View Full Version : Why are central European countries quieter on average than the UK or the Med?

04-06-2023, 07:19 PM
One of the biggest contrasts between Britain and France is that in the latter levels of rowdiness and general noise are lower, shops are not as prone to play Ariana Grande at full blast and kids are also a lot quieter, nightime scenes in provincial French cities are a lot less rowdy than in provincial British cities and the way women dress and do their makeup etc is extremely different at night though of course promiscuity is about as common in France as in Britain. Germany has been described in a similar fashion too, Spain is a lot noisier as everyone knows, especially the children who run around shouting at 2 am in the morning especially in the holidays.

04-06-2023, 08:17 PM

04-06-2023, 08:29 PM
Less social.

04-06-2023, 09:00 PM
When you have lived in France enough, you realize everybody is an autist trying hard to parade as a social creature. Some more convincingly than others. It's some sort of social pressure to appear like that for some reasons i still can't explain entirely but maybe simply because deep down we know we are not that social and that ain't "cool". There s often a stark contrast when you know people intimately.

I ve never seen as much face painting, 10cm falsies and oddly promiscuous women than in UK but i wouldn't say they are that loud in general.

Tooting Carmen
04-06-2023, 09:08 PM
the way women dress and do their makeup etc is extremely different at night though of course promiscuity is about as common in France as in Britain.

Isn't the usual gripe of the French towards British (and American) attitudes towards sex that it is too puritanical?

04-06-2023, 09:29 PM
Curiously, in the tourist areas of southern Europe, the most noisy, rude, impudent and scandalous are usually British tourists.

It seems that as soon as they see the opportunity to behave as they really are, free from the corset that their society imposes on them, they show their true face.

And Central Europeans...well, In their countries they are quite quiet, but when they go abroad many times they are not easily distinguishable from the British in matters of behavior.

04-06-2023, 09:31 PM
Isn't the usual gripe of the French towards British (and American) attitudes towards sex that it is too puritanical?

Well the french have always been promiscuous, everybody is puritanical to them.

04-06-2023, 09:32 PM
Curiously, in the tourist areas of southern Europe, the most noisy, rude, impudent and scandalous are usually British tourists.

It seems that as soon as they see the opportunity to behave as they really are, free from the corset that their society imposes on them, they show their true face.

A sober brit and a drunk Brit are 2 completely diferent things.

04-06-2023, 09:54 PM
A sober brit and a drunk Brit are 2 completely diferent things.

I disagree, sober Brits have an undeserved reputation as quiet and reserved, in Surrey perhaps but people in the working class areas are loud and boisterous before they even start drinking and thats just the women.

04-06-2023, 10:18 PM
A sober brit and a drunk Brit are 2 completely diferent things.
