. I'm not possessed of a southern temperament, but I appreciate warm Mediterranean climates, high quality food and the ability to get on a train or in the car and travel abroad when needed.

Tooting Carmen
07-06-2023, 02:10 PM
But probably I would like to live in the three places.
I like a lot the three ones.
The only issue is if I wouldn't considered too wog by local people in Cymru and in New Zealand... :confused:

Ironically, at least online, I would say there are more Nordicist/blonde-obsessed Italians than Welsh or Kiwis. xD

07-06-2023, 03:24 PM
Ironically, at least online, I would say there are more Nordicist/blonde-obsessed Italians than Welsh or Kiwis. xD

Sure, I don't doubt it, although I haven't met a single italian nordicist in real life but probably in the web is like you say.
But what I mean is may be kiwis and welsh people could feel I am too different... not in the sense of my wogginess (probably I shouldn't use the term I did), but the point I look very different to them and it's something noticeable at first glance.
But probably could be my own bias and most people don't care about it...

07-06-2023, 03:26 PM
Ironically, at least online, I would say there are more Nordicist/blonde-obsessed Italians than Welsh or Kiwis. xD

Sure, I don't doubt it, although I haven't met a single italian nordicist in real life but probably in the web is like you say.
But what I mean is may be kiwis and welsh people could feel I am too different... not in the sense of my wogginess (probably I shouldn't use the term I did), but the point I look very different to them and it's something noticeable at first glance.
But probably could be my own bias and most people don't care about it...

Tooting Carmen
07-06-2023, 03:30 PM
Sure, I don't doubt it, although I haven't met a single italian nordicist in real life but probably in the web is like you say.
But what I mean is may be kiwis and welsh people could feel I am too different... not in the sense of my wogginess (probably I shouldn't use the term I did), but the point I look very different to them and it's something noticeable at first glance.
But probably could be my own bias and most people don't care about it...

Well both countries have a lot of Italian descendants, so at "worst" they might assume you're one of them. Either way, it shouldn't be a big deal.

07-06-2023, 03:30 PM

07-06-2023, 07:11 PM
Ironically, at least online, I would say there are more Nordicist/blonde-obsessed Italians than Welsh or Kiwis. xD

The spaghetti troll with similar behavior that Hispanoamerican trolls

07-07-2023, 01:58 AM
Italy, the more south the better.

07-07-2023, 03:00 AM

07-07-2023, 03:02 AM

Tooting Carmen
09-09-2023, 12:43 PM

Because it is culturally more similar?

09-09-2023, 01:04 PM
Because it is culturally more similar?

Si y me es más conocido que las otras opciones, me gusta su comida y podría aprender fácilmente el idioma

09-09-2023, 01:40 PM
NZ for me, without a doubt. I accidentally voted for Italy.

09-09-2023, 02:58 PM
easy pick Italy

New Zealand is not that safe, earthquaeks, volcanoes, most of New Zealand is inhabited for some reason after all
Wales has nothing to offer, this region seems to be not as prosperous anymore, nice nature but economically it doesn't seem to do that well

Italy is doing better economically, at least the north so Lombardy this area specifically would be my pick, not too hot, still good food and quite good money(yes, this is the factor I consider, I won't feed myself with cute nature)

09-09-2023, 03:19 PM
Wales: Tom Jones and the Stereophonics, cool landscapes, beautiful women.

09-09-2023, 03:45 PM
I choose Italy. Although I notice that a country that is more western and northern is better, it is still hard for me to be away from the sun. The sun makes me happy and strong. Active and successful. Competitive and positive. I do not succeed much in the northern and western countries. On the other hand, they are hard to beat where there is sun. I love music and everything dry. I will choose Italy.

09-09-2023, 08:55 PM
NZ for me, without a doubt. I accidentally voted for Italy.
Same, Rotorua. Have you been there marinero?

Sebastianus Rex
09-09-2023, 10:04 PM
Can't answer properly, I've only been to (parts of) Italy.

Ok, now I have more data to answer. New Zealand never, paranoid political establishment during the plandemic, for one positive case the entire country was locked down. Orwellianesque 1984 dystopia.

Wales, I don't particularly like the UK context, altough Wales is less bad regarding many of the problems I believe. Shitty weather doesn't help. Second place for me.

Italy sounds better, I would adapt easily and it's a far more interesting country and culture than the others.

09-09-2023, 11:27 PM
I've never been to Wales, but I would imagine it's a lot like England, so, rainy. in contrast southern Italy and mind you, Malta, are very beautiful places, so heres my answer.

09-10-2023, 09:54 AM
New Zulland by a but, probably. For us it is kind of like a bizarre overseas Australian state, the nature being the main difference. Would need to adjust to the irritating accents and obsession with Rugby Union, but the same can be said for Wales. Wales is too poky. Italy is a non-starter as I'd never live in a non Anglophone country.

Tooting Carmen
09-10-2023, 10:09 AM
New Zulland by a but, probably. For us it is kind of like a bizarre overseas Australian state, the nature being the main difference. Would need to adjust to the irritating accents and obsession with Rugby Union, but the same can be said for Wales. Wales is too poky. Italy is a non-starter as I'd never live in a non Anglophone country.

Contrary to popular belief, Wales is not anything like as rugby-mad as NZ: in fact, rugby hardly has a presence in North and Mid Wales at all, and throughout the country around three times as many people play football as rugby. This is reflected in both Cardiff City and Swansea City having somewhat bigger attendances than Cardiff RFC and the Ospreys most of the time.

09-10-2023, 10:10 AM
Italy, because theres good weather and it's in Europe so not too far away. I've never been to Italy, but I've been to Spain and Greece, which is nearby.

09-10-2023, 10:11 AM
New Zealand.

09-10-2023, 11:05 AM
new zealand, the lands of maori people

09-10-2023, 11:33 AM
I like warm weather and good cuisine, so I choose Italy.

09-10-2023, 12:07 PM
Italy, if I'm allowed to live in South Tyrol, i. e. in German lands ( = Germany). (I'll not vote as I think the OP did not have that alternative in mind and voting Italy could be very misleading as I never would like to live in an Italian surrounding.)

Otherwise New Zealand.

In Wales I would feel totally alien and displaced as all other people there but me have deep roots in the country. In New Zealand that's less as essentially all are immigrants and even the Maoris came to there "just" some 1000 years ago. But I would much feel to be cut off from my roots and being at an arbitrary "soul-less" place without feeling any deeper ties to that.

Mopi Licinius Crassus
09-10-2023, 12:10 PM
It just looks pretty to me

plus i live in Wales


Tooting Carmen
09-10-2023, 01:25 PM
In Wales I would feel totally alien and displaced as all other people there but me have deep roots in the country.

Not even close to being true: over a fifth of Wales' population was born in England, along with much smaller numbers from other countries too. What's more, even those born and bred in Wales in many cases can only trace their roots there to (at most) the Industrial Revolution during the 18th and 19th centuries. In fact, studies by the Welsh Parliament itself have shown that only a third of people in Wales have surnames of Welsh patrimony, and similarly only around a quarter of people in Wales have four grandparents who were all born in Wales (the most common places of birth being England, Ireland and ironically given this thread Italy).

09-10-2023, 01:43 PM
Not even close to being true: over a fifth of Wales' population was born in England, along with much smaller numbers from other countries too. What's more, even those born and bred in Wales in many cases can only trace their roots their to (at most) the Industrial Revolution during the 18th and 19th centuries. In fact, studies by the Welsh Parliament itself have shown that only a third of people in Wales have surnames of Welsh patrimony, and similarly only around a quarter of people in Wales have four grandparents who were all born in Wales (the most common places of birth being England, Ireland and ironically given this thread Italy).

Okay, I had the whole UK in mind when I spoke of "the country". I'll re-formulate: "Wales and its neighbors on the British Isles". Italy, lol, yeah. But I think Italy alone will not really delegitimate my statement.

Tooting Carmen
09-10-2023, 01:47 PM
Okay, I had the whole UK in mind when I spoke of "the country". I'll re-formulate: "Wales and its neighbors on the British Isles". Italy, lol, yeah. But I think Italy alone will not really delegitimate my statement.

In the 1900's, a lot of Italians settled in South Wales, either to work in the mines or else just set up their own businesses, especially ice cream parlours:

09-10-2023, 02:24 PM
Italy. Not as cold as the other locales, plus the idiosyncracies of the people are most similar to us spics out of all other Euro groups.

Tooting Carmen
09-10-2023, 02:29 PM
the idiosyncracies of the people are most similar to us spics out of all other Euro groups.

A somewhat cynical and even self-hating part of me would argue that isn't an entirely good thing: Mafia, nepotism and sexism.

09-10-2023, 02:36 PM
Italy, if I'm allowed to live in South Tyrol, i. e. in German lands ( = Germany). (I'll not vote as I think the OP did not have that alternative in mind and voting Italy could be very misleading as I never would like to live in an Italian surrounding.)

Otherwise New Zealand.

In Wales I would feel totally alien and displaced as all other people there but me have deep roots in the country. In New Zealand that's less as essentially all are immigrants and even the Maoris came to there "just" some 1000 years ago. But I would much feel to be cut off from my roots and being at an arbitrary "soul-less" place without feeling any deeper ties to that.

plus i live in Wales


Contrary to popular belief, Wales is not anything like as rugby-mad as NZ: in fact, rugby hardly has a presence in North and Mid Wales at all, and throughout the country around three times as many people play football as rugby. This is reflected in both Cardiff City and Swansea City having somewhat bigger attendances than Cardiff RFC and the Ospreys most of the time.
If you were forced to move to Australia or New Zealand where would you prefer to go and why? (including within those countries).

Tooting Carmen
09-10-2023, 02:42 PM
If you were forced to move to Australia or New Zealand where would you prefer to go and why? (including within those countries).

Probably NZ. (1) I like rugby. (2) I find the Maori element fascinating, while at the same time the British element is still big enough to be familiar. (3) The climate is less extreme than in Australia.

09-10-2023, 02:58 PM
Probably NZ. (1) I like rugby. (2) I find the Maori element fascinating, while at the same time the British element is still big enough to be familiar. (3) The climate is less extreme than in Australia.
North or South Island? The South Island is more British, and more similar to the British climate.

Tooting Carmen
09-10-2023, 03:02 PM
North or South Island? The South Island is more British, and more similar to the British climate.


09-10-2023, 03:36 PM
If you were forced to move to Australia or New Zealand where would you prefer to go and why? (including within those countries).

Really for living I'd chose NZ South Island.

Reasons are the climate and the more to my perception untouched nature. Also, I need forests that give some pleasant to me mirco climate.

This doesn't exclude me to maybe find Australia that has both jungle, desert and colder climate in Tasmania more interesting for a visit, but that was not the question. Also, I think that New Zealand will face less immigration pressure from Asia compared to Australia and a strict policy alone can not be relied on in the long run. The lack of big towns is also unattractive to such immigrants.

09-10-2023, 03:57 PM
Really for living I'd chose NZ South Island.

Reasons are the climate and the more to my perception untouched nature. Also, I need forests that give some pleasant to me mirco climate.

This doesn't exclude me to maybe find Australia that has both jungle, desert and colder climate in Tasmania more interesting for a visit, but that was not the question. Also, I think that New Zealand will face less immigration pressure from Asia compared to Australia and a strict policy alone can not be relied on in the long run. The lack of big towns is also unattractive to such immigrants.
Fair answer, NZ's South Island has sublime nature, far more per square mile than any Australian state. NZ towns and cities are a little poor and ugly compared to Australian ones though, and (generalisation) NZers are duller than Australians.

There are some places in South Australia with strong German (Prussian) heritage like Hahndorf, but these aren't really living German communities anymore and inauthentic for your purposes I suppose

09-10-2023, 04:09 PM
Same, Rotorua. Have you been there marinero?
yup, Wellington, Christchurch, Akaroa and Tauranga.
I like it because the standard of living is good, the scenery is stunning, and the people are cool and outgoing(the right amount), rather than annoying as Italians can be. They are also more trustworthy, and everything is more functional.

Italy is a beautiful holiday destination, but I would never live there, and it's too close to home.

if I had to temporarily relocate elsewhere, I would choose something different from what I'm used to in order to experience something new.

Wales is cute, but it's not for me.

09-10-2023, 04:39 PM
yup, Wellington, Christchurch, Akaroa and Tauranga.
I like it because the standard of living is good, the scenery is stunning, and the people are cool and outgoing(the right amount), rather than annoying as Italians can be. They are also more trustworthy, and everything is more functional.

Italy is a beautiful holiday destination, but I would never live there, and it's too close to home.

if I had to temporarily relocate elsewhere, I would choose something different from what I'm used to in order to experience something new.

Wales is cute, but it's not for me.

Very nice :thumb001: And Australia?

When it comes to me, I just can't stand Italian mentality.
And I'm gonna say something outrageous - their cuisine is overrated (I know I'm in minority lol)
No pasta for me. Sorry.

09-10-2023, 05:02 PM
Very nice :thumb001: And Australia?
only Sydney. I noticed that Aussies are more extroverted.

When it comes to me, I just can't stand Italian mentality.
And I'm gonna say something outrageous - their cuisine is overrated (I know I'm in minority lol)
No pasta for me. Sorry.
haha, what a blasphemy! I only eat pasta when I'm in a hurry and don't have time for anything else, and I eat pizza rarely.

however, I like their food (:

09-10-2023, 05:54 PM
Fair answer, NZ's South Island has sublime nature, far more per square mile than any Australian state. NZ towns and cities are a little poor and ugly compared to Australian ones though, and (generalisation) NZers are duller than Australians.

There are some places in South Australia with strong German (Prussian) heritage like Hahndorf, but these aren't really living German communities anymore and inauthentic for your purposes I suppose

Yes. When I vote for NZ South Island I've already totally given up any Germanhood, ofc. (I do fully act within the given borders of the question, at least I try.)

Vid Flumina
09-10-2023, 08:02 PM
italy for now

Tooting Carmen
10-21-2023, 12:44 PM

10-21-2023, 06:47 PM
Great question, all beautiful countries, the obvious answer is Italy, but I'm biased as I think Wales is the most beautiful country on earth, possibly the greenest because of all the rain.