View Full Version : Are most people npc?

04-05-2023, 12:28 PM
I mean. They just seem like npc to me. They are not able to think beyond what media show them. all have similar opinion about everything. They are very similar like npc.
Because of it I think that i am losing abilities to empathize and make friends. I seriously don't talk with many people in real life these days. and online most of the time i only argue with them. Maybe my empathy is decreasing.
It is very hard to care about NPCs. anyone else have similar experience?

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04-05-2023, 12:41 PM
Look, I totally get it, but this mode of thinking can spiral really fast into a self-fulfilling prophecy where you lose the ability to see the humanity in the people around you. Sure, most people are boring and only care about trivial things. The key is to learn the right ways to slowly crack them open and find the light inside.

All humans have a divine spark. Most just have it buried underneath a lifetime of bad social programming, trauma, addictions (even media/screen time), and fear. Nobody is an NPC

04-05-2023, 12:54 PM

Jingle Bell
04-05-2023, 01:19 PM
NPC = A normal person? Or?
And a lot ppl think that others ppl are "NPC", that also dont make the ppl who think that a NPC?

04-05-2023, 01:20 PM
there are people who are truly aware and conscious of deeper potential and perceive the world around them, people who have the capacity to be awakened into real being thus by becoming inspired and guided, and people who are a little better in their conscious ability than wild animals, and a little worse for their capacity for malice, betrayal and lies. A significant enough number of people has true thought and utilizes it for history to move, and humanity to persist, but they still remain a minority.

04-05-2023, 01:24 PM
Whether you like them or not, you have to find a path among them. Its not possible to avoid all of them in the life and i advice you finding minimum shared interest with them if you dont want a couch-potato life forever.

04-05-2023, 02:14 PM
NPC = A normal person? Or?
And a lot ppl think that others ppl are "NPC", that also dont make the ppl who think that a NPC?

Non-Playable Character aka no self-awareness.

Think you're local sword's dealer in a Final Fantasy game.

04-05-2023, 02:19 PM
I will never buy into the idea that the world is a simulation, even to eastern traditions of disillusionment of the mundane world, that the world is an illusion or vanity. Nothing can be more false than taking things literally in this universe, including the idea of the vanity of the world.

"The world as seen by discrimination is like seeing one's own image reflected in a mirror, or one's shadow, or the moon reflected in water, or an echo heard in a valley." ~The Buddha.

When we see things as conditioned, limited as our senses and ignorance can perceive, we are in fact trying to see the reflection of ourself in nature, and we are like Narcissus, drowned in our own conceit. To claim the world as being a simulation sounds like repercussion of "the vanity" of the world philosophy, but in fact, we deny the grandeur of nature before we admit to our own ignorance. Here let me quote myself, I add a new phrase to the famous saying by King Solomon: Vanitas vanitatum, omnia vanitas, Ego sum. This changes everything, the center of all vanity of the world is man`s own ignorance, through which we see and create a world of illusion and vanity. So well corroborating each other the revised King Solomon`s aphorism and Buddha`s teaching in the vanity of the world. The simulation is nothing but our own illusion, we are the simulator no aliens, I find it so dangerous when extremist materialism tries to trespass its ethical boundary and to conflate with all the respectable metaphysical and cultural legacies that stand valid for the unlimited realm of unconditional truth and faith.

To doubt is the opposite way of belief which is taken by the world simulation theory, so what?are we just computer algorithms? Maybe, I conjectured in the past that CERN is using high energy particles to program the world !! The fabric of spacetime is probably programmable using high energy physics. What Roman Rolland says? a hero is to love in spite of the hardship. This is the grain of consciousness we can justify our own existence with.

I see science is the true maker of NPCism in humanity, programming, AI surveillance, privacy violation, for those who can not tell the truth to the public there is no ground for them to deny the validity of our believes in ancient wisdoms. My own belief in reality is that belief makes a real character, William Faulkner says:“that the best way to take all people, black or white, is to take them for what they think they are, then leave them alone.”. This law is even more inspiring when we try to elaborate what people think into what they believe. Also, mainstream idea to ascertain whether AI really has consciousness, is to see whether they try to lie. I would say, this standard is stupid, if we take Buddha`s saying that the world being our own mirror to be true, then, AI will be able to lie on their own without being programmed to do it, through the Learning Process. To believe is the only true token of consciousness, it is true that most people can not be really sure what is consciousness at all, this is a big mystery. Our cognitivity of the world also is rooted in the problem of consciousness and this NPC problem is also rooted in the same basis. A very good problem to be honest. What is belief or to believe? if it is more foundamental to consciousness, how can it be answer here definitively, impossible. I would say this, to be predictable is like an NPC, also, people fear unpredictable things, this fear is also an anticipation, so a totally none NPC is to be free from predictability and fear, how hard can it be?

Yes, most people are infinitely close to being an NPC, they are predictable, plastic, routine, but we can not treat them as NPC, even if the world is a simulation, we do not treat the world as a simulation, we even pay emotional bonds to anime characters, NPCs, without requite. This is the most obvious difference between a conscious player and NPCs in a game, our attachments and tributes are unrequited and willing, we do not always calculate the return, maybe it is a part of belief. We treat dogs like a human, cats like friends, NPCs as real people, treat our fellow people as one, the shabby reality? we call it a vanity, this is the best proof of consciousness. 一沙一世界,一叶一菩提/A grain of sand is a whole world, a leaf is a living Buddha-Buddha. Non literal, not only the world is not a simulation, but an infinite ocean of wonders, veiled behind our ignorance, every grain of sand is an entire universe and NPCs in the games are no longer NPCs, when we pay our emotions to them. We live, we believe, we create, so everything shall be real or more real than real and get ever more real than the last time, as we are reflecting on this very problem, is the predication of our consciousness, and this reflection of consciousness has no definitive end, endless reflection is not the end yet, humanity can go deeper than that, one example is Samadhi, a perfect state of awareness. This immeasurable space of self-discovery is amazing enough to phase out the question about simulatability of the world, isnt it?

04-05-2023, 02:21 PM
NPC = A normal person? Or?

Non-playable character. Kids way of saying "irrelevant person".

04-05-2023, 04:09 PM
The gobernment loves having NPCs.

04-05-2023, 04:21 PM
In my simulated universe, the higher being controlling this avatar, often whispers to me all of you are NPC's. Some are nice, some are fucking useless. Hopefully In v3.14 many will go away.

Now i need to go to sleep, i mean he needs to log off.

04-05-2023, 04:29 PM
NPC? No personal control? New pointless conceit?

04-05-2023, 04:30 PM
Yes. Most don’t know how to decode the exoteric to get the esoteric and that is where all the predictive programming and predictive analysis comes from. You’re just using what’s happened in the past because there’s nothing new under the sun, literally. Schools won’t teach you that on purpose. Governments want brain dead npcs.

Hollywood/wand. Druids made their Wands out of the Hollywood tree.

04-05-2023, 04:41 PM
Left supports everything what the elite wants to force on peoples, doesnt matter what is it. It can be Ukraine, vaccination, lmbtq etc, and leftists are similar to these agents from the Matrix movie. They are the npc warrior class, among the other simple npc like in Matrix. Real players are these who choosed the red pill and can regognize the slavery and opression of globalists.

04-05-2023, 04:54 PM
Left supports everything what the elite wants to force on peoples, doesnt matter what is it. It can be Ukraine, vaccination, lmbtq etc, and leftists are similar to these agents from the Matrix movie. They are the npc warrior class, among the other simple npc like in Matrix. Real players are these who choosed the red pill and can regognize the slavery and opression of globalists.

Everything is scripted. They practically told us there will be a global pandemic in 2019 with their Event 201 exercise. They do this as to not upset the universe and that’s why they tell us in advance. It sounds crazy to normies or npcs but it’s what they believe in.

04-05-2023, 05:40 PM
Look into their eyes. Expressionless dead fish eyes means golem.

04-05-2023, 05:41 PM
I now watch the movie Compliance 2012 where just one clever psychopath manipulates a bunch of NPCs into disaster in just a few hours. This case seems to me extreme but the idea that NPCs have to pay for the privilege of having a lazy brain is correct:


04-05-2023, 05:46 PM
Everything is scripted. They practically told us there will be a global pandemic in 2019 with their Event 201 exercise.
Btw, I've heard that Biden has recently announced that the new wave of the plandemic would be even more costy than what was before. But I heard it in the translation and I couldn't find the original quote.

04-06-2023, 04:21 PM