View Full Version : Classify these 4 very poor Afghan men

04-10-2023, 11:09 PM
This one gives me Italian vibes I don't know why

https://i.ibb.co/VCpSJ8g/Screenshot-20230411-000216-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/NNnjtz9)
https://i.ibb.co/SXg7sjq/Screenshot-20230411-000025-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/DDFgVJ3)

Same as this one

https://i.ibb.co/0CWv0fm/Screenshot-20230411-000248-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/x1cdnMX)
https://i.ibb.co/FgPFM7r/Screenshot-20230411-000553.jpg (https://ibb.co/t8d9tCG)
https://i.ibb.co/54hg3yp/Screenshot-20230411-000606.jpg (https://ibb.co/H4Tfysw)

https://i.ibb.co/Q9c79kD/Screenshot-20230411-000449-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/G7Jf79H)
https://i.ibb.co/XWmJwbk/Screenshot-20230411-000532-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/2FXKbyY)
https://i.ibb.co/zsY4X65/Screenshot-20230411-000512-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/0qSGCsX)

04-10-2023, 11:33 PM
They dont look Italian though the one with the reddish hair and beard can pass between Italy-Uk-Netherlands

04-11-2023, 01:10 AM
Iranid + Indo Iranid, Iranid, Nordo-Iranid, Proto-Iranid + minor Asiatic Alpine.
Iranids are more similar morhologically to Mediterranids and Nordids than to any other Orientalid type (their category), so that's probably why they have this European look, sometimes the only thing that gives them away is the very hooked noses (when they have them):

Tooting Carmen
04-11-2023, 02:11 AM
LOL they resemble light Pakistanis, not Italians. They might pass in the Caucasus though.

Jacques de Imbelloni
04-11-2023, 03:13 AM
For compariritionh, italian dressed like pashtun people:
Hindu Kush Milsimhttps://scontent.fros8-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/85150236_2546606185447839_979869537014906880_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=-KcDRQTETt0AX_APKNk&_nc_ht=scontent.fros8-1.fna&oh=00_AfCNtcdSzSw-rjxf7t-t3Bgfr8vk4nRFGJrXdiuc50Er_w&oe=645C5651https://scontent.fros8-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/85048150_2546606015447856_2113432253924114432_n.jp g?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=RDa0-AIz-S0AX8P-LsN&_nc_ht=scontent.fros8-1.fna&oh=00_AfD1FRIlI7HhiIj-16ZhVRn12vHVb6IAYbIbBS51QJ4zuw&oe=645C29F8https://scontent.fros8-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/85007849_2546605798781211_7227351668973633536_n.jp g?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=6ziRgIJQYm4AX-6AjeD&_nc_ht=scontent.fros8-1.fna&oh=00_AfDmv8fUbLsJaVUCw0JdafAr6-AcMqgKzjzbzs3Uw0ST1g&oe=645C38C2

04-11-2023, 03:37 AM
LOL they resemble light Pakistanis, not Italians. They might pass in the Caucasus though.

The only Pakistani resemble are pashtuns And chitralis not anything else . That doesn't even count in my eyes since the former and latter are both iranic / dardic groups which share major similarities with Afghans than Indus folk .

04-11-2023, 03:39 AM
Iranid + Indo Iranid, Iranid, Nordo-Iranid, Proto-Iranid + minor Asiatic Alpine.
Iranids are more similar morhologically to Mediterranids and Nordids than to any other Orientalid type (their category), so that's probably why they have this European look, sometimes the only thing that gives them away is the very hooked noses (when they have them):
Agreed although tbh the OP have all straight noses. The typical Afghan nose is straight pointy not hooked , this is a massive misconception .

04-11-2023, 03:41 AM
For compariritionh, italian dressed like pashtun people:
Hindu Kush Milsimhttps://scontent.fros8-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/85150236_2546606185447839_979869537014906880_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=-KcDRQTETt0AX_APKNk&_nc_ht=scontent.fros8-1.fna&oh=00_AfCNtcdSzSw-rjxf7t-t3Bgfr8vk4nRFGJrXdiuc50Er_w&oe=645C5651https://scontent.fros8-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/85048150_2546606015447856_2113432253924114432_n.jp g?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=RDa0-AIz-S0AX8P-LsN&_nc_ht=scontent.fros8-1.fna&oh=00_AfD1FRIlI7HhiIj-16ZhVRn12vHVb6IAYbIbBS51QJ4zuw&oe=645C29F8https://scontent.fros8-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/85007849_2546605798781211_7227351668973633536_n.jp g?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=6ziRgIJQYm4AX-6AjeD&_nc_ht=scontent.fros8-1.fna&oh=00_AfDmv8fUbLsJaVUCw0JdafAr6-AcMqgKzjzbzs3Uw0ST1g&oe=645C38C2

First guy resembles this italian

https://i.ibb.co/6ytCNNn/1100147-v9-ba.jpg (https://ibb.co/XW5RVV2)

04-11-2023, 04:07 AM
Iranid + Indo Iranid, Iranid, Nordo-Iranid, Proto-Iranid + minor Asiatic Alpine.
Iranids are more similar morhologically to Mediterranids and Nordids than to any other Orientalid type (their category), so that's probably why they have this European look, sometimes the only thing that gives them away is the very hooked noses (when they have them):

What about these folk in the same video?

https://i.ibb.co/yVXk9q3/Screenshot-20230411-045720-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/QXfHgM5)
https://i.ibb.co/3y9jjH4/Screenshot-20230411-050426-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/6R7TT5r)
https://i.ibb.co/K2LRvyG/Screenshot-20230411-045806-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/CbMNG0t)
https://i.ibb.co/jZD62FS/Screenshot-20230411-045943-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/Wpfxw1L)
https://i.ibb.co/yN6NY2j/Screenshot-20230411-050027-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/fXkXnJw)
https://i.ibb.co/BC2dQy0/Screenshot-20230411-050207-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/Ny2QJ9c)
https://i.ibb.co/52kcbQj/Screenshot-20230411-050301-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/YbXjH5d)
https://i.ibb.co/dB6D4Jv/Screenshot-20230411-050334-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/gywJZF8)
https://i.ibb.co/gj290cn/Screenshot-20230411-050342-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/98DgxdM)
https://i.ibb.co/JjhS1bw/Screenshot-20230411-050043-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/N24Gvkd)
https://i.ibb.co/Jq94tJP/Screenshot-20230411-050114-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/cwjH3nd)
https://i.ibb.co/w4n6TLy/Screenshot-20230411-050726-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/NK0YX3x)

04-11-2023, 04:09 AM
LOL they resemble light Pakistanis, not Italians. They might pass in the Caucasus though.

Btw those people in the video are from an area in eastern kabul which is populated by Afghans from the eastern provinces, namely jalalabad. Jalalabad is known to be the "darkest " region of Afghanistan. It's the Sicily of Afghanistan. Hence why they are very tanned , due to exposure to Sun their whole lives plus extreme poverty.

04-11-2023, 09:45 AM
The only Pakistani resemble are pashtuns And chitralis not anything else . That doesn't even count in my eyes since the former and latter are both iranic / dardic groups which share major similarities with Afghans than Indus folk .

Dardic groups are within the Indo-Aryan/Indic group and they are clearly related to Indus folk as can be deduced from the Indo-Aryan language of the Dardic groups. The difference is that most of the Dardic groups have much lower amounts of AASI/ASI than most of the Indus folk which is the main reason for difference in their appearance.

Kalash and Chitralis are both in the Dardic group as are Pashai in Afghanistan. Dardic groups generally have somewhat higher AASI / ASI though than Pashtuns in Afghanistan. Kashmiris are also within the Dardic group but their AASI/ASI is higher than the other Dardic groups.

Some Chitralis can look like Pashtuns but overall, when I saw them in group pics, they look different to Pashtuns .
e.g. Chitralis do not look like these Taliban guys.


04-11-2023, 09:51 AM
Their skin colour and general apperaence is more similar to "Gypsies" then to Italians or any European, they are "leather brown" or chocolate tanned, like this gypsy with his choco tann. (Except the red haired light eyed guy of course). Are you now butthurt, because of the comparison with the choco race? Btw their features are more iranian/semitic/middle eastern even jewish then gypsy though, some of them have a big hooked nose and irano-afghan features, gypsies look more brachy etc.

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/340962954_906073130505439_5528421548069324263_n.jp g?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=5WmUvcb2TxsAX_k9bM-&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfB6kklVSkDZr0lfWpxF6jmrBqckDQN1umVY-IChiRZriw&oe=643A5E4B

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/340776252_248027417699173_3209970573821625410_n.jp g?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=HFRQBmrP5skAX9Wzr83&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfBvApF7o3jGSrwOZW6Rl0qWIdvmyDTvZTWybZyDtGL_ SA&oe=643977CE

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/17855099_10155091910029000_8425695197862788969_o.j pg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=LK-JNcE9qHcAX8JyxZV&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfBA4mrU9GOawgAHx5OkEyGxHvQw1ylS8yVAiko4mj2h Cg&oe=645CAFD8

04-11-2023, 11:08 AM
Dardic groups are within the Indo-Aryan/Indic group and they are clearly related to Indus folk as can be deduced from the Indo-Aryan language of the Dardic groups. The difference is that most of the Dardic groups have much lower amounts of AASI/ASI than most of the Indus folk which is the main reason for difference in their appearance.

Kalash and Chitralis are both in the Dardic group as are Pashai in Afghanistan. Dardic groups generally have somewhat higher AASI / ASI though than Pashtuns in Afghanistan. Kashmiris are also within the Dardic group but their AASI/ASI is higher than the other Dardic groups.

Some Chitralis can look like Pashtuns but overall, when I saw them in group pics, they look different to Pashtuns .
e.g. Chitralis do not look like these Taliban guys.


Pashayis themselves consider themselves pashtuns but just speaking a slightly different language . I know quite few pashayis and they look no different to pashtuns . Cherry picking dark kandahari talibans hundreds of miles away prove your point lol.
Nuristanis are not dardic btw don't get your pants in a twist bro .





Kandahar pashtuns


Pashtuns again


04-11-2023, 11:10 AM
Their skin colour and general apperaence is more similar to "Gypsies" then to Italians or any European, they are "leather brown" or chocolate tanned, like this gypsy with his choco tann. (Except the red haired light eyed guy of course). Are you now butthurt, because of the comparison with the choco race? Btw their features are more iranian/semitic/middle eastern even jewish then gypsy though, some of them have a big hooked nose and irano-afghan features, gypsies look more brachy etc.

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/340962954_906073130505439_5528421548069324263_n.jp g?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=5WmUvcb2TxsAX_k9bM-&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfB6kklVSkDZr0lfWpxF6jmrBqckDQN1umVY-IChiRZriw&oe=643A5E4B

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/340776252_248027417699173_3209970573821625410_n.jp g?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=HFRQBmrP5skAX9Wzr83&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfBvApF7o3jGSrwOZW6Rl0qWIdvmyDTvZTWybZyDtGL_ SA&oe=643977CE

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/17855099_10155091910029000_8425695197862788969_o.j pg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=LK-JNcE9qHcAX8JyxZV&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfBA4mrU9GOawgAHx5OkEyGxHvQw1ylS8yVAiko4mj2h Cg&oe=645CAFD8

They are very poor and extremely sun burnt , ofcourse they will be leathery skinned . They still don't look gypsy and unlike gyppos their natural skin tone is not Brown.

04-11-2023, 11:14 AM
They are very poor and extremely sun burnt , ofcourse they will be leathery skinned . They still don't look gypsy and unlike gyppos their natural skin tone is not Brown.

They dont look gypsy, but they do not look european at all. And not more european then gypsies, they have very uneuropean features, i think gypsies have more european features if i compare the groups. Are you sure they are not naturally tanned? Are you sure it is all from the sun?

04-11-2023, 11:16 AM
Their skin colour and general apperaence is more similar to "Gypsies" then to Italians or any European, they are "leather brown" or chocolate tanned, like this gypsy with his choco tann. (Except the red haired light eyed guy of course). Are you now butthurt, because of the comparison with the choco race? Btw their features are more iranian/semitic/middle eastern even jewish then gypsy though, some of them have a big hooked nose and irano-afghan features, gypsies look more brachy etc.

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/340962954_906073130505439_5528421548069324263_n.jp g?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=5WmUvcb2TxsAX_k9bM-&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfB6kklVSkDZr0lfWpxF6jmrBqckDQN1umVY-IChiRZriw&oe=643A5E4B

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/340776252_248027417699173_3209970573821625410_n.jp g?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=HFRQBmrP5skAX9Wzr83&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfBvApF7o3jGSrwOZW6Rl0qWIdvmyDTvZTWybZyDtGL_ SA&oe=643977CE

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/17855099_10155091910029000_8425695197862788969_o.j pg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=LK-JNcE9qHcAX8JyxZV&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfBA4mrU9GOawgAHx5OkEyGxHvQw1ylS8yVAiko4mj2h Cg&oe=645CAFD8

I also said the first 2 people gsve me Italian vibes mainly that swsrthy dinaro med look you find in southern Italy

04-11-2023, 11:18 AM
I also said the first 2 people gsve me Italian vibes mainly that swsrthy dinaro med look you find in southern Italy

you could say that about any arab or swarthy person.... "swarthy southitalian look" you could stereotype that and say that about any other swarthy person. And they do not look dinaro-med but "semitic"

04-11-2023, 11:20 AM
They dont look gypsy, but they do not look european at all. And not more european then gypsies, they have very uneuropean features, i think gypsies have more european features if i compare the groups. Are you sure they are not naturally tanned? Are you sure it is all from the sun?

Not that it matters but they look way more european fhan these gypsies you always post . Many of given blue eyes , green eyes when tanned skin. Gypsies look like east Meds mixed with dravidian.
Yes they are tanned , since childhood they spend their days out in the sun which Afghanistan is a sunny place . Their skin tone is more reddish hue with tanned skin than brown , I can show you actual brown people if you want .

04-11-2023, 11:21 AM
you could say that about any arab or swarthy person.... "swarthy southitalian look" you could stereotype that and say that about any other swarthy person. And they do not look dinaro-med but "semitic"

What's semitic about them? They have straight noses., Straight hair not curly hair . Don't be an anthrotard.

04-11-2023, 11:24 AM
Not that it matters but they look way more european fhan these gypsies you always post . Many of given blue eyes , green eyes when tanned skin. Gypsies look like east Meds mixed with dravidian.
Yes they are tanned , since childhood they spend their days out in the sun which Afghanistan is a sunny place . Their skin tone is more reddish hue with tanned skin than brown , I can show you actual brown people if you want .

Because I do not post always the ones with lighter eyes or something, but i could. There are many gypsies with green eyes or hazel eyes etc. You probably do that, post always people with green eyes. Do you have a statistic how many pasthuns actually have green or blue eyes in percent? And I speak about features not pigmentation, but there are many light blondish gypsies if we count all sub-groups of gypsies and all individuals, many who might or might not identify as gypsies in daily life but are. The problem it is hard to get the gypsies to do a census, they do not have a country, or media etc. or anything. They lack representation but from the ones I know and from facebook, there are many.

04-11-2023, 11:29 AM
Because I do not post always the ones with lighter eyes or something, but i could. There are many gypsies with green eyes or hazel eyes etc. You probably do that, post always people with green eyes. Do you have a statistic how many pasthuns actually have green or blue eyes in percent? And I speak about features not pigmentation, but there are many light blondish gypsies if we count all sub-groups of gypsies and all individuals, many who might or might not identify as gypsies in daily life but are. The problem it is hard to get the gypsies to do a census, they do not have a country, or media etc. or anything. They lack representation but from the ones I know and from facebook, there are many.

Most of the OP have brown eyes so how am I cherrypicking? If I want to cherrypick would I pick these tanned folks and not so many other light types I could post?

Yes pashtuns have it at 20-25%

04-11-2023, 11:31 AM
Also not everything is about lightness, you can look more european and be darker... I think this guy looks whiter then your red haired guy... eventhough he is much darker.... I think typical Gypsies look more european then typical Afghans...


Tooting Carmen
04-11-2023, 11:32 AM
Most of the OP have brown eyes so how am I cherrypicking? If I want to cherrypick would I pick these tanned folks and not so many other light types I could post?

Yes pashtuns have it at 20-25%

That's about the same percentage as Greeks with light eyes...

04-11-2023, 11:44 AM
That's about the same percentage as Greeks with light eyes...

Which has why I go with the 20% figure , 25% could include hazel. Also I think more than 20% of Greeks have light eyes .

04-11-2023, 11:47 AM
Also not everything is about lightness, you can look more european and be darker... I think this guy looks whiter then your red haired guy... eventhough he is much darker.... I think typical Gypsies look more european then typical Afghans...


Which red haired guy? The blonde one? Lol okay mate , I think our convos ends here. You are very insecure about your race .

Pater Patota
04-11-2023, 12:24 PM
What about these folk in the same video?

https://i.ibb.co/yVXk9q3/Screenshot-20230411-045720-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/QXfHgM5)
https://i.ibb.co/3y9jjH4/Screenshot-20230411-050426-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/6R7TT5r)
https://i.ibb.co/K2LRvyG/Screenshot-20230411-045806-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/CbMNG0t)
https://i.ibb.co/jZD62FS/Screenshot-20230411-045943-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/Wpfxw1L)
https://i.ibb.co/yN6NY2j/Screenshot-20230411-050027-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/fXkXnJw)
https://i.ibb.co/BC2dQy0/Screenshot-20230411-050207-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/Ny2QJ9c)
https://i.ibb.co/52kcbQj/Screenshot-20230411-050301-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/YbXjH5d)
https://i.ibb.co/dB6D4Jv/Screenshot-20230411-050334-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/gywJZF8)
https://i.ibb.co/gj290cn/Screenshot-20230411-050342-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/98DgxdM)
https://i.ibb.co/JjhS1bw/Screenshot-20230411-050043-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/N24Gvkd)
https://i.ibb.co/Jq94tJP/Screenshot-20230411-050114-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/cwjH3nd)
https://i.ibb.co/w4n6TLy/Screenshot-20230411-050726-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/NK0YX3x)

Come on tell the truth, they’re Albanian, right?

04-11-2023, 12:29 PM
This thread is just proof of the usual trolls/ inferior complexed members always derailing my threads as usual . No surprises here .

04-11-2023, 12:30 PM
Come on tell the truth, they’re Albanian, right?

Nah they are Tamil

04-11-2023, 12:42 PM
Come on tell the truth, they’re Albanian, right?

These guys are Australian aboriginals


04-11-2023, 12:46 PM
Come on tell the truth, they’re Albanian, right?

These guys are Malay


04-11-2023, 12:49 PM
Come on tell the truth, they’re Albanian, right?

These guys are from Gujarat


04-11-2023, 03:50 PM
Agreed although tbh the OP have all straight noses. The typical Afghan nose is straight pointy not hooked , this is a massive misconception .

That's why I said "When they have them".

04-11-2023, 05:50 PM
They dont look gypsy, but they do not look european at all. And not more european then gypsies, they have very uneuropean features, i think gypsies have more european features if i compare the groups. Are you sure they are not naturally tanned? Are you sure it is all from the sun?

Look at this shoe shiner for example, look at the top of his head and the contrast with his face where it has been exposed to constant UV radiation .( He says to to the guy who is interviewing him he has been polishing shoes for 33 years )

https://i.ibb.co/zG97NnS/Screenshot-20230411-184858-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/SRYdJsK)

04-11-2023, 06:11 PM
Look at this shoe shiner for example, look at the top of his head and the contrast with his face where it has been exposed to constant UV radiation .( He says to to the guy who is interviewing him he has been polishing shoes for 33 years )

https://i.ibb.co/zG97NnS/Screenshot-20230411-184858-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/SRYdJsK)

The skinhead is typically lighter then the rest even for black africans just like the palms for example even blacks have light palms and is Afghanistan a tropical country like india or africa? I thought Afghanistan is cold with snow in winter.

04-11-2023, 06:42 PM
The skinhead is typically lighter then the rest even for black africans just like the palms for example even blacks have light palms and is Afghanistan a tropical country like india or africa? I thought Afghanistan is cold with snow in winter.

Afghanistan can get very cold but Alot of the province's have sunshine all year round .

If you spend 33 years in the sun you would turn extremely brown my gypsy friend .

04-12-2023, 05:15 AM
Afghanistan can get very cold but Alot of the province's have sunshine all year round .

If you spend 33 years in the sun you would turn extremely brown my gypsy friend .

Im in the sun my whole life or do you think i wear a burqua or something? Everyone is in the sun.

04-12-2023, 06:37 AM
First one looks more north indian/paki than Italian. Second may pass but need more normal pics so I can confirm. But last guy can for sure pass in south Italy!

04-12-2023, 07:30 AM
Im in the sun my whole life or do you think i wear a burqua or something? Everyone is in the sun.

Lol i think you need to go back to school bro. Comparing the Austrian sun to Afghanistan, not only that but you are indoors most of the time , you've been on this forum for more than 10 years. Comparing yourself to a shoe shiner of 33 years in Afghanistan...right .

04-12-2023, 07:32 AM
First one looks more north indian/paki than Italian. Second may pass but need more normal pics so I can confirm. But last guy can for sure pass in south Italy!

Really? The first guy gives me Michele morrone vibes lol . He is tanned but i don't see him passing in south Asia. His features are way off for that.

04-12-2023, 07:41 AM
Lol i think you need to go back to school bro. Comparing the Austrian sun to Afghanistan, not only that but you are indoors most of the time , you've been on this forum for more than 10 years. Comparing yourself to a shoe shiner of 33 years in Afghanistan...right .

He is also indoors, when he sleeps, or doesnt work. And im outdoors, often, not only indoors, im indoors when i sleep, or at the evening when i chill but also outdoors normally. I dont know if Afghanistan is a hot country, though. I didnt know that, I thought Afghanistan as central asia and with many mountains etc. would be cold, it is also a neighbour of siberia and russia, right? I dont think Afghanistan is India or Africa. Im normal outside for Austria. I dont only mean me, but most people are normal outside, like garden work, walking, and all that. Right? I think it is a bit weird to say all Afghans are just tanned from sun, when A) Afghanistan is not that hot or tropical and B) Most people are always in the sun you could say that about Africans too they are in the sun in Africa....

04-12-2023, 07:43 AM
If you say Afghans are typically only sun-tanned, what would you say are the typical afghan skin tones, the typical range? Like Europeans? Skin type I or Skin type II or III ? How many afghans are which?

04-12-2023, 09:41 AM
If you say Afghans are typically only sun-tanned, what would you say are the typical afghan skin tones, the typical range? Like Europeans? Skin type I or Skin type II or III ? How many afghans are which?

Are you trolling or actually this much of a ignorant?

04-12-2023, 11:50 PM
Really? The first guy gives me Michele morrone vibes lol . He is tanned but i don't see him passing in south Asia. His features are way off for that.
Lool I saw the resemblance too, but Michelle looks atypical and weird for an italian as well. They both pass better in iran and maybe azerbaijan. But italy can have many off, atypical types, so if someone like John Turturro can be italian then all bets are off!

Also not everything is about lightness, you can look more european and be darker... I think this guy looks whiter then your red haired guy... eventhough he is much darker.... I think typical Gypsies look more european then typical Afghans...

It's almost the same but I'll give the edge to afghans as gypsies can have more pronounced indic features.

04-13-2023, 05:28 AM
Lool I saw the resemblance too, but Michelle looks atypical and weird for an italian as well. They both pass better in iran and maybe azerbaijan. But italy can have many off, atypical types, so if someone like John Turturro can be italian then all bets are off!

It's almost the same but I'll give the edge to afghans as gypsies can have more pronounced indic features.

"Indics" look like darker europeans (I was thinking of someone like Nikky Haley), to me indics look more european then semitics (because of the features but i guess it depends to which europeans, indics resemble more cromagnids while southitalians like you look more semitic)... and gypsies have quiete european features, the guy looks like a darker tronder to me

04-13-2023, 06:05 AM
"Indics" look like darker europeans (I was thinking of someone like Nikky Haley), to me indics look more european then semitics (because of the features but i guess it depends to which europeans, indics resemble more cromagnids while southitalians like you look more semitic)... and gypsies have quiete european features, the guy looks like a darker tronder to me
Afghans are not semitic though and by indics I mean those with armenoid features such as big hooked noses and weak jaws who have a pseudo semitic appearance like these indian girls preop:


You're speaking of nordo indics who do resemble the broader europeans. But regular indians with large eyes, weak jaw, big lips and dravidian/armenoid type of noses do not look European (such as yourself). Again you're trying to group indians with europeans because you're a gypsy and you wanna find so many ways to link your group with europeans when it just never works!

04-13-2023, 06:19 AM
Afghans are not semitic though and by indics I mean those with armenoid features such as big hooked noses and weak jaws who have a pseudo semitic appearance like these indian girls preop:

You're speaking of nordo indics who do resemble the broader europeans. But regular indians with large eyes, weak jaw, big lips and dravidian/armenoid type of noses do not look European (such as yourself). Again you're trying to group indians with europeans because you're a gypsy and you wanna find so many ways to link your group with europeans when it just never works!

A tiny minority of gypsies has "armenoid" features and semitic features gypsies are mostly of the nordo indic type mixed with greek/anatolian. And you attack me personally, I didnt attacked you personally but of course you as a middle eastern mongrel link always any arab/afghan with italians. Ask any real italian. So you have no place to talk. I usually do not link gypsies with europeans, but im realistic, afghans also have alot of indic types + mongoloid types, gypsies dont have mongoloid types, you stereotype gypsies + leave out lot of afghan types and leave out lots of gypsy types.

Im clearly not armenoid, nor is my family. Why do you used ad hominem against me? Look I look probably more "european" then your mongrel ass.

My mum for example, is clearly very european in features, just a bit "tann" or "darker"... but of course there are various types of gypsies some are "armenoid" "veddoid" etc. but it is a tiny minority, there are such mongoloid influenced or armenoid and more indian influenced afghan types, you cherry pick a gypsy type + a afghan type, is that a fair comparison of the whole nations of both? + Due to history gypsies probably have more "proper" european looking types, such as romanichal, romanisael, manouche, gabor, etc.

https://i.ibb.co/4jxJVFV/Whats-App-Image-2023-03-29-at-12-05-21.jpg (https://ibb.co/fC7QxXx)
https://i.ibb.co/h9RZXg3/Photoshoot-Pucher2.jpg (https://ibb.co/7CJRgSs)

04-13-2023, 06:32 AM
A tiny minority of gypsies has "armenoid" features and semitic features gypsies are mostly of the nordo indic type mixed with greek/anatolian. And you attack me personally, I didnt attacked you personally but of course you as a middle eastern mongrel link always any arab/afghan with italians. Ask any real italian. So you have no place to talk. I usually do not link gypsies with europeans, but im realistic, afghans also have alot of indic types + mongoloid types, gypsies dont have mongoloid types, you stereotype gypsies + leave out lot of afghan types and leave out lots of gypsy types.
Who is saying gypsies have mongoloid types? I don't think I've seen mongoloid looking gypsies. But still, you guys are so mixed and mongrel-ified that some of you can look SSA and mestizo (you look mexican asf). But as the insecure person that you are, you'd take it as an offense. Because you only take "european looking" as a compliment or validation. :picard2:

Im clearly not armenoid, nor is my family. Why do you used ad hominem against me? Look I look probably more "european" then your mongrel ass.
Who said you're armenoid and who said I'm using ad hominems? Because I said gypsies can be armenoid? You're the one who is taking a classification as an ad hominem attack! I said some gypsies can be armenoid. And um, you don't even look european, let alone "look more European" than me. Stop your fantasies and daydreams. You try hard looking and acting like a european when nobody sees you that way. You're disgustingly obsessed because nobody brought up "european-looking". You did first. I feel bad for your mother to put up with an insecure, self-hating weirdo like yourself who practically lives on this forum 24/7 validating himself. :picard1:

My mum for example, is clearly very european in features, just a bit "tann" or "darker"... but of course there are various types of gypsies some are "armenoid" "veddoid" etc. but it is a tiny minority, there are such mongoloid influenced or armenoid and more indian influenced afghan types, you cherry pick a gypsy type + a afghan type, is that a fair comparison of the whole nations of both? + Due to history gypsies probably have more "proper" european looking types, such as romanichal, romanisael, manouche, gabor, etc.
Your mom is not European in her features. Her best pass is maybe Iran as the european-asian continuum goes. But again, because you're the self-hating wacko you'd see this as an insult. It's sad and disgusting that not only you're using her as an example here (without her consent), but you see her as "european looking" just to validate her (after yourself). She is not armenoid or veddoid as well. She is indo iranid to indo brachid. Pakistan is her best pass followed by eastern iran and northern india. Most gypsies don't look European and I can assure you that more Afghans (besides their hazaras) look more european than many gypsies. Your proper european types are just european admixed types. No need to be intellectually dishonest. :bored:

04-13-2023, 06:37 AM
Your proper european types are just european admixed types. No need to be intellectually dishonest. :bored:

Of course but that is a unique cultural and historic occurance for gypsies, that gypsies as travellers have all the dna from india to europe. Thats why i said due to history. And that is not intellectually dishonest, but you are or you wouldnt call me a gypsy, or mestizo or whatever because im 80% Balkan and european admixed, but the fact that you do not one bit see me that way, means that this is special culture and identity thing for gypsies, so gypsies can be european or european admixed, and you are a hypocrite, or you wouldnt say that about me, but the at the same time say that about someone else etc. because he maybe looks a bit more european but is just as admixed as i am. every gypsy is admixed, and afghans are also admixed, they have steppe, iran neolithic etc., that is just what makes a afghan or what makes a gypsy, no need to divide gypsies like that but no one else, like turks, you said turks have european dna and can look european, that his is normal, but you didnt said that now about gypsies. And I ignore your insults "like disgusting, whacko, self-hating" etc.

04-13-2023, 06:44 AM
Of course but that is a unique cultural and historic occurance for gypsies, that gypsies as travellers have all the dna from india to europe. Thats why i said due to history. And that is not intellectually dishonest, but you are or you wouldnt call me a gypsy, or mestizo or whatever because im 80% Balkan and european admixed, but the fact that you do not one bit see me that way, means that this is special culture and identity thing for gypsies, so gypsies can be european or european admixed, and you are a hypocrite, or you wouldnt say that about me, but the at the same time say that about someone else etc. because he maybe looks a bit more european but is just as admixed as i am. every gypsy is admixed, and afghans are also admixed, they have steppe, iran neolithic etc., that is just what makes a afghan or what makes a gypsy, no need to divide gypsies like that but no one else, like turks, you said turks have european dna and can look european, that his is normal, but you didnt said that now about gypsies. And I ignore your insults "like disgusting, whacko, self-hating" etc.
Because more Turks look european than many gypsies do, and don't bring up the european looking gypsies who clearly have european admixture and are in the minority. Turkey is very close to europe, so what I said makes perfect sense. You say that you have serb and russian heritage, which is strange to me because you look more proper south-central asian than anything eastern european. But of course, this will be an ad hominem attack to you. :bored: But my point still stands that afghans have more mediterranean/european looking types than full blown gypsies (discounting significantly european admixed ones)!

04-13-2023, 06:51 AM
Because more Turks look european than many gypsies do, and don't bring up the european looking gypsies who clearly have european admixture and are in the minority. According to your bio you also have serb and russian heritage, which is strange to me because you look more proper south-central asian than anything eastern european. But of course, this will be an ad hominem attack to you. But my point still stands that afghans have more mediterranean/european looking types than full blown gypsies (discounting significantly european admixed ones)! :bored:

1.All Gypsies have European admixture, at least 30% that is significant, even the darkest
2.They are not in the minority but every seond is even within one family, i mean vaguely at least european or with lighter skin tones, not neccessarily full blown english
3.You discount a significant part of gypsies.... You stereotype gypsies how they have to look then cherrypick by your imagination a few who you think are "pure" that is too simplicistic but many do that but it is wrong..... when we speak about Gypsy identity, and their genetic make up....
4.Im sure there are more blonde gypsies then blonde afghans, eventhough both are probably in the minority, but just as example, there are probably many dark afghans indian looking, they have indian admixture too, similar amount as gypsies.... Its all about cherry picking, stereotypes, and how you imagine that.

04-13-2023, 07:02 AM
1.All Gypsies have European admixture, at least 30% that is significant, even the darkest
Funnily enough they still look predominantly oriental/indic. Why? Because indians are darker than afghans and their northern neighbours. So their dark genes will overpower the light european mix. This is the reason why Zayn Malik who is half english half paki still looks like a normal light north indian/pakistani than anything European! But there are rare cases when half indians half brits can look at least middle eastern/iranian like Ben kingsley.

2.They are not in the minority but every seond is even within one family, i mean vaguely at least european or with lighter skin tones, not neccessarily full blown english
You posted photos of them and their best pass is the levant tbh, maybe the med islands as atypical. But I didn't see any typical european gypsy types. And I know you don't mean full blown english...

3.You discount a significant part of gypsies.... You stereotype gypsies how they have to look then cherrypick by your imagination a few who you think are "pure" that is too simplicistic but many do that but it is wrong..... when we speak about Gypsy identity, and their genetic make up....
But most gypsies I've seen look exceptionally indid to iranic, some with alpinization like yourself. And many of those you posted, even their lightest, pass in the levant or mesopotamian at most.

4.Im sure there are more blonde gypsies then blonde afghans, eventhough both are probably in the minority, but just as example, there are probably many dark afghans indian looking, they have indian admixture too, similar amount as gypsies.... Its all about cherry picking, stereotypes, and how you imagine that.
Well if you go back to my first response to you I did say you guys are almost equal in 'looking like euros' thing but Afghans still take the edge for being far less indic than gypsies. Be honest with yourself, you know very well that Afghans are lighter than indians, so of course afghans will be still lighter in some ways than gypsies, or more euro looking than gypsies. Look at where India and afghanistan are on the map.

04-13-2023, 07:09 AM
Funnily enough they still look predominantly oriental/indic. Why? Because indians are darker than afghans and their northern neighbours. So their dark genes will overpower the light european mix. This is the reason why Zayn Malik who is half english half paki still looks like a normal light north indian/pakistani than anything European! But there are rare cases when half indians half brits can look at least middle eastern/iranian like Ben kingsley.

You posted photos of them and their best pass is the levant tbh, maybe the med islands as atypical. But I didn't see any typical european gypsy types. And I know you don't mean full blown english...

But most gypsies I've seen look exceptionally indid to iranic, some with alpinization like yourself. And many of those you posted, even their lightest, pass in the levant or mesopotamian at most.

Well if you go back to my first response to you I did say you guys are almost equal in 'looking like euros' thing but Afghans still take the edge for being far less indic than gypsies. Be honest with yourself, you know very well that Afghans are lighter than indians, so of course afghans will be still lighter in some ways than gypsies, or more euro looking than gypsies. Look at where India and afghanistan are on the map.

But Gypsies are not indians, and to me they do not look indian nor are that dark (well like some maybe there is a overlap) but looking at the whole range of indian skin tones they are typically darker then gypsies to me. Im honest, And to me it is not really important like to you or Avicenna so you think Im self-hating nut and whacko but thats you and Avicenna, that is why you need to be mocked, also you are not italian, you are a mongrel at best, but probably a fake jew or kurd or something or arab.

04-13-2023, 07:33 AM
But Gypsies are not indians, and to me they do not look indian nor are that dark (well like some maybe there is a overlap) but looking at the whole range of indian skin tones they are typically darker then gypsies to me. Im honest, And to me it is not really important like to you or Avicenna so you think Im self-hating nut and whacko but thats you and Avicenna, that is why you need to be mocked, also you are not italian, you are a mongrel at best, but probably a fake jew or kurd or something or arab.

Mortimer , I don't know what you are trying to prove here but it seems to me you are extremely complexed about wanting gypsies to be seen as lighter than MENA/ afghans .

04-13-2023, 07:36 AM
Mortimer , I don't know what you are trying to prove here but it seems to me you are extremely complexed about wanting gypsies to be seen as lighter than MENA/ afghans .

First I said only they seem a bit leatherish similar to Gypsies. Thats all. The discussion about who is whiter, is actually not neccessary, it came after you called me Gyppo and such. Gyppo is a racial slur, and it is you who is insecure not me. That is obvious, you want to prove that Afghans are similar to Itallians. And Odelia too, she pretends to be Italian, to link Italians, to Middle East and Afghanistan.

04-13-2023, 07:43 AM
Lool I saw the resemblance too, but Michelle looks atypical and weird for an italian as well. They both pass better in iran and maybe azerbaijan. But italy can have many off, atypical types, so if someone like John Turturro can be italian then all bets are off!

It's almost the same but I'll give the edge to afghans as gypsies can have more pronounced indic features.

The guy is complexed, this is why I stopped the discussion with him , hes seriously saying this gypsy is more euro looking than this Afghan fella?

https://i.ibb.co/R0NF2pH/Screenshot-20230413-084205.jpg (https://ibb.co/k8J7Kgc)
https://i.ibb.co/pz9LFq2/Screenshot-20230413-084229.jpg (https://ibb.co/Kq3rvn6)
free image hosting (https://imgbb.com/)

04-13-2023, 07:45 AM
First I said only they seem a bit leatherish similar to Gypsies. Thats all. The discussion about who is whiter, is actually not neccessary, it came after you called me Gyppo and such. Gyppo is a racial slur, and it is you who is insecure not me. That is obvious, you want to prove that Afghans are similar to Itallians. And Odelia too, she pretends to be Italian, to link Italians, to Middle East and Afghanistan.
You are a fool Mortimer . I only said the first two people in the OP gave me Italian vibes , but I guess that tickled Alot of people's arseholes because God forbid an Afghan or MENA even slightly being compared to a European .

04-13-2023, 07:47 AM
The guy is complexed, this is why I stopped the discussion with him , hes seriously saying this gypsy is more euro looking than this Afghan fella?

https://i.ibb.co/R0NF2pH/Screenshot-20230413-084205.jpg (https://ibb.co/k8J7Kgc)
https://i.ibb.co/pz9LFq2/Screenshot-20230413-084229.jpg (https://ibb.co/Kq3rvn6)
free image hosting (https://imgbb.com/)

I think that because of the afghans nose, the gypsy looks quiete cromagnid to me. Maybe faelid with gypsy tann and gypsy look? But to be honest maybe the afghan could also be considered celtic nordid (nose) so he would be more european. Doesnt matter to me. Stop calling me racial slurs, and insulting my people then we are ok. I wont discuss with you anymore about Afghans then anymore.

04-13-2023, 10:29 AM
also you are not italian, you are a mongrel at best, but probably a fake jew or kurd or something or arab.

You are not being derogatory towards MENAs, and Arabs, of all people, are you?

Being a gypsy, that'd be peak hilarity.

Such a sad creature, you are.

04-13-2023, 10:32 AM
A tiny minority of gypsies has "armenoid" features and semitic features gypsies are mostly of the nordo indic type mixed with greek/anatolian. [/url]

You are not Greek/Anatolian and you don't look Armenoid, especially your examples.

"Nordo-Indic", :rofl:

04-13-2023, 11:05 AM
You are not being derogatory towards MENAs, and Arabs, of all people, are you?

Being a gypsy, that'd be peak hilarity.

Such a sad creature, you are.

You see that I am "deragatory" towards them but not that they started being deragatory towards me, but you are also a MENA so of course you take sides. You are a Greek of MENA origins. Right?

04-13-2023, 11:06 AM
You are not Greek/Anatolian and you don't look Armenoid, especially your examples.

"Nordo-Indic", :rofl:

I have a huge chunk of greek and anatolian admixture, I never said Im "Greek" I said i have such a genetic component mixed in, nothing wrong with that.

04-13-2023, 12:39 PM
You see that I am "deragatory" towards them but not that they started being deragatory towards me, but you are also a MENA so of course you take sides. You are a Greek of MENA origins. Right?

What difference would it make to a creature like you, If I am from this place or that place. What possible point of contact could there be between us?

Check yourself, welfare parasite.

Be thankful your host society puts up with your shit and is kind enough to sustain your pitiful existence.

And again, you are neither Greek nor Anatolian, Greek nor Turk. Take your complexes elsewhere.

04-13-2023, 12:41 PM
Their skin colour and general apperaence is more similar to "Gypsies" then to Italians or any European, they are "leather brown" or chocolate tanned, like this gypsy with his choco tann. (Except the red haired light eyed guy of course). Are you now butthurt, because of the comparison with the choco race? Btw their features are more iranian/semitic/middle eastern even jewish then gypsy though, some of them have a big hooked nose and irano-afghan features, gypsies look more brachy etc.

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/340962954_906073130505439_5528421548069324263_n.jp g?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=5WmUvcb2TxsAX_k9bM-&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfB6kklVSkDZr0lfWpxF6jmrBqckDQN1umVY-IChiRZriw&oe=643A5E4B

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/340776252_248027417699173_3209970573821625410_n.jp g?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=HFRQBmrP5skAX9Wzr83&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfBvApF7o3jGSrwOZW6Rl0qWIdvmyDTvZTWybZyDtGL_ SA&oe=643977CE

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/17855099_10155091910029000_8425695197862788969_o.j pg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=LK-JNcE9qHcAX8JyxZV&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfBA4mrU9GOawgAHx5OkEyGxHvQw1ylS8yVAiko4mj2h Cg&oe=645CAFD8

They are very poor and extremely sun burnt , ofcourse they will be leathery skinned . They still don't look gypsy and unlike gyppos their natural skin tone is not Brown.

You see that I am "deragatory" towards them but not that they started being deragatory towards me, but you are also a MENA so of course you take sides. You are a Greek of MENA origins. Right?

Why do you always play the victim mindset when it was in fact none other than yourself who a) started to antagonise me b) started to insult your own race first.

This is the first comment from yourself in this thread :

Their skin colour and general apperaence is more similar to "Gypsies" then to Italians or any European, they are "leather brown" or chocolate tanned, like this gypsy with his choco tann. (Except the red haired light eyed guy of course). Are you now butthurt, because of the comparison with the choco race? Btw their features are more iranian/semitic/middle eastern even jewish then gypsy though, some of them have a big hooked nose and irano-afghan features, gypsies look more brachy etc.

You then posted a bunch of gypsies to prove your point ( in which you didn't either way)

This is what I replied to that comment ^:

They are very poor and extremely sun burnt , ofcourse they will be leathery skinned . They still don't look gypsy and unlike gyppos their natural skin tone is not Brown.

This is what you then replied to that^ ( note this is where the comparison with Europeans came , it came from yourself not me.

They dont look gypsy, but they do not look european at all. And not more european then gypsies, they have very uneuropean features, i think gypsies have more european features if i compare the groups. Are you sure they are not naturally tanned? Are you sure it is all from the sun?

Maybe if you stopped playing the victim mindset and point the finger at everyone but yourself , you wouldn't be in his position after all these years . Just a thought .

04-13-2023, 03:31 PM
What difference would it make to a creature like you, If I am from this place or that place. What possible point of contact could there be between us?

Check yourself, welfare parasite.

Be thankful your host society puts up with your shit and is kind enough to sustain your pitiful existence.

And again, you are neither Greek nor Anatolian, Greek nor Turk. Take your complexes elsewhere.

The creature are you, im a human and I never claimed to be a greek or a turk idiot and certainly I did not claimed to be armenoid like you get your complexes somewhere else

04-13-2023, 03:36 PM
Why do you always play the victim mindset when it was in fact none other than yourself who a) started to antagonise me b) started to insult your own race first.

This is the first comment from yourself in this thread :

Their skin colour and general apperaence is more similar to "Gypsies" then to Italians or any European, they are "leather brown" or chocolate tanned, like this gypsy with his choco tann. (Except the red haired light eyed guy of course). Are you now butthurt, because of the comparison with the choco race? Btw their features are more iranian/semitic/middle eastern even jewish then gypsy though, some of them have a big hooked nose and irano-afghan features, gypsies look more brachy etc.

You then posted a bunch of gypsies to prove your point ( in which you didn't either way)

This is what I replied to that comment ^:

They are very poor and extremely sun burnt , ofcourse they will be leathery skinned . They still don't look gypsy and unlike gyppos their natural skin tone is not Brown.

This is what you then replied to that^ ( note this is where the comparison with Europeans came , it came from yourself not me.

They dont look gypsy, but they do not look european at all. And not more european then gypsies, they have very uneuropean features, i think gypsies have more european features if i compare the groups. Are you sure they are not naturally tanned? Are you sure it is all from the sun?

Maybe if you stopped playing the victim mindset and point the finger at everyone but yourself , you wouldn't be in his position after all these years . Just a thought .

I did not insult my own race only for you being naturally choco or tanned is a insult that is why you claimed afghans are only sun tanned I compared afghans to gypsies you compared them to italians a) I think I have a stronger point b)both is not a insult and you started saying afghans are only sun tanned and calling us gyppos which is a racial slur that is why i reacted that way.

04-13-2023, 04:05 PM
Their skin colour and general apperaence is more similar to "Gypsies" then to Italians or any European, they are "leather brown" or chocolate tanned, like this gypsy with his choco tann. (Except the red haired light eyed guy of course). Are you now butthurt, because of the comparison with the choco race? Btw their features are more iranian/semitic/middle eastern even jewish then gypsy though, some of them have a big hooked nose and irano-afghan features, gypsies look more brachy etc.

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/340962954_906073130505439_5528421548069324263_n.jp g?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=5WmUvcb2TxsAX_k9bM-&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfB6kklVSkDZr0lfWpxF6jmrBqckDQN1umVY-IChiRZriw&oe=643A5E4B

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/340776252_248027417699173_3209970573821625410_n.jp g?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=HFRQBmrP5skAX9Wzr83&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfBvApF7o3jGSrwOZW6Rl0qWIdvmyDTvZTWybZyDtGL_ SA&oe=643977CE

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/17855099_10155091910029000_8425695197862788969_o.j pg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_ohc=LK-JNcE9qHcAX8JyxZV&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfBA4mrU9GOawgAHx5OkEyGxHvQw1ylS8yVAiko4mj2h Cg&oe=645CAFD8

They are very poor and extremely sun burnt , ofcourse they will be leathery skinned . They still don't look gypsy and unlike gyppos their natural skin tone is not Brown.

I did not insult my own race only for you being naturally choco or tanned is a insult that is why you claimed afghans are only sun tanned I compared afghans to gypsies you compared them to italians a) I think I have a stronger point b)both is not a insult and you started saying afghans are only sun tanned and calling us gyppos which is a racial slur that is why i reacted that way.

You literally assumed saying the term "Choco race" was a derogatory term , hence why you thought I would be insulted .

I also said the firat 2 people gave me Italian vibes not all afghans.

04-13-2023, 04:07 PM
You literally assumed saying the term "Choco race" was a derogatory term , hence why you thought I would be insulted .

I also said the firat 2 people gave me Italian vibes not all afghans.

For you i assumed it would be not for me or I would not call it that way btw the guy who posted his pictures on fb termed himself choco Boy i copied him

04-13-2023, 05:26 PM
For you i assumed it would be not for me or I would not call it that way btw the guy who posted his pictures on fb termed himself choco Boy i copied him

So you deemed yourself as choco race and then proceeded to act like a victim ?

04-13-2023, 07:33 PM
The creature are you, im a human and I never claimed to be a greek or a turk idiot and certainly I did not claimed to be armenoid like you get your complexes somewhere else

Like I said, check yourself.

One day, the world around you will stop putting up with your shit, and your parasitic kind.

What will you do then?

Better start dwelling on it, that day may come sooner than you think.

Go and put in the work with honest labour; try to salvage something out of the sack of shit that you let yourself degenerate into.

04-13-2023, 10:49 PM
Like I said, check yourself.

One day, the world around you will stop putting up with your shit, and your parasitic kind.

What will you do then?

Better start dwelling on it, that day may come sooner than you think.

Go and put in the work with honest labour; try to salvage something out of the sack of shit that you let yourself degenerate into.

Should that constitute a threat? Which day will come? What will they do to me? You complexed greasy wog.

04-13-2023, 10:51 PM
So you deemed yourself as choco race and then proceeded to act like a victim ?

Why act like a victim choco is not a insult gyppo and self hating whacko parasite etc is

04-13-2023, 11:43 PM
Why act like a victim choco is not a insult gyppo and self hating whacko parasite etc is

I called you a gyppo once . It was for short for gypsy .

04-13-2023, 11:44 PM
I called you a gyppo once . It was for short for gypsy .

inform yourself gyppo is a racial slur, it is indeed a abbreviation but it is a racial slur. but maybe you didnt know that? anyways, i wont continue this for longer.

04-14-2023, 01:52 AM
But Gypsies are not indians, and to me they do not look indian nor are that dark (well like some maybe there is a overlap) but looking at the whole range of indian skin tones they are typically darker then gypsies to me. Im honest, And to me it is not really important like to you or Avicenna so you think Im self-hating nut and whacko but thats you and Avicenna, that is why you need to be mocked, also you are not italian, you are a mongrel at best, but probably a fake jew or kurd or something or arab.
Typical idiotic, defeatist and complexed response. You have nothing in return so I have to be non-European. Because you love your European masters and can't stand me, so clearly you don't want to be part of your European "master race", and of course I have to be jewish or ayrab, since you are a complexed fool who thinks he's european and superior to them. Lmao...You're a true wacko, didn't you get banned for posing as a nazi? :picard1:

Btw, Romanis originate from northern India. Hurts to know this I know my Indian friend, but it's the truth. Whether I'm kurdish or jewish, you will always be south asian of descent. Stop fighting yourself and accept your indic origin hun...

What difference would it make to a creature like you, If I am from this place or that place. What possible point of contact could there be between us?

Check yourself, welfare parasite.

Be thankful your host society puts up with your shit and is kind enough to sustain your pitiful existence.

And again, you are neither Greek nor Anatolian, Greek nor Turk. Take your complexes elsewhere.
He proudly associates himself with Greeks and other europeans like austrians and vikings, but would use derogatory terms for middle easterners and wogs. It's classic. He's definitely on austrian welfare.

04-14-2023, 02:07 AM
Typical idiotic, defeatist and complexed response. You have nothing in return so I have to be non-European. Because you love your European masters and can't stand me, so clearly you don't want to be part of your European "master race", and of course I have to be jewish or ayrab, since you are a complexed fool who thinks he's european and superior to them. Lmao...You're a true wacko, didn't you get banned for posing as a nazi? :picard1:

Btw, Romanis originate from northern India. Hurts to know this I know my Indian friend, but it's the truth. Whether I'm kurdish or jewish, you will always be south asian of descent. Stop fighting yourself and accept your indic origin hun...

I would say that Im of mostly European descent, mixed with southasian and middle eastern, but predominantly european. I know you want to talk about me personally, right? That I look southasian, that i look fijan indian, that i look mestizo? You mean me right? So eventhough I didnt neccessarily wanted to bring myself up because im a bit more european then balkan-roma average, you want to talk about me.

Also my haplogroups are not of indian origin, and i would guess that deep ancestry is estimated or considered by haplogroups right? So why some claim that this or that tribe in pakistan or india is of "aryan origins" because of the haplogroup R1a eventhough autosomally they are also not much different then someone with another haplogroup who is their neighbour?

So deep origins and by whole genome Im European. And genetic companies when they give me a lable, like when its about certain diseases or traits register me as "european" even if i declare that im "other". And there is nothing OWD about saying that, would it be less OWD if i said im fully of southasian origins or just southasian? Im saying how it is, and you are very dumb saying i love "The european master race etc." when you pretend to be italian, just so you can link italians with the middle east and even south-central asia like afghanistan, you came here saying afghans pass as italians. You have a problem with gypsies though.

https://i.ibb.co/t387R94/Laura-Lacey-AC23andme.jpg (https://ibb.co/52BNZP6)

04-14-2023, 02:19 AM
I would say that Im of mostly European descent, mixed with southasian and middle eastern, but predominantly european. I know you want to talk about me personally, right? That I look southasian, that i look fijan indian, that i look mestizo? You mean me right? So eventhough I didnt neccessarily wanted to bring myself up because im a bit more european then balkan-roma average, you want to talk about me.
You DO look mestizo to fijian indian, cos I'm in the US and that's how we'll perceive you. No one will see you as a roma because we barely have them here. Besides, mestizos have european in them too, more so than indian. So isn't that a good thing to someone with your mind? But of course, answers you don't want to agree with are ad hominem attacks. :coffee:

Also my haplogroups are not of indian origin, and i would guess that deep ancestry is estimated or considered by haplogroups right? So why some claim that this or that tribe in pakistan or india is of "aryan origins" because of the haplogroup R1a eventhough autosomally they are also not much different then someone with another haplogroup who is their neighbour?
I don't care about your haplogroup. It's how you look hun and you are a gypsy at the end of the day! You have 15% of south asian, which is not much but you look more within that range than anything european. Why is that an attack to you?

So deep origins and by whole genome Im European. And genetic companies when they give me a lable, like when its about certain diseases or traits register me as "european" even if i declare that im "other". And there is nothing OWD about saying that, would it be less OWD if i said im fully of southasian origins or just southasian? Im saying how it is, and you are very dumb saying i love "The european master race etc." when you pretend to be italian, just so you can link italians with the middle east and even south-central asia like afghanistan, you came here saying afghans pass as italians. You have a problem with gypsies though.
You're the dumb idiot who think I'm pretending to be Italian to link MENAs with them. You are so hurt and taken aback from what I said you must think I'm a poser. These are your insecurities and issues. I said some few Afghans can pass, not all. More levantines do though. But still, more Afghans pass as italians than gypsies. Why does that crush you? Get over yourself please.

Aren't you half serb? So fucking what? Obama is 50% European from his father and he looks ethiopian, and guess what? People don't call him irish, they call him black ("first black president"). Nobody cares about your genetic makeup. You are what you look. But you don't look european and will never do so. Stop taking this as an insult hun. By the way, since gypsies have had a long history in europe it makes sense why European will be high in their genetic composition because you guys have been there for a long time. Same reason why even ashkenazis score a high "European" input when they're probably just 40-50% actually european. If you're in that land for centuries you'd be linked with the natives living there. This isn't brain fucking surgery! :picard1:

04-14-2023, 02:48 AM
You DO look mestizo to fijian indian, cos I'm in the US and that's how we'll perceive you. No one will see you as a roma because we barely have them here. Besides, mestizos have european in them too, more so than indian. So isn't that a good thing to someone with your mind? But of course, answers you don't want to agree with are ad hominem attacks. :coffee:

I don't care about your haplogroup. It's how you look hun and you are a gypsy at the end of the day! You have 15% of south asian, which is not much but you look more within that range than anything european. Why is that an attack to you?

You're the dumb idiot who think I'm pretending to be Italian to link MENAs with them. You are so hurt and taken aback from what I said you must think I'm a poser. These are your insecurities and issues. I said some few Afghans can pass, not all. More levantines do though. But still, more Afghans pass as italians than gypsies. Why does that crush you? Get over yourself please.

Aren't you half serb? So fucking what? Obama is 50% European from his father and he looks ethiopian, and guess what? People don't call him irish, they call him black ("first black president"). Nobody cares about your genetic makeup. You are what you look. But you don't look european and will never do so. Stop taking this as an insult hun. By the way, since gypsies have had a long history in europe it makes sense why European will be high in their genetic composition because you guys have been there for a long time. Same reason why even ashkenazis score a high "European" input when they're probably just 40-50% actually european. If you're in that land for centuries you'd be linked with the natives living there. This isn't brain fucking surgery! :picard1:

I guess it is subjective what I look like. But I think there are full europeans who look more exotic then me, and more exotic then half of all gypsies. Like *Maria Pakakis who is fully greek. So it is subjective, and genetics is not subjective, fact is im predominantly european. And Im not sure if your perception of my look is objective or universal, some might perceive me as mestizo, some might perceive me as a type of european or do not doubt it that i could be european. I guess that is in the eyes of the viewer, i wont call you a lier, because you might be honest about how you view me, but you cant speak for everyone.

*Maria Pakakis

04-14-2023, 03:08 AM
Aren't you half serb? So fucking what? Obama is 50% European from his father and he looks ethiopian, and guess what?

I told you already that Im not half serb but 1/3 + 1/16 Russian at least that is how my family history was passed down to me and how I know my grandparents, another ignorant thing what you claim again. You always get that wrong. Not that it makes much of a difference, but you always get that wrong, and I need to correct you.


And I only bring me up, because you bring me up but at the same time you said you discount any european admixed gypsies, or recently european admixed, but now you say even half is black like obama. So what is it?

04-14-2023, 05:58 AM
Should that constitute a threat? Which day will come? What will they do to me? You complexed greasy wog.

They will cut your welfare and throw your parasitic ass on the street, complicated enough of a thought for you?

And you trying to insult me with terms like 'wog', is peak clownfiesta. Haven't they told you, ad-homs don't work on me, especially from worthless excuses of a human being, like yourself.

*Maria Pakakis

Look at him seething and attacking the girl to make himself somehow feel better.

Let me say it again, so it can cut through the layers of fat clogging your ears and brain.

Regardless of how that girl (her being STEM and you being a welfare parasite) looks, she's Greek and you're not, you are a gypsy and nothing more than that when it comes to Greece and/or Anatolia.

Now copy+paste all the calculators you want, one look at your picture is all it takes for someone to clock you for what you are.

04-14-2023, 06:24 AM
He proudly associates himself with Greeks and other europeans like austrians and vikings, but would use derogatory terms for middle easterners and wogs. It's classic. He's definitely on austrian welfare.

I know he's on welfare.

I used to feel sorry for him, until, over time, his predatory and degenerate behavior (especially towards women) became too apparent to ignore.

He masquerades as a devout Christian, but he's nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing, he all but confessed of being accused of rape/assault in the past.

I am very surprised with the tolerance of the Austrian welfare system, in Greece, his types live in landfills and scavenge for copper, women and children know to stay well the fuck away from them.

04-14-2023, 06:40 AM
Now copy+paste all the calculators you want, one look at your picture is all it takes for someone to clock you for what you are.

Im not a Greek, but If I were a Greek. I would not be the brownest, darkest, hairiest most Ethiopian looking Greek like some are. That is my humble opinion about myself. But I was never in Greece.


04-14-2023, 06:42 AM
I guess it is subjective what I look like. But I think there are full europeans who look more exotic then me, and more exotic then half of all gypsies. Like *Maria Pakakis who is fully greek. So it is subjective, and genetics is not subjective, fact is im predominantly european. And Im not sure if your perception of my look is objective or universal, some might perceive me as mestizo, some might perceive me as a type of european or do not doubt it that i could be european. I guess that is in the eyes of the viewer, i wont call you a lier, because you might be honest about how you view me, but you cant speak for everyone.

*Maria Pakakis
I beg to differ! This Maria girl looks exotic in the sense that she looks Mesopotamian or Armenian. The armenoid look can reach Greece and Italy. But you look mestizo to partially indic (again your look isn't very indian, perhaps due to eastern European mixing). And even the exotic looking European like John Turturo look at least Egyptian or Syrian, which is closer to the european look than you are. Why would I lie about my perceptions? Do you really think I'm doing this to piss you off? Honey I have no time for that. I'm just saying the way I perceive you. You don't need to emotional about it. Again, a normal response from you. I bet the next one will oscillate to a rude one.

I know he's on welfare.

I used to feel sorry for him, until, over time, his predatory and degenerate behavior (especially towards women) became too apparent to ignore.

He masquerades as a devout Christian, but he's nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing, he all but confessed of being accused of rape/assault in the past.

I am very surprised with the tolerance of the Austrian welfare system, in Greece, his types live in landfills and scavenge for copper, women and children know to stay well the fuck away from them.
Me too, until his recent behaviour (such as posing as a nazi, when the nazis want his people wiped off the earth). It's sad that welfare in Austria and Germany caters to very lazy people. In Detroit, people like that will be homeless.

04-14-2023, 06:47 AM
I beg to differ! This Maria girl looks exotic in the sense that she looks Mesopotamian or Armenian. The armenoid look can reach Greece and Italy. But you look mestizo to partially indic (again your look isn't very indian, perhaps due to eastern European mixing). And even the exotic looking European like John Turturo look at least Egyptian or Syrian, which is closer to the european look than you are. Why would I lie about my perceptions? Do you really think I'm doing this to piss you off? Honey I have no time for that. I'm just saying the way I perceive you. You don't need to emotional about it. Again, a normal response from you. I bet the next one will oscillate to a rude one.

I dont mind how you perceive me but Im 95% western eurasian, so im not really a mestizo. Indians are partly caucasoid too, or largely and were classified as such.

04-14-2023, 06:51 AM
I dont mind how you perceive me but Im 95% western eurasian, so im not really a mestizo. Indians are partly caucasoid too, or largely and were classified as such.
I never said you're mestizo! I said you LOOK IT and pass it because here in the USA your look will perceived that way. This doesn't mean you're mestizo. I know that you're a gypsy, why would you be mestizo?

But where do you think you can pass in Europe anyway? Where do you pass anywhere? You never mentioned this, because that's the gravity of this whole argument here.

04-14-2023, 07:07 AM
Im not a Greek, but If I were a Greek. I would not be the brownest, darkest, hairiest most Ethiopian looking Greek like some are. That is my humble opinion about myself. But I was never in Greece.

And you think these qualities (brownest/darkest/hairiest) somehow detract from a person's worth?

Gypsy, your kind lives in landfills and sells their children for drug money. You, personally, with your facial features, look like you've been run over by a bus.

And you somehow think you are in a position to look down on Ethiopians or MENAs?

If I repeat this enough maybe it'll get through: check yourself.