View Full Version : Classify a newly arrived 23andme cousin

04-13-2023, 11:24 PM
Today I have 13 new dna relatives, one has a picture so i post that one...

https://i.ibb.co/bN1bdkH/Laura-Lacey.jpg (https://ibb.co/F86H7Fs)
https://i.ibb.co/t387R94/Laura-Lacey-AC23andme.jpg (https://ibb.co/52BNZP6)

04-14-2023, 02:31 AM
North indid

04-14-2023, 06:12 PM
She looks completely Indian...

04-14-2023, 06:46 PM
She looks completely Indian...

I thought the same...

04-14-2023, 06:48 PM
Yet she's more than 2/3 Euro...crazy, huh?

Actually she is 1/4 European and 49.6 western asia & North African

04-14-2023, 07:07 PM
Actually she is 1/4 European and 49.6 western asia & North African

If you took the time to check, you would see that I edited my comment after rereading OP.

04-14-2023, 07:09 PM
If you took the time to check, you would see that I edited my comment after rereading OP.

didn't saw it

04-15-2023, 04:20 AM
She looks completely Indian...

People could also believe im completely indian (and im even more european then her) or that a european person is 2/3 indian depends on what we take the reference as indian, she is obviously on more western shifted spectrum for india, and could also be middle eastern or northafrican, and *maria pakakis who is fully greek looks more uneuropean then her. i guess that is because of the middle eastern ancestry in greeks and southern europeans that some turn occassionally swarthy, i know this isnt really a valid comparison, but im trying to say you can look easy that way with such DNA results... There are also actual half indians who look like her..... you dont need to be completely genetically indian to look like her

*maria pakakis

04-15-2023, 05:19 AM
Could People believe if they didnt know my genetic results or my ancestry that Im completely indian? What about my friend who is austrian mostly (and claims to have a sinti grandfather) does she look like the indian woman on the wall? Do we look like the indians on the wall?

https://i.ibb.co/c304MNJ/Namastey-India.jpg (https://ibb.co/XL1cNzX)
https://i.ibb.co/4p6DZJT/Namastey-India2.jpg (https://ibb.co/5LNzW28)

04-15-2023, 05:22 AM
I thought the same...

Could she be middle eastern or half middle eastern? Do you think she can only be fully indian? Can she be northafrican? Lets say someone like a Iraqui Arab or something or southwestern asia? Or a bedouin?

04-15-2023, 06:02 AM
Looks indian and does not look middle eastern.

04-15-2023, 06:04 AM
Looks indian and does not look middle eastern.

Can she be half middle eastern? Thats actually what she is. Can she be half middle eastern and 25% Indian and 25% Greek/Balkan/Southern Europe? Thats actually what her genetic results say, they do not say she is only middle eastern.

04-15-2023, 06:14 AM
Can she be half middle eastern? Thats actually what she is. Can she be half middle eastern and 25% Indian and 25% Greek/Balkan/Southern Europe? Thats actually what her genetic results say, they do not say she is only middle eastern.

I'm talking about her looks. She does not look middle eastern. The south asian genes are too strong.

04-15-2023, 06:18 AM
I'm talking about her looks. She does not look middle eastern. The south asian genes are too strong.

I think she could be middle eastern.... And that many middle easterners look similar to southasians and vice versa..... even, so i do not think if she looks southasian or vaguely that she cannot be vaguely middle eastern, depends on how you define middle eastern and southasian etc. and where the common point is in looks between the two. Mia Khalifa is also Middle Eastern, but not only Syrians are Middle Eastern, I guess Syrians and Lebanese are lighter middle easterners more European looking middle easterners, there are other types of middle easterners. StonyArabia could easy pass for a Southasian.

04-15-2023, 06:27 AM
I think she could be middle eastern.... And that many middle easterners look similar to southasians and vice versa..... even, so i do not think if she looks southasian or vaguely that she cannot be vaguely middle eastern, depends on how you define middle eastern and southasian etc. and where the common point is in looks between the two. Mia Khalifa is also Middle Eastern, but not only Syrians are Middle Eastern, I guess Syrians and Lebanese are lighter middle easterners more European looking middle easterners, there are other types of middle easterners. StonyArabia could easy pass for a Southasian.

In general middle easterners do not look south asian and vice versa. There can be some overlap, but lets not exaggerate. 2 examples of people you think look south asian does not prove anything.

This woman looks indian, not sure why you are intent on passing her off as anything else.

04-15-2023, 06:30 AM
In general middle easterners do not look south asian and vice versa. There can be some overlap, but lets not exaggerate. 2 examples of people you think look south asian does not prove anything.

This woman looks indian, not sure why you are intent on passing her off as anything else.

Because with 20% indian thats not what she is actually - she is actually not indian. Thats why I say she can pass as other things. Maybe Im wrong though, and she cant. Maybe she does look 100% indian. That is just my opinion, because I saw very dark kurds for example who i mistook for roma, and roma who i mistook for kurds etc. depends also how they are dressed and in which location i see them etc. under which circumstances. Of course i saw also lighter non-roma looking kurds. Kurds are middle easterners? Thats why I say that.

04-15-2023, 07:04 AM
Because with 20% indian thats not what she is actually - she is actually not indian. Thats why I say she can pass as other things. Maybe Im wrong though, and she cant. Maybe she does look 100% indian. That is just my opinion, because I saw very dark kurds for example who i mistook for roma, and roma who i mistook for kurds etc. depends also how they are dressed and in which location i see them etc. under which circumstances. Of course i saw also lighter non-roma looking kurds. Kurds are middle easterners? Thats why I say that.

Well perhaps others can to weight in and give their opinion. In my opinion she does not pass for middle eastern. :)

04-15-2023, 07:18 AM
Well perhaps others can to weight in and give their opinion. In my opinion she does not pass for middle eastern. :)

Ok. Gypsies do often typically resemble indians alot though. Nothing wrong with that. Im not saying she does not look indian or cannot pass, just that she could pass for other things too. But maybe Im "ignorant" like all these americans who imagine a italian to be typically like a mafia mobster from the movies. Maybe I dont know it. No problem.